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вассаlаurеаtе сJirесtiоп code: ENG

гjсlгггt of oclucaticln : Full-time education
NurriЬег of сгеdits: о

Tashkent - 2024
Дuthоr: [](. Payzieva
Author's positlon: t_Jniversity Lесtuгеr


Reviewed on KEnglish Education> dерагtmепt meeting

Jапuагу <6>> 2024, act Ns 4

Head of department Е. А. Tovmasyan

Арргочеd Ьу the University Council

Jапuагу <В> 2024, Act Np 15

Head clf acadelnic- methodological

department Allaberganov
Teacher's паmе:
Work place:
Office phone:

(lVofe, the given part is filled Ьу each tеасhеr separately whеп сrеаtiпg а реrsоrlаl
sy//abcts оп the basis of а typical syllabus).

Соursе Description
This is а 60-hоur соursе which ruпs fоr '17 weeks duriпg the second semester fоr
fiгst-уеаr university students. Соursе hоuгs include 45 in-class hours and 15 hоuгs
fог school observation. Students will go to school to observe lessons each week (,15
weeks) опе day fоr '1 hоur. School observations рrоvidе students with practical
knowledge. The соursе focuses оп developing students' competence iп teaching
English to young lеаrпегs. The соursе addresses basic aspects of young |еаrпег
pedagogy and, through iпtегасtiче and practical activities, students will enhance thеiг
knowledge and skills to teach young lеагпеrs.

Post requisites:
Language teaching.

Course aim and objectjves:

The aim of the соursе is to develop teaching skills in teaching young lеаrпеrs (TYL),
use а diverse rапgе of teaching materials and lеаrп strategies to assess уоuпg
students will:
. kпоw and use basic principles of TYL effectively
. know апd use main геsоuгсеs in TYL effectively.
. know key features of TYl_ methodology (teaching integrated language skills).
. сгеаtе а lesson рlап fоr young |еаrпеrs with аррrорriаtе objectives and
assessment сritеriа.

Requirements for knowledge, abilities, skiIls, and competencies.

Students must have an understanding of:
- basic ргiпсiрlеs of TYL
rеsоuгсеs and teaching mаtегiаls in TYL
- objectives and assessment
- know how to:
- choose and use different геsоuгсеs effectively and choose-thern
* manage the class -
рlап а lesson
- Ье able to:
. сrеаtе а lesson
рlап based on аррrорriаtе objectives and
assessment сritеriа
. teach integrated language skills
. acquire practical skills of:
. сгеаtiпg activities which аrе ехреriепtiаl and interactive.
. Ье competent:
. in identifying the
essentials of TYL (rеsоurсеs, materials, activities,
аррrоасhеs, lesson planning)

Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Classroom routines.
1 PIan of the topic: Working with classroom routines
Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, р. ,t82
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, Ihе Рrimаry English Teachefs Guide, р. ,l62
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Songs. Chants
1 Р!ап of the topic: Using songs and chants in the English c]ass
Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дсtivifiеs, р. 182
J. Вrеwstег and G. Ellis, The Рrimаry Епglish Teachels Gиidе, р. 162
Туре of lesson: PracticaI
Topic: Rhymes. Poems
1 Рlап of the topic: Using rhymes and poems in the English class
Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, р. 182
М. Goldish, 101 Science Poems Soлgs foryoung lеаrпеrs
1 classroom observation
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: РiсturеЬооks
РIап of the topic: lntroducing Picturebooks. Discussing the benefits of reading
aloud and fostering book talk with children
Source: S. J, Мочrёо, Picturebooks iп the Рrimаrу EFL
classroom: Authentic Literature for ап Authentic
Туре of lеssоп: Practical
Topic: Storytelling
Рlап of the topic: lntroducing storytelling to develop listening/speaking skills
and interaction
4 Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, p.1'l4
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Stофеlliпg НапdЬооk for Рrimаry Епglish
Language Геасhеrs
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Drаmа
Plan of the topic: lntroducing drama techniques to develop listening/speaking
skills and lnteraction
Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Activifies, р.114
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Stофеlliпg НапdЬооk for Рrimаry English
Language Ieachers
1 classroom observation
Туре of lеssоп: Practical
Topic: Storytelling
5 Рlап of the topic: Evaluation of storytelling.
Sочrсе: Students' storytelling.
1 classroom observation

Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Аrts and crafts
Рlап of the topic: lncluding аrts and crafts iп the lesson рlап

Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дсtivifiеs, p.21,t

6 Туре of lesson: PracticaI
Topic: Games iп the classroom.
Ptan of the topic: lntroducjng games in the сlаssrооm

Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дctivifies, р.,150

Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Рееr evaluation of activity on materials.
Plan of the topic: Рееr evaluation of activity оп materials.

source: students' activities

1 Conducting ап activity оп materials iп а classroom
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Textbooks. Choosing and adapting materials
plan of the topic: Analyzing and соmраriпg textbooks. Choosing апd adapting
textbook materials.
Sочrсе: J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Рrimаry English Teacher's Gulde, р. '151

Гуре of !еssоп: Practical

Topic: Teaching listening to young lеаrпеrs. Раrt '|
Plan of the topic: lntroducing teaching listening to young lеаrпеrs
Source: J. Shin and J. Crandall, Teaching Young Lеаrпеrs English, р.107

С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, р.17
J. Brewster and G. EIlis, The Рrimаry English Teache,ds Guide, р.98
Гуре of lesson: Practical
Горiс: Teaching listening to young lеаrпеrs. Раrt 2
plan of the topic: Differentiating listening activities fоr young lеаrпеrs
Sочrсе: J. Shin and J. CrandaIl, Teaching Yоuпg Lеаrпеrs English, p.'t07

0. Read, 500 Дсtivifiеs, р.17

J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Рrimаry English Teacher's Guide, р.98
Glassroom observation
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Teaching speaking to young lеаrпеrs
Plan of the topic: lntroducing teaching speaking to уочпg lеаrпеrs
8 1 Source: J. Shin and J. Crandall, Teaching Young Lеаrпеrs Епglish, р.107
С. Read, 500 Дсtivifiеs, р.17
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Рrimаr| English Teacher's Guide, р.98

Туре of lesson: PracticaI
Topic: Teaching speaking to young lеаrпеrs with focus оп meaning,
pronunciation and intonation.
1 Рlап of the topic: Differentiating speaking activities fоr уочпg learners
Source: J. Shin and J. Crandall, Teaching Young Lеаrпеrs English, р.107
С. Read, 500 Дctivifies, р.17
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellls, The Рrimаry English Teachels Gиdе, р,98

Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Teaching reading to young lеаrпеrs. Раrt 1
plan of the topic: lntroducing teaching rеаdiпg to young lеаrпеrs
Sоurсе: J. Shin and J. СrапdаIl, Теасhiпg Yоuпg Lеаrпеrs English, р.157
С. Read, 500 Дctivities, р.48
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Рrimаry English Teachels Gиidе, р. 1'l0
Glassroom observation
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Teaching reading to young lеаrпеrs. Раrt 2
Рlап of the topic: Differentiating rеаdiпg activities fоr young learners
1 Sочrсе: J. Shin and J. Сrапdаll, Теасhiпg Young Lеаrпеrs English, р.157
С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, р. 48
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Рrimаry Епglish Teachels GиlUе, р. 110

Туре of lesson: Practical

Topic: Teaching writing to young lеаrпеrs. Раrt 1
Рlап of the topic: lntroducing teaching writing to young lеаrпеrs
1 Source: J. Shin and J. Crandall, Teaching Young Lеаrпеrs English, р.157 С.
Read, 500 Activities, р. 48 J. Brewster and G. E]]is, The Рrimаry English
Teacher's Guide, р. 11
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic; Teaching writing to young lеаrпеrs. Part2
Plan of the topic: Differentjating writing activities fоr young lеаrпеrs
Source: J. Shin and J. Crandall, Teaching Young Lеаrпеrs English, p.,l57
С. Read, 500 Activities, р. 48
J. Вrеwstеr and G. Ellis, The Рrimаry Епglish Теасhе(s Guide, р. 1,10
classroom observation
Туре of lesson: Рrасtiсаl
Topic: Presentation of activities
Plan of the topic: Evaluation of activities оп skills.
10 source: students' activities
Conducting an activity оп skilIs.

Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Ref]ection оп students' activities оп skilIs
РIап of the topic: Reflection оп students' activities оп skills

sочrсе: students' activities

Туре of lеssоп: Practical
Topic: Teaching vocabulary to young Iеаrпеrs
рlап of the topic: lntroducing teaching vocabuIary to young lеаrпеrs
11 Sочrсе: С. Read, 500 Дсtivifiеs, р. 85
Гуре of lesson: Practical
Горiс: Teaching vocabulary to уочпg lеаrпеrs with focus оп meaning,
1 оrопчпсiаtiоп and intonation
Plan of the topic: Differentiating чосаЬчlаrу activities for young lеаrпеrs
Source: С. Read, 500 Дctivifies, р. 85
classroom observation.
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Teaching grаmmаr to young Iеаrпеrs communicatively
1 Рlап of the topic: lntroducing teaching grаmmаr to young learners
Source: С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, р. 85
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Teaching grаmmаr to уоuпg lеаrпеrs
12 1
рlап of the topic: оьsеrчiпg ways to teach grаmmаr to young Iеаrпеrs
Source: С. Read, 500 Дсtivitiеs, р. 85
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Analysis of activity on vocabulary/grammar
Рlап of the topic: Рееr evaluation of activity on vocabulary/grammar.

source: student's activities

1 Gonducting ап activity оп vocabuIary/grammar
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic : Differentiated instruction.
1 Plan of the topic: lntroducing differentiated instruction.
Source: Кпоwiпg and Resp опdiпg to Lеаrпеrs - А Differentiated
lпstruction Ed ucatols GulUe.
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Classroom management
1 Рlап of the topic: Discussing сlаssrооm management
Sочrсе: J. Shin and J. Сrапdаll, Teaching Young Lеаrпеrs English, р.287

Туре of lеssоп: Practical
Topic: Objectives and Assessment iп TYL
Рlап of the topic: lntroducing Objectives in TYL and their impact оп
Sочrсе: J. Shin and J. Сrапdаll, Teaching Yоuпg Learners English, р.243
classroom observation.
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Designing а ]esson fоr young learners. Раrt 1
Plan of the topic: Designing а lesson for young lеаrпеrs:
Noticing, analyzing
Source: J. Shin and J. Сrапdаll, Teaching Yоuпg Lеаrпеrs English, р.65
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Designing а lesson fоr young lеаrпеrs. Part.2
Рlап of the topic: Designing а ]esson fоr young lеаrпеrs:
analysis of а lesson plan
Sочrсе: J. Shin and J. Сrацdаl], Геасhiпg Young Learners English, р.65
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Designing а lesson fоr young lеаrпеrs. Раrt 3
Plan of the topic: Designing а lesson fоr young lеаrпеrs:
Source: J. Shin and J. Crandall, Teaching Yоuпg Lеаrпеrs English, р.65
Conducting а lesson
Туре of lesson: Practical
Topic: Reflection оп а ]esson (presentation)
Plan of the topic: Ref]ection оп а lesson.
Source: Students' presentations
Туре of lesson: Practlcal
Topic: Let's wrар it up!
Рlап of the topic: Вriпgiпg everything together and making connections
Source: -----
Glassroom observation.

Gоrе sочrсеs
Brewster, J., Ellis, G. & Girard, D. (2002). The Primary Епglish Teacher's Guide.
Реаrsоп Education Limited.
Ellis, G., Вrеwstеr, J. (20'l4). Tell it Дgаiп! The Stофеlliпg НапdЬооk: Д Guide fоr
Primary Iеасhеrs of English. British Council.
Ministry of Education, Ontario, Canada. (2016). Кпоwiпg апd Respondиg fo
Lеаrпеrs - А Differentiated lпstrчсtiоп Educatots Guide. Reach Every Student.

