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Integration Manual

CTFClient / AC

Confidential Document Auttar

This document contains confidential commercial and strategic aspects of Auttar company , its solutions and services , which were delivered
in restricted basis and may not be distributed , copied or disclosed to third parties without prior permission of the company

Version Date Author Reviews

00.00.00 29/06/2006 Emerson Polesi Document Creation.
00.00.01 14/07/2006 Tânia Alves Magro Document review.
00.00.02 31/07/2006 Emerson Polesi General revision of the document. reformatting.
Inclusion of flowchart for AC.
Inclusion of new transactions.
Corrections in the second row of the bitmap POSENTRA.
Inclusion of new fields in POSENTRA.
Inclusion of return/new error codes.
00.00.03 18/08/2006 Tânia Alves Magro Review and inclusion of detailed step-by-step operations.

Emerson Polesi Creation of overview document.
Inclusion of the annex on device configuration.
Inclusion of new transactions.
Corrections in the second row of the bitmap POSENTRA.
Inclusion of new fields in POSENTRA.
Inclusion of return/new error codes.
00.00.10 18/08/2006 Emerson Polesi Last revision and preparation for disclosure.
00.00.11 22/08/2006 Emerson Polesi Change the references to "Java CTFClient" to "CTFClient".
00.00.12 04/04/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Inclusion of command 225 - Start Day, 226 - Card query and
227 - By pass.
Inclusion of new fields POSENTRA: 6 – Info, 7 – Timestamp, 8
– Password e 37 – AC name.
Changing field description 1 – POSENTRA operation code.
Inclusion of new fields POSSAIDA: transaction code of the
CTF, Password, NSU CTF original, input value, type of
warranty, the service Value, date of the first installments,
Installment value, date of the Original transaction, logo and
customer Balance. These fields are optional in POSSAIDA,
depending on the version of CTFClient.
Including return codes 25 - CTFClient error, 26 - Pinpad error
and 32 - Integration error
Description of the operation 225-Start Day.
00.00.13 17/04/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Review of the document:
-Index creation.
-Review of implemented operations.
-Integration's change notes via file in relation to ClientCTF for
00.00.14 11/05/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Receipts reprint's commands review.

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Definition of command 229 - Reprint of another receipt.
Creation of section 4.2.1 CLIENTCTF.EXE Program.
POSENTRA's encryption.
00.00.15 06/06/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Update of the bytes maps of entered transactions, to indicate
the possibility of sending card data by AC integration.
Creation of commands 230 - Pay Record compensation bill
and 231 - Pay Dealership bill.
Update error codes.
00.00.16 20/06/2007 Tânia Alves Magro 5358 error code definition.
Review of cases in which the POSENTRA file should be
Definition of error code 5011, 5012, 5013, 5133 and 5132.
00.00.17 03/08/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Revision of the format of the third line of POSSAIDA.
Review of the terminal code description of POSENTRA's first
line, which is required.
00.00.18 10/08/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Revision of the format of Date fields of the first installment
and date of POSSAIDA's Original Transaction to DDMMAAAA.
Review of transactional flow of CDC Consultation, which must
commit the transaction.
Withdrawal treatment information in the operation 101 -
Debt in cash, to AC solutions with fiscal printer.
Inclusion of other implemented transactions.
Detailed flow of operations: 129 – Check Query and 181 –
Agreement query.
00.00.19 22/08/2007 Marcos Luiz Gregório POSENTRA's second line format revision.
Update on the size of the map of bytes.
Updating the map of bytes of Digital Credit values query.
Inclusion of detailed flow of operations: 173 – Digital Credit
values query and 174 – Digital Credit values query with and
without consultation.
00.00.20 01/10/2007 Marcos Luiz Gregório Fix bit values 48 – Input mode of barcode.
Changing the bitmap for the operations related to payment of
bills: 152, 153, 154, 155, 180 e 181.
Adding an example in Visual Basic using the encryption DLL.
Inclusion of 66 and 67 bits in POSENTRA.
Inclusion of 5359 and 5360 error codes.
Inclusion of detailed flow of transactions: payment of
Compensation sheet with consultation, payment clearing,
payment card agreement with consultation, payment of
insurance compensation Record query, Query an agreement,
cancellation of payment
00.00.21 10/10/2007 Marcos Luiz Gregório Changing the bitmap for the operation 129 – Check Query
Changes to the detailed flow of the operation Check Query
Inclusion of 68 bit on POSENTRA
Inclusion of error codes: 5361, 5363, 5362, 5364

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00.00.22 24/10/2007 Marcos Luiz Gregório Changing the bitmap for the operation 129 – Check Query.

Inclusion of detailed flow of the operation Check guarantee

Review of integration of PBM transactions, which are made

Tânia Alves Magro through command 227 – Bypass.
25/10/2007 Documentation of the commands of PBM transactions that
are executed thorugh the command 227 – bypass: review of
"operations" section, review the section "second line of
POSENTRA", creating the "second line of POSENTRA –
operations performed via the Bypass", redefinition of the
field 30 – Authorizing code, review the section "third line of
POSSAIDA – Agreement, Pharmacy and PBM query” creation
of sections "Query PBM " , "Sell PBM " and " Cancellation
PBM " .
Inclusion of PBM E-Pharma examples.

00.00.23 30/10/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Definition of new features for Paggo:
232 – Purchase credit in cash with cell phone;
233 – Purchase installment credit Shopkeeper with cell
34 – Purchase installment credit Administrator with cell
Review of maps of bytes of cancellation operations.
Definition of fields 70 – DDD and 71 – Phone.
00.00.24 14/11/2007 Marcos Luiz Gregório Changing the transaction code "cancellation Insurance
Company/PBM" to 31.
Inclusion of the error codes 5014, 5015, 5366.
Change in subfield 70 size to 3 positions
Change in the bitmap 232, 233 and 234
Change in format of the bits 2 and 5 of POSENTRA
Changing types of subfields in POSSAIDA 1 –Operation, 6 –
Return code.
Tânia Alves Magro
14/12/2007 Review of examples of POSENTRA transactions query that
must inform the field 33 – Transaction number equal to " 00"
(except the CDC Consultation).
Creating section 4.5 Transaction Number, detailing the
control sequencing of transactions conducted by AC.
00.00.25 17/12/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Description of when Card is present operation via Bypass.

00.00.26 20/12/2007 Tânia Alves Magro Detailed description of when Card is present operation via
00.00.27 03/01/2008 Tânia Alves Magro Review of Bit 62 field layout of when card is present load
operation via Bypass.
00.00.28 10/01/2008 Tânia Alves Magro Review of 62 Bit field layout of POSSAIDA's third row of the
Card is present query operation via Bypass.
00.00.29 06/02/2008 Tânia Alves Magro, Definition of the third line of POSSAIDA for the 1F operation,
Cláudio Montenegro returned to some authorizers (replacing operation 009 -
consulting the card number. Today implemented only for the
authorizer Salfer).
Review of maps of bytes to include the 7-byte as optional in
the operations with card and bypass.

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Review of the document to contemplate the changes related
to the integration of the CTFClient DOS of using modularized
00.00.30 08/02/2008 Marcos Luiz Gregório Changing the type of the subfield operation in the first and
third line of POSENTRA.

Detail of AC e-Commerce integrations:

- Review of the Introduction of the document.
- Revision of the definition of the AC component.
- Creation of the section Flowchart to AC/CTFClient
Integration with the card not present.
- Review of section Integration by TCP/IP Socket.
- Creation of the Card not present Operations section.
- Creation of the section: POSENTRA's second line -
operations with the card not present.
- Change the description of the field 14 - NSU CTF
POSENTRA's third line section.
- Change the description of the fields: Establishment, Store
and Terminal of POSENTRA's first line section.
00.00.31 04/04/2008 Tânia Alves Magro Annex E – DOS modularized Integration.
Section CLCTFDOS.EXE Program to describe the CTFClient
EMV DOS solution program.
00.00.32 07/04/2008 Tânia Alves Magro Review of the document related to CTFClient EMV DOS
Detailing of the Overview section, for greater understanding
of the document.
00.00.33 07/05/2008 Tânia Alves Magro Definition of byte 73 - Flag of POSENTRA Expiration capture.
Byte map change operation 226 - Consultation Card. Example
of operation Transfer Prepaid Card.
Alteration of examples of Prepaid Card to include the byte 73
in POSENTRA operations 226.
00.00.34 14/05/2008 Marcos Luiz Gregório Inclusion of subfields 72 – Credit with mobile enabled, 74 –
Web Multiple transactions e 75 – Multiple transactions code
Changing the bitmap of the transaction 005 - CTFClient
parameters configuration.
Inclusion of a subfield in the third line of the POSSAIDA to the
transaction configuration query.
Changing the bitmap of transaction 120
Inclusion of error code 5369, 5370, 5371, 5372, 5373, 5374,
5375, 5376
00.00.35 19/05/2008 Marcos Luiz Gregório Inclusion of new operation codes 235 - Purchase of Gas card
and its bitmap, 236 – Surprise Change
Bitmap definition of transactions: 235 - Purchase of Gas card
and its bitmap and 236 – Surprise change.
Definition of the third line of the POSSAIDA to the transaction
235 – Purchase of Gas Card.
00.00.36 28/05/2008 Tânia Alves Magro Exclusion of subfield 72 – Credit with mobile enabled.
Definition of bytes 69 – Card Issuance Date and 72 –
Promotional Event, the third line of POSENTRA.
Definition of fields Value of the share, Total amount of
financing and Interest rate of the first line of the POSSAIDA.
Definition of byte 22 – Bit 62 for the operation 128 – Generic
Cancellation, as optional.

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Definition of operation 237 – Removal of the Chip Card.
Review of proposed treatment for misprints of receipts in the
Flowchart section for AC/CTFClient Integration.
Review of the section Second line of POSSAIDA: use of '#'
character as row separator.
Revision of the initial description of the section First Line of
Changing the layout of the third line of POSSAIDA for buying
Gas card.
Example of the operations 235 – Gas Card, 236 – Change and
237 – Removal of chip card.
00.00.37 14/08/2008 Marcos Luiz Gregório Inclusion of subfield 78 – Credit with mobile enabled in
Changing the bitmap of the transaction 005 - Setting the
parameters of the CTFClient.
Inclusion of a subfield in the third line of the POSSAIDA to the
transaction configuration query.
Changing the bitmap of the transaction 120 – Typed credit
and transaction 134 - Cancellation of pre-authorization.

Tânia Alves Magro MAC field definition in the first line of the POSSAIDA.
29/09/2008 Definition of fields 76 – Table code and 77 – Payment with
POSENTRA voucher balance

Tânia Alves Magro Definition of commands 240 – Title payment by credit card,
08/10/2008 241 - Collection payment with credit card and 242 - DETRAN
Definition of the map of bytes of command 240 - DETRAN
Definition of field 79 – DETRAN's payment data of POSENTRA.
Definition of the third line of POSSAIDA – DETRAN payment.
Example of DETRAN payment.
Standardization of names " Title " in place of " Compensation
Schedule" and " Collection " in place of " Agreement " and "
Carrier ".
Name change "Third line POSSAIDA - Electronic Payment
Private Label " to " Third line POSSAIDA - Electronic Payment
extended" .
00.00.38 20/01/2009 Tânia Alves Magro Definition of field 80 – Number of registration of the third line
Changing the map of bytes of operation 128 - Generic
Cancellation to optionally treating the byte 80.
Review of byte maps of Title payment and card fundraiser
28/01/2009 Tânia Alves Magro operations: 230, 231, 240 and 241.
00.00.39 24/06/2009 Eduardo Santos Definition of commands – 118 Consultation Credit Financing,
126 – Typed Credit Finance query
00.00.40 30/10/2009 Eduardo Santos Correction of the starting position of the field "Interest rate"
in the third line of the file POSENTRA.
00.00.41 22/12/2009 Marcos Gregório Definition of the error codes 5377 and 5378
efinition of the transaction code of POSSAIDA at position 177
00.00.42 11/01/2010 Eduardo Santos Definition of the operations of integration with TEF Dialed:
900, 901 and 902
00.00.43 14/01/2010 Eduardo Santos Change in the definition of the bit 75 and inclusion of 81 and
82 bits. Definition of commands: 243 – CDC Electronic and

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244 – Guaranteed purchase.
00.00.44 28/04/2010 Marcos Gregório Inclusion of error code 5379.
Definition of field 83 - RG
Definition of field 84 - Telephone
Definition of field 85 - Mobile phone
Definition of field 86 – Voucher code
Inclusion of field 86 in the bitmap of the following
112 - Credit
113 - Installment Credit Without Interest
114 - Installment Credit With Interest
119 - Pre-Credit authorization
120 - Typed Credit
121 - Typed Credit In Installments Without Interest
122 - Typed Credit In Installments With Interest
127 - Pre-authorization Typed Credit
132 - Confirm Pre-authorization
133 - Confirm Pre-authorization Entered
167 - Confirm Pre-authorization Without Interest
168 - Confirm Pre-authorization With Interest
169 - Confirm Pre-authorization Entered Without Interest
170 - Confirm Pre-authorization Entered With Interest
Definition of field 87 – Identification request
Inclusion of field 87 in the bitmap of the following
115 - IATA Credit
116 - IATA credit without interest
117 - IATA credit with interest
123 - IATA typed credit
124 - IATA typed credit without interest
125 - IATA typed credit with interest
00.00.45 11/05/2010 Marcos Gregório Definition of the new features:
245 – Withdraw with credit card
246 – Withdraw with debit card

Eduardo Santos Correction of the description of bit 50 in POSENTRA file

00.00.46 03/06/2010 Eduardo Santos • Detailing the use of bit 14 and 74 in POSENTRA
• Bit 14 POSENTRA became optional for the operations 006
and 007 , and its requirement indicated by the content of
bit 74.
• Change to the map of bit for operation 005 (CTFClient
parameters configuration)
00.00.47 09/06/2010 Marcos Gregório • Changing the bitmap of the transaction 139 – AVS Query
• Change the third line to the transaction AVS Query

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00.00.48 11/06/2010 Eduardo Santos Definition of command 107 – Voucher Query
00.00.49 16/01/2011 Marcos Gregório • Definition of error code 5380
• Inclusion of new operation codes 254– Non-financial
• Addition on the first line of the POSSAIDA the discount
amount subsidized by authorizer
• Definition of the new Fuel Control functionality
• Definition of error code 5381
00.00.50 28/06/2011 Tânia Alves Magro Replacement of the name of the Private Label card payment
functionality for invoice Payment.
• Definition of invoice Payment operations, to meet the
Authorizers IBI, Fininvest Interchange, E-Capture and
• 182 - Invoice Payment query;
• 183 - Invoice payment.
00.00.51 20/12/2011 Marcos Luiz Gregório Replacement of the name of the Private Label card payment
functionality for invoice Payment.
• Definition of invoice Payment operations, to meet the
Authorizers IBI, Fininvest Interchange, E-Capture and
• 182 - Invoice Payment query;
• 183 - Invoice payment.
00.00.52 06/01/2012 Eduardo Santos Changing the Layout of POSSAIDA

Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of error code 5385

00.00.53 30/03/2012 Tânia Alves Magro Change the layout of the POSENTRA and POSSAIDA Digital
Credit operations for the Expansion Project NTC (9 digit
phone numbers).
00.00.54 23/05/2012 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of operations:
• 107 – Card is present query
• 260 – Card is present activation
00.00.55 11/04/2013 Marcos Luiz Gregório Inclusion of error code 5386.
Inclusion of error code 5387
Inclusion of the bit 89 in the POSENTRA layout
Review of bit 47-barcode, in POSENTRA
Redefinition of bit 81 for "transaction origin"

Eduardo Santos
Definition of operation 267 Cielo Credit ( this operation
Substitutes CDC operations 108 and 109, when acquiring
Cielo ).
56 06/09/2013 Tânia Alves Magro Changing the default document version numbering.
The operation 260 becomes identified as:
• 260 - Prepaid Card Activation

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Inclusion of operation codes:
• 272 - Pre -authorization Activation Prepaid Card
• 273 - Prepaid card activation with pre-authorization
• 274 - Deactivation Prepaid Card
• 275 - FastPIN Sale
• 276 - FastPIN return
Details of operations : 260, 272, 273, 274, 275 and 276.
The prepaid card balance query can be made through the
operation 263.
57 07/05/2014 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of error code 5388, 5389 e 5390.
Transaction Definition: 282 - Authorization / sell fuel
58 05/09/2014 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of error code 5391, 5392 e 5393, 5394
Definition of bits of POSENTRA:
• 93 MAD
• 94 Fusion bombs IP and port controller
• 95 Flag Query
• 96 Query identifier
Definition of bits of POSSAIDA:
• Query identifier
59 09/10/2014 Tânia Alves Magro Reserve commands 293 to 297 to send vouchers.
60 25/11/2014 Eduardo Santos Definition of the Output Field:
• Network Name

Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of operations

• 289 - DOTZ Accumulation
• 290 - DOTZ Rescue
• 291 - DOTZ Balance Query
• 292 - DOTZ Extract Query
61 08/01/2015 Marcos Luiz Gregório Inclusion of the code of the plan in the third line of the
POSSAIDA to query Credit Financing
Definition of operation
• 300 - Present Magnetic Card Activation
Changing the descriptions of the operation:
• 262 - Recharge present magnetic card
62 26/02/2015 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of bits of POSENTRA:
• 97 – Invoice Payment Identification Type
• 98 – Identifier of the Invoice
63 06/04/2015 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of the field of POSSAIDA: Alphanumeric Code VAN
Creation of the bit POSENTRA:
• 99 – Form of invoice payment ID
Inclusion of error code: 5397

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64 31/08/2015 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of operations:
• 301 – Member card ID
• 302 – Identification of member card type
• 303 – PBM Getnet Sale in cash
• 304 – PBM Getnet Sale without interest
• 305 – PBM Getnet Sale with interest
65 03/03/2016 Marcos Luiz Gregório Setting the bits of POSENTRA:
• 100 – Date of shipment
• 101 – Identification of capture type on Pinpad
Setting Error codes:
• 5398 – Invalid Expiration date
• 5399 – Invalid barcode
Definition of Operations:
• 306 – Pre-authorization Consultation
• 322 – Additional Pre-authorization
Definition of the detail of the third line of POSSAIDA for the
transaction 118 – Itaú SX
66 09/03/2016 Marcos Luiz Gregório Setting the bits of POSENTRA:
• 76 – Table code
Field definition of POSSAIDA at position 555 – Number of
Exchange voucher
Correction of the defined position of the following fields of
the first line of POSSAIDA:
• Authorizing Agent NSU (Redefined)
• Type of pre-authorization capture
• Flag name
• Query Identifier
• Network name
67 11/04/2016 Auttar Changing the company’s visual identity.
68 16/05/2016 Marcos Luiz Gregório Setting operations and their bitmaps:
• 326 – In cash First Purchase digitized credit
• 327 – First Purchase in installment without interest
digitized credit
• 328 – First Purchase in installment with interest
digitized credit
• 329 – Commercial Establishments Consultation
Change of the field description Store in the first line of
Inclusion of the chapter with the definition of Multi
Commercial Establishment (Multi EC) in chapter “CTFClient
Multi EC”
Definition of the third line of POSSAIDA – Consultation of
Commercial Establishments
69 23/06/2016 Marcos Luiz Gregório Review of POSSAIDA of operation 329 – Consultation of
Multi-EC Establishments

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Inclusion of field 102 – Multi-EC terminal identifier.

Definition of the third line of the POSSAIDA for operation 260

– Activation of Prepaid Card

Inclusion of error codes: 5400, 5401.

70 21/12/2016 Marcos Luiz Gregório Inclusion of error code: 5403.

Definition of operation 908 – Data capture on the pinpad.
Definition of the third line of POSSAIDA of the operation.
Review of Annex A – Return Codes
Exclusion of sessions 4.2.2 CLCTFDOS Component, and 4.2.3
CLCTFDOS Component of the Modularized Solution.
Exclusion of Annex E.
71 10/04/2017 Marcos Luiz Gregório Review of the POSENTRA bit:
• 77 – Allows partial approval of transaction value
Inclusion of error code 5404
Inclusion of operation 412 – Pre-authorization amendment
72 21/06/2017 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of operations and their bitmaps
• 335 – Credit 4All
• 336 – Debit 4All
73 27/09/2017 Marcos luiz Gregório Definition of the POSENTRA bit:
• 105 – Perform Authorizing Agent Financing Inquiry
• 106 – Software Descriptor
• 107 – Dymanic MCC
• 108 – Used Wallet
• 109 – Wallet Identifier
• 110 – Cell phone recharge type
Addition of optional bit 105 in operations:
• 112 - Credit
• 113 – Interest-free installment credit
• 114 – Installment credit with interest
• 120 – Digitized Credit
• 121 – Digitized credit in installment without interest
• 122 – Digitized credit in installment with interest
74 05/03/2018 Marcos Luiz Gregório Definition of operations and their bitmaps:
• 337 – Digital prepaid card inquiry
• 338 – Digital prepaid card
Definition of the POSENTRA bit:
• 111 – Digital prepaid card code
Definition of the third line of POSSAIDA for operation 338 –
Digital prepaid card
Resetting bit 88 – Authorizing Agent type for an alphanumeric
Inclusion of the new field in the first line of POSSAIDA: Carrier
verification method

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1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 15
2 OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 16
3 SOLUTION ARCHITECTURE...................................................................................................... 17
3.1 FLOW DIAGRAM FOR AC / CTFCLIENT INTEGRATION ............................................................. 18
3.2 BY SOCKET TCP/IP INTEGRATION ............................................................................................... 22
3.3 INTEGRATION VIA FILE EXCHANGE ........................................................................................... 23
4 INTEGRATION PROCEDURES................................................................................................... 25
4.1 OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................... 25
4.1.1 OPERATIONS WHEN CARD IN NOT PRESENT ................................................................... 31
4.2 INTEGRATION FOR EXCHANGE FILES ........................................................................................ 31
4.2.1 CLIENTCTF.EXE PROGRAM ................................................................................................. 31
4.2.2 LAYOUT OF THE INPUT FILE ............................................................................................... 32
First Line of POSENTRA ......................................................................................................... 32
Second Line of POSENTRA .................................................................................................... 33
Second Line of POSENTRA – Operationd Card of Present ..................................................... 37
Second Line of POSENTRA – Operations Performed through the Bypass ............................... 38
Third Line of POSENTRA........................................................................................................ 39
4.2.3 LAYOUT OF THE OUTPUT FILE ........................................................................................... 47
First Line of POSSAIDA .......................................................................................................... 47
Second Line of POSSAIDA ..................................................................................................... 51
Third Line of POSSAIDA ......................................................................................................... 51
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Pharmacy and PBM Agreement Query .......................................... 51
Third Line of POSSAIDA – AVS Query .................................................................................... 52
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Electronic Payment ....................................................................... 53
Third Line of POSSAIDA – SPC Analytical Query .................................................................... 53
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Digital Credit values query layout version = 1 ................................ 54
Third Line of POSSAIDA – To Credit values query layout version = 2 ...................................... 54
Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Digital Credit values query layoutversion = 3 ........................... 55
Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Digital Credit purchase layoutversion <= 2............................... 55
Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Digital Credit purchase layoutversion = 3................................. 56
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Configuration Query ...................................................................... 56
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Card Query ................................................................................... 57
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Invoice Payment............................................................................ 58
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Prepaid card query ........................................................................ 59
Third Line of POSSAIDA – Gas card purchase ........................................................................ 59
Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Credit Financing Consultation ................................................. 59
Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Electronic CDC and Guaranteed Purchase.............................. 60
Third line of POSSAIDA – Consultation of Multi-EC Establishments ........................................ 61
Third line of POSSAIDA – Activation of Prepaid Card .............................................................. 61
Third line of POSSAIDA – Digital Prepaid Card Consultation ................................................... 61
Third line of POSSAIDA – For Data Capture on Pinpad ........................................................... 62
4.3 BY SOCKET TCP/IP INTEGRATION ............................................................................................... 62
4.4 POSENTRA FILE ENCRYPTION...................................................................................................... 62
4.5 TRANSACTION NUMBER ............................................................................................................... 65

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4.6 VOUCHER FILES.............................................................................................................................. 65
4.7 CTFCLIENT MULTI EC .................................................................................................................... 67
5 DETALEID FLOW OF EACH OPERATION ................................................................................. 68
CTFCLIENT VERSION............................................................................................................................ 68
CTFCLIENT PARAMETERS CONFIGURATION ................................................................................... 68
CONFIRMATION .................................................................................................................................... 69
UNDOING ................................................................................................................................................ 70
DEBT IN CASH ....................................................................................................................................... 71
PRE-DATED DEBT ................................................................................................................................. 72
DEBT IN INSTALLMENTS ..................................................................................................................... 72
VOUCHER ............................................................................................................................................... 73
DIRECT CREDIT TO THE CONSUMER................................................................................................. 73
DIRECT CREDIT TO THE CONSUMER QUERY ................................................................................... 74
CREDIT PRE-AUTHORIZATION ........................................................................................................... 77
GENERIC CANCELLATION ................................................................................................................... 77
PRE-AUTHORIZATION CONFIRMATION ............................................................................................ 78
CANCELLATION OF PRE-AUTHORIZATION ...................................................................................... 79
AVS QUERY ............................................................................................................................................ 79
CASH PRIVATE LABEL ......................................................................................................................... 80
CASH PRIVATE LABEL QUERY ........................................................................................................... 81
PRIVATE LABEL PURCHASE ............................................................................................................... 82
PRIVATE LABEL PURCHASE QUERY.................................................................................................. 82
IATA AUTHORIZATION IN CASH AND SHOPKEEPER IN INSTALLMENT ...................................... 83
PAYMENT OF TITLE WITH CONSULTATION ..................................................................................... 84
PAYMENT OF TITLE .............................................................................................................................. 85
PAYMENT OF COLLECTION WITH QUERIES ..................................................................................... 86
PAYMENT COLLECTION ...................................................................................................................... 87
TITLE QUERY ......................................................................................................................................... 88
COLLECTION QUERY............................................................................................................................ 88
CANCELLATION OF PAYMENT ........................................................................................................... 89
MANUAL TECHNIQUE LOW................................................................................................................. 89
ECHO ....................................................................................................................................................... 90
START DAY ............................................................................................................................................ 90
REPRINT OF ANOTHER PROOF............................................................................................................ 91
CHECK QUERY....................................................................................................................................... 91
CHECK GUARANTEE ............................................................................................................................ 92

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DIGITAL CREDIT VALUES QUERY...................................................................................................... 94
DIGITAL CREDIT PURCHASE............................................................................................................... 96
BUYING DIGITAL CREDIT WITHOUT CONSULTATION ................................................................... 96
DIGITAL CREDIT PURCHASE WITH QUERY ...................................................................................... 98
PBM QUERY ........................................................................................................................................... 99
PBM SALE ............................................................................................................................................. 100
PBM CANCELLATION ......................................................................................................................... 102
CREDIT WITH CELLPHONE ................................................................................................................ 103
PREPAID CARD CHARGE (BYPASS) .................................................................................................. 104
PREPAID CARD TRANSFER (BYPASS) .............................................................................................. 106
SHOPPING WITH PREPAID CARD (BYPASS) .................................................................................... 108
PREPAID CARD QUERY (BYPASS) .................................................................................................... 109
CARD QUERY ....................................................................................................................................... 111
BILLING PAYMENT QUERY ............................................................................................................... 112
PAYMENT OF INVOICE ....................................................................................................................... 113
PREPAID CARD ACTIVATION ............................................................................................................ 114
PRE-AUTHORIZATION OF PREPAID CARD ACTIVATION .............................................................. 115
PREPAID CARD ACTIVATION WITH PRE-AUTHORIZATION......................................................... 116
PREPAID CARD DEACTIVATION ....................................................................................................... 117
QUERY OF PREPAID CARD BALANCE.............................................................................................. 118
FASTPIN SALE...................................................................................................................................... 119
RETURN FASTPIN ................................................................................................................................ 120
ANNEX A – RETURN CODES........................................................................................................ 122
ANNEX B – RETURN CODES OF THE TRANSACTION CONFIRMATION.................................... 124
ANNEX C – ERROR CODES.......................................................................................................... 125
ANNEX D – DEVICES SUPPORTED BY CTFCLIENT.................................................................... 133

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1 Introduction
This document deals with the integration between the concentrator of financial transactions (CTF),
developed by Auttar, and the commercial automation applications, through the CTFClient.

