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An Undergraduate Thesis

presented to The Faculty of College Teacher Education

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges - Marbel, Inc.

Koronadal City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Elementary Education – Generalist


May 2023


Purok Waling-Waling, Arellano Street, Koronadal City, South Cotabato
Tel. No.: (083) 228-2880



The undergraduate thesis entitled: "FAMILY SUPPORT AND ITS INFLUENCED TO

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE" prepared and submitted by MICAELLA QUEQUE in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF ELEMENTARY
EDUCATION has been examined and is recommended for ORAL EXAMINATION.

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination. _______




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree


Program Director, College of Teacher Education


This study aimed to determine the family support establishes a foundation for

learning at home. Parents are children’s first teachers and the chief designers of

children’s daily lives. Parents make decisions about what to communicate and how to

communicate with their children on a daily basis. Parental involvement has been

defined and measured in multiple ways, including activities that parents participate in

at home and at school, as well as positive attitudes that parents have toward their

child's education.Academic performance is among the several components of academic

success. Many factors, including socioeconomic status, student temperament and

motivation, peer, and family support influence academic performance. Therefore, this

study is to investigate the Family Support. Respondent of this study are (50) students of

Grade 6 pupils of Marbel 6. Elementary School. The data collected survey questionnaire

and their grades. Data are analyzed with the use weighted mean. The results of this

study revealed that the Family Support and Influence to Academic Performance are

satisfactory, and it depends to parents how they support students on their Academic

Performance. Therefore, the pupils, parents, teachers, visitors and school personnel

should aware of student’s behavior. Results of the present research highlighted that

there is no significant association among family support and student's academic

progress. Students showed lower academic performance whose parents were less

supportive and less involved in academic activities as compared to those whose parents

were high supportive.

Keywords: family support, academic performance, students’ performance,



Content Page












Research Objective 3

Review of Related Literature 3

Theoretical Framework 23

Conceptual Framework 24

Significance of the Study 25

Definition of Terms 27


Research Design 28

Research Locale 28

Population and Sample 28


Research Instrument 29

Data Collection 29

Statistical Treatment of Data 30

Ethical Consideration 30



Conclusions 38

Recommendations 38



A Letter to Validators 43

B Validation sheets for the research questionnaire 46

C Research Questionnaire 49

D Summary of Validators Ratings Questionnaire 51

E Letter of permission to conduct study 52

F Certificate of appearance 53

Curriculum Vitae 54



1 Family Support 3

2 Academic performance 13



1 Theoretical Framework 23

2 Conceptual Framework 24


First and foremost, I would like to thank the all-knowing, all-powerful God for

providing me with the strength, knowledge, ability, and opportunity to undertake this

study and successfully complete it. This accomplishment would not have been possible

without his abundant blessings.

Sir Fernando Lagradilla, MIM,adviser, and pillar of support for me on my path to

this study. always given us his unconditional support and guidance, as well as

inspirations and suggestions in our quest for knowledge. given me a lot of time to work

on my research while quietly and unobtrusively ensuring that I stay on track and do not

stray from the core of my research. Without his capable leadership.

This research would not have been possible without his assistance, for which I

will be eternally grateful. I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to my school,

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges of Marbel Incorporated, particularly the college of

Teacher Education Department, for allowing me to conduct and pursue my studies in

this institution.

To the panel members and evaluators, Arturo Pangilinan jr. MAEd, Christian

Fajartin,MAED,LPT, Christine joy ilustry MAED, thank you for evaluating my

questionnaire and giving insights and comments that would enhance the validity of my


Last but not least, I would like to thank all of my College Instructors and subject

teachers for their heart warming support, as well as my family, friends, loved ones, and

classmates who supported me spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and financially, and for

never abandoning me throughout my research period.



In the essence of solid commitment, words of encouragement, sacrifices,

effort, hard work, and endless dedication these are the essential factors that helped

complete my research study, with the untiring support of my family, especially my

parents, Jeorge N. Queque and Nida M. Queque, to my classmates and friends who

motivated me. To the researcher's companion in the success of this thesis, especially to

Almighty God, he dedicates this significant undergraduate research achievement. With

their presence, support, and comprehension, it is possible.

I am grateful enough to have you all.





Family Support is One of the most essential variables for students' academic

achievement, as the sociology of education literature proves. This research investigates

the effects of parental support on the academic performance of Islamabad kids.

Supportive parents monitor their kids and give them a system for direction in academic

areas. Regular academic support for children's performance

monitoring, everyday interactions with the child, and direct examination of all topics of

the classroom and school increase academic achievement.

Another factor is that education is essential for the advancement of society. A

society is more likely to be civilized and disciplined the better educated its citizens are.

The family must socialize kids so they can grow up to be contributing members of

society. The more engaged parents are in their children's education, the more

The kids will likely achieve academic success and grow up to be helpful, responsible

adults. Between families lays the groundwork for home learning. Parental involvement

can be measured by the activities

parents participate in at home and school, as well as their positive attitudes toward their

child's education, school, and teacher (Epstein, 2018).

On the other hand, the results of (Arriero's, 2018) study indicate two main

problems arising from the degree of parental involvement in children's learning at home.

4300 Second is the general influence of parents on the home environment in terms of

creating a learning environment. This means that communication with parents ranges

from positive or praising the child to negative discipline for the child to learn. Divorce

rates and the percentage of divorced men are also commonly used in aggregate studies

of homicide rates. Divorce rates are her other means of inferring the prevalence of

single-parent households. They are expected to be associated with homicide rates for

the same theoretical reasons as the proportion of female-headed households. In other

words, high levels of family disruption due to divorce undermine formal and informal

social control, consistent with the structural control perspective.

Education has been a challenging theme in recent times. Despite substantial

efforts worldwide, some countries need help in providing the quality education needed at

all levels to propel development. The United Nations Report of 2003 manifested

international commitment to better education. As per Akanle (2019), the progress of any

country or society depends on the quality of education it provides. The growth and

development of a nation is directly proportional to the advancement of its human

resources. Hence, formal education is considered to be the most effective tool for the

socioeconomic progress of any country. As such, inadequate education can affect a

nation's monetary and social improvement. Assuming research, consistent with prior

studies, indicates that factors such as family structure, parental involvement, and parent

education level can directly or indirectly impact children's academic performance.

With these preceding ideas presented, the researcher would like to find the

following: Family Support and Influence on the Academic Performance of Elementary


Research Objectives:

This study aimed to determine family support and its influence on academic

performance in elementary pupils of March 6. Elementary School in Academic Year


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following objectives:

1. To Determine the Influence of Family Support, the elementary Pupil's

frequency distribution and weighted mean will be us

2. To Determine the academic performance of Elementary Pupils, Frequency

Distribution and weighted mean will be used

3. To Determine if there is a significant relationship between the Influence of

Family Support and the academic performance of Elementary Pupils, a Person product-

moment correlation will be used.


There is no significant Family Support and Influence on academic performance of

Elementary Pupils.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Family Support

This section provides a review of related material that is pertinent to the

comprehension and clarity of the topic under consideration. These are based on the

findings of several studies relating to this present study.

