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Efficient records management within judicial institutions plays a vital role in the

operation of the legal system. Decisions, Judgment, Assessment of cases need the

records, created or to be retrieved, of various information involved. The purpose of this

study is to know the current state of records management within RTC Dumaguete City

and its direct impact on the daily functions and responsibilities of court personnel. As

courts continue to deal with an increasing volume and complexity of legal cases, the

importance of an organized, secure, and accessible records management system is a

must. Therefore, this study examines the existing challenges in records management

experienced by the RTC in Dumaguete City, seeking to identify strengths, weaknesses,

and areas for improvement for the operation to be more effective.


This section covers the following topics:

• Definition of Records Management

• Principles of Records Management

• Common Challenges in Records Management

• Operational Efficiency

Definition of Records Management – to better understand records management as

an organizational function that connects to the operation of the organization.

Principles of Records Management - in here, I included the best practice or

procedures to each of the principles in records management

Common Challenges in Records Management

1. Information Overload: increasing volume and diverse formats of information,

particularly with the digital transformation of business processes. Managing emails,
documents, reports, and various digital assets poses a challenge, requiring effective
categorization and retention strategies.

2. Data Accuracy and Integrity: Inaccurate data can compromise the quality of decisions
and impact a company's competitive position.

3. Regulatory Compliance: Noncompliance may lead to fines and penalties that can
significantly affect the continuity of the organization.

4. Security and Accessibility Balance: Organizations need to ensure that digital assets
are easily accessible while safeguarding them from unauthorized access, theft, or

5. Document Retention: Complying with document retention policies is a complex task

due to the variety of record retention schedules for different types of documents.
Keeping track of when to dispose of specific records becomes challenging, impacting
the efficiency of records management.

6. Reactive Approach to Records Management: Many organizations only address

records management issues after problems emerge. Common problems include
difficulty in file retrieval, inadvertent document deletion, inadequate filing systems,
crowded office spaces, lack of clear policies, uncertainty about system limitations, and
insufficient off-site maintenance of computer backups.

7. Storage Facilities and Financial Constraints: Inadequate storage facilities may lead to
overcrowded archives, making it challenging to access and manage records efficiently.
Limited financial resources can hinder the implementation of proper records
management systems, technology, and staff training.

8. Inadequate Records Management Practices: Poor records management practices

can lead to inefficiencies, stress for employees, and loss of information. Common
issues include difficulty in file retrieval, inadvertent deletion of important documents, lack
of a comprehensive filing policy, and inadequate protection for vital records.

Operational Efficiency

Operational efficiency is the ability of an organization to reduce waste in time, effort, and

materials while still delivering high-quality products or services. Workflow acceleration,

improved decision-making, cost savings, and risk reduction are the contributors to

operational efficiency.
Accelerating digital transformation requires a focus on delivering business services

faster with attention to quality, stability, and customer satisfaction through workload


Operational efficiency is influenced by various factors, as highlighted by Nevogt (2022):

Technology: Efficient workflow relies on the use of suitable equipment, software, and

hardware solutions.

Human Elements: Employee education, skill improvement, and motivation contribute to

operational efficiency, as a motivated workforce tends to be more focused and


Organizational Aspects: Adequate supervision, training programs, and a culture open

to change and feedback are essential to avoid inefficiencies and errors.


Local Studies

• A study conducted by Grepon (2020)- automation of judicial process making

the operation to work fast and efficient

Foreign Studies

• A study conducted by Diana Nyamwamu (2018) -indicated the respondents'

years of experience at the organization as a determining factor for their
familiarity with organizational operations. respondents' familiarity extended
not only to the overall organizational operations but also to their
experience in leading records management activities within their respective
departments. There are also challenges encountered by employees at their
work stations.

• A study conducted by Ngoepe, (2010) -illustrate the value of establishing

the strategies, policies and control framework necessary for a proper
records management programme and The challenges associated with
implementing a records management programme in a government
• A study conducted in Department of Physical Works and Estates at NUST-
employees have average understanding of the importance of records
management but is not applied to action. The research discovered that
there is none with any records management qualification within the
department. The department had not yet conducted any records
management related workshop for its employees.