An application of business automation needs to integrate with the CTFClient when you want to
perform operations of EFT (electronic funds transfer) through the CTF. The CTF is responsible for the
implementation of electronic payments, i.e. for authorising and carrying out financial transactions
online, enabling the application of business automation make TEF transactions online with credit and
debit cards of all the "flags" (authorizers) on the market.

The CTFClient offers a simple, robust and comprehensive interface for conducting financial
transactions. Both products, CTFClient and CTF, meet the technical and functional specifications of
authorizers Cielo, Redecard, Amex, Mastercard, among others.

The CTFClient, in addition to operate seamlessly with a business automation, can also be used as a
stand alone application, i.e., independently, through interface (GUI) product itself, however, this
form of usage is not part of the scope of this document.

The creation of this document was based on the "user integration with ClientCTF for Windows –
version 01.03.28". The ClientCTF for Windows is an older version of the client for CTF, destined
exclusively to the Windows operating system.

The new EMV CTFClient is available in 3 versions:

• CTFClient Java, developed in Java language, intended to any system/platform that has a Java
virtual machine (J2SE 1.4). This includes Windows, Linux, MacOS, Solaris and other.
• CTFClient Windows, developed in the C language, for all Windows: 98, ME, and XP.
• CTFClient DOS, developed in the C language, for MS/DOS system, available in 2: standard and
modularized solutions.

All the differences between the ClientCTF integration for Windows and CTFClient will be highlighted
with Blue italic letters, with the objective of facilitating the work of adaptation of the integrators old
version for the new version.

For simplicity, this document will be used the abbreviation "AC" to refer to the Commercial
automation application. The ACs solutions include:
• PDV with Fiscal Printers.
• integrated with no fiscal printers.
• Telemarketing.
• E-Commerce (Internet).
• Of batch processing.

"With no card present operations", those held in AC of e-Commerce, Telemarketing and batch
processing. The flowchart and the operations of the integrations of these ACs are described in
specific sections for differentiate of integrations with gift card: PDV with or without fiscal printer.

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To the CTFClient integration of modularized DOS, we suggest first reading of Annex E – Integration of
Modularized DOS, which describe the characteristics of the solution and will guide the integration

2 Overview
Este documento está dividido nas seguintes seções:

This document is divided into the following sections:

Solution architecture

Contains the description of the EMV CTFClient; the description of the components of the solution;
flowcharts suggested integration as the solution of AC: PDV, e-Commerce, Telemarketing and batch;
and CTFClient communication mechanisms with the AC: socket connection TCP/IP and via file

Integration procedures

It lists the operations implemented by CTFClient EMV ; the list of specific operations for with no card
present solutions (e- Commerce , Telemarketing and batch ) ; the description of integration for file
exchanges ; the description of integration across a TCP / IP socket connection ; the POSENTRA
encryption procedures for solutions without present card; the description of vouchers files; the
sequencing control of transactions by transaction number.

Detailed flow of each operation

Contains a brief description of each CTFClient EMV functionality, accompanied by a POSENTRA

formatting example.

Annex A – return codes

Contains the list of file POSSAIDA returns codes and their descriptions. The return code is the first
information verified by the AC to determine whether the transaction was approved.

Annex B – return codes of the transaction confirmation

Contains the list of file POSSAIDA returns codes, and their respective descriptions and suggested
actions for the commit operation.

Annex C - error codes

Contains the list of the error codes from POSSAIDA file, and their respective descriptions and
suggested actions. The error code can be consulted by AC, when the transaction was rejected and if

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you want a more detailed calculation of the reason for the rejection. The POSSAIDA display message
also tells the reason for rejection.

Annex D - Supported Devices By CTFClient

Description of the peripheral drivers supported by Java CTFClient; description of the parameters
associated with each driver, that can be reported via POSENTRA.

Annex E – DOS Modularized Integration

Description of DOS Modularized solution; description of the components of DOS modularized

solution; guidance for the integration of DOS modularized solution.

3 Solution Architecture
For each transaction of TEF that the AC wishes to perform, it should send a request to the CTF
through the CTFClient containing the information relevant to the transaction in question. On the
other hand, the CTFClient returns to AC the outcome of the transaction and additional information.

If any information necessary for the completion of the transaction has not been provided by the AC,
it is requested by the CTFClient to the operator. This will capture through the communication with
the user interface (display and keyboard).

For debit and credit transactions, customer card referring to capture data : typing the number or
reading the magnetic stripe / chip , validity (if entered ) , last 4 digits ( when magnetic / chip) , CVV2 /
CVC2 , password. They can also be captured other information related to the transaction , such as
type of funding for installment transactions, the reference date for pre- dated debt, etc.

The CTFClient is solely responsible for accessing the PIN-Pad to perform card readings and passwords
captures of customers for transactions of TEF.

For certain operations of TEF, upon request, is required to send a confirmation. In these cases, the
application of the AC, after receiving approval and print the voucher, should send a confirmation of
the operation. The sending of the confirmation takes place similarly to the request.

All communications between AC, CTFClient and CTF Server are synchronous, i.e. the control is only
returned to the AC upon arrival of the response to the request of the transaction.

The integration of AC with the CTFClient can be made, as well as via TCP/IP socket, also through file

Integration for Exchange of files is indicated for automations that already carry out integration with
the ClientCTF for Windows and who wish to migrate to the new CTFClient. This type of integration can
also be indicated for the automations that have difficulty in implementing communication via TCP/IP

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The CTFClient has its own time out control of the response of the transaction. Therefore, the time to
time out of the transaction is no longer configured for the AC, and yes, by the CTF, through exchange
of parameters during the transaction. The waiting time by reading the card or password typing is
undetermined (no limit), and these operations can be cancelled by the operator.

The table below shows a brief description of each component (an integral system) integration
solution of CTFClient:

Component Function
AC or commercial automation Commercial automation application demand carrying out financial transactions by
the CTF Server: PDV, Telemarketing, e-Commerce and batch.
CTFClient Component responsible for controlling the capture of information related to
financial transactions (password, credit card, etc.) and make the communication
with the CTF Server.
CLIENTCTF Component responsible for providing the AC with CTFClient integration via file
sharing. Increases the degree of compatibility between the new CTFClient and
ClientCTF for Windows from the point of view of ACs already integrated with the
CLCTFDOS Component responsible for providing integration, in the DOS operating system,
between the AC and the CTFClient, through file sharing mechanism. AC
applications of integration is available in 2: standard and modularized solutions.
For the DOS Modulizada Solution, see Appendix E.
CTF Server Financial transactions concentrator which controls the progress of the various
transactions of the various customers and interacts directly with the authorizers
for execution of those transactions.
Authorizer Company that administers the financial transaction information.

3.1 Flow Diagram for AC / CTFClient Integration

Regardless of how the AC performs the integration (socket or file), it has a set of responsibilities and
must submit an expected behavior for the integration process to occur properly.

In most cases, the integration of AC with the CTF, focuses on the receive phase of a sales transaction
or bill payment. The sales transaction or bill payment can be completed with more than a transaction
of TEF (multiple transactions).

In multiple transactions, each transaction has a unique sequence number being the number of the
first transaction initiated on 1 (one). For example, if an operation is terminated with 3 TEF
transactions, the first will be the number 1, the second number 2, and the third the number 3. The
exception is given only to query transactions, where the number of the transaction must be 0 (zero).

After all requests for TEF receiving a related operation, the AC should print the vouchers for each
transaction of TEF adopted. If the AC can't print some of the vouchers, it should display the message
"PRINT PROBLEM. WANT TO REPRINT? Y/N "and wait for the operator to indicate if you want to try
the reprinting of the coupon or not.

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In the case of AC fail to print, or print partially, some voucher coupon, AC is obliged to:

• Undo all TEF transactions regarding the receiving of that operation;

• Show the display message (returned in the POSSAIDA of unmaking) "TRANSACTION CANCELLED".

After printing the vouchers, the AC must send a confirmation for each transaction approved. The
confirmation is made by sending the confirmation request to the CTF.

Other undoing treatments must be analyzed , such as difficulty in clearing the coupon tax , etc..

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3.1.1 Flow Diagram for AC / CTFClient Integration with Voucher Printing
This flowchart applies to AC that need to print the proof of TEF, such as PDV with fiscal printer. These
solutions are typically those that perform transactions with present card (example: PDV with Fiscal

The flowchart below illustrates the expected behavior of the AC in the receiving phase as regards
transactions of TEF and integration with CTF through CTFClient.

Inicio da fase de
recebimento da AC

AC inicializa número da
transação TEF com 01 (*1)
AC imprime comprovante de
2 cada transação de TEF
realizada com sucesso na
N fase de recebimento atual a
A receber > 0? partir dos arquivos
S e
Operador seleciona
forma de pagamento

AC solicita para o operador

Todos os
que retenha todos os
comprovantes foram N
Trata pagamento não N comprovantes impressos
Forma é TEF? impressos com
TEF (por completo ou
2 AC envia para o CTF,
AC captura valor da transação e outras AC envia para o CTF,
informações pertinentes através do CTFClient, através do CTFClient,
confirmação de todas as pedido de desfazimento de
transações de TEF todas as transações TEF
realizadas com sucesso na realizadas com sucesso
AC envia solicitação ao CTF através nesta fase de recebimento
do CTFClient e recebe resposta fase de recebimento

AC exibe mensagens CTFClient produz os comprovantes: AC desconsidera todos os

de aviso/erro N CUPOMCTF.3nn recebimentos em TEF desta
Sucesso? CUPOMCTF.4nn fase de recebimento
retornadas pelo
CTFClient para cada transação à medida em
que as mesmas são confirmadas
para o caso de necessidade de
AC desconsidera o reimpressão de comprovantes após 1
AC incrementa número da a conclusão da fase de recebimento
recebimento em
transação de TEF (*1) atual

Fim da fase de
2 2
recebimento da AC

(*1) Operações de consulta não devem fazer parte do controle de número de transação.
Todas as solicitações de consulta devem possuir o número de transação "00".

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3.1.2 Flow Diagram for AC / CTFClient Integration Without Printing of Receips

This flowchart applies to AC that require no print proof of TEF, such as e-Commerce and batch
processing, and optionally to telemarketers. All these AC authorise their transactions with no card

The flowchart below illustrates the expected behavior of AC integrated with the CTF through

Inicio da fase de
recebimento da AC

AC inicializa número da
transação TEF com 01 (*1)

N Sucesso na N
A receber > 0? finalização do


Operador seleciona AC envia para o CTF, AC envia para o CTF,

forma de pagamento através do CTFClient, através do CTFClient,
confirmação de todas as pedido de desfazimento de
transações de TEF todas as transações TEF
realizadas com sucesso na realizadas com sucesso
Trata pagamento não N fase de recebimento nesta fase de recebimento
Forma é TEF?

S Fim da fase de AC desconsidera todos os

2 recebimento da AC recebimentos em TEF desta
AC captura todos os dados da transação: fase de recebimento
valor da transação, número do cartão,
vencimento do cartão, código de
segurança, etc.

AC criptografa a mensagem de
solicitação para o CTFClient

AC exibe mensagens
AC envia solicitação ao CTF através de aviso/erro
do CTFClient e recebe resposta retornadas pelo
AC desconsidera o
AC incrementa número da
recebimento em
transação de TEF (*1)

2 2

(*1) Operações de consulta não devem fazer parte do controle de número de transação.
Todas as solicitações de consulta devem possuir o número de transação "00".

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3.2 By Socket TCP/IP Integration

On integration via socket TCP/IP messages are sent and received via a TCP/IP connection.

This type of integration should be used especially for e-Commerce AC.

The diagram below illustrates the transactional flow in integration by TCP/IP socket:

Automação Comercial

1 6 1 - AC envia transação p/ CTFClient

2 - CTFClient envia transação p/ CTF
3 - CTF envia transação para Autorizadora
4 - Autorizadora responde p/ CTF
CTFClient 5 - CTF responde p/ CTFClient
6 - CTFClient responde para AC

2 5

CTF Server


Detailed description of the flow:

1. The AC determines which operation of TEF will be held, capture the data needed to carry out such
transaction, such as value, reference date, etc; open connection to the CTFClient, sends the
request and waits for the reply;
2. The CTFClient validates the transaction information, capture the information that have not been
passed by AC (if necessary), requests the transaction to the CTF and awaits the return of a
3. The CTF requests the transaction to the authorizer and waits for the reply;
4. The authorizer processes the transaction and responds to the CTF.;
5. The CTF responds to the request of the CTFClient with the information received from the
authorizer and other relevant to the transaction control;
6. The CTFClient receives the CTF's response and sends it to the AC. The AC, in turn, verifies that the
transaction was successful and makes the appropriate treatments. The AC should only consider
that the transaction was successful and approved if the return code is "00".

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3.3 Integration Via File Exchange

In the integration for Exchange of files, request messages are sent in the file POSENTRA and the reply
messages are received in the POSSAIDA file. To control sending the request and receiving the
response, the AC makes use of the CLCTFDOS component (DOS operating system) or CLIENTCTF.EXE
program (other operating systems).

The diagram below illustrates the transactional flow in integration for Exchange files:

Automação Comercial




1 - AC gera POSENTRA
2 - AC executa CLIENTCTF.EXE
4 - CLIENTCTF.EXE chama CTFClient
5 - CTFClient envia transação p/ CTF CTFClient
6 - CTF envia transação para Autorizadora
7 - Autorizadora responde p/ CTF
8 - CTF responde p/ CTFClient
9 - CTFClient responde p/ CLIENTCTF.EXE
11 - CLIENTCTF.EXE retorna controle p/ AC
12 - AC carrega POSSAIDA

CTF Server


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Detailed description of the flow (for the DOS solution, where reads CLIENTCTF. EXE, reads CLCTFDOS):

1. The AC determines which operation of TEF will be held, capture the data needed to carry out such
transaction, such as value, reference date, etc; and generates the input file for the CTFClient
(POSENTRA) with this information;
2. The AC runs the CLIENTCTF.EXE program and waits for the completion of its implementation.
Although not recommended, if the AC use any executable call feature that does not wait for the
end of the execution to call CLIENTCTF.EXE, you will need to perform a loop to wait for generation
of the output file (POSSAIDA). In this case, the AC shall ensure the suspension of the execution of
the process (sleep), for a few milliseconds, each iteration of the loop, to avoid high CPU
3. The CLIENTCTF.EXE performs the reading of the information from the POSENTRA file;
4. THE CLIENTCTF.EXE open connection with the CTFClient, calls the transaction and awaits the
receipt of the reply;
5. The CTFClient validates the transaction information, capture the information that have not been
passed by AC (if necessary), requests the transaction to the CTF and waits for the reply;
6. The CTF requests the transaction to the authorizer and waits for the reply;
7. The authorizer processes the transaction and responds to the CTF.;
8. The CTF responds to the request of the CTFClient with the information received from the
authorizer and other relevant to the transaction control;
9. The CTFClient receives the CTF's response and sends it to the CLIENTCTF.EXE;
10. THE CLIENTCTF.EXE writes the content of the response received from the CTFClient in the output
file (POSSAIDA);
11. THE CLIENTCTF.EXE terminates its execution, returning control to the AC;
12. The AC makes reading the POSSAIDA file with the result of the processing of the transaction,
checks whether the transaction was successful and makes the appropriate treatments. The AC
should only consider that the transaction was successful and approved if the return code is "00".

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4 Integration Procedures
In the integration, all messages exchanged between the AC and the CTFClient have predefined format
and content.

The set of ClientCTF for Windows operations was maintained, and new operations have been included
to meet the new EMV functionality of CTFClient.

Communication between the AC and the CTFClient can be done through the exchange of files, as was
already done by ClientCTF for Windows, or through a TCP/IP socket connection. The connection via
socket also follows the same layout of the files POSENTRA and POSSAIDA integration via file to format
the messages exchanged between the AC and the CTFClient.

4.1 Operations

An operation implements a EMV CTFClient-specific functionality. Each operation has a code and a
specific set of data, which must be informed by the AC in requests.

The table below contains the list of the operations supported by CTFClient.

Code Operation Comments

004 CTFClient Version
005 CTFClient parameters configuration

006 Confirmation

007 Unmaking
008 (Home coupon) This operation was deleted
009 Card number query Not supported by the current version
010 Printing all the vouchers Not supported by the current version
011 Undoing all non-consolidated transactions Not supported by the current version
This operation was deleted. To reprint the
012 Reprint the last voucher last voucher, see section 4.5 Voucher
014 Reprint of the first voucher Not supported by the current version
015 Reprint of the next voucher Not supported by the current version
084 Check Confirmation Not supported by the current version
101 Debt
102 (Forced Magnetic Debt) This operation was deleted
103 Pre-dated debt

104 Installment Debt

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105 Debt in installments in cash

106 Voucher Debt

107 Voucher query / card is present query

108 CDC debt with installment in cash

109 CDC debt without installment in cash

110 CDC consultation with Installment in cash

111 CDC consultation without installment in cash

112 Credit

113 Installment Credit Without Interest

114 Installment Credit With Interest

115 IATA Credit

116 IATA Credit Without Interest

117 IATA Credit With Interest

118 Credit Query

119 Pre-authorization Credit

120 Typed Credit

121 Typed Credit in installment without interest

122 Typed Credit in installment with interest

123 IATA Typed Credit

124 IATA Typed Credit without Interest

125 IATA Typed Credit with Interest

126 Typed Credit Query

127 Pre-authorization Typed Credit

128 Generic Cancellation

129 Check Query

130 Check Limit Query Not supported by the current version
131 Check Limit Post Query Not supported by the current version
132 Pre-authorization confirmation

133 Entered pre-authorization confirmation

134 Pre-authorization Cancellation

135 Bank Check Query Not supported by the current version
136 Complete Check Query Not supported by the current version

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137 Check guarantee
138 Check guarantee with Password Not supported by the current version
139 AVS Query
140 Cash Private Label Revolving or Installment
141 Cash Private Label Query
142 Private Label Credit
143 Private Label Typed Credit

144 Private Label Query

145 Entered Private Label Query
146 IATA Authorization
147 IATA authorization without interest
149 Entered IATA authorization
150 Entered IATA authorization without interest
152 Payment of Title with Query

153 Payment of Title

154 Payment of collection with Queries

155 Payment of Collection

156 Cancellation of payment

157 Reprint payment receipt

158 Credit Cancellation

159 Debt Cancellation

167 Pre-authorization confirmation without interest
168 Pre-authorization confirmation with interest
169 Entered pre-authorization confirmation without interest
170 Entered pre-authorization confirmation with interest
172 SPC Analytical Query
173 Digital Credit values query
174 Digital Credit Purchase
175 Payment of Credit
176 Payment of entered installment sales
177 Cancellation of payment of Credit
180 Title Query

181 Collection query

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182 Invoice Payment query This operation serves to IBI, Fininvest
Interchange, E-Capture and Orbitall.
183 Invoice payment This operation serves to IBI, Fininvest
Interchange, E-Capture and Orbitall.
201 E-Pharma company Agreement Query Not supported by the current version
202 E-Pharma company Agreement Sale Not supported by the current version
203 Company/PBM Agreement Cancellation Not supported by the current version
204 PBM Query Not supported by the current version
205 PBM Sale Not supported by the current version
191 Undoing of all transactions Not supported by the current version
209 Consolidates Transactions Not supported by the current version
215 Sale Completion Not supported by the current version
220 Baixa Técnica Manual This operation serves Redecard.
221 Echo (availability check of the Authorizer) This operation serves Redecard.
222 Generic transaction (dynamic transactions) This operation serves Cielo.
223 Credit
224 Debt
225 Start Day
226 Card Query
227 By pass
228 Configuration query
229 Reprint of Another Receipt This operation serves Cielo.
230 Title payment with Debit Card This operation serves Corban Unibanco.
231 Collection payment with Debit Card This operation serves Corban Unibanco.
232 Purchase credit in cash with cellphone
233 Purchase Shopkeeper installment credit with cellphone
234 Purchase Administrator installment credit with cellphone
235 Gas card purchase
236 Surprise change
237 Chip Card removal
238 Reserved
239 Manual statistics
240 Title payment with credit card
241 Collection payment with credit card
242 Reserved
243 Eletronic CDC This feature serves Orbitall
244 Guaranteed Sale This feature serves Orbitall

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245 Withdraw with credit card
246 Withdraw with debt card
254 Non-financial rescue
255 Fuel Control
260 Prepaid card activation Blackhwak, InComm
261 First Purchase Fiat
262 Magnetic present card recharge Upsight / Peela
263 Present Card Query Upsight, InComm
264 Domestic Transfer Deposit Getnet
265 Domestic Transfer Withdraw Getnet
266 Domestic Transfer Query Getnet
267 Credit debit card This operation replaces the CDC
operations (108, 109), when acquiring
268 Simulation of credit with debit card Cielo
269 Credit with Credit card
270 Simulation of credit with credit card
271 Password change transaction Redecard
272 Prepaid card activation pre-authorization InComm
273 Prepaid Card activation with pre-authorization InComm
274 Disabling Prepaid Card InComm
275 FastPIN Sale InComm
276 FastPIN Return InComm
279 Pre-order confirmation Caixa volante
280 Confirmation by CTF's NSU Caixa volante
281 Unmaking by CTF's NSU Caixa volante
282 Fuel Agreement authorization/sale Shell Expers
283 Telephone query - Digital credit TIM
284 Auto Alelo Auto
293 Reserved Not supported by the current version
294 Reserved Not supported by the current version
295 Reserved Not supported by the current version
296 Reserved Not supported by the current version
297 Reserved Not supported by the current version
300 Magnetic present card activation Peela
301 Member Card ID
302 Identification of Member card typed

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303 PBM Getnet Sale in cash Getnet
304 PBM Getnet Sale without interest Getnet
305 PBM Getnet Sale with interest Getnet
306 Pre-Authorization Consultation Elavon
307 Exchange Voucher Emission / Printing SAA
308 Exchange Voucher redemption SAA
309 Query for reprint of Exchange Voucher SAA
310 Reprint of Exchange Voucher SAA
311 Extended Warranty Inquiry SAA
312 Theft Warranty Consultation SAA
313 Payment (Purchase) of Extended Warranty SAA
314 Payment (Purchase) of Theft Warranty SAA
315 Warranty Rescue Consultation (NOT Magnetic) SAA
316 Purchase of Warranty Rescue (NOT Magnetic) SAA
317 Member Consultation SAA
318 Payment (Purchase) Member SAA
319 Charge / Enable Gift Card SAA
320 Gift card Redeem SAA
321 Inquiry Gift Card SAA
322 Additional pre-authorization Elavon
326 In cash First Purchase digitized credit
327 First Purchase digitized credit in installment without
328 First Purchase digitized credit in installment with interest
329 Consultation of Multi-EC Establishments
335 Credit 4All 4 All
336 Debit 4All 4 All
337 Digital Prepaid card consultation EPay
338 Digital prepaid card EPay
412 Changes the pre-authorized value (if sent
Pre-authorization change the SC004 – value) or only extends the
validity of the pre-authorization
900 Função administrativa para integração com a Solução TEF
901 Consulta Cheque para integração com a Solução TEF
902 Pagamento com cartão (Crédito/Débito) para integração
com a Solução TEF Discado
908 Data capture on pinpad

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4.1.1 Operations when Card in not Present
Are commonly used operations in AC integrations with the card not present (typed): e-Commerce,
Telemarketing and batch.

