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Complete this side around Dec 12th

The energy of the last two months was intense. Starting on

December 12th, the New Moon in Sagittarius will start to dissolve the
dense energy we’ve been in recently to bring in more creativity and a
Dec 12 deeper sense of spirituality. As things loosen up, you will be able to
New Moon in access a higher vision for the future.
New beginnings.
A time to set
intentions. ex. Love, Fun, Abundance

Dec 15 ...your challenges into blessings Jupiter is going to expand whatever

Waxing Crescent using the filters above. is present in your life this month.
Turn your challenges into blessings
A time to plan, by looking at them through the lens
focus and commit. of love and any of the other positive
energies you’ve written above.
nt in your
prese life What are the blessings?
are ?
What challe

Dec 19
First Quarter

Time to take action

and build momentum.

Dec 22
Waxing Gibbous

A time to refine.

c Copyright Suara Lee 2023 All rights reserved
Complete this side around Dec 26th
The Full Moon in Cancer will be on December 26th. Typically, full
moons will test relationships. But there are favorable energies of
growth and stability with the positions of Jupiter and Saturn.
What emotional nurturing can you give
yourself or the other person in relationship? Dec 26
Full Moon in Cancer

A time of fruition
and harvest.
A time of manifestation.

What visible growth or positive change

Combine this would like to see in your relationships?
emotional nurturing
with intentions for
positive change to
build stability,
compassion and Dec 29
harmony in your Waning Gibbous
A time of gratitude
and reflection

During this time of societal anxiety and global instability, it’s more important
than ever to have personal practices that build more safety and security.
How can I build more safety and stability?
Jan 1
Last Quarter

Time to let go
and release

Try adding one or two of these practices to your daily life...

...OR try this Daily Prayer:

May all beings have happiness and the causes of happiness; Jan 3
May all be free from sorrow and the causes of sorrow;
Waning Crescent
May all never be separated from the sacred happiness which is sorrowless;
And may all live in equanimity, without too much attachment and too much aversion,
And live believing in the equality of all that lives. Time to surrender,
~Buddhist Prayer rest and recharge

c Copyright Suara Lee 2023 All rights reserved

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