For better or worse, family support plays a central role in shaping an individual's

wellbeing. An increasing number of older adults in the United States necessitates a

better understanding of the factors contributing to their health and well-being, given the

aging population and age-related diseases. Family support may become even more

important to well-being as individuals age, needs for caregiving increase, and social ties

in other domains, such as the workplace, become less central in their lives. This review

considers key family relationships in adulthood: marital, parent-child, grandparent, and

sibling relationships and their impact on wellbeing across the adult life courseMilkie and

Schieman,( 2018).

The rapid aging of the U.S. population, along with significant changes in marriage

and families, indicate that a growing number of older adults enter late life with both

complex marital histories and considerable heterogeneity in their relationships. While

most research to date focuses on different-sex marriages, a growing body of research

has started to examine whether the marital advantage in health and wellbeing is

extended to same-sex couples, which represents an increasing segment of relationship

types among older couples Denney and Barrera, (2018)

Netherlands' system of family support is described from the viewpoint of

empowerment. Family-centered programs in this jurisdiction aim to favorable changes by

enhancing the capacity of families, social networks, and parenting, including parents in

joint decision-making and recognizing them as knowledgeable, involved parents who

assist in addressing their kids' needs. Swedish law defines family support as a political

agenda item and the answer to many social and political issues by emphasizing that the

state is a family member's ally (Littmark, 2018).

Family impact on child development.

Parental support has moderating impacts on kids' attitudes about school.

Additionally, it promotes flexible academic practices and disseminates favorable

information about schools. The effect of parental participation, however, varies

depending on its kind. Children's achievement in the native language in this case,

English and math, with a lower size effect, are positively correlated with parental

participation at home, homework support, and talking to their child about what they

learned in school. On the other side, parental involvement in education, such as

attending meetings with instructors and participating in school activities, is inversely


related to academic achievement, particularly in math and English classes (Chowa,


Further study experiences within the family are unique and make the relationship

with parents and other family members critical to the child’s social development. Once

the child is born, the individual story starts within the family through learning habits,

values, and language codes that make the child unique and different. Therefore, the

family context plays a fundamental role in the personality development of children and

adolescents Ribeiro and Vaz(2020)

Nowadays, one in four children will have to face their parents' divorce, and one in

10 children lives with only one of them, usually the mother. For all families, divorce can

trigger a series of potentially stressful changes for each member. The child and family

tasks were before guided by two parents, and now are the responsibility of one, such as

family roles and functioning can become chaotic. In the preceding months of divorce,

many families face financial problems that could result in home, school, and job changes

(Ribeiro, (2020).

To build on the research, more study on the lack of parental support among

college students is being conducted. to add to our understanding of the interaction

between parents and college students using their findings. Because they have looked at

ways to illustrate the emotional experiences of first-generation college students, the

effects of grades and student happiness, as well as the amount to which it occurs for

students not from first-generation backgrounds, have not yet been thoroughly looked at

(Oshikawa, 2019).

Family members are inclined to offer consolation to Asian American men who

ask for it to lessen the pain caused by racial prejudice and to instill a sense of ethnic

pride. Supportive parenting in this study of Asian and African American boys decreased

the likelihood that discrimination would result in violence. The authors of the study

claimed that supportive parenting practices are suitable for kids regardless of their

ethnicity or social situation. As a result, American male students may benefit from family

support, but there doesn't seem to be any study or help available for American female

students (Wei, 2019)

From a global perspective, children between six and ten years old, the age of our

sample, are in a consolidation face concerning the learnings acquired in the first

childhood, preparing for adolescence. Around the age of six, a tremendous cognitive

change happens. The child begins to understand the world around them, gaining skills to

resolve problems, find new solutions, and learn to reflect, judge, and understand that

others have a different point of view and that it can bring consequences to them and the

interaction between themAt this age, the child's life is pronounced by tensions between

the child's autonomy and expectations that can or cannot stimulate their self-esteem

Eccles (2019).

Family action as experienced

Many students experience being away from their families and homes for the first

time while attending college. However, for some families, this is the first college

enrollment for a generation. Survivor guilt is the term used to describe the feeling of

being the only person to surpass the accomplishments of family members. The notion of

survivor guilt was developed due to the college student's concern for the influence they

left on their family by leaving for college, even though they were enjoying more privileges

and possibilities. Despite being the first to apply survivor guilt to a university setting, it

does not provide an empirical test of the idea. There is a need for more research in this

particular area because the research that has been done only looked at the effects on

first-generation students, not taking traditional or non-first-generation students into

account (Piorkowski,2019).

The Child and Youth Welfare Code of the Philippines highlights the importance of

children as a nation's valuable asset. Parents or guardians play a crucial role in

promoting and enhancing the welfare and life of the child. In the early years, parents

have a significant influence on their child's cognitive development. Therefore, it is

essential to maintain communication between home and school, especially during

primary school years. While family background significantly affects parental involvement,

most parents can devote extra time and effort to assist their children with education. (Ho,


When parents are involved in their children's education, it shows that the school

is taking proactive steps to implement changes and improvements among the students.

Increased parental involvement also provides teachers and school administrators with a

more significant opportunity to achieve quality education reform. (Sapungan and

Sapunga, 2019).

While an accurate definition of family support offers a framework for the actions

undertaken, A large portion of the literature also mentions the requirement for services

provided to children and families. An additional set of guidelines for practice. These

guidelines should enhance the descriptive quality of making sure family support is a

practical, effective strategy. Collectively, a good set of guiding principles ensures that

family Support is more than a sentimental idea. A justification argues that while

programs may assist different families, forms can only be used correctly if they are

based on and meet specified requirements referred to as a family's assistance (Dolan,


Currently, the field of family support is recognized as a trans-disciplinary one

made up of practices and knowledge drawn from several fields, schools of thought, and

methodologies. Numerous professionals who work with families can offer this type of

support. Varied degrees of need to timely and thoughtfully address those needs

(Devaney, 2020)

Family support is a child welfare measure; the effectiveness of family is a social

goal for government entities throughout Europe. Research supports assistance in

increasing children's wellbeing in poor household settings evidence. However, there are

significant variations between countries with respect to both the definition and focus.

This review's primary objective is to locate and evaluate parallels and differences in

Family support' which is a crucial topic with different meanings and implementations

across European countries. This subsection talks about the books and provides an

overview of diverse national views (Hidalgo, 2020).

Describe family support in the Irish context as a mode of operation and a set of

activities that, via coordinated programs, strengthen informal social networks. These

services are governmental, voluntary, community-based, and private, emphasizing early

promotion of the rights, wellbeing, and health of children, adolescents, and their families,

paying particular attention to those who are at risk or are vulnerable. Family involvement

in Germany is characterized by various parental child support intervention programs

providing a dynamic environment. This is a result of the understanding that the family

and the child's health and wellbeing are directly and immediately impacted by the family

environment construction (Wilke, 2018)

Parenting support is classified as a social policy phenomenon and category in

the U.K. of controlling "private life." This assistance may take the shape of parenting and

child-rearing, formally organized parenting courses or programs, one-on-one counseling,

and intense work 'troubled families' and professional and non-professional parenting

practices, networks, and services that promote social interaction and decrease social

isolation integration. This conversation demonstrates how parenting assistance relies on


the usage of Generally speaking, parenting views parents as conduits for enacting more

"positive" family-related changes in conduct (Daly and Bray, 2018)

Although Cyprus's family assistance laws were primarily created to help parents,

Describes the adoption of participation in the labor market. As a result of the Council of

Europe's constructive influence, Spain has adopted a proactive approach to family

support—the foundation for parenting. Family support is widely defined as family

interventions. It is intended to protect children's rights, focusing in particular on those in

psychosocial danger. Comprehend the idea of providing family support. as a

multifaceted and multidisciplinary process intended to advance children's wellbeing,

enhance each family member's quality of life, and long-term social integration of families

with various issues. There is a contrast between family support for households who are

less stressed (Rácz and Bogács 2019).