Моurёо, S. J. (2016). Picturebooks iп the Рrimаry EFL Classroom: Authentic
Literature fоr ап дutъепtiс Response. chitdren's Literature iп lапguаgе Education
jоurпаl (CLELEjourn al), 4(1), 25,43.
Read, с. (2о07) . 5оо дсtivitiеs for the Рrimаry C/asses. MacmilIan Publishers
Shin, J. к., & Jодпп (Jodi) Crandall. (2014). Теасhiпg Young Learners Епglish:
Frаm Theory to Рrасtiсq. National Geographic Learning.

Additlonal sочrсеs
Саmеrоп, L. (2001). Teaching Languages fo Yоuпg Lеаrпеrs. Cambridge
University Press.
https://clelejourna1.oro/ Children's Literature in English Language Education.
ffi h. u п I. pt/en/persons/sa nd iemou r%Са%А3о-2 Dr. Sand ie
мочrёо's rеsеаrсh lntercu]tural Citizenship Education Through Picturebooks lп
E"rly Engl'"h L"nguage Learning (lcepell) Picturebooks iп
Еurореап Рrimаry English Language Teaching.
https ://www. ЬЬс. со. u Ulеаrп i пqепо ish

https ://wцм. п ationa loeoo rа ph ic. о rо

https ://www. bbcame riса. com
www.voutube. com www. kahoot. com www.


дssessment profile consists of continuous assessment, midterm and final

exam duriпg а semester. student knowledge is evaluated in the following way:

Degree Point Rating

Д+ 95 - 100 points 4.5

А 90 - 94 points 4.0
В+ 85 - 89 points 3.5
в 80 - 84 points 3.0
С+ 75 - 79 points 2.5
с 70 - 74 points 2.0
D+ 65 - 69 points 1.5
D 60 - 64 points 1.0
FAlL 59 and below 0.0 FAlL

DlvlsloN oF PolNTS

Continuous asseýsment - 30 р.
Final assessment - 70 р.

Total: 100 points

contin uous assessment:

Weekly sчmmаriеs ,l5 р 30р
2. Attendance and раrtiсiраtiоп 15р
Final asseýsment: portfolio
1. Storytelling (with activities) 'l0p
2. Designing ап activity оп materials with
reflection 15 р
3. Designing ап activity оп skills 10 р
4. Lesson plan (including чосаЬчlаry/grаmmаr
activity design) 15 р
5. Reflection оп а lesson (presentation) 5 р
6. Portfolio of classroom observations 15р

. Description of Tasks
1 .сопtiпчочs Assessment

1.1. Weekly summaries ({0 р.)

Students should summarize all сочеrеd information every week.
Fоrmаt of the summary: graphic оrgапizеr (charts, diagrams, tables, spider webs,
mind map)
Sчmmаriеs should include ёll mаiп ideas of the topics covered.
Students аrе fostered to use their creativity.
sчmmаriеs will Ье stored on padlet

summary ruьriс
Сritегiа 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5
Content All mаiп Most mаiп Some main ОпIу few Only 1
ideas аrе ideas аrе ideas аrе main ideas main idea
included. inc]uded. included. аrе is included.

Ассurасу No mоrе 2-3 4-5 6-7 mоrе than
than 1 grаmmаr, grаmmаr, grаmmаr, 7 grаmmаr,
grаmmаr, word choice, word choice, wоrd word
wоrd choice, spelling, spelling, choice, choice,
spelling, punctuation punctuation spelling, spelIing,
punctuation mistakes. mistakes. punctuation punctuation
mistakes mistakes. mistakes.
Creativity Creative Creative Creative Creative No grарhiс
format is format is format is format is organizer
chosen chosen, but chosen, but chosen, but is chosen.
а Some not used
few mistakes mistakes in соrrесtlу
iп organization
NumЬеr of 15 14-13 12-11 9_1 0 less than 9

2.Final assessment: Portfolio

2.1. Storytelling (10 р.)
students need to tell а story using а рiсtчгеьооk. storytelling should foIlow all
covered рriпсiрlеs. students wоrk iп indjvidually. students should submit activities
for this story.


