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Anatomy and Physiology  Frenulum – membrane that secures the tounge to

The Digestive System and Body Metabolism the floor of the mouth; limits movement.
 Tonsils – Palatine tonsils and Lingual tonsil
Functions of the Digestive System
Processes of the Mouth
 Digestion – breakdown of ingested food.
 Mastication (chewing) of food (mechanical
 Absorption – passage of nutrients into the blood.
 Metabolism – production of cellular energy (ATP).
 Mixing masticated food with saliva (chemical
Digestive System: Overview
- Salivary amylase: enzyme digests starch
 Alimentary Canal/ Gastrointestinal (GI) tract – - Mucin: slippery protein (mucus); protects soft
mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small lining of digestive system; lubricates food for
intestine, and large intestine easier swallowing
 Accessory Digestive Organs – teeth, tounge, - Buffers: neutralizes acid to prevent tooth
gallbladder, salivary glands, liver, and pancreas. decay
- Anti-bacterial chemicals: kill bacteria that
Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract enter mouth with food.
 A continuous, hollow coiled tube that digests food,  Initiation of swallowing by the tounge.
breaks it down, and absorbs the fragments through  Allowing for the sense of taste.
its lining into the blood.
 Another antibacterial substance present in saliva is
Digestive Process
lactoferrin an iron binding protein.
Six Essential Activities:
 In the presence of specific antibody, lactoferrin
1. Ingestion
which is not saturated with iron enhances the
2. Mechanical digestion
inhibitory effect of the antibody on
3. Propulsion
4. Chemical digestion
 Digestion: Digestive function is mainly due to
5. Absorption
presence of salivary amylase, lingual lipase
6. Defacation
Gastrointestinal Tract Activities
1. Ingestion
 Serves as a passageway for air and food.
 Taking food into the digestive tract.
 Food is propelled to the esophagus by two muscle
 Act of putting food into mouth.
2. Mechanical digestion
- Longitudinal inner layer
 Biting: using of teeth to cut the food.
- Circular outer layer
 Mastication: chewing or grinding of food.
 Food movement is by alternating contractions of
3. Propulsion – deglutition and peristalsis
the muscle layers (peristalsis)
 Deglutition: swallowing
 Peristalsis: waves of contraction and relaxation of The Pharynx
muscles in the organ walls.  The air passage (trachea) and food passage
4. Chemical digestion – catabolic breakdown of (esophagus) cross in the pharynx.
 Swallowing occurs in the pharynx and is a reflex
 Initial digestion: stomach action.
 Final digestion: small intestine  During swallowing, the air passage is usually
5. Absorption – movement of nutrients from the GI blocked off, and the trachea moves under the
tract to the blood or lymph (villi and microvilli) epiglottis to cover the glottis opening to the
6. Defacation – elimination of indigestible and windpipe.
unabsorbed solid wastes (large intestine).
Mouth (Oral Cavity) Anatomy
 Runs from pharynx to stomach through the
 Lips (labia) – protect the anterior opening. diaphragm.
 Cheeks – form the lateral walls.  Conducts food by peristalsis (slow rhythmic
 Hard palate – forms the anterior roof. squeezing)
 Soft palate – forms the posterior rood.  Passageway for food only (respiratory system
 Uvula – fleshy projection of soft palate. branches off after the pharynx.
 Vestibule – space between lips externally and teeth
and gums internally. Stomach
 Tounge – attached at hyoid and styloid processes,  Located on the left side of the abdominal cavity ( -
and by the lingual frenulum. 10 in long)
 When full hold about 1 gallon of food.  Acid food from the stomach mixes with digestive
 Food enters at the cardio esophageal sphincter. juices from accessory glands.
 Food exits at the pyloric sphincter (valve) between - Pancreas
the stomach and small intestine. o Peptidases: digests proteins/breaks
peptide bonds (trypsin, chymotrypsin,
Stomach Functions carboxypeptidase)
 Acts as a storage tank for food. o Pancreatic amylase: digests starch.
 Site of food breakdown. o Lipase: needed to digest fat.
 Produces 2-3L/day of gastric juice (HCI, enzymes, o Nucleases: digests nucleic acids.
and mucus) - Liver – produces bile.
 Chemical breakdown of protein begins. o Bile: breaks up fats
- Pepsin: an enzyme that breaks down proteins; - Gall bladder – storage of bile.
secreted as pepsinogen; activated by HCI.
 Delivers chyme (processed food) to the small Villi of the Small Intestine
intestine.  Finger like structures formed by the mucosa.
 Regulated by neutral and hormonal factors.  Give the small intestine more surface area.
- Motilin: A polypeptide that has a role in fat
metabolism. Microvilli of the Small Intestine
- Gastrin: a hormone that stimulates the  Small projections of the plasma membrane.
production of gastric acid in the stomach.  Found on absorptive cells.
- Secretin: a peptide hormone secreted by the
duodenum that serves to regulate its acidity. Structures Involved in Absorption of Nutrients
(pH 1.5 to 3.5)  Absorptive cells
 Blood capillaries
Diseases and Disorders
 Heartburn – occurs when the cardio-esophageal Propulsion in the Small Intestine
sphincter fails to close tightly and gastric juice  Peristalsis is the major means of moving food.
hacks up into the esophagus.  Segmental movements
 Hiatal hernia – superior part of the stomach - Mix chyme with digestive juices.
protrudes above the diaphragm allowing juices to - Aid in propelling food.
go into the esophagus.
 Vomiting – reverse movement of food, brought Peristalsis, involuntary movements of the longitudinal and
about by a signal from the medulla. circular muscles, primarily in the digestive tract but
occasionally in other hollow tubes of the body, that occur in
 It takes 4 hours for the stomach to empty after a progressive wavelike contractions. Peristatic waves occur in
well-balanced meal and 6 hours for a fatty meal. the esophagus, stomach, and intestines.

Large intestine (12-24 hrs)