Código Operação Observações

006 Confirmação
007 Desfazimento
120 Crédito Digitado
121 Crédito Digitado Parcelado s/ Juros
122 Crédito Digitado Parcelado c/ Juros
128 Cancelamento Genérico

4.2 Integration for Exchange Files

Basically, the integration for file sharing, the AC must record the input file, named POSENTRA. Then,
you must run the CLCTFDOS component (for the DOS operating system) or the CLIENTCTF component
(for all other operating systems). After running the CTFClient, the AC should read the output file

The CTFClient has POSENTRA and POSSAIDA layouts slightly different from those used by the ClientCTF
for Windows. All the differences with the previous version are marked in blue italics.

The CLIENTCTF component is described in section CLIENTCTF.EXE program, the CLCTFDOS component
is described in sections CLCTFDOS component and CLCTFDOS Modularized Solution component, the
POSENTRA file is described in the section: Input file layout and the POSSAIDA file is described in the
section: Output file layout. The section: Number of the Transaction should also be read to greater
understanding of the sequencing of transactions, which is made by AC. The section: Voucher Files
describes the types, the location and the nomenclature of files of receipts.

4.2.1 CLIENTCTF.EXE Program

After the installation of CTFClient, will be set in the operating system an environment variable named
CTFCLIENT_HOME, containing the installation directory of CTFClient, which should be used by AC to
identify the base paths used for integration. The run directory of CTFClient is the "bin" directory
within the CTFClient installation directory.

After installing, check CTFClient on the command line the value of the variable CTFCLIENT_HOME:

CTFCLIENT_HOME=C:\Program files\Auttar\CTFClient

To call the CLIENTCTF.EXE, you must execute:

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C:\Program files\Auttar\CTFClient\bin>CLIENTCTF.EXE <dir_dados> <dir_config>


<dir_dados> is the directory of the files POSENTRA and POSSAIDA. When omitted, the POSENTRA and
POSSAIDA files will be read and written to the executing directory for the CLIENTCTF.EXE.

<dir_config> is the directory where are the configuration files of the CLIENTCTF.EXE. When omitted,
the CLIENTCTF.EXE looks for its configuration files in the directory where it is executed. Should be
used when the CLIENTCTF.Exe is run from another directory.

The two parameters of the CLIENTCTF. EXE are optional. If the directory path has blank spaces, use
quotation marks ("") in the names of the directories. Example:

C:\AC>C:\Program files\Auttar\CTFClient\bin\CLIENTCTF.EXE “C:\AC” “C:\Program files\Auttar\CTFClient\bin”

4.2.2 Layout of the Input File

The POSENTRA file is a text file composed of 3 lines, each terminated by a line feed and carriage
return, as described in this section.

If the POSENTRA contains the data of the card: card number, expiration of the card and security
code), this file will be encrypted by the AC after their formatting, as described in section POSENTRA
file encryption. Otherwise, the POSENTRA file must not be encrypted.

First Line of POSENTRA

The first line contains control information required for the completion of any transaction with the

Field Size Type Description

Operation 3 N Operation Code.
Number of the registered establishment in CTF.
Establishment 5 A
(For e-Commerce operations, should be filled with whites)
Number of registered shop in CTF.
Store 4 A
(For e-Commerce operations, should be filled with whites)
PDV terminal number requesting the transaction.
Terminal 3 A
(For e-Commerce operations, should be filled with whites)
(reserved) 1 A (The field type of the CTF was deleted from the version)
(reserved) 4 A (Apitef's version field was deleted from the version)
Date of Opening of the PDV, in YYYYMMDD format.
Opening date 8 A
Blanks to take the data retrieved from the computer.
(reserved) (Time to time out of the response of the CTF becomes configured by
4 A
the CTF.)
(reserved) 2 A (The type of the pinpad is now configured by CTFClient.)
(reserved) 1 A (The pinpad serial port passes to be configured by CTFClient.)

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Note.1: The disused fields are ignored by CTFClient.
Note.2: "White" values are values filled with blanks.

Second Line of POSENTRA

The second line contains a map of bytes with 128 bytes, which can take the values ' 0 ' or ' 1 '. Each
heading indicates the presence of the data captured by the commercial automation, necessary to
effect the transaction. The captured data is passed in the third row of the POSENTRA.

The previous version has a bytes map of only 32 bytes.

The table below shows the operations of CTFClient and their respective maps of bytes.

• The value ' 1 ' in the Nth position indicates the presence of the field N in the third row.
• The value ' 0 ' in the Nth position indicates that the field N is not present in this third line.
• The value ' X ' in the Nth position indicates that the field is optional, and may be passed to the
CTFClient. If passed, the value ' X ' of heading should be changed to ' 1 ', otherwise, should be
changed to ' 0 '.

Example: field "2-document number" can be passed or not, depending on if the AC wants to
inform the tax voucher number within the proof of TEF.

Map of bytes
Code Operation 12345678901234567890123456789012 34567890123456789012345678901234
56789012345678901234567890123456 78901234567890123456789012345678
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
004 CTFClient Version
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 1001000000000000XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
005 CTFClient parameters configuration
X0000000000XXX000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0000000000000X000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
006 Confirmation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0000000000000X000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
007 Unmaking
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0000X0000000000000XX00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
101 Debt
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0001X00000000000000XX0000 10010000000000000000000000000000
103 Pre-dated debt
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0101XX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
104 Installment Debt
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Installment debt with installment in XX0100X0101XX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
cash 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
106 Voucher Debt
000000000000X0000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
107 Voucher / Card is present queries
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X010XXX0X00000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
108 CDC debt with installment in cash
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0101XX0X00000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
109 CDC debt without installment in cash
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01000010XXX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
110 CDC with installment in cash query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000101XX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
111 CDC without installment in cash query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0000X00000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
112 Credit
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
113 Installment Credit Without Interest XX0100X0100X00000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000

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0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0100X00000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
114 Installment Credit With Interest
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0000XX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
115 IATA Credit
0000000000000000000000X000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0100XX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
116 IATA Credit without interest
0000000000000000000000X000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0100XX0000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
117 IATA Credit with interest
0000000000000000000000X000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
100XX000XX0000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
118 Credit Query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000X00000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
119 Pre-authorization Credit
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X00X0X000000000000XXX00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
120 Typed Credit
000000000XX00000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed Credit In Installments Without XX01X0X01X0X000000000000XXX00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
Interest 0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed Credit In Installments With XX01X0X01X0X000000000000XXX00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
Interest 0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X00X1XX00000000000X0X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
123 IATA Typed Credit
0000000000000000000000X000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X01X0XX00000000000X0X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
124 IATA Typed credit without interest
0000000000000000000000X000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X01X0XX00000000000X0X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
125 IATA Typed Credit with interest
0000000000000000000000X000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
100XX000XX0000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
126 Typed Credit query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0000X0X000000000000X0X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
127 Pre-authorization Typed Credit
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X00X10010000000X00X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
128 Generic Cancellation
00000X00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X0000XXXXXXX00000000XX 10010000000000000000000000000000
129 Check query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000101X01000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
132 Pre-authorization confirmation
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X000XX1X010000000100X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
133 Typed pre-authorization confirmation
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X00X10010000000X00X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
134 Cancellation of pre-authorization
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X0000XXXXXXX00000000XX 10010000000000000000000000000000
137 Check guarantee
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX00X0000X00000000110000X0000000 1001011XX11000000000000000000000
139 AVS query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Cash Private Label Revolving or XX0100X0X00X00000000000000000000 10010000000111000000000000000000
Installment 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0X00X00000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
141 Cash Private Label query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0X00000000000010000000000 10010000000111000000000000000000
142 Private Label Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X0XX00000000000100X0000000 10010000000111000000000000000000
143 Typed Private Label Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0X00000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
144 Private Label query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X0XX00000000000100X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
145 Typed Private Label query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000X00X00000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
146 IATA authorization
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000X00XX0000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
147 IATA authorization without interest
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X000XX0X000000000000X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
149 Typed IATA authorization
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed IATA authorization without X101X00XXXXX000000000000X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
interest 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
152 Payment of Title with Query
0X000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
153 Payment of Title
0X000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

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XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
154 Payment of collection with Queries
0x000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
155 Payment of collection
0X000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000001000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
156 Reversal of Payment
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X0000000001000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
157 Re-issuance of proof of payment
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX01X0X00X10010000000000X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
158 Cancellation of Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X00010010000000000X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
159 Cancellation of Debt
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Pre-authorization confirmation without XX010000101X01000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
interest 0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Pre-authorization confirmation with XX010000101X01000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
interest 0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed pre-authorization confirmation XX01X0001X1X010000000100X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
without interest 0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed pre-authorization confirmation XX01X0001X1X010000000100X0000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
with interest 0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000011010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
172 SPC Analytical Query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX000000000000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
173 Digital Credit values query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
174 Purchase Digital credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000010000000000 10010000000000XX0000000000000000
175 Payment of Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100000100000000000100X0000000 10010000000000XX0000000000000000
176 Typed installment sales payment
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000001000000000000000000 10010000000000XX0000000000000000
177 Cancellation of payment of Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
180 Query Title
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
181 Collection query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 10010000000000XX0000000000000000
182 Invoice Payment query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
183 Invoice payment 0X000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
220 Baixa Técnica Manual
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
221 Echo (Check Availability Authorizer)
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00010000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
222 Generic Transaction
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
000100X0000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
223 Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
000100X0000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
224 Debt
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
225 Start Day
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X0XX0000X0000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
226 Card Query
00000000X00000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X0X0XXX0X00000000000X0000000000 1XX11000000000000000000000000000
227 By pass
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
228 Configuration Query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X0000001001000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
229 Reprint of Another Proof
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
230 Title payment with Debit Card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
231 Collection payment with Debit Card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000X00000000000000000000X00 10010000000000000000000000000000
232 Purchase Credit in cash with cell Phone
00000XX0000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

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Purchase Shopkeeper credit in XX010000100000000000000000000X00 10010000000000000000000000000000
installment with cell phone 00000XX0000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Purchase Administrator credit in XX010000100000000000000000000X00 10010000000000000000000000000000
installment with cell phone 00000XX0000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
235 Gas card purchase
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X0000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
236 Surprise change
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
237 Chip Card removal
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000000000000000000000
239 Manual Statistics
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
240 Title payment by credit card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X000000X000000000000000000000 1XX10000000000XX0000000000000000
241 Collection payment by credit card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0X00000000000000000000000 1001000000011X000000000000000000
243 Eletronic CDC
00000000000000000X00000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0100X0X00000000000000000000000 1001000000011X000000000000000000
244 Guaranteed Purchase
00000000000000000X00000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000000000000000000000
245 Withdraw by credit card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000000000000000000000
246 Withdraw by debt card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

254 Prize redemption

255 Fuel Control

XX0X0000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000
260 Prepaid card activation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

261 First Purchase Fiat

262 Present magnetic card recharge

XX000000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000
263 Present card query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

264 Domestic Transfer Deposit

265 Domestic Transfer Withdraw

266 Domestic Transfer query

XX0100X010XXX0X00000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
267 Cielo installment sales
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Installment sales simulation with debit

269 Installment sales with credit card

Installment sales simulation with credit


271 Password exchange transaction

Prepaid card pre-authorization 0X0X0000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000

activation 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Prepaid card activation with pre- 0X0X0000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000
authorization 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0X0X0000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000
274 Deactivation Prepaid Card
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0X0X0000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000
275 FastPIN Sale
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
276 FastPIN Return 0X0X0000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000XX0000000000000000

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00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
X0000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
279 Pre-order confirmation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
X0000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
280 Confirmation by CTF's NSU
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
X0000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
281 Undoing by CTF's NSU
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XXX1000000000X00000000000000X000 10011000000000000000000000000000
282 Fuel Agreement authorization/sale
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
289 DOTZ Accumulation XX010000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
290 DOTZ Rescue XX000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
291 DOTZ Balance Query XX000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
292 DOTZ Extract Query XX000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
293 Reserved 0000000000000X000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
294 Reserved 0000000000000X000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
295 Reserved 0000000000000X000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
296 Reserved 0000000000000X000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
297 Reserved 0000000000000X000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
X0010000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000000000000000000000
300 Present magnetic card activation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
X0010000000000000000000000000000 1001X000000000000000000000000000
306 Pre-Authorization Consultation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
326 First Purchase in cash digitized credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
First Purchase in installment without XX010000100000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
interest digitized credit 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
First Purchase in instalment with XX010000100000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
interest digitized credit 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
335 Credit 4All
0000000000X00000X000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX010000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
336 Debit 4All
0000000000X00000X000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
337 Digital Prepaid Card Consultation
0000000000X00000X000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX000000000000000000000000000000 10011000000000000000000000000000
338 Digital Prepaid Card
0000000000X00000X000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
XX0X0000000X00000000000000X00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
412 Pre-Authorization Change
0000000000000000000X000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
900 Função administrativa TEF Discado
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
000X000000X0000XXXXXXX00000000XX 10010000000000000000000000000000
901 Consulta Cheque TEF Discado
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Pagamento com cartão (Crédito/Débito) 00010000X0XX0000000000000XX00000 10010000000000000000000000000000
TEF Discado 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
908 Data capture on Pinpad
00000000000000000000000000000000 00001000000000000000000000000000

Second Line of POSENTRA – Operationd Card of Present

The following transactions are processed by CTFClient integrated with AC no card present (typed): e-
Commerce, Telemarketing and batch.

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The map of bytes those operations basically comply with the same rules of formatting to the other
types of AC However, since operations with no card present are typed, and all transaction data is
captured by the AC, including the card number, all bytes are required. For security reasons, the
POSENTRA should be encrypted (see section POSENTRA file encryption).

Optionally, the field 2-number of the document may be sent by AC in POSENTRA. As this information
is echoed in the POSSAIDA, this information may be used to control and consistency of messages.

The Operations 006 - Confirmation and 007 - Unmaking should inform on POSENTRA the field 14 -
NSU CTF, echoed POSSAIDA's response message of the transaction approved.


Color Description
Red Indicates the necessary changes on a map of bytes
so that the operations may be performed with no
card present

Map of bytes
Code Operation 12345678901234567890123456789012 34567890123456789012345678901234
56789012345678901234567890123456 78901234567890123456789012345678
0X000000000001000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
006 Confirmation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0X000000000001000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
007 Unmaking
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0X011000010000000000000010000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
120 Typed Credit
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed Credit In Installments Without 0X011000110000000000000010000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
Interest 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
Typed Credit In Installments With 0X011000110000000000000010000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
Interest 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
0X0110000110010000000X0010000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
128 Generic Cancellation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

Second Line of POSENTRA – Operations Performed through the Bypass

The following transactions are processed by CTFClient command 227 - Bypass. The map of bytes
those operations basically comply with the same formatting rules for operations that are performed
through a specific command. The difference is that the command 227- Bypass uses the field 1-
operation Code, the third line of POSENTRA, to report the transaction code of the CTF that is to be
performed. Any specific differences of an operation will be better detailed in section that describes
specifically this operation.

The command "227" must be informed only in the first line of the POSENTRA. The map of bytes from
the second row of the POSENTRA must necessarily inform the first byte with value '1'. And the third
line of POSENTRA shall inform the field 1 – operation Code, the transaction code of the CTF that must
be executed (2 alphanumeric positions adjusted to the left with a white to the right).

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The following table maps bytes of the second line of the POSENTRA to transactions executed by the
CTFClient through command 227-Bypass (the "code" column is populated with the transaction code
of the CTF).


Color Description
Blue italic Indicates only the operations that were performed
through specific commands for ClientCTF for
Windows, and began to be performed through the
command 227-Bypass.
Red Indicates the necessary changes on a map of bytes
so that the operations can be performed through the
command 227-Bypass
Black Indicates the new operations that have been
implemented in the CTFClient through the command

Map of bytes
Code Operation 12345678901234567890123456789012 34567890123456789012345678901234
56789012345678901234567890123456 78901234567890123456789012345678
1X000000000000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
D7 E-Pharma Company Agreement query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X010000000000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
D8 E-Pharma Company Agreement sale
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X010000000001000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
31 Company/PBM Agreement Cancellation
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X0000X0000000000000010000000X00 10010000000000000000000000000000
E0 PBM Query
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X0100X0000000000000010000000X00 10010000000000000000000000000000
E1 PBM Sale
00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X010XX00X0000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
E8 Prepaid Card load
00X00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X010XX00X0000000000010000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
EA Purchase with prepaid card
00X00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000
1X010XX00X0000000000000000000000 10010000000000000000000000000000
EC Operation 00X00000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000

Third Line of POSENTRA

The third line is composed by the data of the fields present in the map of bytes from the second row.
The fields of the third row are juxtaposed (side by side) in the same order as indicated on a map of
bytes. This line is only required if any byte of the map of bytes of the second row has the value ' 1 '.

All fields larger than 32 are new and are implemented only in CTFClient. The fields not listed in this
document are reserved for future use.

Byte Field Size Attribute Description

1 Operation 3 A Financial operation code (same as the first line of the
POSENTRA operation).
Transaction code queried, with 2 alphanumeric positions
adjusted to the left (only to the command 226).
Transaction code executed, with 2 alphanumeric positions

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adjusted to the left (only for the command 227).
2 Document LLVAR A .. 99 Document Number

3 (Currency code) 3 A (Field deleted from this version.)

4 Value 12 N Transaction value to two decimal places
Payment amount (including interest and additions)
Queried Check value
5 Card LLVAR A .. 99 Entered card number for transaction
(This information must be encrypted)
6 Info LLVAR A Info field with variable size to 70 positions
(Implemented field for command 227 - Bypass).
7 Timestamp 14 N Timestamp
(Implemented field to be used in conjunction with the
command 226 - Card Query)
8 (Password) 16 A (Field deleted from this version.)
9 Parcels 2 N Number of parts of the transaction. For rotating transaction
(in cash) must be equal to 01.
10 Card Expiry 4 N Expiration of the card, for typed transaction, in the format
Required field for typed transactions.
(This information must be encrypted)
11 Reference Date 8 N Reference date: (DDMMYYYY)
The check date for operations by check;
Launch date for CDC operations;
Pre-dated debt date;
Pre-authorization date for confirmation operation;
Date of first installment of the debt in installments.
Date of payment
12 Service Fee 12 N Value of the service fee, if applicable.
(The value of discounted bill payment must be entered in field
34-Value discounts.)
13 Entry 12 N Input value, if applicable.
(The value of accrued payment of bills shall be informed in
the field 35 – value of Additions.)
14 NSU CTF 6 N • NSU for the transaction you want to cancel;
• NSU for the transaction you wish to reprint;
• NSU the transaction used to confirm or undo a
transaction. Used in e-Commerce. This bit will be
considered only if the CTFClient is configured to manage
the use of terminals and the bit 74 – "Web Multiple
transactions" have the value "0". The content of this
subfield must be filled from the return of the subfield
"NSU CTF", contained in the first line of the POSSAIDA).
15 Parcel Description LLLVAR N .. 999 Parcels for Installment debt transaction, where the data are
ordered pairs (amount, date), with value with 12 bytes and 8
bytes in the YYYYMMDD format date
16 Check 12 N Check number to check query transactions
17 Bank 4 N Bank number to check query transactions
18 Agency 4 N Agency number to check query transactions
19 Document type 1 N Type of document provided in field 20:
1 – CNPJ

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2 – CPF
20 Document 17 N Document provided (CNPJ ou CPF)
21 Current Account 10 N Current-account number to check query transactions
22 Bit62 LLLVAR A .. 999 Bit62 data:
• Tax Doscument Number (n10), for Pharmacy and PBM
Agreement transactions;
• Title/Collection payment data;
• SPC Analytical query data;
• Data to Digital Credit transactions;
• Authorization code for capture of pre-authorization;
• Check query data;
• Data for the By Pass;
• Payment of Invoice Data.
• Financing credit query data
23 Authorization Code LLLVAR A .. 999 Authorization code(s) (A12) provided by commercial
Automation for Pharmacy and PBM Agreement transactions.
24 Medications LLLVAR A .. 999 List of purchased medicinal product(s), for Pharmacy and
PBM Agreement transactions.
25 Security Code 5 A Security code
Field with 3 to 5 numeric positions adjusted to the left, and
filled with white on the right.
If absent on the card, fill with whites.
(This information must be encrypted)
26 Withdraw 12 N Withdraw Value.
27 Departure Tax 12 N Departure Tax Value
28 Guarantee Pre-Dating 1 N Guarantee Pre-Dating
1 – with warranty
2 – without warranty
29 Reserved
30 Authorizer Code 2 A Authorizer code used in PBM transactions (in ClientCTF for
Windows, this field was numeric with 3 positions).
31 CMC-7 34 A CMC-7 code of the check as FEBRABAN format:
- Mark 1 with 1 position;
- Field 1 with 8 numerical positions;
- Mark 2 with 1 position;
- Field 2 with 10 numerical positions;
- Mark 3 with 1 position;
- Field 3 with 12 numerical positions;
- Mark 4 with 1 position.
32 Square 3 N Praça de compensação do cheque.
33 Transaction Number 2 N Sequence number of the transaction controlled by the AC.
This is a required field and this more detailed in section 4.5
Transaction number.
34 Discount amount 12 N Discount amount
35 Addition value 12 N Addition value
36 AC Version 10 A Versão da automação comercial (obrigatório)
37 AC Name 20 A Nome da aplicação de Automação Comercial
38 Patio Address 40 A Patio information for address

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39 Address number 6 N Number information for address
40 Address complement 5 A Complement information for address
41 Block Address 2 A Block information for address
42 Neighborhood address 20 A Neighborhood information for address
43 Zip code address 9 A Zip code information for address
44 Cycles 2 N Number of cycles jumping
45 Plan 2 N Plan number
46 Item 11 N Item number.

For operation "243-CDC electronic" the field has the form 8N.
Present if the payment plan is equal to 03. Absent in other
cases (not captured).
The field has the format "nnnnn ', where:
- nnnnn is the code table with 5 positions.
47 Barcode 80 A • Barcode for paying bills
• Prepaid card barcode with 32 digits set to the left, and
filled with white on the right.

