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Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a unique viral disease caused by the

coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes cough, fever, weakness, nasal congestion,

difficulty breathing, diarrhea, lung and other organ damage, and death in some cases

(Wang et al., 2020b). Early occurrences of the disease were attributed to

transmission from bats and cats, but later cases have shown human to human

transfer by respiratory droplets and close contact (Ezeonwuka, Nkire, Nweze,

Odionye, Okoro, Onuoha, & Owoh, 2020).

As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID- 19 is a pandemic

(WHO, 2020b), and a public health emergency of international concern (WHO,

2020c). Globally, nations have adopted various preventive measures, in line with

WHO guidelines, to reduce the spread of the virus. One of such public health control

measures is to place people on quarantine (WHO, 2020a), and this is a way of

preventing the spread of a disease outbreak by restricting activities or separating

people who are not ill but may have been exposed to the disease (Ezeonwuka, Nkire,

Nweze, Odionye, Okoro, Onuoha, & Owoh, 2020).

Further, when a society is disbalanced and unintegrated, a crisis is produced

(Alalykin-Izvekov, 2017), which has been visible in Filipinos' behavior following the

announcement of COVID-19 cases in the Philippines. Likewise, the Philippines' first

confirmed COVID-19 case occurred on March 7, 2020. Various government entities

issued a decision on March 12, 2020, regarding the handling of the COVID-19

situation in the Philippines, due to the increasing development of cases. It involves a

suspension of classes at all levels, a ban on large gatherings, and a decision on

community quarantine (Duque et al., 2020). The impacted areas erupted in fear as a

result of this, (Nicomendes & Avila, 2020). The Philippines' issue is particularly difficult

and even psychologically harmful to evaluate because it "has the world's highest jail

occupancy." Several inmates and staff personnel in the Philippines' overcrowded

prisons have tested positive for the virus, as to the early reports. As of June 2020, over

700 inmates had tested positive, and because of their "locked up" status, lack of

resources, and non-compliance with minimum health requirements, convicts and

detainees are "invisibly prone" to the COVID-19 epidemic, (Kahambing, 2021).

As reported by Provincial Correctional and Security Management Office of

Agusan del Sur, there are 12 personals deprived of liberty confirmed covid-19 case in

October 2021. The researcher decided to conduct the study to determine the safety

measures implemented inside the Provincial Correctional and Security Management

Office on combating COVID-19 virus.

Research Objective

This study aims to identify the correlation between the safety measurement level

towards the inmates of Provincial Correctional and Security Management Office with

regards to the current pandemic situation in the country due to the COVID-19 virus.

Specifically, this study will seek to answer the following:

1. To evaluate the level of safety measures of the PCSMO in terms of:

1.1 personal motivation for safe behavior

1.2 positive safety practice


1.3 optimism

2. To measure the combat of COVID-19 virus of the PCSMO in terms of:

2.1. knowledge

2.2. attitude

2.3. practice

3. To determine the significant level of safety measure in order to protect the inmates


1. There is no significant relationship between level of safety measures and

combating COVID-19.

Review of Related Literature

This section contains the review of related literature and studies in international

and local setting that provided a substantial contribution to the conceptualization of this

study. The impermanent reviews of the related studies are presented below. The

following literature review starts with an extensive analysis that highlights the safety

measure with the following indicators: personal motivation for safe behavior, positive

safety practice, and optimism (Williamson, Feyer, Cairns & Biancotti, 1997); combating

with the following indicators: knowledge, attitude, and practice (Pandita, Basavaraj,

Gupta, Kaur, Vashishtha, & Kumar, 2016)

Safety Measure

The concept of safety measure as a significant feature of the organizational

context that has an impact on a variety of safety outcomes. The "shared perceptions

with regard to safety policies, procedures, and practices" in an organization is

sometimes termed as the "safety atmosphere". Another way of looking at safety


measure is to think of it as a "experientially based description of what individuals

perceive and report happening in the real organizational environment". Safety measure

views are diverse. It's also vital to distinguish safety measure perceptions from other

sorts of safety-related constructs including risk appraisal and attitudes toward safety.

