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may proceed to the destination airport by visual reference to the surface of the

Control Area. A controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified height
above the surface of the earth in which air traffic control is provided.
Control Area Extension. Controlled airspace of defined dimensions within the low
level airspace extending upwards from 2200 feet above the surface of the earth.
Controlled Airport. An airport at which an ATC unit is provided.
Controlled Airspace. An airspace of defined dimensions within which ATC service
is provided.
Controlled VFR (CVFR) Flight. A flight conducted under the visual flight rules
within Class B airspace and in accordance with an ATC clearance.
Control Zone. Controlled airspace of defined dimensions extending upwards from
the surface of the earth up to 3000 feet above airport evaluation unless otherwise
Co-ordinates. Intersections of lines of reference usually expressed in degrees,
minutes and seconds of latitude and longitude used to determine position.
Course. The intended direction of flight in the horizontal plane measured in degrees
from north. (U.S. term. In Canada, called track) Also, an omni bearing towards a
VOR, VORTAC or TACAN navigational facility.
Course Deviation Indicator. A vertical needle incorporated into an OMNI/ILS
indicator to show deviation from the selected VOR course or radial.
Critical Altitude. The maximum altitude at which it is possible to maintain a rated
power or specified manifold pressure.
Critical Field Length. The balanced field length as it applies to a particular airplane.
The critical field length is calculated for each individual airplane to meet the
balanced field length criteria.
Cross Wind. A wind not parallel to the runway or to the path of an aircraft.
Cruising Altitude/Level. An altitude or flight level maintained during level flight.
Customs Notification Service (ADCUS). A service provided, by ATC units, for
advance notification to Customs officials for trans-border flights at specified
Ports of Entry.
Danger Area. Class F Airspace of defined dimensions within which activities
dangerous to the flight of aircraft may exist.
Daylight. The period of time in any day when the centre of the sun’s disc is less than
6 degrees below the horizon, and, in any place where the sun rises and sets daily,
may be considered to be the period commencing one half hour before sunrise and
ending one half hour after sunset.
Day VFR A flight conducted in accordance with VFR during the hours of daylight.
Dead Reckoning. Navigation by use of predetermined vectors of wind and true
airspeed, precalculated heading, groundspeed and estimated time of arrival.
Decision Height (DH). A specified height at which a missed approach must be
initiated during a precision approach if the required visual reference to continue
the approach to land has not been established.
Defence VFR (DVFR) Flight. A flight conducted in accordance with visual flight
rules within an Air Defence Identification Zone.
Density Altitude. Pressure altitude corrected for temperature.
Departure Control. An ATC service for departing IFR, and under certain conditions,
VFR aircraft.
Designated Intersection. A point on the surface of the earth over which two or more
designated position lines intersect. The position lines may be magnetic bearings

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