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2nd Quarter Reviewer

9 Christian Living Education

15 Promises of the Rosary

 This was presented by Our Lady to St. Dominic, together with the rosary itself and the
prayers to be prayed.
 Signal Graces = messages, guidance, or blessings from the divine

What is the Holy Rosary trying to tell us?

 The holy rosary tells us the story of Jesus, from the immaculate conception up to the
passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.
 Different mysteries are being recited almost every day in order to remind us of Christ’s love
for humanity and for us to be more aware of what actually happened.
 the sorrowful mysteries are being prayed every Friday to remind us of the crucifixion of
Christ which happened on the good Friday. On the other hand, the glorious mystery is being
prayed every Sunday to remind us of the resurrection of Christ on the third day.

1st Promise: Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal

 The first and foremost promise refers to people who choose to recite the Rosary. This is a
sign of faithfulness that will be later rewarded with signal graces. These graces are meant to
give people a sense of sanctification in their lives. This may be the most important of all
promises because it introduces people to the world of union with the Lord and the Lady.
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary can be shown through the faithful recitation of the
 subtle hints that guide us towards the right path

2nd Promise: I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite
the Rosary.

 As a continuation of the first promise, the second one reassures people that, while they
recite the Rosary, they will receive special protection. This makes believers the direct
beneficiaries of Virgin Mary’s role as an advocate for God’s grace. Those who take a piece of
their time and dedicate it to reciting the Rosary will be blessed with more care from Virgin
Mary, as She will focus Her divine power on those who pray. Again, true devotion is fully

3rd Promise: The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease
sin, and defeat heresies.

 The third promise goes even deeper compared to the first. For those who fear death and the
place they will reach afterward; for those who fear they might be governed by vice, sin or
struggling with heresies, this promise erases any terrifying thought by saying that those
who pray the Rosary will be protected against all these evil aspects. This promise has a root
connection with the next one, preaching fervent prayer in exchange for holy protection.

4th Promise: The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls
the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and
its vanities and will lift them to the desire for eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify
themselves by this means.

 This promise is meant to give people the power to carry on with their lives, by receiving the
mercy of God. Even though men are flawed, and they might be attracted by vanities, once
they open their eyes and truly see the meanings of the Rosary, they will develop an appetite
for sanctification and eternal things, thus rising in virtue.

5th Promise: The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not

 Those who respect and pray the Rosary will never be left singlehanded. This is the
conclusion that people can extract from the fifth promise, which says that whoever recites
the Rosary, won’t be forced to beg for help to avoid perishing. All those who recite the
promises will be assisted with Our Lady’s protection.

6th Promise: Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its
sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His
justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of
God, and become worthy of eternal life.

 This promise has a strong connection with the first ones. It says that the men who are
devoted to reciting the Rosary will be granted with protection against misfortune. They will
draw God’s mercy upon them, thus not being pressured by hard luck. The promise can also
be analyzed in the Sacred Scripture, where the burden is described as lighter for those who
shall recite the Rosary.

7th Promise: Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the
sacraments of the Church.

 In connection to the previous promise, this one state that those devoted to the Rosary will
have a chance to repent, no matter what. Those who pray the Rosary cannot be deprived of
salvation, through receiving the sacraments of the Church. Regardless of what happens, the
ones who recite the Rosary will get their final repentance.

8th Promise: Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their
death the light of God and the plentitude of His graces; at the moment of death, they shall
participate in the merits of the saints in paradise

 By praying the Rosary, men will get the chance to enjoy the life of God even after death. By
simply devoting yourself to the promises of the Rosary, you are granted access to a
tremendous quantity of graces, including this one: enjoying the merits of the saints in
paradise. The death of a person who recites the Rosary will be holy.

9th Promise: I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

 Our Lady will fight for those who prayed the Rosary in their lives. When they wait in the
Purgatory, Virgin Mary will direct all efforts towards getting them out of it and contributing
to them leading an afterlife of holiness. This promise enables people to a purgatorial
cleansing after death.

10th Promise: The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.

 Derived from the very first promises, the tenth promise says that those who pray the Rosary
will be forever appreciated in Heaven, where they will receive the holiest place. By reciting
the Rosary, people become closer to God and can sit closer to him while in Heaven. The glory
mentioned in this promise is a spiritual one.

11th Promise: You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

 This promise depicts Virgin Mary as the true Mediatrix of the Graces. Those who recite the
Rosary will have their wishes granted, as long as they respect God’s will. The spiritual
requests that are truly good for the soul and meet the goals of salvation will be granted by
Our Lady when we pray the Rosary

12th Promise: All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their

 Those who promote and propagate reciting the Holy Rosary as a good practice will be aided
by Our Lady in all necessities, including material ones. If the requests are made according to
the will of God, Virgin Mary will respect them. Everyone who dedicates time to propagating
the Holy Rosary is a true example of those who the Holy Mother protects.

13th Promise: I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have
for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death.

 Our Lady promises people who pray the Holy Rosary protection during both life and death.
Moreover, Virgin Mary promises Her assistance in having all saints in the Heaven to
contribute to their wellbeing in the afterlife, as they are part of the celestial court.

14th Promise: All who recite the Rosary are my sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters of
my only Son Jesus Christ.

 By praying the Holy Rosary, people are being part of the history of Jesus Christ’s salvation.
Without reciting the promises, people stray further away from the Lord and Lady. Through
praying, the Lady becomes our Holy Mother and Jesus Christ, our Holy Brother.