The organizational environment has a significant impact on safety outcomes like

accidents and injuries. Organizational management characteristics that relate directly or

indirectly to mishaps are regularly identified in significant accident investigations. Meta-

analyses show that the organizational context impacts the incentive to inmates safely

and the type of safe or hazardous behaviors that are enacted at the individual level of

safety, (Griffin & Curcuruto 2016).

In general, safety measure refers to members of a team or organization's shared

perceptions of how safety is managed within the organization. The construct areas of

safety measure and the broader idea of safety culture, in particular, are frequently

muddled and overlapped. The dynamic aspect of safety can be combined with concepts

of safety culture, climate, and capacity when using a systems approach. Safety can be

seen of as a control challenge from a systems perspective, with risks and disturbances

that could destabilize the system being detected.

monitored, and controlled. We believe that the best way to tackle this control challenge

is to build safety capabilities in two important domains: stability/flexibility and

promotion/prevention, (Casey, Griffin, Flatau, et al., 2017).

Indeed, accidents are workplace occurrences that cause physical injury to

people, property, or the environment, whereas safety behavior is any workplace action

that reduces the risk of physical harm to people, property, or the environment. Safety

compliance and safety participation are the two types of safe work behavior that have

been studied the most. Safety compliance as the basic actions that persons must

perform in order to achieve legislated safety requirements, which are often described in

the form of rules and procedures. In the last ten years, there have been several meta-

analyses and systematic reviews (Beus, McCord, & Zohar, 2016) of this literature.

safety measure is positively associated with both safety compliance and safety

participation, as report by meta-analyses (Casey, Griffin, Flatau, et al., 2017).

However, the relationship between safety measure and safety participation

appears to be stronger than the relationship between safety measure and safety

compliance. This is in line with the hypothesis that a good safety measure is more likely

to inspire safety behaviors beyond basic procedural adherence, as a result of the

reciprocity formed when individuals and teams perceive management to be sufficiently

concerned about workplace safety. Christian, Bradley, Wallace, and Burke (2009) also

discovered that a broad composite of safety behavior was more strongly related with

accidents than individual safety behaviors, and that safety behavior.

moderated the links between safety measure and accidents. In contrast, Nahrgang et al.

(2011) discovered that while compliance was linked to accidents, participation was not,

despite the fact that involvement was linked to unfavorable occurrences like near

misses, (Casey, Griffin, Flatau, et al., 2017).

The first domain is personal motivation for safe behavior it is made on both an

organizational and an individual level. The issue lies in how the association, through the

supervisors, gives safety motivation to representatives at all levels to accomplish the

association's security objectives. (Victoria Andersson and Ilir Paqarizi, 2016)


Moreover, the level of a prisoners' motivation not set in stone by private

necessities, what is acquired, and the individual advantageous qualities. A staff that

gains what he predicts as an objective and achievement become significantly more

inspired and, surprisingly, more dependable. Center security exercises address controls

that have been set up to limit risk by tending to work environment perils. Representative

consistence with wellbeing strategies and methodology centers primarily around fulfilling

least security guidelines and is frequently portrayed as important yet not adequate for

establishing a protected workplace (Inness, Turner, Barling, Stride, 2010)

The second domain is positive safety practice it is a culture guarantees a

proactive interpretation of safety and well being. Your group is by and by put resources

into their safety and the security of others.(CHAS, 2013).

However, safety practice will affect how your safety and security technique is

gotten and executed. A culture that is available to well being and security strategy

acknowledges risk and is urged to do whatever it may take to keep away from it.

Assuming you are working inside a security culture that does not treat well being and

safety in a serious way, security drives and arrangements can endure, bringing about

expanded risk. (CHAS, 2013). Building a gainful safe society then has inconceivable

worth to a business. Great safe society and security execution forestalls injury, lessens

costs and further develops industry notoriety.

The third domain is optimism it is a psychological mentality described by trust

and trust in progress and a positive future. Hopeful people are the individuals who

anticipate that beneficial things should occur, where worry warts rather foresee

troublesome results. Hopeful perspectives are connected to various advantages,


including better adapting abilities, lower feelings of anxiety, better actual safety, and

higher tirelessness while seeking after objectives. (Scott, E. 2020).

