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Literature 273


Multiple Choice Questions
Reference-to-context Questions
Read the stanzas given below and choose the correct option.
1. He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
(a) Which one of the following is TRUE?
(i) The tiger's pads are cushioned like cemented bricks.
(ü) The tiger's pads are very rough and coarse.
(üi) The tiger's pads are cushioned like stone.
(iv) The tiger's pads are cushioned like velvet.
(b) The phrase In his quiet rage' shows
) that the tiger is angry (ü) that the tiger is happy
(iü) that the tiger is contented (iv) none of the above
(c) Which poetic device has been used in the line 'quiet rage?
() Oxymoron .(1) Metaphor
(ii) Simile (iv) Personification
(d) Where is the tiger?
(i) In the zoo. (ü) In the forest. (iiü) In the cave. (iv) In a park.
(e) Write a pair of words that rhyme in the above lines.
()) stripes-rage (ü) cage-quiet (üi) cage-rage (iv) quiet-rage
Ans. (a) (iv) The tiger's pads are cushioned like velvet.
(6) (i) that the tiger is angry
(c) ) Oxymoron
(d) (i) In the zoo.
(e) (i) cage-rage
2 Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions/complete the statements that follow:
[CBSE 2021]
He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle's edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorizing the village!
But he's locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
(a) Study the following statements :
(A) The villagers don't feel happy that the tiger is
(B) We feel sad that the tiger is caged. caged.
(C) The tiger is happy that he doesn't have to
() (A) is right and (B) is wrong hunt for his food.
(üi) (C) is right and (A) is wrong (i) (B) is right and (A) is wrong
(iv) (A) is wrong and (C) is right
274 ogether vek English Language & Literature-10
(b) We should protect the tigers as :
() they are majestic to look at. (ii) they attract visitors to the
(i) they are ferocious. (v) they are part of our
(c) The tiger terrorizes the villagers as;
() by killing their cattle.
(ü) as he does not like to be hunted.aykousewl av
) as they have cleared his habitat.ero S t bodd
o(iv) as he has got tired of being in the forest.iup dststhe bg as O
(d) 'A tiger in the zoo ignoring visitors' is an example of
) Metaphor (ii) Simile
(iü) Irony (iv) Personification
(e) The tiger is reacting to his imprisonment in the zoo by :
) quietly walking in the cage (ii) showing his anger openly
(ii) stalking in the cage (iv) ignoring visitors
Ans. (a) (ü) (B) is right and (A) is wrong
(6) (iv) they are part of our environment.
(c) ) by killing their cattle.
(d) (üi) Irony
(e) (iv) ignoring visitors

Subjective Questions
Reference-to-context Questions
Read the stanzas given below and answer the questions that follow.
1. He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle's edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!
(a) Who is He' in the above line? Where can 'he be seen?
Ans. He in the above lines, has been used for the tiger. He can be seen snarling around houses.
(b) What caused the terror in the villagers?
Ans. The presence of a tiger is a cause of terror for the villagers. The tiger can attack the villagers
for his food.
2. But he's locked in a concrete cell,
His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.
(a) Where is the Tiger kept?
Ans. The natural house of a tiger is the forest but the reality is that the tiger is kept locked in a
concrete cell in the Zoo.
(b) Why does his strength not help him?
Ans. Though he has got a whole lot of strength, he lies imprisoned behind the bars. So his strength
does not help him.
Literature 275

Short Answer Questions

, Howdoes the poem 'A Tiger in the Zoo' point to the cruelty of animals in captivity?
Ans. The animals in captivity are subjected to cruelty because they are removed from their natural habitat.
The tiger can no longer catch itsprey, slide through grass or hide behind bushes. The tiger no longer
snarls and cannot terrorize the village. It remains locked behind the cell walls.
, Why is the tiger walks around quietly in his cage without showing his anger?
\ns. The tiger is bound in his cage. Stripes on his skin are clearly visible. His heels look like pads of
velvet. On his pads of velvet, he walks quietly within his cage. He doesn't seem to be happy to be in
his unnatural abode. So, without showing his anger, he walks around quietly in his cage.
Long Answer Question
Zoo.'Justify with examples from
1. It is a paper tiger that we come across in the poem, 'A Tiger in the
the text.
the confines of a cage, where his
Ans. Though the tiger is portrayed as stalking about, it is only within
in pursuit of some
stalking is mingled with quiet rage. Instead of lurking in the shadowsof the jungle,
terror among the villagers
plump deer, the paper tiger is a confined animal. Instead of spreading
locked in a concrete cell where he
living in homes adjoining the jungle, the tiger of the poem is
sounds of the patrolling
ignores visitors. Instead of hearing the callof the jungle animals he hears the
a potential prey
cars. His brilliant eyes focus on stars visible through his cage instead of staring at
in the forest.

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