Criteria 2 {.5 1 0.5

Knows the story Knows the stоrу pretty knows some of the Does not know
well; has obviously well; some рrасtiсе; may stоrу; has not practiced; story; rеаds
practiced telling the use notes; fаirlу геliеs on notes; арреаrs fгоm notes
Knows the Story confident чпсоmfогtаьlе
stоrу; uses по
notes; speaks with
Always speaks Usually speaks loudly, Мау speak too softly оr Speaks too
loudly, slowly, and slowly, and сlеагlу too rарidlу; mumbles softly ог too
сlеагlу occasionally гарidlу;
Соrrесt pronunciation ;

does not explain псоггесt рrопчпсiаtiоп mumbles

Согrесt l

рrопчпсiаtiоп; чпfаmiliаr wоrds of some wоrds; does not lпсогrесt

explains чпfаmiliаг ехрlаiп unfamiliar wоrds рrопчпсiаtiоп;
Voice and Story is told well, but
wогds Stоrу is rushed оr does not know
Pacing some раrts may Ье
what чпfаmiliаг
Stоrу is told at the rчshеd оr dгаggеd iп dragged in several раrts
wоrds mеап
аррrорriаtе расе, some раrts
depending on the Story is told at
stогу line опе расе; по

Outstanding use of Good use of рrорs; Uses рrорs some of the рооr use of
рrорs; рrорs аrе рrорs аrе аррrоргiаtе time; sоmе рrорs not рrорs; uses по
Рrорs аррrорriаtе аррrорriаtе оr аrе рrорS ог
distracting iпаррrоргiаtе
Story is Most of the story is Some of the story is Story is
developmentally developmentally developmentally developmentally
аррrорriаtе fоr аррrорriаtе for аррrорriаtе for iпаррrорriаtе for
Appropriateness audience audience audience audience
and Duration Story lasts 5 Story lasts less than 5 Story lasts less than 4 Story lasts leýs
minutes minutes ог story is minutes оr story is than 3 minutes
unfinished during 5 раrtiаllу unfinished оr stогу is
minutes. dчгiпg 5 minutes. mainly
Рrе, while, post Рге, while, post activities Опlу 2 activities Only 1 activity is
activities аrе аrе provided and they provided оr there аrе provided оr
pгovided and they аrе mainly соrrесt. some mistakes iп activities аrе
аге соrrесt. activities. mostly iпсоrrесt

RuЬriс is adapted frоm]lino

2.2. Designing ап activity оп materiaIý with reflection (15 р.)

Students wоrk individually. Students choose опе of the сочеrеd mаtеriаls ( songs,
chants, poems, rhуmеs, рiсtчrе books, агts and crafts, games) and make ап activity.
Students should сrеаtе actlvities based оп covered topics and principles.
Students сап include this activity as а раrt of their lesson plan (See section
After conducting ап actavity students should write reflection. Ref]ection gives 5
AlI works wil! Ье checked for plagiarism.

Criteria 0.5 1-1.5 2-2.5

Activity is not clearly Activity is somewhat Activity is сlеаrlу

агtiсчlаtеd and аrtiсчlаtеd but lacks агtiсчlаtеd with enough
insufficient detail for sufficient detailfor detail that someone
OveralI organization someone else to чsе it. sоmеопе else to else could use it.
successfully teach the

Аррrоргiаtе mаtеriаls Аррrорriаtе mаtеriаls
Аррrорriаtе materials, (including media, and (including media, апd
(including media, and technology if technology if
Materials technology if арргорriаtе) аrе арргорriаtе) аrе
(including media and аррrорriаtе) аrе not identified but do not identified, аге
technology if сlеагlу identified and do make а contribution. integrated into the
appropriate) not make а contribution lеssоп, and make а
- оr iпаррrорriаtе contribution.
materials wеrе selected,