48 Input Mode Barcode 1 N 1 – Keyboard

3 – Scanner or document reader
49 Host and port LLVAR A .. 99 Network name (or IP address) and port of network service of
CTFClient CTFClient, in the format: LLVARNNNNN. Where: "LLVAR" is
the hostname/IP and NNNNN is the door (right justified with
leading zeros).
Example: “”.
50 List of hosts and ports LLLVAR A .. 999 List containing the network names (or IP addresses), and
of the CTF Server service ports CTF Server communication protocols. This
parameter, as it is a list, is composed of multiple entries in
sequence. The LLL indicates the total size of the string in VAR.
Each entry in the list must be in the format:

LLVAR IP/hostname
NNNNN Door (right justified with leading zeros)
PPPP Protocol (left-justified with space to right)

The last entry in the list must contain only the 00 of the name
/ IP size.
Example : assuming that the host list : Port : Protocol of CTF
servers have the following entries:
This parameter in the POSENTRA have the content:
“ 00”.
51 Keyboard type 40 A Keyboard type identifier that should be used by CTFClient for
data entry (see annex D)
52 Keyboard parameters LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of keyboard. The
value of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma)

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(see annex D)
53 Operator display type 40 A Identifier of the type of display that should be used by the
CTFClient to perform data capture and display information
for the AC operator. The value of each parameter must be
separated by ', ' (comma) (see annex D)
54 Operator display LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of display for the
parameters operator. The value of each parameter must be separated by
', ' (comma) (see annex D)
55 Customer display type 40 A Identifier of the type of display that should be used by the
CTFClient to display information for the AC client, such as
menu with product options Cielo, financing types menu, etc.
(see annex D)
56 Customer display LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of display to the
parameters client. The value of each parameter must be separated by ', '
(comma) (see annex D)
57 Card reader type 40 A Identifier of the type of card reader to be used by CTFClient
for reading cards (see annex D)
58 Parameters of the LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of card reader. The
card reader value of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma)
(see annex D)
59 Type of PIN-Pad 40 A Identifier of the type of PIN-Pad which will be used by
CTFClient for passwords (see annex D)
60 Parameters of the PIN- LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of PIN-Pad. The value
Pad of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma) (see
annex D)
61 Type of barcode 40 A Identifier of the type of reader that will be used by CTFClient
reader for reading barcodes (see annex D)

62 Parameters of the LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of barcode reader.
barcode reader The value of each parameter must be separated by ', '
(comma) (see annex D)
63 Type of document 40 A Identifier of the type of reader that will be used by CTFClient
reader for reading documents (see annex D)

64 Parameters of the LLLVAR A .. 999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of document reader.
document reader The value of each parameter must be separated by ', '
(comma) (see annex D)
65 Encrypted integration 1 N Indicates the POSENTRA encryption
0 – Not encrypted
1 – Encrypted
66 Form of payment of 2 N 01 - Payment with money
Corban 02 - Check
03 - Bank check
04 - Debt
05 - Credit
06 - Own card
67 Input mode 2 N Card input mode (Bypass)
68 Reading the CMC-7 1 N Indicates reading the CMC-7 check
0 – Not read
1 – Make reading
69 Date of issue 8 N Card issue date (DDMMYYYY)
(this information must be encrypted)

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70 Area Code 3 N Area code for use in credit transactions with cell phone
(This information must be encrypted)
71 Phone 8 N Phone number for use in credit transactions with cell phone
(This information must be encrypted)
72 Promotional Event 1 N Flag Promotional Event:
1 – Transaction belonging to the promotional event.
2 – Last transaction of the promotional event.
73 Flag Maturity Capture 1 N Flag indicative of maturity capture
0 – Does not capture
1 – Capture
74 Web Multiple 1 N Indicates if the payment will be held with more than one TEF
transactions transaction.
0 – Normal transaction
1 - Multiple transactions
75 Multiple transactions 12 A The terminal code used for:
Code used to associate transactions in multiple transactions
situations. This bit will be considered only if the CTFClient is
configured to manage the use of terminals and the bit 74 –
"Web Multiple transactions" have the value "1".

The content of this subfield must be filled from the return of

the subfield "multiple transactions code", contained in the
first line in the POSSAIDA of the previous transaction.

Inform the second terminal code that runs at the PDV with
76 Reserved
77 Payment voucher 1 N
78 Credit with mobile 1 N Indicates whether the credit flow can be directed to be paid
enabled with cell phone
0 – Not enabled
1 - Enabled
79 Reserved
80 Registration 20 A Registration number of the user who authorized the
81 Flag the transaction 1 N Indicates the environment in which the transaction was
origin originated:

Value Description
0 Default
1 Delivery, delivery terminal code should be
informed at bit 75
2 E-Commerce
82 Service values LLVAR..99 A Service data included on the sale transaction:

Subfield Size Atrib.

Number of occurrence (maximum 3 2 N
Service code: 2 N
01 – guaranteed purchase
Service value 12 N

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ii – number of occurrences up to 3
cc- service code (value equal to 01)
vvvvvvvvvvvv – value of the service being the 2 (two) last
digits decimal places

• To bind 1 (one) R$ 12.00 service the field should be

formatted as follows: 0101000000001200

• To bind 2 (two) services with respective values of R$

10.00 and R$ 12.00 the field should be formatted as
follows: 020100000000100001000000001200
83 RG 10 N RG Number
84 Telephone 10 N Telephone number for Avs query
85 Mobile phone 10 N Mobile phone number for Avs query
86 Voucher Code 11 A Voucher Code CTAH optional, apply for credit transactions,
pre-authorization and Confirmation of pre-authorization
87 ID of the request 20 A ID of the Request, as applicable IATA Credit
88 Authorizer Type 1 A Authorizing Agent type that will be used to make this
For payment, in debit, send “7”.
89 Automation supports 1 N Indicates whether the commercial automation is ready to
promotional platform perform Promotional Platform (Cielo Rewards)
0 – Not enabled
1 - Enabled
92 The original terminal 12 N Terminal code used to make a pre-authorized transaction in a
code cashier. Used in transactions 280 – CTF's NSU Confirmation
and 281 – CTF's NSU unmaking
93 MAD LLVAR.. 99 A MAD of the transaction (Elavon)
94 IP and port of the LLVAR.. 99 A Network name (or IP address) and port of network service of
controller of Fusion Fusion Fuel Pump Controller, in the format: LLVARNNNNN.
bombs Where: "LLVAR" is the hostname/IP and NNNNN is the door
(right justified with leading zeros). Example:
95 Flag query 1 N Flag that indicates that the current transaction is a query.
In response to the request where this field is filled in, it will
be returned in the POSSAIDA a "query identifier" which if
passed next bit 96 transaction, the card read and the
information captured will be leverage customer and will not
be captured again.
96 Query identifier 19 N Identifier of the consultation, if this number does not match
the last consultation, all the data will be captured again.
97 Type of invoice 2 N If the field is present, it indicates that this transaction (credit
Payment ID or debit) will serve as payment for an invoice.

Code Field
01 Barcode
02 CPF

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03 Card
04 Other

Associated with each value, must be informed of a data that

identifies the invoice in bit 98.

98 Identifier of the LLVAR A Identifier of the invoice to be informed when the field 97-
Invoice-Other type of the invoice Payment identification is filled
99 Form of invoice 2 N Form of payment of invoice ID:
payment ID 01 – Card
02 – Barcode
100 Date of shipment 8 N Date of shipment in format: DDMMAAAA
101 Identification of 2 N Identifies which data will be captured on Pinpad:
capture type on • 07 – Capture CPF
102 Multi-EC terminal 14 A Identifier used to assign the Multi-EC terminal. Usually, CNPJ
identifier or CPF is used to identify only one terminal.
103 Reserved -- -- --
104 Correct Solution 16 N Identifier of the “Boleto Mais” of the Correct Solution
105 Perform Authorizing 1 N Flag that indicates whether in a credit transaction it will be
Agent Financing possible to implicitly make a financing consultation directly
Inquiry with the authorizing agent
106 Software Descriptor 22 A Software Descriptor to be sent to the sender.

In transactions for Airlines from travel agencies, the field

should be formatted with the following layout:


XXX... – Represents the name of the agency
YYY... – Represents the airline

Characters not allowed:

107 Dymanic MCC LLLVAR A .. 999 Previously registered MCC. In the current version, use the
fixed size in “004”.
108 Used Wallet 1 N Used Wallet, ex:

Value Description
1 Visa Checkout
2 MasterPass
109 Wallet Identifier LLVAR A Digital Wallet Identifier
110 Cell phone recharge 1 A Cell phone recharge type:
Value Description
R Recharge
O Offer

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If the subfield is not informed, it will be considered Recharge
111 Digital prepaid card LLVAR A Digital prepaid card code

Notation used in tables:

Attribute A = Alphanumeric (set with spaces on the right).

N = Numeric (adjust with zeros on the left).
A .. 999 = alphanumeric field with variable size up to 999 positions.
N .. 99 = numeric field with variable size of up to 99 positions.
A .. 37 = 37-position alphanumeric field, where the contents of the field can be up to 37 positions
complete with white on the right. The size of the significant part of the field is displayed in the LL of
the LLVAR format. In all, the field has 39 positions.
Size NN = tamanho fixo.
LLVAR = tamanho variável de até 99 posições, totalizando 2 + LL posições.
LLLVAR = tamanho variável de até 999 posições, totalizando 2 + LLL posições.
Special Formats YYYYMMDD indicates date in the format DD = day (2 positions), MM = month (2 positions) and
YYYY = year (4 positions).
Values of 12 positions have implied comma in the 9999999999CC format, with 10 whole and 2
decimal positions.

4.2.3 Layout of the Output File

The file used as output, called POSSAIDA, is also a text file consisting of 2 or 3 lines terminated by line
feed, according to the following settings:

• The first row has the fixed size of 460 bytes and contains fixed information (the format of the
first position until the 63rd and 67th position position until the 244ª position matches the
format of the 243 bytes from the first line of the POSSAIDA of the ClientCTF for Windows. The
exception is the response Code field has changed from 2 to 3 positions).
• The second row is of variable length and contains messages to display (this line does not exist
in the POSSAIDA of the ClientCTF for Windows. The ClientCTF for Windows reports the
message display in a field of the first row – position 176 (position 177 of the new layout),
which is not used by CTFClient).
• The third line is of variable size and is defined only for some operations (The third line of the
CTFClient settings match the settings of the second lines of the ClientCTF for Windows).

(The ClientCTF version for Windows had 1 or 2 lines: the first line with fixed size 243 bytes; the second
line with variable size and set only for some operations.)

First Line of POSSAIDA

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The size of the field response code was changed to 3 positions. All fields from the field "AC Transaction
number" are new.

Changing the layout of the first line of the POSSAIDA, as well as the definition of new bytes
(information) in the POSENTRA may occur in future versions of CTFClient, as "new features" are added
to the product. Despite this, the information already set (legacy) will be preserved as layouts and
definitions currently documented.

Field Size Position Type Description

Operation 3 1 N Code of operation (eco)
Establishment 5 4 N Establishment number (eco)
Store 4 9 N Store number registered with the CTF (eco)
Terminal 3 13 N PDV number requesting the transaction (eco)
Document 42 (LLVAR) 16 A Tax coupon number of TEF transaction (eco)
Return Code 2 58 N Return Code
Error Code 4 60 A Extended error code (use AuttarI)
Response code 3 64 A The response code administrator (ClintCTF for Windows
version has 2 positions).
Card number 21 (LLVAR) 67 Card Number
(Top 6 + asterisks)
Card expiration date 4 88 N Card expiration date (MMYY)
NSU CTF 6 92 N NSU CTF of the transaction
Approval Code 6 98 A Administrator approval code (the CTFClient will truncate
the given case the code returned by the authorizer has
more than 6 digit size and format with size of up to 9 digits
at the end of the response message on position 445)
Authorizer NSU 9 104 N NSU of administrator for the transaction (may not be
PBM authorization code.
(The CTFClient will truncate the given case the code
returned by the authorizer has more than 9 digit size and
format with size up to 15 digits at the end of the response
message in a position 460)
Operation name 20 113 A Summarized name of the performed transaction
Authorizer Code 2 133 A The code administrator (see table attached)
Authorizer name 12 135 A Name of the administrator (see table attached)
VAN Code 2 147 N VAN code - Acquirer (see table attached)
VAN Name 12 149 A VAN name (see table)
IF Code 4 161 N Financial Inst. code linked to BIN
IF Name 12 165 A Name of financial institution

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Transaction code 2 177 A Canceled transation code replied in approved cancellation
(reserved) 40 179 A
Transaction value 12 219 N Transaction value (eco)
Date of Transaction 8 231 N Date of the transaction in the Authorizer, in the format
Time of Transaction 6 239 N Time of the transaction in the Authorizer, in the format
AC Transaction 2 245 N Number of Transaction of business automation. The
Number number refers to the transaction voucher number of TEF
generated for print, and is displayed in the extension NN of
the CUPOMCTF.TNN file.
Transaction code of 2 247 A Transaction code executed.
the CTF
Transaction code queried.
Encrypted 16 249 A Encrypted information to the command C5-Bypass.
Number of parcels 2 265 N Number of parcels, captured by CTFClient.
Original NSU CTF 6 267 N NSU CTF original transaction, captured in the cancellation
or in reprint.
Input value 12 273 N Input value captured by the CTFClient (for the CDC debt).
Warranty type 1 285 N Type of Cielo pre-dated warrant captured by CTFClient: '1'
with warrant and '2' without warrant. The default pre-
dated type is the guaranteed one (type = '1')
Withdraw Value 12 286 N Withdraw value captured by CTFClient.
Date of first 8 298 N Schedule date of the first installment (for CDC debt) or pre-
installments dating date (for the pre-dated debt), in the format
DDMMYYYY, captured by CTFClient.
Value of the share 12 306 N Value of the share captured by CTFClient.
Date of the Original 8 318 N Date of the original transaction, in DDMMYY format,
transaction captured on cancellation or reprint.
Logo 50 326 A Logo returned by the CTF..
Customer balance 12 376 N Customer balance returned by the CTF.
Multiple transactions 12 388 A Code used to associate transactions in multiple
Code transactions situations. This subfield is returned only if
during the transaction request the subfield 74- "Web
Multiple transactions" have the value" 1 ".
Value of the share 12 400 N The value of the share returned by the credit query
Total Value 12 412 N Total Funding value returned by the credit query operation.
Interest rate 5 424 N Interest rate returned by the credit query operation.
MAC 4 429 A MAC

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Discount amount 12 433 N Discount amount subsidized by authorizer to be applied on
the value of the sale. It may be granted in Credit
transactions, debit or voucher.
Approval Code (Reset) 9 445 A The managing approval code - redefined to meet the new
specifications of the authorizer.
NSU Authorizer 15 460 N NSU of administrator for the transaction (may not be
(Reset) informed) - redefined to meet the new specifications of the
Capture type of pre- 1 475 N
Name of the flag 30 (LLVAR) 476 A Name of the flag of the card
Query identifier 19 506 N Identifier of the consultation to be submitted in the field 96
POSENTRA next transaction.
For this field to be returned, you must call the bit 95-Flag
query in POSENTRA.
Network name 30 (LLVAR) 519 A Acquiring network name that you authorized payment
Alphanumeric VAN 2 549 A The Alphanumeric Code VAN – Acquirer (see table
Code attached)
Number of the 8 555 N Number of the Exchange Voucher returned in operations
Exchange Voucher
Bearer verification 1 563 N Cardholder verification method:
1 – Password
2 – Signature
3 – Contactless card without password

The first line of the POSSAIDA has fixed size, and on the basis of the information contained, the AC
will be able to:

• Identify the file as response to the requested transaction through the transaction code, the
terminal and the document;
• Identify the return code of CTFClient for the transaction requested (must be reviewed by the
AC). In cases of return codes other than "00"-Approved, there may be associated error codes.
• Identify the response code sent by the authorizer or by the CTF. For approved transactions
(return = "00") response code = "00". For transactions rejected by the authorizer (return =
"05") or rejected by the CTF (return = "11"), the response code is other than "00" and
indicates the reason for the rejection.
• Identify the transaction data passed through the approval code and NSU Authorized, sent by
the administrator, the NSU CTF, the value, the date and time of the transaction, etc..

The field "Return Code" POSSAIDA file must be parsed before any other field, because through it the
AC will define the next steps in carrying out the transaction. If the return code is different from 00, it
means that the transaction was not approved by authorizer or there is some other specific problem.

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All possible values for the field "Return Code" can be verified in the table in section "Annex A – return
codes", of this document.

Second Line of POSSAIDA

This line contains approval, error and warning messages that must be displayed by AC, regardless of
whether the transaction was approved or rejected.

The line can contain an indefinite number of concatenated messages in the format.


Where each group TTTMSG corresponds to a message, and TTT three numeric digits representing the
following message size and MSG the message itself. The string is terminated with the value 000 to

Each message "MSG" contains one or more rows, and in the case of more than one line, they are
separated by the character ASCII 10 (' \n ' or new line or line feed) or by the character ' # '.

The second line of the POSENTRA may contain only a 000, indicating that no messages to display.

The AC must display each message "MSG" separately, with display time of 15 seconds for each

Third Line of POSSAIDA

The third line of the POSSAIDA may or may not contain additional information specific to certain
operations. If the operation does not contain additional information, will go on POSSAIDA only the
finalizer for line feed (ASCII 10).

Below are listed the descriptions of third line of POSSAIDA for every operation that requires
additional information:

Third Line of POSSAIDA – Pharmacy and PBM Agreement Query

Field Size Position Type Description

CORPORATE 14 1 A CNPJ of the Agreement. Filled with whites if not informed
Agreement by the CTF..
Agreement Code 8 15 A The Agreement code. Filled with whites if not informed
by the CTF..
Filler 8 23 A Filler, filled with whites.
Authorized Products LLLVAR 31 A Register of medicinal products authorised (bit 61
authorized specification), returned in the transactions of
Pharmacy and PBM Agreement query.

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Type of Authorization 4 31+ 3 + (N N Authorization Type returned only in the PBM query
X tam) transaction of the Vidalink authorized.

Third Line of POSSAIDA – AVS Query

Field Size Position Type Description
Response code 1 1 A AVS query response code returned by the card issuer
AVS query result 16 2 N Bitmap that describes the AVS query result where each bit
connected represents the reason for the divergence of the

1 Zip code does not match
2 CPF does not match
3 Address does not match
4 Issuing bank does not support AVS query
5 Connection problems with the issuing bank
6 [reserved]
7 [reserved]
8 [reserved]
9 [reserved]
10 [reserved]
11 [reserved]
12 [reserved]
13 [reserved]
14 [reserved]
15 [reserved]
16 [reserved]

||||Connection problems with the issuing bank
|||Issuing bank does not support AVS
||Address does not match
|CPF does not match
Zip code does not match


Bitmap Meaning
0100000000000000 CPF does not match
1010000000000000 Zip code and address do not
0001000000000000 Issuing bank does not
support AVS

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Third Line of POSSAIDA – Electronic Payment

Field Size Position Type Description

Transferor's name 40 1 A Contracting party/Transferor name.
Accounting Date 6 41 N Date of movement (business day on which reflected the
Forms of payment 8 47 N Forms of payment permitted (useful in the rejected
Number of Dealership 17 55 A Number of Dealership (white for Title).
Filler 29 72 A Filled with zeros.
Authentication 16 101 A Document authentication (informative).
Value 12 117 N Payment amount (including interest/discounts) (eco).
Amount due calculated (if provided by Authorized).
Discounts 12 129 N Value of discounts ( eco ) .
Additions 12 141 N Value of additions (eco).
Due Date 8 153 N Due date posted (eco).
Input mode 1 161 N The input mode of the barcode (' 1 ' if typed, ' 3 ' If you
read) (eco).
Barcode 48 162 N Title or Collection barcode (aligned with leading zeros). If
the last block of the Title you entered is incomplete (less
than 14 positions), this must be aligned with leading
zeros, totaling 47 positions (eco).
Payment mode 2 210 N Payment mode (eco).
CMC7 34 212 A Check payment mode CMC7 (eco).

Third Line of POSSAIDA – SPC Analytical Query

Field Size Position Type Description

Customer code 15 1 N Customer code
Number of the 17 16 N Number of the document (CNPJ/CPF)
Customer name 40 33 A Customer name
Query status 1 73 N Query status:
• '0', if query and update carried out successfully;
• ' 1 ' if SPC data updated without consulting;
• '2' If error-query is not performed-repeat process.
SPC Last reply 2 74 N SPC Last reply Query:
• If = "00", blank sheet;
• If = "01", included in records.
SPC last query date 6 76 N SPC last query date.

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Third Line of POSSAIDA – Digital Credit values query layout version = 1
Field Size Position Type Description
Operator 2 1 N The carrier code associated with the query
Area Code 3 3 N Area code captured by Client in the query
Telephone 8 6 N Phone captured by Client in the query
Minimum Variable Value 10 14 N Normally 0: does not allow variable value
Maximum Variable Value 10 24 N Normally 0: does not allow variable value
Digital Credit purchase amount 02 34 N quantity of filled values (limit = 10)
Value 1 10 36 N Fixed values of buying Digital Credit
Value 2 10 46 N
Value 3 10 56 N
Value 4 10 66 N
Value 5 10 76 N
Value 6 10 86 N
Value 7 10 96 N
Value 8 10 106 N
Value 9 10 116 N
Value 10 10 126 N
Amount of bonus values 02 136 N Amount of bonus values filled
Bonus 1 10 138 N Bonus for buying respective digital credit (value
Bonus 2 10 148 N
Bonus 3 10 158 N
Bonus 4 10 168 N
Bonus 5 10 178 N
Bonus 6 10 188 N
Bonus 7 10 198 N
Bonus 8 10 208 N
Bonus 9 10 218 N
10 228 N
Bonus 10

Third Line of POSSAIDA – To Credit values query layout version = 2

Field Size Position Type Description

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The carrier code 2 1 N The carrier code associated with the query
Area code 3 3 N Area code captured by Client in the query
Telephone 8 6 N Phone captured by Client in the query
Minimum Variable Value 10 14 N Normally 0: does not allow variable value
Maximum Variable Value 10 24 N Normally 0: does not allow variable value
Quantity 02 34 N Amount of information of fixed values
Value 1 10 36 N Value 1
Bonus 1 10 46 N Bonus 1
... ... ... ... ...
Value n 10 ... N Value n
Bonus n 10 ... N Bonus n

Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Digital Credit values query layoutversion = 3

Field Size Position Type Description

The carrier code 2 1 N The carrier code associated with the query
Area code size 2 3 N Area code size
Area code VAR 5 N Area code captured by Client in the query
Phone size 2 ... N Phone size
Phone VAR ... N Phone captured by Client in the query
Minimum Variable Value 10 ... N Normally 0: does not allow variable value
Maximum Variable Value 10 ... N Normally 0: does not allow variable value
Quantity 02 ... N Amount of information of fixed values
Value 1 10 ... N Value 1
Bonus 1 10 ... N Bonus 1
... ... ... ... ...
Value n 10 ... N Value n
Bonus n 10 ... N Bonus n

Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Digital Credit purchase layoutversion <= 2

Field Size Position Type Description

Operator 2 1 N The carrier code associated with the query
Area Code 3 3 N Area code captured by Client in the query

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Telephone 8 6 N Phone captured by Client in the query

Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Digital Credit purchase layoutversion = 3

Field Size Position Type Description

The carrier code 2 1 N The carrier code associated with the query
Area code size 2 3 N Area code size
Area code VAR 5 N Area code captured by Client in the query
Telephone size 2 ... N Telephone size
Telephone VAR ... N Phone captured by Client in the query

Third Line of POSSAIDA – Configuration Query

Field Size Position Type Description

AC Version 10 1 A
Host and port LLVAR 11 A..99 Network name (or IP address) and port of network service of
CTFClient CTFClient, in the format: LLVARNNNNN. Where: "LLVAR" is the
hostname/IP and NNNNN is the door (right justified with
leading zeros). Example: “”.
List of hosts and ports LLLVAR (...) A..999 List containing the network names (or IP addresses) and
of the CTF Server network service ports of the CTF Server. This parameter, as it
is a list, is composed of multiple entries in sequence. The LLL
indicates the total size of the string in VAR. Each entry in the
list must be in the format: LLVARNNNNN. Where: "LLVAR" is
the hostname/IP and NNNNN is the door (right justified with
leading zeros).
The last entry on the list should only contain 00 of the name/IP
size. Example: assuming that the host/ports list of CTF's
servers has the following entries:
This would have POSENTRA the content parameter:
Keyboard type 40 A Keyboard type identifier that should be used by CTFClient for
data entry (see annex D)
Keyboard parameters LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of keyboard. The value
of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma) (see
annex D)
Operator display type 40 A Identifier of the type of display that should be used by the
CTFClient to perform data capture and display information for
the AC operator. The value of each parameter must be
separated by ', ' (comma) (see annex D)
Operator display LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of display for the
parameters operator. The value of each parameter must be separated by ',
' (comma) (see annex D)

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Customer display type 40 A Identifier of the type of display that should be used by the
CTFClient to display information for the AC client, such as
menu with Cielo product options, financing types menu, etc.
(see annex D)
Customer display LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of display to the client.
parameters The value of each parameter must be separated by ', '
(comma) (see annex D)
Type card reader 40 A Identifier of the type of card reader to be used by CTFClient for
reading cards (see annex D)
Card reader LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of card reader. The
parameters value of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma)
(see annex D)
Type of PIN-Pad 40 A Identifier of the type of PIN-Pad which will be used by
CTFClient for passwords (see annex D)
PIN-Pad Parameters LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of PIN-Pad. The value
of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma) (see
annex D)
Type of barcode 40 A Identifier of the type of reader that will be used by CTFClient
reader for reading barcodes (see annex D)

Barcode reader LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of barcode reader. The
parameters value of each parameter must be separated by ', ' (comma)
(see annex D)
Type of document 40 A Identifier of the type of reader that will be used by CTFClient
reader for reading documents (see annex D)

Parameters document LLLVAR A..999 Parameters specific to the chosen type of document reader.
reader The value of each parameter must be separated by ', '
(comma) (see annex D)
Encrypted integration 1 N Indicates the POSENTRA encryption
0 – Not encrypted
1 – Encrypted
Reading the CMC-7 1 N Indicates reading the CMC-7 check
0 – Not read
1 – Make reading
Credit with mobile 1 N Indicates whether the credit flow can be directed to be paid
enabled with cell phone
0 – Not enabled
1 – Enabled

Third Line of POSSAIDA – Card Query

Returned in the third line of operation POSSAIDA:

• 226 – Card Query.