• A study conducted by Otobo (2021) - nine indicators on records management

practices are: record retrieval, records maintenance, records creation and
capture, records access, records programme authorization and
organization, records management policy, records disposition, records
storage, records retention are elements that can influence the
administrative effectiveness of staff in the Lagos State Judiciary


• Records lifecycle theory

• Records Continuum model.

The Records Continuum Model (RCM) challenges the traditional view of records
management as a linear process and instead emphasizes the continuum of records
creation, maintenance, and use throughout their life cycle. It emphasizes a continuum of
information, ranging from raw data to official records. It extends beyond the traditional
record life cycle, acknowledging that records exist in different states depending on their
relevance and use at any given moment. This model considers the continuous nature of
records across time and diverse organizational contexts, a more integrated and
adaptive approach to managing records within the evolving landscape of information
and technology.

• DIRKS methodology


This study aims to determine the records management practices and challenges and its
extent operational effectiveness of employees in Regional Trial Court of Dumaguete
City. It seeks to answer on the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the employees of RTC Dumaguete in

terms of:

Sex, age and length of service. I included these factors to better understand the
employees’ information and studies on records management also include these
factors. The Length of service as I mentioned in one of the related studies was also
used as a determining factor on employee’s familiarity on the organizational
operations. So I want to know if these have implications in records management.

4. Is there a significant difference among records management practices as

perceived by the respondents when grouped according to:

4.1 sex;

4.2 age; and

4.3 length of service?

There was a study conducted by Gesmundo, J., et. al. (2022) that proved that there
is a significant difference in the records management strategies when grouped
according to age, gender, job tenure, and job position in the department. However,
there was no significant difference among the professional performances when
grouped according to age, gender, job tenure, and job position in the department.
The study also confirmed that records management strategies have a positive
significant relation to professional performance. The outcomes affirmed that tasks
such as filing documents, backing up and recovering files, and recording, tracking,
and monitoring documents have a significant impact on the professional
performance of employees within the organization or institution.


• The purpose of the study is to determine the records management

practices and challenges of Regional Trial Courts, Dumaguete City.

• To be beneficial to the RTC Dumaguete City employees …. opportunity to

assess the court’s records management practices and address different
issues with their heads of office for further improvement and effective


CLERK Positions were more exposed to the court’s file cases and records management


Self-made survey questionnaires is the main instrument for data gathering. The
questionnaire is composed of four parts:

Part I was on the demographic profile of the respondents which includes sex,
age, length of service
Part II was the record management practices of Regional Trial Courts in
Dumaguete City as rated by the respondents according to the life cycle of records which
are: creation, distribution and use, maintain, disposition, and preservation.

Part III was on the challenges encountered by the respondents regarding the
records management of RTC Dumaguete City.

Part IV was the operational efficiency of RTC Dumaguete City employees in

records management.

After the respondents answered the questionnaires, validation interviews will be


Ethical Standards

The researcher will explain to the respondents the purpose of the study, the

research design, the confidentiality and their right to refuse or withdraw from the study

at any point without repercussions. All data presented will accurately reflect the findings

and will not be manipulated or misrepresented. Participants' privacy and confidentiality

will be strictly maintained, and any data revealing their identities will be appropriately

anonymized. The research data will be securely stored, and measures will be

implemented to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the information collected.


A comprehensive structure for understanding the relationships between the input factors

which are the demographic information of the clerk employees of RTC Dumaguete,

independent variables which are the perceived level of records management practices

employed in RTC Dumaguete City and extent of challenges encountered by employees

regarding current records management practices.

The mediating variables referring to demographic factors (sex, age, length of service)

influencing perceptions of records management practices and challenges and

dependent variables which are the perceived operational efficiency of clerk employees

in RTC Dumaguete City.

Then the interplay between practices and challenges in records management and the

resulting impact on the operational effectiveness of clerk employees in the Regional

Trial Court (RTC) Dumaguete City.

Through an examination of these components and their interactions, this study seeks to

provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the records

management landscape within RTC Dumaguete City and its implications on the overall

operational effectiveness of clerk employees.

The researcher will provide recommendations for enhancing records management

practices considering the challenges that were encountered in the execution of a proper

records management and optimizing operational efficiency in the court setting.

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