Their paper on professional practice in Belgium demonstrates a thorough

understanding of family assistance, which offers the information. Regarding children at

risk and in need, their main concern is the parent-child bond rather than chance.

'Children in need' is another phrase used when writing about mandatory family support

in the U.K., where Local governments are required by law to offer assistance services.

Family support seeks to lower the likelihood of dissolution through assistance and

intervention. Being provided to reduce family strain and prevent the need to place kids in

foster care for alternative treatment. Families in danger are given priority (Roberts,2018).

Due to the emphasis on parents and children, most European literature uses the

phrases "family 'support' and 'parenting support' interchangeably; therefore, this

literature study includes talks that use these terms. For instance, approach family

assistance from the perspective of parenting classes, such as co-parenting-focused

classes or parenting skills classes programmed. However, some literature continues to

emphasize behaviors or methods that have a focus on parents in particular. claiming that

parental support in the European context includes a range of actions, from knowledge

and guidance to Parental education and training that is geared toward assisting parents

and careers (Williams, 2020)

Parenting support practice is recognized in this definition as being similar to

family support, which encompasses service provision and other activities such as

economic support. In Ireland, parenting support is commonly classified under the

umbrella term "family support." This term refers to a wide range of family-focused

services and programs that are based on a culture of rights and are implemented as an

investment in the well-being of families, with the goal of improving outcomes for children

and young people (Connolly and Devaney, 2018).

Family child relationship

However, parenting support is often considered more concerned explicitly with

parenting practices and parent–child relations. For this reason, the authors suggest that

parenting support is inherently different from family support. It is essential to distinguish

between parenting support, which aims at enhancing resources for raising children, and

family support, which aims at ensuring the stability and well-being of the family.

Researchers have conducted studies on professional competencies, focusing on

effective programs in Germany and the Netherlands. These programs span both family

and parenting support services, with the goal of creating stimulating home environments

that promote the well-being of children and families (Cohen, 2020).

In Germany, creating surroundings suitable for raising children is accomplished

through a "pedagogical intervention," or providing interventions with an educational

focus and parenting support educational objectives. This kind of assistance is

widespread in Sweden, where Parents are given information about their kids' emotional,

cognitive, and physical health. Additionally, efforts are undertaken to build parents' social

networks to promote social development. Characterizes parenting support in the Dutch

environment as the goal of educating and empowering parents to support the wellbeing

of their children's development. There are informal types of help as well, the author

points out, such as informal networks of family support, school programs, and

neighborhood groups that assist parents or kids in need (Ponzoni,2018)

In the Philippines, families are seen as a significant aspect of society. It's been

molded by the distinct culture's history, values, experiences, adaptations, and ways of

being the Filipinos' culture. In addition to the lengthy political, Filipino parents appear to

suffer insurmountable difficulties in parenting their children because of social unrest

(Smith, 2019).

Filipino parents follow authoritarian attitudes. Her research demonstrates that the

traditional ideals of helping others pay it forward are two of the interconnected themes

that run throughout. Filipino parent-child relationships and parenting include Children's

respect for and adherence to parental authority, family unity, and fulfilling family

commitments. Her qualitative research on parenting in the Philippines demonstrates how

future changes in Filipino parenting practices may be possible. Repercussions of For the

development of Filipino families and children, these emerging ideas and approaches will

Before releasing P.I. policies and a framework, they should be thoroughly scrutinized

( Alampay,2019).

Despite the fact that Filipino parents from all social classes often view education

as crucial to the success of their children and are prepared to take tremendous

measures to assist them, Retention is a severe issue in Philippine schools as many

students still need to finish their studies. Continue after finishing the first grade. A

comparison between Filipino and U.S. Parents who employ questionnaires for six

different indicators concludes that Filipinos are more likely to. Although parents are

involved in their kids' education and want them to succeed familial and cultural

obligations include prioritizing family needs over individual requirements (Blair, 2018).

Numerous kids struggle with poverty, which is a major issue in the nation. The

shift from elementary to high school should not be made. The Division of Data from the

Department of Education (DepEd) reveals that for every 100 kids who start first grade,

roughly 15 drop out. Not complete Grade 2; nearly a quarter, or 24%, have left before

Grade 4. Nevertheless, the NSO Census of Population and Housing was conducted in

December 2013 (CPH), revealing that 97.5 percent of the 71.5 million people aged 10

and older to 69.8 million people, or %, can read and write (Selangan,2018).

The involvement of parents in the Philippines needs to be clarified because

Parent engagement policies still need to be improved, particularly those that promote the

parents' active participation in their child's education, both at home and school. Most of

the methods of Filipinos are a result of history, particularly how parents racialize their

offspring. The Philippines is dealing with a variety of issues that significantly impact

families. Thus, like other countries, our country is always looking for ways to close the

gap Nierva (2019).

However, the results of the study indicate that there are two fundamental


That results from parents' level of involvement in their kids' at-home education, the first

being their level of interaction with their kids. The second is the parents' general sway

over the home environment in terms of fostering a setting for learning. This suggests that

conversations with parents typically take one of two forms: Children should get the

positive or negative discipline to learn (Arriero's, 2018).

A few studies revealed a significant relationship between family support and

expatriates' CCA, based on 110 expatriate families in a host country. In the international

higher education literature, results about the influence of family support on international

students' outcomes in HEIs need to be more consistent. Studied 94 international

students in the United States and found that social help from family and friends

significantly affected international students' psychological adjustment. However, they

found a non-significant relationship between social support and psychological

adjustment based on their study with 243 married international graduate students in the

United States (Bulgan and Çiftçi 2018).

Particular note of this in their study on transitions and how to improve student

achievement. of the regular angst that comes with changes. According to the writers, it

would be unusual for a student to be without some degree of anxiety, like a nursing

student on their first day in a new clinical setting. In any case, Regardless of the quantity

of support a student receives, transitions typically bring on a certain amount of worry in

both their social and academic lives (Hart and Swenty, 2018).

Academic Performance

Upon comparing the literature and the data from this study, some commonalities

were found, some new information was presented, and some disagreements within the

research came to be noticed. When comparing the first theme, contact with family\

discusses helicopter parents and the college student's need for autonomy. One of the

primary themes in this study was that many college students wanted their parents to

contact them more frequently, whether via technology or face-to-face. It was identified

that one of the variables that students credit to their success is the support of their

families (Fauria, 2019).

Academic institutions allocate resources to internationalization initiatives, and the

performance of international students is of great interest to them. Recruiting teams'

performance is measured based on their contribution to the overall institution, and

professors in programs that have international students are also interested in their

academic success. While anecdotally, it is believed that international students do not


perform as well as domestic students, there is evidence to the contrary in the literature.

