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Istilah KODE Deskripsi

Aborsi TANPA KURET O034 Spontaneous abortion

Abortus O021 Missed abortion

Abses DENGAN EKSISI L029 Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle

Abses TANPA EKSISI L029 Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle

Achilles tendinitis, site

M7669 Achilles tendinitis, site unspecified

Acute nasopharyngitis
J00 Acute nasopharyngitis [common cold]
[common cold]

Adanya sisa plasenta tanpa

O730 Retained placenta without haemorrhage

Amenorrhoea N912 Amenorrhoea

Anemia D649 Anaemia

Anemia defisiensi besi D509 Iron deficiency anaemia

Anemia pada kehamilan O990 Anaemia comp pregnancy

Angina Pectoris I209 Angina pectoris
Appendicitis K37 Unspecified appendicitis
Aritmia jantung I499 Cardiac arrhythmia
Arthritis M1399 Arthritis site
Asma J459 Asthma

Atrial fibrillation and flutter I48 Atrial fibrillation and flutter

BBLR P071 Other low birth weight

Benda asing pada faring T172 Foreign body in pharynx
Blighted ovum (kehamilan
O020 Blighted ovum and nonhydatidiform mole
Bronchiectasis J47 Bronchiectasis
Bronchitis J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic
Bronkhopneumonia J180 Bronchopneumonia
Campak tanpa komplikasi B059 Measles without complication
Cedera T149 Injury
Cedera Intracranial S0680 Intracranial injuries, without open wound
Cedera kepala S099 Cedera kepala
CHF I500 Congestive heart failure
CHF (Gagal Jantung
I500 Congestive heart failure
Cholelitiasis K819 Cholecystitis
Combutio/Luka Bakar T310 Corns and callosities
Corns and callosities L84 Corns and callosities
Cough R05 Cough

Dehidrasi (Volume depletion) E86 Volume depletion

Dengue fever [classical

Dermatitis L309 Dermatitis
DHF (Dengue haemorrhagic
A91 DHF (Dengue haemorrhagic fever)
Diabetes Melitus E149 Unspecified diabetes mellitus without complications
Diare (DCA) / Gastroenteritis
A09 Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin
Dislokasi sendi bahu S430 Dislokasi sendi bahu
Dislokasi siku S531 Dislokasi siku / elbow
Dyspepsia K30 Dyspepsia
Efusi Pleura J90 Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified
Epilepsi G409 Epilepsy
Essential (primary)
I10 Essential (primary) hypertension
Faringitis akut J029 Acute pharyngitis
Febris / Hiperpireksia /
R509 Fever

Fraktur, closed reduction

without internal fixation :
- Unspecified (T14.20)
- Humerus (S42.30)
- Radius Ulna (S52.60)
- Carpal (S62.10)
- Metacarpal (S62.30)
- Phalang Hand (S62.60)
- Femur (S72.90)
- Tibia (S82.20)
- Fibula (S82.40)
- Carpal (S62.10)
- Metacarpal (S62.30)
- Phalang Foot (S92.90)
- Other Specified Bone
ICD 9 (79.00 - 79.09)

Fraktur, closed reduction

with internal fixation :
- Unspecified (T14.20)
ICD 9 (79.10)
Fraktur, closed reduction
with internal fixation :
- Humerus (S42.30)
- Radius ulna (S52.60)
- Carpal (S62.10)
- Metacarpal (S62.30)
- Phalang Hand (S62.60)
ICD 9 (79.11 - 79.14)

Fraktur, closed reduction

with internal fixation :
- Femur (S72.90)
ICD 9 (79.15)

Fraktur, closed reduction

with internal fixation :
- Tibia (S82.20)
- Fibula (S82.40)
ICD 9 (79.16)

Fraktur, closed reduction

with internal fixation :
- Tibia (S82.20)
- Fibula (S82.40)
ICD 9 (79.16)

Fraktur, closed reduction

with internal fixation :
- Other bone (S92.20)
ICD 9 (79.19)

Fraktur, open reduction

without internal fixation :
- Unspesified
ICD 9 (79.20)

Fraktur, open reduction

without internal fixation :
- Humerus (S42.31)
- Radius ulna (S52.41)
- Carpal (S62.11)
- Metacarpal (S62.31)
- Phalang Hand (S62.81)
ICD 9 (79.21-79.24)

Fraktur, open reduction

without internal fixation :
- Femur (S72.91)
ICD 9 (79.25)
Fraktur, open reduction
without internal fixation :
- Tibia (S82.21)
- Fibula (S82.41)
ICD 9 (79.26)

Fraktur, open reduction

without internal fixation :
- Tarsal (S92.21)
- Metatarsal (S92.31)
- Phalang Foot (S92.91)
ICD 9 (79.27 - 79.28)

Fraktur, open reduction

without internal fixation :
- Other Specified bone
ICD 9 (79.29)

Fraktur, open reduction with

internal fixation (ORIF) : (psg
- Unspecified (T14.21)
ICD 9 (79.30)

