Towards A Sustainable Indonesia

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"Towards a Sustainable Indonesia: Reasons for Hope"

"Advocating Social Justice through Sustainable Development Policies"

Growing up in North Sumatra's Karo highlands, I embodied my parents' dream of attaining

higher education for societal betterment. As the first in my immediate family to earn a
bachelor's degree, I pursued International Relations at Universitas Sebelas Maret, specializing in
International Economics and Cooperation.

My academic journey was enriched by pivotal experiences. Serving as a translation and editing
staff member at Swarnadwipa Publishing (2017-2020) honed my language and writing skills,
offering exposure to diverse literary genres. A consular internship at the Indonesian Consulate
General in Penang unveiled the complexities faced by migrant workers, sparking a passion for
human rights and humanitarian efforts.

These diverse experiences, spanning literature and consular work, form the tapestry linking my
past to my envisioned future at the Master's level. As I embark on postgraduate studies in
Social, Development, and Sustainability, I aspire to translate passion into a meaningful career.
Fuelled by consular insights and refined writing skills, my goal is to contribute to policy
development and advocate for societal issues. Ultimately, I aim to collaborate with
governmental or non-governmental organizations dedicated to fostering positive societal

Post-graduation, I seized an invaluable opportunity to serve as a Partnership Officer at

Universitas Indonesia GreenMetric World University Rankings (UIGM) in 2021. UIGM stands as a
dedicated force committed to elevating sustainability standards within learning environments
globally, with a particular focus on university campuses. This role has provided me with a unique
perspective on sustainability in higher education and has allowed me to contribute to a cause I
am deeply passionate about.

My time as a Partnership Officer involved serving as a crucial link between UIGM, service users,
partners, international organizations, and governmental bodies. Managing relationships with
over 20 partner institutions, clients, and service consumers underscored the significance of
collaboration in fostering sustainability within the academic sphere. Additionally, active
participation in the 7th International (Virtual) Workshop of the UI GreenMetric World University
Rankings (IWGM) further enriched my understanding of global sustainability initiatives.

In essence, my journey from academic endeavours to professional experiences has been a

continuous exploration and integration of diverse perspectives. It has strengthened my resolve
to contribute to societal welfare through informed policy development and impactful advocacy.
As I embark on the next phase of my educational journey, I carry with me a rich tapestry of
experiences that will undoubtedly shape my future contributions to the fields of Social,
Development, and Sustainability.
In my capacity as a Partnership Officer, I played a pivotal role as the primary liaison between
UIGM, service users, partners, international organizations, and governmental bodies. A key facet
of my responsibilities involved adeptly managing relationships with over 20 partner institutions,
clients, and service consumers. Furthermore, I actively engaged in the 7th International (Virtual)
Workshop of the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings (IWGM) hosted at Universiti Putra
Malaysia in Kuala Lumpur. My participation as a committee member not only saw my
attendance at the workshop but also included a substantial contribution to the publication of
the essay titled "Ventilation and Airflow in the Post-Covid-19 Classroom." This essay gained
global recognition and was published by Universiti Putra Malaysia.

My tenure as a Partnership Officer has bestowed upon me invaluable experience in the

sustainability sector, particularly within the domain of higher education and campus
environments. This experience has offered profound insights into effective advocacy for these
critical issues. Collaborating with diverse institutions, I gleaned the significance of cultivating a
strong commitment to sustainability, fostering green practices, and championing energy-
efficient teaching and learning environments within the education sector. Armed with this
knowledge, I am poised to set an example and facilitate extensive collaboration with
stakeholders keen on implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a global scale.

From my formative years in high school, my passion has been unwaveringly directed toward the
humanities, environmental issues, and developmental concerns. This commitment has
manifested through active participation in youth organizations, dedicated volunteer work, and
scholarly engagements in discussions on humanitarian and environmental topics during my
college years. Noteworthy instances include my involvement in the humanitarian response to
Mount Sinabung's eruption, contributions to the JEMARI teaching movement for
underprivileged children in Surakarta, and serving as the Coordinator for Counselling on Early
Sex Education, Environment, Gender Equality, Passion for Higher Education, and Tourism
Awareness Youth Movement for students in Kupang Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. Additionally,
my academic journey includes the authorship of numerous articles and journals, often revolving
around environmental and humanitarian themes as part of academic assignments.

The spectrum of my volunteer activities has been instrumental in exposing me to a diverse array
of concerns, broadening my understanding beyond familiar topics and unveiling interconnected
disciplines of Humanity and the Environment. These engagements have not only enriched my
knowledge but have also facilitated the expansion of my network, enabling deeper exploration
into these multifaceted subjects.

The pivotal decision to pursue studies in Social Justice with a specialization in Development and
Sustainability stems from the ambitious goals set by the Indonesian government for a Golden
and Advanced Indonesia, particularly emphasizing environmental awareness and addressing
climate change. A specific concern that drew my attention is the lack of environmental literacy
in prominent locations such as tourist hotspots and national parks, exemplified by the situation
at Lake Toba Caldera. During my college years, my focus shifted to conducting research on the
environmental challenges confronting Lake Toba, the world's largest volcanic lake, managed by
seven distinct local governments from different regencies.

The intricate issues surrounding Lake Toba highlight the absence of a shared vision among
regional leaders for environmental protection. This gap is evident in challenges like the adverse
impact of floating net cages on the lake's ecosystem, the necessity for innovative strategies to
enhance water quality and the lake's ecosystem, and the urgent need to prohibit the disposal of
domestic waste into the lake—a concern I personally witnessed. This first-hand experience has
fuelled my determination to address these challenges comprehensively.

