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Some people think secondary school students

should study international news as one of their
subjects, while others believe that this is a waste
of valuable school time. Discuss both these views
and give your own opinion.

Written by Lilie
Scored a 7 twice in the writing test

November 1, 2023

Some people think secondary school students should study international

news as one of their subjects, while others believe that this is a waste of
valuable school time. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

This IELTS Writing Task 2 question was reported in June 2023. Click here to
read more questions reported in 2023.

Sample Essay
Opinions differ regarding the inclusion of global news as a subject in secondary
schools. In my perspective, delving into worldwide news holds the potential to
foster young minds destined for future greatness, thus making it a subject worth

On the one hand, it can be argued that studying international news may not
directly benefit students’ future careers. Gaining knowledge about current affairs,
such as earthquakes in foreign countries, may not provide tangible skills that
increase employability down the line. Consequently, precious school hours that can
be allocated to subjects more relevant to students’ future careers, such as math
and science, may be going to waste. However, I disagree with the argument above,
as not every individual aspires to pursue a path in science or engineering. For some
students, exploring global events might kindle an interest in journalism.
On the other hand, studying worldwide news has the power to ignite future
greatness in students. When schools incorporate international news into their
curriculum, students are regularly exposed to headlines and business news that
shape the world today, including rocket launches by entrepreneurs like Elon Musk
and Jeff Bezos. This consistent exposure helps inspire them to make impactful
contributions to the world as they grow up, just as the influential figures featured in
the news do. I firmly support this perspective because I believe that, apart from
imparting knowledge, schools should also be a source of inspiration for students to
discover their highest aspirations, and this can be achieved through the study of
global news.

In conclusion, while studying world affairs may not have a direct career benefit, it
has the potential to spark greatness in young students and, therefore, should be
included as a subject in secondary schools. (287 Words)

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