Fraktur, open reduction with

internal fixation (ORIF) : (psg
- Humerus (S42.31)
- Radius Ulna (S52.41)
- Carpal (S62.11)
- Metacarpal (S62.31)
- Phalang Hand (S62.81)
ICD 9 (79.31-79.34)

Fraktur, open reduction with

internal fixation (ORIF) : (psg
- Femur (S72.91)
ICD 9 (79.35)

Fraktur, open reduction with

internal fixation (ORIF) : (psg
- Tibia (S82.21)
- Fibula (S82.41)
ICD 9 (79.36)
Fraktur, open reduction with
internal fixation (ORIF) : (psg
- Tarsal (S92.21)
- Metatarsal (S92.31)
- Phalang Foot (S92.91)
ICD 9 (79.37 - 79.38)

Fraktur, open reduction with

internal fixation (ORIF) : (psg
- Other Specified bone
ICD 9 (79.39)

Gagal ginjal kronik N189 Chronic renal failure

Gagal jantung I509 Heart failure
Ganglion M674 Ganglion
Gastritis K297 Gastritis
Gastroenteritis dan colitis A099 Gastroenteritis and colitis of unspecified origin
Gastroenteritis dan colitis
K529 Noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
Ginjal dan hipertensi dg gagal
I130 Hypertens heart and renal dis with (conges) heart failure
Ginjal hipertensi dg gagal
I120 Hypertensive renal disease with renal failure
Gizi buruk / Malnutrisi E441 Mild protein-energy malnutrition
Gravid / Kontraksi primer O620 Primary inadequate contractions
Haematuria R31 Haemoptysis
Haemoptysis R042 Haemoptysis
Hemiparesis G819 Haemorrhoids without complication

Hemoroid tanpa komplikasi I849 Haemorrhoids without complication

Hernia K409 Inguinal hernia

Hernia TANPA OPERASI K469 Hernia
Hiperemesis Gravidarum
O210 Mild hyperemesis gravidarum
Hipokalemia E876 Hypokalaemia
Hipotensi I959 Hypotension
Hirschsprung's disease Q431 Hirschsprung's disease
HIV Tidak spesifik B24 Unspecified human immunodeficiency virus [hiv] disease
Hyperlipidaemia E785 Hyperlipidaemia
HNP M519 Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
IHD Akut (ischaemic heart
I249 Acute ischaemic heart disease, unspecified
Ileus paralitik K560 Paralytic ileus
Infark serebri I639 Cerebral infarction
Infeksi bakteri A499 Bacterial infection
Inflammatory disorders of
N61 Inflammatory disorders of breast
Inpartu / Partus normal O809 Single spontaneous delivery
Inpartu / Persalinan Sesar O829 Delivery by caesarean section
Intracranial haemorrhage I629 Delivery by caesarean section

ISK (Infeksi saluran kencing) N390 Urinary tract infection

ISPA (Infeksi akut saluran

J069 Acute upper respiratory infection
napas atas )
IUFD (Intrauterine fetal
Death) / KJDR (Kematian O364 Maternal care for intrauterine death
Janin Dalam Rahim)
Jantung hipertensi tnpa gagal
I119 Hypertensive heart disease without (conges) heart failure
Jaundice R17 Jaundice

Jaundice pada neonatal yang P599 Neonatal jaundice

Kalkulus di ginjal N200 Calculus of kidney

Kalkulus pada kandung
N210 Calculus in bladder
Katarak senilis H259 Senile cataract

KDS (Kejang Demam)/Febrile

R560 Febrile convulsions

Kehilangan pendengaran H919 Hearing loss

Keracunan T659 Toxic effect, other fish and shellfish poisoning
Keseleo dan ketegangan
S534 Sprain and strain of elbow
pada siku
Kista Kelenjar Bartholin N750 Cyst of bartholin's gland
Kista ovarium N832 ovarian cysts
Kista ovarium DENGAN
N832 ovarian cysts
Kolik Renal/Renal Colic N23 Conjunctivitis
Konjungtivitis H109 Conjunctivitis
Kontusio pada bola mata S051 Contusion of eyeball and orbital tissues
KPD O429 Premature rupture of membranes
Kuku tumbuh kedalam L600 Ingrowing nail
Leukemia C959 Leukemia
Low back pain (LBP) M5456 Low back pain, lumbar region
Low Intake E631 Imbalance of constituents of food intake
Luka bakar T300 Burn of third degree, body region unspecified
Luka terbuka T141 Open wound / Superficial injury
Malaise and fatigue R53 Kelelahan
Malaria Falciparum ( Malaria
B509 Plasmodium falciparum malaria
Tropika )
Malaria Vivax (Malaria
B519 Plasmodium vivax malaria without complication
Tertiana )
Malaria, tidak spesifik B54 Unspecified malaria
Malformasi kongenital pada
Q249 Congenital malformation of heart
Melena K921 Melaena
Meningitis TB A170 Tuberculous meningitis
Migrain G439 Migraine
Mitral stenosis I050 Mitral stenosis
Multipel Luka terbuka T019 Multiple open wounds

