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Integrated Construction Project Management



First and foremost, we would like to praise and thank Allah s.w.t for giving us the
strength and wisdom to fulfil the requirement of this study until the very end. We are
beyond grateful to the people who supported us throughout the journey, especially to
those who directly or indirectly contributed the time, energy and knowledge.

We would like to express our utmost gratitude to Professor Madya Ruslan

Affendy Arshad for providing us with endless guidance to accomplish our milestone
throughout the study. He has taught us on preparing a good set of questionnaires to be
delegates to the respondents. His vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired

We are extremely grateful to be in a group of five members whereby each of the

team members has shown incredible teamwork throughout the journey. Despite a hectic
working-studying life, they still managed to give the best commitment as one team. Not
to forget, our cohort members for late-night feedback sessions, editing help and moral

Lastly, we would be remiss in not mentioning our parents, spouses, and family
members. They have been the greatest backbones, as well kept us spirited throughout
the process.

1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Aim and Objectives 1


2.1 People Management Model 2
2.2 Personality Testing 2
2.2.1 Types of Personality Assessment Engaging Professional in Construction Industry 3
2.2.2 Personality Testing during recruitment (Pre-Hire) 3
2.2.3 Personality Testing in the workplace (Post-Hire) 4
2.2.4 Personality testing for promotion 4
2.2.5 Personality testing for team development 5
2.3 Challenges in Conducting Personality Test 6


3.2 Questionnaire Development and Survey 7
3.3 Result of analysis 8
3.3.1 Section A: Demographic of Respondents 8
3.3.2 Section B: To identify types of personality assessment in engaging professionals in
the construction industry. 12
3.3.3 Section C: To investigate the Importance of Personality Testing in Engaging
Professionals in Construction Industry 16





1.1 Background of Study

A personality test is a test for assessing a person's personality. Personality

testing and assessment are approaches for identifying the patterns of qualities that an
individual exhibits. This can be extremely useful especially for engaging professionals in
the Construction Industry as these tests can help gain a better understanding of the
individual as well as the strengths and weaknesses one possesses.

Personality is one of the major psychological factors affecting human behaviour.

Personality traits are linked to job performance, and conscientiousness is defined as
possessing characteristics that are directly linked to job performance. (Vianny. J, 2020)
As a result, the primary goal of this research is to see if there are personality differences
among construction experts. Accurate personality testing in engaging professionals is an
important key for establishing an aspiring leader as they are the one who is likely to
enhance their workplace interaction and create a succession plan for the company's
organisation with their best personality that fits the position & situation.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim for this study is to investigate the implementation of personality testing in
engaging professionals in the construction industry. While, a few objectives has been
structured for the study which as per below:
a. To identify types of personality assessment in engaging professionals in the
construction industry.
b. To identify the importance of the personality test engaging professionals in
construction industry
c. To identify the challenges of conducting personality testing in construction


2.1 People Management Model

Today's companies focus on their collaborators because of their important role in achieving
goals and formulating effective contributions to the operation of the services, products and
goods they use. firms must put a priority on human potential processes, such as the recruitment
of personality tests, qualified individuals, training, advancement, and potential. According to
(Molina et al., 2022), it is required to determine the business needs as well as its employees in
order to create a framework and/or strategy for human resource management, an essential
mechanism for achieving competent management goals and adapting to the unpredictable
growth and changes in the international market. The performance strategic management
paradigm allows people management activities to be used to create, identify, enhance, and
review the competences that are required to accomplish organisational goals at various levels;
individual, group and top management levels (Avelino et al., 2017).

2.2 Personality Testing

Companies are placing a greater emphasis on human expertise processes, including the
recruitment of qualified personnel, preparation, advancement, and potentiation of their skills. As
a result, it is needed to determine the requirements of the company and its people in order to
develop a system for people management, an essential mechanism for achieving tactical
management objectives and adapting to the unpredictable developments in the wider market
(Molina et al., 2022).

Many companies utilise personality testing to assess the qualities of both current and potential
workers, with the results being used for a variety of objectives. According to (Dattner, 2008),
more than 80% of Top 500 businesses utilise personality tests to evaluate personnel, and the
personality testing in industry is worth more than $3 billion (Patel, 2021). Other than that,
(Beedu, 2021) stated that personality tests are intended to provide employers with insight about
an employee's behaviour and how it is likely to affect their performance in the workplace.
Organisations rely on personal characteristics and assessment to develop competent leaders,
people, and teams

In addition, whenever members of a team work well together, they communicate effectively,
portray an even more favourable work atmosphere, show greater dedication, and accomplish
better results (Jerry et al., 2010). People suffer interaction between two and friction when

personality collide, and consequently oppose team development (Gilley & Gilley, 2003: Bolton &
Bolton, 2009: Lykourentzou et al., 2016). Personality factors may create difficulties to hiring and
sustaining trust in a team, when teammates communicate and work together (Holton, 2001:
Lykourentzou et al., 2016). Because of that reason, personality tests during the recruitment or
even for the employees that are already working in the organisation are needed, to avoid some
internal issue, miscommunication and misunderstanding between them.

