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Gene  It is the specific physical location of a

gene or other DNA sequence on a

 The basic unit of heredity passed from chromosome.
parent to child. Genes are made up of
sequences of DNA and are arranged, one Variance
after another, at specific locations on
chromosomes in the nucleus of cells.  This means that two or more things are
different, or the amount or number by
Allele which they are different.

 It is a variation of a gene. Heritability

Phenotype Gene  A measure of how well differences in

people's genes account for differences in
 It is the observable and measurable their traits
characteristics or traits of an organism as a
result of the interaction of the genes Epigenetics

Genotype  The study of how your behaviors and

environment can cause changes that affect
 It is the genetic makeup of an individual the way your genes work.
organism, different alleles, or variant
forms of a gene, for particular traits. Quantitative Trait Locus

Quantitative  It is a region of DNA associated with a

specific phenotype or trait that varies
 of, relating to, or expressible in terms of within a population
quantity (numbers)
 It arises from the fertilization of one egg
 of or designating inheritance that depends by one sperm (identical)
on more than one gene
 having or stemming from a number of Dizygotic
different causes or influences
 It is the result from the fertilization of two
Polygenic separate eggs with two different sperm
during the same pregnancy (fraternal)
 An attribute that is determined by
numerous genes rather than only one. An Heritability Estimate
example is a person’s height.
 The proportion of variation in a population
Polygenes trait that can be attributed to inherited
genetic factors.
 One of a group of nonallelic genes that
together control a quantitative Phenotypic Variability
characteristic in an organism.
 The tendency or potential of an organism
Additive Allele to vary and corresponds to the range or
distribution of potential variation.
 Alleles that contribute to most observable
traits, such as height, weight, hair color, Genotypic Variation
eye color, and complexion
 The variation in genotypes either between
Nonadditive Allele individuals of the same species or between
different species as a result of genetic
 One allele of the gene is expressed mutation, gene flow, or something that
stronger than the other allele. occurred during meiosis
Loci Environmental Variance
 The deviation from the population mean Hermann Nilsson-Ehle in 1909. Nilsson-Ehle
used grain color in this experiment.
due to the environmental conditions that
are uniquely experienced by each The greater the number of additive alleles in the
individual. genotype, the more intense the red color expressed
in the phenotype, as each additive allele present
Broad-Sense Heritability
contributes equally to the cumulative amount of
 It measures the contribution of the pigment produced in the grains.
genotypic variance to the total phenotypic
Narrow-Sense Heritability
The multiple-gene hypothesis consists of the
 The proportion of phenotypic variance due following major points:
to additive genotypic variance alone.
 Phenotypic traits showing
Many traits are not as distinct and clear-cut, including many continuous variation can be
that are of medical or agricultural importance. They show much quantified by measuring,
more variation, often falling into a continuous range of multiple
weighing, counting, and so on.
 Two or more gene loci, often scattered
Continuous Variation throughout the genome, account for the
hereditary influence on the phenotype in
Quantitative Inheritance
an additive way. Because many genes may
 Continuous variation across a range of be involved, inheritance of this type is
phenotypes can be measured and called polygenic.
described in quantitative terms.  Together, the additive alleles contributing
 the input of genes at more than one, and to a single quantitative character produce
often many, loci, the traits are said to be substantial phenotypic variation
polygenic (literally “of many genes”). The if the ratio of F2 individuals resembling either of
genes involved are often referred to as the two extreme P1 phenotypes can be determined,
polygenes. the number of polygenes (loci) involved (n) may
 The final phenotype is often also be calculated as:
influenced by environmental factors to
which that individual is exposed to. 1/4n = ratio of F2 individuals expressing either
extreme phenotype
Human height, for example, is genetically influenced but is also
affected by environmental factors such as nutrition. For low numbers of polygenes (n), it is sometimes
Multifactorial Traits easier to use the equation:

