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In the history of Muay Thai or Thai boxing, there's no evidence of its origin.

Muay Thai has been with Thai people for years. In the old days, Muay Thai was practiced and
popular on military bases. Often, Thailand had many defending battles with neighboring
countries. Modern ammunition was not always available. They used swords and spears for
fighting. So, the practice of kicking and punching were very crucial. Muay Thai boxing could help
in any short-distance combat.

Muay Thai has been spreading into the martial arts. Thai boxing shows are always seen
at many local festivals. Thai folks become more interested in training Muay Thai. These are the
reasons why many Muay Thai gyms arise. The purpose of Muay Thai training in the previous
days were for two reasons. One, fighting. And two, protecting oneself. During peaceful time,
Muay Thai was very popular at various festivals. Usually, some bets were involved for joyfulness
among viewers. Normally, the boxing matches were between skilled Muay Thai boxers from
one village and another. In the old days, punches were mostly used in Thai boxing without
gloves. In the Ayutthaya period, Klaad Chuak or fists fastened with ropes occurred.

With this type, Muay Thai used the hands to hold, break, twist, and throw the opponent.
Thai boxers therefore used tactics rather than strength. Mamai Muay Thai or Muay Thai
movement was developed in various dangerous fighting techniques. In ancient times, Muay
Thai was divided into different groups according to the regions. Mainly, there were four groups.
Muay Tha Sao, Muay Korat, Muay Chaiya, Muay Lapruli, and Muay Pranakon.

The fighting style varied according to their training. Later, Muay Thai developed into a
sport. The proper boxing equipment and rules have been set up for safety and fair score
decision. Some aspects of Muay Thai movement cannot be used in the competition. So a Muay
Thai chorus has been generally established as it is seen now. Back to the history, Muay Thai has
evolved over many generations.

It has merged many harmonious cultures together such as spiritual beliefs, black magic,
songs, literature, morals, and ethics. From past to present, it has been a tradition that Thai
boxers still maintain Klop Kru ritual or acceptance of master, Wai Kru ritual or paying respect to
the teacher, and boxing dance music. Therefore, Muay Thai is both a science and an art. It's a
magic tool for training people. Precisely, it helps develop physical body, emotion, mentality,
and intelligence. Really, it makes a healthy body and mind live happily in society. In addition,
Muay Thai is a central media for foreigners to understand more about Thai culture and Thai
tradition. They are fascinated and cherish Muay Thai as it is a science and art which is created
for the world.


1. The origin of Muay Thai is unknown.

2. Muay Thai was practiced on military bases in the old days.

3. Modern ammunition was always available in the old days.

4. Muay Thai was only used for long-distance combat.

5. Muay Thai was only used for fighting and protecting oneself.

6. Muay Thai was not popular at various festivals in the old days.

7. Punches were mostly used in Thai boxing with gloves.

8. Klaad Chuak was a type of Muay Thai that used the hands to hold, break, twist, and
throw the opponent.

9. Muay Thai was divided into five groups according to the regions.

10. Muay Thai has not evolved over many generations.


John: Hey, have you heard about the history of Muay Thai?

Jessica: No, what's it all about?

John: Well, it's a martial art that originated in Thailand. The interesting thing is that
there's no evidence of its origin.

Jessica: Really? How did it become so popular then?

John: In old days, Muay Thai was practiced and popular on military bases because
Thailand often had many defending battles with neighboring countries and modern
ammunition was not always available. They used swords and spears for fighting, so kicking and
punching were very crucial kinds of training.

Jessica: That's fascinating! So, when did people start practicing Muay Thai as an art form
rather than just for combat strategy?

John: Over time, Muay Thai evolved into a sport and proper boxing equipment and rules
were set up for safety and fair score decisions. But even though some aspects of its movement
cannot be used in competition, it still remains both a science and an art.

Jessica: It seems like there's a lot of cultural significance to Muay Thai!

John: Yeah, precisely! From past to present, it has been a tradition that Thai boxers still
maintain Klop Kru ritual or acceptance of master, Wai Kru ritual or respect toward teacher and
boxing dance music. In fact, Muay Thai serves as an incredible teaching tool that helps develop
physical body, emotion, mentality, and intelligence.

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