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Nama : Alif Virgiawan

NIM : 2150700072

Photojournalist & photojournalism workshop for the media

Karanganyar, 20 December 2023 – Semester 5 students of the Communication Science Study

Program are taking part in the Photo Media Journalism Workshop in building H, Faculty of
Social and Legal Sciences (FISH). This activity aims to improve students' photography skills.
As a result, students can create news with interesting photos.
This workshop activity raised the theme "Who is Photojournalism? And what kind of
journalistic photos are suitable for publication in the media." This activity also brought in a
chief editor from, namely Ari Kristiono.
Dean of FISH Univet Bantara, Dr. Yoto Widodo, M.Si, in his speech and opening the
workshop, expressed his thanks to the resource persons who were willing to share their
knowledge to equip students with the science of journalistic photography.
"This photography skill is very important for students as a provision after graduating as a
graduate to have added value skills in making good and correct photos related to news photos
and news photos," he said. (
Joko Suryono, who teaches the photo media journalism course, said that this workshop is
very important for students in the future, where in making news they are required to have an
interesting side to the news and photography skills are one of them.
"This activity is very useful for students because this skill is what makes news or student
work more interesting," he said.
Apart from that, the source also showed several photos that he had taken and explained that
good photos are photos that have complete meaning and seem to be able to speak. Ari
Susanto also said that making friends is the key to obtaining complete data and information.

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