Small Intestine (4-8 hrs)
 Larger in diameter, but shorter than the small
 The body’s major digestive organ.
 Site of nutrient absorption into the blood.
 Frames the internal abdomen.
 Muscular tube extending from the pyloric sphincter
to the ileocecal valve.
Functions of the Large Intestine
 Suspended from the posterior abdominal wall by
 Reabsorption of water.
the mesentery.
 Eliminates indigestible food from the body as
Subdivisions of the Small Intestine
 Does not participate in digestion of food.
 Duodenum
- Attached to the stomach.
Structures of the Large Intestine
- Curves around the pancreas (10 in).
 Ileocecal valve – between small and large intestine.
- Most digestion
 Cecum – saclike
 Jejunum
- 1st part of the large intestine.
- Attaches to the duodenum (8ft long)
 Appendix
- Absorption of nutrients and water.
- Accumulation of lymphatic tissue that
 Ileum
sometimes becomes inflamed (appendicitis)
- Extends from jejunum to ileocecal valve of
- Hangs from the cecum.
large intestine (12ft long)
 Colon
- Absorption of nutrients and water.
- Ascending – travels up the right side.
- Transverse – travel across abdomen.
Chemical Digestion in the Small Intestine
- Descending – travels down the left side.
 Source of enzymes that are mixed with chyme.
- Sigmoidal colon (aka pelvic colon) last part of  Kill germs.
large intestine. Liver
 Rectum – holding area before release of fecal  Produces bile.
material.  Stored in gall bladder.
 Anus – external body opening.  Brek up fats.
Food Breakdown and Absorption in the Large Intestine  Produces enzymes to digest protein and carbs.
 No digestive enzymes are produced. Stomach
 Resident bacteria digest remaining nutrients.  Kill germs.
- Produce some vitamin K and B  Break up food.
- Release gases  Digest proteins.
 Water and vitamins K and B are absorbed.  Store food.
 Remaining materials are eliminated via feces. Small Intestine
 Breakdown food
Propulsion in the Large Intestine - Proteins
 Decreased peristalsis - Starch
(hypomotility or hypoperistalsis) may lead to - Fats
constipation and bacterial overgrowth.  Absorb nutrients.
 Mass movements
- Slow, powerful movements. Large intestine
- Occur three to four times per day.  Absorb water.
 Presence of feces in the rectum causes a defacation
reflex. Accessory Digestive Organs
 Salivary glands
 Teeth
Diseases and Disorders  Pancreas
 Diarrhea – results when water is not sufficiently  Liver
absorbed by large intestine (can be due to bacteria)
 Gall bladder
 Constipation – results when too much water is
absorbed by the large intestine. Salivary Glands
 Parotid glands – located anterior to ears.
Common Causes of Sudden or Chronic Diarrhea
- Mumps is inflammation of the parotic glands.
 Sudden Diarrhea – food poisoning, traveler’s
 Submandibular glands – located beneath the floor
diarrhea, stomach flu
of the mouth.
 Chronic Diarrhea – celiac disease, food
 Sublingual glands – located under the tounge.
intolerance/allergy, milk/soy protein intolerance,
IBS, medication
 The role is to masticate (chew) food.
7 Common Causes of Constipation
 Aids in mechanical digestion.
1. Dehydration
2. Lack of fiber  Humans have two sets of teeth.
3. Disruption of the gut flora  Deciduous (baby or milk) teeth
4. Food sensitivities - 20 teeth are fully formed by age two.
5. Autoimmune disease  Permanent teeth
6. Hypothyroidism and hashimotos - Replace deciduous teeth beginning between
7. Bowel obstruction the ages of 6 to 12.
- A full set is 32 teeth, but some people do not
7 Solutions for Supporting Healthy Bowel Habits have wisdom teeth.
1. Drink plenty of water. - Teeth are named according to their main
2. Consume enough/ dietary fiber. function.
3. Avoid inflammatory foods.
4. Start taking probiotics. Classification of Teeth
5. Get your thyroid tested.  Incisors – adult (8); child (8)
6. Get tested for autoimmune disease. - They have sharp edges that help you bite into
7. Have an intestinal scope. food.
 Canines – “cuspids” adult (4);child (4)
Mouth - They have a sharp, pointly surface for tearing
 Break up food. food.
 Moisten food.  Premolars – “bicuspid” adult (8)
 Digest starch. - They have a flat surface with ridges for
crushing and grinding food into smaller pieces.
 Molars – adult (12) including 4 wisdom teeth; - Anabolism – small molecules come together
child (4) to form larger molecules.
- Biggest and strongest teeth.
- They have large surface area for grinding up
food and break up the food into pieces small.
How to maintain blood glucose (sugar) levels…
Regions of a Tooth  Blood circulates through the liver and glucose is
 Crown – exposed part (hardest substance in the removed. If the body has an abundance, glucose is
body) made into glycogen. This is called glycogenesis.
- Outer enamel  If the body is low on sugar, the liver will break
- Dentin down the glycogen into sugar. This is called
- Pulp cavity glycogenolysis.
 Neck
- Region in contact with the gum. Carbohydrate metabolism
- Connects crown to root.  Cellular respiration – glucose is broken down,
 Root releasing chemical energy to form ATP.
- Periodontal membrane attached to the bone.  Glucose + 02 = C02 + H2O + ATP
- Root canal carrying blood vessels and nerves.  If too much sugar is in blood, it is converted to
 Produces a wide spectrum of digestive enzymes Protein metabolism
that break down all categories of food.  Amino acids (make up proteins) are used to make
 Alkaline fluid introduced with enzymes neutralizes ATP only when proteins are over abundant or carbs,
acidic chyme. and fats are not available.
 Endocrine products of pancreas.  Amino acids are oxidized and ammonia (NH3) is
given off (secreted). The rest if the amino acids
Liver enter the citric acid cycle.
 Largest internal organ/gland in the body.
 Located on the right side of the body under the Fat metabolism
diaphragm.  Most of it occurs in the liver.
 Consists of four loves suspended from the  Fat is broken down into acetic acid. Then it is
diaphragm and abdominal wall by the falciform oxidized and CO2, H2O, and ATP are formed.
ligament.  This occurs when there are low amounts of sugar in
 Connected to the gall bladder via the common the blood.
hepatic duct.
Gall Bladder
Bile  Sac found in hollow part of the liver.
 Produced by cells in the liver,  Stores bile from the liver.
 Composition  Bile is introduced into the duodenum in the
- Bile salts presence of fatty food
- Bile pigment (mostly bilirubin from the  Gallstones can cause blockages.
breakdown of hemoglobin).
- Cholesterol Diseases and Injuries
- Phospholipids  Gallstones occur when bile is stored for too long
- Electrolytes and fat crystallizes.
 Jaundice – bile enters the blood stream and tissues
Role of the Liver in the Metabolism become yellow.
 Several roles in digestion.
 Detoxifies drugs and alcohol. Nutrition
 Degrade hormones.  Nutrient – substance used by the body for growth,
 Produce cholesterol, blood proteins (clotting maintenance, and repair.
proteins)  Categories of nutrients
 Plays a central role in metabolism. - Carbohydrates: simple sugars, starches, fiber
(fruit, grain, veggies, some milk and meat)
Metabolism - Lipids: triglycerides, phospholipids, fatty
 A chemical reaction that are necessary to maintain acids
life. - Proteins: amino acids
- Catabolism – substances are broken down,
energy released and captured to make ATP.
 Vitamins: need a balanced diet to obtain essential  Gastroenteritis – inflammation of the
vitamins. gastrointestinal tract; can be caused by
 Mineral – body requires 7 minerals (Ca, P, K, S, contaminated food.
Na, Cl, Mg)  Pyloric stenosis – a birth defect in which a
 Water constricted pyloric sphincter does not allow food to
pass easily into the small intestine.
What nutrients do for the body?
 Carbohydrates – broken down to form ATP. Symptoms of Phenylketonuria (PKU)
 Lipids – build cell membranes, make myelin  Learning disabilities
sheath, and insulates the body.  Mental retardation
 Proteins – major structure for building cells.  Tremors or jerky movements of limbs
 Skin rash or eczema
Diseases and Disorders  Epilepsy
 Frostbite – when the body is exposed to low  Hyperactivity
temperatures. Capillaries constrict to keep blood  Behavioral issues
deeper for the internal organs.
 Shivering – occurs when internal body becomes PKU Treatment
too cold; this produces heat.  Controlling blood Phenylalanine (Phe) levels: The
 Hypothermia – extremely cold body temperature. mainstay of treatment for Phenylketonuria (PKU) is
This results from prolonged exposure to the cold; management of Phenylalanine (Phe) levels in the
vital signs decrease. blood to avoid damage to the brain while
- Warning Signs of Hypothermia are confusion, maintaining appropriate nutrients intake.
shivering, difficulty speaking, sleepiness, and  Foods that are Phe rich, such as meat, fish, eggs,
stiff muscles. dairy nuts must be avoided, a selection of
- Treatments of Hypothermia – depends on the vegatables, fruit and special low-protein breads and
severity of the hypothermia. pastas bring the main allowed diet.
- Mild Hypothermia Treatment: remove wet
clothes from victim and replace with dry Gastroenteritis – otherwise called as stomach flu is an
clothes and/or wrap in warm blankets; cover infection of the stomach or small intestine by virus or
the heat, move to warm environment, do not bacteria.
exercise to warm up, do not re-warm person in
a warm bath or by massaging or rubbing, drink Treatment
a warm sugary drink, avoid drinks with  Mainstay of treatment is rehydration.
caffeine or alcohol, and transport victim to an  Tetracycline or erythromycin x 3/7.
emergency medical facility for evaluation.  Help to eradicate infection, decrease stool output,
 If the body is hot, capillaries become flushed with and shorten the duration of the illness.
warm blood, releasing heat. Sweating will occur.  However, a single dose of ciprofloxacin or
Heat stroke or heat exhaustion can occur. azithromycin (each 1 g) is a better choice.
- Sign and Symptoms: no sweating, dry red  Prevention by good hygiene and improved
skin, dizziness and headache, pinpoint pupils, sanitation
vomiting, unconsciousness.
- Prevention: drink enough, no alcohol and Appendicitis – inflammation of the appendix.
caffeine, cool showering, wear light protection, Ulcer – lesion or erosion of mucus membrane, exposed to
do not stay closed car, and limit outdoor time. secretions of the stomach.
 Cleft palate – palate does not form properly;
deformities of mouth, nose, and lips. Treatment
 Cystic fibrosis – excessive mucus impairs activity  The treatment of appendicitis is appendicectomy.
of pancreas. Fat and fat-soluble vit. Are not  Appendicectomy can be elective, emergency, or
digested. interval.
- People with cystic fibrosis experience a build-
 Two types of appendicectomy.
up of sticky mucus in the lungs, digestive
- Conventional open appendicectomy
system and other organs.
- Laparoscopic appendicectomy
 PKU – Phenylketonuria (fen-ul-keu-toe-NU-ree-
uh), also called PKU, is a rare inherited disorder
that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to
build up in the body.
- Inherited Disease that can lead to mental
retardation if untreated.
 Inability to use amino acids in food; can cause
brain damage and mental retardation.
- Renal columns – extension of cortex-like
material that separate the pyramids.
 Renal pelvis – medial region that is a flat, funnel-
shaped tube.
- Calyces form cup-shaped “drains” that enclose
the renal pyramids.
- Calyces collect urine and send it to the renal
pelvis, on to the ureter, and to the urinary
bladder for storage.