Muntah pada bayi baru lahir P920 Vomiting in newborn

Myalgia M791 Myalgia

Nevus, non neoplastik I781 Naevus, non-neoplastic
Nodul Tiroid / Gondok E042 Nontoxic multinodular goitre
Nyeri dada / Chest Pain R074 Chest pain

Nyeri lain dan pada abdomen R104 Other and unspecified abdominal pain

Pendarahan pervaginam O469 Abnormal uterine and vaginal bleeding

Penyakit jantung I519 Heart disease

Penyakit kondisi kehamilan O998 Other spec dis and conditions

Penyakit paru obstruktif

J449 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Persalinan menggunakan
O814 Vacuum extractor delivery
Phlebitis I802 Phlebitis/thrombophlebitis
Pneumonia J189 Pneumonia
Pre eklamsia berat O149 Pre-eclampsia
Pterygium H110 Pterygium
Pulmonary oedema J81 Pulmonary oedema
Sakit Kepala/Headache R51 Headache
F209 Schizophrenia
Selulitis L039 Cellulitis
Sepsis A419 Septicaemia

Sepsis pada bayi baru lahir P369 Bacterial sepsis of newborn

Sinusitis akut J019 Acute sinusitis

Spondilosis M4799 Spondylosis
Status asthmaticus J46 Status asthmaticus

STEMI / ACS (Acute Coronary

I219 Acute myocardial infarction
Syndrome) STEMI
Stenosis M4809 Spinal stenosis
Stroke / SNH I64 Stroke
Syncope R55 Syncope and collapse
Systemic lupus
M329 Systemic lupus erythematosus
erythematosus (SLE)
TB (Tuberkulosis) A159 Respiratory tb unspec confirm bact and histologically
TB pleura A165 Tb pleurisy without mention of bact or histological confirm
Tetanus A35 Other tetanus
Thalassaemia D569 Thalassaemia
Thypus A010 Typhoid fever
Tiroid E079 Disorder of thyroid, unspecified
Tiroid DENGAN OPERASI E079 Disorder of thyroid, unspecified
Tonsilitis akut J039 Acute tonsillitis
Trombositopenia D696 Thrombocytopenia
Tumor jinak bagian lain
D105 Benign neoplasm, other parts of oropharynx
Tumor jinak colon D126 Benign neoplasm, colon

Tumor jinak kelenjar limfa D360 Benign neoplasm, lymph nodes

Tumor jinak lain D210 Benign neoplasm, connective and other soft tissue of head, face
Tumor jinak otak D332 Benign neoplasm, brain
Tumor jinak pada bibir D100 Benign neoplasm, lip
Tumor jinak pada kulit
kelopak mata

Tumor jinak pada kulit wajah D233 Benign neoplasm, skin of other and unspecified parts of face

Tumor jinak pada uterus D267 Benign neoplasm, other parts of uterus
Tumor jinak pada uterus D269 Benign neoplasm, uterus
Tumor jinak prostat D291 Benign neoplasm, prostate
Tumor Mammae / Tumor
D24 Benign neoplasm of breast
Tumor pada kelenjar liur
D117 Benign neoplasm, other major salivary glands
besar lainnya
Unspecified haematuria R31 Unspecified haematuria
Varises skrotal I861 Scrotal varices
Vertigo H814 Vertigo of central origin
Vomiting / Muntah R11 Nausea and vomiting
Kolik Renal/Renal Colic
1 2 3 1 2 3

W-4-13-I 1,370,600 1,174,800 979,000 1,195,700 1,024,900 854,100

W-1-10-I 2,352,800 2,016,700 1,680,600 2,052,600 1,759,400 1,466,100

L-1-40-I 5,486,200 4,702,500 3,918,700 4,786,200 4,102,500 3,418,700

L-4-12-I 1,873,500 1,605,900 1,338,200 1,634,500 1,401,000 1,167,500

M-4-21-I 3,253,600 2,788,800 2,324,000 2,838,500 2,433,000 2,027,500

U-4-13-I 2,710,300 2,323,100 1,935,900 2,574,800 2,207,000 1,839,100

W-1-11-I 2,459,200 2,107,900 1,756,600 2,145,400 1,838,900 1,532,400

W-4-12-I 3,964,200 3,397,900 2,831,600 3,766,000 3,228,000 2,690,000

D-4-13-I 3,291,600 2,821,400 2,351,200 2,871,600 2,461,400 2,051,200

L-1-40-I 5,486,200 4,702,500 3,918,700 4,786,200 4,102,500 3,418,700

W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800

I-4-20-I 4,492,300 3,850,500 3,208,800 3,919,100 3,359,200 2,799,400
K-1-13-I 4,141,500 3,549,800 2,958,200 3,613,000 3,096,900 2,580,700
I-4-19-I 4,314,100 3,697,800 3,081,500 3,763,700 3,226,000 2,688,300
M-4-18-I 3,071,700 2,632,900 2,194,100 2,679,800 2,296,900 1,914,100
J-4-18-I 3,046,700 2,611,400 2,176,200 2,894,300 2,480,900 2,067,400