For instance, assuming you are effectively attempting to perceive the positive

parts of your life, you will normally begin to see silver linings in testing circumstances.

Medical advantages of positive reasoning and hopefulness incorporate diminished

pressure, better mental and actual prosperity, and better adapting abilities during

distressing times. (GMAC, 2020).

Combating COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted various nations in various ways, yet

across the world it has had three normal, characterizing qualities like Speed and scale,

the illness has spread rapidly, and its limit with regards to hazardous spread implies it

can possibly overpower even the strongest well being frameworks. More than 9 million

individuals had been contaminated all over the planet and just about 500 000 individuals

were accounted for to have kicked the bucket by 28 June.

Seriousness, an expected 20% of cases are extreme or basic with an expanded

gamble of extreme illness in more established age gathering furthermore, in those with

specific basic circumstances. Also, Cultural and monetary disturbance: shocks to well

being and social care frameworks and measures taken to control transmission have had

wide and profound financial outcomes. Worldwide frequency of COVID-19 has kept on

speeding up. By 28 June 2020, affirmed COVID-19 cases answered to WHO moved

toward 10 million, including 500 000 passing. Inside areas and nations, thickly

populated, more unfortunate regions have been hardest hit.

Further, the Region of the Americas has been the worldwide focus of the

pandemic since mid-April. While home to around 8% of the worldwide populace, the

Americas represented more than half (56%) of cases and nearly 66% (64%) of

worldwide passing during June 2020. Eastern Mediterranean, South-East Asian, and

African nations, regions and regions have additionally detailed an expansion in the rate

of new cases over a similar period. In general occurrence has settled in European and

Western Pacific countries, in spite of the fact that bunches of extreme transmission

keep on being seen in various nations. (WHO, 2020)

However, WHO distributed the principal COVID-19 Strategic Response and

Readiness Plan (SPRP) on 3 February, 2020. The SPRP set out the two dimensional

system that was expected to handle the spread of the sickness. The SPRP set out three

targets for handling the spread and restricting the mischief brought about by the

sickness. To start with, at the worldwide level, the SPRP depicted the means expected

to quickly lay out worldwide coordination to help nations to plan, money and carry out

their reaction. Nations call for definitive ongoing data on the developing the study of

disease transmission and dangers; ideal admittance to fundamental supplies, medicines

and gear; and admittance to and preparing in the most recent specialized direction and

best rehearses. Second, additionally at the worldwide level, the SPRP set out the vital

stages to guarantee that there was an unmistakable and straightforward worldwide

cycle to lay out examination and advancement boundaries, to quick track and scale-up

innovative work, and guarantee the impartial accessibility of up-and-comer therapeutics,

immunizations, and diagnostics. These worldwide level drives feed straightforwardly into

the third critical goal: increasing readiness and reaction tasks at the public level. To that

end,the SPRP was supplemented by draft Operational Planning. (WHO, 2020)


Yet, the episode of COVID-19 infection has been pronounced a Public Health

Emergency of Global Concern (PHEIC) and the infection has now spread to numerous

nations and domains. While a great deal is as yet unclear about the infection that

causes COVID-19, we really do realize that it is communicated through direct contact

with respiratory drops of a tainted individual produced through hacking and sniffling.

People can likewise be tainted from contacting surfaces sullied with the infection and

contacting their face (e.g., eyes, nose, mouth). While COVID-19 keeps on spreading

networks genuinely must take activity to forestall further transmission, diminish the

effects of the flare-up and uphold control measures. The security of kids and instructive

offices is especially significant. Insurances are important to forestall the possible spread

of COVID-19 in school settings; be that as it may, care should likewise be taken to stay

away from trashing understudies and staff who might have been presented to the

infection. Recollecting that is significant. COVID-19 does not separate between borders,

identities, incapacity status, age or orientation. Training settings ought to keep on being

inviting, aware, comprehensive, and steady conditions to all. Measures taken by

schools can forestall the section and spread of COVID-19 by understudies and staff

who may have been presented to the infection, while limiting interruption and shielding

understudies and staff from separation. (UNICEF, 2020)