Nephrons – Structural and functional units of the

Anatomy and Physiology  Each kidney contains over a million nephrons.
Urinary System  Each nephron consists of two main structures.
- Renal corpuscle
Functions of the Urinary System
- Renal tubule
Kidneys dispose of waste products in urine
Renal Corpuscle
 Nitrogenous wastes
 Glomerulus – a knot of capillaries made of
 Toxins podocytes.
 Drugs  Podocytes – make up the inner (visceral) layer of
 Excess ions the glomerular capsule.
- Foot processes cling to the glomerulus.
Kidneys’ Regulatory Functions - Filtration slits create a porous membrane –
 Production of renin to maintain blood pressure. ideal for filtration.
 Production of erythropoietin to stimulate red blood  Glomerular (Bowman’s) capsule – a cup-shaped
cell production. structure that surrounds the glomerulus.
 Conversion of vitamin D to its active form. - First part of the renal tubule.

Kidney – Location of the kidney Renal Tubule – Extends from glomerular capsule and ends
 The kidneys are situated against the dorsal body when it empties into the collecting duct.
wall in a retroperitoneal position (behind the
parietal peritoneum) Cortical nephrons
 The kidneys are situated at the level of the T12 to  Located entirely in the cortex.
L3 vertebrae.  Include most nephrons.
 The right kidney is slightly lower than the left
(because of the position of the liver) Juxtamedullary nephrons
 Found at the cortex-medulla junction.
Kidney – Structure of the kidney
 Nephron loop dips deep into the medulla.
 An adult kidney is about 12cm (5 in) long and 6 cm
 Collecting ducts collect urine from both types of
(2.5 in) wide.
nephrons, through the renal pyramids, to the
 Renal hilum calyces, and then to the renal pelvis.
- A medial indentation where several structures
enter or exit the kidney (ureters, renal blood Glomerulus
vessels, and nerves) 1. Fed and drained by arterioles.
- An adrenal gland sits a top of each kidney.  Afferent arteriole – arises from a cortical radiate
artery and feeds the glomerulus.
Three Protective Layers Enclose the Kidney  Efferent arteriole – receives blood that has passed
 Fibrous capsule – encloses each kidney. through the glomerulus.
 Perirenal fat capsule – surrounds the kidney and
cushions against blows. 2. Specialized for filtration.
 Renal fascia – the most superficial layer that
anchors the kidney and adrenal gland to 3. High-pressure forces fluid and solutes out of
surrounding structures. blood and into the glomerular capsule.

Three Regions of the Kidney Peritubular Capillary Beds

 Renal cortex – outer region  Arise from the efferent arteriole of the glomerulus.
 Renal medulla – deeper region  Low-pressure, porous capillaries
- Renal (medullary) pyramids – triangular  Adapted for absorption instead of filtration.
regions of tissue in the medulla.
 Cling close to the renal tubule to receive solutes  Creatine – associated with creatine metabolism in
and water from tubule cells. muscles.
 Drain into the interlobar veins.
Tubular Secretion – In 24 hours, about 1.o to 1.8 Liters of
Blood Supply – One-quarter of the total blood supply of the Urine are produced.
body passes through the kidneys each minute.
 Renal artery provides each kidney with arterial Urine Vs. Filtrate
blood supply.  Filtrate contains everything that blood plasma does
 Renal artery divides into segmental arteries – (except proteins)
interlobar arteries – arcuate arteries – cortical  Urine is what remains after the filtrate has lost most
radiate arteries. of its water, nutrients, and necessary ions through
 Venous blood flow, Cortical radiate veins – arcuate reabsorption.
veins – interlobar veins – renal veins.  Urine contains nitrogenous wastes and substances
 There are no segmental veins. that are not needed.
 Renal vein returns blood to the inferior vena cava.
Urine Characteristics
Urine Formation and Characteristic  Clear and pale to deep yellow in color.
 Yellow color is normal due to the pigment
Glomerular Filtration – the glomerulus is a filter. urochrome (from the destruction of hemoglobin)
 Filtration is a nonselective process. and solutes.
- Water and solutes smaller than proteins are  Dilute urine is a pale, straw color.
forced through glomerular capillary walls.  Sterile at the time of formation.
- Proteins and blood cells are normally too large  Slightly aromatic, but smells like ammonia with
to pass through the filtration membrane. time.
- Once in the capsule, fluid is called filtrate.  Slightly acidic (pH of 6)
- Filtrate leaves via the renal tubule.  Specific gravity of 1.001 to 1.035
 Filtrate will be formed as long as systemic blood
pressure is normal. Solutes normally found in urine.
- If arterial blood pressure is too low, filtrate  Sodium and potassium ions
formation stops because glomerular pressure  Urea, uric acid, creatinine
will be too low to form filtrate.  Ammonia
 Bicarbonate ions
Tubular Reabsorption – The peritubular capillaries
reabsorb useful substance from the renal tubule cells, such Solutes NOT normally found in urine.
as:  Glucose
 Water  Blood proteins
 Glucose  Reb blood cells
 Amino acids  Hemoglobin
 Ions  WBC’s (pus)
 Bile
 Some reabsorption is passive, most is active (ATP).
 Most reabsorption occurs in the proximal Ureters – Slender tubes 25-30 cm (10-12 inches) attaching
convoluted tubule. the kidney to the urinary bladder.
 Continuous with the renal pelvis.
Tubular Secretion – Reabsorption in reverse  Enter the posterior aspect of the urinary bladder.
 Some materials move from the blood of the  Run behind the peritoneum.
peritubular capillaries into the renal tubules to be  Peristalsis aids gravity in urine transport.
eliminated in filtrate.
- Hydrogen and potassium ions Urinary Bladder – Smooth, collapsible, muscular sac
- Creatinine situated posterior to the pubic symphysis.
 Stores urine temporally.
Tubular Secretion – materials left in the renal tubule move  Trigone – triangular region of the urinary bladder
toward the ureter. base based on three openings.
 Nitrogenous wastes. - Two openings from the ureters (ureteral
 Nitrogenous waste products are poorly reabsorbed. orifice)
 Tend to remain in the filtrate and are excreted from - In males, the prostate surrounds the neck of the
the body in the urine. urinary bladder.
 Urea – end product of protein breakdown.
 Uric acid – results from nuclei and metabolism. Urinary Bladder – Wall of the urinary bladder
 Three layers of smooth muscle collectively called  Diet
the detrusor muscle.  Cellular metabolism
 Mucosa made of transitional epithelium.  Urine output
 Walls are thick and folded in an empty urinary
 Urinary bladder can expand significantly without
increasing internal pressure.

