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Radius of Circle(r)

A line segment connecting the centre of a circle to any

point on the circle itself ". The radius of the circle is denoted
by "R” or "r".

Diameter (d) of Circle

A line segment having both the endpoints on the

circle. It is twice the length of radius i.e. d = 2r. From
the diameter, the radius of the circle formula is
obtained as r=d/2.
Circle Definition

A circle is a closed two-dimensional figure in which the set of

all the points in the plane is equidistant from a given point
called "centre".

• Centre – It is the midpoint of a circle.

• Chord- A line segment whose endpoints

lie on the circle.

• Diameter- A line segment having both

the endpoints on the circle and is the
largest chord of the circle.

• Radius- A line segment connecting the

centre of a circle to any point on the circle itself.

• Secant- A straight line cutting the circle

at two points. It is also called an extended
• Tangent- A coplanar straight line
touching the circle at a single point.
See the figure below-representing the centre, chord,
diameter, radius, secant and tangent of a circle.

The circumference of a circle is defined

as the distance around the circle. The
word 'perimeter is also sometimes
used, although this usually refers to the
distance around polygons, figures
made up of the straight line segment. A
circle circumference refers to the
distance around polygons, figures
made up of the straight line segment.
A circle circumference formula is given
C = πd
= 2 πr
Where, π = 3.1415

AREA: Area of a circle is the amount of

space occupied by the circle.

The circle formula to find the area is given by

Area (A)
Area of a circle = πr^2

Example 1:

Find the area and the circumference of a circle whose

radius is 10 cm. (Take the value of π = 3.14)


Given: Radius = 10 cm.

2 2
Area =π𝑟 = 3.14 x 10

A= 314 cm?
Circumference, C = 2πr

C= 2 x3.14x 10

Circumference= 62.8 cm

*Find the area of a circle whose circumference is

31.4 cm.


Given: Circumference = 31.4 cm

To find the area of a circle, we need to find the radius.

From the circumference, the radius can be calculated:

2 πr = 31.4

(2)(3.14)r = 31.4

r = 31.4 /(2)(3.14)

r=10/2 ; r= 5 (ans)
Area of Pie: Central angle এর মান অনুযায়ী Pie এর area
²²নির্ণয় করা যায়।

AC =x° ,area(shaded) =A✕ x°/360°

Example: r=3m and AC=60°

Shaded area = π*9m² *60/360 = 3/2 π m²

Length of an Arc:
Central angle এর মান অনুযায়ী arc এর length নির্ণয় করা হয়।

AC =x° , AC= Circumference* x/360°

r= 3m and AC=60°
AC= 2*π*3*60/360
=π m.

**Example: What is the degree measure of the acute

angle between the hands of minute and hour at 7:45?

Solution: 7:00 থেকে minute hand 45 minute ঘুরলে hour

hand স্থির থাকলে angle টি হতাে 60° (vii থেকে ix এর মাঝে
30°+30° = 60°)

কিন্তু 45 minute a hour hand এ 45°/2 ঘুরবে

So, Acute angle =
60° - 22.50° =37.50 °(ans)

2. If the radius of circle O, shown above, is 3, what is

the length of arc ACB?
(A) π/6
(C) π
(D) 3π
(E) 6π


(C) 360° কোণের দ্বারা সৃষ্ট চাপ = পরিধি = 2πr;

. 1° কোণ দ্বারা সৃষ্ট চাপ =2πr/360°
.: 60° কোণ দ্বারা সৃষ্ট চাপ = ACB = 2πr/360°*60°