I-4-19-I 4,314,100 3,697,800 3,081,500 3,763,700 3,226,000 2,688,300

P-8-13-I 7,404,600 6,346,800 5,289,000 6,731,400 5,769,800 4,808,200

U-4-15-I 3,263,600 2,797,400 2,331,100 2,847,200 2,440,400 2,033,700

W-1-11-I 2,459,200 2,107,900 1,756,600 2,145,400 1,838,900 1,532,400

J-4-17-I 4,065,000 3,484,300 2,903,600 3,546,300 3,039,700 2,533,100

J-4-21-I 3,948,900 3,384,800 2,820,600 3,751,500 3,215,500 2,679,600
J-4-16-I 4,945,600 4,239,000 3,532,500 4,698,300 4,027,100 3,355,900
A-4-13-I 2,239,600 1,919,700 1,599,700 1,553,900 1,331,900 1,109,900
S-4-10-I 2,989,800 2,562,700 2,135,600 2,608,300 2,235,700 1,863,100
G-4-24-I 3,252,900 2,788,200 2,323,500 2,837,800 2,432,400 2,027,000
G-4-24-I 3,252,900 2,788,200 2,323,500 2,837,800 2,432,400 2,027,000
I-4-12-I 3,822,200 3,276,200 2,730,200 3,334,500 2,858,200 2,381,800

I-4-12-I 3,822,200 3,276,200 2,730,200 3,334,500 2,858,200 2,381,800

B-4-14-I 4,628,200 3,967,000 3,305,800 4,037,600 3,460,800 2,884,000
S-4-16-I 5,689,000 4,876,300 4,063,600 4,963,100 4,254,100 3,545,100
L-4-14-I 3,244,300 2,780,800 2,317,300 2,830,300 2,426,000 2,021,700
J-4-21-I 3,948,900 3,384,800 2,820,600 3,751,500 3,215,500 2,679,600

E-4-11-I 3,256,200 2,791,100 2,325,900 2,840,700 2,434,900 2,029,100

A-4-13-I 2,239,600 1,919,700 1,599,700 1,553,900 1,331,900 1,109,900

L-4-14-I 3,244,300 2,780,800 2,317,300 2,830,300 2,426,000 2,021,700

A-4-13-I 2,239,600 1,919,700 1,599,700 1,553,900 1,331,900 1,109,900

E-4-10-I 4,942,600 4,236,500 3,530,400 4,695,500 4,024,700 3,353,900

K-4-17-I 2,086,900 1,788,700 1,490,600 1,602,100 1,373,300 1,144,400

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

M-4-12-I 3,248,000 2,784,000 2,320,000 2,833,500 2,428,700 2,024,000
K-4-18-I 1,844,000 1,580,600 1,317,200 1,608,700 1,378,900 1,149,100
J-4-20-I 5,682,000 4,870,300 4,058,600 4,957,000 4,248,900 3,540,700
G-4-22-I 3,747,600 3,212,200 2,676,900 3,560,200 3,051,600 2,543,000

I-4-17-I 2,609,800 2,236,900 1,864,100 2,479,300 2,125,100 1,770,900

U-4-13-I 2,710,300 2,323,100 1,935,900 2,574,800 2,207,000 1,839,100

A-4-12-I 3,724,200 3,192,200 2,660,200 3,538,000 3,032,600 2,527,100

M-4-12-I 3,248,000 2,784,000 2,320,000 2,833,500 2,428,700 2,024,000

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

M-1-80-I 9,269,800 7,945,500 6,621,300 8,087,000 6,931,700 5,776,400

M-1-20-I 13,618,500 11,673,000 9,727,500 11,880,900 10,183,600 8,486,300

M-1-70-I 16,306,800 13,977,300 11,647,700 14,226,100 12,193,800 10,161,500

M-1-30-I 9,342,700 8,008,000 6,673,300 8,150,600 6,986,200 5,821,800

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

M-1-80-I 9,269,800 7,945,500 6,621,300 8,087,000 6,931,700 5,776,400

M-1-20-I 13,618,500 11,673,000 9,727,500 11,880,900 10,183,600 8,486,300

M-1-70-I 16,306,800 13,977,300 11,647,700 14,226,100 12,193,800 10,161,500

M-1-30-I 9,342,700 8,008,000 6,673,300 8,150,600 6,986,200 5,821,800

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

M-1-80-I 9,269,800 7,945,500 6,621,300 8,087,000 6,931,700 5,776,400

M-1-20-I 13,618,500 11,673,000 9,727,500 11,880,900 10,183,600 8,486,300

M-1-70-I 16,306,800 13,977,300 11,647,700 14,226,100 12,193,800 10,161,500

M-1-30-I 9,342,700 8,008,000 6,673,300 8,150,600 6,986,200 5,821,800

M-1-60-I 8,801,800 7,544,400 6,287,000 7,678,700 6,581,700 5,484,800

N-4-10-I 3,651,800 3,130,100 2,608,400 3,185,900 2,730,700 2,275,600

I-4-12-I 3,822,200 3,276,200 2,730,200 3,334,500 2,858,200 2,381,800
M-1-80-I 9,269,800 7,945,500 6,621,300 8,087,000 6,931,700 5,776,400
K-4-11-I 3,175,000 2,721,500 2,267,900 3,016,300 2,585,400 2,154,500
K-4-17-I 2,086,900 1,788,700 1,490,600 1,602,100 1,373,300 1,144,400

