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 term used to describe the items of equipment (hardware) and computer programs
(software) that allow us to access retrieve, store, organize, manipulate, and present
information by electronic means
 term used to describe telecommunications equipment through which information can be
sought and accessed, for example, faxes, modems, computers


 collectively refers to the technologies, both hardware and software, that enable humans
to communicate with one another

Information- refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or

Communication- act of transmitting messages and a process whereby information is
exchanged between individuals.
Technology- application of science used to solve problems.

What are the functions of ICT in the Organization?

1.Communication. The availability of high-speed Internet provides efficient communication.
Business organizations nowadays can send and receive emails in split second compared to the
traditional snail mail. Video conferencing enables virtual collaboration which makes meeting
easier. Internet allows the users to access the latest information around the world.
2. Data Management. As technology advances, businesses have acquired voluminous data in
the form of text, voice, and video. Data management function allows managing data as the most
important resource in the organization to maintain their competitive advantage.
3. Marketing. IT plays very important role in marketing. This includes the creation of online
advertisement, filtering consumer behavioral patterns through the use of different social media
platform to determine buying patterns and identify new business opportunities.
4. Process Improvement. IT can make human processes more efficient. This also improves
business processes to achieve cost savings like paperless communication to reduce printing and
duplication costs while achieving reliable data transfer. The virtual collaborations eliminate the
travel costs and increase employee productivity.
5. Enterprise Resource Planning. A management information system that integrates the
vital functions of an organization like sales, manufacturing, human resources, inventory,
purchasing, and accounting.


1. COMPUTER-an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in a binary form
according to instructions given to it in a variable program.
 Hardware: (physical components)
Radio, Television, Smart or non-smartphones, Desktops, Laptops
 Software
Applications, Platforms
INPUT DEVICES-any hardware device that sends data to a computer, allowing you to interact with and
control it.
OUTPUT DEVICES-any piece of computer hardware equipment which converts information into a
human-perceptible form
STORAGE DEVICES-a device that is used to store information
2. INTERNET- is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use an internet
protocol suite to link billions of devices worldwide.
3. WORL WIDE WEB (www)- information system on the internet that allows documents to be
connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by
moving from one document to another.
 A document for the World Wide Web that is identified by a unique uniform
resource locator (URL).
 A Web page can be accessed and displayed on a monitor or mobile device
through a Web browser such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft
Internet Explorer or Edge, or Apple's Safari.
 May contain multimedia files such as text, images, audio, video, gifts, etc.


-Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays an important part in our lives and in all aspects
in our society.
ICT has become the main method of:
 communication,
 getting information and education,
 attaining services from business, hospitals utilities, government,
 purchasing products and services, and
 doing personal and business transactions, and social advocacies and awareness
ICT in the Philippines
 Philippines is dubbed as “ICT HUB OF ASIA”
 Huge growth of ICT-related jobs like the BPO or Business Process Outsourcing centers
 According to the 2013 edition of Measuring the Information Society by the International
Telecommunication Union, there are 106.8 cell phones per 100 Filipinos in the year 2012.
 In a data gathered by the Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industries in 2010, the ICT
industry shares 19.3% of the total employment population here in the Philippines.
 In 2013, Time Magazine identified two cities from the Philippines as Top 1 and Top 9 (Makati
City and Cebu City) as the “The Selfiest Cities around the World”. The study was conducted
using Instagram.
Web 1.0 (Static Web)
 When the World Wide Web was invented, most web pages were static. Static means a flat or
stationary page. The inventor of the world wide web was Tim Berners-Lee.
 The page is “as is” and cannot be manipulated by the user.
 The content is also the same for all users.
WEB 2.0 (Dynamic Web)
 Web 2.0 was coined by Darcy DiNucci on January 1999.
 It is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages – the user is able to see a website
differently than others.
 Example of this includes social networking sites, blogs, wikis, video sharing sites, etc.
Web 3.0 (Semantic Web)
 Web 3.0 aims to do better than 2.0.
 The aim of Web 3.0 is to have machines understand the user’s preference to deliver web content
targeting the user.
 This is yet to be fully realized because of several problems like compatibility, security, vastness,
vagueness, and logic.
The Key Features of Web 2.0
1. Folksonomy – this allows users to categorize and classify or arrange information using freely
chosen keywords. This is also known as social tagging. Popular social networking sites such as
Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc. use tags that start with the pound sign (#). This is also referred
to as hashtag.
2. Rich User Experience – content is dynamic and is responsive to user’s input. An example would
be a website that shows local content. In the case of social networking sites, when logged on,
your account is used to modify what you see in their website.
3. User Participation – the owner of the website is not the only one who is able to put content.
Others are able to place content of their own by means of comments, reviews and evaluation.
Some websites allow readers to comment on an article, participate in a poll, or review a specific
4. Long Tail Services – services that are offered on demand rather than on the one-time purchase.
This is synonymous to subscribing to a data plan that charges you for the amount of time spent in
the internet, or a data plan that charges you for the amount of bandwidth you use.
5. Software as a Service – users will subscribe to a software only when needed rather than
purchasing them. This is a cheaper option if you do not always need to use a software. Software
as a service allows you to “rent” a software for a minimal fee.
6. Mass Participation – diverse information sharing through universal web access. Since most
users can use the internet, Web 2.0’s content is based on people from various cultures.
1. Technological Convergence
 Is the synergy of technological advancements to work on a similar goal or task (e.g. PC and smart
phone, LTE technology)
 It is an evolution of technical developments that merge into a new system bringing together
different types of applications and media.
2. Social Media
 It is a collection of internet-based communication tools and computer-assisted channels dedicated
to allow users to interact, communicate, and share information in a virtual community and
 websites, applications, or online channels that enable users to create, co-create, discuss, modify
and exchange user-generated content
 According to Nielsen, a global information and measurement company, Internet users spend more
time in social media sites than in any other type of site. With this, more and more advertisers use
social media to promote their business.

6 Types of Social Media

1. Social Networks or Social Networking Sites
 Sites that allow you to connect with other people with the same interests and background
2. Bookmarking Sites
 Sites that allow you to store and manage links to various websites and sources.
3. Social News
 Sites that allow users to post their own news items or links to other news sources
4. Media Sharing Sites
 Sites that allow you to upload and share media content like images, music and video.
5. Microblogging Sites
 Sites that focus on short updates from the user.
6. Blogs and Forums
 Sites that allow users to post their content
3. Mobile Technologies
 Smartphone is an integration of various technologies rolled into one, such as the cellular
phone, PDA (portable digital assistant), photo and video sharing.
“Assistive media was the first internet-based audio reading service for persons with print reading barriers
thereby operating a unique avenue of accessibility for many individuals with cognitive, physical, and
communication disabilities.”
-David H. Erdoby

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