3. Square QRST is inscribed in circle O. OV⟂TS, OV =

The area of the shaded portion is

(A) π - 4 (B) 4π - 4 (C) 2π - 4 (D) 4π-2 (E) 2π-2

Solution: Circle এর area :
Circle এর center O. Circle এর area = πr², r= radius এই
problem এ সরাসরি দেয়া নেই।
কিন্তু r= OS=OQ=OT=OR ; যেহেতু OV=1 এবং OV ⟂ ST ;
এখান থেকে বলা যায় SOV is a right Triangle এবং কোণগুলোর
অনুপাত 45° : 90° OV =1 তাই OS = OV =√2 SQ = 2√2
again SQT কোণগুলোর অনুপাত হবে 45° : 45° : 90° সেক্ষেত্রে
SQ=2√2 হলে QT=2 এবং square area হবে 4।
circle এর ব্যসার্ধ হল R= OS = √2 [Area = πr²= π(√2)²=2π
So, Area of shaded portion = 2π- 4
4.Ratio of area of a circle to the radius of the circle is
(A) π (B) 2π (C) π² (D) 4π² (E) πr

Solution: (E)area of a circle/radius of the circle = πr²/r

= πr .

5.A circular garden twenty feet in diameter is

surrounded by a path three feet wide. What is the area,
in square feet, of the path?

(A) 9π (B) 51π (C) 60π (D) 69π (E) 90π

Solution: (D) 20 feet ব্যাসের বৃত্তাকার বাগানটি পাশে দেখানো

হলো। এর ব্যাসার্ধ = 10

Area = πr²=100π এটি 3 feet চওড়া রাস্তা দিয়ে ঘেরা।

ছবিতে shaded অংশ হলাে রাস্তাটি। এখন কেন্দ্র Y

13.O is the center of the circle at the right, XO is

perpendicular to YO and the arc of triangle XOY is 32.
What is the area of circle O?
(A) 16π
(B) 32π
(C) 64π
(D) 128π
(E) 256π

Solution: △ XOY হলো একটি সমকোণ, সমদ্বিবাহু ত্রিভু জ, কেননা

XO=YO radius;
Area of △ XOY = ½ * XO * YO = ½ *r*r = r²/2
r²/2 = 32 or, r²=64 or, r=8;
Area of Circle = πr² = π*8² = 64π
14. Radius OA = 6.5; Chord AC = 5 find the Area of triangle

(A) 16
(B) 18
(C) 24
(D) 30
(E) 36

solution: (D) ব্যাস AB = 2 x radius = 2 x OA = 2 x 6.5 =

13; একটি সূত্র আছে, ব্যাসের উপর যে কোনাে পরিধিস্থ কোণ হলাে
সমকোণ। ছবিতে ∠ACB হলাে AB ব্যাসের উপর আঁকা পরিধিস্থ
(অর্থাৎ পরিধির উপর অবস্থিত) কোণ। .:. ∠ACB = 90°। ⃤ ACB
হলাে সমকোণী ত্রিভু জ। এখন, △ACB-এ AB = 13 এবং AC = 5।

.:. পীথাগােরাসের সূত্রানুযায়ী, AB² = AC² + BC² or, 13² = 5² +

BC² or, 169 - 25 = BC²⇒ 144 = BC²; BC = 12; এখন,
area of △ABC = 1/2 x base x height. আবার, ∠ACB =
90° হওয়াতে অর্থাৎ AC এবং CB পরস্পর লম্ব হওয়াতে AC এবং
CB-এর যেকোনাে একটিকে লম্ব এবং অপরটিকে ভূ মি ধরে পাওয়া
যায়, Area of △ACB =1/2 x base X height =1/2 x AC
xCB = ½ x5x12 = 30,

6. Four equal circles each of diameter

of touch at four points as shown in the figure.What is
the area (in square feet) of the shaded portion?

(A) 1 - π/4
(B) 1– π
(C)1 – 4π
(D) π

Solution: (A) বৃত্ত চারটির কেন্দ্রগুলােকে যােগ করে পাওয়া যায়

একটি বর্গক্ষেত্র ABCD। ছবিতে P, Q, R, এবং S হলাে প্রতি দুটো
বৃত্ত যে বিন্দগু
ু লোেত একে অপরকে স্পর্শ করেছে। এখন, একটু চিন্তা
করলেই বােঝা যাবে, APQ হলাে A-বৃত্তের এক-চতু র্থাংশ। shaded
portion-এর area = (ADP 47 area) - areas of (APQ +
PBS + CSR + DRQ) = (AB)² - 1/4th of circles (A + B +
C + D)

