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Ponnaluru vinay kumar

Mobile: +91-9059972124

Professional summary
• 6+ years of Experience in Collibra DGC, MuleSoft, Databases, Data Governance, RESTful Webservices,
and many more Integrations etc...

• working as senior software engineer with PURE SOFTWARE PVT.LTD , Bangalore

• Worked as consultant with KMPG Assurance and consulting LLP, Bangalore

• Worked as Senior Software Developer with Nivis Info Private Limited, Hyderabad
• Have Solid understanding of DG operation models, metadata, Collibra process flows.
• Expertise in using MuleSoft studio in creating various flows to integrate API's, Databases and SaaS
• Have used SQL and database technologies extensively on several projects. Worked extensively on
writing efficient SQL to read and write data.
• Extensive hands on experience in consuming as well as developing API's for REST based Web services
to integrate third party functional modules into the core application.
• Participated in deployment of Mule ESB applications using Cloud Hub and Strong experience using
Mule ESB in integrating various third party solutions.
• Hands on experience in Mule Expression Language (MEL) to access payload data, properties and
variables of Mule Message Flow.
• Extensively worked on both Enterprise and Community editions of MULE ESB. Have an experience
working on MULE API manager and RAML.
• Designed and developed Mule ESB projects using various connectors like File, Database, ,
Transformers, and Data weave for integrating various applications which are on-premises and hosted
on cloud using synchronous and asynchronous Mule flows. topics and queues and some
transformations at the integration layer.
• Experience in creating Data Governance Policies, Business Glossary, Data Dictionary, Reference Data,
Metadata, Data Lineage, and Data Quality Rules in Collibra.
• Decomposition and documentation of Business Lineage and Technical Lineage in Collibra.
• Extensive experience in implementing metadata, Business Glossary, Data Lineage and data quality in
• Extensive Experience in retrieving and manipulating data from backend using Oracle, SQL Server,
• Experience in Maven build tools for building and deploying applications on web/App
• Experience in Salesforce Development and LWC components and integrations with java.
• Experience in design and development of application using Java,SQL,Java-API and Spring.
• Experience in Installing and setting up Java, Informatica, Alteryx,Collibra.
• Experience in creating Instances and monitoring the instances in Amazon EC2.
• Hands on experience with tools Podium, WSO2, Alation, Power BI, Tableau etc.
• Worked on Relational Database Management Systems as Oracle.

• DataGovernance Tools: Collibra
• Code Development Tools:SQL Server Management Studio, Eclipse
• Web Services: Web Services and REST APIs.
• Build Tools: Apache Maven,Nexus.
• Tools: SQL Developer, DB Visualizer,Microsoft Power BI,Jira
• Repositories: SVN,Tortoise,Git
• Documentation tools: MS Word, Excel,Powerpoint.


AI ML Registration Workflows(Prudential Client)

Environment:JDK, Anypoint Studio,flowable plugin

• Developed Worklows which Registers AI Systems.

• Developeed Approval Process Workflows

SAP HANA to Collibra Integration

Environment:JDK, Anypoint Studio, Mule Runtime 3.8, SAP HANA, Cloud Hub.

• Developed end to end SAP HANA to Collibra integration.

• Development of mule flow configuration files.
• Developed and managed external properties file.
• Involved in applying security scheme to tool Credentials.
• Developed time-based refresh of template.
• Involved in applying exception handling mechanism in the flows

JIRA to Collibra Bidirectional Integration

Environment: Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS
• Developed bidirectional Integration between JIRA and Collibra
• Developed end to end JIRA to Collibra integration end to end Collibra to JIRA integration.
• Development of mule flow configuration files.
• Developed and managed external properties file.
• Involved in applying security scheme to tool Credentials.
• Developed time-based refresh of template.
• Involved in applying exception handling mechanism in the flows

WSO2 to Collibra Integration WSO2

Environment: Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS
Responsabilites :
• Developed end to end WSO2 to Collibra integration.
• Development of mule flow configuration files.
• Developed and managed external properties file.
• Involved in applying security scheme to tool Credentials.
• Developed time-based refresh of template.
• Involved in applying exception handling mechanism in the flows.

SAP BOBJ to Collibra Integration

Environment: Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS.

• The SAP BOBJ Integration, we fetc it on hed all the data from SAP BOBJ and ingested it into
Collibra using Collibra Connector with Mule as Middleware Technology.
• The integration mainly focuses on Universe, Classes, Objects, Tables, Columns, Schema, WEBI
Documents, Query, Reports, Columns, Schema, WEBI Documents, Query, Reports, Columns in
SAP BOBJ. Keeping the meta model similar to SAP BOBJ and established relations between
various parameters.
• Developed end to end SAP BOBJ to Collibra integration.
• Development of mule flow configuration files and managed external properties file.
• Involved in applying security scheme to tool Credentials and exception handling mechanism in
the flows

Waterline to Collibra bi-directional Integration

Environment:JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS

• Fetches all the metadata from Waterline, such as Tag Domains, Tags, Hive, HDFS Fields using the
waterline custom connector and pushed the same into Collibra using Mule as middleware
• Keeping the meta model as same and established relations between various parameters and vice
• Developed end to end Waterline and Collibra integrations.
• Development of mule flow configuration files and managed external properties file
• Involved in applying security scheme to tool Credentials and exception handling mechanism in
the flows.