Therefore, it is imperative to determine the drivers of student success if an institution

's strategic plan includes developing a robust international student presence. Okanagan

College in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, is in this situation. This research aims to

provide a better basis for internal decision-making regarding the recruitment and support

of international students and to contribute to the literature on international student

success (Harnett and Yap, 2019).

There needs to be more available literature on the academic performance of

international students, and it has been concluded that more is known about the factors

contributing to their success. The institutional context of case studies and articles makes

it challenging to apply prior research to specific situations, as institutional strategies,

learning environments, and community contexts all potentially play a role in the

adjustment and academic performance of international students. Further research is

needed to determine the optimal percentage of international students for maximizing

academic success for both international and domestic students. Additionally, the results

of studies on the effect of acculturation may vary depending on the institutional

environment. This research can be used to inform decisions on entry requirements and

admission policies for international students (Lebcir and Bond, 2019).

Academic performance factors

There are several factors that can affect a student's academic performance, such

as intelligence, personality, motivation, skills, interests, study habits, self-esteem, and

the relationship between the teacher and the student. When a student's academic

performance falls below the expected level, it is referred to as diverging performance.

This can be due to ineffective teaching methods. If a student consistently performs

poorly, it is known as unsatisfactory academic performance, which can also be caused

by ineffective teaching methods (Marti, 2019).


When the studies in the literature are examined, it can be said that academic

achievement is among the indispensable goals of the education system and that the

attainment of these goals plays a vital role in the development of society and the

increase of levels of welfare. The family, which is the main building block for society's

existence and maintaining that existence, is equally essential for the education system.

An individual receives their first education in the family. Therefore, the family is the first

teacher of the individual (Celik, 2019).

Another factor that can significantly affect the student's academic achievement

and is located at the center of the education system is the teacher. The teacher can be

described as a building block that contributes to the student's cognitive, affective, and

behavioral development, provides careers, raises compatible individuals for society,

fosters thinking styles, perspectives on life, and a broad worldview, and shapes future

culture. The teacher's sympathetic approach, warm-hearted behaviors, and tolerance

towards errors positively affect the relationship between teacher and student (Sadik,


As pointed out, besides the critics and the debatable aspects about grades, most

researchers refer to this measure as the reflection of performance. It is also considered

for scholarship requirements, promotion to higher education levels, and getting a job,

and it is the leading indicator of the student's school results. Some studies seek to

calculate the reliability and validity indices of the most used academic performance

criteria, school grades (Willcox,2020).

Impulsivity is a moderating variable in the relationship between intelligence and

academic performance. Individuals with high impulsivity and high academic skills get

worse academic results than those with low impulsivity and high academic skills. One

possible explanation is that students with poor academic performance tend to solve

problems impulsively and carelessly, giving the first answer that comes to their minds

when the solution to the problem is not immediately obvious (Helmers, Young 2019).

Academic achievement is a product influenced by many variables, factors, and

circumstances that should be addressed through empirical research despite its design

and methodological strategy difficulties. He also proposes to achieve the so-called

middle-range theories to develop a broader progressive conceptual framework that

promotes the consolidation of particular approaches to obtain hypotheses that can be

empirically investigated even further (Nieto,2019)

Academic performance is reflected in grades.

A person's academic performance reflects his grades, which is a big factor

employers look for in finding their employees. Employees are the core element of a

business organization because the productivity of a business depends on the

employee's performance. That is why employers are strict when it comes to

employment. Not all college students are performing well academically, and different

factors cause this, and these factors vary from what the students are experiencing while

they are in college. One factor that we can consider is media consumption, like T.V.

viewing and surfing the internet, but video game playing may have replaced T.V. viewing

as the most frequent form of media usage, most likely for male students. Regular video

game players usually need to remember their homework or review their exams. Still,

they may be using this as a reason to avoid doing these things, and that causes their

poor academic performance academically (Burgess,2018).

Teachers or professors can also affect students' academic performance through

effective teaching or the way they present their selves in front of the students. According

to teachers, they vary widely in their influence on attrition and performance of the

students. College students have different statuses in life. They go in marital status. They

could be single or married, they could be employed full-time or part-time, and they may

also have caretaker responsibilities for children or older people. These reasons can

affect the schedule they choose for their class activities and their hours of sleep. Having

not enough sleep or no sleep at all can have a significant effect on someone's academic

performance (Foster,2019)

According to numerous authors, academic performance is the outcome of

learning, which is facilitated by the teacher's instruction and executed by the student.

According to Martinez (2019), academic performance is typically expressed through

school grades and is the product of students' efforts.

For research questions one and two, teachers believe that teachers' qualification

does not influence students' poor academic performance, while students perceived that

teacher's qualification does affect their academic performance. The difference in their

perceptions could be because students have high expectations for teachers who should

teach them. Therefore, they believe that any teacher who fails to meet such expectations

will not aid their academic performance (Soyibo, 2018).

Academic achievement can generally be divided into two broad and narrow

definitions. In a general sense, academic achievement refers to improving students'

overall quality during their school years. Believes that academic achievement includes

cognitive and non-cognitive outcomes and psychological and behavioral outcomes.

Argues that academic achievement has knowledge, values and attitudes, and skills or

appropriate behaviors. The National Leadership Council on Liberal Education and

America's Promise believes that student academic achievement cannot simply mean

admission rates and the percentage of degrees earned, as it once did, but that the more

important question is whether students have acquired the knowledge and competencies

that are essential to their future life, work, and civic activities. (Cai and Cao 2019).

Academic achievement is not only about students' academic performance in

school but should also include all aspects of their knowledge, competence, and literacy

development. In a narrow sense, academic achievement refers to students' measured

performance through examinations at a particular study stage. In empirical studies of

academic achievement, many researchers adopt such definitions, especially in empirical

studies of primary and secondary school students. Researchers often define academic

achievement as students' examination results (Bao,2018).

Academic achievement is considered equal to academic performance, and the

standard measure of academic achievement of college students is the GPA credit point

average, which can be accurately calculated from the marks of each course to measure

students' academic achievement. "Academic" means the result of school work—for

example, test scores. When "achievement" is used as a noun, it refers to the results

obtained in a career, and it is believed that academic achievement can be equated with

academic performance. A study of personality traits and academic achievement of

secondary school students measured academic achievement using students' midterm

and final grades in language, mathematics, and foreign language subjects. An empirical

study found that preschool education can improve students' future academic

achievement in the case of mathematical literacy and can also promote educational

equity (Wang, 2021).

Academic achievement results from the subjective and objective assessment of

learners through school teaching or self-study, which is a more permanent behavioral

outcome that can accumulate over time. In a narrower sense, academic achievement is

defined as a learning record in school subjects or the average academic performance in

each subject studied. It reflects the learning outcomes achieved during the schooling

period, and it is also a goal to be completed by the student in learning education. For

teachers, academic achievement enables them to identify their shortcomings in the


teaching process, improve the quality of their teaching, improve their teaching methods,

and make appropriate adjustments to their teaching methods (Stabback and Philip,


Influences on academic performance

In terms of subjects, the main topics of research on the influences of academic

achievement include low achievers and all students with different levels of academic

achievement; in addition, there are many kinds of research on high achievers and the

types of research on the influences of academic achievement can be divided into

correlational, causal, descriptive and exploratory studies. The studies focus on analyzing

and aggregating survey data and then carefully describing a phenomenon or theme that

causes an impact on academic achievement, further attempting to identify the causal

and correlational relationships that exist between variables and variables, using research

methods that include both non-empirical and empirical studies (Loeb, 2018).