Packed, unfortunate ventilation and frameworks, lacking well being, cleanliness

and sterilization conditions inclines toward the spread of irresistible infections - whether

the novel COVID-19 or tuberculosis (TB) which can quickly influence an enormous

number of individuals inside detainment offices. While COVID-19 is brought about by an

infection and TB by microorganisms, both may devastatingly affect weak gatherings like

the older and those with constant sicknesses. TB, for instance, is known to be multiple

times more predominant in confinement offices than locally. What's more, in view of the

World Prison Brief data set, the Philippines were positioned most elevated on the planet

in prison inhabitant rate in their most recent report. Starting at 19 March 2020, as per

the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), the clog rate in their 467 prisons

is at 534%.Examples gained from battling TB in Philippines' correctional facilities could

assist with illuminating the battle against the novel COVID-19 inside jails. They

incorporate contamination control conventions (legitimate section screening and mass

screenings inside detainment offices); and making segregation units for tainted patients

to end the sickness' additionally spread. A hospital committed for the disconnection and

treatment of prisoners with TB in the Calabarzon locale - where a portion of the

Philippines' most clogged correctional facilities are found - is the first of its sort in the

overextended jail framework in the country. These variables represent an additional a

test with regards to forestalling, treating and containing irresistible infections.

Moreover, a critical extent of the prisoner populace present weaknesses like prior

ailments (hypertension, heart sicknesses, respiratory parcel illnesses, malignant growth

or diabetes) and more established age, which as indicated by the World Health

Organization (WHO) can prompt expanded seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic,

whenever contaminated. Support for this drive is significant to tending to the dispersed

segment conveyance of 44 prisons all around this district which keep on overwhelming

calculated and general well-being challenges in the conveyance of well-being

administrations in the midst of TB endemic and the COVID-19 pandemic. (ICRC, 2020).

The ICRC (2020), whose work incorporates visiting spots of confinement to


guarantee others conscious treatment, has been supporting Philippines specialists to

address the causes and results of outrageous prison clog, among them, pushing for

prisoners' admittance to quality medical care. We accept that further interest in the

tuberculosis anticipation programs in Philippines reinforces the limit of one of the

weakest jail frameworks on the planet to battle other transmittable sicknesses also.

The first domain is knowledge. Knowing about preventive measures incorporate

physical or social separating, isolating, ventilation of indoor spaces, covering hacks and

sniffles, hand washing, and getting unwashed hands far from the face. The utilization of

facial coverings or covers has been prescribed in open settings to limit the gamble of

transmissions.(WHO, 2020)

Subsequently, knowledge about COVID-19 and related prevention. About 94% of

imprisoned individuals realize that respiratory drops are associated with the

transmission of COVID-19, 93.1% that COVID-19 can be sent by contacting the mouth,

nose and eyes with tainted hands, and 77.2% that patients with constant circumstances

are in danger of a more serious illness. Concerning, 80.3% realize that a COVID-19

immunization is accessible, and 96.6%, 95.6% and 95.2% referenced hand washing,

facial coverings use and physical removing as successful disease control measures for

COVID-19, individually. Besides, 19.6% realized the powerful contamination control

measures for COVID-19. (Di Giuseppe, G., Pelullo, C.P., Lanzano, R. et al. 2022).

The second domain is attitude. The way of attitude and disposition of individuals

toward the COVID-19 pandemic assume a fundamental part in its spread, and as per

our study, more than three-fourths of the respondents knew about through virtual

entertainment (42.9%) and electronic media (41%). Few individuals had direct

openness (6.2%), and the least individuals came to be aware of it through print media

(1.2%). Individuals who had occupations were asked about their work taking care of,

and almost 50% of the respondents (48.3%) were telecommuting. Followed by that,

there was a finished closure of work for the individuals who had organizations (21.7%),

and few respondents proceeded with their occupation as in the past (20.1%).

