Tennis - Table Tennis Workout Handout F

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Tennis & Table Tennis Workout

Warm Up:
● Hug your right knee for 15 seconds, then switch legs
● Bring your feet together, keep your legs straight, and reach for your toes for 30 seconds
● 15 jumping jacks
● Shake your hands for a few seconds to keep them loose and ready

Agility Exercises:​ ​Agility is necessary while playing tennis & table tennis because you constantly have
to move around and change direction. The next exercise will help with your agility.
● Bunny Hops​ (20 seconds)
○ Find/make a line on the floor and stand on one side of it
○ Jump side to side across the line as fast as possible
Challenge: ​Count how many jumps you do in 20 seconds. Take a short break and repeat
the exercise while trying to get a higher number than the first attempt.
Strength Exercises:​ Strength can help tennis & table tennis players hit with more power. The next
exercises will focus on improving your power.
● Push ups​ (10 reps)
● Side Lunges​ (5 reps each side)
○ Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width apart
○ Shift your body weight to one leg, bending the knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle
while keeping the other leg straight
○ Return to center and switch sides
Flexibility Exercises:​ Flexibility is important for both tennis & table tennis players looking to play for
many years. The next few stretches will help keep your arms, wrists, and ankles flexible and healthy
● Shoulder Stretch ​(20 second holds each side)
○ Reach one arm across your chest and use your other hand to pull your arm closer to the
● Wrist Stretch ​(20 second holds each side)
○ Put one arm straight out and use the other hand to pull back on the outside AND inside
of your fingers
● Ankle Stretch ​(10 seconds each side)
○ Take a seat with your legs straight out
○ Lift one foot in the air, now using your big toe, pretend to draw out the abc’s with your
○ Once you get all the way to z or as far as you can switch feet.
Hand-Eye Coordination:​ Hand-eye coordination is the ability to use hand and eye movement at the
same time to accomplish a task. Tennis & table tennis players must have great hand-eye coordination
to be able to hit a ball coming at them with their racquet or paddle. The next activity will help work on
your hand-eye coordination.
● Ball Rally
○ Grab a ping pong ball and paddle if you have them
■ If not, find a small ball or a paper ball and something flat and solid like a book
○ While holding the item you are using as a paddle, place the ball on top of it
○ Slightly tap the ball upwards and continue to tap it while keeping it in the air
○ How many times can you tap the ball without it hitting the floor? 10? 50? 100?

Cool Down:
Find a seat on the floor or on a couch or chair. Make sure your back is nice and straight. Close your
eyes with your hands on your lap. Take 10 deep breaths. Repeat if needed. You’re all done! Great job!
Make sure you drink some water with a healthy snack.

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