Urinary Bladder – Capacity of the urinary bladder

 A moderately full bladder is about 5 inches long
and holds about 500 ml of urine.
 Capable of holding twice that amount of urine.

Urethra – Thin-walled tube that carries urine from the

urinary bladder to the outside of the body by peristalsis.

 Females – carries only urine.
 Males – carries urine and sperm. Anatomy and Physiology

Reproductive System
Urethra – Length
 In females: 3 to 4 cm (1.5 inches long)  Gonads – primary sex organs
 In males: 20 cm (8 inches long)  Testes in males
 Ovaries in females
 Females – anterior to the vaginal opening.  Gonads produce gametes (sex cells) and secrete
 Males – travels through the prostate and penis hormones.
 Sperm – male gametes
 Prostatic urethra  Ova (eggs) – female gametes
 Membranous urethra
 Spongy urethra Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System

Release of urine is controlled by two sphincters. Testes

 Each testis is connected to the trunk via the
Internal urethral sphincter – involuntary and made of spermatic cord which houses:
smooth muscle. - Blood vessels
External urethral sphincter – voluntary and made of - Nerves
skeletal muscle. - Ductus deferens

Micturition Covering of the testes

 Voiding or emptying of the urinary bladder.  Tunica albuginea – capsule that surrounds each
 Two sphincters control the release of urine, he testes.
internal urethral sphincter and external urethral  Septa - extensions of the capsule that extend into
sphincter, the testis and divide it into lobules.

 Bladder collects urine to 200 ml. Each lobule contains one to four seminiferous tubules.
 Stretch receptors transmit impulses to the sacral  Tightly coiled structures.
region of the spinal cord.  Function as sperm-forming factories.
 Impulses travel back to the bladder via the pelvic  Empty sperm into the rete testes.
splanchnic nerves to cause bladder contractions.
 When contractions become stronger, urine is forced The Duct System
past the involuntary.  Highly convoluted tube 6 m (20ft) long.
 Internal sphincter into the upper urethra.  Found along the posterior lateral side of the testes.
 Temporary storage site for immature sperm.
Micturition  Sperm mature as they journey through the
 The external sphincter is voluntarily controlled, so epididymis.
micturition can usually be delayed.  During ejaculation, sperm are propelled to the
 Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. ductus deferens.

Blood composition depends on three factors Vas Deferens

 Runs from the epididymis via the spermatic cord  Fructose provides energy for sperm cells.
through the inguinal canal and arches over the  Alkalinity of semen helps neutralize the acidic
urinary bladder. environment of vagina.
 Moves sperm by peristalsis into the urethra.
The Duct System  Divided sac of skin outside the abdomen that
 Ampulla – end of the ductus deferens, which houses the testes.
empties into the ejaculatory duct.  Viable sperm cannot be produced at a normal body
 Ejaculatory duct – passes through the prostate to temperature.
merge with the urethra.  Maintains testes at 3 degrees C lower than the
 Vasectomy – outing of the ductus deferens at the normal body temperature.
level of the testes prevents transportation of sperm
(form of birth control) Penis – male organ of copulation that delivers sperm into
 Ejaculation – smooth muscle in the walls of the the female reproductive tract.
ductus deferens create peristaltic waves to squeeze
sperm forward. Regions of the penis
 Urethra  Shaft
- Extends from the base of the urinary bladder to  Glans penis (enlarged tip)
the tip of the penis.  Prepuce (foreskin) – folded cuff of skin around
- Carries both urine and sperm. proximal end often removed by circumcision.
- Sperm enters from the ejaculatory duct.
1. Prostatic urethra – surrounded by prostate gland. Penis
2. Membranous urethra – prostatic urethra to penis.  Internally there are three areas of spongy erectile
3. Spongy (penile) urethra – runs the length of the tissue around the urethra.
penis to the external urethral orifice.  Erections occur when this erectile tissue fills with
blood during sexual excitement.
Accessory Organs and Semen
Testosterone Production
Seminal Glands (Vesicles)
 Located at the base of the bladder. During Puberty
 Produce a thick, yellowish secretion (60% of the  Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) begins
semen) that contains: prodding seminiferous tubules to produce sperm.
1. Fructose (sugar)  Luteinizing hormone (LH) begins activating the
2. Vitamin C interstitial cells to produce testosterone.
3. Prostaglandins
 Duct of each seminal vesicle joins that of the Testosterone
ductus deferens on each side to form the  Most important hormonal product of the testes.
ejaculatory duct.  Stimulates reproductive organ development.
 Underlies sex drive.
Prostate  Causes secondary sex characteristics.
 Encircles the upper (prostatic) part of the urethra.  Deepening of voice.
 Secretes a milky fluid.  Increased hair growth.
 Helps to activate sperm.  Enlargement of skeletal muscles.
 Fluid enters the urethra through several small ducts.  Increased bone growth and density.

Bulbourethral Gland Female Reproductive System

 Pea-sized glands inferior to the prostate.
 Produce a thick, clear mucus. Ovaries
 Mucus cleanses the spongy (penile) urethra of  Produces eggs (ova) and hormones (estrogen and
acidic urine prior to ejaculation. progesterone)
 Mucus serves as a lubricant during sexual  Each ovary houses ovarian follicles consisting of:
intercourse. - Oocyte (immature egg)
- Follicle cells – layers of different cells that
Semen – milky while mixture of sperm and accessory gland surround the oocyte.
secretions. Ovaries follicles
 Primary follicle – contains an immature oocyte.
Components of accessory gland secretions  Vesicular (Graafian) follicle – growing follicle
 Liquid portion acts as a transport medium to dilute with a maturing oocyte.
 Sperm are streamlined cellular “tadpoles”.
 Ovulation – the follicle ruptures when the egg is Myometrium – the middle layer of smooth muscle that
mature and ready to be ejected from the ovary: contracts during labor
occurs about every 28 days.
- The ruptured follicle is transformed into a Perimetrium (visceral peritoneum) – the outermost serous
corpus luteum. layer of the uterus.