(Mahmood S, Hussain T, Mahmood F, Ahmad M, Majeed A, Beg BM and Areej S.,


Moreover, whenever got some information about their social distance rehearses

(65.6%), individuals answered that they have not been to any get together whatsoever,

while 3.6% answered they have been to get together commonly. After inquisitive about

their cleanliness propensities and hand-washing recurrence as coordinated by the

medical care experts, most of individuals answered that they cleaned up after

consistently (39.9%), trailed by the people who washed them few times each day

(35.3%), and 1.6% said that they don't clean up. (Mahmood S, Hussain T, Mahmood F,

Ahmad M, Majeed A, Beg BM and Areej S., 2020)

The third domain is practice. All general well being measures to stop sickness

spread can be offset with versatile practice to support local area versatility and social

association, safeguard wages and secure the food supply. Nations ought to adjust the

conceivable advantages and adverse results of every mediation and convey

methodologies to empower local area commitment, gain trust and breaking point social

or financial mischief. There are numerous techniques that can uphold local area

versatility and psychological well-being, safeguard admittance to fundamental labor and

products, and cutoff the monetary effect of stay-at-home estimates where these are

considered significant. For instance, arranging work- destinations to guarantee physical

distance between people, like amazing movements over the long haul, or changing

nearby help over to home conveyance may help to keep more organizations open. Tel-

working and tel-tutoring systems in various settings illustrate development and the job of

innovation in supporting business coherence and supporting social association inside

families and networks. By and large, execution of separating measures ought to

likewise expect to support individual what's more, proficient local area associations by

virtual means and innovation, including generally available means such as radio and

cell phones.(WHO, 2020).

Furthermore, the practice implementation gives valuable data to staff and

medical services suppliers working in detainment facilities, and to jail specialists. It

makes sense of how for forestall and address a potential sickness episode and stresses

significant basic liberties components that should be regarded in the reaction to COVID-

19 in jails and different spots of detainment. Admittance to data and sufficient medical

services arrangement, including for mental problems, are fundamental viewpoints in

protecting common liberties in such places. Controlling the spread of disease in these

settings is fundamental for forestalling enormous episodes.

of COVID-19. The direction means to safeguard the well being and prosperity of every

one of the people who live, work in and visit these settings and everybody at large.

Individuals denied of their freedom, and those living or working in encased conditions in

their nearness, are probably going to be more defenseless against the COVID-19

sickness than everybody. Also, restorative offices might intensify and upgrade COVID-

19 transmission past their dividers. As per the recently distributed WHO direction, the

worldwide work to handle the spread of sickness might come up short without

appropriate regard for contamination control measures inside penitentiaries. (WHO,


Correlation between Measures

Quick financial development through industrialization has given not just a huge

effect regarding pay appropriations and personal satisfaction, however it likewise

brought about expanding number of mishaps at working environment. In decreasing

gamble at work, Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) is a significant viewpoint. It is a

standard which are set in regulation with the expect to kill and diminish perils at working

environment. Other than OSH, the term of 'security culture' is likewise a significant

angle in lessening hazard and mishap at work environment.

This paper features the issues in the Malaysian assembling ventures to be

specific the high mishap rate in assembling businesses which might be because of

absence of security culture and resistance of the Malaysian Occupational Safety and

Health Act's (Osha's) necessities which may unintentionally prompted absence of

wellbeing society. The presence of these issues shows that specialists' and managers'

way of behaving and consistence to OSHA will prompt positive wellbeing society which

thus will prompt decrease of mishaps rate in the assembling ventures in Malaysia.

Watchwords: word related wellbeing and wellbeing, security culture, wellbeing

consistence, Malaysian assembling ventures (Amirah, Asma, Muda, & Amin, 2013).

Theoretical Framework

General Strain Theory by Sykes (1958) offers a theoretical framework for

coherently integrating these explanations of inmate adjustment. Thus, consistent with


Sykes’s deprivation model, it identifies cat-egories of strain that are likely to impinge on

the lives of many inmates. Consistent with the importation model, it recognizes how

antisocial values and associations can make a deviant adaptation to strain more likely.

Consistent with the coping model, it predicts that violence and maladjustment will be

less likely when inmates have suffi-cient coping resources and social support. In short,

GST offers a way of integrating the existing models of inmate adjustment into a

coherent paradigm.There is now a fairly extensive empirical literature on inmate

adjustment and mal-adjustment to prison life (see, for example, Adams, 1992;

Gendreau, Goggin, & Law, 1997; Steiner, 2008). Much of this research is either

atheoretical or informed by only one of the three models we have identified above. Our

approach in this article is to use GST as a framework for interpreting—or reinterpreting

—the extant empirical litera-ture. Thus, we systematically review the research on inmate

adjustment and show how this information “fits” within GST.

