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BRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE Global English a CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS CAMBRIDGE Global English for Cambridge Primary English as a Second Language Workbook 6 Jane Boylan & Claire Medwell Series Editor: Kathryn Harper (CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Unversity Printing Howse, Cambridge C82 885, United Kingdom Cone ibertyFaza, 20th Floor, New York. N¥10006, USA 4477 Willamstonn Road, Fort Melbourne, VIC 3207, Australia 314-321, 5d Floor, Pot 3 Splendor Forum, aso istic Cente, New Dei ~ 110025, india 19 Anson fad, 406-0806, Singapore 079906 CCambriige University Press is part of the University of Carnbidge, It furthes the University’s mision by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research atthe highest interational eves of excellence wee cambridge org Infomation on this tie: warn cambridge org978-0-107- 30000 (© Cambridge University ress 2017 This publication iin copyright, Subject to statutory exception andthe provisions of relevant collective beensng agreements, ‘no reproduction of any part may take place without the writen permission of Cambrnige University Pres Fist published 1993 Secon edton 2005 Thid ection 2016 2019 18 17 18 15 13:12 11 tO DAT ESAZ2T Printed in teounty" by “inter A catalogue recor for this publication is aaa trom the British Libre ISBN 978-1-107-12345-6 Hardback ISBN 978-1-107-18341-3 Paperback ‘sition resources for this publication at wn camridge orgidelange CCambriige University Pres has no-responsbilty for the persstence or accuracy OF URLS for extemal or thircparty interet websites teered 1 in this publication, {and does not guarantee that any cantent on such vrebstes i, of wil rain, accurate oF appropriate, formation regarding prices, travel timetables, and other Factual information ven tis works coect at the time of first printing but CCambriige University Press does not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter NOTICE To TEACHERS Tis legato tepeoduce any part of this work in material form dnclding photocopying and electronic storage except under the foling circustances 1) hate you ate abiding by iene granted to your school or institution by the Copyright Ucersing agency, (i) wihete nosuch licence exits, o where you wish to exceed the terms af a Ikence, fend you hare gained the wartten permission of Cembxidge Uniesiy ress Lil) where you are allowed to reproduce without permission under the prowsons of Chapter 3 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, which covers, for eternole, the reproduction of shart passages within certain Types of educational fnthology and reproduction for the purposes of setting amination questions NOTICE TO TEACHERS The photocopy masters in ths publication may be photocopied or distributes [esecroncally re of charge for dassroom use within the school or institution that purchased the publication. Worksheets and copies of them remain in the copyright (of Cambrdige University Pres, and such copies may not be dstbuted oF used in any way outside the purchasing institution. Contents My world ‘What connects us with the people around us? Present perfect Prepositions befere nouns A first time for everything A Girl Called Owl Check your progress: Reflection, Sport What can we get from sport? 1st conditional with iffunless need / should / mustn't for advice Our favourite sports stars Off Side Check your progress Reflection Living things Strategies for survival Present simple Relative clauses Animal types. Song for a Whale Check your progress Reflection DF from Inventions Gadgets and us Past simple review Will for future predictions Changing the world Start Small, Think Big Check your progress Reflection Money Spending a sum of money Comparative and superlative adverbs: Quantifiers ‘The question of money Billionaire Boy Check your progress Reflection People and work How do you get a job? Adjectives + prepositions + nauns Reported speech Let's get a job! You Can Be Anything Check your progress Reflection GS8segs 56 58 60 62 64 66 67 DF from Nature’s power The power of volcanoes Past simple and past continuous Connecting words ‘The effects of nature's power ‘Thank You Letter Check your progress Reflection Entertainment Entertainment at home Past simple passive Adverbs of time and frequency Creating film scenes Jurassic Park Check your progress Reflection Amazing art Amazing art around us Present perfect for unfinished past Present tenses with future meaning Amazing architecture Willow Check your progress Reflection DF from How to use this book » This workbook provides questions for you to practise what you have learned in class. There is a unit to match each unit in your Learner's Book. Tips to help you with your learning. + Information to help yau find out Sete tan more about grammar. ———_—> > Use the Cambridge Learner Corpus to get your grammar right). ————_—_—+ Remember to use the correet speling, rsa mss shoud should Each Use of English lesson is Foo divided into three parts: ‘omelet wh erie por ig Focus: these grammar questions i ees help you ta master the basics. ——+ How to use this book Practice: these grammar questions help you to become more accurate and confident. > ae tees te Cyst ant ane dat ee mts ba oe wet we vl ume eg coos ak Xm tm ys cna we 0 ge le ae (rat ves ewe se a em ene et ney ete ot rena ny sb sna { gotthng co oe ron re te cnt ee am ethyl terol? Challenge: these questions will comenge ic help you use language fluently © Someta genes ataet amen eee cand prepare for the next level. ——+ ac sb) Questions that cover what you have learned in the unit. If you ‘can answer these, you are ready to move on to the next unit, ———> Questions to help you think about > 47 Reflection how you learn, ——__________, metseyemyae cen | 1g My world > 1.1 What connects us with the people around us? 1 Vocabulary Emotions Find and Girclé)the six emotions that start with these letters in the word search. Use the pictures to help you. H]u]v[s[cle]t]s|ulv]y[e M[mMlalk]ely[x]Hl|y¥fr[elu J[ofi]xfo|n]e[«k[e|m|a[w T]Mju[n[r[z]e[nic{e]z]a K[a{efalt|ejalel[el[ yen Tlily]fsfsfefvfolcji[tfo u[Nyel[x[nlele{vjoluls|n virjufKfelufife|mMjefyv]e al«lelfelc{HlH|[m|sl[elvlo e[x{c]i[tle}olufel[t|m[x Kl/wle|m[s|[clalr][elolefe n[ulsfolfulalefc]rl/y|v]o L.A Think about it 2 How do the different experiences in Activity 1 make the children feel? Complete these sentences with your opinion. a Ice cream makes her fee!