Field Size Position Type Description

Card Number 19 1 N Card Number


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Field Size Position Type Description
Card Number 37 1 N Card Trail 2

Third Line of POSSAIDA – Invoice Payment

Returned in the third row of the POSSAIDA of operations:

• 182 – Invoice Payment query;
• 183 – Invoice payment.

Field Size Position Type Description

Name of the vendor 40 1 A Name of the vendor (to be printed on the check)
Accounting Date 6 41 N Accounting date for execution of the payment, in the
format YYMMDD.
Forms of payment 8 47 N Allowed payment methods, useful in queries and
rejected payment transactions. Each byte can take the
value ' 0 ' or ' 1 ', indicating if the payment this disabled
or enabled:
• First position: Cash;
• Second position: Check;
• Third position: Bank check;
• Fourth position: Debt card;
• Fifth position: Credit card;
• Sixth position: Own card;
• Seventh position: reserved for future use;
• Eighth position: reserved for future use.
Example of cash and check payment: “11000000”.
Agreement number 17 55 N Agreement number
Amount Due 12 72 N Amount Due
Original Value 12 84 N Original value of the document
Filler 5 96 N Unused bytes
Authentication 16 101 A Document authentication
Additions 12 117 N Value of additions
Discounts 12 129 N Discounted value
Minimum Payment 12 141 N Value of the minimum payment
Due date 6 153 N Expiration date of the current invoice
Document number 16 159 N Document number
Input mode 1 175 N The input mode of the barcode (' 1 ' if typed, ' 3 ' If you
read) (eco).
Barcode 48 176 N Barcode of the Title (aligned with leading zeros). If the
last block of the Title you entered is incomplete (less
than 14 positions), this must be aligned with leading
zeros, totaling 47 positions (eco).
Payment mode 2 224 N Payment mode (eco).
CMC7 34 226 A CMC7 for Check payment mode (eco).

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Third Line of POSSAIDA – Prepaid card query

Returned in the third line of operation POSSAIDA:

• 227 – EC bypass - Prepaid Card query.

Field Size Position Type Description

Filler 1 1 A Filled with space (' ').
Message to the PDV 16 2 A
Available balance 12 18 N Available balance
Charge/license date 8 30 N In the format YYYYMMDD.
Validity 4 38 N In the format YYMM.
Last recharge date/time 14 42 N In the format Yyyymmddhhmmss.
Control character to the start 1 56 A Filled with the character ' # '.
of the Coupon
Coupon size 3 57 N Filled with a variable value "000" to "999".
Number of rows 2 60 N Number of rows of the coupon.
Coupon content VAR 62 A You will use the ' @ ' character as delimiter of
the end of each line of the coupon.

Third Line of POSSAIDA – Gas card purchase

Returned in the third row of the POSSAIDA of the operation:

• 235 – Gas card purchase.

Field Size Position Type Description

Product code 7 1 N Gas card product code
Product description 15 8 A Gas card product description

Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Credit Financing Consultation

The third row contains data (N) financing plans when the number of parcels consulted is equal to
"00". The data size is 64 x N (number of plans).
Returned in the third row of the POSSAIDA of the operation:
• 118 – Financing Credit Consultation.

Field Size Position Type Description

Parcel number 2 1 N Parcel number

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Value of the share 12 3 N Value of the share
Total Value 12 15 N Parcel value + value of the interest rate
Interest rate 7 27 N Interest rate for the month of the plan
Plan code 5 34 N Code of the plan (Optional Information)
Reserved 26 39 A Reserved for future use
Parcel number 2 (...) N Parcel number
Value of the share 12 (...) N Value of the share
Total Value 12 (...) N Parcel value + value of the interest rate
Interest rate 7 (...) N Interest rate for the month of the plan
Plan Code 5 (...) N Code of the plan (Optional Information)
Reserved 26 (...) A Reserved for future use

• 118 – Credit Financing Consultation – Itaú SX.

Field Size Position Type Description

Customer Month Rate 07 1 N Customer Month Rate
Shopkeeper Equalization Rate 07 8 N Shopkeeper Equalization Rate
Shopkeeper’s Schedule 03 15 N Shopkeeper’s Schedule Deadline
Installment Value 14 18 N Installment value (with two implicit decimal places)
Amount of cycle to skip 1 32 N Amount of cycle to skip
Insurance value (for Quiet 12 33 N Insurance value (for Quiet purchase only)
purchase only)

Third Line of POSSAIDA – For Electronic CDC and Guaranteed Purchase

Returned in the third row of the POSSAIDA of the operation:

• 243 – Electronic CDC (for payment plan equal to 03).
• 244 – Guaranteed Purchase.

Field Size Position Type Description

Month rate customer 07 1 N Month rate customer
Shopkeeper 07 9 N Shopkeeper equalization rate
equalization rate
Period of the 03 11 N Period of the shopkeeper's schedule
Value of the share 14 25 N Value of the parcel, where the 2 (two) last digits are
decimal places
Number of cycles to 1 26 N Number of cycles to jump
Insurance value (quiet 12 38 A Insurance value (quiet sale)

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Third line of POSSAIDA – Consultation of Multi-EC Establishments

Returned on the third line of POSSAIDA of the transaction:

• 329 – Consultation of Multi-EC Establishments.

Field Size Position Type Description

Establishment Identifier 1 14 1 A Identifier of the Multi-EC commercial establishment
(CNPJ of the doctor, for example)
Description 1 LLVAR 15 A Description of the establishment
Establishment Identifier 2 14 ... A Identifier of the Multi-EC comercial establishment (CNPJ
of the doctor, for example)
Description 2 LLVAR ... A Description of the establishment
... ...
... ...
Establishment Identifier N 14 ... A Identifier of the Multi-EC comercial establishment (CNPJ
of the doctor, for example)
Description N LLVAR ... A Description of the establishment

Third line of POSSAIDA – Activation of Prepaid Card

Returned on the third line of POSSAIDA of the transaction:

• 260 – - Prepaid Card Activation

Field Size Position Type Description

Prepaid card amount 12 1 N Prepaid card amount
Bonus amount 12 13 N Card bonus value
Activation value 12 25 N Activation rate
Discount value 12 37 N Discount value
Amount paid 12 49 N Total transaction value

Third line of POSSAIDA – Digital Prepaid Card Consultation

Returned on the third line of POSSAIDA of the transaction:

• 337 – Digital Prepaid Card Consultation

Field Size Position Type Description

Code 1 LLVAR 1 A Digital prepaid card code
Value 1 12 ... N Prepaid card value in cents
Description 1 LLVAR ... N Card description

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Field Size Position Type Description
Code N LLVAR ... A
Value N 12 ... N
Description N LLVAR ... N

Third line of POSSAIDA – For Data Capture on Pinpad

Returned on the third line of the transaction:

• 908 – Data capture on pinpad.

Field Size Position Type Description

Data captured on the pinpad VAR 1 N Data captured on the pinpad

4.3 By Socket TCP/IP Integration

Integration with CTFClient for TCP/IP socket is accomplished through the establishment of a
connection between the AC and the CTFClient, the CTFClient as server for communication. The
default CTFClient connection port is 2500, but this can be modified by changes in configuration

The connection is kept open until a response is sent by the CTFClient or until time-out. The
application of AC must configure the time-out of the socket to a value above that is configured for
the CTFClient in relation to the CTF. Typically, the time-out of the CTFClient is 30 seconds, but can be
modified through the configuration parameter. It is recommended that the time-out of the AC in
relation to the CTFClient is at least 3 seconds longer than the CTFClient in relation to the CTF.

Messages that travel in the socket, both in the AC-CTFClient and CTFClient-AC directions have exactly
the same layout of the files POSENTRA and POSSAIDA, described in sections: Input file layout and
Output file layout of this manual.

4.4 POSENTRA File Encryption

Some information, such as card number, security code and expiration date of the card are important
and sensitive information and may not be available in files, not liable to capture the network traffic.

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However, the AC integrations of Telemarketing, batch and of e-Commerce (Internet), who carry out
transactions without a present card, need to send in the file POSENTRA, the card data to perform
their transactions.

Only in these cases, the AC, after proper formatting of the POSENTRA file, you should encrypt it to
ensure the privacy of information.

All POSENTRA formatted lines must be encrypted at once, and the resulting encrypted line must be
written to the final POSENTRA file, followed by a null character (' \0').

The encryption of the file POSENTRA should be done by the set_printable_msg function, available in
the dlls: CSISECURITY.DLL and CSICRYPTO.DLL, provided by Auttar.

• Set_printable_msg

The set_printable_msg function is used to encrypt data.

Int set_printable_msg( char *origin, int size_origin, char *destiny, int size_destiny );

Function Required Header Compatibility

set_printable_msg “csisecurity.h” Win 95, Win NT


CSISECURITY.LIB CSI encryption library

Values returned

If the buffer is encrypted, set_printable_msg returns the size of the encrypted buffer. Otherwise,
returns 0 (zero).


Address for the buffer to be encrypted.

Size of the message to be encrypted.

Address to the buffer that receives the encrypted data.

Maximum size of the target parameter.

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The size_destiny value must be ((size_origin * 2) +32) * 4) +1. The application must allocate a
destination buffer of at least size size_destination to receive the encrypted data.

Example in C

#Include “csisecurity.h”
void get_ofusc_msg(char *msg)
int tam_str, tam_result;
char *result;

tam_str = strlen(msg);

tam_result = (((tam_str*2)+32)*4)+1;
result = (char*)malloc(tam_result);
if(result != NULL)
tam_result = set_printable_msg(msg, tam_str, result, tam_result-1);
result[tam_result] = 0;
if(tam_result > 0)
printf(“Arquivo POSENTRA formatado pela AC:\n\n%.*s\n\n”, tam_str, msg);
printf(“Arquivo POSENTRA encriptado pela função set_printable_msg:\n\n%.*s\n”, tam_result, result);


POSENTRA file formatted by AC:

• 20060801

POSENTRA encrypted file for the set_printable_msg function:


Another example in Visual Basic 6.0

Option Explicit

Public Declare Function setPrintableMsg Lib "csisecurity.dll" Alias "set_printable_msg_VB" (ByVal strEntrada As String, ByVal iTamEnt As Integer, ByVal
strSaida As String, ByVal iTamSaida As Integer) As Integer

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Public Sub Main()
Dim strEntrada As String
Dim strSaida As String
Dim iTamSaida, iRetorno As Integer

'Texto que deseja criptografar


'Calculo do tamanho do texto de saida

iTamSaida = (((Len(strEntrada) * 2) + 32) * 4) + 1

'Cria uma string com o tamanho calculado

strSaida = String(iTamSaida, Chr(0))

'Funcao que criptografa a string de entrada jogando na string de saida

iRetorno = setPrintableMsg(strEntrada, Len(strEntrada), strSaida, iTamSaida - 1)

'Texto criptografado
Debug.Print strSaida

End Sub

4.5 Transaction Number

The transaction number is the number that indicates the sequencing of the transaction within a
receiving phase and is entirely controlled by the AC, for both the mono transaction and the multiple

The number of transaction is informed by the AC to the CTFClient through the field 33-Number of the
transaction. This field is compulsory use.

The transaction number must be controlled by the AC and restarted in "01" with each new phase.
The maximum number of transactions accepted by the CTF is "99".

In multiple transactions, each transaction has a unique sequence number being the number of the
first transaction started in "01". For example, if an operation is terminated with 3 TEF transactions,
the first will be the number "01", the second number "02" and the third the number "03".

The number refers to the transaction voucher number of TEF generated for print, and is displayed in
the extension NN of the CUPOMCTF.TNN file.

Transaction numbers equal to "00" indicate that this is a non-financial transaction that does not need
to be confirmed (example: query transactions, except the query CDC). Non-financial transactions
(with Number of Transaction = "00") can be interspersed in a string of financial transactions in the
same phase (with the transaction Numbers larger than "00").

Confirmation transactions should also be numbered and the undo transaction must have the number
= "01".

4.6 Voucher Files

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When a transaction is approved, the CTFClient generates files containing the text of the TEF vouchers
coupons for AC print them.

The vouchers are generated files in a subdirectory named EEEELLLL.TTT, created from the directory in
which the CTFClient was executed. In the directory name, EEEE represents the last 4 digits of Number
of the establishment, LLLL the store number and TTT Terminal number.

The run directory of CTFClient is the "bin" directory within the directory CTFClient installation. The
CTFClient installation directory can be obtained through the CTFCLIENT_HOME environment variable
(except for the DOS operating system).

For example: assuming the CTFClient installation directory is "C:\Program Files\Auttar\CTFClient", the
number of the establishment is 138, the store number is 10 and the Terminal number 23, the
coupons would be written to the directory "C:\Program Files\Auttar\CTFClient\bin\01380010.023".

Shortly after the request of an approved transaction, the CTFClient offers the following files
pertaining to the transaction of TEF recently held:

• COUPONCTF.1nn – via costumer voucher

• COUPONCTF.2nn – via shopkeeper voucher
• REDUCED.1nn – proof of TEF reduced (up to 8 lines).

These coupons , the " nn " indicates the transaction number which the coupons relate.

Before the confirmation, these must be the coupon files used by the AC for printing of proofs.

The reduced proof (REDUCED. 1nn) can override via proof of client TEF (COUPONCTF. 1nn). In this
case, the proof is printed within the reduced tax sale coupon. Still, the reduced coupon may only be
used for the first transaction. Some transactions do not provide proof, such as buying and CDC
Consultation, cancellation, etc.

After confirmation of the transaction, the CTFClient offers the coupons:

• COUPONCTF.3nn – via customer certification reprint.

• COUPONCTF.4nn – via shopkeeper certification reprint.

Only the proof of reprint of last approved transaction are available for reprint.


The CTFClient controls the replacement of files of receipts with each new transaction requested.

If the application of AC have practice remove the CUPOMCTF.*nn file immediately after the printing
of the proof, can only be removed from the files CUPOMCTF.1nn and CUPOMCTF.2nn. The files

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CUPOMCTF.3nn and CUPOMCTF.4nn cannot be removed because these are reprint vouchers files,
and should be available after printing normal TEF sales vouchers.

4.7 CTFClient Multi EC

CTFClient can be configured to process multiple stores on the same terminal, so the Client can be
dynamically started to perform transactions from different stores using the same physical PDV and a
single Pinpad.

The transactions will be processed according to their capture form: Typed, Magnetic or Chip.

The TEF Automation will obtain the list with all the stores registered for a certain establishment from
the query operation 329 – Consultation of Establishments Multi-EC, will be returned the store codes
and their descriptions. Commercial Automation can perform this query once a day and store or run it
whenever it deems it necessary.

The group code (PDV code that identifies the transaction) should be unique for the establishment
used, it will serve to identify only each Multi-EC terminal. The group code is previously registered in
the Auttar Portal.

To perform the transaction of a Multi-EC terminal, the Commercial Automation must select one of
the stores returned in 329 – Business Establishment Query and field 102 – Multi-EC terminal

The file with the transaction request (POSENTRA) should be formatted with the following

Field Commercial Establishments Financial Transaction

Consultation Transaction
Establishment, For Multi-EC mode these fields must be sent in blank
Store and PDV
Operation code “329” – Consultation of Multi-EC “101” – Debit
Establishments “112” – Credit
“106” – Voucher Debit
Field 102 – Do not send It must be sent by Commercial
Identifier of the Automation after successfully executing
POSENTRA Multi- the operation 329 – Business
EC terminal Establishment Query

The detailing of the return on the third line of the POSSAIDA containing the stores when executing
the transaction “329” – Multi-EC Establishment Query will be detailed in the Third line of the
POSSAIDA section in chapter 4.2.5 – Output File Layout.

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5 Detaleid Flow of each operation

This section briefly describes the main operations. Indicates the input data that must be reported in
POSENTRA and details the step by step CTFClient integration with AC.

The term CTFClient is used in the "step by step integration" generically to refer to the CLCTFDOS
component (for the operating system) or the CLIENTCTF.Exe program(for other operating systems),
when using the integration via file. The integrations via TCPIP socket, the CTFClient is not executed.
The CA sends the POSENTRA the connection socket and waits for the response from POSSAIDA for
the same connection.

For clarity, follows the description of the characters used in the examples of POSENTRA:

character Description
Represents a blank space.
Represents line (line feed or ' \n ').

Will be omitted from the section "input data" the fields "33 – transaction number" and "36 - AC
Version", which are required in all operations.

CTFClient Version

Operation performed to check the version of CTFClient.

Step by step integration

View step by step integration of the AVS query.


POSENTRA file version query:

004000009999001 20060801

CTFClient Parameters Configuration

Operation performed to configure the parameters of the CTFClient.

The POSENTRA of this operation was changed to the CTFClient.

Input data

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The AC can inform on POSENTRA any one of the following optional fields:
• 49 – Host and port CTFClient
• 50 – List of hosts and ports of the CTF
• 51 – Keyboard type
• 52 – Keyboard parameters
• 53 – Operator display type
• 54 – Operator display parameters
• 55 – Customer display type
• 56 – Customer display parameters
• 58 – Card reader parameters
• 60 – PIN-Pad Parameters
• 61 – Type of barcode reader
• 62 – Barcode reader parameters
• 63 – Type of document reader
• 64 – Document reader parameters
• 65 - Encrypted integration

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:

• Generates the file POSENTRA for this operation;

• Running CTFClient;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error.
• Terminates the operation;


POSENTRA configuration file of CTFClient parameters:

005000009999001 20060801
000DISPLAY_Auttar 035LIBRARY:DisplayCSIWindows,1,251,252


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Financial transaction commit operation. In general the financial transactions generate coupon, and
the commit operation must be applied after printing.

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of debt in cash, from step 7.


POSENTRA file of the confirmation:

006000009999001 20060801


Undo operation of uncommitted or financial transactions that presented a misprint of their vouchers.
For tax operations completed with multiple financial transactions by simply sending an undoing
operation to undo all pending transactions.

Step by step integration

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the file POSENTRA for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Running CTFClient, you will be able to capture some information pertaining to the transaction
such as: reading the card, 4 digits of card, password, etc, in addition to request the authorization
of the transaction through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return POSSAIDA file field as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns to the method of payment.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient:
• If successful, printing continues in the next step;
• If misprint, go to step 10.
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Treats the Return field of the POSSAIDA as Annex B, and ends (go to step 13).
• Generates the file POSENTRA to the Undo operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Treats the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as Annex C, and ends (go to step 13).
• Concludes.


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POSENTRA file of the unmaking:

007000009999001 20060801

Debt in Cash

Financial transaction performed with debit cards in the in cash mode.

Input data

The AC shall inform in the POSENTRA the field:

• 4 – Value.

Optional fields may also be informed. If the field 26 – Withdraw is reported, this value should be
treated as a CHANGE in the fiscal printers: the value of the CARD should be added with the value of
the withdraw, and the AC will generate a CHANGE in the value of the withdraw.

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the file POSENTRA for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Runs CTFClient, which can capture some information pertaining to the transaction such as:
reading the card, 4 last digits of card, password, etc, in addition to request the authorization of
the transaction through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns to the method of payment.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.


POSENTRA file of debt in cash in the amount of $162,50 and service tax of $0,00:

101000009999001 20060801

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Pre-dated Debt

Financial transaction performed with debit cards and charged in future date.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the schedule date of the transaction).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of pre-dated debt to 15/08/2006 in the amount of $162,50:

103000009999001 20060801

Debt In Installments

Financial transaction performed with debit cards splitted by the retailer, with the possibility of
scheduling the first installment. This transaction is not available for the Cielo authorizer.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA in the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of parcels,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the schedule date of the first installment).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


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POSENTRA file in 3 installments debt with scheduling of the first installment to 8/31/2006 in the
amount of $162,50:

104000009999001 20060801


Financial transaction performed with Covenant cards (food, meal, etc.) in the in cash mode.

Input data

The AC shall inform in the POSENTRA the field:

• 4 – Value.

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of voucher worth $162,50:

105000009999001 20060801

Direct Credit to the Consumer

Financial transaction performed with debit cards splitted as financing rules established by the card
issuer (interest rates, TAC, number of parcels, etc.), with the possibility of scheduling the first

Input data

The AC shall inform in the POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of parcels
• 11 – Reference date to inform the date of appointment of the first installment.
• 13 – value of the input (optional).

Step by step integration

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See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of the CDC debit in 6 installments with scheduling of the first installment to 8/15/2006
in the amount of $162,50:

109000009999001 20060801

Direct Credit to the Consumer Query

Operation performed with debit cards to see the financing plans established by the card issuer. This
operation is not linked to the CDC sales transaction and does not compromise the balance of the
The financing plans shall be informed through a TEF voucher to be printed (in a non-tax coupon) or
displayed on the screen of the terminal of the AC (for queries during the purchase, before the closing
of the controller coupon).
The proof of CDC Query may contain information such as: date of the first installment, TAC, plans
available and each plan: number of installments, interest rate, amount of parcels and total value.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of parcels
• 11 – Reference date to inform the date of appointment of the first installment.
• 13 – value of the input (optional).

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the POSENTRA file for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Running CTFClient, you will be able to capture some information pertaining to the transaction
such as: reading the card, 4 lastdigits of card, password, etc, in addition to request the
authorization of the transaction through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;

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• If different from 00, handles the error.
• Displays the proof of TEF or prints 2 TEF vouchers routes returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.


POSENTRA file of CDC Consultation in 6 installments without scheduling the first installment in the
amount of $162,50:

110000009999001 20060801

Credit in Cash, Shopkeeper and Administrator installments

Financial transaction performed with credit cards in 3 modes available: in cash, shopkeeper and
administrator installments.
The shopkeeper financing, the merchant will receive the installment sale value, month to month
depending on the number of parcels set out in the Act for the transaction, and the cardholder will be
levied on your invoice.
In the administrator financing, the shopkeeper will receive the total amount of the sale within
contract, and the cardholder will be charged every month on your Bill, depending on the number of
installments stipulated at the time of the sale, including interest in force at the time the transaction
took place.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of Installments (for splitted transactions).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of credit in cash in the amount of $162,50:

112000009999001 20060801

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POSENTRA file of installment credit by the shopkeeper in 3 installments in the amount of $162,50:

113000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of installment credit by the shopkeeper in 6 installments in the amount of $162,50:

114000009999001 20060801

IATA Credit in cash, Shopkeeper and Administrator Installments

Financial transaction performed with credit cards in 3 modes available: in cash, shopkeeper and
administrator installments. This operation is used by air companies. This transaction is available only
for the Redecard authorizer.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of Installments (for splitted transactions).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of IATA credit in cash in the amount of $162,50:

115000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of IATA credit in installment by the shopkeeper in 3 installments in the amount

116000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of IATA credit in installment by the shopkeeper in 6 installments in the amount of

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117000009999001 20060801

Credit Pre-Authorization

Financial transaction performed with credit cards. The administrator moves the credit limit of the
card, as a way of booking and guarantee the shopkeeper in available balance at the time of effecting
payment of the expense. This operation is used by the air companies, hotels and car rentals.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of parcels (for splitted transactions).
• 12 – Service fee (optional).
• 27 – Shipment fee (optional).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of credit pre-authorization in the amount of $162,50:

119000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of credit pre-authorization in the amount of $162,50 and shipment fee of $17,00:

119000009999001 20060801

Generic Cancellation

Operation of reversing financial transactions conducted with credit cards, debit cards and Covenant
(food, meal, etc).

Input data

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The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:
• 4 – Value of cancellation,
• 14 – NSU of original transaction,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of the original transaction).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of debt in cash.