2.2.1 Types of Personality Assessment Engaging Professional in Construction Industry

Construction is known as its complexity. Due to this, project team integration is essential to
ensure the team members with a variety of abilities, academic specialties and management
philosophies who can collaborate to share knowledge and achieve shared objectives (Wang &
Zhang, 2015). There are various personality assessments available which each of the
personality assessment consists of different numbers of questions, different personality
classifications, etc. According to (Menand, 2018), Myers -Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is the
most popular personality assessment in the world. The author (Mendoza, 2021) agrees by
listing MBTI as number one in the top five personality assessments commonly used, followed
by DiSC Personality Test, Clifton StrengthsFinder, Big Five Personality Test and Custom
Personality Test.

2.2.2 Personality Testing during recruitment (Pre-Hire)

Personality tests may be used to improve a variety of HR functions, although they're most
typically linked with the recruitment and hiring procedures (pre-hire). Pre-employment exams
are used to predict the risk of future deviant conduct based on a variety of factors including
personality characteristics, theft confessions, and honesty (Sackett et al., 1989: Sackett &
Wanek, 1996: Fine & Noam, 2016: O'Brien, 2017). Personality tests assist them to determine
whether their company and potential employee's career, personal, and cultural aspirations will
coincide, at least to some levels (Patel, 2021).

Thousands of Amtrak job candidates were asked to complete a personality test and online
cultural assessment in 2015, which assessed their personality attributes (Meinert, 2015). These
are the key characteristics that the transportation agency (Amtrak) is looking for in recruits who
will contribute to its employees. From the same article (Meinert, 2015), Uzma S. Burki, Amtrak’s
Senior Vice President mentioned that the company has a lot of retirements coming up, so

implementing the personality test as one of the recruit requirements is the right thing to do, in
order for them to bring in the right individuals.

Personality testing during pre-hire level is to identify a candidate's knowledge, skills, behaviours,
attitude, abilities and characteristics. According to (SHRM, 2018), personality test will give the
employer or recruiter the result of candidate’s:

● Candidate’s knowledge and education level information

● Skills and expertise that candidates possess that suit the job requirements or position in
the company
● Abilities, behaviours and personality traits
● Other characteristics such as reliability levels, attitude and many more.

2.2.3 Personality Testing in the workplace (Post-Hire)

Personality during the post hire or for employees that are already working in the organisation is
important too. Realising this also contributes to the improvement of employee experience,
participation, and inspiration by conducting the personality test (Vintage Circle, 2021). The
experience or behaviour from the employees from the personality test result might be changed
or slightly different from the result at the pre-hire stage. It is because the employee has faced
the new environment, experience and work culture in the organisation that makes them change
their way of thinking and working.

Recruitment and selection process is a systematic process that involves matching persons from
a suitable application pool to a specific position through a selection method. In reality, the
primary goal of employee recruitment is to use data gathered during the selection process to
create exact judgments about a candidate's future work performance and to manage
candidate's behaviour and psychological well-being. Recruitment and selection process can
really decide who is most qualified to do the job (Drew, 2014: Pourmazaherian et al., 2021).The
qualities of Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Social competence, Emotional Control (or
Emotionality), and Openness or Intellectual have been experimentally established as a
five-factor formation of personality (Pourmazaherian et al., 2021).

2.2.4 Personality testing for promotion

Based on research findings from (Gesthuizen & Verbakel, 2011: Kankaraš, 2017), personality
assessment is revealed to be made whenever the company opens for career enhancement,

promotion and development in position. Personality assessment that has been done for a
promotion purpose usually will analyse the candidate’s performance and competency. The
information from the personality assessment will be reviewed by the employer. In addition,
according to (Greene & Weiner, 2017), personality types that may be assessed using
psychological tests are frequently used in organisational personnel decisions such as fitness for
job or employee recruitment and promotion.