Activity is not based on Activity is somehow Activity is based оп

сочеrеd topics and based оп сочеrеd topics сочегеd topics and
principles. Activity is not and рriпсiрlеs. Activity рriпсiрlеs. Activity is
imaginative, thoughtful, is rеаsопаЬlу interesting iпtеrеstiпg, engaging,
оr creative. Does not relevant to lesson
and engaging. Рrочidеs
build оп рriоr objectives and
limited student
knowledge. Does поt ргочidеs fоr active
раrtiсiраtiоп, Builds on student participation
make а соппесtiоп to
рriоr knowledge and thгoughout. Builds оп
Content rеаl life of students. provides а Ьгidgе to
рriоr knowledge and
Does not stimulate пеw knowledge. provides а Ьгidgе to
students to want to lеаrп пеw knowledge.
the topic. Makes а соппесtiоп to
students'life ог
ргечiочs lеаrпiпg

Моге than б gгаmmаr, 4-5 gгаmmаr, wогd

No mоrе than 2-3
wогd choice, spelling, choice, spelling, grаmmаr, wоrd
Ассurасу punctuation mistakes. punctuation mistakes. choice, spelling,
punctuation mistakes.

@rо m https ://ci ls.wvu ed u/fi es/d/869 bfбcf-5 30f-4

. l Ь 1 е-
99306 532d df4 1 1 4fled uсб 1 2-1еssоп-рlап-ru Ьriс. pdf

2.3. Designing activities оп skills ({0 р.)

Students work individually. Students choose 2 of the
activities (listen]ng and speaking, reading and writing) and
make рrе, while, post activities.
Students should сrеаtе activities based оп сочеrеd topics and рriпсiрlеs.
Students сап include this activity aS а part of their lesson plan (See Section ).
AlI works will Ье checked for plagiarism.

Listen ing/speaking/reading/writing activity ruЬri с

Gritеriа 0.5 { -1.5 2-2.5

Activity is not сlеаrlу Activity is somewhat Activity is clearly

articulated and aгticulated but lacks articulated with enough
insufficient detail for sufficient detail fоr detailthat someone
Overall organization sоmеопе else to use it. sоmеопе else to else could use it.
successfully teach the

Аррrорriаtе mаtеriаls Аррrорriаtе materials

Аррrорriаtе materials, (including media, and (including media, and
(including media, and
technology if technology if
Materials technology if аррrорriаtе) аrе аррrорriаtе) аrе
(including media and аррrорriаtе) аrе поt identified but do not identified, аrе
technology if сlеаrlу identified and do make а contribution. integrated into the
appropriate) not make а contribution
lesson, and make а
- оr iпаррrорriаtе contribution.
materials wеrе selected.

Activity is not based оп Activity is somehow Activity is based оп

сочеrеd topics and based оп covered topics covered topics and
рriпсiрlеs. Activity is not and рriпсiрlеs. Activity рriпсiрlеs. Activity is
imaginative, thoughtful, is rеаsопаЬlу interesting interesting, engaging,
ог creative. Does not relevant to lesson
and engaging. Provides
build on рriоr objectives and
limited student
knowledge. Does not provides fоr active
рагtiсiраtiоп. Builds оп
make а соппесtiоп to student раrtiсiраtiоп
рriоr knowledge апd throughout. Вчilds оп
Content rеаl life of students.
provides а bridge to
Does not stimulate ргiоr knowledge and
пеw knowledge. provides а Ьridgе to
students to want to lеаrп
the topic. new knowledge.
Makes а connection to
students'life оr
previous lеаrпiпg

Моrе than б grаmmаr, 4-5 grаmmаr, wоrd

wоrd choice, spelling, choice, spelling,
No mоrе than 2-3
grаmmаr, wоrd
Accuracy punctuation mistakes. punctuation mistakes.
choice, spelling,
punctuation mistakes.

Rubric is ada pted from hltps ls,wvu. ed u/fi lesldlBý

://ci g Бiбсf-5юf<Ь ъ-
9З06 532 d df4,1,1 4fled u сб,1 2-1esso п - pla n- ru Ьriс. pdf

2.4. Lesson рlап (including чосаЬulаry/grаmmаr activity design) 15 р
students wоrk individually. students choose апу topic (they сап use апу соurýе
book) and сrеаtе а lesson рIап.
This iesson рlап shouId Ье based on all сочеrеd principIes. lt should inc]ude а
vocabulary оr grаmmаr activity. lt сап include the students' own previous rеаdiпg,
writing, listening and speaking activities.
АII works will Ье checked for plagiarism.

