Clinical Summary

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Shop 1 P/76 Mamourah St.

Al Nahyan
Abu Dhabi
Ph: (02) 582 4002 CLINICAL SUMMARY
Email: Animal No. 101076
Clinical No.301719
Record Date 05-12-2023
Attending Vet(s) Dr. Marjorie Gumangan,
Dr. Norman de Vera
Printed At 13-01-2024
Printed By Dr. Marjorie Gumangan

Clinical Summary for Night

Client Details Animal Details

Name Miss Amine, Talla Phone 0503238560 Name Night Age Not Set
Address 0506128979 Species Feline Sex Unknown Sex

Thursday the 5th of December 2024

07:55PM Plan
Dr. Marjorie Gumangan

Patients needs intensive and long term treatment regarding the Sarcoptic Mange and Ringworm Infection;
since patient skin condition is quite severe and chronic, needs hospitalization for long time(30 days or

Friday the 12th of January 2024

01:46PM Hospital Notes

December 5, 2023: 1st day of hospitalization; skin condition in bad state; cat also had very bad smell due
to the severe ringworm and sarcoptic mange he has. Revolution given for the mange treatment; start of
the 1st cycle of Ringworm treatment(Itraconazole syrup; liver protectant(nephromin syrup) antibiotic
treatment is given also because of the severe secondary diffuse pyoderma due to the patients severe skin
infection. Antiinflamnatory medications is also given and b12 supplement. Wound gel and wound cream
are also applied on the cat's skin to help in the healing of the patient secondary pyoderma. 1st cycle of
ringworm treatment is from December 5 to 11, 2023.
December 11,2023: for medicated bath using Antifungal and antibacterial Shampoo.
Rechecked wood's lamp: greenish flourescence still observed indicating Ringworm Infection( some
improvement observed
Rechecked skin scraping: sarcoptic mites egg and adult sarcoptes noted on the sample upon microscopy.
Adult mite dead
December 12 to 18, 2023: Rest week( Oral Antifungal Medication on rest for 7 days). Antibiotic treatment
continues for another 7 days. Wound cleaning and flushing still continues for the treatment of the
patient's severe and generalize pyoderma(pus coming out from the skin forming open wounds all over the
body. Improvement observed with the cat's worst skin condition during this week. Scabs are starting to
slough off from the skin and wounds from pyoderma starting to heal already. The bad smell from the
patient due to its chronic skin infection is less also.
December 19 to 25, 2023: 2nd cycle of Ringworm Treatment using Itraconazole syrup given once a day
after food and also liver tonic give once a day also to protect and support the liver during the treatment.
Significant improvement observed on the cat's skin infection. Normal skin layer is seen already, other
areas are still visible with scabs but sloughing off are continues to occur. Wound from pyoderma are also
Pets Republic Veterinary Clinic
Shop 1 P/76 Mamourah St. Al Nahyan
Abu Dhabi

(02) 582 4002 •

seen with healing(some of the wound are dry already; others are on drying stage, some are still fresh but
with less discharges, little areas of the skin with pyoderma abscess that are about to burst. Pungent smell
from cat's body is almost gone because of the significant improvement of the patient.
December 25, 2023: Medicated bath using Chlorhexidine and Miconazole Shampoo
Rechecked Wood's Lamp: still positive with Ringworm but great improvement observed
Rechecked Skin scraping: no sarcoptes mites egg seen on the sample: adult sarcoptes mite seen bbut on
decomposition stage.
December 26, 2023 to January 1, 2024: Rest week( stop Itraconazole for 7 days); wound
management(wound cle
aning) using Wound and skin gel and wound cream since some wounds still on healing stage. Most areas
of the skin are free from scabs, others areas with scaling observed due to the severe and generalize
Dermatophyte Infection the patient have however a siginficant improvement observed. Punget smell of
the skin of the patient is unnotice.
Jan 2 to 8 2024: 3rd cycle of the Ringworm Treatment with the use of Itraconazole syrup and by
thesupport of the liver tonic supplement. Application of wound gel and wound cream are continues to
make pyodermal wounds are totally healed. Scabs are gone on the entire body, the normal skin color is
starting to become visible: new hair/fur are growing on the cat's skin but scaling still observed in some
areas of the skin; most of the wound from the pyoderma are healed already.
Jan 8, 2024: Antifungal and antibacterial medicated shower is done.
Rechecked wood's lamp on Jan 11, 2024: some of the skin areas still infected with Dermatophyte but
most of the skin are cleared/recovered from Ringworm Infection
Skin scraping: no sarcoptic mites seen on the Sample.

Tuesday the 5th of December 2023

07:40PM Diagnosis
Dr. Marjorie Gumangan

Skin scraping: positive with sarcoptic mites(adult sarcoptes mite identified)

Wood's Lamp: positive Dermatophytosis(Severe chronic generalize Ringworm Infection)

07:30PM Physical Exam

Dr. Marjorie Gumangan

Severe chronic generalize hyperkeratosis observed; scabs observed on the both ear pinna(indication of
sarcoptic mange); scabbing also observe on cat's head; elbow joints; back area, tail
Chronic generalize hyperpigmentation also present(darkening of the skin) in very bad state
Generalize diffuse alopecia in persistent condition
Dehydration due to severe chronic skin infection
Pets Republic Veterinary Clinic
Shop 1 P/76 Mamourah St. Al Nahyan
Abu Dhabi

(02) 582 4002 •

Eyes NAD
Ears with crusty ear waxes
No nasal and eye d/c

07:22PM History
Dr. Marjorie Gumangan

An adult male stray cat is brought here today for consultation. Patient has severe and chronic skin
condition and the skin situation is in very bad state. Patient is not vaccinated and no microchipped. No
vomiting and diarrhea also as per owner. Patient is eating and responsive despite of its condition. Clients
wants to do the treatment(confinement) and also what the specific skin problem of the cat.

07:12PM Health Status

Weight(kg): 3.40
Temp(°C): 38.9
B.C.S: 2.0/5.0
CRT: 1-2 sec
MM: Pink
Attitude: BAR
Respiratory Effort: Normal

07:11PM Diagnostic Request

Requested By: Dr. Marjorie Gumangan
Supplier: Lillidale
Reference: AE2450-DR97
Status: None
Feline Parvovirus Test Lillidale

Prescribed By: Dr. Norman de Vera
3 x Synulox Rtu (100ml)/ per ML

06:45PM Presenting Problem(s)

Dr. Marjorie Gumangan
Pets Republic Veterinary Clinic
Shop 1 P/76 Mamourah St. Al Nahyan
Abu Dhabi

(02) 582 4002 •

Walking client ,consult, skin infection , Ms.Talla asked for hospitalization for few days

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