Ovary support Vagina

 Suspensory ligaments – secure the ovaries to the  Passageway that extends from cervix to exterior of
lateral walls of the pelvis. body and is located between urinary bladder and
 Ovarian ligaments – anchor ovaries to the uterus rectum.
medially.  Serves as the canal that allows a baby or menstrual
 Broad ligaments – a fold of peritoneum, enclose flow to leave the body.
and hold the ovaries in place.  Female organ of copulation.
 Received the penis during sexual intercourse.
Duct System  Hymen – partially closes the vagina until it is
Uterine (Fallopian) tubes
 Form the initial part of the duct system. External Genitalia and Perineum
 Receive the ovulated oocyte from the ovaries.
 Provide a site for fertilization. Vestibule
 Empty into the uterus.  Enclosed by labia majora.
 Little or no contact between ovaries and uterine  Contains external openings of the urethra and
tubes. vagina.
 Supported and enclosed by the broad ligament.
Greater vestibular glands
Uterine (fallopian) tube structure  One is found on each side of the vagina.
 Infundibulum: distal, funnel-shaped end.  Secretions lubricate vagina during intercourse.
 Fimbriae: fingerlike projections of the
infundibulum. Clitoris
 Receive the oocyte from the ovary.  Contains erectile tissue.
 Cilia located inside the uterine tube transport the  Corresponds to the male penis.
The clitoris is similar to the penis in that it is:
Uterus  Hooded by a prepuce.
 Situated between the urinary bladder and rectum.  Composed of sensitive erectile tissue.
 Size and shape of a peas, in a woman who has  Swollen with blood during sexual excitement.
never been pregnant.  The clitoris lacks a reproductive duct.
 Receives, retains, nourishes a fertilized egg.
Uterine support  Diamond – shaped region between the anterior
 Broad ligament – suspends the uterus in the pelvis. ends of the labial folds, anus posteriorly, and ischial
 Round ligament – anchors the uterus anteriorly. tuberosities laterally.
 Uterosacral ligament – anchors the uterus
posteriorly. Hormone Production by the Ovaries

Regions of the uterus Estrogen

 Body – main portion  Estrogens are produced by follicle cells.
 Fundus – superior rounded region above where  Cause secondary sex characteristics.
uterine tube enters.  Enlargement of accessory organs of the female
 Cervix – narrow outlet that protrudes into the reproductive system.
vagina.  Developing of breasts
 Appearance of axillary and pubic hair.
Layers of the uterus  Increase in fat beneath the skin, particularly in hips
and breasts.
Endometrium  Widening and lightening of the pelvis Inset of
 Inner layer (mucose) menses (menstrual cycle).
 Site of implantation of a fertilized egg.
 Sloughs off if no pregnancy occurs (menstruation Progesterone
or memses)  Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum.
 Production continues until LH diminishes in the
 Does not contribute to the appearance of secondary
sex characteristics.
 Helps maintain pregnancy.
 Prepares the breasts for milk production.

Mammary Gland

 Present in both sexes, but function only in females.
 Modifies sweat glands.
 Function is to produce milk to nourish a newborn.
 Stimulated by sex hormones (mostly estrogen) to
increase in size.

Mammary Glands
 Areola – central pigmented area.
 Nipple – protruding central area of the areola.
 Lobes – internal structures that radiate around the
 Lobules – located within each lobe and contain
clusters of alveolar glands.
 Alveolar glands – produce milk when a woman is
lactating (producing milk).
 Lactiferous ducts – connect alveolar glands to
 Lactiferous sinus – dilated portion where milk
 Sometimes widespread effects.

Nervous System
 Chemical and electrical signals
 Responds and stops quickly.
 Targets specific organ.
 Adapts quickly.
 Usually local effects.

Components of the Endocrine System

Endocrine glands
 Secrete their product directly into blood stream.
Chemical signal
 Molecules that are released from one location move
to another location, and produce a response.

Types of Chemical Signals

 Produce in one of part a cell and move to another
Anatomy and Physiology
part of same cell.
Endocrine System
 Released from one cell and bind to receptors on
another cell.
1. Controls homeostasis.
2. Maintains water balance.
Types of Intracellular Signals
3. Controls uterine contractions.
4. Controls milk production.
5. Regulates ions (calcium, sodium, potassium).  Released by cells and have a local effect on some
6. Regulates metabolism and growth. cell type.
7. Regulates heart rate and blood pressure.  Ex. Eicosanoids (released in response to
8. Monitors blood glucose levels. inflammation).
9. Aids the immune system.
10. Reproductive functions. Paracrine
 Released by cells that affect other cell types in
Hormones close proximity.
 Chemical messengers.  Ex. Somatostatin (inhibits insulin secretion).
 Secreted by endocrine glands or tissues into blood.
 Travel everywhere blood goes. Neurotransmitter and neuromodulators
 Affect only target cells, cells with receptors.  Secreted by nerve cells.
 May affect very distant organs or cells.  Ex. Nervous system function

Endocrinology Pheromones
 Study of endocrine system.  Secreted into environment and modify behavior
and physiology of other individual in same species.
 Diagnosis and treatment of its disorders.
 Ex. Women and menstrual cycles.
Exocrine glands
Hormones and neurohormones
 Release secretions to tissue by ducts.
 Secreted into blood and bind to receptor sites.
Endocrine glands  Ex. Epinephrine and insulin
 Ductless, release into blood.
 Other organs not usually considered endocrine
Endocrine Physiology: Hormone Structure
 E.g., brain and heart, releasing important
 Lipids synthesized from cholesterol.
Endocrine System  Share structure.
 Chemical signals only.  Four organic rings with varied side groups.
 Slower to respond and stop.  E.g., testosterone and estradiol
 Hormones go everywhere.
 Adapts relatively slowly.
 Small molecules. Types of Hormones
 Synthesized from amino acids tyrosine and
tryptophan. Water soluble
 E.g., thyroxine and epinephrine  Includes proteins, peptides, amino acids.
 Most common.
Peptide Hormones  Ex., growth hormone, antidiuretic, prolactin, etc.
 Chains from 3 to more than 200 amino acids.
 Considered proteins if > 50 amino acids. Lipid hormones
 Oxytocin, small peptide hormone.  Include steroids and eicosanoids.
 Insulin, a protein.  Ex. LH, FSH, androgens