এখন, circle-গুলাের diameter দেয়া আছে 1 foot। :.AP = BP =

radius = ½ foot;

AB = AP + PB = 1 foot; .:. AB²= 1× 1 = 1;

Area of circle A = Area of circle B = area of circle C =

Area of circle D

πr²=π(½)² = π/4
.:. shaded portion-এর area =1 - ¼ (π/4+π/4+π/4+π/4)
= 1-¼(4.π/4)=1-π/4 (ans)

**The area of a circle with radius r is equal to the area

of a rectangle with base b. Find the altitude of the
rectangle in terms of π, r, and b.
(A) √πr
(B) 2πr/b
(C) πr²b
(D) πr²/b
(E) πr²/b²
Solution (D) Circle এর area = πr² rectangle এর area=
length*height . length বা base দেয়া আছে। height or
Altitude বের করতে হবে। কিন্তু আবার বলা আছে circle এর area
and rectangle এর area সমান। πr² = b* Altitude
Or, Altitude =πr²/b (ans)

6. The area of the largest circle, that can be

drawn inside a rectangle with side 18 cm by
14 cm, is :
A. 49 cm²

B. 154 cm²
C. 378 cm²

D. 1078 cm²

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B

Solution: Radius of the

required circle :
= (1/2 x 30)cm
= 15 cm
Area of the
circle :
= (22/7x7x7)cm²

= 154cm²

7. If the radius of a circle is increased by 75%, then

its circumference will increase by:

A. 25%

C. 75%

D. 100%
Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C

Solution: Let original radius be Rcm

Then, original circumference =2πr

New radius :
= (175% of R)cm
= (175/100* R) cm
=7R/4 cm

New circumference:
= (2π*7R/4) cm
=(7πR/2 -2πR)cm
= 3πR/2 cm
Increase % :
(3πR/2 * 1/2πR * 100) %

19. Two small circular parks of diameters 16

m and 12 m are to be replaced by a Bigger circular
park. What would be the radius of this new park. If
the new park has to occupy the same space as the
two small parks ?
A.10 m

B. 15 m

C.20 m

D. 25 m

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A

Solution: Let the radius of the new

park be R m Then,
πR² = π X 8² + π x 6²
» πR² = 100π
or, R² = 100
R= 10

22. The sides of a rectangle are 8 cm and 6

cm. The corners of the rectangle lie on a circle.Find
the area of the circle without the rectangle :

A. 30.6 cm2

B. 39 cm

C.42.4 cm

D. 65.3 cm

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option A

Solution: Diameter Of the circle :

AC =√ (AB)² + (BC)²
= √8² +6² = =√100 cm
= 10 cm Radius = 5 cm
Required area = (Area of the circle) - (Area of the

23. A can go round a circular path 8 times in

40 minutes. If the diameter of the circle is
increased to 10 times the original diameter, then
the time required by A to go round the new path
once, travelling at the same speed as before, is :
A. 20 min

B. 25 min

C. 50 min

D. 100 min

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C

Solution: Let original diameter bed metre

Then, its circumference = (πd)metres
Time taken to cover (8πd)m = 40 min
New diameter = (10d)m
Then, its circumference = (πx 10d)m ::
Time taken to go round it once: = 50 min

46. If the radius of a circle is increased by

200%, then its area will increase by :
A.200% B.400% C. 800% D.900%
Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C

Solution: Let
the original radius be R New
radius = (100 + 200)% of R = 300% of R = 3R
Original area = πR²

New area = π* (3R)² = 9πR²

Increase in area :
= (9πR²– πR²)
= 8πR²
So, Increase %:
( 8πR²/πR² x 100 %)
= 800%

47. The area of a circle whose radius is the

diagonal of a square whose area is 4 sq. units is
A. 16π sq. units

B. 4π sq. units

C. 6π sq. units

D. 8π sq. units

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option D

Solution: Area of square = 4 sq.units

Side of square = √4= 2 units

Diagonal of square = 2√2units

Radius of the circle = 2√2units

Radius of the circle :

