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Submitted in fulfillment of the award of Degree of

(Specialization: Wireless Communication & Network)

Submitted by:
Roll No. : 13/PIT/087

Under the Supervision of

DR. RAJESH MISHRA (Assistant Professor)


May, 2015

I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the thesis entitled, “A Compact
Planar Internal Antenna for Mobile Phone”, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of degree of Master of Technology in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) with Specialization in Wireless Communication & Networks submitted
to the School of Information and Communication Technology, Gautam Buddha University,
Greater Noida is an authentic record of my own bonafide work carried out under the
supervision of Dr. Rajesh Mishra.

The matter presented in the thesis has not been submitted for award of any other degree of
this or any other University.

(Raj Deepak Fuloria)

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct and true to the
best of my knowledge.

(Dr. Rajesh Mishra)

Asst. Professor

Countersigned by

(Dr. Rajesh Mishra) (Prof. Anuradha Mishra)

Head of Department Prof. and Dean
Electronics & Communication Engineering School of ICT
Gautam Buddha University, Gautam Buddha University,
Greater Noida Greater Noida


Candidate’s Declaration

I hereby declare that the work embodied in this dissertation report entitled “A COMPACT
PLANAR INTERNAL ANTENNA FOR MOBILE PHONE” submitted in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the award of degree of M.Tech in Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) with Specialization in Wireless Communication & Networks submitted to the
School of Information and Communication Technology, Gautam Buddha University, Greater
Noida is an authentic record of my own bonafide work carried out under the supervision of Dr.
Rajesh Mishra School of ICT and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. This work
has been undertaken taking care of engineering ethics. It contains no material previously
published or written by another person nor material which has been accepted for the award of
any other degree or diploma of any university or other institute of higher learning, except where
due acknowledgment has been made in the text. Responsibility for any plagiarism related issue
stands solely with me.

Name and Signature of the Student: ..................

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief. However, responsibility for any plagiarism related issue solely stands with
the student.

Signature of the Supervisor............................................

Name with Designation Dr. Rajesh Mishra
(Assistant Professor)

Place: Greater Noida

Radio broadcasting and communications seems to hold a strange kind of magical allure
that attracts a wide variety of people and holds them for years. There is something fascinating
about the ability to project yourself over vast intercontinental distances. Communication between
humans was first by sound through voice. With the desire for slightly more distance
communication came, devices such as drums, then, visual methods such as signal flags and
smoke signals were used. These optical communication devices, of course, utilized the light
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has been only very recent in human history that the
electromagnetic spectrum, outside the visible region, has been employed for communication,
through the use of radio.
In mobile phones and several other wireless communication devices, antenna is an
important element which decides the quality & performance of the device over various
communication standards. In last few years mobile phones has evolved rapidly and they are
required to give various services like data, voice, Internet & multimedia content without
compromising on their weight, volume and performance. Existing wireless services including
LTE, GPS, GSM, PCS, DCS, GPS, UMTS, WLAN and Wi‐MAX etc. are needed to be
supported by the handsets. Each technique offers different advantages, depending on the
required application. The recent growth and rapid development of mobile communication and
devices operating at multiple frequency bands has lead to the requirement of antennas which
supports multiband or wideband operation.
With Fourth Generation (4G) wireless communication systems evolution worldwide, the
demand for handsets to operate on both old & new standards with minimum number of antennas
becomes important. Therefore, the most important task for the new antennas is to work on both
new 4G LTE, WiMAX frequency bands and already established frequency bands also. However,
there is also a requirement in handheld devices to support both cellular and non-cellular
technologies such as GPS, WLAN & Bluetooth etc.
The worldwide communication technology thirst and demands in bringing digital
information to widespread end users have revived the usage of small antennas on handsets and
mobile units. Architectures of future wireless communication systems are gradually coming to
the realization that antennas play a vital role in the optimal and effective performance of their

mobile and personal units. It is now anticipated that the design of antennas and their
implantations will be given more attention at the outset of the unit’s design instead of waiting to
the last minute. This is particularly becoming more critical due to the needs in operating in
several frequency bands and at the same time occupying a very limited available area.
In this thesis, a small and compact planar internal antenna for mobile phone that operates
for several application including global positioning system (GPS), DCS-1800, PCS 1900, 3G
IMT-2000, UMTS-2000 and WLAN handsets. Using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS)
software, simulation has been carried out to analyze and optimize the antenna’s characteristics
and performance. From the simulation results, it has been observed that the antenna is able to
operate at desired resonant frequencies and have good operating bandwidth supporting multiple

Key words: Broadband antenna, compact antenna, global positioning system (GPS), mobile
handset, planar antenna, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), Digital Communication System
(DCS), Personal Communication System (PCS), International Mobile Telecommunications
(IMT), Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems (UMTS).

We wish to express our deep sense of gratitude to our supervisor Dr. Rajesh Mishra, Assistant
Professor, SOICT for his able guidance, useful suggestions and for permitting us to carry out this
work which helped us in completing the work on time. He inspired us greatly to work on this
thesis. His willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to the thesis. We would also like
to thank him for showing us some examples that are related to the topic of the thesis.

I am also thankful to our Research / Faculty Associate Mr. Navaid Zafar Rizvi and Mr. Sandeep
Sharma Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, entire faculty and staff of
Electronics and Communication Engineering Department and then friends who devoted their
valuable time and helped me in all possible ways towards successful completion of this work. I
thank all those who have contributed directly or indirectly to this work.

Besides, we would like to thank the authority of Gautam Buddha University (GBU) for
providing us with a good environment and facilities to complete this project. Also, we would like
to take this opportunity to thank School of Information & Communication Technology (SOICT)
for offering the Network Design lab. Finally, yet importantly, we would like to express our
heartfelt thanks to our beloved parents for their blessings, friends/classmates for their help and
wishes for the successful completion of this thesis.

Raj Deepak Fuloria



CANDIDATE’S DECLARATION………………………………………………………………i
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………………………...viii-ix
LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………………………x
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS………………………………………………………………….xi
CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION & OVERVIEW….………………………………….......1-6
1.1 A Brief History of Wireless Communication……………………………………………..1
1.2 Antenna Design Challenges in Modern Wireless Communication Systems ……………..4
1.2.1 Theoretical Limitations …………………………………………………………...5
1.2.2 Practical Limitations ……………………………………………………………..5 Volume available ………………………………………………………..5 Ground Plane effects ……………………………………………………5
1.3 Organization of Thesis ……………………………………………………………………6
CHAPTER 2 - MOBILE ANTENNA DESIGN…………………………………….…........7-17
2.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………..7
2.2 Antennas Used for Handheld Devices..........................................................................…...7
2.2.1 Monopole Antenna…………………………………………….………………….8
2.2.2 Helical Antenna…………………………………………………………………...8
2.2.3 Microstrip Antenna (MSA)………………………………………………………..9
2.2.4 Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA)……………………………………………….10
2.3 Introduction to PIFA……………………………………………………………………..12
2.3.1 Advantaged and Disadvantages………………………………………………….12
2.3.2 Effect of Parameters on performance of PIFA…………………………………..13
2.3.3 Feed Techniques…………………………………………………………………15 Microstrip Line Feed……………………………………………………15 Coaxial Feed ……………………………………………………………15
2.3.4 Performance Parameters…………………………………………………………16

v Impedance & Bandwidth………………………………………………16 Directivity………………………………………………………………17 Radiation Pattern……………………………………………………….17
CHAPTER 3 - LITERATURE SURVEY ………………………………………………...18-29
3.1 Literature Review………………………………………………………………………...18
3.2 Inferences Drawn………………………………………………………………………...28
CHAPTER 4 - PROPOSED WORK………..……………………………………………..30-45
4.1 Problem Definition …………………………………………………………………...30
4.2 Objectives of Research…………………………………………………………………..31
4.3 Scope of Work…………………………………………………………………………..31
4.4 Methodology…………………………………………………………………………….31
4.4.1 Design Considerations of proposed antenna…………………………………….32
4.4.2 Element width and length………………………………………………………..33
4.4.3 Modeling of Multiband Antenna structure………………………………………33
4.4.4 Design of internal mobile Antennas…………………….……………………….35 Quarter-Wavelength Patch………………………………………………35 Shorting Pin at the Feed to a Patch Antenna…………………………….36 Planar Inverted F-Antenna (PIFA)………………………………………37 Capacitive Loading in PIFA Antennas…………………………………..39 PIFAS in the Real World………………………………………………...40 A Simple Single Band PIFA……………………………………………..41 A Wideband PIFA with Single Slot on the Ground Plane……………….42
5.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………………………46
5.2 Simulation Results of designed Antenna 1……………………………………………....46
5.2.1 Return loss characteristics………………………………………………………….46
5.2.2 Radiation Pattern…………………………………………………………………...47
5.2.3 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)…………………………………………...48
5.2.4 Smith Chart………………………………………………………………………...48
5.3 Simulation Results of designed Antenna 2………………………………………………49
5.3.1 Return loss characteristics……………………………………………………….…49

5.3.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)…………………………………………...50
5.3.3 Smith Chart………………………………………………………………………...51
5.4 Simulation Results of designed Antenna 3………………………………………………51
5.4.1 Return loss characteristics………………………………………………………….51
5.4.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)…………………………………………...52
5.4.4 Smith Chart………………………………………………………………………...53
5.5 Validation of Simulated Results…………………………………………………………53
6.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………...57
6.2 Future Scope…………………………………………………………………………58

Fig. No. Description Page No.

Fig 2.1 Fundamental Structure of Monopole Antenna 8

Fig 2.2 Helical Antenna Structure 9

Fig 2.3 Microstrip Antenna Structure 9

Fig 2.4 Typical Inverted-L Antenna (ILA) Structure 10

Fig 2.5 Typical Inverted-F Antenna (IFA) Structure 10

Fig 2.6 Typical Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) Structure 11

Fig 2.7 PIFA Structure 14

Fig 2.8 Coaxial Feed for PIFA 15

Fig 4.1 Objectives of Research 31

Fig 4.2 Followed Methodology 32

Fig 4.3 3-D view of Antenna in ADS 34

Fig 4.4 Proposed Antenna Design 1 35

Fig 4.5 Quarter-wavelength patch with shorting pin at the feed 36

Fig 4.6 Half-wavelength patch with shorting pin at the feed 36

Fig 4.7 Equivalent Circuit of antenna in Figure 4.6 37

Fig 4.8 The Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) 37

Fig 4.9 The Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA), with a shorting Plane 38

Fig 4.10 Capacitive Loading in Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) 39