Endocrine Physiology: Hormone Receptors and Effects Regulation of Hormones

 Blood levels of chemicals: ex. Blood glucose levels
Hormone receptor (insulin).
 Given hormone: fits receptor like key fits lock.  Other hormones: ex. TSH signals thyroid gland to
 Insulin “key”, fits only insulin receptor “lock”. release thyroid hormone.
 Does not stimulate other receptor types.  Nervous system:ex. Epinephrine and fight or flight
 Cell only responds if has proper receptors. responses.
 Negative feedback: tells body when homeostasis is
Peptide Hormones and Most Monoamines reached.
 Hydrophilic, unable to pass into target cell. Endocrine Glands and their Hormones
 Bind to receptor at cell surface. Pituitary Gland
 Hormone, first messenger.  Small gland in the brain.
 Receptor associated with membrane enzyme.  Controlled by hypothalamus.
 Respond by producing second messenger inside  Divided into 2 regions: anterior and posterior
cell.  Secretes at least 6 hormones.
 Often cyclic adenosine monophosphate (Camp)
Anterior Pituitary Gland
Cyclic AMP Growth Hormone:
 Made by removing two phosphates from ATP.  Target tissues: most
 Activates or reactivates cytoplasmic enzymes.  Functions: stimulates growth of bones, muscles and
 Leads to various metabolic effects. organs.
 E.g., wake up certain genes, producing new  Abnormalities:
enzymes. - Too much GH causes giantism.
 E.g., change permeability of plasma membrane. - Too little GH causes pituitary dwarfism.
 E.g., glucagon activating certain metabolic
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH):
 Target tissues: thyroid gland.
Steroid Hormones  Functions: regulates thyroid gland secretions.
 Hydrophobic, readily pass into cell.  Abnormalities:
 Bind receptor associated with DNA. - Too much TSH, thyroid gland enlarges.
- Too little TSH, thyroid gland shrinks.
 Causes gene to be transcribed.
 Specific protein produced.
 Alters metabolism in various ways.
LH (Luteinizing) for females:
 Target tissue: ovaries
Endocrine Physiology: How does Hormone work?
 Function: promotes ovulation and progesterone
1. Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands directly
into bloodstream.
2. Hormones travel to all parts of body.
LH for males:
3. Hormones (key) bind to receptor site (lock) on
target tissue.  Target tissue: testes
4. Response occurs.  Function: sperm production and testosterone.
FSH (Follicle-Stimulating) for females:
Endocrine Physiology: How do hormones cause change?  Target tissue: follicles in ovaries.
 After cell activity of target tissues by increasing or  Function: follicle maturation and estrogen
decreasing cell’s normal processes. secretions.
 Change permeability of cell membrane by opening
or closing ion channels. FSH for males:
 Synthesis of proteins.  Target tissue: seminiferous tubules (testes)
 Function: sperm production
Prolactin: Endocrine Glands and their Hormones CON’T
 Target tissues: mammary glands and ovaries
 Functions: milk production Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Medulla (inner portion):
Posterior Pituitary Gland  Epinephrine/Norepinephrine:
Antidiuretic Hormone (ADH): - Target tissues: heart, blood vessels, liver, fat
 Target tissues: kidneys cells.
 Functions: conserve water - Functions: released as part of fight or flight
 Abnormalities: response.
- Diabetes insipidus:
- Low ADH Adrenal Cortex (outer portion):
- Kidneys to produce large amounts of dilute Aldosterone:
(watery) urine.  Type of mineralocorticoids.
- Can lead to dehydration and thirst.  Target tissues: kidneys
 Functions: causes Na+ and H2O to be retained and
Oxytocin K+ to be secreted, indirectly involved with blood
 Target tissues: uterus pressure and blood volume.
 Functions: increases uterine contractions during Cortisol:
labor.  Type of glucocorticoids.
 Target tissues: most
Endocrine Glands and their Hormones CON’T  Functions: increases breakdown of fat and protein
for energy uses, reduces inflammatory and immune
Thyroid Gland responses.
 One of the largest glands.
 Requires iodine to function. Endocrine Glands and their Hormones CON’T
 Thyroid hormones:
- Target tissues: most Pancreas
- Functions: regulates metabolic rates and is Insulin:
needed for growth  Target tissues: liver, skeletal muscles, adipose
Abnormalities of Thyroid Gland  Functions:
 Hypothyroidism: - Regulates blood glucose levels.
 Decreased metabolism. - After meal glucose levels are high and insulin
 Weight gain, reduced appetite, fatigue. is secreted.
 Low temp, and pulse. - Extra glucose is stores in form of glycogen.
 Dry, cold skin. - Abnormalities:
 Myxedema in adults.
 Cretinism in infants.
 Target tissues: liver
Hyperthyroidism:  Function:
- Regulates blood glucose levels.
 Increased metabolism.
- Between meals glucose levels drop and
 Weight loss, increase appetite, nervousness.
glucagon is secreted.
 Higher temp, and pulse.
- Glucagon allows glycogen to be broken down
 Warm, flushed skin. into glucose.
 Graves’ disease (leads to goiter)
Calcitonin: Endocrine Glands and their Hormones CON’T
 Target tissues: bones
 Functions: secreted when blood Ca2+ levels are Testes
high. Testosterone:
 Target tissues: most
Parathyroid hormone (PTH):  Functions: aids in sperm and reproductive organ
 Target tissues: bones and kidneys. development and function.
 Functions: regulates blood Ca2+ levels (more than
calcitonin) Ovaries
- If Ca2+ is low then osteoclasts breakdown Estrogen/Progesterone:
bone matrix and less Ca2+ is lost in urine.  Target tissues: most
- If Ca2+ is high then osteoclasts don’t break  Functions: involved in uterine and mammary gland
down bone matrix and more Ca2+ is lost in development and menstrual cycle.
Thymus Gland - Lymphatic capillaries merge to form lymphatic
Thymosin: vessels, which have thin walls and many
 Target tissues: immune system tissues. valves.
 Functions: promotes immune system development
and function. Lymph Trunk and Ducts
 from the lymphatic vessels, lymph passes through
Pineal Body lymph nodes and into lymph trunks.
Melatonin: - Lymph trunks include the lumbar, intestinal,
 Target tissues: hypothalamus broncho mediastinal, subclavian, and jugular
 Functions: plays a role in onset of puberty and trunks.
controls circadian rhythms. Light affects its  Lymph trunks then merge to form either the
function. thoracic duct or the right lymphatic duct.

Formation and Flow of Lymph

 Interstitial fluid – lymph capillaries – lymph
vessels – lymph trunks – lymph ducts – subclavian

Lymphatic Organs and Tissues

 Primary lymphatic organs are organs where
Anatomy and Physiology immune cells become immunocompetent.
The Lymphatic System and Immunity - Red bone marrow
- Thymus
Disease Resistance  Secondary lymphatic organs and tissues include:
- Lymph nodes
Nonspecific Resistance (Innate Immunity) - Spleen
 Present at birth and includes defense mechanisms - Lymphatic nodules
that provide general protection against invasion by
a wide range of pathogens. Lymphatic Nodules
 Lymphatic nodules are masses of lymphatic tissue
Immunity (Adaptive Immunity) that are not surrounded by a capsule.
 Involves activation of specific lymphocytes that  They are scattered throughout the lamina propria of
combat a particular pathogen or other foreign mucous membranes lining the gastrointestinal,
substance. urinary, and reproductive tracts and the respiratory
The body system that carries out immune responses in the  Lymphatic nodules in these areas are also referred
lymphatic system. to as mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT)

Lymphatic System Disease Resistance Overview

 The lymphatic system consists of several structures Interactions Animation: Introduction to Disease
and organs that contain lymphatic tissue, bone Resistance
marrow, and a fluid called lymph that flows within
lymphatic vessel. Innate Immunity
 Innate immunity refers to a wide variety of body
Lymphatic System and Disease Resistance responses that serve to protect us against invasion
Anatomy Overview: of a wide variety of pathogens and their toxins.
 The Lymphatic System and Disease Resistance –  We are born with this kins of immunity.
Phagocytosis, T and B Lymphocytes, Lymphatic  Two lines of defense:
Vessels, Sleen, Lymph Nodes, Thymus. - Skin and mucous membranes
- Internal defenses
Functions of the Lymphatic System
1. Drain interstitial fluid. Non-Specific Disease Resistance
2. Transport dietary fats. Interactions Animation: Non-Specific Disease Resistance
3. Carry out immune responses.
Skin and Mucous Membranes
Lymphatic Vessels and Capillaries  Mechanical defenses
 Lymphatic vessels begin as lymphatic capillaries, - Skin, mucous membranes, tears, saliva, mucus,
which are closed on one end. cilia, epiglottis, urine flow, defecating,
- Lymphatic capillaries are located between cells vomiting
of many tissues.  Chemical defenses
- Sebum, lysozyme, gastric juice
- The antigen is eliminated.
Internal Defenses
 Antimicrobial proteins Cell-Mediated Immunity
 Phagocytes Interactions Animation:
 Natural killer cells Cell-Mediated Immunity
 Inflammation
 Fever Antibody-Mediated Immunity
 In antibody-mediated immunity:
Adaptive Immunity - An antigen is recognized and bound.
 Adaptive immunity is the ability of the body to - Helper T cells costimulate the B cell and so the
defend itself against specific invading agents. B cell can proliferate and differentiate into a
- Antigens are substances recognized as foreign clone of effector cells that produce antibodies.
that provoke immune responses. - The antigen is eliminated
 Adaptive immunity has both specificity and
memory and is divided into 2 types. Antibody-Mediated Immunity
- Cell-mediated Interactions Animation:
- Antibody-mediated Antibody-Mediated Immunity

