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9700/23 Cambridge International AS/A Level - Mark S cheme May/June 2019


Question Answer Marks

2(a) correctly stated formula; 2

e.g. actual diameter = image length/ magnification
magnification = image length/ actual diameter
allow a magnification triangle

1750 (µm); (for 70 mm) credit also measurements made to 0.5 mm

A 1700 (µm) (for 68 mm)
A 1725 (µm) (for 69 mm)
A 1775 (µm) (for 71 mm)
A 1800 (µm) (for 72 mm)

2(b)(i) squamous epithelial (tissue); A pavement epithelial (tissue) 1

© UCLES 2019 Page 5 of 16

Question Answer Marks

5(a) presence of sucrose (in sieve tube) lowers water potential (of phloem sap) ; A makes water potential more negative 4
water enters (sieve tube), by osmosis / down water potential gradient ;
increases volume (in sieve tube) ;
increases hydrostatic pressure (in sieve tube at source) ; A turgor pressure
ref. to lower hydrostatic pressure (in sieve tube at sink) ;
allow ecf for no ref. to, hydrostatic / turgor
detail ; e.g. sucrose removed at sink
water follows sucrose that exits sink
movement of, (phloem) sap / sucrose, down pressure gradient / from high to low hydrostatic pressure ;
mass flow ;

5(b)(i) glycosidic ; 1

© UCLES 2020 Page 10 of 13

9700/22 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2020
Question Answer Marks

5(b)(ii) nucleotide components are base, pentose sugar, phosphate ; 2

UDP has, uracil and ribose and two phosphates / one extra phosphate ;

5(b)(iii) max three if describing breakdown of sucrose 4

allow points from diagrams

any four from

induced fit shape of, substrates / UDP and glucose, not (fully) complementary to shape of active site (of sucrose synthase) ;
lock and key shape of, substrates / UDP and glucose, complementary to shape of active site (of sucrose synthase) ; allow
ecf if no ref. to shape

induced fit active site flexible / moulds around, substrates / UDP and glucose ; AW
lock and key active site does not change shape / is not flexible / AW ;

induced fit (active site moulds around so) idea of provides better fit / fully complementary ;
lock and key substrate fits into active site ;

5(c) -glucose ; A glucose R -glucose 4

, 1-4 ;
, 1-6 ; bond types either way round
glycogen ;

© UCLES 2020 Page 11 of 13

9700/23 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2020
Question Answer Marks

1(c)(i) any three from 3

description max 2
(movement to adjacent cell) via plasmodesmata ;
(movement) through symplasm / cytoplasm / symplastic pathway / cytoplasmic pathway ;
(includes) movement through vacuole / vacuolar pathway ;

cell B has a lower water potential than A ora
cell C has a lower water potential than B ; ora
water moves down the water potential gradient / from high to low water potential / to lower water potential / from less
negative to more negative water potential ;
R from high to low water potential gradient
R to lower water potential gradient

water moves, into / out of, vacuole by osmosis

water crosses tonoplast by osmosis ;

1(c)(ii) any three from 3

cell wall ;
large (permanent) vacuole ;
tonoplast ;
plasmodesmata / cytoplasmic strands between adjacent cells ;
nucleus at, edge / periphery, of cell / AW ;

AVP ; many small Golgi bodies A dictyosomes

starch, granules / grains
I lack of centrioles
I chloroplasts

© UCLES 2020 Page 7 of 15

9700/22 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Question Answer Marks

2(a) any three from 3

decrease in sugar
1 idea that changing / transition, from sink to source
e.g. leaf becomes the source
leaf no longer the sink
sugars are (now) being moved away from leaf
was a growing area, now translocating (sugars)

2 photosynthesis provides enough sugar / (rate of) photosynthesis increases ;

A leaf (now) makes enough sugar
I makes own food

increase in water to max 2

3 increase in size / more cells / increase in (leaf) surface area, (so proportionate increase in water) ;

4 (more cells that need) water to, maintain turgidity / prevent flaccidity / prevent wilting, (because of transpiration) ;

5 increased transpiration / greater number of stomata ;

A increased evaporation (greater internal leaf area)

6 water is, a reactant / needed, for photosynthesis ;

(in context of increased photosynthesis, more water needed)

7 AVP ; e.g. maturing leaf growth rate slows / mature leaf no growth
(more cells, so more) water needed for, cellular reactions / AW
e.g. for hydrolysis of starch
(more) water needed for, cell elongation / enlarging vacuoles

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9700/22 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Question Answer Marks

2(b) one mark each correct row ;;; 4

column mark can be used instead of row mark (if higher mark achieved)

companion phloem sieve xylem vessel

cells tube element element

cytoplasm x

cell surface

lignified cell wall x x

nucleus x x

© UCLES 2021 Page 10 of 23

9700/23 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Question Answer Marks

4(a) disaccharides - two, monosaccharides / sugar monomers / sugar units / simple sugars ; 2
R sugar molecule

polysaccharides - more than two / three or more / many / large number of, monosaccharides / sugar monomers / sugar
units / simple sugars ;
A sugar molecule / carbohydrate monomer

if ‘monomers’ is the only term given for both allow one mark (unless contradicted e.g. amino acids are monomers)

correct ref. to glycosidic bond(s) ;

4(b)(i) max 2 if large vacuole or nucleus drawn 3

1 sieve plate drawn and labelled ; A sieve pore label must be to a gap
doesn’t need to show pores I plasmodesmata

any two from

2 cytoplasm labelled and drawn as, thin layer against wall / patches ;
if drawing not clear, allow if label indicates peripheral cytoplasm

3 mitochondrion / mitochondria, drawn within cytoplasm / at edge, and labelled ;

internal details not required

4 endoplasmic reticulum drawn within cytoplasm / at edge, and labelled ;

if no indication of peripheral cytoplasm, or structures located within peripheral cytoplasm / at edge, allow one mark for
drawing and labels of two of mp2,3,4

5 cell surface membrane drawn in (close to cell wall) and labelled ;

A plasma membrane

6 AVP ; e.g p-proteins drawn as, strands / AW, and labelled

plasmodesmata shown as strands of cytoplasm entering sieve tube cell from companion cell and labelled

© UCLES 2021 Page 15 of 19

9700/23 Cambridge International AS & A Level – Mark Scheme May/June 2021
Question Answer Marks

4(b)(ii) influx / entry / AW, of sucrose / organic compounds / assimilates / photosynthates / named ; 2
A active loading for entry
R active transport / cotransport / facilitated diffusion
R incorrect cell type named as donor cell e.g. xylem / mesophyll
must have idea of entry – stating that they are present in the phloem sieve tube is not enough

water enters (from xylem), by osmosis / down water potential gradient

/ from high(er) to low(er) water potential
/ from less negative to more negative water potential ;
A for water potential
A water enters, increasing volume

© UCLES 2021 Page 16 of 19

9700/23 Cambridge International AS & A Level - Mark Scheme May/June 2022
Question I Answer Marks

3(b)(ii) I any three from: 3

active transport occurring;

(pumped/ moved, out) against the(ir) concentration gradient;
(move out through), carrier/ pump, protein; R channel protein
using, ATP/ energy; A have ATPase activity
AVP; e.g. membrane impermeable to entry of anions
suggestion that move out by exocytosis allow ATP mp if also stated;

3(b)(iii) any two from: 2

increased surface area;

(because, many I more) root hairs/ root hair cells;

increase in, carrier proteins/ channel proteins (for ion uptake);

A transport proteins/ aquaporins (for water)
R channel proteins

AVP; increase in water uptake osmotically to follow ion uptake/ AW;

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