TC Material - 637

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Joint Enroute Terminal System (JETS).

An automated ATC system that displays

digitally on a radar consol altitude information on airplanes with Mode C
transponder capability.
Landing Gear Extended Speed. The maximum speed at which an aircraft can be
safely flown with the landing gear extended.
Landing Gear Operating Speed. The maximum speed at which the landing gear can
be safely extended or retracted.
Landing Roll. The distance from the point of touchdown to the point where the
aircraft can be brought to a stop or exit the runway.
Landing Sequence. The order in which aircraft are positioned for landing.
Load Factor. The ratio of a specified load to the total weight of the aircraft.
Local Traffic. Aircraft operating in the traffic circuit or within sight of the tower.
Localizer. The component of an ILS which provides course guidance to the runway.
Loran (Long Range Navigation). An electronic navigation system by which
hyperbolic lines of position are determined by measuring the difference in the
time of reception of synchronized pulse signals from two fixed transmitters.
Low Frequency (LF). The frequency band between 30 and 300 KHZ.
Low Level Airspace. All airspace within the Canadian Domestic Airspace below
18,000 feet ASL.
Low Level Air Route. In the low level airspace, all that area extending upwards from
the surface of the earth within certain specified boundaries and within which
ATC service is not provided.
Low Level Airway. In the low level airspace, a prescribed track between specified
radio aids to navigation along which ATC service is provided.
Mach Indicator. An instrument that provides a continuous indication of the ratio of
airspeed to the local speed of sound.
Mach Number. The ratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound.
Mandatory Frequency (MF). A VHF frequency designated for use of radio
equipped aircraft operating on the surface or in the vicinity of certain specified
uncontrolled airports.
Manoeuvring Area. That part of an aerodrome intended for the taking off and
landing of aircraft.
Manoeuvring Speed. The maximum speed at which the flight controls can be fully
deflected without damage to the airplane structure.
Manifold Pressure. Absolute pressure measured at the appropriate point in the
induction system, expressed in inches of mercury.
Manifold Pressure Gauge. An instrument that indicates in inches of mercury the
pressure of the fuel/air mixture in the engine intake manifold.
Marker Beacon. An electronic navigation facility transmitting a 75 MHz vertical fan
or bone shaped radiation pattern.
Mayday. The international radiotelephony distress signal.
MEDEVAC. A term used to request ATS priority handling for a medical evacuation
flight based on a medical emergency in the transport of patients, organ donors,
organs or other urgently needed life-saving medical material.
Medium Frequency (MF). The frequency band between 300 and 3000 KHz.
Middle Marker. A marker beacon that defines a point along the glide path of an ILS,
normally located at or near decision height.
Military Flying Area (MFA). Class F Airspace of defined dimensions within the
high level airspace designated for the use of military training and testing.

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