Fig 4.11 The antenna types and locations on the Samsung Galaxy S 40

Fig 4.12 Simple Single Band PIFA (a) Top View (b) 3D View 41

Fig 4.13 3-D view of Proposed Wideband Antenna Structure 42

Fig 4.14 Proposed Antenna Design 2 43

Fig 4.15 Proposed Antenna Design 3 45

Fig 5.1 Simulated Return Loss of Antenna 1 47

Fig 5.2 Simulated 3D Radiation Pattern of Antenna 1 47

Fig 5.3 Simulated VSWR Plot of Antenna 1 48

Fig 5.4 Simulated smith chart of Antenna 1 49

Fig 5.5 Simulated Return Loss of Wideband Antenna 2 50

Fig 5.6 Simulated VSWR plot of Wideband PIFA 2 50

Fig 5.7 Simulated smith chart of Wideband Antenna 2 51

Fig 5.8 Simulated Return Loss of Multiband Antenna 3 52

Fig 5.9 Simulated VSWR plot of Multiband Antenna 3 52

Fig 5.10 Simulated Smith Chart of Multiband Antenna 3 53

Fig 5.11 Simulated Return Loss (a) FR-4 substrate (b) Quartz and (c) Alumina 56

Table No. Description Page

Table 1.1 Frequency bands allotted for various wireless communication services 3

Table 2.1 Comparison between Commonly used mobile phone antennas 11

Table 2.2 Effect of parameters of PIFA on its characteristics 13

Table 2.3 Return Loss (S11) and VSWR Relationship 17

Table 4.1 Detailed Dimensions of Proposed Mobile Antenna 1 34

Table 4.2 Detailed Dimensions of Proposed Mobile Antenna 2 43

Table 4.3 Detailed Dimensions of Proposed Mobile Antenna 3 44

Table 5.1 Comparison between different ground lengths of the Design antenna 53

Table 5.2 Comparison between different Substrate materials with thickness 0.254 54
mm in Design antenna


DCS Digital Communication System

GSM Global System For Mobile Communications
IFA Inverted-F Antenna
ILA Inverted L Antenna
IMT International Mobile Telecommunication
MSA Microstrip Antenna
PCS Personal Communication System
PIFA Planar Inverted-F Antenna
VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
WLAN Wireless Local Area Networks
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

WiMAX World Interoperability for Microwave Access

LTE Long Term Evolution

FEM Finite Element Method

RF Radio Frequency

ADS Advanced Design System

GPS Global positioning system

1G First Generation

2G Second Generation

3G Third Generation

4G Fourth Generation

3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project

1.1 A Brief History of Wireless Communication
Antenna "The eyes and ears in space" is undergoing a versatile change from earlier long
wire type for radio broadcast, communication links to the military applications, aircraft, radars,
missiles, space applications in the second half of last century. This scenario is fast changing with
the evolution of Cellular mobile personal communication in the form of Global System for Mobile
communications (GSM), Code Division Multiple Accessing (CDMA), Digital Communication
System (DCS) 1800 systems, North American dual-mode cellular system Interim Standard (lS)-
54, North American IS-95 system, and Japanese Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) system etc. The
era of plain voice service based on circuit switched communication service has gone. The
broadband mobile personal communication with mobile high quality video is the buzz word today.
3rd Generation GSM (3G), Wide band-CDMA, Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi), 4th Generation Wi-
Max, ,Wi Bro, Wire1ess-LAN, are all towards this direction.
The wireless communication industry is growing rapidly and wireless communication
products, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), Laptops and cell phones are becoming a necessity
of life. Communication systems need a wide frequency bandwidth to transmit and receive
multimedia information at high data rates. Mobile wireless communication products must be easily
portable and cheap to make them attractive to modem people. In this era of next generation
networks we require high data rate and size of devices are getting smaller day by day. In this
evolution two important standards are Wi-Fi (WLAN) and Wi-MAX. Wireless local area network
(WLAN) and Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wi-MAX) technology is most
rapidly growing area in the modern wireless communication. This gives users the mobility to move
around within a broad coverage area and still be connected to the network. This provides greatly
increased freedom and flexibility. For the home user, wireless has become popular due to ease of
installation, and location freedom. For success of all these wireless applications we need efficient
and small antenna as the size of the device is becoming smaller and smaller. This being the case,
portable antenna technology has grown along with mobile and cellular technologies. It is important
to have the best performance antenna for a device. The best performance antenna will improve

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transmission and reception, reduce power consumption, last longer and improve marketability of
the communication device.
Since the origination of wireless communication started in 1886 when Heinrich Hertz
experimented to confirm the presence of electromagnetic waves, antennas have been evolving
along with the development of wireless technologies which led to radio, television, mobile phone
and satellite communication [1]. In 1897, Guglielmo Marconi was the first to use electromagnetic
waves commercially for practical communication. J.C. Bose, a talented Indian Scientist started
studied millimeter waves and used waveguides, horn antennas, polarizers and even semiconductors
for his studies. The twentieth century witnessed remarkable evolution and drastic progress in
antenna technology from large transceivers to the sub-millimeter antennas with dimensions of
fraction of wavelength. Now, in 21 st century wireless communication is progressing very rapidly
and mobile units are becoming smaller and smaller incorporating several services.
Antenna serves as one of the most critical element in any wireless communication system.
Generally, an antenna behaves as a transducer between the guided wave and free space.
As per definition given by IEEE, antenna is a means for radiating or receiving radio waves [1]-[4].
All antennas work on the same basic principles of electromagnetic theory given by James Clark
Maxwell. Modern wireless communication antennas require careful design and thorough
understanding of the concepts involved.
During last few years in mobile radio communication industry both the manufacturers and
service providers have started to grow rapidly. All these advancements in wireless technologies
resulted in increasing mobile communication users and compact handheld devices. With increasing
number of services provided and evolving trend of miniaturization the need for multiband compact
antennas is on a rise. To meet the miniaturization requirement, the antennas employed in mobile
handsets must have their dimensions reduced accordingly [2]. The type of antenna that is used with
a particular type of phone is normally determined by dimensional considerations and specific
absorption rate (SAR) regulations.
Up to mid-1990s, almost all GSM mobile handsets had an external antenna that was one of
the following three types: a helix, a monopole (whip), or a helix-plus-whip combination. Internal
antennas were gradually introduced into mobile phones to facilitate more flexibility in the
industrial design and SAR reduction [3]. Frequency bands allocated for modern wireless

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communication standards are summarized in Table 1.1. Due to this widespread growth of mobile
phone subscribers, handset market has also increase tremendously and this means that more
antenna designs have to be developed and introduced to cope up with the demand.

Table 1.1 Frequency bands allotted for various wireless communication services

Wireless Communication Service Allocated Frequency Antenna Type

GSM 900 Global System for Mobile 890-960 MHz

GPS 1400 Global Positioning 1227-1575 MHz Microstrip or

GPS 1575 System 1565-1585 MHz Helix

DCS 1800 Digital Communication 1710-1880 MHz

PCS 1900 Personal Communication 1850-1990 MHz
UMTS 2000 Universal Mobile 1920-2170 MHz Dipoles or
Telecommunications patch array in
Systems BTS
3G IMT-2000 International Mobile 1885-2200 MHz Monopoles,
sleeve dipoles
Telecommunications – and patch in
2000 hand held sets
RFID Radio Frequency 30MHz-2.4 GHz Loops, folded F
patch and
Identification system monopole
4G LTE 700 Fourth Generation Long 704-716 MHz, 734-746
4G LTE 1700 Term Evolution MHz
4G LTE 2300 1710-1755 MHz, 2110-
4G LTE 2600 2155MHz 2300-2400
2500-2570MHz, 2620-
2690 MHz

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DVB-H Digital Video 470-890 MHz Compact Printed
Broadcasting Antennas
on hand held devices

ISM 2.4 Industrial, Scientific, 2400-2484 MHz

ISM 5.2 Medical 5150-5350 MHz
ISM 5.8 5725-5825 MHz

UWB Ultra Wide Band 3.1 – 10.6 GHz Printed dipoles

or Monopoles
WiMAX Worldwide 3400-3600 MHz
Interoperability for
Microwave Access

The latest development is a new generation of cellular network i.e. Fourth Generation
standard (4G LTE) introduced worldwide and is now being implemented in various nations of the
world. Introduction of standards like 4G & WiMAX throughout the world is to create a single
standard for all cell phone users and provide very fast data connection. With very high speed data
communication along with voice calls, 4G systems also promises un-parallel wireless access in
several ways that have never been possible before. It is important to have proper antenna for a
device which will improve transmission and reception of communication device, supports several
frequency bands with good performance. However, designing an internal antenna is a challenging
task due to the available antenna volume and influence of other components in the mobile handset.
1.2 Antenna Design Challenges in Modern Wireless Communication Systems
Modern telecommunication systems require antennas with wide bandwidth support and smaller
dimensions. The prime considerations for the antenna design of handheld devices are low cost,
light weight, compact, robustness, flexibility and ease of mass production [4]. The fundamental
limitations of small antennas are in terms of gain, radiation efficiency and operating bandwidth.
Handset platforms can have different body designs like bar, clamshell, slider and swing. There is
a need of a self-resonant and self-immune antenna. It has lead to an increase in complexity of the
antenna along with the commercial pressure to make cheaper mobile phones.

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There are two major challenges in designing a handset antenna: how to use a single antenna to
cover all the required frequency bands and then how to make the antenna size small enough so that
multiple antennas can be deployed in a handset. So there is always some pressure to design small,
thin, light weight and user friendly mobile handsets which further requires optimal antennas.
Antenna design challenges are briefly explained as follows:
1.2.1 Theoretical Limitations:
There are various antenna design principles that may have to be modified for miniature and
compact antennas. Conventionally, a small antenna is defined as the one which occupies a fraction
of wavelength. The main concern in the design of such antennas is impedance matching.
Losses due to finite conductivity of the antenna structure and due to currents induced on
nearby structures including ground plane constitutes the antenna input resistance [3]. It is favorable
to operate the antenna around its resonance to get proper impedance matching.
1.2.2 Practical Limitations: Volume available:
Wireless devices are getting smaller and smaller with the advancement of technology. The
latest trend in handset design is slim phones, leading to very small heights of antenna terminal
above ground plane available. This hugely impacts patch type antennas such as the popular Planar
Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) as bandwidth achieved and radiation efficiency is proportional to its
height. Ground Plane effects:
The ground plane of an antenna is a metallic layer of the PCB together with other metallic
parts of the chassis. The characteristics of small internal antennas (e.g. PIFA) used in handheld
devices are very different compared to that when placed on an infinite ground plane, and depends
on both the antenna location on the chassis and the dimensions of the chassis [2][4]. This is due to
presence of radiating surface currents on ground plane induced by antenna structure. Hence, the
ground plane dimensions affect the overall performance of the antenna.
It has been observed that there are some fundamental limits and trade-offs between
performance parameters of the antenna and its physical size. So, one has to make some kind of
compromise among volume, impedance bandwidth, gain and radiation characteristics of an
antenna while making smallest possible antenna for a given application.

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1.3 Organization of the Thesis
In this thesis the design and development of small and compact planer mobile phone antenna is
presented. Emphasis is on the design and structure of the antenna which is to be small, compact
and simple. Also, the Compact Planar Antenna is a very complicated antenna structure. The
organization of thesis is as follows:
Chapter 2 covers study of various internal mobile phone antenna designs and each antenna’s
characteristics. Theory and fundamentals behind PIFA are also analyzed.
In Chapter 3 literature review is performed. Some description of the low profile antenna is
described and articles that deal with multi-band Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) are reviewed.
Some inferences from the extensive review are also presented.
Chapter 4 includes proposed work and methodology used as the part of this thesis for the
simulation of results of the proposed antennas.
In chapter 5 simulations done on the design to obtain the results of various performance
parameters are discussed. The return loss characteristics, gain plot, VSWR plot and the far field
patterns are presented in this chapter. The far field patterns are displayed in this chapter (two-
dimensional graphs). A discussion of the results is also provided towards the end of this chapter.
Chapter 6 forms the conclusion of the said thesis and also the suggestions made for the future
antenna development is presented.

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2.1 Introduction
In the past few years the need and popularity of antennas which supports multiple bands has
been rising. As discussed in the previous chapter that this demand is due to advancements in
wireless communication technologies and rapid increase of cellular service users. As a result, there
is surge for research and development of multi-band and wideband antennas operating on several
standards. However, mobile handsets and other wireless devices need to be compact, practical and
aesthetically good [3]-[4]. This thesis is focused on the design and development of a multi-band
antenna for handheld devices. Thus, a brief account of various antenna structures and designs that
supports multiband operation is outlined in this section. Many of the discussed designs are potential
candidates for use in future wireless devices.
2.2 Antennas Used for Handheld Devices
For handheld devices several antenna structures have been developed and implemented. Many
of them are external antenna structures and many are internal structures. Most of these antennas
were developed to meet the demand of the increasing cellular phone market. The operation of these
antennas is mainly focused on supporting some major communication standards worldwide such
as GSM, DCS, PCS, UMTS (3G), WiMAX and 4G LTE etc. [4]. On the other hand, some of the
designs are also used for non-cellular frequency bands such as WLAN, Bluetooth, GPS &
Following are main types of antennas used in cellular phones:

 External Antennas
o Monopoles (whips)
o Helical antennas

 Internal Antennas
o Microstrip antenna (MSA)
o Planer Inverted-F antennas (PIFA)

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2.2.1 Monopole Antenna
The first practical mobile phone for GSM used a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna (a
whip antenna). They have the advantage of providing significant clearance between the antenna
and the head, which allows moderate SAR and most importantly, high efficiency to be achieved.
A monopole antenna had excellent performance, especially when the main PCB of the handset was
also a quarter-wavelength, forming a half-wavelength unbalanced dipole [2]. Those phones were
quite large, with a total size of ~160-170 mm, corresponding to a half-wavelength at 800-900 MHz
An external antenna generally has excellent bandwidth and efficiency performance, but has a high
SAR (Specific Absorption Ratio).
With some modifications monopole antenna having planar element as a radiator instead or
wire resulted in increase in impedance bandwidths. These kinds of antennas are very useful to
integrate within the mobile handset housing. Planar monopole antenna has larger bandwidth but
the ground plane size and orientation of the radiator can introduce some physical limitations on the
use of such antennas in wireless devices. Basic structure of monopole antenna is shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig 2.1 Fundamental structure of monopole antenna [3]

2.2.2 Helical Antenna
Helical antennas were widely used in the 1990s, as they occupied considerably less space
than the monopoles that preceded them. They were an early example of a compromise between
technical performance and commercial attractiveness. The performance of helical antennas is
worse than that of monopole antennas. However, they allowed smaller, more attractive designs of
phones to be manufactured. To achieve multiple band support using helix structure a variable pitch
radiator is combined with monopole strip radiator [2]-[3]. The helical radiator has different pitch

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stages, used to control the resonant frequencies. But this type of antenna can be used as an external
radiator only, as using it internally in a mobile phone creates space and size constraints.

Ground Plane

Fig. 2.2 Helical Antenna Structure [3]
2.2.3 Microstrip Antenna (MSA)
These antennas are also known as patch antenna because they can be printed easily on a
circuit board such as on PCB having copper layer on it. These antennas are employed on base
stations as well as mobile handsets. Microstrip structure is made up of thin sheet of low-loss
dielectric substrate and is completely covered with a metal on one side called ground plane and
partly metal on the other side where antenna patterns are printed [1]. These antennas are easy to
handle and are light in weight. They are well suited for large scale fabrication. On the other hand
they have some disadvantages such as narrow bandwidth, low gain, large ohmic loss and low
polarization purity [2].



Fig. 2.3 Microstrip Antenna Structure [3]

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2.2.4 Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA)
PIFA has emerged as one of the most promising and suitable candidate in this category of
low profile antennas in last three decades. Presently, a broad range of application uses PIFA such
as RFID, UWB and MIMO systems with adaptive smart antennas covering an available wide
frequency band of GSM 850 (824-890 MHz), GSM 900 (890-960 MHz), DCS/GSM 1800 (1710-
1880 MHz), PCS/GSM 1900 (1850-1990 MHz), WiBro (2.3-2.4 GHz), Bluetooth (2.42.48 GHz),
DVB-H (UHF: 470–862 MHz; L: 1452–1492 MHz), 802.11 (2.4-2.485 GHz), WLAN (5.16 - 5.5
GHz) and UMTS(2.1 GHz), 4G LTE(700 MHz-3.8GHz) [4].

Inverted – L antenna replaced external monopole antenna and also has a quite simple structure like
that of the monopole, however, the input impedance has low resistance and high reactance like
that of monopole. This additional inverted-L segment makes it possible to tune the antenna easily.

Horizontal element (L)

Vertica l element (L)

Ground Plane

Feed Point

Fig. 2.4 Typical Inverted L-antenna (ILA) antenna structure [3]

So, an antenna with nearly resistive load is the next development which provides reduced
mismatch loss. For this kind of operation the inverted – F antenna (IFA) was designed which adds
a second inverted – L segment to the end of an ILA structure. This additional segment gives a
convenient option for tuning original ILA.


Ground Plane

Feed Point

Fig. 2.5 Typical Inverted-F antenna (IFA) antenna structure [3]

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Even with improved match properties of the IFA over ILA, both ILA and IFA have
inherently narrow bandwidths [3]. In order to improve the bandwidth characteristics, the horizontal
element of the antenna has been transformed from a wire to a plate resulting in the so called planar
inverted-F antenna (PIFA) structure. It has a self-resonating structure [5]. Variation of length,
distance and location of the feed and shorting point, height of the radiator etc. affects the
performance of these antenna structures [2].

Ground Plane

Radiating Patch
h L
Feed point

Fig. 2.6 Typical Planar Inverted -F (PIFA) Antenna Structure

Table 2.1 presents comparison between handheld device antennas used for number of applications.
Comparison is in terms of antenna parameters, applications, merits and problems with the
Table 2.1 Comparison between Commonly used mobile phone antennas

Monopole Microstrip Patch PIFA

Antenna Type/

Omnidirectional Directional Omnidirectional


Gain High High Moderate to high

Modeling & Modeling is somewhat Easier to fabricate and model Easier fabrication using PCB
Fabrication difficult

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Radio Broadcasting, Satellite Communication, Internal antennas of Mobile
vehicular antenna Aircrafts phones

Merits Low cost, Low weight, Easy Small size, Low cost,
Compact size, Low in integration Reduced backward radiation
fabrication cost and for minimizing SAR
simple to
manufacture, Large
bandwidth support

Problems No band pass filtering effect, Narrow bandwidth

Difficult fabrication at
surface-area requirement characteristic
higher frequencies

2.3 Introduction to PIFA

PIFA has proved to be the most widely used internal antenna in commercial wireless
applications. PIFA is also referred to a short-circuited microstrip antenna due to the fact that the
structure of short-circuit MSA resembles to that of PIFA. The shorting post near the feed point of
PIFA structure is a good method for reducing the antenna size [6], but this result into the narrow
impedance bandwidth. Narrow bandwidth characteristic of PIFA is one of the limitations for its
use in wireless mobile devices [7].
2.3.1 Advantages & Disadvantages
• PIFA antenna is small in size and light in weight.
• Has good operating bandwidth and high efficiency.
• Multiband PIFA has an important feature that its size is almost the same as that of a single
band PIFA.
• It also has a signal characteristic of dual polarization. This is important requirement for all
mobile transceivers as this means that the device can receive signal in any orientation.
• Low Power Handling Capability

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• Narrow Bandwidth
• Moderate gain
• Radiation from feeds contributes to the radiation pattern

2.3.2 Effect of Parameters on Performance of PIFA

Techniques to increase the Bandwidth for PIFA are:
• The dimensions of the ground plane affect the bandwidth coverage. By varying the size of
the ground plane, the bandwidth of a PIFA can be adjusted and optimized.
• Thick air substrate can be used to lower the Q factor and increase the bandwidth.
• The location and spacing between two shorting posts can be adjusted accordingly.
• Use of stacked elements may also increase the Bandwidth.

Reduction in PIFA dimensions can be achieved by following approaches:

• One method of reducing PIFA size is by shorting the antenna. However, this approach
affects the impedance at the terminals. This can be compensated with capacitive top
• Although use of capacitive loading reduces the resonance length from λ/4 to less than λ/8
but at the expense of bandwidth and good matching. The capacitive load can be produced
by adding a plate (parallel to the ground) to produce a parallel plate capacitor [8].
Table 2.2 Effect of PIFA parameters on its characteristics

Parameters Effects

Length Increase inductance of the antenna and determine resonance


Width Control impedance matching

Height Control Bandwidth

Width of shorting plate Affect on the anti-resonance and increase bandwidth

Feed position from Affect on resonance frequency and bandwidth

shorting plate

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The resonant frequency of the PIFA is determined by two factors majorly.

• One is the dimensions of the top radiating patch,

• The other one is the dimension of the short-circuit plate.
Dimensions of short circuit plate can be varied to achieve desired resonance. Such as reducing the
plate length will reduce the resonant frequency and vice versa.

Ground Plane


Radiating Patch
Feed point

Fig. 2.7 PIFA Structure

The resonant frequency [9] of PIFA can be approximated with following expressions:

Lp + Wp= λ/4 (2.1)

When W/Lp=1 then Lp + h = λ/4 (2.2)

When W=0 then Lp + Wp + h = λ/4 (2.3)

It is clear from the above expressions for PIFA that its resonance is at quarter-wavelength
and this is due to the shorting pin or plate. L s is the length and Ws is the width of shorting pin or
plate which begins at one of the edges of PIFA. The PIFA is at height (h) from the ground plane.
The resonant frequency of PIFA depends on shorting pin width W.

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The evolution of the handset antenna structures from a monopole to the PIFA indicates that
the essential component of a handset antenna is the “wire”. The patch(s) slot(s), and stub(s) are
only used to compensate for the mismatch and improve the radiation characteristics [2].
2.3.3 Feed Techniques
PIFA structures can be fed by using various methods. These techniques can be classified
into two main categories: contacting and non-contacting [2]. In the contacting method, the
radiating patch is fed with the excitation directly by using a connecting element. In non-contacting
method, source is coupled using electromagnetic field coupling to transfer the power between
microstrip line and radiating patch. Most popular feed techniques used are briefly explained below: Microstrip Line Feed
In this type of feeding, a strip of conductor element is connected directly to the edge of
radiating patch. This strip is narrower in width as compared to the patch. This type of arrangement
has the advantage that the feed can be etched on the substrate easily. This provides ease of
fabrication and simplicity in modeling as well as impedance matching. However as the thickness
of the substrate increases, surface waves and spurious feed radiation also increases which affects
the bandwidth. Coaxial Feed
The Coaxial feed also called probe feed is one of the most commonly used feeding
techniques. It is shown in Fig. 2.7 that the inner conductor of the coaxial cable extends through the
dielectric substrate and is soldered to the radiating patch, while the outer conductor of the coaxial
cable is connected to the ground plane.
Top patch


Ground Plane


Fig. 2.8 Coaxial Feed for PIFA

The main advantage of this feeding technique is that the feed can be placed at any desired
location to get impedance matching [3]. This feed is easy to fabricate and has low spurious

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radiation effects. However, its main disadvantage is that it provides narrow bandwidth and difficult
to model since a hole is to be drilled in the substrate.
2.3.4 Performance Parameters
The performance of an antenna can be measured by a number of parameters. Antennas for
wireless devices are as varied as the devices themselves. Possibilities include external versus
embedded, printed on printed-circuit boards (PCBs), formed from thin sheet metal, created on the
product housing using sprayed-on conductive paint, embedded in materials with a highdielectric
constant for size reduction, and so forth.
Performance of the antenna can be characterized by the same metrics listed below:

• Impedance Bandwidth
• Directivity
• Radiation Pattern Impedance and Bandwidth
The antenna is a transducer between the characteristic impedance of the radio system
(nominally 50 ohms) and the impedance of free space. The antenna impedance and the radio
frequencies over which that impedance is maintained are critical. It is very much required that the
antenna present an acceptable impedance match over the frequency band(s) of operation.
Antenna impedance and the quality of the impedance match are most commonly
characterized by either return loss (scattering parameter S11) or Voltage Standing Wave Ratio
(VSWR) – these two parameters are simply different formats of exactly the same impedance data.
As shown in table 2.3, S11 is typically measured on a logarithmic (dB) scale while VSWR is a
unit-less ratio (Return loss, S11, and VSWR can be used interchangeably). These impedance
parameters measure how much of the power supplied to the antenna reflects back from the antenna
terminals. Ideally, but impossible to achieve, all of the power supplied to the antenna is radiated
with no reflection.
It is important to observe that the return loss measured at the antenna terminals is relevant
for both receive and transmit operation. In transmit mode, compromised S11 will reflect power
back into the final output amplifier, while in receive mode the power is reflected back into the

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antenna. Return loss value has to be above specified limits as shown in table 2.3 for different kind
of antennas used in various wireless devices.
Table 2.3 Return Loss (S11) and VSWR Relationship

S11 (dB) VSWR Reflection Loss (dB) Comment

-6.0 3:1 1.2 Marginal

-9.5 2:1 0.5 Acceptable
-15.0 1.4:1 0.15 Good
-20.0 1.2:1 0.04 Very Good Directivity
If a three dimensional antenna pattern is measured, the ratio of normalized power density
at the peak of the main beam to the average power density is called the directivity.
The directivity of the antenna is given by:
D= Pmax/Pav (2.4)
The relation between directivity and gain can be given as:

= ɳD, where ɳ is the antenna efficiency. (2.5) Radiation Pattern
The antenna radiation pattern is a graphical representation of the radiation of the antenna
as the function of direction in three dimensional plot. It is a plot of the power radiated from an
antenna per unit solid angle which gives the intensity of radiations from the antenna [3]. If the total
power radiated by the isotropic antenna is P, then the power is spread over a sphere of radius r, so
that the power density S at this distance in any direction is given as:
S = P/4πr2 (2.6)

Then the radiation intensity for this isotropic antenna can be written as:
Ui =P/4π (2.7)
Isotropic antennas are ideal and are not realizable in practice but can be used as a reference to
compare the performance of practical antennas. The radiation pattern provides information on the
antenna beam width, side lobes and antenna resolution to a large extent.

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In the world of cellular mobile communications there is an ever increasing demand of light
weight, short, slim handsets with low power consumption. With the rapid development in the
mobile phone market, reduction in size of mobile handsets has been seen recently. The slimmer
the handset, the more advanced and latest it is considered. So one has to make some kind of
compromise among volume, impedance bandwidth and radiation characteristics of an antenna
while making the smallest possible antenna that can still work for a given application and frequency
bands. In recent years, handheld mobile wireless communication devices (especially mobile
phones) have been widely and rapidly developed. External appearances of these devices have been
receiving increasingly more attention. Besides keeping the appearances attractive, these devices
must be small not only in the plane parallel to the screen but also in the thickness direction for
becoming competitive in the market. For attractiveness in appearance, internal antennas that can
be completely concealed in the case of a mobile phone are now prevailing over external antennas.
However, the trend for an upcoming mobile phone is that more components need to be installed
inside to make the mobile phone more powerful yet possibly smaller in overall size. Hence, quite
unfortunately, the space in a mobile phone that can be allocated to deploy an internal antenna
becomes more and more limited. In addition, for better functionality, most internal mobile-phone
antennas are required to provide operating bands wide enough to support the following five
communication standards: GSM 850 (824-894 MHz), GSM 900 (880-960 MHz), DCS (1710-1880
MHz), PCS (1850-1990 MHz), and UMTS (1920-2170 MHz). Communication networks involving
these standards are usually referred to as wireless wide-area networks (WWANs). In order to
access the internet, an additional band of 2.4-2.484 GHz for WLAN applications is also desirable
for the antenna mounted internal to a mobile handset

3.1 Literature Review

[1] Mohammod Ali, Member, IEEE, Gerard James Hayes, Member, IEEE, Huan-Sheng
Hwang, Member, IEEE, and Robert A. Sadler, Member, IEEE, “Design of a Multiband
Internal Antenna for Third Generation Mobile Phone Handsets”, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, no. 7, July 2003 [11].
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 A multiband internal antenna is introduced. The antenna consists of a driven meander-line
element and two parasitic elements.
 The design is particularly unique since it supports the third generation mobile phone
handsets where multiband operation is greatly desired.
 The proposed antenna operates effectively in the AMPS 800 (824–894 MHz), GSM 900
(880–960 MHz), and GSM 1900 (1850–1990 MHz) bands within 2.5:1 (voltage standing
wave ratio (VSWR). Detail design criteria with respect to geometrical parameter variation
are given. Experimental data (VSWR and pattern) obtained from a laboratory prototype are
also presented.
 The antenna consists of a driven meander-line element and two coupled parasitic elements.
 It has been demonstrated that the antenna can operate either in the AMPS 800/GSM
900/GSM 1900 or the AMPS 800/GSM 900/GSM 1800 MHz bands within a VSWR of
[2] Young-Bae Kwon, Jung-Ick Moon, and Seong-Ook Park, Member, IEEE, “An Internal
Triple-Band Planar Inverted-F Antenna”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,
Vol. 2, 2003 [12].
 A novel internal triple-band planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) for operating at Personal
Communication Services/International Mobile Telecommunications (PCS/IMT) -
2000/Bluetooth bands is proposed.
 This proposed antenna is well suited to the internal antenna due to small size and wide
bandwidth of about 42%, which is covered with the PCS (1.75–1.87 GHz), IMT-2000
(1.92–2.17 GHz) and Bluetooth (2.402–2.48 GHz) bands.
 The proposed antenna has a small size (30 mm × 10 mm × 2 mm) and wide impedance
bandwidth of about 42%, which covers the PCS/IMT-2000/Bluetooth bands. These
features are attractive for PCS/IMT-2000/Bluetooth internal antenna applications.
 The proposed antenna can be reduced the size by using the radiating element with thickness
and via hole.

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[3] Kwak, W.-I., S.-O. Park, and J.-S. Kim, “A folded planar inverted-F antenna for
GSM/DCS/Bluetooth triple-band application,” IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett. , Vol.
5, 18-21, Dec. 2006 [13].
 A new internal triple-band planar inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is presented. It is implemented
by printing radiating conductors over both sides of an FR4 board.
 The geometrical parameters and electrical performances of the antenna can be obtained by
cutting embedded slots on the patch surfaces and realizing electric via holes between two
layers of the patch. This antenna covers GSM (880–960 MHz), DCS (1710–1880 MHz),
and Bluetooth (2400–2484 MHz) bands. Features of each band can be easily optimized by
tuning the position, shape, and size of the embedded slots and via holes in the radiating
 By incorporating the use of embedded slots and via holes, the proposed antenna design can
give us the required antenna performance with reduced real estate in dimension. We show
that the proposed techniques have several strengths of small size (30× 12× 7 mm 3), good
efficiency, and triple-band operation.
 It is expected that, by more meandering and folding the top patch, the antenna size be
reduced further.
[4] RongLin Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Bo Pan, Joy Laskar, Fellow, IEEE, and Manos M.
Tentzeris, Senior Member, IEEE, “A Compact Broadband Planar Antenna for GPS, DCS-
1800, IMT-2000, and WLAN Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation
Letters, Vol. 6, 2007 [14].
 The planar antenna consists of an S-strip and a T-strip which are separately printed on the
two sides of a thin substrate (no via process is involved in the fabrication).
 The antenna size is only 18 mm × 7.2 mm × 0.254 mm which is more compact than
previously published antenna configurations.
 The bandwidth of the planar antenna is enhanced by the mutual coupling between the S-
strip and the T-strip.

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 A compact broadband planar antenna has been developed for GPS, DCS-1800, IMT-2000,
and WLAN applications.
 It has been demonstrated by simulation and experiment that the compact planar antenna
can achieve a bandwidth of more than 50% for return loss < -10 dB with an almost
unchanged radiation pattern.
 The compact planar antenna can be realized on thin substrates without the need for vias,
thus facilitating its integration with RF front-end circuits.
[5] W. Ren, “Compact dual-band slot antenna for 2.4/5 GHz WLAN applications”, Progress In
Electromagnetics Research B, Vol. 8, 319–327, 2008 [15].
 This paper presents a compact dual-band slot antenna for 2.4/5 GHz WLAN applications.
The radiating elements of the proposed antenna are composed of a square ring slot and a
circular ring slot, operating at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands respectively. The antenna size is
very compact (40mm × 40mm × 1mm), and can be integrated easily with other RF front-
end circuits.
 It is demonstrated that the proposed antenna can completely cover the required bandwidths
of IEEE 802.11b/g (2.4–2.485 GHz) and IEEE 802.11a (5.15–5.825 GHz) with satisfactory
radiation characteristics.
 Good agreement is achieved between the simulated and measured results.
 A compact dual-band slot antenna for 2.4/5 GHz WLAN operations is presented. The
proposed antenna has a compact size of 40mm × 40mm × 1mm, so it can be easily
integrated with other RF front-end circuits.
 Computer simulations and measurements have shown that it can effectively cover WLAN
operation bandwidth (2.4–2.485 GHz, 5.15–5.825 GHz) and the gain of the proposed
antenna can fully meet the requirements of indoor wireless applications.
[6] RongLin Li, Senior Member, IEEE, Bo Pan, Student Member, IEEE, Joy Laskar, Fellow,
IEEE, andManos M. Tentzeris, Senior Member, IEEE, “A Novel Low-Profile Broadband
Dual-Frequency Planar Antenna for Wireless Handsets” , IEEE Transactions on Antennas
And Propagation, Vol. 56, NO. 4, April 2008 [16].