Lymphocytes Introduction to Disease Resistance

Anatomy Overview: The Lymphatic and Immune Systems – Interactions Animation:
Lymhocytes: Activated B Cells and Cytotoxic T cells Disease Resistance Overview – section 2… section 4

Antigens and Antigen Receptors Self-Recognition and Self-Tolerance

 Immunogenicity  T cells undergo both positive and negative selection
to ensure that they can recognize self-MHC (self
 Reactivity
recognition) antigens and that they do not reach to
 Entire microbes or just arts of microbes may act as
other self-proteins (self-tolerance)
 B cells develop tolerance through deletion and
- Typically, just certain small parts of a large
antigen molecule act as the triggers for
immune responses. These small parts are
Stress and Immunity
called epitopes.
 Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) is a field that deals
Antigens and Antibodies with common pathways that link the nervous,
Anatomy Overview: endocrine, and immune systems.
Antigens and Antibodies - Research in this field indicates that thoughts,
feelings, moods, and beliefs influence your
Pathways of Antigen Processing level of health and the course of disease.
 For an immune response to occur, B cells and T
Aging and the Immune System
cells must recognize that a foreign antigen is
present.  Aging results in:
- B cells can recognize and bind to antigens in - Increased susceptibility to infections and
lymph, interstitial fluid, or blood plasma. malignancies.
- T cells only recognize fragments of antigenic - Increased production of autoantibodies.
proteins that are processes and presented in a - Decreased response to vaccines.
certain way. - Decreased immune system function.
- In antigen processing, antigenic proteins are
broken down into peptide fragments that Homeostatic Imbalances:HIV/AIDS
associate with MHC molecules.  Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a
- The antigen-MHC complex is then inserted condition in which a person experiences an
into the plasma membrane of a body cell. assortment of infections due to the progressive
- This process is called antigen presentation. destruction of immune system cells by the human
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
 Small protein hormones that stimulate or inhibit Homeostatic Imbalances: Allergies
many normal cell functions.  Allergies occur when a person is overly reactive to
a substance that is well-tolerated by most others.
Cell-Mediated Immunity  When an allergic reaction occurs so does tissue
 In cell-mediated immunity: damage.
- An antigen is recognized and bound.  There are 4 types of hypersensitivity reactions,
- A small number of T cells proliferate and Type l-lV
differentiate into a clone of effector cells.
Homeostatic Imbalances. Autoimmune Disease
 An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune Conjunctiva
system fails to display self-tolerance and, instead,  Membrane that lines the eyelids and eyeball.
attacks the person’s own body tissue(s).  Connects with the transparent cornea.
 Secretes mucus to lubricate the eye and keep it

Lacrimal apparatus = lacrimal gland + ducts

 Lacrimal gland produces lacrimal fluid (tears):
situated on lateral end of each eye.
 Tears drain across the eye into the lacrimal
canaliculi, then the lacrimal sac, and into the
nasolacrimal duct, which empties into the nasal

Tears contain:
 Dilute salt solution
 Mucus
 Antibodies
 Lysozyme (enzyme that destroys bacteria)