Πr² sq. units
=π*(2√2)² = 8π sq units

8.The perimeter of a circular field and a

square field are equal. If the area of the
square field is 12100 m2, the area of the
circular field will be :

A. 15200 m²
B.15300 m²
C.15400 m²
D. 15500 m²

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C

Solution: Side
of the square field =
√12100m = 110 m
Perimeter of the circle field : = Perimeter of the
square field = (4x 110) m = 440 m
R=(440*7)/(2*22) =70m
:: Area of the circular field:
= (22/7*70 x 70) m²
= 15400 m²

26. What is the area of the shaded region


A. О (32 - 4π) sq. units

B.(32 - 8π) sq. units

C. (16 - 4π) sq. units

D.(16-8π) sq. units

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B

Solution: Radius of each circle = 2 units

Area of the shaded region : = Area of the rectangle

– Area of two circles =

[(8 x 4) – 2 x π(2)² sq. units = (32 – 8π) sq. units

38. If the perimeter of a square is equal to the

radius of a circle whose area is 39424 sq.
m.What is the area of the square ?
A.441 sq.m

B.784 sq.m

C.1225 sq.m

D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B

Solution: Let the radius of the

circle be R cm
Then,πr² = 39424
=> R² = 39424 x 7/22 =12544
R= 112 cm

Perimeter of the square = 112 cm

Side of the square : (112/4)cm
: Area of the square :
= (28 x 28) cm² = 704 m² (ans)

40. What will be the area of a semi-circle

whose perimeter is 36 cm ?

A.154 cm² B. 168 cm² C.308 cm² D.Data

inadequate E. None of these

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option E

Solution: Given :
πR+2R = 36
⇒(π+2) R=36
⇒R= 7cm
Required area
= πR²/2
=(22/7 * 7*7/2) cm²
=77 cm²
41. There are 4 semi-circular gardens on
each side of a square-shaped pond with each
side 21 m. The cost of fencing the entire plot
at the rate of Rs. 12.50 per metre is :

A.Rs. 1560
B.Rs. 1650
C.Rs. 3120
D.Rs. 3300
Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B Solution: Length of the fence =4πR

Where, R= 21/2m
=(4*22/7*21/2) m
=132 m
Cost of fencing :
=Rs. (132*25/2)
= Rs. 1650

51. The area of a circle of radius 5 is numerically

what percent of its circumference ?


Answer & Solution

Answer:Option D

Solution: Required % = [π*5² *100/2π*5]%

=250% (ans)
52. A wire can be bent in the form of a circle
of radius 56 cm. If it is bent in the form of a
square, then its area will be

A.3520 cm² B. 6400cm² C. 7744 cm² D. O 8800 cm²

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C

Solution: Length of wire :

= 2π*R
= 352 cm
Side of the square
: 352/4 cm
Area of the square :
= (88 x 88) cm²
= 7744 cm²

53. The circumference of the front wheel of a

cart is 40 ft long and that of the back wheel is 48 ft
long. What is the distance travelled by the cart,
when the front wheel has done five more
revolutions than the rear wheel ?

A. 850 ft B.950 ft C.1200 ft D.1450 ft

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option C

Solution: Let the rear wheel

make x revolutions

Then, the front wheel makes

(x + 5) revolutions (x + 5) x 40
= 48x = 8x = 200
X = 25
Distance travelled by the cart : =
(48 x 25) ft = 1200 ft (ans)

63. A cow is tethered in the middle of a field

with a 14 feet long rope. If the cow grazes
100 sq.ft per day, they approximately what
time will be taken by the cow to graze the
whole field ?

A. 2 days

B. 6 days

C.18 days

D.24 days

E.None of these

Answer & Solution

Answer: Option B

Solution: Area of the field grazed :

= (22/7 x 14 x 14) sq.ft
= 616 sq.ft
Number of days taken to graze the
field :
(616/100) days

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