K-4-17-I 2,086,900 1,788,700 1,490,600 1,602,100 1,373,300 1,144,400

I-4-12-I 3,822,200 3,276,200 2,730,200 3,334,500 2,858,200 2,381,800

N-4-10-I 3,651,800 3,130,100 2,608,400 3,185,900 2,730,700 2,275,600

E-4-10-I 4,942,600 4,236,500 3,530,400 4,695,500 4,024,700 3,353,900

W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800
N-4-15-I 3,326,100 2,851,000 2,375,800 2,901,700 2,487,200 2,072,700
J-4-21-I 3,948,900 3,384,800 2,820,600 3,751,500 3,215,500 2,679,600
G-4-26-I 4,392,400 3,764,900 3,137,400 3,832,000 3,284,500 2,737,100

K-1-50-I 6,561,500 5,624,100 4,686,800 5,724,300 4,906,500 4,088,800

K-1-12-I 3,672,200 3,147,600 2,623,000 3,203,600 2,746,000 2,288,300

K-4-18-I 1,844,000 1,580,600 1,317,200 1,608,700 1,378,900 1,149,100

W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800

E-4-11-I 3,256,200 2,791,100 2,325,900 2,840,700 2,434,900 2,029,100

I-4-24-I 3,320,600 2,846,300 2,371,900 2,896,900 2,483,100 2,069,200
K-4-18-I 1,844,000 1,580,600 1,317,200 1,608,700 1,378,900 1,149,100
A-4-15-I 4,875,400 4,178,900 3,482,400 4,253,300 3,645,700 3,038,100
E-4-12-I 3,741,300 3,206,900 2,672,400 3,264,000 2,797,700 2,331,400
M-4-17-I 4,063,900 3,483,400 2,902,800 3,545,400 3,038,900 2,532,400

I-4-20-I 4,492,300 3,850,500 3,208,800 3,919,100 3,359,200 2,799,400

K-4-15-I 2,875,500 2,464,800 2,054,000 2,410,500 2,066,100 1,721,800

G-4-14-I 5,524,400 4,735,200 3,946,000 4,819,500 4,131,000 3,442,500
A-4-14-I 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100

L-4-14-I 3,244,300 2,780,800 2,317,300 2,830,300 2,426,000 2,021,700

O-6-13-I 2,292,600 1,965,100 1,637,600 2,177,900 1,866,800 1,555,700

O-6-10-I 7,168,100 6,144,100 5,120,100 6,371,600 5,461,400 4,551,200
G-4-13-I 3,256,600 2,791,400 2,326,100 2,841,100 2,435,200 2,029,300