From the perspective of researching factors that influence students' academic

achievement, Chinese scholars have conducted multifaceted research in this area,

drawing on relevant measures from abroad. De examined the direct and indirect effects

of various types of student engagement, such as after-school activities, social-emotional,

learning emotions, and learning behaviors on students' growth and development. It is

known that maintaining a positive interpersonal relationship between teachers and

students can help students improve their academic achievement. In general, students

with high academic achievement are more likely to receive encouragement and praise

from their teachers and to gain the admiration of their peers, which helps them in their

studies (Zhu and Arnold 2020).

Institutions should train students’ academic and life skills to ensure they can

function at an appropriate learning level, according to previous research on


comprehensive student development Wood and Olivie(2020). This has inspired various

studies into more effective methods of increasing academic standards, and it has been

discovered that proper self-management for students of higher education, among other

criteria, improves learning and intellectual accomplishment.

Conversely, students with low academic achievement are often belittled by their

peers, and teachers do not have high expectations of them. They are harsher or more

indifferent to them, which seriously undermines their motivation to learn. The results

show that there is a moderate range of extracurricular engagement in terms of self-

learning and extracurricular activity participation and that the impact on students' overall

development is marginal, with extracurricular activity participation, active classroom

participation, and extracurricular self-learning having different effects on all aspects of

students' development, mainly in terms of direction and degree of influence. Moreover,

extracurricular self-learning and participation's impact on student's development varies

by school type (Sun and Ding 2019).

Conducted a survey on college students in a university in Henan Province by

random sampling, and the survey results showed that college students learning

adaptation and dormitory interpersonal relationships could positively predict academic

achievement. In contrast, the learning adaptation factor mediated the interaction

between dormitory interpersonal relationships and academic achievement. Conducted a

questionnaire survey on 531 university students at Wuhan University and found that

educational goals and autonomy were closely related to academic achievement and that

clear academic goals could effectively improve academic achievement. SEM structural

equation modeling to model the influence of student engagement in Chinese

universities. The results demonstrated that students' active participation in intellectual

engagement can effectively improve academic achievement (Pan and Gao, 2018).

However, most of these systems focus on primary and secondary school

students, and only some specifically investigate the academic achievement of higher

vocational college students. In practice, some studies have directly measured the

academic achievement of college students using academic performance as an indicator.

However, more studies have constructed multidimensional and multi-level structural

models to investigate students' academic achievement. Based on the three dimensions

of academic achievement, competence development, and self-concept (Jia, 2019).

College students usually choose their courses depending on what profession

they want to have in the future, but some students' courses were selected by their

parents. They think that they should obey their parents because what they want is for the

best. But since the student's interests are not related to the course that they are taking,

they usually do not perform well academically (Buenaflor 2020)

Every child can succeed in school and life. Throughout the world, Minority

students experience failure in school for various very complex reasons. They often need

to receive the proper encouragement from teachers. They may need more motivation to

excel in an academic environment. They usually face several demographic,

socioeconomic, and cultural factors that work against them, or their academic

performance may need to be adequately measured (Borman, 2019).

Knowledge and education are public goods. The acquisition and application of

knowledge is a collective societal effort. Higher education institutions (HEIs) in the

Philippines have the daunting task of producing competent graduates who possess the

necessary skills and attributes to thrive in the ever-changing 21st-century work

environment. To ensure quality and optimal learning experiences among university

students, it is important to consider and accommodate their different learning styles and

preferences. Learning style refers to the unique ways in which students learn and

process information (UNESCO, 2018).


Numerous studies have researched the correlation between learning styles and

academic performance among college students. These studies confirm that there is a

positive link between learning styles and academic achievement in university settings.

Learning style refers to the characteristic strengths and preferences in how individuals

receive and process information. It also highlights the fact that every person has their

own method or set of strategies when learning. Learning styles can be defined as a

complex process that enables individual learners to acquire information effectively.

Consequently, learning styles are the differences among learners in using one or more

senses to understand, organize, and retain experiences (Ghaediand Jam, 2019).

Student Reflection on Academic Performance and Motivation

A significant amount of research and resources regarding reflection are focused

on teachers, not students, and have more prevalence either in contexts outside of

education, such as in Mountford and Rogers’s (2021) study on the use of reflection in

nursing, or in institutions of higher education, such as the notion of reflection as the

primary component of an effective teacher, rather than in primary or secondary school

settings. In addition, while reflection is a type of self-evaluation, my action research is

not focused on students' ability to evaluate their work. Rather, students are asked to

reflect on their perceived effort and to gauge their overall performance of the task at

hand, a concept discussed and clarified as metacognition or thinking about one's


While this study focused on a field outside of education, the idea of academic

self-concept and task awareness is particularly interesting to education. The study relays

that "when someone's self-concept matches what they think, feel and do, they can

realize their full potential. Regarding task analysis, the researchers point to Dewey

(2020), who asserted.


Russian educational theorists have developed a method for direct reflection

instruction, dubbed Learning Activity, for elementary school students. As Zuckerman

(2019) discussed, "When the elementary school curriculum does not foster reflective

development, other habits of intellectual work will be cultivated that later limit student's

motivation for and access to self-learning. Given this tenet, the author presents the

Russian viewpoint of reflection, which mirrors what many professional educators may

already be doing in their classroom, albeit implicitly.

Webb and Scoular's (2019) study on the effects of reflection in an urban

elementary school is very similar to the ethnography of my study and concluded, "self-

reflection serves the goal of constructing metacognitive knowledge by making formerly

unconscious, intangible, or reflexive processes or events explicit. This concept is integral

and points out the power of reflection and the need for its meaningful integration into the



Foreign and local literature and studies have some similarities and differences in

how the authors' studies view family support and influence on the academic performance

of elementary pupils. In line with this, the study was an alternative used to get to know

the students better, somehow understand their situation, and find solutions to improve

their academic performance. There is also a mix of online and in-person face-to-face

classes for learning about family support and influence. Students' performance and

achievements improved due to their blended learning experience compared to a fully

face-to-face learning experience.

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on the family support theory and its influence on

academic performance. According to Epstein et al. (2020), family support in their wards'

academic outcomes has remained the most helpful model that connects parents' support

to academic achievement with three interrelated stakeholders: family, school, &

community. Theory depicts that an integrated interaction between the family, educators,

and the community can promote the child’s learning and development. The six types of

involvement are parenting, communication, volunteering, learning at home, decision-

making, and community collaboration. The theory stipulates that the school should assist

families to create a home atmosphere that supports their children as students.

In addition, a two-way communication system should be established between the

family/parents and the school concerning school programs and students' progress. The

school has to develop several communication modes to transfer information between

them and their parents. These communication mediums may include PTA meetings,

sending students' report cards to parents, telephone conversations, messaging/emails,

and social media.

