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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science for Grade Ten

BSED- Biology
Strategy: Constructivist Approach and Collaborative Learning

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. describe the fossil evidence of continental drift theory;
2. rearrange the continents on its present location to help solve the fitting of the
drifted continents;
3. modify the continents in its present location;
4. identify the fossil evidences that are found in each continent; and
5. analyze what will happen to the world as the continents continuously move.


A. Topic: The Continental Drift Theory: The Evidences from Fossils
B. Reference: Science Grade 10 Learner’s Material First Edition 2015, Module 2 page
53- 55; Science Grade 10 Teacher’s Guide First Edition 2015, Module 2 page 37-
C. Materials: Pictures of the Seven Continents, Colors, Pangea Puzzle, PowerPoint
Presentation, Laptop and TV
D. Science Concepts: Fossils of similar types of plants and animals in rocks of similar
age have been found on different continents, suggesting that the continents were
once joined.
E. Values: Collaboration, Active Performance, Respect
F. Processes: Cooperation, Demonstrating


A. Preparatory Activities

Okay! Please stand and let us pray silently. (Students stand up and pray silently)

Good morning, class! Student A: Good morning, Ma’am Lia!

Student D: Ma’am, good morning.

Take your seat. Ready your assignments. Pass

it forward. (Students submitted their assignments)

I hope that you understand your assignments.

Anyways, I think the only way for you to
answer the assignment is to read.

Class, monitor, kindly check those students

who are absent today. So, who’s absent? Student C: Ma’am, everybody is present today.
Very good!
B. Review

To freshen up, who can tell us the discussion Luiz: Our lesson yesterday was all about the
yesterday? Yes, Luiz jigsaw fit of the continental drift theory of
Alfred Wegener. And we also identify that
these continents are matched with its shapes
especially the coastline of south America and
Very well said Luiz. Let us give Luiz ang
galling clap. Everybody! Students: 1 2 3 ang galing

By the way, any question, clarifications,

additional information with regards to our Student A: We don’t have any question,
previous lesson? Ma’am!

Okay then! Let’s go!

C. Motivation

Then, let’s have a quick activity. Are you Student F: Yes, Ma’am we are ready!
ready? Student S: Yes, we are!

Last meeting, I grouped you into three for your

activity today. Can you please proceed to your
groupmates and arranged your chairs (Students arranging their chairs in a group)

Are you done students?

This activity is called Pangea Puzzle. In
today’s activity you are assigned to rearrange
the continents to their present locations.

After 1 minute and 30 seconds I will check

each groups Pangea Puzzle. Is that clear?

Student D: Yes, Ma’am it is very clear.

Time is up! Finish or not finish I will check

each groups World Map Puzzle. (Student showing their Pangea Puzzle)

Okay! very good! So, let’s give ourselves a

Winner Clap. Students: 1 2 3 Winner!
D. Lesson Proper

Alright! So, anyone in the class who would like

to read our objectives for today? Yes, Anne Anne: OBJECTIVES
At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:
1. describe the fossil evidence of
continental drift theory;
2. rearrange the continents on its present
location to help solve the fitting of the
drifted continents;
3. modify the continents in its present
4. identify the fossil evidences that are
found in each continent; and
5. analyze what will happen to the world
as the continents continuously move.
Thank you for that Anne.

Based on the activity that we have done earlier,

the Pangea Puzzle, which you rearrange the
continents to their present locations. Do you
think that these continents start at one big
landmass and start spreading all around the
earth? What do you think? Yes, Rama Rama: I think that these continents were really
start in a big landmass Ma’am.
And why do you think so? How did you come
up with these ideas? Any other volunteer
except for Rama?
Oh yes Jennie Jennie: Ma’am, because as I observed in the
Pangea Puzzle that we did earlier, it seems like
these continents were match and fits with each
Very well said, Jennie other if we puzzle them on.

The most visible and fascinating evidence that

these continents were once one in their shapes.
The edge of one continent surprisingly
matches the edge of another. South America South America and Africa fit together;
and Africa fit together; India, Antarctica, and
Australia match one another; Eurasia and India, Antarctica, and Australia match one
North America complete the whole continental another;
puzzle in the north.
Eurasia and North America complete the
whole continental puzzle in the north.

Fossils are preserved remains or traces of

organisms (plants and animals) from the
remote past. Fossilized leaves of an extinct
plant Glossopteris were found in 250 million
years old rocks. These fossils were in the
continents of south Africa, Australia, India and
Antarctica, which are now separated from each
other by wide oceans. The large seeds of this
plant could not possibly travel a long journey
by the wind or survive a rough ride through
ocean waves.

Mesosaurus and Lystrosaurus are freshwater

reptiles. Fossils of these animals were
discovered in different continents, such as in
South America and Africa.

Mesosaurus Mesosaurus

Lystrosaurus Lystrosaurus

Now, do you think that these reptiles could Student A: I don’t think so Ma’am.
swim over the vast oceans and one continent to
another? Student B: It is so very impossible Ma’am.

Of course, it is impossible. And take note class

that fossils of these reptiles were also found in

And another animal fossil that have been

included as an evidence is the fossil remains of
Cynognathus, it is a Triassic land reptile
approximately 3m long which have been found
in the continent of Africa and South America.

Cynognathus Cynognathus
E. Generalization

To generalized it, how do you believe that this Group Pinas: Wegener searched for evidences
theory is true or not? Okay let us the thoughts to support his claim. He noticed the fit of the
from Group Pinas. edges of the continents on the opposite sides of
the South Atlantic.

Very good! Now, from the Group of Seoul.

Group Seoul: Wegener’s evidences to the
continental drift theory includes the
distribution of fossils in different continents,
rock features and ancient climates.
Exactly! Now let us give ourselves a ‘boom
boom clap’ Students: ‘boom boom clap’

By the way class, is there any question? Student G: None so far Ma’am!
Further clarification?
F. Application

Earlier you rearrange the continents in its

present location. Now, for your last activity,
use your colors to locate the fossil evidences.
I’ll give you 3 minutes to finish the activity.

Understood? Student G: Understood Ma’am!

Student F: We clearly understood, Ma’am.

Alright! You may start now!

Time is up!
Submit it now. Finish or not finish and don’t
forget to write your group members in a clean
and neat ¼ sheet of paper. And of course, let’s
have a look to your work. Use your paper tape
and post in in the blackboard.
Student F: Ma’am, we the Group Pinas have
already done and have already post it in the

Alright! Very good. Student H: We are also done Ma’am.

So, let’s give ourselves a winner clap. Students: 1 2 3 Winner

Direction: Read and understand the questions presented in the PPT. Write only the answer in
your paper. Write your answer in a ½ crosswise.
1. In, 1912, Alfred Wegener propose a theory that the Earth is once a single landmass. What
is the name of the Mesozoic supercontinent that considered of all of the present continents?
a. Eurasia
b. Laurasia
c. Pangea
d. Gondwanaland
2. If all the inner layers of the Earth are firm solid, what could have happened to Pangea?
a. It remained as a supercontinent
b. It would become as it as today
c. It would have slowly disappeared in the ocean
d. It would have stretched and covered the whole world
3-6 Name four fossil evidences that have been found in the continent of Africa, South America,
Antarctica, India and Australia.

Draw one animal fossils and one plant fossils. Indicate its age, locations. Use clean and neat
long bond paper and cut it into two for your fossil card.

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