V-1-15-I 1,568,500 1,344,400 1,120,400 1,368,400 1,172,900 977,400

U-4-13-I 2,710,300 2,323,100 1,935,900 2,574,800 2,207,000 1,839,100

W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800

I-4-17-I 2,609,800 2,236,900 1,864,100 2,479,300 2,125,100 1,770,900

B-4-13-I 4,633,100 3,971,200 3,309,400 4,042,000 3,464,500 2,887,100

P-8-17-I 4,936,400 4,231,200 3,526,000 4,487,600 3,846,500 3,205,400

N-4-13-I 4,822,500 4,133,600 3,444,600 4,581,400 3,926,900 3,272,400

N-1-30-I 9,570,900 8,203,600 6,836,300 8,349,700 7,156,800 5,964,000

H-1-30-I 9,546,600 8,182,800 6,819,000 8,353,400 7,160,100 5,966,700

G-4-22-I 3,747,600 3,212,200 2,676,900 3,560,200 3,051,600 2,543,000

U-4-15-I 3,263,600 2,797,400 2,331,100 2,847,200 2,440,400 2,033,700

S-4-12-I 2,198,100 1,884,100 1,570,100 1,917,600 1,643,700 1,369,700

M-4-20-I 3,231,300 2,769,600 2,308,000 2,819,000 2,416,200 2,013,500

W-1-30-I 5,141,100 4,406,700 3,672,200 4,485,100 3,844,400 3,203,600

W-4-12-I 3,964,200 3,397,900 2,831,600 3,766,000 3,228,000 2,690,000

W-1-20-I 9,107,100 7,806,100 6,505,100 7,945,100 6,810,100 5,675,100

N-4-13-I 4,822,500 4,133,600 3,444,600 4,581,400 3,926,900 3,272,400

H-4-12-I 3,828,800 3,281,900 2,734,900 3,340,300 2,863,100 2,385,900
H-4-12-I 3,828,800 3,281,900 2,734,900 3,340,300 2,863,100 2,385,900
W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800
L-4-14-I 3,244,300 2,780,800 2,317,300 2,830,300 2,426,000 2,021,700
C-4-11-I 4,879,400 4,182,300 3,485,300 4,256,800 3,648,700 3,040,600
M-4-17-I 4,063,900 3,483,400 2,902,800 3,545,400 3,038,900 2,532,400
E-4-10-I 4,942,600 4,236,500 3,530,400 4,695,500 4,024,700 3,353,900
S-4-16-I 5,689,000 4,876,300 4,063,600 4,963,100 4,254,100 3,545,100
L-4-13-I 3,363,700 2,883,200 2,402,600 3,195,500 2,739,000 2,282,500
Z-4-11-I 3,006,900 2,577,300 2,147,800 2,405,500 2,061,900 1,718,200
A-4-14-I 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100

A-4-14-I 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100

A-4-14-I 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100

I-4-19-I 4,314,100 3,697,800 3,081,500 3,763,700 3,226,000 2,688,300

K-4-18-I 1,844,000 1,580,600 1,317,200 1,608,700 1,378,900 1,149,100

G-4-18-I 4,881,200 4,183,900 3,486,600 4,258,400 3,650,000 3,041,700
G-4-23-I 2,920,400 2,503,200 2,086,000 2,547,800 2,183,800 1,819,800
I-4-18-I 4,471,500 3,832,700 3,194,000 3,901,000 3,343,700 2,786,400
L-4-13-I 3,363,700 2,883,200 2,402,600 3,195,500 2,739,000 2,282,500

P-8-17-I 4,936,400 4,231,200 3,526,000 4,487,600 3,846,500 3,205,400

M-4-20-I 3,231,300 2,769,600 2,308,000 2,819,000 2,416,200 2,013,500

L-4-14-I 3,244,300 2,780,800 2,317,300 2,830,300 2,426,000 2,021,700
E-1-20-I 8,283,000 7,099,800 5,916,500 7,226,200 6,193,900 5,161,500
I-4-20-I 4,492,300 3,850,500 3,208,800 3,919,100 3,359,200 2,799,400

K-4-17-I 2,086,900 1,788,700 1,490,600 1,602,100 1,373,300 1,144,400

W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800

I-4-24-I 3,320,600 2,846,300 2,371,900 2,896,900 2,483,100 2,069,200

W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800

J-4-17-I 4,065,000 3,484,300 2,903,600 3,546,300 3,039,700 2,533,100

O-6-11-I 3,785,900 3,245,100 2,704,200 3,302,800 2,831,000 2,359,200

I-4-13-I 3,889,500 3,333,900 2,778,200 3,393,200 2,908,500 2,423,700

J-4-16-I 4,945,600 4,239,000 3,532,500 4,698,300 4,027,100 3,355,900
W-4-16-I 2,967,800 2,543,800 2,119,800 2,819,400 2,416,600 2,013,800
H-1-20-I 6,274,100 5,377,800 4,481,500 2,736,400 2,345,500 1,954,600
J-4-21-I 3,948,900 3,384,800 2,820,600 3,751,500 3,215,500 2,679,600
G-4-23-I 2,920,400 2,503,200 2,086,000 2,547,800 2,183,800 1,819,800
F-4-10-I 4,337,500 3,717,900 3,098,200 3,784,000 3,243,400 2,702,900
L-4-12-I 1,873,500 1,605,900 1,338,200 1,634,500 1,401,000 1,167,500
A-4-10-I 2,793,200 2,394,200 1,995,100 2,436,800 2,088,700 1,740,600

P-8-16-I 2,651,700 2,272,900 1,894,100 2,313,400 1,982,900 1,652,400

U-4-13-I 2,710,300 2,323,100 1,935,900 2,574,800 2,207,000 1,839,100

M-4-17-I 4,063,900 3,483,400 2,902,800 3,545,400 3,038,900 2,532,400
J-4-18-I 3,046,700 2,611,400 2,176,200 2,894,300 2,480,900 2,067,400

I-4-10-I 4,321,700 3,704,300 3,086,900 3,770,300 3,231,700 2,693,000

M-4-17-I 4,063,900 3,483,400 2,902,800 3,545,400 3,038,900 2,532,400
G-4-15-I 4,513,900 3,869,100 3,224,200 3,938,000 3,375,400 2,812,800
I-4-21-I 3,361,600 2,881,300 2,401,100 2,932,600 2,513,700 2,094,700

M-4-16-I 3,131,300 2,683,900 2,236,600 2,731,700 2,341,500 1,951,200

J-4-15-I 5,935,500 5,087,600 4,239,700 5,638,800 4,833,200 4,027,700

J-4-15-I 5,935,500 5,087,600 4,239,700 5,638,800 4,833,200 4,027,700
A-4-14-I 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100
D-4-13-I 3,291,600 2,821,400 2,351,200 2,871,600 2,461,400 2,051,200
A-4-14-I 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100 3,105,300 2,661,700 2,218,100
E-4-13-I 4,074,200 3,492,200 2,910,100 3,554,300 3,046,600 2,538,800
E-1-20-I 8,283,000 7,099,800 5,916,500 7,226,200 6,193,900 5,161,500
U-4-13-I 2,710,300 2,323,100 1,935,900 2,574,800 2,207,000 1,839,100
D-4-11-I 4,455,200 3,818,700 3,182,300 3,886,700 3,331,500 2,776,200