Utilise personality and integrity tests to evaluate job candidates or promote employees to higher
positions. When selecting personnel for advancement, the employer's achievement and
performance history and past record should be valued. As said in (Smithey & Wolfson, 2019),
personality and integrity tests, on the other hand, can assist employers at the managerial level
in selecting who to promote from a group of equally competent individuals with great
performance records but no experience or competence overseeing personnel.

2.2.5 Personality testing for team development

The predominance of teams in companies is owing to the numerous difficulties that

organisations frequently encounter, as well as the synergistic benefits that team utilisation may
bring to organisations, teams provide the determination to accomplish what one person working
alone cannot (Hackman, 2011: Shuffler et al., 2018). Since one team in an organisation is
important as stated in previous lines, knowing the personalities of each member can be
advantageous in developing the team to be better. Personality traits and working
accomplishment studies have sparked a lot of attention, and it is commonly believed that
personalities have quite an effect on job performance (Chamorro-Premuzic & Furnham, 2003:
Hazrati-Viari et al., 2012).

Furthermore, according to (Allen & O'Neill, 2015: Daniel Tang, 2020), personality factors
influence how employees work and engage in groups, which may impair their success in
team-based disciplines. Among the most significant findings from personality studies is that
teams with a broad mix of personalities are much more likely to succeed. For example, based
on (Colman, 2021), group members with more sociable and pleasant personalities, were able to
assist moderate conflict and sustain team positivity, increase morale, and promote engagement
under difficult times when negative sentiments were festering. Meanwhile, competitiveness and
conscientiousness supported the team in staying on track and achieving deadlines.

2.3 Challenges in Conducting Personality Test

Although they are useful pre-employment instruments, personality assessments can also be
destructive. Several personality assessments appear to give precise profiles of human
personalities but are not dependable or scientifically tested. A flawed personality assessment
may produce inaccurate findings, such as an inaccurate applicant personality profile, obstructing
the employer's ability to hire the most suitable candidate for the position (Sharma, 2020). This
can be proved in research findings by (Goffin & Boyd, 2009), one of the most prevalent
problems between test takers is lying and faking. According to the literature currently available
on the subject, the majority of candidates lie during selection interviews and research revealed
that taking fake personality tests is common (Melchers et al., 2020: Griffith et al., 2007).
According to (Levashina & Campion, 2007, p. 1639,: Nyuyen Ngoc & Phung Thi, 2021), there
are two reasons applicants faking the personality assessment, which are:

1. Applicants may use deception to fit the criteria of interview questions and to convince the
2. Candidates may think different truths or make things up

Personality tests rely on self-reporting, which can cause responses to be distorted. Personality
assessment errors might compromise the impartiality and integrity of the HR manager's
judgement. The comments may reflect a different perception of the person or reflect
expectations of what the HR manager is looking for (Galic et al., 2012: Woods & West, 2010).
Other than that, referring to research findings from (Roess & Roche, 2017), researchers agree
that candidates alter their responses, which they attribute to job-specific bias.
Employment-specific biases propose that candidates exhibit specific behavioural traits which
would be beneficial for such a particular job. Throughout shorter time frames, the actual
expressions of traits or even how humans act in a particular time are more variable and
changeable (Allemand & Mehl, 2017).


3.1 Introduction

The survey was carefully analysed to guarantee data collected was assembled
thoughtfully with the help of tables and percentages and numbers. The data was collected
through the conduct of online questionnaire distribution to targeted respondents regarding
Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry. The data collected is
done by distributing questionnaires through Google form. The targeted respondents for this
study are individuals working and are potentially using tools for personality testing in their
organisation. A total of 28 respondents have contributed to the data found.

3.2 Questionnaire Development and Survey

Asking people at various hierarchical levels their opinions on topics pertaining to the real
situation and implementation of teamwork, leadership, and empowerment inside companies is
one technique to assess present practices of teamwork, leadership, and empowerment. In this
case, understanding present procedures requires an understanding of managers' and
employees' attitudes. With this knowledge, they will be able to concentrate their efforts on
improving particular traits that are detrimental to effective cooperation, leadership, and
empowerment practices. A questionnaire survey was thought to be the best way to gather
people's ideas in order to assure more comprehensive coverage of views and opinions.

3.3 Result of analysis

3.3.1 Section A: Demographic of Respondents

Figure 1: Demographic on the gender for this survey.

Based on question number one, the male respondents are more compared to the female
respondent with male at 71 percent which is equivalent to 20 respondents and female at 29
percent which is made up of 8 respondents out of 28 respondents altogether.

Figure 2: Demographic on the respondent’s education level.