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 A new low-profile broadband dual-frequency planar antenna is developed for wireless
handsets. The dual-frequency antenna consists of a two-strip monopole for the 2-GHz band
and a planar monopole for the 5-GHz band.
 The developed antenna features a low profile due to the introduction of an S-strip and a T-
strip which are separately printed on the two sides of a thin substrate (no via process is
involved in the fabrication), forming the two-strip monopole. The bandwidth of the dual-
frequency planar antenna is enhanced by taking advantage of the two-strip configuration
and the mutual coupling between the planar monopole and the two-strip monopole.
 The height of the dual-frequency planar antenna is only about 7–8 mm while the
bandwidth can be ~35 % at the 2-GHz and ~15% at the 5-GHz band.
 The dominant antenna element for the 2-GHz band is a two-strip monopole which consists
of an S-strip and a T-strip while a planar monopole is added for the 5-GHz operation.
 The mutual coupling between the two-strip monopole and the planar monopole leads to a
bandwidth enhancement in both the 2-GHz band and the 5-GHz band.
[7] W. Geyi, Q. Rao, S. Ali, and D. Wang, “Handset Antenna Design: Practice and Theory”,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research, PIER 80, 123–160, 2008 [17].
 The proposed theory is based on the well-known skin effect and constructs the antenna
using a thin wire model that represent the backbone of the final antenna.
 The authors present in this paper a novel design of three small antennas for handset
applications, which are based on the simple wire monopole, but in a three-dimensional
 The proposed three-dimensional monopole antennas have multi-band and broadband
properties that cover most frequency bands being used for the handset device.
 The handset antenna design is a very difficult process due to the complicated environment.
In practice, it is impossible to design a handset antenna with entire environment being taken
into account even with the state-of-art simulation tools.
 The performance of the three dimensional monopole antennas is much better than that of a
PIFA with the same maximum size. Because of the small size, the proposed three

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dimensional monopole antennas may be deployed in a handset as antenna elements to form
a multiple antenna system, such as a smart antenna array or a multi-input and multi-output
(MIMO) system.
[8] Arnau Cabedo, Jaume Anguera, Senior Member, IEEE, Cristina Picher, Miquel Ribó,
Member, IEEE, and Carles Puente, Member, IEEE, “Multiband Handset Antenna
Combining a PIFA, Slots, and Ground Plane Modes”, IEEE transactions on antennas and
propagation, VOL. 57, NO. 9, September 2009 [18].
 A multiband handset antenna combining a PIFA and multiple slots on a ground plane is
presented. It is shown by means of simulations that the slots on the ground plane have a
double function: to tune the ground plane resonance at low frequencies and to act as
parasitic radiators at high frequencies.
 A prototype is designed and built featuring behavior suitable for low frequencies (GSM850
and GSM900) and for high frequencies spanning from DCS1800 to Bluetooth, and
including, for instance, PCS1900, UMTS2000, and other possible systems. Reflection
coefficient, efficiency, and radiation patterns are measured and compared with a design
without slots to prove the advantages of the slotted ground plane.
 The component effect is investigated to determine critical areas where the placement is not
recommended. Besides, the effect of the slot of the ground plane on SAR is investigated,
by discussing the effect of the ground plane and slot modes for two phone positions.
 The total antenna volume of the proposed design is 40× 15 ×6 mm3.
 In this paper, a built-in multiband handset antenna covering the GSM850 and GSM900
bands, and the continuous bandwidth spanning from the DCS1800 to the Bluetooth bands,
has been presented.
[9] W.-J. Liao, S.-H. Chang, and L.-K. Li, “A compact planar multiband antenna for
integrated mobile devices”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 109, 1-16, 2010 [19].
 A compact multiband (GSM/DCS/PCS/UMTS/Bluetooth/WLANs/Wi-MAX) planar
monopole antenna, which contains multiple branches, is proposed in this work.
 Most wireless communication bands for consumer electronics are covered in this design.
The antenna radiator comprises four resonant branches on the top surface of a PCB board

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and one parasitic element on its back. The antenna size is 17.5mm × 35.7 mm, and no via
is needed in the fabrication process.
 Various techniques, such as branching, meandered lines, closed loop, capacitive coupling,
parasitic elements and tapered ends, are used to enhance the antenna's bandwidth, matching
and size reduction performance. Simulation and measurement show good agreement for
refection coefficient.
 The proposed antenna is particularly attractive for mobile devices that integrate multiple
 A compact planar multiband antenna based on the multi-branch monopole configuration is
developed in this work. The measured return spectrum complies with the frequency needs
of GSM, DCS, PCS, UMTS, Bluetooth, WLAN and WiMAX applications.
 The proposed antenna design exhibits a compact size and largely omnidirectional radiation
patterns. Since the antenna can be integrated with the PCB board and occupies a small area,
it is particularly attractive for portable devices such as smart phones and PDAs.
[10] J.-Y. Sze and Y.-F. Wu, “A Compact Planar Hexa-Band Internal Antenna for Mobile
Phone”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 107, 413-425, 2010 [20].
 A planar hexa-band internal antenna designed for mobile phone applications is presented.
The antenna occupying a small area of 45 × 12 mm2 is placed on the top no-ground portion
of the system circuit board with a ground-plane size of 45 × 100 mm2.
 The design begins with constructing a meandered monopole. With a parasitic and an
impedance-adjustment structure subsequently added, the resulting antenna can be viewed
as a printed planar inverted-F antenna with a parasitic resonant element. Two wide
impedance bands can be generated by the designed antenna to support GSM 850, GSM
900, DCS, PCS, UMTS, and 2.4-GHz WLAN operations. The measurement was found to
agree reasonably well with the simulation.
 A planar hexa-band internal antenna proposed in this paper has been successfully realized
and discussed.

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 The antenna was initially designed as a meandered monopole and subsequently step-by-
step developed into a direct-fed printed PIFA with a parasitic resonant unit. The structurally
simple antenna not only occupies a small area of only 45 × 12 mm2 but also has two VSWR.
3 impedance bands of 810-1010 MHz and 1705-2515 MHz, which can cover the desired
operating bands required for GSM 850, GSM 900, DCS, PCS, UMTS, and 2.4- GHz
WLAN operations.
 This antenna was measured to have good radiation characteristics. The peak antenna gains
in the lower and upper operating bands are as high as 1.5 and 3 dBi, respectively, making
the antenna valuable for practical applications.
[11] C.-W. Chiu, C.-H. Chang and Y.-J. Chi, “Multiband Folded Loop Antenna for Smart
Phones”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 102, 213-226, 2010 [21].
 The proposed antenna with a symmetric loop pattern generates four resonance modes in
the design bands.
 The current distributions of the excited resonance modes are analyzed to confirm the mode
 Using a pair of tuning elements near the feed port, the impedance bandwidth is broadened
to cover GSM850/GSM900/DCS/PCS/UMTS bands.
 This paper presented a folded loop antenna with five-band characteristics.
 The proposed antenna utilizes a pair of tuning elements coated on the printed circuit board
to achieve wideband performance.
 Measured parameters including refection coefficient, radiation patterns, peak gain, and
radiation efficiency are presented to validate the proposed design.
 The loop antenna is less dependent on the ground plane so that antenna performance is less
influenced by hand-holding the device and head proximity.
 The structure is very suitable for portable device and can be readily integrated in a smart
[12] C.-W. Chiu, C.-H. Chang and Y. -J. Chi, “A Meandered Loop Antenna for LTE/WWAN
Operations In A Smart Phone”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 16, 147-160,
2010 [22].

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 The proposed antenna which features a meandered folded-loop generates two resonance
modes in the LTE/GSM bands.
 By using a capacitively coupled feed on the backplane, the impedance bandwidth is
broadened to cover LTE/WWAN bands.
 This paper proposes a folded and meandered loop antenna for smart phone applications.
 By using a capacitively coupled feed on the back plane, two resonance modes excited on
the meandered loop pattern and the ground plane have been demonstrated to achieve
wideband in the lower band.
 The achieved bandwidth ranges from 675 to 1098MHz and 1760 to 2630 MHz, and the
measured results indicate that they cover LTE and WWAN bands.
 The proposed loop antenna is designed to include the new emerging
LTE700/LTE2300/LTE2500 bands, it is very suitable for the use in the 4G smart phone.
[13] Ting Zhang, RongLin Li, Senior Member, IEEE, GuiPing Jin, Member, IEEE, Gang
Wei, Senior Member, IEEE,and Manos M. Tentzeris, Fellow, IEEE, “A Novel Multiband
Planar Antenna for GSM/UMTS/LTE/ZigBee/RFID Mobile Devices” , IEEE Transactions On
Antennas And Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 11, November 2011 [23].
 The proposed antenna consists of a two-strip monopole and a meandered strip antenna
which occupy a compact area of only 15 mm × 42 mm. This planar antenna has a bandwidth
of ~42% at the 900 MHz band and ~53% at the 1900-MHz band.
 The Wide bandwidth at the low frequency is attributed to the mutual coupling of an S-
shaped strip and an inverted-F strip which are separately printed on the two sides of a thin
substrate, forming a two-strip monopole configuration.
 The bandwidth at the high frequency is enhanced by inserting a meandered strip which
improves the impedance matching for the high-frequency band.
 The proposed planar antenna has two wide frequency bands which cover the lower
frequency range of 818–1190 MHz for the GSM850/GSM900 and the higher frequency
range of 1710–3000 MHz for the GSM1800 (1710–1880 MHz), GSM1900 (1850–1990

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MHz), UMTS (1920–2170 MHz), LTE2300 (2305–2400 MHz), and LTE2500 (2500–2690
MHz) bands.
 The multiband planar antenna is suitable for applications as an internal antenna for wireless
mobile and sensors devices.
[14] C.-H. Ku, H.-W. Liu, *, and Y.-X. Ding, “Design of Planar Coupled-Fed Monopole
Antenna for Eight-Band LTE/WWAN Mobile Handset Application”, Progress in
Electromagnetics Research C, Vol. 33, 185-198, 2012 [24].
 In this paper, a planar coupled-fed monopole antenna with eight-band LTE/WWAN
(LTE700/2300/2500/GSM850/900/1800/1900 /UMTS) operation for mobile handset
device application is proposed.
 It simply consists of a T-shaped driven strip and a coupled radiating structure, which
occupy a small PCB area of 50 (L) × 15 (W) mm2.
 This antenna, which is printed on a 0.4mm FR4 substrate and fed by a 50 Ω coaxial cable,
can provide two wide operating bandwidths covering 697-1012 MHz and 1598-2795 MHz
for LTE/WWAN communication systems.
 In this paper, by properly designing the T-shaped strip and coupled radiating structure, the
antenna can provide three resonance modes to achieve good eight-band feature.
 The simulated SAR values for the proposed antenna with the head/hand tissues have been
also analyzed.
Owing to good coverage and stable gain variation, the proposed internal antenna will be a
promising solution for LTE/WWAN mobile handset application.
[15] Hari Shankar Singh, Student Member, IEEE, Mayank Agarwal, Gaurav Kumar
Pandey, Student Member, IEEE, and Manoj Kumar Meshram, Senior Member, IEEE, “A
Quad Band Compact Diversity Antenna for GPS L1/Wi-Fi/LTE2500/WiMAX/ HIPERLAN1
Applications”, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol.13, pp. 249-252,
January 2014 [25].
 The proposed two antenna array operates at GPS L1 /Bluetooth /Wi-Fi /LTE2500 /WiMAX
/HIPERLAN1 frequency bands.