U-1-20-I 6,616,400 5,671,200 4,726,000 5,772,200 4,947,600 4,123,000

K-1-10-I 8,751,900 7,501,600 6,251,400 7,635,200 6,544,500 5,453,700

#N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

L-1-40 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A

G-4-26-I 4,392,400 3,764,900 3,137,400 3,832,000 3,284,500 2,737,100
U-1-30-I 5,674,300 4,863,700 4,053,100 4,950,300 4,243,100 3,535,900

H-1-20-I 6,274,100 5,377,800 4,481,500 2,736,400 2,345,500 1,954,600

L-4-14-I 3,244,300 2,780,800 2,317,300 2,830,300 2,426,000 2,021,700

W-4-12-I 3,964,200 3,397,900 2,831,600 3,766,000 3,228,000 2,690,000

W-1-20-I 9,107,100 7,806,100 6,505,100 7,945,100 6,810,100 5,675,100
V-4-11-I 4,069,500 3,488,200 2,906,800 3,550,300 3,043,100 2,535,900

L-1-50-I 7,202,400 6,173,400 5,144,500 6,283,400 5,385,700 4,488,100

U-1-13-I 7,252,400 6,216,300 5,180,300 5,994,000 5,137,700 4,281,400

N-4-15-I 3,326,100 2,851,000 2,375,800 2,901,700 2,487,200 2,072,700

V-1-12-I 9,521,400 8,161,200 6,801,000 8,306,500 7,119,900 5,933,200
U-4-11-I 1,946,600 1,668,500 1,390,400 1,698,200 1,455,600 1,213,000
K-4-17-I 2,086,900 1,788,700 1,490,600 1,602,100 1,373,300 1,144,400
1 2 3

1,231,600 1,055,700 879,700

2,114,200 1,812,100 1,510,100

4,929,800 4,225,500 3,521,300

1,683,500 1,443,000 1,202,500

2,923,600 2,506,000 2,088,300

2,652,000 2,273,200 1,894,300

2,209,800 1,894,100 1,578,400

3,879,000 3,324,800 2,770,700

2,957,800 2,535,200 2,112,700

4,929,800 4,225,500 3,521,300

2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300

4,036,700 3,460,000 2,883,300
3,721,400 3,189,800 2,658,200
3,876,600 3,322,800 2,769,000
2,760,200 2,365,800 1,971,500
2,981,200 2,555,300 2,129,400

3,876,600 3,322,800 2,769,000

6,933,400 5,942,900 4,952,400

2,932,600 2,513,600 2,094,700

2,209,800 1,894,100 1,578,400

3,652,700 3,130,900 2,609,100

3,864,000 3,312,000 2,760,000
4,839,200 4,147,900 3,456,600
1,600,500 1,371,900 1,143,200
2,686,500 2,302,700 1,919,000
2,923,000 2,505,400 2,087,800
2,923,000 2,505,400 2,087,800
3,434,500 2,943,900 2,453,200

3,434,500 2,943,900 2,453,200

4,158,800 3,564,700 2,970,500
5,112,000 4,381,700 3,651,400
2,915,200 2,498,800 2,082,300
3,864,000 3,312,000 2,760,000

2,926,000 2,508,000 2,090,000

1,600,500 1,371,900 1,143,200

2,915,200 2,498,800 2,082,300

1,600,500 1,371,900 1,143,200

4,836,300 4,145,400 3,454,500

1,650,200 1,414,400 1,178,700

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

2,918,500 2,501,600 2,084,700
1,657,000 1,420,300 1,183,600
5,105,700 4,376,300 3,646,900
3,667,000 3,143,200 2,619,300

2,553,600 2,188,800 1,824,000

2,652,000 2,273,200 1,894,300

3,644,100 3,123,600 2,603,000

2,918,500 2,501,600 2,084,700

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

8,329,600 7,139,600 5,949,700

12,237,300 10,489,100 8,740,900

14,652,900 12,559,700 10,466,400

8,395,100 7,195,800 5,996,500

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

8,329,600 7,139,600 5,949,700

12,237,300 10,489,100 8,740,900

14,652,900 12,559,700 10,466,400

8,395,100 7,195,800 5,996,500

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

8,329,600 7,139,600 5,949,700

12,237,300 10,489,100 8,740,900

14,652,900 12,559,700 10,466,400

8,395,100 7,195,800 5,996,500

7,909,000 6,779,200 5,649,300

3,281,400 2,812,700 2,343,900

3,434,500 2,943,900 2,453,200
8,329,600 7,139,600 5,949,700
3,106,800 2,663,000 2,219,100
1,650,200 1,414,400 1,178,700