 Quantitative (polygenic) traits whose (2n + 1) = the number of distinct phenotypic

phenotypes result from both gene action categories observed
and environmental influences are termed THE STUDY OF POLYGENIC TRAITS
multifactorial, or complex traits. RELIES ON STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
 Geneticists William Bateson and G. Udny Yule,adhering to a
Mendelian explanation, proposed the multiple-factor or
It is important to remember that the accuracy of the final results
multiple-gene hypothesis, in which many genes, each
individually behaving in a Mendelian fashion, contribute to
of the measurements depends on whether the sample is truly
the phenotype in a cumulative or quantitative way. random and representative of the population from which it was
drawn; that is, they produce a characteristic bell-shaped curve
THE MULTIPLE GENE HYPOTHESIS FOR when plotted as a frequency histogram.
 It is the hypothesis used to explain It provides information about where the central
quantitative variation by assuming the point lies along a range of measurements for a
interaction of a large number of genes quantitative trait.
(polygenes) each with a small additive
effect on the character. This clustering is called a central tendency, and the
- The multiple-gene hypothesis was initially based central point is the mean.
on a key set of experimental results published by
Specifically, the mean (X) is the arithmetic average
of a set of measurements and is calculated as:

For Multifactorial trait in a given population:

It provides information about the spread of data
around the mean. The variance (s^2) for a sample is Indicates that much of the variation can be
the average squared distance of all measurements attributed to genetic factors, with the environment
from the mean. It is calculated as: having less impact on expression of the trait.


Environmental factors are likely to have a greater

impact on phenotypic variation within the
It is possible for two sets of sample measurements for a
quantitative trait to have the same mean but a different The concept of heritability is frequently
distribution of values around it. This range will be reflected in misunderstood and misused. It should be
different variances. emphasized that heritability indicates neither how
Estimation of variance can be useful in determining the degree much of a trait is genetically determined nor the
of genetic control of traits when the immediate environment also extent to which an individual’s phenotype is due to
influences the phenotype. genotype.
To express variation around the mean in the A heritability estimate tells us the proportion of
original units of measurement, we can use the phenotypic variation that can be attributed to
square root of the variance, a term called the genetic variation within a certain population in a
standard deviation (s). particular environment.
This gives us an estimate of the total phenotypic variance in
the population (Vp). Heritability estimates are obtained by
using different experimental and statistical techniques to
partition Vp into genotypic variance (VG) and environmental
STANDARD ERROR OF THE MEAN variance (VE) components.

To measure the accuracy of the sample mean, we An important factor contributing to overall levels of phenotypic
variation is the extent to which individual genotypes affect the
use the standard error of the mean (SX), calculated phenotype differently depending on the environment.
We can now summarize all the components of total
phenotypic variance (VP) using the following


The covariance statistic measures how much Broad-sense heritability (represented by the term
variation is common to both quantitative traits. The H2) measures the contribution of the genotypic
covariance (covXY) of two sets of trait variance to the total phenotypic variance. It is
measurements, X and Y, is calculated as: estimated as a proportion:
Heritability values for a trait in a population range The simplest approach is to select individuals with
from 0.0 to 1.0. superior phenotypes for the desired quantitative
trait from a heterogeneous population and breed
A value approaching 1.0 indicates that the environmental
conditions have little impact on phenotypic variance, which is offspring from those individuals.
therefore largely due to genotypic differences among individuals
in the population.