This implies that the school should provide families with information to improve

their parenting skills, which will advance their children's development and create a living

environment that helps students' academic achievement. Such information should be

available to all families, not those attending school events only. More often than not,

families who do not attend school events need such information the most. Likewise, the

school must incorporate information gathered from families about their homes into

lessons taught. The theory stipulates that parenting type of support improves student

discipline, increases school attendance, and improves time for learning.

Conceptual Framework

The major concept of this study focused on Family support and its influence on

the academic performance of Elementary Pupils.


Figure 1 shows the paradigm of the study. It consisted of two (2) boxes: first, the

independent variable box, which contains the Influence of Family Support. Second, the

dependent variable box contains academic performance of Elementary Pupils.

Recently, a group of family support researchers reviewed twenty years of

literature to report on the state of research and overall findings on family support. Kyzar

and Gómez (2018) reviewed quantitative studies published between 1990 and 2010 to

discuss how family support is conceptualized across research studies, how the definition

can be sharpened, how families can benefit from family support, and to what extent.

Academic performance by students has always been a subject of interest to

every educational institution. Whereas there is a consensus that schools should play a

major role in this process, there is disagreement about what that role should be. At the

same time, some believe that the primary focus of schools should be the academic

preparation of students Hirsch and Wilson (2019).

Independent Variable Dependent Variable



Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Significance of the Study

This study focuses on determining Family Support and its Influence on the

academic performance of Elementary Pupils. Moreover, the results of the study will be

beneficial to the following;


Moreover, the results of the study will be beneficial to the following;

Teachers.This will serve as the basis of reliability to assess pupils' academic

performance challenges. Thus, this will be a source of motivation to develop new

strategies the students could rely on. This study reminded the students to overcome the

challenges. They would help them feel better and motivated.

Parents. This study will help the parents to be knowledgeable enough to

influence the students to specify the challenges with their knowledge. It comes with

assurances that the learners should have support from their parents. This study gave

them information about the challenges of the influence of family support on their

academic performance. They would help them continually give their support to the needs

of their students.

Students. This study will help students identify the challenges. The result will

otherwise be beneficial to assess and improve their academic performance. This study

gave them a guide on how to deal with the challenges of developing their academics to

be knowledgeable and motivated them to face the challenges.

Researcher.They would also learn from this research and enhance their understanding

of the challenges of lacking support from family, which they will practice and learn that

they can use today, tomorrow, and shortly. This study would serve as a guide for future

study participants who would like to undergo further research.

Future Researchers The ideas presented may be used as reference data in

conducting related studies that are valid and reliable. This study will serve as a

background or overview that will be beneficial for the success of a similar study will be

conducted. It served as an instrument to challenge them to conduct and research further

related problems under this study.

Scope and Delimitation


This study was conducted on Marbel 6. Elementary School, Located at barangay

concepcionkoronadal city. The research will focus on family support and its influence on

the academic performance of elementary pupils. This study will be conducted on the

number of enrollments in the academic year. The study's respondents are fifty(50) grade

6 students enrolled in the academic year 2022-2023.

Definition of Terms The following words used in this study were defined by its

conceptual and operational use for a better understanding and explanation:

Academic Performance. Conceptually, this term refers to several components

of academic success. Many factors, including socioeconomic status, student

temperament and motivation, and peer and parental support, influence academic

performance (Psychol., 2019). Operationally, this refers to the study that refers to the 1st

grading of Marbel 6 Elementary School.

Family support. Conceptually, Family support refers to environmental,

emotional, and capability support. In the process of students developing learning

potential, their interactions with their proximal social environment ( Mudrák, 2020).

Operationally, in this study, it refers to the positive response and output of the

discipline of the students.


Chapter II


This chapter deals with research methods, respondents or the subjects of the

study, the instrument, the research procedure, and the statistical tools employed to treat

the data gathered.

Research Design

The study used the descriptive correlation method of research design to

determine the relationship between two variables: Family support and its influence on

academic performance.According to Williams (2018), descriptive research is survey

research. This research investigates the influence of family support on academic

performance in elementary grades to collect data to test hypotheses or to answer

questions about students' opinions about some topic or issue. Besides, Nassaji (2019)

stated that the research designs are procedures in quantitative research in which

investigators administer a survey to a sample or the entire population to describe the

attitudes, opinions, behaviors, or characteristics of Grade six students of Marbel

6.Elementary School.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Marbel 6 Elementary School Koronadal City. This

place was selected because it is accessible to the researcher, and, at the same time, the

respondents are obtainable since they are under the Marbel 6 Elementary School.

Marbel 6 Elementary School is a school in Koronadal. Marbel 6 Elementary School is

situated near Barangay Concepcion Health Station and close to Concepcion National

High School.

Population and Sample

The study's respondents involved fifty (50) grade 6 pupils from Marbel 6

elementary school. The study used the random sampling method to determine the

sample size. The table showed that the researchers of this study got 25 pupils in every

section, with a total of 50 pupils that served as respondents of this study.

The researcher Simple random sampling requires carefully defining the population from

which the sample is drawn. It is necessary to provide a framework for the inclusion and

exclusion of population. For instance, it asserts that it is little help in trying to generalize

to all the males and females in a school if only males are taken as the population from

which the sample is drawn Cohen (2018)

Research Instrument

This study utilized adopted and modified questionnaires from the study of family

support and its influence on academic performance. It comprises two sections, with the

first section focusing on gathering respondent's profiles in formation, such as name

(optional), grade, and age. The second section comprised a series of questions about

family support and its influence on academic performance. Within that, it was also

validated by the authorized validators.

The questionnaire was responded to using the Likert scale, consisting of five

checkboxes, ranging from 5-always to 1-never. The scoring ranges were as follows:4.21-

5.00 for always, 3.41-4.20 for often, 2.61-3.40 for sometimes,1.81-2.60 for

seldom,and1.00-1.80 for never.

Data Collection

Before conducting the study, the researchers will submit a letter of permission to

the school principal for the administration of the test and set all important arrangements.

After assuring the deadline, the researchers will recheck and prepare the test questions,

which will be validated by the thesis adviser or other professionals skilled in making such

tests. The researchers will also talk to the adviser to ask the list of the officially enrolled

in the school year 2021-2022 to get the respondents' information so that it could be the

basis of the researchers. The researchers will only need fifty 50 Grade 6 pupils. During

the test administration, the researchers will retrieve the test questionnaires and keep

them confidential.

Statistical Tools

In analyzing and interpreting the result of the study, the researcher used

statistical tools suited for the study. All of the gathered data were treated using the

following statistical tools:

To Determine the Influence of Family Support on the elementary Pupils'

frequency distribution, the weighted mean was used

To Determine the academic performance of Elementary Pupils, Frequency

Distribution and weighted mean were used

To Determine the Relationship between the Influence of Family Support and

the academic performance of Elementary Pupils, the Pearson product-moment

correlation was used.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical guidelines were put into place during the research period. The

respondents can withdraw at any time without reason, including withdrawing data

already provided. The participants' identities and any sensitive information were kept

confidential to hide their verifiable names and limit access to the results of the

questionnaires and study. The researcher ensured he did not infringe on their privacy

without their permission, that the research did not affect their sentiments, and that any

information gathered from them was acknowledged and reported appropriately. The

researcher took extra time to choose a response and respected and protected the

dignity and safety of the study's participants.