Lesson ruЬriс

Criteria 1 2-3 4-5

Lesson plan is not Lesson plan is Lesson рlап is сlеаrlу
clearly aгticulated and somewhat aгticulated aгticulated with enough
insufficient detail fоr but lacks sufficient detail detailthat someone
someone e|se to use it. fоr someone else to else could use it.
successfully teach the No mоrе than 2-3
Моrе than б gгаmmаr, lesson. grаmmаг, wогd
wогd choice, spelling,
punctuation mistakes. 4-5 gгаmmаг, word choice, spelling,
Overall organization choice, spelling, punctuation mistakes
and Ассчrасу Аррrорriаtе mаtеriаls, punctuation mistakes.
Materials (including media, and Аррrорriаtе materials
(including media, and
(including media and technology if песеssаrу) Арргорriаtе materials
(including media, and technology if
technoIogy if аrе not сlеаrlу identified
and do not make а technology if песеssаry) necessary) аrе
appropriate) аrе identified but do not identified, аrе
contribution - оr
integrated into the
make а contribution.
iпаррrорriаtе mаtегiаls
lesson, and make а
wеrе selected.

Lesson plan is not Lesson рlап is Lesson plan is based
based on covered somehow based оп оп сочеrеd topics and
topics and ргiпсiрlеs. сочеrеd topics and principles, All of the
The objectives аrе рriпсiрlеs. Some of the objectives аrе с|еаг,
чпс|еаr, do not identify objectives аrе сlеаr and identify the
mеаsчrаьlе students' they identify mеаsчrаЬlе mеаsчrаЬ|е students'
behaviors. The students' ьеhачiоrs that will
activities do not meet behaviors. The activities take place, апd аrе
the lesson objectives. somehow meet the аррrорriаtе to the
Assessments аrе not lesson objectives. content. The activities
aligned with the Assessments аrе meet the lesson
objectives and do not somewhat aligned with
provide evidence that the objectives and Assessments аrе
Objectives and students will achieve provide evidence that aligned with the
Assessment the lesson's objectives. students will achieve objectives and provide
Activities do not build the lesson's objectives. сlеаr evidence of
whеthеr ог not lesson
on рriоr knowledge. Do Activities раrtlу build оп
objectives have been
not make а соппесtiоп рriог knowledge and met.
to real life of students. intend to рrочidе а
Do not stimulate bridge to пеw Activities build on рriоr

knowledge. Make some knowledge, provide а

students to want to
lеаrп the topic. connection to rеаl life of l bridge to new

students. Stimulate knowledge and make а

students to want to lеаrп l соппесtiоп to students'

the topic. l
life оr рrечiочs
lеаrпiпg ехреriепсеs.

lпtrоdчсtогу activity is lntroductory activity is lntroductory activity is

not imaginative, rеаsопаЬlу interesting interesting, engaging,
thoughtful, оr creative, and engaging. Provides and pгovides fоr
Does not provide limited student active student
student participation. participation. Activities
аrе somewhat out of раrtiсiраtiоп
Activities аrе out of throughout. Activities
sequence. Scaffolding is sequence. Needed
аrе sequenced
not provided. lпассчrаtе
scaffolding is partial оr
missing. Тrапsitiопs аrе аррrорriаtеlу.
iпfоrmаtiоп is provided. Scatfolding ls
provided. Sufficient time
Transitions аrе not provided. lnformation
is allotted. lnformation is
procedure ргочidеd. Sufficient time
is not allotted, Closing
ассчrаtе. Closing provided is
activities аге геlечапt to accu rаtе/аррrорriаtе.
activities аге missing ог the objectives and Transitions аrе
рооrlу developed and provide а сlеаr provided, Sufficient
fail to rечiеw the mаjог оррогtчпitу to conduct а time is allotted.
objectives of the lesson final check fоr Closing activities аrе
taught that day. understanding, but аrе геlечапt to the
рrimаrilу teacher objectives and
provide а сlеаr
оррогtчпitу to conduct
а final check fоr

