GE - Data Backup Policy

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Data Backup Policy

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Data Backup Policy updated: 12-01-2022
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3
2. Data on workstations ................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Responsibility.................................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Transfer of data .............................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Storage............................................................................................................................ 4
3. Data on servers .......................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Responsibility.................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Schedule ......................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Storage............................................................................................................................ 5
4. Naming backups ......................................................................................................... 5
5. Passwords .................................................................................................................. 5
6. Projects and rollouts................................................................................................... 6
7. Testing of backups ...................................................................................................... 6
8. Related documents .................................................................................................... 6

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Updated: 12-01-2022
1. Introduction
This policy outlines the safekeeping of files and user data, including tasks such as backup and

2. Data on workstations
This section covers the data stored on a user’s workstation and includes files stored on local
storage devices, including USB drives and email archives.

2.1 Responsibility
Each individual user is responsible for data stored on their own desktop
computer/workstation. This means that users should regularly back up data to a second
location, such as a removable USB hard drive, DVD or file server. ICT Systems Support is
unable to complete the backup on the behalf of a user, as the data is the responsibility of the
user. ICT Systems Support is able to provide training in how to complete a backup, if

2.1.1 Exceptions
If ICT Systems Support is required to complete any major work on a workstation that could
affect the data stored on the local drives, ICT Systems Support will back up any files prior to
starting any work.

• Before performing any systems upgrade or maintenance, a Full System Image

Backup should be made by attaching an external Hard Disk (Label: SYS-Backup) to
the system. This is done to ensure that the client’s system can be restored in case
of an upgrade failure or data corruption during the process.
• Full system backups should only be scheduled during weekends (between
Saturday 8:00PM and Sunday 8:00PM) and incremental backups should be
scheduled during working days (Monday to Friday) after hours between 9:00PM
and 3:00AM.

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Updated: 12-01-2022
2.2 Transfer of data
When user data needs to be transferred from one PC to another, ICT Systems Support will
use a suitable tool such as Windows Easy Transfer (WET) or PCmover Express to assist in the
backup/restore of files and data.

2.3 Storage
Users will be required to store backups on external USB hard drives or flash drives. When
using a transfer tool, ICT Systems Support will store the archive file on either a hard drive or
flash drive, as this is a temporary measure during the transfer of data.

3. Data on servers
This section covers the data stored on a server, including departmental, personal (home) and
public shared folders. It also covers user accounts and email, including attachments, stored
on Gelos Enterprises (Gelos) servers.

3.1 Responsibility
Data stored on Gelos servers is the responsibility of ICT Systems Support and it is
recommended that all important company data be stored in appropriate shared
folders/network drives. The Admin account must be used by ICT System Support when
creating server backups.

3.2 Schedule
Files on Gelos servers are backed up on a nightly basis. A Full backup is taken each Sunday
and files are backed up incrementally and scheduled Monday to Saturday. All backups are
scheduled for 9:00pm. This ensures that the backup does not impact on server speed or
availability during working hours.

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Updated: 12-01-2022
3.3 Storage
All backups are initially saved to a backup volume, then copied to magnetic tape cartridge.
Tapes are removed the next morning and stored at a secure off-site location. This may
include a cloud or site location, as required. This can cause minor delays in retrieving data if
offsite backups need to be restored.

4. Naming backups
Although the file extension may change depending on the type of backup software used, all
backups are to be saved using the following naming convention:


The following example is the system backup of server 1 (svr), initiated on 1st February 2021
(20210201) at 10pm (2200). The backup type was system:


The following example is the backup of server 1 (svr), completed on 1st February 2021
(20210201) at 10pm (2200). The backup type was incremental (inc):


The following example is a full backup of desktop PC GE_HR_HG12_WS_06. It was

completed at 9am on the 1st February 2021:


The following is an example of a Windows Easy Transfer backup of the PC

GE_HR_HG12_WS_06 completed at 1:30pm on 1st March 2021:


5. Passwords
Where applicable, passwords will be set on archive files to ensure security. Refer to the User
Account Policy for information on password complexity.

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Updated: 12-01-2022
6. Projects and rollouts
If ICT Systems Support is working on special projects, any plans and policies covering those
projects will outline additional information regarding backups.

7. Testing of backups
Where ICT Systems Support is responsible for backups, testing will be done on a regular basis
to ensure the integrity of the backups. Server backups will be tested by restoring the data to
a test server, then verifying the restored files.

Where ICT Systems Support backs up a workstation as a part of major works or projects, the
backup will be tested by restoring it to a spare hard drive and testing the restored files.

8. Related documents
Refer to the following related documents, where required:

• Data Protection Policy

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Updated: 12-01-2022

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