Review of Related Literature and Studies

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This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies which have

bearing on the subject matter of this study.

The investigation in this study focused on the preservation and conservation of

cultural and natural heritage in the municipality of Odiongan, Romblon. The evaluation

determined the importance of preservation and conservation of cultural and natural

heritage focused on Odiongan, Romblon.

Importance of Cultural and Natural Heritage in the Municipality of Odiongan,


Cultural heritage is central to protecting our sense of who we are. It gives us an

irrefutable connection to the past – to certain social values, beliefs, customs and

traditions, that allows us to identify ourselves with others and deepen our sense of unity,

belonging and national pride. Heritage, encompasses tangible and intangible, natural

and cultural, movable and immovable and documentary assets inherited from the past

and transmitted to future generations by virtue of their irreplaceable value. The term

‘heritage’ has evolved considerably over time. Initially referring exclusively to the

monumental remains of cultures, the concept of heritage has gradually been expanded

to embrace living culture and contemporary expressions.

As a source of identity, heritage is a valuable factor for empowering local communities

and enabling vulnerable groups to participate fully in social and cultural life. It can also

provide time-tested solutions for conflict prevention and reconciliation. Widdowson, F., &

Howard, A. (2008)

Cultural heritage preservation means keeping the artifacts and traditions of a community

intact against factors trying to change them or wear them away. Some common

examples are restoring historical buildings, passing on an ancient craft or recording

traditional tales. Cultural heritage is crucial for communities. It gives them a way to look

back on their history in a way that informs their present-day identity. It also provides the

communities with new chances to thrive.

Many people behind cultural conservation programs prioritize staying local and helping

their communities as much as possible. Often, people living in poverty or those on the

outskirts of society are the ones first offered these opportunities. In this sense, heritage

preservation reduces poverty and helps communities by giving people employment and

education. Alivizatou, M. (2011)

Cultural heritage preservation encourages as well as utilizes tourism. Heritage Tourism

is one of the major ways preserving cultural heritage can reduce poverty in a

community. It often boosts a community’s economy and can become one of its major

industries. Many tourists visit cultural sites and partake in culturally-enriching activities

while traveling and tend to stay longer at these places.

An example of a cultural heritage preservation project that has greatly helped a small,

rural community is the Rural Revitalization Drama Festival. It occurs in Shixia Village in

China and showcases traditional Chinese Opera. Though Shixia was an impoverished

village in 2010, the tourism created by the festival has provided more jobs. It has

created more opportunities for extra income, encouraged people who previously left the

village to return and urged people to start businesses there. The festival has also

highlighted other cultural treasures in the area that promoted even more preservation

projects and tourism. By 2019, they were able to purchase the technology needed to

process their own millet crops; whereas, they previously had to outsource production to

other places. