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REG. NO: 23/BSU/DPAM/3602





Discuss the core value of BSU and relate each core to the bible understanding/ bible study
Core values are fundamental beliefs of guiding principles that dictate behavior and decision-
making within an organization, community or individual. They represent the deeply hold
beliefs and ideals that shape the culture, priorities and actions of an entity. Core values serve
as a moral compass, guiding individuals and organizations in their interactions and choices.
For example, in Bishop Stuart University there are some core values such as faith in Jesus
Christ as lord and savior. Pursuit of knowledge and ingenuity, academic excellence
compassion as discussed below:

Faith in Jesus Christ as lord and savior. This core value is central to Christian faith and is
rooted in the teachings of the bible. Bible understanding emphasizes the importance of faith
in Jesus Christ for salvation and the development of a personal relationship with Him. In
Isaiah 60:1 on page 664 in the (NIV)

Pursuit of knowledge and ingenuity. As the second value of Bishop Stuart University relating
to the bible understanding. Proverbs 1:7 says, to have knowledge, you must first have
reference for the lord “therefore this verse means one to have knowledge, he/she must have
reference for the lord. Hence this core value calls for the BSU environment to work hard in
order to pursue knowledge and ingenuity

Academic excellence. According to this core value at Bishop Stuart University, it encourages
one to work hard. In order to have academic excellence in one's studies. Relating to the bible
study in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 it talks about a time for everything. Where there is time for sorrow
and time for joy. Therefore, since there is time for everything one has to do a thing in the
right place, at the right time. For one to be excellent in these goals they should know what
and why they are studying from bishop Stuart university. Also relating to bible understanding
in Colossians 3:23 emphasis doing everything excellent as you are doing it for the lord.

Compassion. As a core value at Bishop Stuart University, compassion encourages love for
one another. It is one of the core values that brings love between people at bishop Stuart
university. Relating to the understanding bible in Exodus 20:6 it is about the third
commandment of God which is about love for one another. It is also seen in john 3:16 where
God gives his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Therefore, compassion encourages Bishop Stuart University environment to love one another

Rent less service. As a core value at Bishop Stuart university rent less service means one to
stop or change for the service. As related to the understanding of the bible in Galatians 5:13
Paul writes a letter to the Galatians about preserving their freedom. He further tells them not
to let their physical desires control them but instead love one another. This is also a mirror to
Bishop Stuart university

Moral integrity. As a core value at Bishop Stuart university, it is important for the students to
have good behavior with the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Therefore, according to the bible in psalms 15:2 says those who obey God in everything and
always do what is right whose words are true and sincere. It encourages the environment at
Bishop Stuart university to be honest and sincere to one another. Therefore, moral integrity is
a mirror to the bible understanding. One has to be honest and sincere

Accountability. As core value at Bishop Stuart university, accountability emphasis one to

work hard and be responsible while studying knowing the aim and having objectives you
want to achieve. Having the accountability of what you studied for makes one to achieve the
set goals. Therefore, the concept of accountability is depicted in Jesus or biblical teachings in
romans 14:12 it says “so then each of us will give an account of ourselves to God” in this
chapter, it speaks about the weak and strong where every knee will bow before God and
every tongue will acknowledge God. Therefore, everyone has to give an account to God as
aligning with the university’s value where we must be responsible

Transparency: According to the Bishop Stuart University core values transparency is where
one has to obey and be able to understand what the institutions want through the core values.
Therefore, as a student at Bishop Stuart University rules and regulations should be respected
as well as respecting people. According to the understanding of the bible in proverbs 11:3
says “the integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed ….” Therefore,
one has to be honest and open minded “NIV”

In conclusion, Bishop Stuart University core values are faith in Jesus Christ as lord and savior
pursuit of knowledge and ingenuity, accountability, transparency among others. They can be
explained and related to the bible understanding as above for example in Matthew 9:2 which
is all about having faith in Jesus Christ as lord and savior which is a mirror at Bishop Stuart

Bishop Stuart University core values

Good News Bible

Holy Bible

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