Based on the figure above, the education level is divided at 2 levels. Firstly, with 14 percent
holding a Master’s Degree with 4 respondents. Secondly with 20 total respondents with 72
percent of the respondents holding a Bachelor’s Degree and lastly with another 4 respondents
equivalent to 14 percent holding a Diploma.

Figure 3: Demographic on the status of employment of respondents.

Based on the chart above the number of employed respondents was 24 participants at 86
percent The number unemployed respondents was 4 out 28 respondents with 12 percent in

Figure 4: Demographic of the respondent’s profession.

The greatest number of professions based on the bar chart above is the number of Engineers
with 7 respondents in total. Second highest number of respondents was Quantity Surveyor with
5 respondents. Thirdly Project Manger was given a total of 3 respondents to be answering the

Figure 5: Bar chart on the number of years working in the industry..

The respondents based on the bar graph above indicate that the most number of individuals
that have worked in the industry has mainly worked less than 5 years in total with 11
respondents. The second would be from 6-10 years working experience with a number of 8
respondents. The respondents that have worked in the industry for about 11-20 years however
were 4 respondents and a total of 3 respondents for the above 20 years category. The
remaining 2 respondents have no working experience.

Table 1: The table above shows the current employer of the respondent


1. Ampmech Industries SB 2

2. Faltech Engineering 2

3. Jurutera Perunding Radisa 1

4. Layun Enterprise Sdn Bhd 1

5. JUBM Sdn Bhd 1

6. A.F.S Engineering 1

7. N/A 7

8. Fook Lai Construction & Development Sdn Bhd 1


9. Perunding Abad Sdn Bhd 1

10. Gagasan Sentral 1

11. Pathfinder M&E Sdn Bhd 1

12. Expg Engineering Sdn Bhd 1

13. JKR 1

14. PCSS Consultancy Sdn Bhd 1


16. Allied Engineering Sdn Bhd 1

17. Lufter Sdn Bhd 1

18. W Berhad 1

19. Sapura Energy 2

3.3.2 Section B: To identify types of personality assessment in engaging professionals
in the construction industry.

Figure 6: Chart showing percentage of company using personality assessment.

According to the chart above, the percentage of the respondent company does use personality
assessment at 68 percent which is 19 out of the 28 respondents. On the other hand, however,
32 percent do not use personality respondents, which is 9 out of the 28 respondents.

Figure 7: Bar chart showing reasons for companies using personality profile assessment tools.

The respondent that answered “Yes” that their company uses personality profile assessment
had various reasons for using the personality assessment. The first being for Hiring/ Recruiting

purposes at 43 percent with 12 respondents. For Leadership test purposes, it was used 14
percent from the overall chart with 4 respondents. Thirdly at 11 percent is used for promotion of
the employees. The remaining 29 percent left Blank and was categorised under Nil at 3 percent.

Figure 8: The table above shows reasons not to use personality profile assessments.

Based on the bar chart above, the company that does not use personality profile assignment
reasons were firstly, they are not exposed and have low understanding of these tools. This
statement was supported by 9 respondents out of the 28 total respondents. Secondly, these
companies do not care and they lack awareness. This statement was supported by a total of 8
respondents. One respondent claimed that the reason for this was because the company does
not believe it is useful for an organisation. The remaining 17 respondents opted for N/A.

Figure 9: The table above shows when personality assessments are used in the company.

The respondent with the most said period for using the personality assessment administered in
their company was used during the hiring process with 12 respondents. Other companies with
one respondent each claimed “At any time when needed” “Monthly” and “While meeting with
client”. The remaining 6 were NIL and one respondent was unsure.

Figure 10: Bar Chart above shows the type of personality profile assessments used in different

Based on the above bar graph above, the personality profile assessment that the respondent’s
company is currently using with the greatest number of respondents is the predictive index with
7 respondents in total out of the 28 respondents. Second was the DISC method and thirdly was
tied up between Clifton Strengths Finder and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory with
both 2 respondents each.

The result can be proved by an article from (PASA, 2020). According to PASA, these are the
most popular personality assessments that have been used by the companies all around the
world which are:

● The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

● Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
● The Caliper Profile
● The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire
● Hogan Personality Inventory, and many more

3.3.3 Section C: To investigate the Importance of Personality Testing in Engaging
Professionals in Construction Industry

Figure 11: Bar chart above shows the importance of personality test

According to the result above, 100% of the respondents agree that personality tests are
important and none of the respondents disagree that the personality tests are important. This can
be proved of how important the application of personality tests engaging professionals in
construction industry.

