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My name is Uriel Mora Condado. I was born on March 21, 2006. I am

Mexican, and currently, I live in Puebla. I entered preschool in 2009
when I was three years old. There, I met my first friend named Emiliano
López Piña. In preschool, I also played on my first soccer team with my
classmates. I learned how to read, add, and subtract in preschool. I
started elementary school at the age of six, and in the first few weeks, I
used to get bored in class because they taught subjects I already
knew. As time passed, my best friend from elementary school, Yair,
spoke to me for the first time. He was much taller than me, but we
always got along well.

I graduated from elementary school at the age of 12. I studied at

Technical Secondary School Number 98, where I took courses in office
automation. I graduated from high school at the age of 15. I missed my
first year of high school due to family problems. Currently, I am
studying computer equipment support and maintenance at CETis 104.

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