Low values close to 0.0 indicate that environmental factors, not

genotypic differences, are largely responsible for the observed
phenotypic variation within the population studied. This equation can be further simplified by defining M2 - M as
the selection response (R)—the degree of response to mating the
Few quantitative traits have very high or very low heritability selected parents—and M1 - M as the selection differential (S)—
estimates, suggesting that both genetics and environment play a the difference between the mean for the whole population and
part in the expression of most phenotypes for the trait. the mean for the selected population—so h2 reflects the ratio of
the response observed to the total response possible. Thus,
Genotypic variance can be divided into subcomponents
representing the different modes of action of alleles at A narrow-sense heritability value obtained in this way by
quantitative trait loci; this partitioning distinguishes among three selective breeding and measuring the response in the offspring is
different kinds of gene action contributing to genotypic referred to as an estimate of realized heritability.
Additive variance (VA) is the genotypic variance
due to the additive action of alleles at quantitative Heritability studies are valuable in estimating the
trait loci. genetic contribution to phenotypic variance, the
knowledge gained about heritability of traits must
Dominance variance (VD) is the deviation from be balanced by awareness of some of the
the additive components that results when constraints inherent in such estimates:
phenotypic expression in heterozygotes is not
precisely intermediate between the two  Heritability values provide no information about
what genes are involved in traits.
 Heritability is measured in populations and has only
limited application to individuals.
Interactive variance (VI) is the deviation from the  Measured heritability depends on the environmental
additive components that occurs when two or more variation present in the population being studied and
loci behave epistatically. cannot be used to evaluate differences between
The partitioning of the total genotypic variance VG is  Future changes in environmental factors can affect
summarized in the equation: heritability

Monozygotic (MK), or Identical Twin

and a narrow-sense heritability estimate based only on that are derived from a single zygote that divides mitotically
portion of the genotypic variance due to additive gene action and then spontaneously splits into two separate cells.
Both cells give rise to a genotypically identical embryo.
Omitting VI and separating VP into genotypic and
environmental variance components, we obtain: Dizygotic (DZ), or fraternal
twins, on the other hand, originate from two separate
fertilization events and are only as genetically similar as
Narrow-sense heritability, h2, provides a more any two siblings, with an average of 50 percent of their
accurate prediction of selection response than alleles in common.
broad-sense heritability, H2, and therefore h2 is Twins are said to be concordant for a given trait if both
more widely used by breeder. express it or neither expresses it. If one expresses the
trait and the other does not, the pair is said to be
ARTIFICIAL SELECTION discordant. Comparison of concordance values of MZ
If artificial selection based on the same trait versus DZ twins reared together illustrates the potential
value for heritability assessment.
preferences is repeated over multiple generations, a
population can be developed containing a high TWIN STUDIES HAVE SEVERAL
frequency of individuals with the desired LIMITATIONS
1. MZ twins are often treated more similarly by parents
and teachers than are DZ twins, especially when the
DZ siblings are of a different sex. This circumstance
may inflate the environmental variance for DZ twins.
2. Another possible error source is interactions between
the genotype and the environment that produce
variability in the phenotype.

The most relevant genomic discoveries about twins include the


 By the time they are born, MZ twins do not

necessarily have identical genomes.
 Gene-expression patterns in MZ twins change with
age, leading to phenotypic differences.


Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) are specific regions

of the genome that are associated with variations in
a complex trait, such as height, weight, or disease
susceptibility. QTL analysis involves the identification of
genetic markers that are associated with a particular trait or
phenotype, and the mapping of these markers to specific
locations on a chromosome.

QTL analysis is typically performed by comparing the genotypes

and phenotypes of a group of individuals or organisms. By
analyzing the correlation between genetic markers and the
phenotype of interest, researchers can identify regions of the
genome that are associated with the trait

QTL analysis is an important tool in genetics and genomics

research, as it can help identify the genes and genetic pathways
that contribute to the development of complex traits. This
information can be used to better understand the underlying
biology of the trait, as well as to develop strategies for
preventing or treating diseases that are associated with specific

 Quantitative inheritance results in a range of

measurable phenotypes for a polygenic trait.
 Polygenic traits most often demonstrate continuous
 Quantitative inheritance can be explained in
Mendelian terms whereby certain alleles have an
additive effect on the traits under study.

The study of polygenic traits relies on statistical analysis.

Heritability values estimate the genetic contribution to

phenotypic variability under specific environmental conditions.

Twin studies allow an estimation of heritability in humans.

Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) can be mapped and identified.

Heritability is an estimate of the relative contribution of genetic

versus environmental factors to the range of phenotypic
variation seen in a quantitative trait in a particular population
and environment

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