Figure 12: Pie chart above shows personality test helps in engaging the professionals in
construction industry

According to the pie chart above, 100% of the respondents agree that personality tests can help
in engaging the professionals in the construction industry and none of the respondents

Table 2: The response by respondent on the results of personality testing benefits the
construction industry

1. Improve employees relationship at workplace

2. To ensure that all employees can work together without any discrepancy

3. Provide good impression towards the clients

4. To understand employee what motivates them and to reduce employee turnover

5. Having a more accurate decision

6. Very important for long term of working together

7. Able to survive in construction industry with various personality

8. To determine which character of employee has a good leadership skills

9. Good for long term purposes in ensuring the characteristics of the employees

10. Able to determine the right person for the right tasks

11. Can identify on the scope of work to be given by employee’s personality

12. To determine the employee’s weaknesses and able to build them slowly

13. Can define which scope of work and workforce situations that suit the employees the
most. Also to understand the employees personality better.

14. Can understand more about the candidate personality

15. To determine at early stages how committed an employee is in their work

16. It may provide a more accurate position for the employees according to their personality

17. Develop discipline among workers

18. Only the strongest will survive in the construction industry. Personality tests can help to
determine whether each individual is suitable to work in the construction industry

19. Good in determining whether the employee is able to do certain tasks based on their

20. Defines their potential throughout their work performance

21. Able to determine how to handle with people of different personalities

22. Increase amount of knowledge towards the employee

23. Determine the employee behaviour towards problem that they may faced based on their

24. Enable effective teamwork and communication

25. Get to know more about the employees

26. Help in terms of identifying the suitable personality for the roles that they will take on in
their employment.

27. Increase teamwork, enhance communication and better understanding of each individual
way of work.

28. Easy to determine if the employees are capable for the job offered by employer

These questions were being asked through filling in the blank questionnaire and above are the
answers which are given by the respondents. Here we can see that most respondents
answered that a personality test can help Employers to determine what task to be given to the
candidate based on their personality test. According to (Rowley, 2011), personality tests are
used to establish if an applicant has the 'proper' personality for a job.

Figure 13: Bar graph above shows the personality profile assessments result are accurate and

Based on the Bar Graph above, the highest percentage of answers by the respondents agree
with 42.9% of the respondents' responses. No respondents disagree and strongly disagree. The
second highest strongly agree where 35.7% of the respondents responded and the third highest
will be neutral where respondents are unsure if personality profile assessments are accurate
and useful with 21.4% of the respondents.

Figure 14: Graph above shows the personality profile assessment helps in reducing the
employee turnover

According to the bar graph above, The least amount of responses is 0% which strongly disagree
and the second lowest will be 3.6% where only 1 person of the respondents answered which
disagrees. The highest number of respondents to answer is 48.4% where 13 respondents agree
and second highest is 25% which respondents strongly agree. The third highest is 25% where
there are 7 respondents answered to neutral. From here it is shown that most of the
respondents agree that personal profile assessments help in reducing employee turnover.

By referring to (Valle et al., 2017: Petouhoff, 2006: Adorno, 2000), there are two techniques to
reduce turnover. The first is to adjust features of the workplace to eliminate undesirable qualities
that impair worker well-being. The second is screen out candidates during the recruiting and
hiring process with personality assessment methods to discover those who are more likely to

Table 3 below is showing the respondents' answers for the reason why the personality test is
important to help in engaging professionals in construction. The highest mean shown is 4.00
which is for personality test are important from the perspective of high-potential identification,
leadership development, and promotions, the second highest is a personality test administered
during screening help recruiters identify personalities that can fit in the team perfectly and
perform work effectively with 3.89 mean, third highest is a personality test helps recruiters
identify cultural and role-fit candidates who can adapt to the work environment easily and follow
the company’s code of conduct judiciously with 3.82 mean score.

Table 3: The answers from respondent about the reason of why the personality test is important to help in engaging professionals in

Strongly Strongly
Reasons Disagree Neutral Agree Mean Rank
Disagree Agree

A personality test administered during

screening help recruiters identify
2 0 4 15 7 3.89 2
personalities that can fit in the team
perfectly and perform work effectively

A personality test helps recruiters

identify cultural and role-fit candidates
who can adapt to the work environment 2 0 6 13 7 3.82 3
easily and follow the company’s code
of conduct judiciously.