__happy__ because b He feels ________ because © He's really ____in d She's really ___ because © Hegets when + Weare____when we 3. Complete these sentences with a positive or negative word. cool win’ pollution — scratch = starve © awesome a You can design and build some really buildings on that video game! b It makes me angry when there is no fresh air because of ____from cars and factories. ‘c My new pet kitten likes to _____ alll the furniture. d When men cut down the rainforests, animals lose their habitat and they © | love playing board games, especially when |__! { Thatis the most _____ sports car I've ever seen! Challenge he 4 Draw three tures which you connect with each of these emotions. ‘Write reasons why in your notebook, | | a HAPPY b ANGRY ¢ EXCITED © 1 My world > 10 > 1.2 Present perfect ‘We can use the present perfect to talk about indefinite time in the past. My dad has visited many countries, but he hasn't been to China today (dad has visited many countries up ta now) past We often use adverbs with the present perfect too. We use yet to mean any time up to now. Have you finished your lunch yet? ‘We use ever in questions to talk abaut an experience up to the present, Have you ever had a scary experience? We use just to talk about the recent past. ‘Yes, Ive just seen a spider in the cupboard, Focus 1 What has Amara done so far today? Use the notes to help you. Write sentences in the present perfect. visit / grandparents ‘She's visited her grandparents. b have lunch with family ¢ be/on/a bike ride with her friends a d_ watch some videos online © make / pizza with her sister f read /.a chapter / of hernew book 1.2 Use of English Cera e Remember to use the correct auxiliary verb. Pm lve put my desk near the window. Practice 2. Aliya is preparing for a big swimming competition. Complete the dialogue. Use the correct form of the verb or choose an adverb from the box. pack just net pt take part Mum: ‘Have you packed __ your swimming baa « # Allya: Yes, and I've®. had a text message from Saul — he's walting for me outside, He * ‘here for five minutes. \ Mum: OK. Well good luck. 'm sure you'll win, Imnot-sure. Im really nervous and |°. In such a big swimming competition lrefore. Mum: Relax youllbe awesome! Oh, and|®_____a snackin your bag, so here's some maney. ‘Aliya: Thanks Mum. See youlater. Challenge he 3. Write a dialogue about an experience or an event between yourself and a friend. Use the present perfect and the adverbs ever, yet and just. Think of your own idea or continue the dialogue below. Amara: Have you ever been to a pop concert? Maya: No, | haven't. 11 > 1 My world » 12 > 1.3 Prepositions before nouns Use of En ‘We use prepositions to show the connection between nouns and adjectives in a sentence. Common prepositions are on, in, at, from. L Location At: specific locations, addresses, shops, events Tm at We'’s house. Ellie isn’t at the party. ‘On: single mountains, planets, beaches, islands, public transport get to school on the bus. I'm en Mount Everest. In: buildings, cities, countries, continents, groups ‘of people Lecouldn’t see Anna in the crowd. Do you live in Italy? 208 Tm from Indonesia, Latitude lines circle the Earth from east to west Focus 1 Read about Eva's incredible holiday. Gircle}the correct preposition in each sentence. © Shad an amazing holiday(ini/ on Asio. b We flew to/ from London, Heathrow, to Bangkok. ¢ On/From the airport terminal. we got in/on the bus to the city centre. d We stayed at/ on Paradise Point hotel on a main street in the city. © We visited all the sights from /in the city. f One day, | got lost on / in a crowd of people, but my dad quickly found me! 13 Use of English Cerra from + origin The famous architect im from China was interviewed on TV, in + location (class or team) He studied wt in the same elass as me in grade 6, Practice 2. Read about the most southern capital city in the world. Complete the text with the correct prepositions. Wellington |__iN New Zealand is the most southern the world and alsa the windiest! capital ® This remote place takes.a long time for mary people to get to. if you get * a plane * theUK, it would take about: 24 hours to gat there. Imagine flying” the sky for that lonal The city has.a population of 405,000 people, not mary for a capital city, but only four milion people live® ‘the entire country! The people ‘nickname’, They are called ‘kiwis’ after the exotic bird that lives °. New Zealand have a papular ‘the sland, Challenge 4 3. Write about Reykjavik, the most northern capital city in the world. Investigate online to find out about its location, population, inhabitants and other interesting facts. mo Low Res 13 1 My wor > 14 > 1.4 A first time for everything 1 Read and match the descriptions of first-time experiences to a picture. c T've only been rock climbing once in my life. Itried it last year for the first time (in a sports centre, not outside on real rocks!). I've always been afraid of heights but my friend persuaded me to have a go. It was amazing! Afterwards my friend told me I was very brave! Callum, age 12 Tve seen lots of elephants and in my country it’s quite normal to see them. But the first time I saw one in the countryside, I was terrified! Now I think elephants are beautiful, majestic animals. Sumalee, age 12 Twas so excited when I learned to ride a bike! IT was very proud of myself because I was only four years old. and he looked at me with satisfaction as I cycled off up the road! Jaya, age 13 2 Find a maximum of seven key words and (short phrases) in each description that express: + whateach childdid * whyitwas special + how did it feel? Sumalee: Jaya: Callum:

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