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1. Why do people get married in Mexico? Give at least three reasons.

There are a lot of reasons why people in Mexico get married, for example; some couples get married
becasue they are having a baby, in other cases, they do it because they want to live together, and,
in other cases, the couples get married to have the wedding party.
2. What do you think is a good age to get married in Mexico? Give reasons for your answer.
I don’t think there is a good age, and less specifically in Mexico. I think it depends the reason why you
are going to get married; if you only want the wedding party, do it at a young age. But, if you are
going to get married only for the pleasure of do it, do it when you are mature and prepared. But,
what if you “find love” at an older age?, you can get married too! Age is only a number for me.
3. How do you think families are changing in Mexico?

I don’t think that we can generalize the mexican families. The only thing I’ve perceived is that the
society is opening their mind about marriage.

4. What opinion do you have about people who get married and decide not to have children?

That’s my plan, hahaha! I don’t know if I want to get married, but if I do it, I don’t want to have children. I
think that the babies must be had at a “young” age to give them the best of you, when you are in
strong and you can support them by the best way. But what about you?, Those must be your best
years, and I want those years for me, I don’t want to come back earlier just for a kid, or don’t travel
when I want, because I have to take care of other person.

5. What is your opinion about mothers who work and do not stay with their children?

I think it’s good. It’s necessary to take care of a children, but first, you have to provide her or him.

6. Do you have a big family?

I think, I have a pretty big one.

7. Who is your favorite person in your family and why?

I can’t even decide, but if I have to choose one, I think that my mom or mi cousin.

8. If you are single… Would you like to have a small or a big family when you get married?... If you ever
get married.

I think, I would like to have a small family.

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