Help recruiters identify candidates who

have dark personality traits, such as
temperament, impulsiveness,
3 0 6 10 9 3.79 4
insensitivity and self-obsession that
can hamper the work culture and
employee safety

Personality test are important from the

perspective of high-potential
2 0 5 10 11 4.00 1
identification, leadership development,
and promotions

The personality tests of potential

employees to give them the greatest
2 0 8 11 7 3.75 5
chance to be successful within the

This question is being asked by filling in the blank. Below are the answers that were answered
by the respondents:

Table 4: The positive results and / or experiences the company gained after implement the
current personality profile assessment

1. Happy and comfortable working environment in workplace

2. Can get to know more about the employees

3. Much more higher quality and performance of employee to be hired

4. Able to recruit the right employee for the right position

5. Reduce turnover

6. Provide better understanding among the employees and no judgemental among each

7. Can distribute the work given accordingly

8. Employee become more committed

9. Can develop good leadership to employees

10. Able to work together with more ideas contributed

11. A good and quality team of employees which contribute towards effective company's

12. Getting a competent co-worker who can work together as a team

13. Produce more employees according to company’s needs

14. Able to determine whether to be able to trust the employee on certain task or not

15. Having a staff who can adapt quickly to the work environment

16. Reducing number of staff turnover

17. Able to complete task given with good productivity

18. Worth the company to pay a more competent workers instead of taking a personality
which does not fit it the company

19. Can work together as a team with each personality

20. Increase more types of personality in the workplace to provide more different ideas

21. Right after the implementation of profile assessment we are able to create a team that
has a different personality and this indirectly creates a synergy between the team.

22. Team leading program every month. And all can gather and acknowledge more their

23. Minimise recruiting unfit employee for the specific role

24. Able to determine the right task for the employee based on their personality

25. Employers can instruct their employees by their personality. If they have a fun and happy
personality, they to instruct them would be in a more “not-too-serious” way

26. Provide a more comfortable working environment

27. Can deliver what task given by the employer

28. Promote various of culture in workplace which can tighten the relationship between
employers and employees with different types of personality

Based on table 4 above, majority of the answers from respondents about the positives result
after the company implemented the personality assessments is (1) the employer can get to
know their employee better, (2) the candidate or employee can be assigned in a right group to
maintain the harmony and stability, (3) the employee can finish up and complete their work
perfectly since they have been assigned with the task and job that suit them (by referring the
result from the personality test, and (4) minimise the unfit applicant by reviewing the applicants’
personality test results.

These answer can be proved by article from (Sharma, 2020) as stated in literature review, The
benefits of personality assessments include a better knowledge of the individual, an unbiased
recruiting process, a shorter time-to-hire, higher ROI, spotting dark personality characteristics,
and a higher likelihood of getting the finest candidate.

Figure 15: Pie chart above shows the awareness of the challenges by conduction the
personality test within the organisation

Based on the pie chart above, the highest percentage of respondents is yes where they
are aware of the challenges by conducting the personality test within the organisation. Only
28.6% of respondents answered no.

Continuing with Table 6 below, the table shows the answers from the respondents about the
challenges in conducting personality tests. As stated, the highest mean is a 6.43 score which
describes a reason why some employees did not want to take the time to take the personality
test. Personality tests indeed take much time, this can be proved by an article from (Harper,
2018), that the personality test sometimes can take 2 hours long to complete and it did not
include the time for the employer to review and analyse each result from the candidate. The
second highest is an imperfect personality test that may deliver misleading results with a 6.25
mean score. The third highest is test-takers respond in a socially desirable manner rather than
exhibiting their true personality traits and test-takers fail to attempt the test correctly because of
nervousness or due to lack of experience. This can be proved (Allemand & Mehl, 2017) that
already described in chapter 2 that researchers agree that candidates alter their responses,
which they attribute to job-specific bias.

Table 6: Answer from respondents about the challenges in conducting the personality test

Challenges Conducting Strongly Strongly

Disagree Neutral Agree Mean Rank
Personality Test Disagree Agree

Personality test don’t provide an

accurate depiction of part of a 0 4 11 11 2 5.61 6
person’s personality

An imperfect personality test

0 4 7 9 8 6.25 2
may deliver misleading results

Test-takers respond in a socially

desirable manner rather than
0 2 8 10 8 5.82 3
exhibiting their true personality

Test-takers fail to attempt the

test correctly because of
0 4 9 8 7 5.82 3
nervousness or due to lack of

Employees felt that taking a

personality test was an invasion
0 4 15 5 4 3.18 5
of their privacy and refused to
take them

Some employee did not want to

take the time to take the 0 2 10 8 8 6.43 1
personality test

Table 7: Reasons for construction companies not applying for the personality test