MUFG(Informatica IDQ2 Collibra DGC)

Environment: JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS

• Developed code IDQ2DGC which can handle MS SQL and PostgreSQL and Deployed code in
MUFG instance

Disney(Collibra Core Implementation -Qubole2 Collibra dgc

Environment: JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS
• Developed code which fetches data from qubole and ingests into DGC

• The Collibra DGC to EDC Integration is a custom integration that brings the Collibra metadata
Communities, Sub Communities and Glossary (Name and the hierarchy with String
Concatenation), CDEs, KPIs and Acronyms (Name, definition and relation if exists), Linked Hana
Columns through a spring boot application using REST API
• manually trigger the Spring boot application that inserts all the records into Excel File in a format
of Collibra DGC Custom model that EDC accepts.
• And then a semi-automated process will import the data into EDC. In EDC the Communities, Sub-
Communities and Glossary are appending with “>” and integrated as Glossary and the CDEs, KPIs
and Acronyms are integrated as Terms with attribute values and term to term relations.
• And then import the lineage.csv file to EDC through custom lineage resource for terms to SAP
HANA columns linking, then terms or columns lineage represents relation between terms and
columns with hierarchy.

BNSF(MarkLogic 2 IBM IGC)

Environment:JDK, Any point Studio, Mule Runtime 3.8,Marklogic Rest Api’s,IGC Api’s

• Worked on building a java code for integrating MarkLogic 2 igc we were able to move all the objects
of marklogic like clusters, database, forests, schemas, documents, and fields into IGC
• implemented Incremental update based on timestamps

Microstrategy 2 DGC
Environment: JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Collibra, Collibra Connect and REST APIS
• Evaluated and Installed Microstrategy in our server instance
• Build Integration template for Microstrategy Data Source to Collibra DGC
• Researched on MicroStrategy SDK package
• Worked on Creating solution high level overview presentation and Release Notes
• Worked on Encoding the passwords used in the template

Informatica EDC 2 OneTrust

Environment: JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Onetrust, EDC REST APIS
• Developed code for fetching EDC data and posting it into One Trust

AWS Glue 2 Alation

Environment:Java,kafka,alation,alation apis,Glue data catalog
• created a solution to synchronize metadata from the Glue Data Catalog and Glue jobs to Alation
usng kafka messaging.
• The solution also synchronizes column-level lineage of Glue jobs to Alation and visualizes it in Neo4j.
Dundas BI 2 Alation
Environment:JAVA,Alation,alation Api’s,Dundas BI
• Installed Dundas BI tool in server
• Evaluated the tool and created some sample objects in it like reports, scorecards, and dashboards
for testing the rest API's.
• Worked on integrating Dundas BI 2 Alation using java code fetched project name, dashboard name,
and its metadata
• Worked on Rest API’s for getting metadata of all objects and necessary fields from Dundas BI and
helped team in some aspects while building code for integration

Power BI to Collibra
Environment: JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Power BI, Collibra Connect and REST APIS
• created a solution to synchronize metadata from the Power BI and lineage of Power BI to Collibra.
• The Solution involves in following phases.
• Power BI to Collibra solution is Mule Soft based application that provides one-way integration
between Power BI (source) and Collibra DGC (target).
• The Power BI object such as Dashboards, Tiles, Reports and Datasets are imported into
Collibra as Assets (Type: Dashboard, Tiles, Report and Data Set) with their related
• information such as Web URL as Attribute for Report type and Configured by as Attribute for
Dataset Type in Collibra.
• Dashboard is related to Tiles, Tiles is related to Reports and Reports are related to Data Set in
• The Triggering happens whenever AnyPointStudio finishes Execution. This synchronizes the
metadata of dashboards, reports and tiles of Power BI to Collibra representing the Power BI. It also
Synchronizes the lineage between dashboards, tiles, reports and datasets.

Power BI to Alation
Environment: JDK, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Power BI, Alation REST APIS
• created a solution to synchronize metadata from the Power BI and lineage of Power BI to Alation.
• The Solution involves in following phases.
• Power BI to Alation solution is Java based application that provides one-way integration between
Power BI (source) and Alation (target).
• The Power BI object such as Dashboards, Tiles, Reports and Datasets are imported into
Alation with their related

Snowflake to Collibra
Environment: JAVA, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Snowflake, Collibra Connect and REST APIS
• Snowflake to Collibra DGC Integration uses mule platform for integrating Snowflake metadata to
Collibra DGC.
• This solution helps users to fetch Snowflake metadata like databases, schemas, tables, views &
columns along with view & column metadata and then ingests as assets of their respective asset
types into Collibra Data Governance Center.
• This solution also maintains the hierarchy/relationships between databases, schemas, tables, views
and column.
• The assets are also qualified by the deemed important attributes e.g. Definition for a Table assets,
Source Data Type for Column assets, etc.

Informatca EDC to Salesforce

Environment: JAVA, Anypoint studio, Mule runtime, Salesforce and REST APIS
• Imported resources, Database, Schema, Tabel, and columns from EDC as custom object records
in salesforce Using salesforce Bulk Api’s

Informatca IDQ to Salesforce

Environment: JAVA, Eclipse,Salesforce and REST APIS
• Imported Scorecard, Dashboards,DQ rules ad metrics as custom object records in salesforce
Using salesforce Bulk Api’s

• Education DETAILS
• Graduation In mechanical engineering (April 2017) From N.B.K.R.Institute ofScience and
• Intermediate in M.P.C (March 2013) from Sri Chaithanya College, nellore.
• Matriculation (April 2011) from st’pauls E.M high school nellore.
Name: ponnaluru vinaykumar
Gender : Male
Address: Dr.No: 1-236,
North rajupalem kodavalur mandal,SPSR Nellore(Dt.),
Andhra Pradesh-524366.

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