15th Promise: Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination (most important)

 Reciting the Rosary means that you were predestined to encounter salvation somewhere in
your path. You will receive God’s grace both during life and death, by dedicating your life to
the Rosary. Devotion to the promises ensures living a life far away from sin, thus bringing
people closer to God and sending their souls to the road to salvation.

The Rosary Provides:


 All the promises focus on devoting your life faithfully to the promises. This way, you will gain
direction in your life and you will obtain God’s graces, that shall help you in everything you
do. Those who focus on these words of consecration are closer and closer to God and they
live a holier life. Our Holy Mother will guide you through anything as long as you pray the
Rosary, but you need to fully understand each of them before diving into it.

 Temptation
 The possibility of failing to enter the gates of heaven
 Misfortunes


 All the promises focus on devoting your life faithfully to the promises. This way, you will gain
direction in your life and you will obtain God’s graces, that shall help you in everything you
do. Those who focus on these words of consecration are closer and closer to God and they
live a holier life.

 Guidance
 Salvation
 Being Welcomed to the family of God
 Never-ending graces

!The most important thing of all is to actually understand it before devoting ourselves to it

The Qualities of A Good Family

! This indicates that modernization has brought about numerous changes over the years

 Not only did it offer technological advancements, but it also brought about significant
changes in our way of thinking, which have impacted our culture, this shall be one of the
primaries focuses of the lesson, particularly how it has changed the structure of families
today and family dynamics.
What makes a Good Family?

A Family that fulfills their roles

1. Healthy Injection of Family Spirit

 The quality of an ideal Christian family focuses on reminding us about the importance of
discovering our roles, fulfilling them, and doing so with love, this is vital to ensure that
each family member serves their purpose, lives in harmony with other family members,
and contributes to the success of their familial and individual goals.

A Family that shows support

2. Openness and Caring

 The quality of an ideal Christian family ensures that each family member is capable and
willing to show love to their family members and offer assistance, especially during
challenging times. This promotes healthy relationships among family members and a
nurturing environment.

A Christ-centered Family

3. Witness to Jesus

 As a Christian family, it is essential to live according to God’s will. All of our actions,
decisions, and practices should adhere to the commandments God has given us to
ensure that we live free from sin and hatred. We should recognize God’s love and grace
towards us, so that we may be inspired to become His instruments of love and grace to

A family that loves one another

4. Constant Growth and Maturity

 Ideal families understand that no family is perfect, and that they need to constantly
grow and mature in their ability to love. With this in mind, each family member strives
to improve their love for their family members, making it easier for them to fulfill their
roles out of love rather than merely as a sense of responsibility.

A Family that helps other people

5. Hospitality and Outreach

 Ideal families are welcoming and reach out to others, especially the poor and neglected.
They see themselves as a symbol, witness, and participant in the Church's motherhood,
spreading life and caring for others.
A family that fulfills their mission in the church

6. Missionary Creativity

 Ideal families seek new forms of missionary creativity, responding to challenges with
hope and seeking to transform the world through their love and service. They
understand that the values of marriage and the Christian family are essential to human

Challenges within the family brought about by modernization.

What are the problems?

1. Individuals and self – centere

 The problem caused by modernization gives us a false notion of the concept of 'loving
oneself,' which results in people becoming overly self-focused, thereby hindering their
ability to provide for the needs and well-being of others, especially their family
2. Challenges to Marriage

 Throughout the years, because of the concept of ‘self-love,’ the essence of marriage is
becoming more and more shallow due to the availability of some ways to get rid of the
things that no longer make you happy such as annulment, divorce, and non-legal
3. Economic Hardships

 Due to the progressing needs of a family, some parents may feel that they are unable to
provide for all the needs and wants of their family members. This may lead them to take
actions that hinder communication and bonding with their family, such as working
abroad or putting in extra hours at work. While this can result in positive outcomes,
such as financial stability, it may also make them feel like strangers in their own homes.

4. Violence and Abuse

 This is one of the most prevalent and alarming issues in today's families. Some people
release their stress by hurting their family members, which is morally wrong.

These challenges can be resolved through the Following:

 Education in faith and morality

 Love and unity
 Inclusivity
 Communication and dialogue
The Holy family as our Model Family

 A “perfect family” does not exist

 The Holy Family struggled as well
 The more our families experience struggle, the more we need to have faith in God

 The story of the Holy Family reminds us that all of us are bound to experience struggles
here on earth. It’s impossible for us not to come across different challenges and
misunderstandings, since it is a part of the reality of being imperfect. Even the family
who served as the bridge towards our salvation were not able to be freed from the
cruelty brought by free will. This tells us about the importance of not frustrating
towards our imperfections.

 Another thing that the story of the Holy Family wants us to remember is the need for us
to put our complete trust in the plans of God. May this help us keep in mind that
struggles in life should not serve as a reason for us to let go of our faith, but rather help
us become more longing for His grace and guidance.

No Matter what happens choose to follow the will of the Lord

 We should always open our hearts and minds to the possibility of being the “answered
prayer” of people who are in need. We should consider
all the opportunities we can to help our fellow brothers and sisters.
Love your family unconditionally.
 Let us always keep in mind the importance of loving one another despite our differences
and imperfections.
 The highest form of love
 The fatherly love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God.
 We can show it by saying yes to the call of God and be an instrument of his love
 Because the identity of CHRISITANITY is LOVE

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