Chapter III


This chapter covers the presentation of data gathered from the questionnaires. It

covers the analysis and interpretations of data from the respondents' responses. Those

data were analyzed, discussed, and interpreted according to the responses and the

researcher's basis of interpretations to emphasize the final result of the study.

The family support and influence on academic performance in elementary pupils

of Marbel 6 Elementary School in the Academic Year 2022-2023.were evaluated and

addressed accordingly. It will also give a basis for seminar workshops. Tables were

given appropriate explanations after analyzing and interpreting them. To provide a

clearer understanding of the findings of this study, the analysis of the responses is

presented using weighted mean and Pearson R.

Table 1. Family Support

Statement Mean Description
1. I get the emotional help and support I need from my family. 4.08 Often
2. I can talk about my problems with my family. 3.88 Often
3. I have family willing to help me make decisions. 4.24 Always
4. I feel disappointed about my achievements in life. 2.50 Seldom
5. I am a good leader when a task needs to be done. 3.76 Often
6. I generally believe that my future will be very active. 3.94 Often
7. I have failing grades. 2.12 Seldom
8. I often meet or talk with my family or friends. 3.82 Often
9. I could easily find someone to help me with my daily chores when I
sick. 3.70 Often
10. I really like to bond with my family. 4.28 Always
11. I have a hard time keeping pace with my friends/family. 2.52 Seldom
12. I have activities that need the presence of my parents. 3.52 Often
13. I have an adult in my life that really cares about me. 4.28 Always
14. I can’t understand easily the lessons. 2.68 Sometimes
15. I feel safe in my family relationship. 4.38 Always
16. I have had an experienced that cannot be expressed in words. 3.20 Sometimes
17. I participate in every activity. 3.84 Often
18. I like to be busy and actively involved in activities. 3.42 Often
19. I feel like I’m not always included by my family. 3.44 Often
20. I failed to submit my requirements on time. 3.22 Sometimes
Weighted mean 3.59 Often
Legend: 4.21-5.00 5-Always 1.81-2.60 2-Rarely
3.41-4.20 4-Often 1.00-1.80 1-Never
2.61-3.40 3-Sometimes

Table 1 contains the weighted mean on the respondents' responses on 20

indicators/statements to the family support and its influence on academic performance.

The top 3 lowest mean was indicator seven at 2.12, described/ interpreted as Seldom;

indicator four at 2.50, described/ interpreted as Seldom; and indicator 11 and 2.52,

described/ interpreted as Seldom. The top 3 highest mean was indicator 15 at 4.38,

described/ interpreted as always; indicators 10 and 13 at 4.28, described/ interpreted as

always; and indicator three at 4.08, described/ interpreted as often. The weighted mean,

at 3.59, is described/interpreted as often. The result showed that learners sometimes

had family support that influenced their academic performance.

Table 2. Grade 6 Learners Academic Performance

Grade range Frequency Percentage Description
90-100 1 2% Outstanding
85-89 8 16% Very satisfactory
80-84 26 52% Satisfactory
75-79 14 28% Fairly satisfactory
Below 75 1 2% Did not meet the
Average 81.64 Satisfactory
90-100 - Outstanding
85- 89 - Very satisfactory
80-84 - Satisfactory
75-79 - Fairly satisfactory
75 below - Did not meet the expectation

Table 2 shows the learner's academic performance during the academic year

2022- 2023. It shows that out of 50 learners,26 or 52% of them are satisfactory as they

got a grade ranging from 80-84, 4 or 28% of them are fairly satisfactory as they got a

grade ranging from 75-79, 8 or 16% of them are very satisfactory with a grade ranging

from 85-89, 1 or 2% of them are did not meet the expectation ranging from 75 below,

and the remaining 1 or 2% of them are outstanding ranging from 90-100.


Furthermore, it can be gleaned from Table 2 that the learners' academic

performance is satisfactory, with an average mean score of 81.64 ≈ 82.

Table 3. Correlation
Variable r-value Correlation p-value Level of Decision Remarks
coefficients significance
Family Low Accept null Not
support -0.302 negative 0.196 0.05 hypothesis significance
(x) Correlation
influence to
*at 0.05 level of significance

This part reveals the test results of a non-significant relationship between family

support and influence on the academic performance of grade 6 learners. Table 3 shows

the details of the results, which used Pearson r in testing the relationship between the

variables. It reveals that there is no significant difference between family support and

influence on academic performance as supported by a computed p-value of 0.196, less

than 0.05 level of significance, therefore rejecting the null hypothesis. The coefficient of

correlation, r= -0.302, between family support and influence on academic performance

indicates a low negative correlation (substantial relationship).




This chapter presents the conclusion derived from the conduct of the study,

which is to probe "The family support and influence on academic performance." It also

provides recommendations that future researchers can pursue.

This study aimed to determine the relationship between family support and its

influence on the academic performance of Grade 6 learners of Marbel 6 Elementary

School. The results were obtained through grades and questionnaires from both

variables administered to the respondents. The respondents were selected using a

simple random sampling technique. It employed a descriptive-correlation research

design. Moreover, the data was analyzed using the Likert scale, frequency, percentage,

mean, and Pearson r.

Family support

The family support revealed that the respondent answered the assessment with

a total weighted mean, described as Often. The highest mean showed that I feel safe in

my family relationship, described as always.

Moreover, the result with the lowest mean was in item 7. I have failing grades,

described as seldom.

The parent's educational level has a strong positive link to the behavior and

attitudes they hold regarding their children's education. Empirical findings have

confirmed that parents who have continued education beyond compulsory education are

more inclined to monitor their children and be more cautious about creating conditions

for their continuing education (Feinstein 2019).


These findings were supported by Pong et al. (2018). The importance of parental

involvement in a child's education is One of the most significant influences on the

education of children, which is positively associated with their academic standing.

Support from parents is utilized to evaluate its effects on academic student performance;

it is directly related to the aid of money, support, and education for parental and other

family members' contributions at home. Therefore, academic performance is not

centered solely on educational procedures Within the classroom; it is dependent on the

circumstances young people face. Teenagers are given assistance and encouragement

in the environment at home, the peer group, and teen lifestyles in many locations.

Furthermore, Parents have stated a high level of ability to help their children with

homework, and the level of parenting ability to help their children with homework is

satisfactory. However, there are contradictory findings concerning homework. Some

studies show that parents' involvement in homework is important for pupils' academic

outcomes (Dempsey 2020).

In addition, everyday curricula for children are primarily created by parents

because they are the children's first teachers. Parents make split-second decisions

about what to say and how to say it to their kids during routine interactions. Even when

mothers were given a standard set of materials to share with children or given

standardized instructions, they varied in the ideas they chose to teach and how they did

so. When interacting with their preschoolers around toys, moms may differentially

emphasize literacy, math, colors, object labels, or play, and these interactions will impact

the children's learning (Sénéchal 2020).

