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Have you ever felt something that you seem to forget but no matter how hard you try you
really can't remember it?
Or have you ever tried to feel like something is strangely familiar but still can't remember it?
It's just as if the only thing that can remember it is your senses, it is as if something is
stopping you to remember something.
The feeling of someone is watching, or following you is it just me?
Anica stop spacing out and help your sisters carry the luggage!! -Anica's mother yelled while
cleaning the windows.
Yes ma! - she responded while frowning
The house is not that spacious just enough for a family of four to leave comfortably, I am
currently a grade 12 student the location of the house is also good since it is just a walking
distance from the school. We only got this house recently for a very low price I don't know
why such a house got sold for a low price, but I'm still thankful, it is our family's dream to
have our own home and space.
"Do you like the house?"
" Andrew!!"
I shouted after Andrew startled me, sneaking from behind.
" You always easy to startle sis, I always told you to stop drinking coffee"
He said while dragging his luggage to his room
"And I always tell you to stop startling me"
He always startling me even though when we are little. Andrew is the elderst among us I am
the middle child and Danica is the youngest, Andrew is now a High School teacher and he
also teached at the school where I am attending at.
I turn my back hearing I faint voice calling my name
"Andrew, I said stop we are not children anymore"
I said in a nagging voice.
I tilt my head looking at the window which has a curtain, because I think the voice is coming
from there. I smiled while approached the window with a stomping fit.
"Andrew, I said stop it!!"
I shout while pulling the curtain aggressively to reveal my stupid brother who loves scaring
me, the smile disappeared quickly from my face after revealing that no one is behind the
curtain. I can feel my blood running cold.
I said while stuttering.
"Anica!!! "
I shouted on the top of my lungs after someone hug me from the back and lift me. I look at
my back
I said while catching my breath
"Put me down! I am not a little girl anymore"
I said naggingly
"Ohw no matter how old are you are still my little princess"
He said in a very sweet and cringe tone of voice
I walked away towards my room the moment dad put me on the ground, I am no longer a
child why do they always treat me as one.
Leonora's POV
"Dear when did you get home?"
I asked my husband while walking towards him.
"Why do girls dislike their father’s affection when they become teenagers?"
He said in a sad tone of voice
"How I also wish for them to stay little babies forever but that's imposible, come let's go to
the wet market and buy something for dinner"
I grabbed his hands and walked towards the door, but I felt something unusual it is as if my
husband’s hand were cold.
"Why is your hand cold?"
Asking him, but I didn't get any response, I looked at him and he just stare at me intensely
more like in a state of shocked.
"Hey say something"
"I I'm sorry, maybe just because of the Aircon at work, that's why"
I smirked it's just a simple thing why is it as if he sees something.
Andrew's POV
Andrew singing
Knock!! Knock!!
"Come in"
I shouted while jamming on the music I played
Knock!! Knock!!
"Come in!!"
I shouted again, it must be anica. I smiled while approaching the door she must be here to
ask some money again for her parcel.
I opened the door expecting to see her face but there was no one at the door, I smiled. Shem
must be pranking be too, to get back on.
"Anica are trying to scare me? You know that won't work on me"
I approached her room open the door but I my forehead frowned after seeing her laying on
the bed sleeping, I smiled and jump on the bed.
"Are you playing as sleeping beauty now? Hah with a face like that? More like sleeping ugly
I tilt her head towards me, she opened her eyes
" You!! Where’s your manners!! " She shouted I was so confused that you can see it painted
all over my face.
"Hey why are you shouting it is you who played prank first"
I said
"What prank? Are you nuts? Can't you see I'm sleeping?" She said in a very irritated voice "
get out!!" She yelled
I Walked out of her room is it just me or I really heard someone knocking at my door. I
walked towards the sala looking for mother
"Mom?" but it seems like she go out.
Door smashed open
I walked back to my room when i heared the door opened, so I look back but no one is in
their may just the gasp of the wind blows the door open. I approached the door to close it
akyat Bahays are very rampant this days. After closing the door I walked back to my room.
AT THE DINNER TABLE I prepare the table while mom is finishing the food I prepare 5
plates for us, and sat. My older brother and father are also already sitting on the dining table
waiting for the food.
I exhaled and said " can you guys please stop treating me as a child, I am no longer a child"
they looked at each other and giggle
"What's so funny?" I asked I a very irritated tone of voice
"Come on now, you are our only princess how can we stop pampering you?" That said "right
Andrew?" He looked at brother asking for validation for what he said
"Of course!" Andrew said with a very proud face which irritated me even more, I still can't
get over what he did this afternoon.
The moment the food was served we immediately started eating without talking to each other
"what do you want for breakfast tomorrow honey?" Ma'am asked breaking the silence in the
"Anything will do" I said
Phone notification
I randomly woke up in the middle of the night, I don't usually wake up but it seems like this
is one of those nights where randomness enters my body
I looked at my phone to check the notification. After checking I got up to get some water but
still at the kitchen, I opened the door of my room it's quite dark because all the lights are off.
Foots step
I asked because I heared footsteps at the sala, I peek at our sala, but there is no one. I was
confused for a moment but still didn't mind if must be just my mind playing games on me.
"Is this trauma because of my brother?" I whisperer
After drinking water, I get back to bed "I still have a long day to go tomorrow"

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