POSENTRA file for cancellation of the transaction of the day 8/1/2006 in the amount of $162,50 and
NSU CTF 123456:

128000009999001 20060801

Pre-Authorization Confirmation

Financial transaction performed with credit cards in 3 modes available: in cash, shopkeeper and
administrator installments. This operation is used by the air companies, hotels and video store.
This transaction is available only for the Redecard and Amex. For the other authorizers, the sale
confirms the respective credit pre-authorization.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Pre-authorization date,
• 14 – NSU of the pre-authorization,
• 22 – Bit 62 to inform the authorization code of the pre-authorization,
• 9 – Number of parcels (for splitted transactions).
• 12 – Service fee (optional),
• 27 – Shipment fee (optional).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of confirmation of credit in cash pre-authorization worth $ 100,00, whose pre-
authorization was held on 7/10/2006 with authorization code 999999:

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132000009999001 20060801

Cancellation of Pre-authorization

Operation of reversing pre-authorization performed with credit cards. This transaction is available
only for Redecard. Optionally, you can use the operation 128 - Generic Cancellation to cancel pre-
clearance operations.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Pre-authorization date,
• 14 – NSU CTF of the pre-authorization,
• 23 – Authorization code of pre-authorization.

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of debt in cash.


POSENTRA file pre-authorization cancellation of credit in cash for the amount of $162,50, whose pre-
authorization was held on 7/10/2006 with NSU CTF 123456 and authorization code 999999:

134000009999001 20060801

AVS Query

Query operation AVS-address verification service is a service offered by the credit card authorizer to
the retailer and cardholder, to prevent fraud in transactions without the presence of the card.
This transaction is available for Redecard and Cielo. The Redecard AVS Query is available only to
typed cards. Is not returned TEF for printing voucher for this operation.
The POSENTRA of this operation was changed to the CTFClient.

Input data

The AC shall report compulsorily at POSENTRA the fields:

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• 19 – Document carrier type,
• 20 – Carrier document (CPF),
• 38 – Patio address
• 39 – Address number,
• 40 – Complement address (optional),
• 41 – Address block (optional),
• 42 – Address Neighborhood,
• 43 – Address zip code.

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the POSENTRA file for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Runs CTFClient, which will capture all information relating to the customer's card: card reading, 4
last digits of card, password, etc, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction
through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error.
• Displays the display message returned by CTFClient;


POSENTRA file of AVS query:

139000009999001 20060801
20000000762201983600B19V004 Rua Luigi Galvani 00004210º aBrooklin

Cash Private Label

Service operation carried out with private label Redecard cards (Fininvest, Taií, etc). This transaction
is available to the private label Redecard.

Input data

The AC shall report compulsorily at POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Transaction value,

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• 9 – Number of installments (00 - rotary, 01 - rotary with possibility of Interest and > 01 - in

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of Cash Private Label in cash with possibility of interest, in the amount of $162,50:

140000009999001 20060801

Cash Private Label Query

The query operation of the financing plans available for the operation of Cash Private Label. This
transaction is available to private label Redecard (Fininvest, Taií, etc).

Input data

The AC shall report compulsorily at POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value of the transaction,
• 9 – Number of installments (01- rotary with possibility of interest and > 01 - in installment),

Step by step integration

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the POSENTRA file for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Running CTFClient, you will be able to capture some information pertaining to the transaction
such as: reading the card, 4 last digits of card, password, etc, in addition to request the
authorization of the transaction through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error.
• Displays the proof of TEF or prints 2 TEF vouchers routes returned by CTFClient.


POSENTRA file of the Private Label query in 3 installments in the amount of $162,50:

Integration Manual with CTFClient v7.4.docx 24/04/2014 81

141000009999001 20060801

Private Label Purchase

Purchase operation carried out with private label Redecard cards (Fininvest, Taií, etc). This
transaction is available to the private label Redecard. Optionally, this operation may be replaced by
credit operation as parameterization of the CTF.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Transaction value,
• 9 – Number of installments ( 00 - rotary, 01 - rotary with possibility of interest and > 01 - in
• 44 – Number of cycles (number of cycles to debit the first installment),
• 45 – Plan number (01 – without interest, 02 – with interest, 00 – defined by the authorized),
• 46 – Item number (optional).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of the pre-date Private Label purchase (1 cycle), with plan defined by the authorized,
in the amount of $162,50:

142000009999001 20060801
0000000162500001B19V004 0100

Private Label Purchase Query

The query operation of the financing plans available for Private Label Purchase. This transaction is
available to the Private Label Redecard (Fininvest, Taií, etc).

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Transaction value,
• 9 – Number of installments (01 – rotary with possibility of interest and > 01 – in installment),
• 44 – Number of cycles (number of cycles to debit the first installment),

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• 45 – Plan number (01 – without interest, 02 – with interest, 00 – defined by the authorized),
• 46 – Item number (optional).

Step by step integration

View step-by-step Cash Private Label query integration.


POSENTRA file of the Private Label Purchase Query in installments (3 parcels) pre-dated (1 cycle) with
interest (plan 2) in the amount of $162,50:

144000009999001 20060801
0000000162500300B19V004 0102

IATA Authorization in Cash and Shopkeeper in Installment

Financial transaction performed with credit cards in cash and shopkeeper installment. This operation
has been set for the Varig company use, and is available only to the Redecard credit.
Optionally, the AC can integrate with the pre-authorization transaction, replacing this operation, and
set up the CTF to convert the pre-authorizations Redecard in IATA Authorization.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

4 – Value,
9 – Number of parcels (splitted transactions).
27 – Shipment fee (optional).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of the IATA authorization in cash in the amount of $162,50:

146000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of the IATA authorization in 3 installments in the amount of $162,50:

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147000009999001 20060801

Payment of Title with Consultation

The billing, schedule and ticket terms are synonymous. This operation is available for the
correspondent banking authorizer.

For integration with ClientCTF, just tell the transaction code 152 – payment of Title with query, the
CTFClient takes care to capture the barcode, the maturity, the values of the document, discounts and
surcharges, the input mode, the mode of payment (cash or check) and the CMC7 codeline (for check
mode). At the end of the operation, the ClientCTF returns in the third row of the POSSAIDA the
effective value of the operation and all other information that identifies the payment (see definition
of third line of POSSAIDA).

Payment with consultation is optional, however for some Authorizers of correspondent banking,
payment should not be preceded by a query, such as CB Bradesco currently integrated with the CTF.

Optionally, the AC may report input data in the file POSENTRA.

Input data

The AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of payment),
• 31 – Check CMC7
• 34 – Total discounts,
• 35 – Total additions,
• 47 – Barcode document,
• 48 – Input mode (the barcode can be typed or read).
• 66 – Form of payment of correspondent banking

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of the Title payment read 47990.0199 69180.00000 00103.73849 9 31530000020000,
in the amount of R$ 200,00, with R$0,20 discount and R$0,40 accruals, 5/26/2006 maturity, paid for
with money.

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152000000130130 20071001
1520000000200002605200601000000000020000000000040010109 47999315300000200000019969180000000010
373849 301

Payment of Title

The billing, schedule and ticket terms are synonymous. This operation is available for the
correspondent banking authorizers.

For integration with ClientCTF, just tell the transaction code 153 – payment of Title with query, the
CTFClient takes care to capture the barcode, the maturity, the values of the document, discounts and
surcharges, the input mode, the mode of payment (cash or check) and the CMC7 codeline (for check
mode). At the end of the operation, the ClientCTF returns in the third row of the POSSAIDA the
effective value of the operation and all other information that identifies the payment (see definition
of third line of POSSAIDA).

Optionally, the AC may report input data in the POSENTRA file.

Input data

The AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of payment),
• 31 – Check CMC7
• 34 – Total discounts,
• 35 – Total additions,
• 47 – Barcode document,
• 48 – Input mode (the barcode can be typed or read).
• 66 – Form of payment of correspondent banking

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of the Title payment read 47990.0199 69180.00000 00103.73849 9 31530000020000,
in the amount of R$200,00, with R$0,20 discount and R$0,40 accruals, 5/26/2006 maturity, paid for
with money.

153000000130130 20071001

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1530000000200002605200601000000000020000000000040010109 47999315300000200000019969180000000010
373849 301

Payment of Collection with Queries

The concessionary, agreement and collection terms have the same meaning. This operation is
available for the correspondent banking authorizers.

For integration with ClientCTF, just tell the transaction code 154-Payment of collection with query,
the CTFClient takes care to capture the bar code, the maturity, the values of the document, discounts
and surcharges, the input mode, the mode of payment (cash or check) and the CMC7 codeline (for
check mode). At the end of the operation, the ClientCTF returns in the third row of the POSSAIDA the
effective value of the operation and all other information that identifies the payment (see definition
of third line of POSSAIDA).

Payment with consultation is optional, however for some Authorizers of correspondent banking,
payment should not be preceded by a query, such as CB Bradesco currently integrated with the CTF.

Optionally, the AC may report input data in the file POSENTRA.

Input data

The AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of payment),
• 31 – Check CMC7
• 34 – Total discounts,
• 35 – Total additions,
• 47 – Barcode document,
• 48 – Input mode (the bar code can be typed or read).
• 66 – Form of payment of correspondent banking

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of the collection payment with barcodes read

83600000000.00000073292.00450844669.10040200336, in the amount of R$1,00, with R$0,10
discount and R$0,20 accruals, 10/1/2007 maturity, paid by check with CMC7:

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154000000130130 20071001
15400000000010001102007<23732081<0070001345>477509270100:01000000000010000000000020010109 83600
000000000000732920045084466910040200336 302

Payment Collection

The concessionary, agreement and collection terms have the same meaning. This operation is
available for the correspondent banking authorizers.

For integration with ClientCTF, just tell the transaction code 155 – Payment of collection, the
CTFClient takes care to capture the barcode, the maturity, the values of the document, discounts and
surcharges, the input mode, the mode of payment (cash or check) and the CMC7 codeline (for check
mode). At the end of the operation, the ClientCTF returns in the third row of the POSSAIDA the
effective value of the operation and all other information that identifies the payment (see definition
of third line of POSSAIDA).

Optionally, the AC may report input data in the file POSENTRA.

Input data

The AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the payment date),
• 31 – Check CMC7
• 34 – Total discounts,
• 35 – Total additions,
• 47 – Barcode document,
• 48 – Input mode (the barcode can be typed or read).
• 66 – Form of payment of correspondent banking

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the debt in cash.


POSENTRA file of Title payment with barcode read

83600000000.00000073292.00450844669.10040200336 in the amount of R$1,00, with R$0,10
discount and R$0,20 accruals, 10/1/2007 maturity, paid by check with CMC7:

155000000130130 20071001

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15500000000010001102007<23732081<0070001345>477509270100:01000000000010000000000020010109 83600
000000000000732920045084466910040200336 302

Title Query
The query is optional, and depends on the rules of the authorizer of correspondent banking, such as
CB Bradesco currently integrated with the CTF, the payment of revenues should not be preceded by a

Input data

The AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of payment),
• 34 – Total discounts,
• 35 – Total accruals,
• 47 – Barcode document
• 48 – Input mode (the barcode can be typed or read).

Step by step integration

View step by step integration of the AVS Query.


Title query read whose code is 47990.0199 69180.00000 00103.73849 9 31530000020000, in the
amount of R$200,00, with R$0,20 discount and R$0,40 accruals, 5/26/2006 maturity.

180000000130130 20071001
1800000000200000110200700000000000020000000000040010109 47999315300000200000019969180000000010
373849 3

Collection Query
The query is optional, and depends on the rules of the authorizer of correspondent banking, such as
CB Bradesco currently integrated with the CTF, the payment of revenues should not be preceded by a

Input data

The AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of payment),
• 34 – Total discounts,

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• 35 – Total additions,
• 47 – Barcode document,
• 48 – Input mode (the barcode can be typed or read).

Step by step integration

View step by step integration of the AVS Query.


Collection query read whose code is 83600000000.00000073292.00450844669.10040200336, in the

amount of R$1,00, with R$0,10 discount and R$0,20 accruals, 10/1/2007 maturity.

181000000130130 20071001
1810000000001000110200700000000000010000000000020010109 83600000000000000732920045084466910040
200336 3

Cancellation of Payment

Reversing operation of the Title and Collection payment operations. The generic cancellation
operation should be used in place of this one.

View detailed flow operation of Generic Cancellation

Manual Technique Low

Manual technique low operation performed by the technicians of Redecard.

Input data

No input data.

Step by step integration

View step-by-step Cash Private Label query integration.


Manual technique low POSENTRA file:

220000009999001 20060801

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Operation performed by technicians to check the availability of Redecard authorizers.

Input data

No input data.

Step by step integration

View step by step integration of the AVS query


Echo POSENTRA file:

221000009999001 20060801

Start Day

Operation carried out at the beginning of the day after opening the fiscal printer. For non-tax
systems, this transaction should be sent once a day, before the start of operations or in the face of

Input data

No input data.

Step by step integration

View step by step integration of the AVS query


POSENTRA file the start day:

225000009999001 20060801

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Reprint of Another Proof

Operation performed to reprint vouchers formatted by CTF or the authorizer. You can reprint
vouchers of other dates.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 11 – Reference date (to inform the date of the original transaction).
• 14 – NSU of the original transaction,

Step by step integration

View step-by-step Cash Private Label query integration.


POSENTRA file of the reprinting of the transaction of NSU "123456" 7/31/2006 date ":

229000009999001 20060801

Check Query
Check query through data from the check and CPF/CNPJ.

Input data

For integration with ClientCTF, just tell the transaction code 129 - Check Query, that the CTFClient
takes care of capturing the necessary information and optionally the AC can inform the incoming data
in the file POSENTRA.

The AC may report in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 - Value
• 11 - Date of Check,
• 16 - Check number,
• 17 - Bank,
• 18 - Agency,
• 19 - Type of document
• 20 - Document,
• 21 - Current-account,
• 22 – Bit 62 to inform area code and telephone (optional),
• 31 – CMC7
• 32 – Square.

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Optionally the data check (check number, Bank, agency, current account and square), the AC may
provide CMC7:
• 31 – CMC7.

Follow field layout 22 - Bit 62 for the check query:

Field Size Position Type Description

Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Bit 62 field size, which can be variable (Bit 62 field format is
LLLVAR). When the Bit 62 is sent, the maximum size is equal to the
Filler 8 4 N Fill with zeros
Area code 3 12 A Area code (required if phone number was informed)
Telephone 10 15 A Phone number (required if area code was informed)
Square 3 25 N Clearing the square check

Step by step integration

View step-by-step Cash Private Label query integration.


Typed Check query:

Example of an input file typed check query. R$10,00 check value, 10/9/2007 date, 81 area code,
phone 3455-0000, CPF type document (2) of number 123.456.789-09, check number 134, bank 237,
agency 3208, current account 93700 and countervailing square 123

129000000113130 20071009

Example of an input file of a check query reading the CMC-7. R$10,00 check value, 10/9/2007 date,
81 area code, phone 3455-0000, CPF document type (2) number 123.456.789-09 and CMC7:

129000000113130 20071009

Check Guarantee

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Check assurance through data from the check and CPF/CNPJ.

Input data

For integration with ClientCTF, just tell the transaction code 137-Check guarantee, that the CTFClient
takes care of capturing the necessary information and optionally the AC can inform the incoming data
in the file POSENTRA.

The AC may report in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 - Value
• 11 - Date of Check,
• 16 - Check number,
• 17 - Bank,
• 18 - Agency,
• 19 - Document type
• 20 - Document,
• 21 - Current Account,
• 22 – Bit 62 to inform area code and telephone (optional),
• 31 – CMC7
• 32 – Square.

Optionally the check data (check number, Bank, agency, current account and square), the AC may
provide CMC7:
• 31 – CMC7.

View layout field 22 - Bit 62 in the stream of operation 129 - Check Query:

Step by step integration

View step-by-step Cash Private Label query integration.


Typed Check warranty:

Example of input file of a typed check guarantee. R$10,00, 10/9/2007 date, 81 area code, phone
3455-0000, CPF document type (2) number 123.456.789-09, check number 134, bank 237, agency
3208, current account 93700 and countervailing square 123

137000000113130 20071009

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Example input file of a check guarantee reading the CMC-7. R$10,00 check value, 10/9/2007 date, 81
area code, phone 3455-0000, CPF document type (2) number 123.456.789-09 and CMC7:

137000000113130 20071009

Digital Credit Values Query

Operation sent to the mobile network operators to obtain the allowable values for the purchase.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 22 – Bit 62 To inform the operator code and phone number

Layout field 22 - Bit 62 for digital credit values and purchase query, set for layoutversion <= 2:

Field Size Position Type Description

Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Bit 62 field size (fill in with "027").
The format of the bit 62 field is LLLVAR.
Operator Code 2 4 N This field is optional, but can, however, be filled.
Here are some values of operator code:
“ “ – Not informed
“31” – vivo
“70” – claro-ne
“71” – tim
“73” – claro-sudeste
“76” – oi
Area Code 3 6 N This field is optional, but can, however, be filled.
Telephone 8 9 N This field is optional, but can, however, be filled.
Digit Tester 2 17 N To fill with zeros
User code PDV 10 19 A Optional
Credit/Purchase Type 2 29 N 01 – Digital
02 – PIN (Future use)

Layout field 22 - Bit 62 for digital credit values and purchase query, set to the layoutversion > 2:

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Field Size Position Type Description
Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Bit 62 field size, which can be variable.The format of the
Bit 62 field is LLLVAR.
Operator Code 2 4 N This field is optional, but can, however, be filled.
Here are some values of operator code:
“ “ – Not Informed
“31” – vivo
“70” – claro-ne
“71” – tim
“73” – claro-sudeste
“76” – oi
Area code size 2 6 N Area code subfield size
Area code VAR N Area code
Telephone size 2 Telephone number subfield size

Telephone VAR N Telephone number

Digit Tester 2 N To fill with zeros
User code PDV 10 A Optional
Credit/Purchase Type 2 N 01 – Digital
02 – PIN (Future use)

Note: optional fields may also be informed.

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the file POSENTRA for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Running CTFClient, you will be able to capture some information pertaining to the transaction
such as: carrier, cellphone number, etc, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction
through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error.
• Presents the values available for the completion of the recharge.

Example for the layoutversion <= 2

Integration Manual with CTFClient v7.4.docx 24/04/2014 95

POSENTRA file of digital credit values query with the CLARO-NE operator (70), area code 81 and
telephone 88001234:

173000000005130 20070821
173027700818800123400 0100010108

Example for the layoutversion > 2

POSENTRA file of digital credit values query with CLARO-NE (70), area code 81 and telephone

173000000005130 20070821
1730317002810998800123400 0100010108

Digital Credit Purchase

The operation of digital credit purchase allows procurement of values for the prepaid cellphones,
crediting the value requested by the client on your phone in a few minutes.
This operation may be integrated by AC in two ways, with or without the explicit use of the value
query, as follows below.
Digital credit transaction does not have low coupon. Will print both standard receipts, one for the
retailer and one for the client. Can be undone, but it cannot be canceled.

Currently the NTC (telephone number) informed has eleven positions, three for the area code and
eight for the phone number.
The size of the NTC will be expanded, by determination of ANATEL, from July 2012 for some regions
of Brazil, and the establishments and TEF solutions will have time to adapt.
The CTFClient will support up to three positions for the area code and up to thirteen positions for the
phone number.

The POSENTRA will be formatted by AC as the layout version of the Digital credit data configured in
the CTFClient: layoutversion parameter in the confClientCTF.xml file.
The CTFClient must be configured with the layoutversion = 3, to indicate that the NTC has variable
The POSSAIDA will be formatted by CTFClient as the layout version of the Digital credit data
configured in the CTFClient: layoutversion parameter in the confClientCTF.xml file.
The digital credit vouchers will be formatted by the CTF with the NTC size as reported by CTFClient.

Buying Digital Credit without Consultation

Integration Manual with CTFClient v7.4.docx 24/04/2014 96

Operation sent to carry out the purchase of digital credit without effecting the query values,
considering that, the values query preceded this transaction.

The AC must request the Digital credit purchase operation and provide the code of the operator
responsible for the purchase, the area code + phone number (returned in the query operation), the
value of the purchase and the indication of the type of credit (digital or PIN). All this information will
be captured through the query operation of Digital Credit values which should precede the purchase
operation, so the ClientCTF don't capture again this information and send it directly to the CTF.

The return of the CTF will be the approval or rejection of the purchase, with the coupon available
formatted for AC, in event of approval.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value.
• 22 – Bit 62 (See digital credit values query).

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:
• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.
• Generates the file POSENTRA for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Running CTFClient, you will be able to capture some information pertaining to the transaction
such as: carrier, cellphone number, etc, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction
through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns to the method of payment.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.

Example for the layoutversion <= 2

POSENTRA file of digital credit purchase with CLARO-NE operator (70), 81 area code, phone
88001234 in the amount of R$25,00:

174000000005130 20070821
174000000002500027700818800123400 0101010108

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Example for the layoutversion > 2

POSENTRA file of digital credit purchase with CLARO-NE operator (70), 81 area code, phone
88001234 in the amount of R$25,00:

174000000005130 20070821
1740000000025000317002810998800123400 0101010108

Digital Credit Purchase with Query

The AC must request the digital credit purchase operation without providing value, the operator
responsible for the purchase, phone number and the type of credit. The ClientCTF shall request all
information necessary for the transaction.

The return of the CTF will be the approval or rejection of the purchase, with the coupon available
formatted for AC, in event of approval.

Input data

The AC must not inform any specific field to Purchase Digital credit in POSENTRA

Step by step integration

The AC must perform the following steps to integrate with the CTFClient:

• Captures the information necessary for the transaction.

• Generates the file POSENTRA for this operation, with the information captured in the previous
• Running CTFClient, you will be able to capture some information pertaining to the transaction
such as: carrier, cellphone number, etc, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction
through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns to the method of payment.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Running CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.


POSENTRA file of the digital credit purchase with query doesn't need the operator code, area code,
telephone nor the purchase value:

Integration Manual with CTFClient v7.4.docx 24/04/2014 98

174000000005130 20070821

PBM Query
The PBM query operation was made through the command 204 - PBM Query in ClientCTF for
Windows, but at CTFClient this operation shall be performed through the command 227-Bypass.

The AC may request a PBM query through the authorization code or card number (typing or reading
the card number is enabled only for Novartis authorizer of network TrnCentre).

If the AC is integrated with more than one PBM authorizer, should be informed of the authorizer
code in POSENTRA. Not shipping the Authorizer code indicates to the CTF that the transaction will be
processed by the authorizer of choice for that transaction. Integrated authorizer codes by the CTF

• 062 – E-Pharma
• 035 – Novartis
• 011 - VidaLink

In response the transaction authorised, is returned in the third row of the POSSAIDA, the Bit 62 field
with the list of authorised products.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "E0" – PBM Consultation.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).
• 22 –Bit 62, to inform the PBM Authorization code.

The field 22 - bit 62 must be formed by the AC with the following layout:

Field Size Position Type Description

Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Bit62 field size. Can take on values of "000" to
Fill with "028" when the authorization code was
Fill with "016" when the authorization code was not
PDV Number 4 4 N Fill with zeros.
Fiscal coupon number 6 8 N Fill with zeros.
Authorization code size. 3 14 N Fill with "000" if not informed.
Authorization code 12 17 A If the size of the Authorization code = "000", not

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inform this field.
Size of drug registration. 3 17 ou 29 N Fill with "000" (in the query the medicines are not

Step by step integration

• AC capture the authorization code;

• AC generates an input file with the information captured, making the specified directory;
• AC runs the ClientCTF program;
• AC receives the operation return, submitted by ClientCTF;
• AC should check the return field value of POSSAIDA:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error, as described earlier, and returns to choosing the form
of receipt.
• AC comes the third line of the file POSSAIDA, which contains the PBM authorized products query.


PBM consultation with authorization code "000001977973" and authorizer code 35-Novartis:

227000000005130 20070821
E0 028000000000001200000197797300035000000000000

PBM consultation without authorization code for authorizer 35-Novartis (the card is read through the
command 226 - card query):

226000000005130 20070821
E0 000000000000

227000000005130 20070821
E0 016000000000000000035000000000000

PBM consultation with authorization code 24038415 for Authorizer 62 - E-Pharma:

227000000005130 20070821
E0 028012609172801200002403841500062000000000000

PBM Sale
The sale was made through the command 205 - PBM Sale in ClientCTF for Windows, but in CTFClient
this operation shall be performed through the command 227-Bypass.

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If the AC is integrated with more than one PBM authorizer, should be informed of the Authorizer
code in POSENTRA. Not shipping the authorizer code indicates to the CTF that the transaction will be
processed by the authorizer of choice for that transaction. Integrated authorizers codes by the CTF

• 062 – E-Pharma
• 035 – Novartis
• 011 - VidaLink

In response of the authorized transaction, is returned a coupon which must be printed on a coupon
tax not linked. This transaction needs to be confirmed.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "E1"- PBM Sale.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).
• 4 – Value of the sale.
• 22 –Bit 62, to report the number of PDV, the coupon Tax Number, PBM Authorization code
and records of Medicines Sold.