Function of tears
 Cleanse, protect, moisten, lubricate the eye

Extrinsic eye muscles

Anatomy and Physiology
 Six muscles attach to the outer surface of the eye.
Special Senses
 Produce gross eye movements.
Special senses include:
Three layers, or tunics, form the wall of the eyeball
 Smell
 Fibrous layer: outside layer
 Taste
 Vascular layer: middle layer
 Sight
 Sensory layer: inside layer
 Hearing
 Equilibrium
Humors are fluids that fill the interior of the eyeball.
Special sense receptors
Lens divides the eye into two chambers
 Large, complex sensory organs
 Localized clusters of receptors
Fibrous layer = sclera + cornea
Part 1: The Eye and Vision
 White connective tissue layer.
 70 percent of all sensory receptors are in the eyes.
 Seen anteriorly as the “white of the eye”
 Each eye has over 1 million nerve fibers carrying
information to the brain.
 Transparent, central anterior portion.
Anatomy of the Eye
 Allows for light to pass through.
Accessory structures include the:
 Repairs itself easily.
 Extrinsic eye muscles
 The only human tissue that can be transplanted
 Eyelids
without fear of rejection.
 Conjunctiva
 Lacrimal apparatus
Vascular layer
 Choroid is a blood-rich nutritive layer that contains
External and Accessory Structures
a pigment (prevents light from scattering).
 Choroid is modified anteriorly into two smooth
 Meet at the medial and lateral commissure
muscle structures.
- Ciliary body
- Iris – regulates amount of light entering eye.
 Pigmented layer that gives eye color.
 Tarsal glands produce an oily secretion that
 Pupil – rounded opening in the iris.
lubricates the eye.
 Ciliary glands are located between the eyelashes.
Sensory layer
Retina contains two layers  Prevents the eye from collapsing.
1. Outer pigmented layer absorbs light and prevents it  Helps maintain intraocular pressure.
from scattering.
2. Inner neural layer contains receptor cells Ophthalmoscope
(photoreceptors).  Instrument used to illuminate the interior of the
- Rods eyeball and fundus (posterior wall)
- Cones  Can detect diabetes, arteriosclerosis, degeneration
of the optic nerve and retina.
 Electrical signals from photoreceptors via a two-
neuron chain. Physiology of Vision
- Bipolar neurons
- Ganglion cells Pathway of light through the eye and light refraction.
 Signals leave the retina toward the brain through  Light must be focused to a point on the retina for
the optic nerve. optimal vision.
 Optic disc (blind spot) is where the optic nerve  Light is bent, or refracted, by the cornea, aqueous
leaves the eyeball. humor, lens, and vitreous humor.
- Cannot see images focused on the optic disc  The eye is set for distant vision (over 20 feet away)
 Rods  Accommodation – the lens must change shape to
- Most are found toward the edges of the retina. focus on closer objects (less that 20 feet away)
- Allow vision in dim light and peripheral  Image formed on the retina is a real image
vision.  Real images are:
- All perception is in gray tones. - Reversed from left to right
 Cones - Upside down
- Allow for detailed color vision. - Smaller than the object
- Densest in the center of the retina.
- Fovea centralis-lateral to blind spot. Visual fields and visual pathways to the brain
- Area of the retina with only cones.  Optic nerve
- Visual acuity (sharpest vision) is here. - Bundle of axons that exit the back of the eye
 No photoreceptor cells are at the optic disc, or blind carrying impulses from the retina.
spot.  Optic chiasma
 Cone sensitivity - Location where the optic nerves cross.
- Three types of cones. - Fivers from the medial side of each eye cross
- Each cone type is sensitive to different over to the opposite side of the brain.
wavelengths of visible light  Optic tracts
- Contain fibers from the lateral side of the eye
Internal Structures: The Eyeball on the same side and the medial side of the
Lens opposite eye.
 Flexible, biconvex crystal-like structure. - Synapse with neurons in the thalamus.
 Held in a place by a suspensory ligament attached  Optic radiation
to the ciliary body. - Axons from the thalamus run to the occipital
 Divides the eye into two chambers lobe.
1. Anterior (aqueous) segment - Synapse with cortical cells, and vision
 Anterior to the lens interpretation (seeing occurs).
 Contains aqueous humor, a clear,
watery fluid. Summary of the pathway impulses from the retinal to
2. Posterior (vitreous) segment the point of visual interpretation
 Posterior to the lens. 1. Optic nerve
 Contains vitreous humor, a gel-like 2. Optic chiasma
substance 3. Optic tract
4. Thalamus
Aqueous humor 5. Optic radiation
 Watery fluid found between lens and cornea. 6. Optic cortex in occipital love of brain
 Similar to blood plasma. Physiology of Vision
 Helps maintain intraocular pressure. Visual fields
 Provides nutrients for the lens and cornea.  Each eye “sees” a slightly different view.
 Reabsorbed into venous blood through the scleral  Field of view overlaps for each eye.
venous sinus, or canal Sclemm.
Binocular vision results and provides:
Vitreous humor  Depth perception (three-dimensional vision)
 Gel-like substance posterior to the lens.
Eye reflexes
 Convergence: reflexive movement of the eyes Pharyngotympanic tube (auditory tube)
medially when we focus on a close subject.  Links middle ear cavity with the throat.
 Photo pupillary reflex: bright light causes pupils to  Equalizes pressure in the middle ear cavity so the
constrict. eardrum can vibrate.
 Accommodation pupillary reflex: viewing close  Three bones (ossicles) span the cavity.
objects causes pupils to constrict. 1. Malleus (hammer)
2. Incus (anvil)
Clinical Correlation 3. Stapes (stirrup)
 Emmetropia – eye focuses images correctly on the  Function
retina. - Transmit vibrations from tympanic membrane
 Myopia (near-sightedness) to the fluids of the inner ear.
- Distant objects appear blurry. - Vibrations travel from the hammer – anvil –
- Light from those objects fails to reach the stirrup – oval window of inner ear.
retina and are focuses in front of it.
- Results from an eyeball that is too long. Internal (inner) ear
 Hyperopia (farsightedness)  Includes sense organs for hearing and balance.
- Near objects are blurry, whereas distant objects  Bony labyrinth (osseous labyrinth consists of:
are clear. - Cochlea
- Distant objects are focused behind the retina. - Vestibule
- Results from an eyeball that is too short or - Semicircular canals
from a “lazy lens”.  Bony labyrinth is filled with perilymph
 Astigmatism - Membranous labyrinth is suspended is
- Images are blurry. suspended in perilymph and contains
- Results from light focusing as lines, not points, endolymph.
on the retina because of unequal curvatures of
the cornea or lens. Equilibrium
 Equilibrium receptors of the inner ear are called the
Part 2: The Ear: Hearing and Balance vestibular apparatus.
 Vestibular apparatus has two functional parts.
Ear houses two senses 1. Statis equilibrium
 Hearing 2. Dynamic equilibrium
 Equilibrium (balance)
Static Equilibrium
Receptors are mechanoreceptors. Maculae – receptors in the vestibule.
 Report on the position of the head.
Different organs house receptors for each sense.  Help us keep our hear erect.
 Send information via the vestibular nerve (division
Anatomy of the Ear of cranial nerve vili) to the cerebellum of the brain.
 The ear is divided into three areas Anatomy of the maculae
1. External (outer) ear  Hair cells are embedded in the otolithic membrane.
2. Middle ear  Otoliths (tiny stones) float in a gel around hair
3. Internal (inner) ear cells.
 Movements cause otoliths to roll and bend hair
External (outer) ear cells.
 Auricle (pinna)
 External acoustic meatus (auditory canal). Dynamic Equilibrium
- Narrow chamber in the temporal bone. Crista ampullaris
- Lined with skin and ceruminous (earwax)  Responds to the angular or rotational movement of
glands. the head.
- Ends at the tympanic membrane (eardrum).  Located in the ampulla of each semicircular canal.
 External ear is involved only in collecting sound  Tuft of hair cells covered with cupula (gelatinous
waves cap).
 If the head moves, the cupula drags against the
Middle ear cavity (tympanic cavity) endolymph.
 Air-filled, mucosa-lined cavity within the temporal  Hair cells are stimulated, and the impulse travels
bone. the vestibular nerve to the cerebellum.
 Involved only in the sense of hearing.
 Located between tympanic membrane and oval Hearing
window and round window. Spiral organ of Corti
 Located within the cochlear duct.
 Receptors = hair cells on the basilar membrane. Taste Buds and the Sense of Taste
 Gel-like tectorial membrane is capable of bending  Taste buds house the receptor organs.
hair cells.  Locations of taste buds.
 Cochlear nerve attached to hair cells transmits - Most are on the tongue
nerve impulses to auditory cortex on temporal lobe. - Soft palate
- Superior part of the pharynx
Pathway of vibrations from sound waves - Cheeks
 Move by the ossicles from the eardrum to the oval  The tongue is covered with projections called
window. papillae that contain taste buds.
 Sound is amplifies by the ossicles. - Vallate (circumvallate)
 Pressure waves cause vibrations in the basilar - Fungiform papillae
membrane in the spiral organ of Corti. - Filiform papillae
 Hair cells of the tectorial membrane are bent when  Gustatory cells are taste receptors.
the basilar membrane vibrates against it. - Possess gustatory hairs (long microvilli)
 An action potential starts in the cochlear nerve - Gustatory hairs protrude through a taste pore.
(cranial nerve to vili), and the impulse travels to the - Hairs are stimulated by chemicals dissolved in
temporal lobe. saliva.
 Impulses are carried to the gustatory complex
High-pitched sounds disturb the short, stiff fibers of the by several cranial nerves because taste buds are
basilar membrane. found in different areas.
 Receptor cells close to the oval window are - Facial nerve (cranial nerve 7)
stimulated. - Glossopharyngeal nerve (cranial nerve 9)
- Vagus nerve (cranial nerve 10)
Low-pitched sounds disturb the long, floppy fibers of the  Taste buds are replaced frequently by basal cells.
basilar membrane.  Five basic taste sensations
 Specific hair cells further along the cochlea are - Sweet receptors respond to sugars, saccharine,
affected. some amino acids,
- Sour receptors respond to H+ ions or acids,
Hearing and Equilibrium Deficits - Bitter receptors respond to alkaloids.
 Deafness is any degree of hearing loss. - Salty receptors respond to metal ions.
 Conduction deafness results when the transmission - Umami receptors respond to the amino acid
of sound vibrations through the external and middle glutamate or the beefy taste of meat.
ears is hindered.
 Sensorineural deafness results from damage to the
nervous system structures involved in hearing.
 Meniere’s syndrome affects the inner ear and
causes progressive deafness and perhaps vertigo
(sensation of spinning)

Part 3: Chemical Senses: Smell and Taste

 Stimulated by chemical in solution.
 Taste has 5 types of receptors.
 Small can differentiate a wider range of chemicals.

Both senses complement each other and respond to many

of the same stimuli.

Olfactory Receptors and the Sense of Smell

 Olfactory receptors are in roof of nasal cavity
- Olfactory receptor cells (neurons) with long
cilia known as olfactory hairs detect chemicals.
- Chemicals must be dissolved in mucus for
detection by chemoreceptors called olfactory
 Impulses are transmitted via the olfactory filaments
to the olfactory nerve (cranial nerve 1).
 Smells are interpreted in the olfactory cortex.

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