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 Each antenna element is having an area of 25 × 10 mm2 over a small ground plane of the
size 100 × 60 mm2.
 To maintain the small size of the antenna element folded patch is used. A rectangular slot
is etched on the main radiator to utilize the higher order mode.
 A quarter wavelength resonator is integrated at the edge of folded patch to get an additional
resonance for quad-band operation.
 A quad-band antenna covering GPS L1 band along with Bluetooth / LTE2500 / WiMAX /
HIPERLAN1 is presented for MIMO application.
 The proposed antenna has small and compact structure that can be easily fitted inside the
mobile device.
 An extra resonating arm is added into the structure at an appropriate position to convert
unwanted bandwidth into the desired one.
 Owing to the greater separation between the two antenna elements over the ground plane,
the proposed antenna is having good isolation characteristics even in the absence of any
isolation improvement technique.
3.2 Inferences Drawn
It is clear from the extensive literature survey of frequency reconfigurable and multiband PIFA
antenna structures operating on various cellular and non-cellular bands that by employing various
methods a single antenna structure can work on multiple frequency bands in mobile handheld
Frequency reconfigurable antenna uses different switching methods to achieve resonance on the
desired frequencies. This switching operation is achieved by employing PIN diodes, MEMS,
Varactor diodes and introducing structural changes. But using these methods there is increase in
the complexity of the antenna structure because these switching elements requires bias networks
and can introduce adverse effects on the performance of antenna.
As new communication standards are evolving day by day, designers have to incorporate them in
their designs without increasing the complexity, cost, size etc. Implementation of such
technologies such as GLONASS, 4G LTE, WiMAX, and WLAN along with present technologies
which are GSM (850/900/1800/1900), UMTS (2100), Bluetooth, GPS and many more, for mobile

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phones is the need of today. Thus, for smaller and lighter mobile handsets there is a need of low
profile antenna structure which supports multiple frequency bands.
PIFA structure is widely used for internal mobile handset antenna. But its narrow bandwidth makes
its use difficult as multiband antenna. So researchers have analyzed, designed and tested several
techniques through which multiband operation can be achieved from PIFA by modifying the
structure and parameters of the antenna. These techniques include use of slots, patches, stubs,
various feeding techniques. Embedded antennas which have PIFA along with monopole or slot
antenna on the same structure are also available in open literature.
PIFA design is preferred over other multiband antenna structures because of relatively miniature
in size making PIFA suitable for modest assembly in handheld devices. Another advantage is that
PIFA has signal characteristic of dual polarization. This feature is good choice for antenna designs
serving 4G LTE & WiMAX standard as multimedia streaming, VOIP and high speed data are
salient features of these technologies.

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4.1 Problem Definition
Nowadays, the rising demand for wireless communications has been speeding-up
conception of antennas that operate in multi frequency bands for different handset terminals. The
antenna is implemented on a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and when only the size of the PCB
increases, the requirements of the phone or the antenna parameters are evolving. Every time the
PCB size is modified, engineers design a new antenna model. However, designing a new antenna
model every time the PCB changes is not efficient if it is possible to design a model which keeps
acceptable antenna properties for any PCB formats, or at least for the most common ones as the
Candy bar, the Smartphone and the Tablet. This is the reason why the convenience of using
portability of a unique model is analyzed
The latest development in mobile communication is the 4G LTE technology. This
technology gives higher data rates for VOIP and online gaming requirements in the handsets and
mobile internet devices. One foreseen associated problem with its antenna design is to cover 4G
LTE bands while still covering DCS 1800, PCS 1900, UMTS 2100, WiMAX and
WLAN/Bluetooth bands [8]. This problem of covering multiple bands with a single antenna
structure is the need of today’s mobile devices and it can be achieved by using low profile antenna
structures like PIFA with additional features to enhance the bandwidth coverage and other
important performance parameters.
There are following problems:
1. Single-band antenna supports only one or two frequencies of wireless service. And these
days more & more wireless standards are being supported by the devices. So they employ
several antennas for each standard.
2. This leads to large space requirement in handheld devices.
3. Thus, due to space constraints in mobile devices, covering multiple bands with a single
antenna structure is the need of the hour.
4. Therefore, the thesis work is directed to make a multiband antenna and it can be achieved
by using compact planar antenna structures with additional features to enhance the
bandwidth coverage and other important performance parameters.

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4.2 Objectives of Research
In this thesis, a compact antenna is designed and optimized to operate at cellular and non-
cellular frequency bands mainly at GSM1800, GSM1900, UMTS, 4G LTE and WLAN. In
addition, this antenna has to provide following features:
 Multiband operation
 Compact & slim
 Good gain
 Good Radiation Pattern

To design a multi-band antenna for mobile handheld


Reduce Size

Improve Gain

Good Radiation Pattern

Fig 4.1 Objectives of Research

As a result, Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) is chosen to form the basis in this thesis due to
its low profile, ability to support multiple bands. PIFA has proved to be most widely used internal
antenna in cellular communication.
4.3 Scope of Work
In this work, a compact broadband planar antenna with S-strip and T-strip which are
separately printed on the two sides of a thin substrate is used. These strip are optimized in
dimensions and positions to cover the desired frequency bands. The slots etched on the ground
plane are placed under the patch so as to provide space for other components of mobile handset.
4.4 Methodology
The optimization and simulations of the antenna is carried out using Agilent ADS.
Designing a compact broadband planar antenna is a complex and tedious task. It can be observed

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in the later part of this thesis that even a slight difference of 0.5mm in the antenna radiator
dimensions, feed point position, shorting plate dimensions and in many more parameters can shift
the resonant frequency or affects the return loss [7]-[9]. This is due to the characteristics of planar
structure which is very sensitive to changes in dimension and effects of ground plane. The main
methodology is as shown in Fig. 4.1.

Design Considerations of
proposed antenna

Modeling of Multiband Antenna


Simulating & Optimizing

Design Parameters

Comparison & Result Validation

Fig. 4.2 Followed Methodology

4.4.1 Design Considerations of proposed antenna
The criterion of this thesis work is to design a multi-band antenna for handheld devices
which is efficient, compact and low profile. In addition, this antenna must include the operation
for use on DCS1800, PCS1900, UMTS, 4G LTE, WLAN/Bluetooth standards. Thus, many mobile
transceiver antennas were studied, out of which some are presented in Chapter 3. The research
uncovered various designs and their characteristics to support multi-band operation. Among these
antennas, Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) is selected as it is the most promising candidate for
the design. Therefore, extensive studies were made to learn about basics of PIFA and its various
designs to develop multi-band structure.
At present, there are many methods to design a multi-band PIFA. One of those methods is
to introduce slots in top radiating patch of different shapes such as L-shape, U shape, J shape etc.
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[4]. These slots results in dual band and tri-band operation but overall volume of the antenna is not
much reduced especially the height of the antenna required for such designs is higher which is not
suitable for slim and compact handsets. Another method using separate elements allows multi-
band operation and has a feature of having the size of that of single band antenna.
The first design step is to choose a suitable dielectric substrate of appropriate thickness h
and loss tangent. A thicker substrate, besides being mechanically strong, will increase the radiated
power, reduce conductor loss, and improve impedance bandwidth. However, it will also increase
the weight, dielectric loss, surface wave loss, and extraneous radiations from the probe feed. A
mobile phone antenna stops resonating for substrate thickness greater than 0.11λ0 (ξr=2.55) due to
inductive reactance of the probe feed. The substrate dielectric constant ξr plays a role similar to
that of substrate thickness. A low value of ξr for the substrate will increase the fringing field at the
patch periphery, and thus the radiated power. Therefore, substrates with ξr≤2.5 are preferred unless
a smaller patch size is desired. An increase in the substrate thickness has a similar effect on antenna
characteristics as a decrease in the value of ξr. A high loss tangent increase dielectric loss and
therefore reduces antenna efficiency. The four most commonly used substrate materials are
Honeycomb (ξr=1.07), Duroid (ξr=2.32), Quarts (ξr=3.8), and Alumina (ξr=10) (29).
4.4.2 Element width and length
Patch width has a minor effect on the resonant frequency and radiation pattern of the
antenna. It affects the input resistance and bandwidth to a larger extent. A larger patch width
increase the power radiated and thus gives decreased resonant resistance, increased bandwidth,
and increased radiation efficiency. With proper excitation one may choose a patch width W greater
than the patch length L without exciting undesired modes. A constraint against a larger patch width
is the generation of grating lobes in antenna arrays, and a small patch size might be preferred to
reduce the real estate requirements. The patch width also affects cross-polarization characteristics.
The patch width should be selected to obtain good radiation efficiency if real estate requirements
or a grating lobe are not overriding factors.
4.4.3 Modeling of Multiband Antenna structure.
The geometry selected for the antennas is similar to modern small and slim cell phone
geometry. RT/Duroid 5880, Quarts and Alumina planar substrate is used as dielectric material with
loss tangent0.009 and dielectric constant ξ=2.2, and a thickness of t=10 mils (0.254 mm) and 2

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mm. Copper is used as a metal part of the antenna having conductivity of 5.8e7 S/m. A coaxial
cable is used to feed the antenna from the backside of PCB where ground plane lies. Air is used as
dielectric between planar substrate and top radiating patch. The geometry and 3-D view of the
proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 4.3 and Fig 4.4.

Fig. 4.3 3-D view of Antenna in ADS

Values of all the dimensions are given in Table 4.1.

Table 4.1 Detailed Dimensions of Proposed Mobile Antenna 1

Parameter Value Parameter Value

(mm) (mm)

Lf 15 W 18

Wf 0.75 H 7.2

WT 15.6 T 0.254

Ws 0.6 Wt 1.8

Lg 70

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W S-strip
Ws ws
t H
ws w
te ws

(ξ=2.2) T-strip

50-Ω microstrip
Back line
Feeding point
z z

x y x
y Ground plane
Metal on front side Metal on back side

Fig. 4.4 Proposed Antenna Design 1

4.4.4 Design of internal mobile Antennas
In this section several internal mobile designs will be discussed along with the proposed
compact planer internal antenna with two open-ended slots on the ground plane. To understand the
design of handheld device antennas a basic design is analyzed firstly. Then further modification
and advanced designs are structured and analyzed. Antenna designers are always looking for
creative ways to improve performance. One method used in patch antenna design is to introduce
shorting pins (from the patch to the ground plane) at various locations. To illustrate how this may
help, two instances will be illustrated, the quarter-wavelength Patch Antenna, which leads into the
Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA) (31). Quarter-Wavelength Patch
A quarter-wavelength patch shorted at the far end is shown Figure 4.5.

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transmission Patch
line λ/4 Antenna

Fig 4.5 Quarter-wavelength patch with shorting pin at the feed

Because the patch is shorted at the end, the current at the end of the patch antenna is no longer
forced to be zero. As a result, this antenna actually has the same current-voltage distribution as a
half-wave patch antenna. However, the fringing fields which are responsible for radiation are
shorted on the far end, so only the fields nearest the transmission line radiate. Consequently, the
gain is reduced, but the patch antenna maintains the same basic properties as a half-wavelength
patch, but is reduced in size 50%. Shorting Pin at the Feed to a Patch Antenna
A shorting pin can also be used at the feed to a patch antenna, as shown in Figure 4.6.



Ground Plane
Fig 4.6 Half-wavelength patch with shorting pin at the feed
You may be tempted to think that the shorting pin would zero out any power delivered to
the antenna. However, because patches are high frequency devices (typically used at >1 GHz), the
shorting pin actually introduces a parallel inductance to the antenna impedance. The equivalent

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circuit of the above antenna is shown in Figure 3. The antenna impedance is given by ZA, and the
shorting pin introduces a reactance equal to jX.

Figure 4.7 Equivalent Circuit of antenna in Figure 4.6

The affect of the parallel inductance shifts the resonant frequency of the antenna. In
particular, the two components in parallel would result in their admittances (Y=1/Z) adding. Hence,
the admittance of the patch has a 1/(jX) added to it. In this manner, the resonant frequency can be
altered. In addition, the shorting pin can become capacitive if instead of extending all the way to
the ground plane, it is left floating a small amount above. This introduces another design parameter
to optimize performance. Planar Inverted F-Antenna (PIFA)
The Planar Inverted-F antenna (PIFA) is increasingly used in the mobile phone market. The
antenna is resonant at a quarter-wavelength (thus reducing the required space needed on the
phone), and also typically has good SAR properties. This antenna resembles an inverted F, which
explains the PIFA name. The Planar Inverted-F Antenna is popular because it has a low profile
and an omnidirectional pattern. The PIFA is shown from a side view in Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8 The Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA)

The PIFA is resonant at a quarter-wavelength due to the shorting pin at the end. We'll see how the
resonant length is defined exactly in a minute. The feed is placed between the open and shorted
end, and the position controls the input impedance.
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In PIFAs, the shorting pin can be a plate, as shown in Figure 4.9:

Figure 4.9 The Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA), with a shorting Plane
In Figure 4.9, we have a PIFA of length L1, of width L2. The shorting pin (or shorting post)
is of width W, and begins at one edge of the PIFA as shown in Figure 4.9. The feed point is along
the same edge as shown. The feed is a distance D from the shorting pin. The PIFA is at a height h
from the ground plane. The PIFA sits on top of a dielectric with permittivity ξr as with the patch
The impedance of the PIFA can be controlled via the distance of the feed to the short pin (D). The
closer the feed is to the shorting pin, the impedance will decrease; the impedance can be increased
by moving it farther from the short edge. The PIFA can have its impedance tuned with this
The resonant frequency of the PIFA depends on W. If W=L2, then the shorting pin runs the entire
width of the patch. In this case, the PIFA is resonant (has maximum radiation efficiency) when:
If W=L2 → L1= λ/4……………………………………………….. (1)
Suppose that W=0, so that the short is just a pin (or assume W << L2). Then the PIFA is resonant
If W=0 → L1+L2= λ/4…………………………………………….. (2)
The resonant length of the PIFA depend on the shorting pin length W. For a quarter-wavelength
patch antenna radiation needs a quarter-wavelength of space between the edge and the shorting

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area. If W=L2, then the distance from one edge to the short is simply L1, which gives us Equation
When W=0 Since it is the fringing fields along the edge that give rise to radiation in microstrip
antennas, we see that the length from the open-circuited radiating edge (the far edge in Figure 5)
to the shorting pin is on average equal to L1+L2. You can convince yourself of this by measuring
the distance from any point on the far edge of the PIFA to the shorting pin. The clockwise and
counter-clockwise paths always add up to 2*(L1+L2), so on average, resonance will occur when
the path length (L1+L2) for a single path is a quarter-wavelength.
In general, we can approximate the resonant length of a PIFA as a function of its parameters as:
L1+L2-W=λ/4…………………………………………………… (3) Capacitive Loading in PIFA Antennas
In this technique, we add capacitance to the PIFA antenna, between the feed point and the open
edge. This is illustrated in Figure 4.10:

Figure 4.10 Capacitive Loading in Planar Inverted-F Antenna (PIFA)

In the right of the feed in Figure 4.10, we have a short circuit to ground. Short circuits with a small
fraction of a wavelength can be viewed as a parallel inductance to ground, as far as the impedance
is concerned. Similarly, the open circuit and arm to the left of the feed in Figure 4.10 can be viewed
as a capacitor (if this isn't too clear, you might want to check out the transmission line tutorial).
The distances from the feed to the shorting pin, or the feed to the open edge of the PIFA determine
the inductance and capacitance, respectively. In some sense, the lengths are required such that the
inductance and capacitance can be balanced out.
Hence, if we shorten up the length of the PIFA, we lose some of the capacitance to the left of the
feed in Figure 6. To compensate for this, we add a parallel capacitance, and (from an impedance
perspective), everything remains balanced and the PIFA radiates.
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This technique works, but be careful: you lose radiation efficiency by using this technique (and
the bandwidth of your PIFA will decrease as well). You can't just decrease the size of your PIFA,
replace it with capacitance and expect everything to be the same: you can't get something for
nothing; antenna engineering is all about trade-offs. PIFAS in the Real World
The Samsung Galaxy S is an android smartphone that works on CDMA networks in the US. This
means the frequency will be 850 and 1900 MHz, requiring one transmit/receive antenna and one
receive-only antenna (known as a diversity antenna). The phone's antennas have been shown in an
FCC report, shown below:

Figure 4.11: The antenna types and locations on the Samsung Galaxy S
The phone has 6 antennas, as shown in Figure 4.11. The Tx/Rx cellular antenna is the blue square
at the bottom and the diversity cellular antenna is in the upper left region. The GPS antenna (1.575
GHz) is on the top, and the WIFI antenna (which is dual band according to the FCC report,
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operating at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz) is the green square on the lower right side. This phone also has
WiMAX antennas (operating at 2.6 GHz), one for Tx/Rx and another as a diversity (Rx only)
These antennas are PIFAs. There is a single large ground plane that supports the circuit board and
touch screen, and this is the ground plane for all the antennas. It is important to note that even
though the FCC report labels the specific regions as the antennas, the entire ground plane (i.e. the
entire phone) makes up the antenna. That is - if you cut away the ground plane the phone would
not radiate well at the low band 850 MHz (where the half-wavelength is 6 inch or 17 cm).
In addition, the SAR report for this phone gives a very low value for peak SAR, equal to 0.402
W/kg averaged over 1g of tissue (the FCC limit to sell a phone in the US is 1.6 W/kg). This is an
advantageous property of PIFAs: since the radiation is away from the ground plane (towards the
rear of the phone), the energy is directed away from the head, giving a low value for SAR. A Simple Single Band PIFA
Before beginning with the development of the multi-band PIFA, the designing process of
a simple single band PIFA and its characteristics will be discussed. Designing of this antenna
structure helped the author to understand the basic concepts, characteristics and various factors
that determine the performance of the PIFA. Using the design parameters given in chapter 2, the
basic dimensions of the PIFA is derived using the following equation.

Lp + Wp = λ/4 (4.1)

Fig. 4.12 Simple Single Band PIFA (a) Top View (b) 3D View

The resulted dimensions for the PIFA are:

Lp = 22 mm

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Wp = 22 mm A Wideband PIFA with Single Slot on the Ground Plane
The structure of the proposed PIFA antenna with slotted ground plane is shown in Fig.
4.13. The proposed PIFA antenna consists of main radiating patch, a rectangular slot on the ground
plane, a shorting plate, coaxial feed and a ground plane. By using the ground plane as a radiator
along with PIFA’s main patch situated above the ground plane, the height of PIFA can be reduced
to a great extent, thus resulting in reduction of overall mobile phone thickness.

Fig. 4.13 3-D view of Proposed Wideband Antenna Structure

The proposed antenna consists of planar radiating element, two rectangular slots on the ground
plane, a shorting plate, coaxial feed and a ground plane. The dimensions of the rectangular patch
of the antenna are 18 x 7.2 x 2 mm3 and that of ground plane are 60 x 18 x 0.254 mm3. The second
geometry selected for the antennas is similar to modern small and slim cell phone geometry Quarts
planar substrate is used as dielectric material with loss tangent 0.003 and dielectric constant ξ=3.3,
and a thickness of t=10 mils (0.254 mm) and 2 mm. Copper is used as a metal part of the antenna
having conductivity of 5.8e7 S/m. A coaxial cable is used to feed the antenna from the backside
of PCB where ground plane lies. Air is used as dielectric between planar substrate and top radiating
patch. The geometry and 3-D view of the proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 4.14. Values of all the
dimensions are given in Table 4.2

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W S-strip

Ws ws
ws wt
t H
ws w
te ws

wf T-strip

50-Ω microstrip
z Feeding point

x x
y y
Ground plane
Metal on front side Metal on back side

Fig. 4.14 Proposed Antenna Design 2

Table 4.2 Detailed Dimensions of Proposed Mobile Antenna 2

Parameter Value Parameter Value

(mm) (mm)

Lf 15 W 18

Wf 0.75 H 7.2

WT 15.6 T 2

Ws 3 Wt 3

Lg 50

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The third geometry selected for the antennas is similar to modern small and slim cell phone
geometry alumina substrate is used as dielectric material with loss tangent 0.003 and dielectric
constant ξ=9.6, and a thickness of t=10 mils (0.254 mm) and 2 mm. Copper is used as a metal part
of the antenna having conductivity of 5.8e7 S/m. A coaxial cable is used to feed the antenna from
the backside of PCB where ground plane lies. Air is used as dielectric between planar substrate
and top radiating patch. The geometry and 3-D view of the proposed antenna is shown in Fig. 4.15.
Values of all the dimensions are given in Table 4.3.
Table 4.3 Detailed Dimensions of Proposed Mobile Antenna 3

Parameter Value Parameter Value

(mm) (mm)

Lf 15 W 18

Wf 0.75 H 7.2

WT 15.6 T 2

Ws 1.8 Wt 1.8

Lg 60

Detailed dimensions of proposed planar antenna is shown in Fig. 4.4, Fig.4.14 & Fig 4.15 and
value of these dimensions are given in table 4.2, 4.3 & 4.3. To make the design suitable for real
handset applications, the slot on the ground plane is situated under the top patch, which is an area
away from other components of the handset such as battery, RF components, displays, speakers

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W S-strip

Ws ws
ws wt
t H
ws w
te ws

wf T-strip

50-Ω microstrip Lg
z Feeding point

x x
y y
Ground plane
Metal on front side Metal on back side
Fig. 4.15 Proposed Antenna Design 3

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5.1 Introduction
The simulation software, ADS, produced all the simulation results presented in this chapter.
All the antenna designs were simulated and optimized several times until satisfactory results are
obtained. In this chapter, the accomplished results such as return loss (S11), 3-D radiation pattern,
VSWR plots and smith chart are discussed. In addition, analysis of the results of internal mobile
phone antenna will be made to find out if it fulfills the basic operational criteria in proposed
wireless communication devices.
5.2 Simulation Results of designed Antenna 1
After designing and analyzing a simple mobile antenna then the next step was to design
and simulate a planar mobile phone antenna. Proposed antenna covers multiple bands and this is
achieved by using a modified ground plane. A rectangular slot is etched in the ground plane which
helps in achieving wide band operation.
As the main objective of this thesis work is to propose a small antenna having thin
structure, therefore, the height of the PIFA selected is 0.254 mm from the RT/Duroid substrate and
60 mm from the ground plane. With these dimensions selected for the antenna, the structure can
operate at WLAN, IMT-2000, GPS and DCS-1800 bands with good enough bandwidth to serve
for these applications.
5.2.1 Return loss characteristics
The following plot in Fig. 5.1 shows the return loss for the dual band antenna design.
From the plot shown in Fig. 5.1, it can be seen that a resonant frequency of 1.65 GHz, 2.05 GHz
and 2.52 GHz has been achieved. The return loss obtained is -15 dB,-19.5dB and -29.5 dB at
resonant frequency with the operating bandwidth for S11 < -10dB. The antenna is operating in the
frequency range of 1.57 GHz to 2.56 GHz. The designed antenna works on two frequency bands,
one is 1.57 GHz to 2.2 GHz and second works on 2.40GHz to 2.56 GHz.

