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Presentation Title: Introduction to First Response

Module: 1.2

Presenter/Instructor: Add presenters name here

Coordination Saves Lives

Introduction to
First Response

Group Discussion

Coordination Saves Lives

Introduction to First Response
Learning Outcomes

q Participants will develop a better awareness of

the current rescue capability of their own town,
city or region.
q Participants will develop a greater understanding
of the rescue capability of their own and other
Group Discussion
q In your groups, study the questions on the
next three slides.
q Discuss the questions and try and agree
answers, which you will write down.
q Finally, the groups will come back together
and you will all share your answers in order
to achieve a common understanding.
Group Discussion
q Question 1:
§ Based on previous events, what types of
disaster could affect your country and what
would be the effects?
Group Discussion
q Question 2:
§ What capability does your country have to
deal with the first 24-hours of rescue
operations in a major disaster?
A. Locally in your town, city or region
B. Nationally in your country
Group Discussion
q Question 3:
§ Do you consider that there are any gaps in
your current first responder capability to a
major disaster? How you would address
these gaps?
Group Discussion
q Summarise Discussions:
§ Each group to present their answers to the
three questions.
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