Different researchers

have concluded that

student's performance is
closely interlinked with
different factors, which
affect the performance in
a positive or negative
way, these factors can be
psychological, and social.It
was found that
children and youngsters
who perform well
academically, experience
positive schooling

develop social capability,

and engage in pro-social
behavior and establish
good relationships with
parents, teachers, and peers
(Masten et al., 1995
Different researchers
have concluded
thatstudent'sperformance is
closely interlinked with
different factors, which
affect the performance in
a positive or negative

way, these factors can be

psychological, and social.It
was found that
children and youngsters
who perform well
academically, experience
positive schooling
develop social capability,
and engage in pro-social
behavior and establish
good relationships with
parents, teachers, and peers
(Masten et al., 1995

Different researchers
have concluded
thatstudent'sperformance is
closely interlinked with
different factors, which
affect the performance in
a positive or negative
way, these factors can be
psychological, and social.It
was found that
children and youngsters
who perform well

academically, experience
positive schooling
develop social capability,
and engage in pro-social
behavior and establish
good relationships with
parents, teachers, and peers
(Masten et al., 1995
Moreover, the evidence from experimental and quasi-experimental studies on

this issue is mixed, depending on the type of parental involvement and the type of

outcome considered. Some argue that supervision and control of homework and

parental attendance at school activities are not necessarily related to children's

academic achievements. Others indicate that school-based parental involvement is only

modestly associated with student outcomes, at least when compared to ‘at-home good

parenting. Home-based parental involvement was found to be associated positively with

academic performance, while school-based parental involvement had a negative

association (Castro 2018)


Finally, Parental support has moderating impacts on kids' attitudes about school;

additionally, it promotes flexible academic practices and disseminates favorable

information about schools. The impact of parental participation, however, varies

depending on its kind. Children's achievement in the native language, in this case,

English and math, with a lower size effect, is positively correlated with parental

participation at home in homework support and talking to their child about what they

learned in school. On the other side, parental involvement in education, such as parents

attending meetings with instructors and participating in school activities, is inversely

related to academic achievement, particularly in math and English classes (Chowa


learners’ academic performance

The academic performance revealed that during the academic year 2022-2023.It

shows that out of 50 learners,26 or 52% of them are satisfactory as they got a grade

ranging from 80-84, 4 or 28% of them are fairly satisfactory as they got a grade ranging

from 75-79, 8 or 16% of them are very satisfactory with a grade ranging from 85-89, 1 or

2% of them are did not meet the expectation ranging from 75 below, and the remaining 1

or 2% of them are outstanding ranging from 90-100.

In addition, Falling academic performance is attributable to the teacher's non-use

of verbal reinforcement strategy. Others found out that the attitude of some teachers

towards their job is reflected in their poor attendance to lessons, lateness to school,

unsavory comments about student's performance that could damage their ego, poor

method of teaching, and the like effect pupils' academic performance(Morakinyo2020)

Moreover, the student is open to suggestions, quietly, and focuses solely on the

test or examination. The outcome is a zero, ignorance of concepts or rules, or a basic


comprehension level. These students' performances could be better. In light of these

goals, they consider quitting school early.Therefore, learning approaches are a student's

learning process when undertaking an academic task. These processes come from both

their perceptions of the task as well as from the characteristics of the individual

(Entwistle & Peterson, 2004)

Finally, Academic achievement is influenced by things like intellectual ability.

Level, character, drive, aptitude, hobbies, study practices, self-worth, or the bond

between teachers and students. When a chasm between academic performance and the

Pupil's anticipated performance happens, it alludes to a divergent result. The result of

poor academic achievement performs worse than anticipated. It may occasionally be

connected to instructional strategies. (Marti, 2019).


In light of the findings accumulated, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The influence of family support in Marbel 6. Elementary School is described as

often. It means some grade 6 learners are often receiving family support.

2. The Academic performance of learners on Marbel 6. Elementary Schools are

satisfactory. It means that learners' academic performance is reasonable and low.

3. There is no significant relationship between family support and its influence on

academic performance.


Given the findings and consideration of the limitations of the study, it is

recommended that:

1. The learners are encouraged to interact and talk to their parents or any family

member to develop their relationship.

2. The school administrator recommendedconducting seminars for parents,

programs, and some student activities, like family days, where students and parents can

build more relationships.

3. The teachers are encouraged to use different teaching strategies to improve

students' academic performance and be more observant of their students as well.

4. The parents are encouraged to build harmonious relationships with their

children while learning at home.

5. The future researcher isencouraged to use this study as reference data in

conducting related studies that are valid and reliable. This study may serve as a

background or overview beneficial for the success.



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Letters to Validators


Letters to validators


Letters to Validators


Validation sheet for the researcher Questionnaires



Validation sheet for the researcher Questionnaires



Validation sheet for the researcher Questionnaires


Research Questionnaire/Develop Materials
Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges- Marbel, Incorporated
Prk. Waling-Waling, Arellano St. Zone II, Koronadal City (9506)
Tel No. (083) 228-2880
College of Teacher Education
NAME (optional): ___________________________________DATE: ___________
Survey on Family Relationship:
Direction: Please rate the extent of your opinion to the different related to the
different related on social media. Check (/) the number which corresponds to your
response in each indicator. Please use the following in determining your response
to each indicator.
5-Always 4-Often 3-Sometimes 2-Rarely 1-Never
QUESTIONS 5 4 3 2 1

1. I get the emotional help and support I need

from my family.
2. I can talk about my problems with my
3. I have family willing to help me make
4. I feel disappointed about my achievements
in life.
5. I am a good leader when a task needs to
be done.
6. I generally believe that my future will be
very active.
7. I have failing grades.

8. I often meet or talk with my family or

9. I could easily find someone to help me with
my daily chores when i sick.
10. I really like to bond with my family
11. I have a hard time keeping pace with my

12. I have activities that need the presence of

my parents.
13. I have an adult in my life that really cares
about me
14. I can’t understand easily the lessons
15. I feel safe in my family relationship.
16. I have had an experienced that cannot be
expressed in words
17. I participate in every activities.
18. I like to be busy and actively involved in
19. I feel like I’m not always included by my
20. I failed to submit my requirements on time.


Summary of Validators of Research Instruments

Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges- Marbel,

Prk. Waling-Waling, Arellano St. Zone II, Koronadal City (9506)
Tel No. (083) 228-2880
College of Teacher Education

Average Rating for Research Instrument

Name of Expert Average Rating Description

CHRISTINE JOY F. 4.77 Excellent


BAGENDA B. 5.00 Excellent


Average 4.63 Excellent


4.50-5.00 - Excellent

3.50-4.49 - Very Good

2.50-3.49 - Good

1.50-2.49 - Poor


Letter of Permission to Conduct a Study



Certificate of Appearance



Name: Micaella M. Queque

Date of Birth: February 22, 2002

Age: 21 years old

Sex: Female

Place of Birth: Koronadal City

Nationality: Filipino

Religion: Church of God


Father: Jeorge N. Queque

Mother: Nida M.Queque

Address: Barangay Concepcion City of Koronadal


Tertiary: Batchelor of Elementary Education

: Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Colleges- Marbel


: Purok Waling-Waling, Brgy. Zone II, Arellano Street,


Koronadal City

Senior High School : Humanity and Social Sciences

: Concepcion Senior High School

: Brgy. Concepcion South Cotabato

: 2017-2019

Junior High School : Concepcion National High School

:Brgy.Concepcion South Cotabato

: 2013-2017

Elementary : Marbel 6. Elementary School

: Brgy. Concepcion South Cotabato

: 2007-2013

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