1,650,200 1,414,400 1,178,700

3,434,500 2,943,900 2,453,200

3,281,400 2,812,700 2,343,900

4,836,300 4,145,400 3,454,500

2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300
2,988,800 2,561,800 2,134,800
3,864,000 3,312,000 2,760,000
3,946,900 3,383,100 2,819,200

5,896,000 5,053,700 4,211,400

3,299,700 2,828,300 2,356,900

1,657,000 1,420,300 1,183,600

2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300

2,926,000 2,508,000 2,090,000

2,983,800 2,557,600 2,131,300
1,657,000 1,420,300 1,183,600
4,380,900 3,755,000 3,129,200
3,361,900 2,881,600 2,401,300
3,651,800 3,130,100 2,608,400

4,036,700 3,460,000 2,883,300

2,482,800 2,128,100 1,773,400

4,964,100 4,255,000 3,545,800
3,198,500 2,741,600 2,284,600

2,915,200 2,498,800 2,082,300

2,243,300 1,922,800 1,602,300

6,562,800 5,625,200 4,687,700
2,926,300 2,508,200 2,090,200

1,409,400 1,208,100 1,006,700

2,652,000 2,273,200 1,894,300

2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300

2,553,600 2,188,800 1,824,000

4,163,200 3,568,500 2,973,700

4,622,200 3,961,900 3,301,600

4,718,800 4,044,700 3,370,600

8,600,100 7,371,500 6,143,000

8,604,000 7,374,900 6,145,700

3,667,000 3,143,200 2,619,300

2,932,600 2,513,600 2,094,700

1,975,100 1,693,000 1,410,800

2,903,500 2,488,700 2,073,900

4,619,700 3,959,700 3,299,800

3,879,000 3,324,800 2,770,700

8,183,400 7,014,400 5,845,300

4,718,800 4,044,700 3,370,600

3,440,500 2,949,000 2,457,500
3,440,500 2,949,000 2,457,500
2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300
2,915,200 2,498,800 2,082,300
4,384,500 3,758,200 3,131,800
3,651,800 3,130,100 2,608,400
4,836,300 4,145,400 3,454,500
5,112,000 4,381,700 3,651,400
3,291,400 2,821,200 2,351,000
2,477,700 2,123,700 1,769,800
3,198,500 2,741,600 2,284,600

3,198,500 2,741,600 2,284,600

3,198,500 2,741,600 2,284,600

3,876,600 3,322,800 2,769,000

1,657,000 1,420,300 1,183,600

4,386,100 3,759,500 3,132,900
2,624,200 2,249,300 1,874,400
4,018,000 3,444,000 2,870,000
3,291,400 2,821,200 2,351,000

4,622,200 3,961,900 3,301,600

2,903,500 2,488,700 2,073,900

2,915,200 2,498,800 2,082,300
7,442,900 6,379,700 5,316,400
4,036,700 3,460,000 2,883,300

1,650,200 1,414,400 1,178,700

2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300

2,983,800 2,557,600 2,131,300

2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300

3,652,700 3,130,900 2,609,100

3,401,900 2,915,900 2,429,900

3,495,000 2,995,700 2,496,500

4,839,200 4,147,900 3,456,600
2,904,000 2,489,100 2,074,300
2,818,500 2,415,900 2,013,200
3,864,000 3,312,000 2,760,000
2,624,200 2,249,300 1,874,400
3,897,500 3,340,700 2,783,900
1,683,500 1,443,000 1,202,500
2,509,900 2,151,300 1,792,800

2,382,800 2,042,400 1,702,000

2,652,000 2,273,200 1,894,300

3,651,800 3,130,100 2,608,400
2,981,200 2,555,300 2,129,400

3,883,400 3,328,600 2,773,800

3,651,800 3,130,100 2,608,400
4,056,100 3,476,700 2,897,200
3,020,600 2,589,100 2,157,600

2,813,700 2,411,700 2,009,800

5,807,900 4,978,200 4,148,500

5,807,900 4,978,200 4,148,500
3,198,500 2,741,600 2,284,600
2,957,800 2,535,200 2,112,700
3,198,500 2,741,600 2,284,600
3,661,000 3,138,000 2,615,000
7,442,900 6,379,700 5,316,400
2,652,000 2,273,200 1,894,300
4,003,300 3,431,400 2,859,500

5,945,300 5,096,000 4,246,700

7,864,200 6,740,800 5,617,300

#N/A #N/A #N/A

#N/A #N/A #N/A

3,946,900 3,383,100 2,819,200
5,098,800 4,370,400 3,642,000

2,818,500 2,415,900 2,013,200

2,915,200 2,498,800 2,082,300

3,879,000 3,324,800 2,770,700

8,183,400 7,014,400 5,845,300
3,656,800 3,134,400 2,612,000

6,471,900 5,547,300 4,622,800

6,173,800 5,291,900 4,409,900

2,988,800 2,561,800 2,134,800

8,555,700 7,333,500 6,111,200
1,749,100 1,499,300 1,249,400
1,650,200 1,414,400 1,178,700

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