Challenges to Construction
Strongly Strongly
Industry related to Personality Disagree Neutral Agree Mean Rank
Disagree Agree

The companies have not felt the

0 1 8 11 8 6.14 3
need to use the personality test

They did not know much or familiar

0 2 5 8 13 6.61 2
enough about personality test

The companies not using profiles

responded that they didn’t believe 0 2 6 12 8 6.86 1
personality test were useful

Personality test assessment

5 4 8 6 5 5.50 4
required large cost

Table 7 shows the answers from the respondents about the reasons for construction companies not applying for the personality test.
As stated, the highest mean is 6.86 which describes the companies not using profiles that responded that they did not believe
personality tests were useful. This is because the construction industry is a more technical and practical industry which prefers
candidates, applicants or employees that have great technical skills and are competent on site. The second highest mean is 6.61
which describes construction companies that are not very much familiar enough with the personality assessment. Personality
assessment is more popular in companies that are office based, like construction companies. The third highest mean is 6.14 which
describes the companies that have not felt the need to use the personality test. As stated before, the construction industry did not
implement the personality assessment because the majority of construction companies prioritise people that have great skills and a
high independent level in construction projects.



Based on the survey study that has been made, we can summarise that most
respondents with 73.1 % say that their company uses and implements a personality profile
assessment in their company as well as agree on how important it is especially in the
construction industry. This situation shows that most construction companies in this country
understand and are aware that the personality profile assessment is very important and needs
to be emphasised and practised among each of their group members. What is more interesting
is, 100.0 % of all respondents agreed that a personality test is important and it could help in
engaging the professionals and offer a lot of benefits in the construction industry as well. By
referring to the answers given by the respondents, most have agreed in saying that the
personality assessment gives an opportunities and advantages to the individual himself in order
to offer benefits to the construction industry where it could improve a good relationship among
staffs, to ensure all employees can work together, build confidence level, develop discipline
among workers and increase the working commitment.

Furthermore, we also received more than a half of responses in which they agreed that
the main purpose and implementation of the personality profile assessment was made as a
hiring and placement process. This can also be proven through several studies that have been
done before. According to Remann & Nordin (2021), a good recruitment process involves steps
such as searching, interviewing, and evaluating people. Hence, once these processes have
been successfully achieved, it might have the opportunity to appoint or hire the right person for
the correct position. If we look at the answers given by the respondents regarding the positive
results gained after the implementation of the personality profile assessment, most of them also
agreed that it brings positive impact to the company especially in the process of appointment
and hiring the new employees. For instance, it helps recruiters to identify personalities that can
fit in the team perfectly, choosing the right person for the specific role and hiring the high quality
of employee as well as minimise the possibilities in hiring the unfit employee.


Based on this study, we can conclude that there are many organisations in our country
that practice and implement this personality test as one of the methods especially in hiring and
recruitment purposes. They are also smart and know how to use various types of personality
tests such as DISC, MBTI, Clifton Strengths Field and The Predictive Index with the results
being used for varied purposes. This also clearly showed that they are very serious in hiring the
high-quality employees in order to offer benefits to their organisation itself as well as increasing
the productivity and profit in the future.

However, based on this study as well, we noticed that there are still companies which
are not aware of the importance of this personality test assessment. In fact, there were
respondents who answered that their company never did a personality test. Worse, they have
never heard and know the existence of the personality test itself. Some even argue that their
company did not believe the personality test assessments were useful. But, for us companies
that do not practice and implement personality tests may have their own reasons.

Firstly, Personality Test results might not be reliable. This is because the human
personality is very subjective and their behaviour could be changed over time. Besides that,
someone might be easily manipulating the answers to the personality test. Psychologically,
people will always give the best answer in describing their own attitude, despite the fact that it is
definitely not. In the end, it will give the wrong and bad decision making to the company itself
especially in hiring purposes. In addition, an organisation also believes that there is no accuracy
in the personality test assessment and its cost can be expensive for the companies as well.

Here, there are some suggestions and improvements that can be done by the company
in order to implement and practise the personality test into their organisation. First, the
companies need to be smart in choosing the type of personality test. As known, nowadays there
are a lot of personality test assessments that are offered to us. However, one of the big
mistakes companies often make is assuming that all other personality tests are similar to each
other. Definitely not. Hence, we should be aware that each type of personality test was designed
with different purposes. For instance, if the company wants to appoint an engineer, the
Personality Test approach to be taken should be in a different method than if it wants to appoint
a technician. Means that, it should be able to measure the targeted personality behaviour and

Last but not least, organisations cannot simply use personality test assessment from the
web without making an assessment and reviewing in detail what is contained in the
assessment. Especially to the Human Resources (HR) department in an organisation, they
need to know what contents are necessary and unnecessary in the personality test assessment
and need to follow the suitability of the purpose as well. They also need to do proper filtering in
order to get correct and accurate results for that personality test assessment.


