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Minutes of the Meeting

May 14, 2023

ATTENDANCE On May 14, 2023, special meeting of the Human Resources Department
was held in the office of Mr. Choi. All members were present except
Donald Clark, who was represented by Monica Cruz. The meeting was
called to order at 10 a.m.

APPROVAL OF The minutes of April 14 meeting were read and approved as presented.

OLD BUSINESS Andrea Fields was in charge of a staff-development survey. Ninety-seven

questionnaires were returned and a copy of the staff-development
survey was distributed and discussed. The committee will consider the
findings and be prepared to make recommendations for updated job
descriptions at the next meeting.

NEW BUSINESS Mr. Choi discussed plans to disseminate information about vacancies that
occur within the company to prospective job applicants. Monica Cruz will
draft a flyer to be sent to the Lakeview Sentinel. Program for the NPA
convention will be held in Los Angeles were distributed to all members.
Each committee member was asked to distribute copies to all employees
in his or her department.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. The next meeting has been
scheduled for June 20 in the Conference Center.

Respectfully submitted,

Brandon Scher, Secretary

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