As I embark on studies in Social Justice with a focus on Development and Sustainability, I aim to
channel this passion and hands-on experience into academic pursuits that contribute to
tangible solutions. My academic journey will not only equip me with theoretical foundations but
also empower me with practical insights to advocate for sustainable policies and effect positive
change. I see my educational trajectory as a continuum of my commitment to making a
substantial impact in the intersecting realms of humanity, environment, and development,
aligning with Indonesia's vision for a sustainable and equitable future.

The critical environmental challenges facing Indonesia, particularly concerning its multitude of
lakes, demand urgent attention. Issues such as eutrophication, sedimentation, and pollution are
escalating, posing a threat to the delicate ecological balance. The root cause of this
deterioration can be traced back to management practices primarily focused on exploitation
rather than preservation. The uniformity in challenges across Indonesian lakes, notably the
detrimental impact of phosphate waste pollution leading to eutrophication, resulting in the
proliferation of invasive plants like water hyacinth, underscores the gravity of the situation.

A glaring illustration of this environmental degradation is witnessed in the case of two lakes in
West Sumatra, namely Lake Maninjau and Lake Singkarak. These lakes, emblematic of the
broader issue, grapple with challenges exacerbated by insufficient local government regulations.
The inadequacy is particularly evident in the granting of permits for the construction of floating
net cages, further contributing to the degradation of water quality and ecosystem health.

In response to these pressing challenges, I am resolute in my commitment to collaborative

initiatives with environmental activists, non-governmental organizations, and key government
entities such as the Environment Agency and related ministries. Our collective objective is to
formulate robust public policies that transcend existing inadequacies and pave the way for the
establishment of new environmental conservation areas, guided by the principles embedded in
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To catalyse awareness and action, I envision a multi-faceted approach involving seminars,

training sessions, and brief talks. This outreach is designed to resonate with environmental
activists, students, and local communities, instilling a deeper understanding of the imperative to
safeguard our environment. Presently, the absence of immediate and legally binding
environmental measures enforced by local administrations poses a significant hurdle. This lax
regulatory environment permits businesses and investors in the lake region to operate without
adherence to proper waste management practices or recycling initiatives, blatantly disregarding
the established criteria outlined in Environmental Impact Analysis.

By actively engaging with stakeholders and advocating for stringent environmental policies, I
aim to contribute to a transformative paradigm in environmental conservation. Through
collaborative efforts, I aspire to instigate positive change, fostering sustainable practices and
ensuring the preservation of Indonesia's invaluable natural resources for generations to come.

To delve deeper into global policy and Sustainable Development Goals, I have chosen to study in
Australia. Australia, a pioneer in blue carbon initiatives, advocates for stronger collaboration in
the Indian Ocean region to mitigate the impacts of climate change and foster long-term
economic growth. The recognition of the iconic Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre and its distributary
systems in the Lake Eyre Basin Intergovernmental Agreement 2001 attests to Australia's success
in preserving its wetlands, making it a compelling choice for my academic pursuit.

Hence, my selection led me to the University of Sydney, renowned for its Social Justice program
with a specialization in Development Studies. This academic path delves into the intricate
challenges of sustainable development, human rights, and the establishment of enduring peace
on local, national, and global levels through the lens of social justice. The coursework not only
imparts theoretical foundations but also provides practical insights into human rights,
development policy, and program outcomes. My tailored research focuses on sustainable policy
innovation in aquatic and forest environmental conservation management. Additionally, the
University of Sydney houses the Institute for Global Sustainability (IGS), conducting major
projects such as Carbon Free Sydney, Impact Measurement & Allocation Program (IMAP), and
global partnerships with esteemed institutions. Pursuing this program promises invaluable
insights and skills in advocating for and addressing SDGs, aligning with Indonesia's path to
sustainable development and equitable humanity as envisioned by the Pancasila philosophy.

Upon completing my education, I plan to apply the knowledge gained in tandem with a
governmental agency or NGO dedicated to development and sustainability. Moreover, I aspire
to serve as a guest lecturer at Universitas Sebelas Maret, where I can teach in the realms of
public policy and the environment, addressing gaps in the current program offerings. Through
these platforms, my aim is to educate students, community leaders, and the public on
sustainable forestry and aquatic environments, contributing to the government's vision of a
Golden Indonesia with sustainable development.

I pledge to dedicate my master's education in Social Justice on Development Studies to advance

the greater good of Indonesia through a focus on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the
short term, my goal is to contribute actively by working as a specialist in Development Policy
within governmental bodies or esteemed NGOs such as UNICEF, WWF, or the United Nations. By
engaging in impactful roles, I aim to play a hands-on part in shaping and implementing policies
that align with SDGs, fostering positive change at a national and global level. Looking ahead to
the long term, my aspiration is to become an expert in combating water pollution in Indonesia. I
envision pioneering innovative solutions and strategies that will not only address the immediate
challenges but also serve as a benchmark for other nations seeking effective approaches to
tackle water pollution.

Additionally, I will contribute to Mata Garuda by serving as a professional public policy

consultant and participating in the Mata Garuda Institute (MGI) program as a member of the
LPDP alumni association. Through MGI, I aim to conduct policy research independently or in
collaboration with government ministries and agencies, leveraging my expertise to develop,
uphold, and implement environmental legislation in Indonesia.

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