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6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals

in Construction Industry

We are students from UiTM Shah Alam, currently taking the programme Master of Science in
Integrated Construction Project Management. We are conducting research regarding the
Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry.

The objectives of this research are:

1. To identify types of personality assessment in engaging professionals in the construction
2. To investigate the importance of the personality test engaging professionals in
construction industry
3. To identify the challenges of conducting personality testing in construction industry

The following is a list of statements which are used to measure your attitude and / or
behavior towards various workplace issues. The survey are particularly to gain the opinion of
construction industry players towards the personality testing engaging professionals in
construction industry.

Every information from the respondent will be kept entirely confidential. We are appreciate
and grateful for the contribution from the respondents.

Centre of Postgraduate Studies

Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying
Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam

* Required

1. Email *

Section A: Demography of respondent 1/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

2. 1. What is your gender? *

Mark only one oval.



3. 2. What is your education level? *

Mark only one oval.





4. 3. What is your employment status? *

5. 4. What is your profession? *

6. 5. How long have you been working in the construction industry? *

7. 6. Who is your current employer? *

Section B: To identify types of personality assessment in engaging

professionals in the construction industry. 2/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

8. 7. Do your company use personality assessments? *

Mark only one oval.



9. 8. If 'Yes'. What does your company use personality profile assessment for?

Mark only one oval.

Hiring / Recruiting

Team Placement


Leadership Development


10. 9. If 'No'. Why does your company does not use personality profile assessment?

Mark only one oval.

Do not believe it is useful

Not exposed and low understanding on them


11. 10. When are personality assessment administered in your company? *

Mark only one oval.

During the hiring process



Other: 3/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

12. 11. What personality profile assessment does your company currently use? *
Check all that apply.

Clifton Strengths FInder
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
The Predictive Index
Gallup Strengths Finder


Section C: To investigate the Importance of Personality Testing in Engaging

Professionals in Construction Industry

13. 12. Do you think personality test is important? *

Mark only one oval.



14. 13. Is personality test can helps in engaging the professionals in construction *

Mark only one oval.


No 4/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

15. 14. How does the results of personality testing benefits the construction *

16. 15. The personality profile assessments' result are accurate and useful *
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree

17. 16. The personality profile assessment helps in reducing the employee turnover. *
Mark only one oval.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree 5/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

18. These are the reason of why the personality test is important to help in *
engaging professionals in construction.
Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree

A personality test
administered during
screening helps
recruiters identify
personalities that
can fit in the team
perfectly and
perform work

A personality test
helps recruiters
identify cultural and
role-fit candidates
who can adapt to the
work environment
easily and follow the
company’s code of
conduct judiciously.

Help recruiters
identify candidates
who have dark
personality traits,
such as
insensitivity and self-
obsession that can
hamper the work
culture and
employee safety

Personality test are

important from the
perspective of high-
leadership 6/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

development, and

The personality tests

of potential
employees to give
them the greatest
chance to be
successful within the

19. 17. What are the positive results and / or experiences does your company *
gained after implement the current personality profile assessment?

Section D: To identify the challenges of conducting personality testing in

construction industry

20. Do you aware of the challenges by conduction the personality test within the *

Mark only one oval.


No 7/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

21. What are the challenges in conducting the personality test? *

Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree

Personality test don’t

provide an accurate
depiction of part of a
person’s personality

An imperfect
personality test may
deliver misleading

Test-takers respond
in a socially
desirable manner
rather than exhibiting
their true personality

Test-takers fail to
attempt the test
correctly because of
nervousness or due
to lack of experience

Employees felt that

taking a personality
test was an invasion
of their privacy and
refused to take them

Some employee did

not want to take the
time to take the
personality test 8/9
6/28/22, 9:06 PM GROUP 3: Personality Testing in Engaging Professionals in Construction Industry

22. What are the reasons of construction companies are not applying the *
personality test?
Mark only one oval per row.

Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree

The companies have

not felt the need to
use the personality

They did not know

much or familiar
enough about
personality test

The companies not

using profiles
responded that they
didn’t believe
personality test were

Personality test
assessment required
large cost

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Forms 9/9

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