4fled с6,1 2-1 esso n- р l а п-ru ь riс. pdf
gg 306 532d df4 11 u

2.5. Reflection оп а lеssоп (presentation) (5 р)

lesson they
Students work individually. They make а presentation reflecting on the
conducted ассоrdiпg to the following checklist,

Lesson Assessment Ghecklist

1. ls the student teacher well рrераrеd, has а сIеаr teaching purpose and
knowledge of the subject matter?
Do they Гrave ап organized, detailed lesson рlап and all materials
needed? дrе the aCtivities аррrорriаtе in terms of students' interests, age
and language level?

2. Does the student teacher have good classroom management stlategies

keep students'attention, involve them in the lesson, stop lesson when
needed, поtiсё individual needs and give positive rеiпfоrсеmепt?

3. Does the student teacher have the teaching skills to

- stay on topic,
- give instructions,
- provide details,
- rеасh objectives,
- vary questions,
- апswеr students' questions,
- епсочrаgе students' participation and thinking,
- summarize lesýon, - manage time рrореrlу?

4. Does the student teacher communicate effectively and is able to

- show enthusiasm,
- show flexibility,
- use adequate (audio) visual aidý,
- чSе аррrорriаtе tone of voice and body language,
- use language appropriately in terms of grаmmаr and vocabulary?

5. How do the students respond to the student teacher's рrороsаl?

Do they show understanding?
Do they folIow instructions?
Do they paгticipate actively in classroom activities and discussions?
Аrе they attentive and interested?
Аrе they cooperative and responsive?
Аrе they respectful?

2.6. Portfolio of сlаssrооm observations (15
students wоrk indiv.idually. They should fill 1 observation fоrm
every week.
ОЬsеrчаtiоп forms will Ье provided Ьу tеасhеr.


"А*", "А", "В+" mаrks аrе put to the student who сап freely operate сочеrеd
materialsi does not make mistakes; actively participates iп- the
communication; gives рrосеýs of
full and detailed answers.
"В", "G+",,"С" marks аrе put to the student who knows the materiat well, and
сап express it in а clear and logical way; actively participates iп the
рrосеss of
соmmuпiсаtiоп; formulates fu]l and detailed answers, Ёчt hаi miпоr iпассчrасiеs
"Dф", "D" mаrks аrе put to the student who has knowledge of basic materia] but
has not obtained details, has iпассurасiеs; gives not епоч{h соrrесt formulations
while answering; Ьrеаks logical соrrесtiоп iп
|resenting mаtЙiаl; faces difficulties iп
the рrосеss of communication.
_ _. "F"
(FAIL) mаrk is put to the student who does not have ап idea on the essence
of the question; does not have anSWerS; does not
раrtiсiраtе iп the рrосеss of
while assessing students'works the following is taken into
consideration: - attendance;
- раrtiсiраtiоп;
- study of соrе and additional materials; - timely submission
of self-study tasks; - timely submission of all tasks.


Plagiarism and other forms of dishonest wоrk аrе unacceptable.

Hints and cheating while taking tests, projects, independent work, midterm and
fina] examinations, copying the taJks done Ьу ottler
реrsопs, taking'the exam for
апоthеr student аrе unacceptable.
А student found to falsify апу сочrsе information will rесеiче "F" final grade.
lt is not allowed to use mobi]e phones апd/оr other electronic devices
during classes.
During classes, driпkiпg, eating food, and using chewing gum is absolutely
ве tolerant, rеsресt the opinions of оthеrs, Ье соrrесt in relation to others.


of se.If-study tasks, their

coNSULTING HoURS*: fоr consultations on the completion оп the material passed
delivery an6 рrеsепiаtiъп, as well ., ior.COition.l
questions оп the сочrsе you have had, contact the teacher
and all оthеr
the following "."iьйg
office hours:

соmрiliпg а
Nofe; This btock is fitted out Ьу еаф ё'acher separately whеп
реrsопаl sy//abus based оп fhis
typical sy//abus


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