The field 22 - bit 62 must be formed by the AC with the following layout:

Field Size Position Type Description

Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Bit62 field size. Can take on values of "000" to
PDV Number 4 4 N PDV Number
Fiscal coupon number 6 8 N Fiscal coupon number
Authorization code size 3 14 N Fill with "000" if not informed.
Authorization code 12 17 A If the size of the Authorization code = "000", not
inform this field.
Registry size of medicines 3 17 ou 29 N Registry size of medicines sold (this refers to the
size nnn next bit62 positions).
Registration of Medicines VAR 20 ou 32 A Registration of information of products sold.

Step by step integration

• AC capture the authorization code, the Tax Document and the list of medications;
• AC generates an input file with the information captured, making the specified directory;
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC should check the return value of POSSAIDA:

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• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error, as described earlier.
• AC prints PBM Sale voucher, returned by the CTF already formatted;
• AC generates POSENTRA file for the confirmation operation and executes the ClientCTF program.


PBM Sale Novartis valued at $ 1.00 at the PDV 2 with fiscal number 123456, 3496 authorization code
and an item identified with the code 1111111111111:

227000000005130 20070821
E1 0000000001000810002123456012000000003496053111111111111101000010000001000000100000009000001000

PBM Sale E-Pharma in $123,20 value at the 126 PDV with fiscal number 091728, 24038415e
authorization code with 10 items of products identified with the code 7896016801501:

227000000005130 20070821
E1 000000012320043012609172801200002403841501578960168015011062010000000000

PBM Cancellation
The PBM cancellation operation was made through the command 203 - PBM Cancellation in
ClientCTF for Windows, but in CTFClient this operation shall be performed through the command

There is no need to inform the authorizer code in POSENTRA. The AC shall inform the NSU CTF
original transaction, the number of PDV and the coupon number. For some authorizers it is necessary
to inform the Detail of the Products Cancelled.

In response of the authorized transaction, is returned a coupon which must be printed on a coupon
tax not linked. This transaction needs to be confirmed.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "31"- PBM Cancellation.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).
• 4 – Value of the sale.
• 22 –Bit 62, to report the number of PDV, the Coupon Number and Tax records of Medicines

The field 22 - Bit 62 must be formed by the AC with the following layout:

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Field Size Position Type Description
Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Bit62 field size. Can take on values of "000" to
PDV number 4 4 N PDV number
Fiscal coupon number 6 8 N Fiscal coupon number
Authorization code size 3 14 N Fill with "000" if not informed.
Authorization code 12 17 A If the size of the Authorization code = "000", not
inform this field.
Registry size of medicines 3 17 ou 29 N Registry size of medicines cancelled (this refers to
the size nnn next bit62 positions).
Registration of Medicines VAR 20 ou 32 A Register of cancelled products information

Step by step integration

• AC captures the information necessary for the transaction;
• AC generates a POSENTRA file with the information captured to the cancellation transaction,
providing the specified directory;
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC should check the return value of POSSAIDA:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error, as described earlier, and returns to choosing the form
of receipt.
• AC prints proof cancellation of Insurance Company E-Pharma/PBM, returned by ClientCTF already
• AC generates POSENTRA file for confirmation operation and executes the ClientCTF program.


PBM Cancellation in the amount of $ 1.00 in PDV 2 with fiscal number 123456 and NSU CTF 890123:

227000000005130 20070821
31 0000000001008901230160002123456000000010000000000

Credit with Cellphone

Credit financial transaction carried out with the cell phone number, available for 3 types of credit
financing: in cash, shopkeeper and administrator installments.

To finalize the sale with this receive mode, the AC requests one of these transactions to CTFClient.
The customer enters their mobile number on the pinpad. The authorizer sends an SMS message to
your phone. The client enter your password and confirm the operation. The authorizer returns the
transaction approved with a preformatted voucher. The AC prints the receipt and commits the

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Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value,
• 9 – Number of parcels (when not informed on operation 232 - In cash credit with cellphone,
the client prompts for the type of funding).

Step by step integration

See step by step integration of the credit.


POSENTRA file of credit in cash in the amount of $162,50:

232000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of credit in installment by the shopkeeper in 3 parcels in the amount of $162,50:

233000009999001 20060801

POSENTRA file of credit in installment by the shopkeeper in 6 parcels in the amount of $162,50:

114000009999001 20060801

Prepaid Card Charge (bypass)

The operation of Prepaid Card load performed through command 227-Bypass.

The AC will request the prepaid card charge via the card number entered. Prepaid card number must
be entered in CTFClient itself, through operation 226- Card query. Alternatively, the card number can
be entered in POSENTRA file of the operation 227 - Bypass, however the POSENTRA file should be

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "E8" – Prepaid Card load.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).

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• 4 – Value.
• 6 – Card number (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 7 – Timestamp of the Card Query transaction (if the card has been entered in the operation
226- card query, this field must be filled in).
• 10 – Expiration of the card (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 22 – Bit 62, to inform the prepaid card load data.
• 67 – Input mode (filled with "01"- typed, when informed the fields: 6 – Info and 10-Maturity).

The field 22 - Bit 62 must be formed by the AC with the following layout:

Field Size Position Type Description

Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Fill with "106".
Filler 1 4 A Fill with ' ' (space).
Quantity of cards in batch 6 5 N Fill with ' 0 ' (zero) for the unit for sale.
Original card number 19 11 N Fill with ' 0 ' (zero) for the unit for sale.
Final card number 19 30 N Fill with ' 0 ' (zero) for the unit for sale.
EAN Code 13 49 N
Number of the document 6 62 N Tax document number.
Card type 1 68 A ‘F’ (physical).
Refill type 1 69 N ‘1’ – Recharge
‘2’ - Transfer
‘3’ – Internet/telemarketing charge.
Terminal type 1 70 N ‘1’ – Internet
‘2’ - Telemarketing
‘3’ – SGC
‘4’ – PDV
Source card number 19 71 N Source card number
Target card number 19 90 N Target card number
Flag of card lock 1 109 A Flag of origin card lock after the reload.
‘S’ – YES
‘N’ – NO

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 226- card query (fill the field 1-Code of the operation
with "E8" and 33 - Number of the transaction with "00").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• CTFClient will capture the entered card number and the expiration date.
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC generates an input file, with operation 227-Bypass (fill the field 1 - Code of the operation with
"E8" and 33 - Number of the transaction with "01", in addition to the fields: 4- Value and 7-
Timestamp of the transaction).

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• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC should check the return value of POSSAIDA:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error, and terminates the operation.
• AC generates an input file, with the operation 006 - confirmation (fill the field 33 - transaction
number "01").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;


Prepaid Card load of $ 50,00 with tax document number 123456 (card is read through the command
226 - card query):

226000000005130 20070821
E8 00000000000000

227000000005130 20070821
E8 000000005000210820072057451060000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123456F1

Charge of $ 50,00 prepaid card 9999999999999999999 due 02/2009, with tax document number
123456 (card is passed in POSENTRA encrypted):

227000000005130 20070821
E8 0000000050001999999999999999999990902210820072057451060000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Prepaid Card Transfer (bypass)

The operation of Prepaid Card transfer is performed through the command 227-Bypass.

The AC shall request the transfer of Prepaid Card, after reading the source and destination cards.
Card readings, typed or magnetic, will be made through operation 226- Card query.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "E8" – Prepaid Card load.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).
• 4 – Value.
• 6 – Number of target card (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).

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• 7 – Timestamp of the Target card query transaction (if the card was read at operation 226-
Card Query, this field must be filled in).
• 10 – Expiration of the card (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 22 – Bit 62, to inform the prepaid card transfer data (see layout in prepaid card load).
• 67 – Input mode (filled with "01"-typed, when informed the fields: 6 – Info and 10-Maturity).

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 226 - Card Query (fill the field 1 - Code of the operation
with "E8" and 33 - Number of the transaction with "00").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• CTFClient will capture the source card number.
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC generates an input file, with operation 226 - Card Query (fill the field 1-Code of the operation
with "E8" and 33-Number of the transaction with "00").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• CTFClient will capture the target card number.
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC generates an input file, with operation 227-Bypass (fill the field 1-Code of the operation with
"E8" and 33-Number of the transaction with "01", in addition to the fields: 4-Value and 7-
Timestamp of the transaction of the second operation 226-Card query).
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC should check the return value of POSSAIDA:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error, and terminates the operation.
• AC generates an input file, with the operation 006 - confirmation (fill the field 33 - transaction
number "01").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;


Transfer of Prepaid Card of $ 50,00 (card XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to card YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY)

with tax document number 123456 (the cards are read through the command 226 - Card Query):

226000000005130 20070821
E8 0000000000000

226000000005130 20070821
E8 0000000000000

227000000005130 20070821

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E8 000000005000210820072057451060000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000123456F2

Shopping with Prepaid Card (bypass)

The operation of Shopping with prepaid card is performed through the command 227-Bypass.

The AC will request the purchase with the Prepaid Card via the card number entered. Prepaid card
number must be entered in CTFClient itself, through operation 226 - Card Query. Alternatively, the
card number can be entered in POSENTRA file of the operation 227-Bypass, however the POSENTRA
file should be encrypted.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "EA" – Shopping with prepaid card.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).
• 4 – Value.
• 6 – Card number (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 7 – Timestamp of the card query transaction (if the card has been entered in the operation
226- Card Query, this field must be filled in).
• 10 – Expiration of the card (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 22 – Bit 62, to inform the prepaid card load data.
• 67 – Input mode (filled with "01"-typed, when informed the fields: 6– Info and 10-Maturity).

The field 22 - Bit 62 must be formed by the AC with the following layout:

Field Size Position Type Description

Bit 62 Size 3 1 A Fill with "057".
Filler 1 4 A Fill with blank ('').
Document Number 6 5 N Tax document number.
Operator registration 6 11 N Fill with zeros (' 0 ').
Tax registration 6 17 N
Internal product code (prize) 8 23 N
Automation product code 13 31 N
Price of the product in the 12 44 N
Number of units to rescue 5 56 N

Step by step integration

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• AC generates an input file, with operation 226- Card Query (fill the field 1-Code of the operation
with "EA" and the 33-Number of the transaction with "00").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• CTFClient will capture the entered card number and the expiration date.
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC generates an input file, with operation 227-Bypass (fill the field 1-Code of the operation with
"EA" and the 33-Number of the transaction with "01", in addition to the fields: 4-Value and 7-
Timestamp of the transaction).
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC should check the return value of POSSAIDA:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error, and terminates the operation.
• AC generates an input file, with the operation 006-confirmation (fill the field 33-transaction
number "01").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;


Purchase charge with Prepaid Card of $ 50,00 with tax document number 123456 (card is read
through the command 226- Card query):

226000000005130 20070821
EA 00000000000000

227000000005130 20070821
EA 0000000050002108200720574505701234560000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000

Purchase prepaid card 9999999999999999999 due 02/2009 in the amount of $ 50,00, with the tax
document number 123456 (card is passed in POSENTRA encrypted):

227000000005130 20070821
EA 0000000050001999999999999999999990902057012345600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Prepaid Card Query (bypass)

The Prepaid Card query operation is held by the command 227-Bypass.

The AC will request the purchase with the Prepaid Card via the card number entered. Prepaid card
number must be entered in CTFClient itself, through operation 226- Card query. Alternatively, the

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card number can be entered in POSENTRA file of the operation 227-Bypass, however the POSENTRA
file should be encrypted.

Input data

The AC shall inform in POSENTRA the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code "EC"-Prepaid Card query.
• 2 – Document number (shipping optional).
• 4 – Value (fill in with $ 0.01).
• 6 – Card number (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 7 – Timestamp of the card query transaction (if the card has been entered in the operation
226- card query, this field must be filled in).
• 10 – Expiration of the card (shipping optional. Case sent the POSENTRA should be encrypted).
• 67 – Input mode (filled with "01"-typed, when informed the fields: 6– Info and 10-Maturity).

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 226- Card query (fill the field 1-Code of the operation
with "EC" and the 33-Number of the transaction with "00").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• CTFClient will capture the entered card number and the expiration date.
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC generates an input file, with operation 227-Bypass (fill the field 1-Code of the operation with
"EC" and the 33-Number of the transaction with "00", in addition to the fields: 4-Value and 7-
Timestamp of the transaction).
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;


Prepaid Card query (the card is read through the command 226- Card query):

226000000005130 20070821
EC 00000000000000

227000000005130 20070821
EC 00000000000121082007205745000000000000

Prepaid Card query 9999999999999999999 due 02/2009 (POSENTRA should be encrypted):

227000000005130 20070821
EC 0000000000011999999999999999999990902000000000000

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Card Query
The operation 226- card query was developed for the AC they need set the financing plan after
reading the card. This functionality is also assisting in the operations in which there is reading the
card, but the main flow of the operation does not read the card (such as PBM transactions with card
and Prepaid Card).

The operation 226- card query also replaces the mechanism of integration of operation 009 – card
number query, used in the ClientCTF for Windows (legacy).

Input data

The AC shall inform the POSENTRA of 226 operation the fields:

• 1 – Operation code, filled with the transaction code to be executed in sequence. Examples:
• “E8 ” to Prepaid Card charge
• “EA ” to Shopping with prepaid card.
• “EC ” to Prepaid card query.
• “E0 “ to PBM query.
• “E1 “ to PBM Sale.
• “12 “ to Purchase Credit.
• “10 “ to Purchase Debt.
• 4 – Value.
• 11 – The same transaction number "00".

And the CA shall inform the POSENTRA of the next operation, in addition to the own fields of this
operation, the field 7-Timestamp of the transaction (the map of bytes of the aforementioned
operations has the byte 7 marked X-sending optional, and must be sent only to meet this integration

• 7 – Timestamp of the card query transaction (returned in the first line of the POSSAIDA
operation 226, transaction Date and time of the transaction).

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 226- card Query (fill the field 1-code of the desired flow
Operation and the 33-Number of the transaction with "00").
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• CTFClient will capture the card number.
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• AC generates an input file, with the following flow operation, informing the field 7-Timestamp
card query transaction.
• AC runs the program ClientCTF;
• AC receives the return of operation, sent by ClientCTF;
• (...)


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Purchase credit card query $ 50,00:

226000000005130 20070821
E8 000000005000000000000000

Purchase $ 50,00 credit and Timestamp "21082007205745" ("21082007" Transaction date and time
of the transaction "205745"):

112000000005130 20070821
12 00000000500021082007205745010000000000

Billing Payment Query

The invoice payment query can be made by reading the card, the card, typing the number of the
agreement or of the barcode. This transaction is available for some authorizers, such as, Fininvest
Interchange. Through this transaction the authorizer is possible to inform the amount due and the
minimum payment, as well as the values of discounts and extras, the forms of payments authorized
and the accounting date of the payment.

For integration with CTFClient, just tell the transaction code 182-query for Private Label card
payment, the CTFClient takes care to capture input data: the card number or the number of the
agreement or the barcode, the maturity of the document, the value of the payment.

This operation generates the third line of POSSAIDA-payment of Invoice, with the information that
identifies the payment, in addition to the data returned by the authorizer relating to payment:
amount due, minimum payment, discounts and values of additions, the forms of payments enabled,

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Number of the document.
• 4 – Value.
• 11 – Date of payment.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 182- Query invoice payment (fill the field 33-
transaction number with "00").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number, as well as to request the authorization of the transaction through the CTF;

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• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns to the method of payment.


Invoice Payment query:

182000000005130 20070821

Payment of Invoice
The invoice Payment can be done by reading the card, typing the card, the number of the agreement
or of the barcode. This transaction is available for some authorizers, such as, IBI, Fininvest
Interchange, E-Capture and Orbitall.

For integration with CTFClient, just tell the transaction code 183-Invoice Payment, the CTFClient takes
care to capture input data: the card number or the number of the agreement or the barcode, the due
date of the document, the value of the payment, the input mode, the mode of payment (cash or
check), etc.

This operation generates the third line of POSSAIDA-payment of Invoice, with the information that
identifies the payment, in addition to the data returned by the authorizer relating to payment:
amount due, minimum payment, discounts and values of additions, the forms of payments enabled,

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Number of the document.
• 4 – Value.
• 11 – Date of payment.
• 34 – Value of discounts.
• 35 – Value of Additions.
• 47 – Document Barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).
• 66 – Form of payment (cash, check or debit).

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 183– Payment invoice (fill the field 33-Number of the
transaction with value > = "01").

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• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number, as well as to request the authorization of the transaction through the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns to the method of payment.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the Confirmation operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.


Invoice Payment query:

183000000005130 20070821

Prepaid Card Activation

The prepaid card can be used to access the contents of digital games and entertainment online,
purchases of goods within the establishment (card present) or for selling services. At the time of its
sale in front of the store, is activated via the barcode or magnetic stripe, which contains the product

The CTF maintains in its database a directory of prepaid products for the establishment can manage
the product codes, values and rates applied in prepaid cards. The CTFClient tells the prepaid card
value, informed by the CTF, to be confirmed by the operator.

For integration with CTFClient, just tell the transaction code 260-Prepaid Card activation, the
CTFClient takes care to capture input data: the card number or barcode, and the actual amount of

This operation generates a proof of TEF and can be committed or undone, but cannot be cancelled
(see Disabling operation of Prepaid Card to reverse the activation of the card).

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Number of the document.
• 4 – Value.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

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Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 260-Prepaid Card activation (fill the field 33-Number of
the transaction with value > = "01").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns ends.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the confirmation operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Treats the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as Annex B.


Prepaid card activation without telling the value and barcode:

260000000005130 20070821

Prepaid card activation informing the barcode:

260000000005130 20070821
01000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

Pre-authorization of Prepaid Card Activation

The prepaid card, before being activated, can be pre-authorized at InComm, for the authorizer to
verify that the card is in the correct state for sale (activation) and submit a request for authorization.

This operation is not and does not need to be confirmed. See the section Prepaid Card activation for
more information.

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 4 – Value.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

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• AC generates an input file, with operation 272 – pre-authorization of Prepaid Card activation (fill
the field 33-Number of the transaction with value = "01").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, the activation process;
• If different from 00, handles the error and terminates.


Pre-authorization of prepaid card activation without telling the value and barcode:

272000000005130 20070821

Pre-authorization of prepaid card activation informing the barcode:

272000000005130 20070821
00000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

Prepaid Card Activation with Pre-authorization

This is the Activation operation preceded a pre-authorization. For more details, refer to the two
previous sections (activation and pre-authorization of Prepaid Card).

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Document Number.
• 4 – Value.
• 47 – Document Barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

• AC generates an input file, with operation 272-Prepaid Card activation with pre-authorization (fill
the field 33-Number of the transaction with value > = "01").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;

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• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns ends.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Performs the CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.


Prepaid card activation with pre-authorization, without telling the value and barcode:

273000000005130 20070821

Prepaid card activation with pre-authorization, informing the barcode:

273000000005130 20070821
01000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

Prepaid Card Deactivation

Disabling Prepaid Card allows a prepaid card is deactivated or returned. This transaction request will
change to inactive card status (see the operation of Prepaid Card Activation).

The deactivation is used to return a product or to invalidate a product after the initial sales
transaction. A rejection response is generated by the authorizer if the return of the product is not

This operation generates a proof of TEF and can be committed or undone, but cannot be canceled.

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Document Number.
• 4 – Value.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

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• AC generates an input file, with operation 274– disabling Prepaid Card (fill the field 33-Number of
the transaction with value > = "01").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns ends.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Running CTFClient.
• Treats the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as Annex B.


Disabling prepaid card without telling the value and barcode:

274000000005130 20070821

Prepaid card activation informing the barcode:

274000000005130 20070821
01000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

Query of Prepaid Card Balance

The present prepaid card type provides the transaction balance query to the client (see the
authorizer of your card to see if this operation is available).

This operation is not financially and generates a proof of TEF.

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Document Number.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

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• AC generates an input file, with operation 263-present card balance query (fill the field 33-
Number of the transaction with value = "00").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns ends.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;


Present Card balance query without informing the barcode:

263000000005130 20070821

Present Card balance query, informing the barcode:

263000000005130 20070821
00000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

FastPIN Sale
The activation request FastPIN will ask the InComm system to return a response message containing
a PIN. The PIN and the terms and conditions are printed on the coupon of TEF generated by the CTF,
which should be used by the client to access.

This operation generates a proof of TEF and can be committed or undone, but cannot be cancelled
(see the operation Return FastPIN to return the product).

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Document Number.
• 4 – Value.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

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• AC generates an input file, with operation 275- FastPIN Sale (fill the field 33-Number of the
transaction with value > = "01").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns ends.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Running CTFClient.
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in Annex B.


FastPIN sale without informing the value and barcode:

275000000005130 20070821

FastPIN Sale informing the barcode:

275000000005130 20070821
01000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

Return FastPIN
This transaction allows the return of a PIN request authorized previously. If the product go through
all the verification steps, the InComm returns a response of success AC. A rejection response is
generated by the InComm if the return of the product is not possible. This operation generates a
proof of TEF and can be committed or undone, but it cannot be canceled.

Input data

Optionally, the AC can inform on POSENTRA the fields:

• 2 – Document number.
• 4 – Value.
• 47 – Document barcode,
• 48 – The input mode of the barcode (can be entered or read).

Step by step integration

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• AC generates an input file, with operation 276 – Return FastPIN (fill the field 33-Number of the
transaction with value > = "01").
• AC running CTFClient, you can capture some information pertaining to the transaction, such as
the card number or bar code, in addition to request the authorization of the transaction through
the CTF;
• Waits for the return of the CTFClient;
• Handles the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as shown in the annex A:
• If equal to 00, still in the next step;
• If different from 00, handles the error and returns ends.
• Prints the 2 routes of TEF vouchers returned by CTFClient;
• Generates the POSENTRA file to the commit operation;
• Running CTFClient.
• Treats the Return field of the POSSAIDA file as Annex B.


Return FastPIN without informing the value and barcode:

276000000005130 20070821

FastPIN return stating the barcode:

276000000005130 20070821
01000000000050516440039100009877890000000000 3

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Annex A – Return Codes
The table below lists the possible values for the field "Return Code" of the POSSAIDA, when in
response to request operations (all operations except confirmation):

Return Description Motives Actions

00 Successful execution Transaction authorized. The operation was carried out
Operation processed. successfully, and the AC must follow
the following steps, described in the
section "step by step integration"
01 Time-out occurred Communication errors with the CTF. The AC shall indicate to the operator
and go back to the beginning of the
Verify network configuration.
Verify that CTF is started.
02 TEF uninitialized. The Access error CTFClient control files Check if the CTFClient is running where
communication layer of (*.dat) it was installed.
apitef not started. Check Operating system problem.
04 Integration error Invalid parameters or errors related to Check Auttar document integration and
integration with CTFClient query extended error on table and
check recommended action.
05 Unauthorized transaction The operation was not approved by The AC should show the reason for the
the administrator and the POSSAIDA rejection in a message to the operator,
response code field indicates the the text of which is provided by the
reason for the rejection. Display of the POSSAIDA file.
Each authorizer network has its Return
code table, and the maintenance of
these tables is the responsibility of the
own network/authorizer.
06 Transaction cancelled Transaction cancelled by the user or by Restart transaction.
the operator
09 Authorizer offline The operation was not performed The AC shall indicate to the operator
because the associated authorizer was and go back to the beginning of the
not initialized at the time of process.
completion of the transaction. Check: CTF connection with the
authorizer network and the
initialization of authorizer session
10 Communication error Error send or receive a message from The AC shall indicate to the operator
the CTF. and try again or go back to the
beginning of the process. Check
network configuration.
Check CTF name ID in the Hosts file.
If it persists, enable the TEFDBG file
generation to audit the error.
11 Bug in CTF The operation was approved by the The AC should show the message sent
administrator and the POSSAIDA in the field POSSAIDA Display.
response code field indicates the
reason for the rejection.
12 Intertef Error Intertef layer errors of Apitef. In Verify that the files of the directory,
general are file access errors persisted where is the CTFClient, were deleted or
transaction control. if not accessible.

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If it persists, enable the TEFDBG file
generation to audit the error.
13 There is transaction to Does not represent an error, but a Confirm the other transactions.
confirm warning. On confirmation, indicates
that there are still pending
transactions to be committed in the
current phase of payment.
16 Encryption Error Encryption error of the message sent Check that there are repeated numbers
to the CTF of terminals on the establishment.
Perform a new Start Day transaction.
17 Format Error Error in formatting transaction
message received from CTF
18 Permission Error CTFClient Access Permission Error. Check the access permissions of the
terminal, such as the write permission
on the disk.
19 Nonexistent document to The transaction to be canceled was not Check the input data of the transaction,
cancel located in the CTF. consult the transaction to be canceled
in CTF.
20 Invalid data Check Auttar document integration and
query extended error on table and
check recommended action.
21 There are no transactions There are no transactions to
to consolidate consolidate through the command
22 There is no proof to print There is no proof to print via the print
and reprint commands ("012", "014",
"015" and "010").
25 CTFClient error CTFClient internal error Check the error code returned.
26 Pinpad error Pinpad access error Check the error code returned.
27 Integration error Error in formatting of the POSENTRA or Check Auttar document integration and
POSSAIDA files. Error CTFClient Setup. query extended error on table and
check recommended action.
Check the configuration file CTFClient.