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Return Coefficient vs. Frequency

Fig. 5.1 Simulated Return Loss of Antenna 1

5.2.2 Radiation Pattern

The simulated 3D radiation pattern resonance obtained from the simulation results is shown in Fig
5.2. It can be seen from the plot that the antenna is a good radiator with almost omnidirectional
radiation and can be used for mobile terminals supporting multiple standards.

Fig. 5.2 Simulated 3D radiation pattern of Antenna 1

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5.2.3 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
The simulation results for VSWR for the frequency range from 1 to 3 GHz is shown in the
Fig. 5.3. The value of VSWR can be seen in the plot and has to be less than 3 dB at all three
resonant frequencies which is desirable for most of the wireless applications.
VSWR vs. Frequency

Fig. 5.3 Simulated VSWR plot of Antenna 1

5.2.4 Smith Chart
The simulated smith chart obtained from the simulation results is shown in Fig 5.4.
The Smith Chart is used for visualizing the impedance of a transmission line and antenna
system as a function of frequency. Smith Charts can be used to increase understanding of
transmission lines and how they behave from an impedance viewpoint. Smith Charts are also

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extremely helpful for impedance matching. The Smith Chart is used to display an actual
(physical) antenna's impedance when measured on a Vector Network Analyzer (VNA).

Fig. 5.4 Simulated smith chart of Antenna 1

5.3 Simulation Results of designed Antenna 2
After designing and analyzing a simple single band antenna then the next step was to design and
simulate a wideband Planar Antenna. Proposed antenna covers multiple bands and this is achieved
by using a modified ground plane. A rectangular slot is etched in the ground plane which helps in
achieving wide band operation. The height of the planar antenna is 0.254 mm from the RT/Duroid
substrate and 50 mm from the ground plane.

5.3.1 Return loss characteristics

From the plot shown in Fig. 5.5, it can be seen that a resonant frequencies achieved are 1.7 GHz
and 2.3 GHz with return loss of -15.2 dB and -24.1 dB respectively. The cellular bands covered
by proposed antenna are DCS 1800,PCS 1900, UMTS (1920-2170 MHz),3G IMT 2000, 4G LTE

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2300,4G LTE 2600 MHz), Bluetooth (2400-2480 MHz), WLAN 802.11 (2400-2485 MHz). The
following plot in Fig. 5.5 shows the return loss for the single band antenna design.
Return Coefficient vs. Frequency

Fig. 5.5 Simulated Return Loss of Wideband Antenna 2

5.3.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
The following plot in Fig. 5.6 shows the VSWR plot for the single band antenna design.
VSWR vs. Frequency

Fig. 5.6 Simulated VSWR plot of Wideband Antenna 2

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The simulation results for VSWR for the frequency range from 1.62 to 2.5 GHz is shown in the
Fig. 5.6. The value of VSWR can be seen in the plot and has to be less than 3 dB at all three
resonant frequencies which is desirable for most of the wireless applications.
5.3.3 Smith Chart
The simulated smith chart obtained from the simulation results is shown in Fig 5.7.

Fig. 5.7 Simulated smith chart of Wideband Antenna 2

5.4 Simulation Results of designed Antenna 3
The antenna discussed in the previous section was a wideband antenna, it showed reduction in
overall size and good bandwidth but not all the resonant frequencies achieved by the antenna were
having good peaks. So the antenna structure with a single slot is not suitable for achieving good
resonance. Therefore, the thesis work extends to the designing of an antenna which has good
resonance along with good gain, good impedance bandwidth and compact in size. Thus, another
slot is introduced in the ground plane and this additional slot improves the antenna performance.
The length of the designed antenna 3 in 70mm.
5.4.1 Return loss characteristics

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The plot given in Fig. 5.8 shows the return loss for the proposed multiband PIFA design.
Return Coefficient vs. Frequency

Fig. 5.8 Simulated Return Loss of Multiband Antenna 3

From the plot shown in above figure it can be observed from S 11 plot that there are two frequency
at which resonance is achieved and those are 1.9 GHz and 2.5 GHz with return loss of -10 dB and
-9.2 dB respectively. The cellular and non-cellular bands covered by the proposed antenna are GPS
1575, DCS (1800 MHz), PCS (1900 MHz), UMTS (2100 MHz), Wi- Fi/Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) &
4G LTE (1.7 GHz).
5.4.2 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (VSWR)
The plot given in Fig. 5.9 shows the VSWR for the proposed multiband PIFA design.
VSWR vs. Frequency

Fig. 5.9 Simulated VSWR plot of Multiband Antenna 3

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The simulation results for VSWR for the frequency range from 1.54 to 2.56 GHz is shown in the
Fig. 5.9. The value of VSWR can be seen in the plot and has to be less than 3 dB at all resonant
frequencies and it is desirable level for most of the wireless applications.

5.4.4 Smith Chart

The simulated smith chart obtained from the simulation results is shown in Fig 5.10.

Fig. 5.10 Simulated Smith Chart of Multiband Antenna 3

5.5 Validation of Simulation Results

Table 5.1 Comparison between different ground lengths of the Design antenna

Antenna Substrate Return Loss Frequency Bands Covered

Ground length material (Resonant

60 mm RT/Duroid 1.65 GHz: -15 dB GPS 1575,DCS 1800,PCS 1900,UMTS (1978-

2.05 GHz: -19.5 dB 2200 MHz), 3G IMT 2000 & 2.4 GHz WLAN

2.52 GHz :29.5 dB (2400-2560)

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50 mm RT/Duroid 1.7 GHz: -15.2 dB DCS 1800, PCS 1900, UMTS (1920-2170
2.3 GHz: -24.1 dB MHz), 3G IMT 2000, 4G LTE 2300,4G
LTE 2600 MHz), Bluetooth (2400-2480
MHz), WLAN 802.11 (2400-2485 MHz)
70 mm RT/Duroid 1.9 GHz :-10 dB GPS 1575, DCS (1800 MHz), PCS (1900
2.5 GHz :-9.2dB MHz), UMTS (2100 MHz), Wi-
Fi/Bluetooth (2.4 GHz) & 4G LTE (1.7

It is clear from the data given in table 5.1 that the effect of the length of the ground plane on the
return loss of the planar antenna is exhibited in Fig 5.1.We can see that there is an optimum value
for where the planar antenna has the best performance for return loss. The reason for the length
dependence is that the ground plane also serves as a radiating element. The optimum value for is
found to be around 60 mm.
(Probably, around 60 mm, the ground plane, the S-strip, and the T-strip form a resonant radiator.)
Therefore, the planar antenna is suitable for compact mobile handsets.

Table 5.2 Comparison between different Substrate materials with thickness 0.254 mm in Design
Substrate Resonant Return loss at Frequency Bands Covered
material Frequencies dB

RT/Duroid 1.65 GHz, -15 dB GPS 1575,DCS 1800,PCS 1900,UMTS (1978-

5880 with 2.05 GHz, -19.5 dB 2200 MHz), 3G IMT 2000 & 2.4 GHz WLAN
ξr=2.2 and And And (2400-2560)
loss 2.52 GHZ -29.5 dB

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FR-4 with 1.66 GHz, -23 dB GPS L1 band (1575.42 MHz), GLONASS-M
ξ=4.6 and & & L1 band (1602 MHz), DCS (1800 MHz), PCS
tangent=0.01 1.82 GHz -26.2 dB (1900 MHz).

Quartz with 1.68 GHz -24 dB GPS L1 band (1575.42 MHz), GLONASS-M
ξ=3.3 and loss L1 band (1602 MHz), DCS (1800 MHz), PCS
tangent =
0.003 (1900 MHz), UMTS (2100 MHz) and 3G IMT

Alumina with 1.38 GHz -8 dB GPS 1800

ξ=9.6 and
loss tangent =

It is clear from the data given in table 5.2 that the effect of the substrate material of the antenna
plane on the return loss of the planar antenna is exhibited in Fig 5.11.We can see that there is an
optimum value for where the planar antenna has the best performance for return loss. The reason
for the substrate material dependence is that the ground plane also serves as a radiating element.
The optimum material is found to be RT/Duroid 5880, FR-4 and quartz.

(a) (b)

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Fig. 5.11 Simulated Return Loss (a) FR-4 substrate (b) Quartz and (c) alumina

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6.1 Conclusion
During the last decade, the mobile phone communications industry has grew at such fast
rate. This phenomenon has not only seen a large increase in mobile phone users all over the world
but also produced more wireless communication systems. Due to these reasons the demand for
multi-band antennas increases. With the advancement of technology, wireless communication
devices such as mobile phones have now become smaller and more compact, thus the antenna to
be used in such devices should be small, low profile and should support more services. Therefore,
the purpose of this thesis work is to design a multi-band antenna for use in handheld devices, which
provides support to several cellular and non-cellular technologies.
The main objective of this thesis is to achieve a new antenna design that supports various
frequency bands such as 2G, 3G, 4G, GPS, Bluetooth and WLAN. And the designed antenna can
be integrated with any handheld device because of its low profile, small size features. However,
this is done through very complex and time consuming process where problems were faced and
dealt with constantly. Nevertheless, many interesting characteristics of the PIFA antenna have been
uncovered and good results are achieved.
This thesis work deals with aspects of the multi-band Planar Inverted-F Antenna studies,
design and simulation. The results show that the antenna structure is suitable for its use in handheld
device. It has also been observed that the simulation results obtained relates with the basic theory
PIFA structures.
There are few conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis:
I. The designed multi-band antenna, built on PIFA design, is very sensitive to any changes
to the dimensions of the structure including the ground plane.
II. PIFA generally have two very good characteristics, which is small in size and having
omnidirectional radiation pattern.
III. Ground plane of the antenna can also be used as a radiator resulting in overall size reduction
and improvement in operating bandwidth.

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6.2 Future Scope
Based on the conclusions drawn and limitations of the work presented, future work can be carried
out in the following areas:
Further, the antenna prototype developed can be used to study the performance of the antenna with
human interaction and investigate the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) value by employing human
model testing.
The antenna structure can be placed inside a handheld device casing and it can be analyzed using
an anechoic chamber.
The design proposed in this thesis can be extended for supporting MIMO applications for the
devices which supports LTE and WiMAX technologies.

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