Conceptual Framework

Presented in Figure 1 is the conceptual paradigm of the study. These are

composed of independent and dependent variables. The independent variable of this

study is the safety measure while the dependent variable is combating COVID-19

among inmates, respectively.

Furthermore, the first conceptual paradigm demonstrates the direct influence of

the independent variable namely safety measure and the dependent variable,

combating COVID-19 as supported by the theories. The independent variable is safety

measure has three indicators, namely: personal motivation for safe behavior, positive

safety practice, and optimism. As personal motivation for safe behavior, it is a


benevolent character is driven by safety motivation towards the inmates of PCSMO.

Positive safety practice means the implemented practices and protocols for the safety of

both the staff and inmates in PCSMO. Lastly, optimism means the positive attitude and

outtake of the inmates and staffs of PCSMO amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

And, the dependent variable is combating which has three indicators particularly:

knowledge, attitude, and practice (Kumar, 2016). Knowledge refers to information and

awareness of the inmates inside PCSMO as they are combating COVID-19. Attitude

refers to response of the inmates towards the safety measures implemented inside

PCSMO. And, practice refers to implemented rules inside the PCSMO premises to

ensure the safety of the inmates.

Besides, the bolt which pointed towards independent and dependent factors

separately implies that the safety measures were equipped for investigating the marks

of feeling of local area on school heads as well as the other way around. It meant that

there was a relationship on combating covid-19 virus among inmates of PCSMO in

Agusan del Sur.


Independent Variables Dependent Variable

Safety Measure Combating COVID-19 virus

· Personal Motivation · Knowledge

for Safety Behavior
· Attitude
· Positive Safety
Practice · Practice

· Optimism

Figure 1. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study


Significance of the Study

During pandemics, as COVID-19, provincial government are liable for working

with government and general well-being authorities to contain spread, serve the nearby

local area, and keep public control. Given the individual to-individual spread of COVID-

19 through respiratory beads, jail personnel are additionally at an uplifted gamble of

openness because of their nearby contact with individuals inside the jail. To safeguard

officials, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and different offices

have made various proposals for policing to safeguard officials and people in general.

Divisions around the nation have answered the pandemic in different ways, for example,

reassigning staff to high-traffic regions, suspending preparing, roll calls, and local area

outreach drives, just giving references for low- level wrongdoings, carrying out security

precautionary measures for officials, and restricting admittance to office offices. The

COVID-19 pandemic additionally has uncovered a few critical hindrances for policing, to

correspondence, asset the board, the authorization of general well-being limitations,

and changes to wrongdoing and administration designs. In light of these early starting

reactions and impediments during the COVID-19 flare-up, this paper features bearings

for future reactions to pandemics to guarantee the well-being and security of jail

personnel and the networks they serve.

The Provincial Correctional and Security Management Office is a common prison

that has the vision of a better confinement office with skillful staff delivering proficient

prison administrations for the reorganization of inmates. The mission incorporates

resolving to give sympathetic protection and reformatory administrations


to inmates for possible re-mix and mainstreaming into society; and they are directed by

the upsides of respectability, cooperation, and impressive skill.

The workplace's command is to give Humane Safekeeping and essential

advancement of all Municipal and Provincial Prisoner. The study aims to give PCSMO

the data to identify which protocol need improvement during the pandemic we are

currently facing. This will provide claims and support to prove is the overpopulated

prisons cell has the need to be called an emergency crisis towards the inmates of not

just the PCSMO but also the precincts in the Philippines,

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined to provide a clear understanding of

the terms.

Combating – As used in this study it refers to knowledge, attitude, and practice, to

implemented rules inside the PCSMO premises to ensure the safety of the inmates.

Safety Measure - As used in this study it refers to personal motivation for safety

behavior, positive safety practice, and optimism, the positive attitude and outtake of the

inmates and staffs of PCSMO amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


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