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Senior High School Department


This chapter provides the analysis, methods interpretation and results of data that
researchers gathered from the answers from questionnaires distributed by the students. The
data that presented is in tabular form accordance with the specific questions posited on the
questionnaires surveys.

1. Demographic profile of the respondents

Figure 1.1 Age



15 14 13

There are 59% of the researchers’ respondents who are 13 years old, 36% of
whom are 14 years old, and 5% who are 15 years old.
Senior High School Department

Figure 1.2. Sex



Female Male

Researchers conducted questionnaire surveys on grade 8 students at Noah’s

Academy Incorporated that showed 25% of respondents were Male and 75% were
Senior High School Department

Figure 1.3. Section

50% 50%

801 802

According to the chart, half of the researchers’ respondents who answered the
questionnaire survey are from JHS-801, while the other half is from 802.

Do the students need some help managing their Description Weighted

schedule? Mean

2.1. I am having a lot of problems when it comes to time N 3.35

2.2. I always stay up late and wake up late. N 2.8

2.3. I identify the task that will take more time. A 3.8

This table shows that the majority of the grade 8 students are having a lot of
problems when it comes to handling their time management, which resulted in a 3.35
weighted mean. On the other hand, students are having a hard time waking up early,
which resulted in a 2.8 weighted mean. Also, students identified the task that they
thought would take a lot of time, which resulted in a 3.8 weighted mean.
Senior High School Department

Does the students trim or eliminate their time usage in Description Weighted
social media from their schedule in other to gain more Mean
time for their studies?
3.1. I do organize my day. N 3.3

3.2. I make sure I have completed all of my schoolwork A 3.45

before spending time on social media.
3.3. I do maintain a work life balance. A 3.5

This table shows that the grade 8 students organized their day, which resulted in a
3.3 weighted mean. On the other hand, most of the grade 8 students make sure that before
they spend time on social media, they make sure that they have completed their
schoolwork, which resulted in a 3.45 weighted mean. Students do maintain their work-life
balance, which resulted in a 3.5 weighted mean.

Do the students think there are factors that lead them Description Weighted
procrastinate or put off their responsibilities as a Mean
4.1. I am having difficulty in understanding some lesson. N 3.2

4.2. I’m always getting nervous every time we have A 3.75

report in class.

4.3. While I’m doing my schoolwork, I easily get N 3.4

distracted by other things.

This table shows that the grade 8 students are having difficulty when it comes to
understanding some lessons that resulted in a 3.2 weighted mean. On the other hand, most
of the eighth grade students are always getting nervous whenever they have a class report
that resulted in a 3.75 weighted mean. Students get easily distracted by other things while
doing their schoolwork, which resulted in a 3.4 weighted mean.

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