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Annex B – Return Codes of the Transaction Confirmation
The table below lists the possible values for the field "Return Code" of the POSSAIDA, when in
response to operation 006 (confirmation):

Return Description Motives Actions

00 Transaction commits. Transaction commits and there are no None.
pending transactions to be committed.
04 Parameter error This error could occur, and possibly it is If the error persists, do not perform
an integration error. more transactions at the terminal, and
solve the pending manually in CTF. If
the error persists, contact technical
10 Communication error. The transaction is confirmed on Apitef, At the end of the confirmation (s), send
but it is not confirmed in the CTF. a synch (or start coupon) to try to
confirm transactions in the CTF. If the
error persists, contact technical
12 Intertef layer error of The transaction is still pending on Try again to confirm. If the error
Apitef Apitef and the CTF. This error could persists, do not perform more
occur because it is not an internal error transactions at the terminal, and solve
from apitef. the pending manually in CTF.
13 Transaction commits. Transaction commits, but there are still Keep the confirmation process of
other transactions pending multiple transactions.
confirmation (occurs in multiple
This return could not occur in a mono Do not perform more transactions at
transaction. In this case, perhaps this is the terminal, and solve possible
a mistake. disputes manually in CTF.

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Annex C – Error Codes
CTFClient integration errors associated with returns "04" and "20":

Error Description Motives Actions

4999 POSENTRA file does not exist CTFClient was executed and did not Verify that the POSENTRA file is in
find the POSENTRA file in the the directory where CTFClient is
directory where it is installed installed.
5000 POSENTRA terminal code The terminal code POSENTRA must Adjust the terminal identification in
differs from the CTFClient be the same as that registered in the POSENTRA or in the Preferences
terminal CTFClient. Can optionally contain window.
5001 POSENTRA file opening error File exists but cannot be opened Check permissions and file attributes.
5002 Error reading the first line of First line cannot be read Check for problems in the operating
the POSENTRA system and file attributes.
5003 The first line of the Check file layout
POSENTRA has no line feed ('
\n ').
5004 Invalid size of first line The size must be equal to 35 or 74 Check file layout
5005 Error reading from the Check for problems in the operating
second line of the POSENTRA system and file attributes.
5006 Second line of the POSENTRA Check file layout
has no line feed (' \n ').
5007 Invalid size of the second line The size must be equal to 128 Check file layout
of the POSENTRA positions.
5008 Error reading from the third Check for problems in the operating
row of the POSENTRA system and file attributes.
5009 Third line of POSENTRA has Check file layout
no line feed (' \n ').
5010 Invalid size of third line of The size must be equal to the sum of
POSENTRA the sizes of the fields reported in the
second line of the POSENTRA.
5011 POSENTRA contains card POSENTRA file cannot contain Encrypt the POSENTRA according to
number - encrypt POSENTRA opened security data section 4.3-POSENTRA file encryption
5012 POSENTRA contains card POSENTRA file cannot contain Encrypt the POSENTRA according to
expiration date - encrypt opened security data section 4.3-POSENTRA file encryption
5013 POSENTRA contains security POSENTRA file cannot contain Encrypt the POSENTRA according to
code - encrypt POSENTRA opened security data section 4.3-POSENTRA file encryption
5014 POSENTRA contains area POSENTRA file cannot contain Encrypt the POSENTRA according to
code - encrypt POSENTRA opened security data section 4.3-POSENTRA file encryption
5015 POSENTRA contains POSENTRA file cannot contain Encrypt the POSENTRA according to
telephone - encrypt opened security data section 4.3-POSENTRA file encryption
5100 CTFClient configuration file Probably the CTFClient configuration Provide the configuration file in the
(confClientCTF.xml) not file does not exist or is in a directory correct directory
found other than CTFClient
5101 Error in opening the
CTFClient configuration file

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5102 Error reading configuration
file CTFClient
5103 "PortClient" not found in the Review the configuration file and
configuration of the include the field "portaClientCTF"
CTFClient with the port number for the TCP/IP
(confClientCTF.xml) service CTFClient
5104 Error connecting to CTFClient Error opening network connection The CTFClient may not be running at
with the CTFClient service the time. In this case, put the
CTFClient running. Verify that the
field "portaClientCTF" is with the
correct value in the configuration file
(confClientCTF.xml). Configure the
correct value for the parameter and
restart the CTFClient. Verify that the
network and TCP/IP Protocol are
configured correctly on the computer
in question.
5105 Error communicating with Possibly, a fatal error has occurred
the CTFClient while communicating with the
CTFClient. Verify that the service is
still running and if the network is
working well.
5106 Error in the content of the It should be noted in the file
configuration file CONFIG.INI config.ini the existence and content
of the CLIENTCTF.EXE of required fields:
"executableClientWindows" and
5107 Directories listed in the Create or ensure the directories
config.ini configuration file where you will reside the client
not found Windows and the wrapper.
5108 Client Windows executable Verify the name of the client
not found. Windows specified in config.ini.
5109 Error in converting formats Verify the existence and attributes of
between the old and new the files POSENTRA and POSSAIDA, as
versions of the POSENTRA well as of their directories.
and the POSSAIDA
5110 Error to get the operation Verify the existence and attributes of
code in POSENTRA file the file POSENTRA, as well as the first
3 bytes representing the operation.
5120 Error for the delay of Verify the existence and attributes of
network response the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5121 Error to get the time out of Verify the existence and attributes of
the transaction response the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
pattern of the ClientCTF
5122 Error to get the number of Verify the existence and attributes of
lines of receipts the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5123 Error to get the type of the Verify the existence and attributes of

Integration Manual with CTFClient v7.4.docx 24/04/2014 126

pinpad the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5126 Error to get the list of IP Verify the existence and attributes of
addresses the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5127 Error to get the name of the Verify the existence and attributes of
keyboard the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5128 Error to get the flag of typed Verify the existence and attributes of
transactions the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5129 Error to get the values of the For the Client's dont get Verify the existence and attributes of
special keys disconnected the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5130 Erro para obter o nome do Verify the existence and attributes of
display the parameter in the CONFIG.INI file
of the ClientCTF
5131 Card reading disabled Verify the configuration of the type
of the pinpad and enabling
transactions entered ClientCTF's
5132 Error in parameter flag stand The flag parameter stand alone has Review the parameter flag stand
alone invalid value alone configuration file (default value
= ' 0 ': integration via file)
5133 Error in parameter flag The flag parameter POSENTRA Review the flag parameter
POSENTRA encryption encryption has invalid value POSENTRA encryption of the
configuration file (default value = ' 0
': not encrypted)
5200 Timeout error. Socket
connection error with the
5220 Unhandled error for
CTFClient integration layer
5300 Value not reported
5301 Invalid card
5302 Expired card
5303 Invalid expiration date
5304 Invalid security code
5305 Service fee exceeds limit
5306 Operation not allowed
5307 Invalid data
5308 Minimum value of the parcel
5309 Invalid number of parcels
5310 Number of parcels exceeds
5311 Value of down payment
greater or equal to the value
of the transaction
5312 Invalid parcel value
5313 Invalid date
5314 Period exceeds limit
5315 Transaction invalid for the
type of guarantee

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5316 Invalid NSU
5317 Operation canceled by user
5318 Invalid document (CPF or
5319 Value of the invalid
5320 Number of invalid plan
5321 Number of invalid cycle
5322 Invalid item number
5323 Invalid transaction number
5324 AC date not informed
5325 AC version not informed
5326 AC version differs from the
version configured
5327 PIN-Pad disconnected
5328 Error in the data capture
5329 Error in the data capture
5330 Flow not found
5331 CTFClient processing error CTFClient failed to retrieve the
parameters of the configuration files.
Review the CTFClient configuration.
Internal error processing the
transaction. Reinstall the CTFClient.
5332 Capturing the value of the
input not enabled
5333 Capturing the value of the
parcel not enabled
5334 Date less than the minimum
5335 Capture of the date of the
first installment not enabled
5336 Capturing the value of the
service not enabled
5337 POSENTRA byte untreated Review the map of bytes, and the
on integration third line of POSENTRA
5338 Error reading the code of the Review the third line of POSENTRA
operation of the third line
5339 Error reading the number of Review the third line of POSENTRA
the document of the third
5340 Error reading the value of Review the third line of POSENTRA
the transaction
5341 Error reading card number Review the third line of POSENTRA
5342 Error reading field info Review the third line of POSENTRA
5343 Error reading timestamp Review the third line of POSENTRA
5344 Error reading the password Review the third line of POSENTRA
5345 Error reading the number of Review the third line of POSENTRA
5346 Error reading card expiration Review the third line of POSENTRA
5347 Error in reading the Review the third line of POSENTRA
reference date

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5348 Error reading the value of Review the third line of POSENTRA
5349 Error reading NSU CTF Review the third line of POSENTRA
5350 Error reading the value of Review the third line of POSENTRA
5351 Error reading bit 62 Review the third line of POSENTRA
5352 Error reading security code Review the third line of POSENTRA
5353 Error reading the value of Review the third line of POSENTRA
the service
5354 Error reading pre-dated Review the third line of POSENTRA
5355 Error reading the name of AC Review the third line of POSENTRA
5356 Error reading the value of Review the third line of POSENTRA
the discount
5357 Error reading the value of Review the third line of POSENTRA
the addition
5358 PINpad without shared api The pinpad installed does not have
shared Api. The pinpad must be
upgraded or replaced.
5359 Error in reading the form of Invalid parameter in the form of Review the third line of POSENTRA
payment of the bill payment payment
5360 Error in reading the entry Invalid parameter in entry form Review the third line of POSENTRA
form of the barcode of the
bill payment
5361 Error reading the document Invalid parameter Review the third line of POSENTRA
5362 Capturing the number of
cycles is not enabled
5363 Capture of pre-clearance
code not enabled
5364 Invalid card date of issue
5365 POSENTRA timestamp does Review the integration with sending
not match the timestamp of timestamp.
5366 The type of funding reported Check the type of Finance informed,
is not consistent with the that does not match the amount of
number of parcels installments
5367 Invalid NSU NSU invalid or transaction released Redo the transaction e-Commerce
by timeout
5368 There is no available Overflow the number of terminals Redo the transaction e-Commerce.
terminal configured for e-Commerce Increase the number of terminals
configured for e-Commerce.
5369 Invalid Multiple transactions Invalid mutiple transactions format Fix subfield 75 - Multiple transaction
identifier code identifier code in POSENTRA
5370 Invalid phone carrier Review the third line of POSENTRA
5371 Invalid area code or phone Review the third line of POSENTRA
5372 The transaction is not in the Was tempted to cancel a transaction
log that is not in the hub Log TEF, so it
cannot be cancelled.
5373 Invalid cancellation value The value is greater than the Correct the value of the cancellation.
allowed value for cancellation
5374 Invalid cancellation value The value of the cancellation is Correct the value of the cancellation.
greater than the value of the original

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5375 Invalid cancellation value The value is greater than the Correct the value of the cancellation.
percentage for cancellation
5376 Invalid cancellation value The value of the cancellation added Correct the value of the cancellation.
to value already canceled is greater
than the percentage for cancellation
5377 Voucher balance payment The value of the Voucher card sale Use another form of payment.
not authorized didn't have enough balance to full
payment and the balance of the card
is not authorized for partial
5378 Invalid transaction number The transaction number is invalid Fix the number of the transaction
reported in the subfield 33 of
5379 Any payment mode enabled Any payment mode enabled Check configuration in CTF
5380 No awards available No awards available for non- If the customer does not have prizes
financial rescue (promotional on the card must be replaced
5381 Error in execution of function Error in the execution of the
in the Pinpad PP_GenericCmd Pinpad
5382 Perform the configuration of The data stored in the configuration Review the configuration code of the
the Client of the Client are invalid establishment, shop, terminal and list
of IP's of the CTF
5383 Invalid card date of issue Invalid card date of issue Review the third line of POSENTRA
5384 SPC query type invalid The type of SPC consultation is Review the third line of POSENTRA
invalid, use 2- mandatory or 1-
5385 Invalid Client's birth date Properly format the date of birth of Review the third line of POSENTRA
the client
5386 Secure communication could An error occurred while enabling Replace the Pinpad
not be enabled secure communication with Pinpad
5387 There are no recharge values Integration with the automation Contact authorizer to be returned
to display only allows display of charging fixed values for digital charging
values and has not been returned by Or To allow range values, change the
authorizer parameter-allowvariablevalues
Digital Credit to false
5388 Value of invalid cancellation Value of invalid cancellation Correct the value of the cancellation.
5389 The original terminal code Code of the original terminal was Fill out correctly the original terminal
invalid filled with 12 digits code
5390 Promotional products list List of products was not informed by Fill out correctly the list of
missing commercial automation promotional products with at least
one product for this transaction
5391 Product code not registered Product code not registered in the Register the controller code fuel
in the controller of bombs controller of bombs (Fusion) bombs (Fusion)
5392 List of empty fuel agreement
List of empty fuel agreement Check load of tables in CTF
products products
5393 Communication problem
Communication problem with the Verify IP and port configuration of
with the Fusion pump controller Fusion
5394 Chip card required The current transaction requires a Using a Chip card
Chip card, with or without contact
5395 No product to ransom with No voucher available for the Make payment using another way
DOTZ purchase amount or balance in

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5396 Value of invoice payment ID The reported value is not recognized The automation report a valid value
invalid by Client in field
5397 Value of the form of invoice The reported value is not recognized The automation report a valid value
payment ID invalid by Client in field 99
5398 Invalid expiration date The value of the Expiration date Automation gives a valid value in
entered is not a valid date field 100
5399 Invalid barcode Barcode value is invalid Automation gives a valid value in
field 47
5400 No terminal was returned in The reported Multi-EC group did not - Check the configured group code.
the Multi-EC Establishment return any terminal. - Configure the group correctly in the
Query CTF interface.
- Turn off Multi-EC
5401 Multi-EC terminal identifier Identifier of the Multi-EC terminal Send field 102 – Multi-EC terminal
not sent not sent by the Commercial identifier.
Automation through the integration
5402 Multi-EC terminal identifier Identifier of the Multi-EC terminal Check that the identifier (field 102 –
not found not sent by the commercial Multi-EC terminal identifier) sent is
automation for the integration is not correct.
included in the CTF register
5403 Correct Solution “Boleto Mais” identifier not sent Send the identifier, field 104
Identification not sent
5404 Partial payment of the value The value of sale with card did not Use another form of payment or
of the transaction not have the requested total amount allow a lower value to aprove the
authorized approved and the operator rejected transaction.
the partial payment.
5405 Digital prepaid card operator No operator of the TEF server was Verify if the Establishment / Shop
nonexistent returned used is correct.
Check CTF configuration of available
prepaid card carriers.

Intertef errors of APITEF associated with the return "12":

Error Description Motives/Actions

2001 Error opening the coupon file. File creation error CUPOMCTF. *. Check the
user's permissions to create files and the
availability of the operating system (disk full,
2011 Error opening the C_M_O_S.TEF file. Verify that the files of the directory, where is the
2012 C_M_O_S.TEF file read error. ClientCTF, have been deleted or are accessible.
2021 File opening error TRANSAC. TEF.
2022 File search error TRANSAC. TEF.
2023 Error reading TRANSAC.TEF file.
2031 Error opening the C_M_O_S.TEF file.
2032 C_M_O_S.TEF file write error.
2041 File opening error TRANSAC. TEF.
2042 File search error TRANSAC. TEF.
2043 File write error TRANSAC. TEF.
2040 Received CTF buffer size larger than expected. Verify that the message received from the CTF
has more than 4000 bytes.

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Apitef communication errors, associated with the return "10":

Error Description Motives/Actions

1004 Error in initialization of the communication layer. Check permissions of access to operating system
resources (INTERNET.TEF file access error).
1005 Network layer not initialized. Uninitialized network layer, to send the message to
the CTF:
• check if the transaction is being executed from
the same directory;
• If was executed the command "02-TEF-start";
• Check permissions of access to operating system
resources (INTERNET.TEF file access error).
1006 Network layer not initialized. Uninitialized network layer, when dealing with the
reply message from the CTF:
• Verify that has run the command "02-TEF-start";
• Check permissions of access to operating system
resources (INTERNET.TEF file access error).
1007 Network layer not initialized. Uninitialized network layer, when dealing with the
reply message from the CTF:
• Verify that has run the command "02-TEF-start";
• Check permissions of access to operating system
resources (INTERNET.TEF file access error).
1002 INTERNET.TEF file access error. • Verify that the transaction is being executed
1003 INTERNET.TEF file access error. from the same directory;
• If was executed the command "02-TEF-start";
Check permissions of access to operating system
resources (INTERNET.TEF file access error).
0200 Invalid parameters.
0201 Failed to open the channel of communication.
0202 Failed to resolve the address of the CTF. Verify the configuration of the Hosts file or DNS.
0203 Error in sending the message.
0204 Message sent from different size than expected.
0205 IP address is already in use.
0206 Error receiving message.
0001 Timeout.
0208 Error receiving message.
0209 Error receiving message.

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Annex D – Devices Supported by CTFClient
This section applies to Java CTFClient.

The CTFClient uses input and output devices (peripherals) to capture and display information.

The types of devices used by CTFClient are:

• Keyboard: for data entry;

• Display: to display information to the operator and/or customer;
• PIN-Pad: to capture passwords;
• Card Reader: for reading magnetic or chip cards;
• Scanner: for barcode reading of bills;
• Document Reader: for barcode reading of bills;

It is common that the capture passwords and card reading is performed from a single physical device,
commonly calling PIN-Pad, which has both functions.

If the AC does not specify a keyboard or a display to the CTFClient, this will use the devices that are
defined in its default configuration.

If it is necessary to display additional information to the client or if the AC is necessary interaction

with the operator which require a more flexible data capture interface than that specified by
commercial automation, as in the case of the specified display the AC does not have adequate size to
capture or display to be performed ( number of columns and insufficient lines) , the main CTFClient
window appears on the screen AC for viewing or capture this information.

The CTFClient supports device-specific templates for each of the types cited. Each device has a
unique ID and requires a set of specific configuration parameters.

The table below presents the devices supported by CTFClient:

Device ID for the CTFClient Type Description

DISPLAY_JAVAPOS Display POS display with JavaPOS driver (IBM, NCR, etc)
DISPLAY_CSI Display Keyboard display connected to the default port of PC keyboard
(Gertec, Keytec, etc)
DISPLAY_CTFCLIENT Display Display in frame to be displayed in the CTFClient window.
KEYBOARD_JAVAPOS Teclado POS keyboard with JavaPOS driver (IBM, NCR, etc)
KEYBOARD_PC Teclado Standard IBM PC keyboard plugged into keyboard port (any
DOCUMENT_READER_CHRONOS Document Document reader Chronus connected on serial port
DOCUMENT_READER_IBM85 Document Document reader on fiscal printer IBM 3BMwith JavaPOS
reader driver

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DOCUMENT_READER_PROCOMP Document Procomp documents reader connected to serial port
DOCUMENT_READER_LOGGER2 Document Document reader in fiscal printer Logger2 basis (Uranus,
reader Itautec, ZPM, etc)
DOCUMENT_READER_TECPOINTTL840 Document Document reader Tecpoint model TL840 connected to the
reader keyboard port PC
SCANNER_SERIAL Scanner Scanner connected in serial port (any make/model)
SCANNER_JAVAPOS Scanner POS Scanner with JavaPOS driver (IBM, NCR, etc)
CARD_READER_BIB_SHARED Card reader Card reader compatible with shared library
PINPAD_BIB_SHARED PIN-Pad PIN-Pad compatible with shared library

The following are the configuration parameters that each device requires for its proper operation:

Device ID Parameters line format and description of the parameters


name is the logical name of the JavaPOS display.

Example: defaultDisplay
DISPLAY_CSI Format: name,type,charBegin,charEnd

name is the name of the driver or device ID of the DLL to be used. If the name
represents a DLL, it must be preceded by the string "LIBRARY:" and the file
extension of the DLL should not appear in the parameter.
Example 1) Linux with device driver: /dev/disp_csi
Example 2) Windows with DLL: LIBRARY:DisplayCSIWindows

type is the type of the display. Can be one of the following:

0 to display keyboard Keytec / Sweda
1 to display in teclado Gertec

charBegin e charEnd are control codes that enable the display of data in
displays and vary according to the type of the display as shown below:
For display type 0, charBegin = 0 and charEnd = 1
For display type 1, charBegin = 251 and charEnd =

Example: LIBRARY:DisplayCSIWindows,1,251,252
DISPLAY_CTFCLIENT This device requires no parameters.

name is the logical name keyboard JavaPOS

Example: defaultKeyboard
KEYBOARD_PC This device requires no parameters.
DOCUMENT_READER_CHRONOS Format: door, speed, bitsData, parity, bitsStop

door is the name of the serial port to which the reader is connected.

speed is the serial communication speed in BAUD. The most commonly used

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value for this parameter is 2400.

bitsData is the amount of data to be used in serial communication. Can have

values between 5 and 8. The most common value for this parameter is 7.

parity parity is used in serial communication. Can be one of the following


E for even parity

O for odd parity
N for no parity

The most common value for this parameter is N.

bitsStop is the number of stop bits to be used in serial communication. Can

have values between 0 and 2. The most common value for this parameter is 1.

Example Windows: COM1,9600,8,N,1

Example Linux: /dev/ttyS0,9600,8,N,1
DOCUMENT_READER_IBM85 This device requires no parameters.
DOCUMENT_READER_PROCOMP Format: door, speed, bitsData, parity, bitsStop

door is the name of the serial port to which the reader is connected.

speed is the serial communication speed in BAUD. The most commonly used
value for this parameter is 9600.

bitsData is the amount of data to be used in serial communication. Can have

values between 5 and 8. The most common value for this parameter is 7.

parity parity is used in serial communication. Can be one of the following


E for even parity

O for odd parity
N for no parity

The most common value for this parameter is O.

bitsStop is the number of stop bits to be used in serial communication. Can

have values between 0 and 2. The most common value for this parameter is 1.

Example Windows: COM1,2400,7,O,1

Example Linux: /dev/ttyS0,2400,7,O,1
DOCUMENT_READER_LOGGER2 Format: door, speed, bitsData, parity, bitsStop

door is the name of the serial port to which the reader is connected.

speed is the serial communication speed in BAUD. The most commonly used
value for this parameter is 115200.

bitsData is the amount of data to be used in serial communication. Can have

values between 5 and 8. The most common value for this parameter is 8.

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parity parity is used in serial communication. Can be one of the following

E for even parity

O for odd parity
N for no parity

The most common value for this parameter is E.

bitsStop is the number of stop bits to be used in serial communication. Can

have values between 0 and 2. The most common value for this parameter is 1.

Example Windows: COM1,115200,8,E,1

Example Linux: /dev/ttyS0,115200,8,E,1
DOCUMENT_READER_TECPOINTTL840 This device requires no parameters.
SCANNER_SERIAL Format: door, speed, bitsData, parity, bitsStop

door is the name of the serial port to which the scanner is connected.

speed is the serial communication speed in BAUD.

bitsData is the amount of data to be used in serial communication. Can have

values between 5 and 8.

parity parity is used in serial communication. Can be one of the following

E for even parity
O for odd parity
N for no parity

bitsStop is the number of stop bits to be used in serial communication. Can

have values between 0 and 2.

Example Windows: COM1,9600,8,N,1

Example Linux: /dev/ttyS0,9600,8,N,1

name is the JavaPOS logical name of the scanner.

Example: defaultScanner
CARD_READER_BIB_SHARED Format: door,”message1”,”message2”

door is the name of the serial port to which the reader is connected.

message1 is the message that should be displayed in the display of the player
when the card is requested.

message2 is the message that should be displayed in the display of the player
when it is in use.

Example Windows: COM1,”PASS THE CARD”,” Auttar”

Example Linux: /dev/ttyS0,”PASS THE CARD”,” Auttar”
PINPAD_BIB_SHARED Format: door,”message1”,”message2”,”message3”

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door is the name of the serial port to which the Pinpad is connected.

Message1 is the message that should be displayed in the display of the player
when it is in use.

Message2 is the message that should be displayed in the display of the player
when prompted for a password.

Message3 is the message that should be displayed in the display of the player
to warn that the client must wait for processing.

Example Windows:
Example Linux:
/dev/ttyS0,” Auttar”,” ENTER THE PASSWORD”,” PROCESSING...”

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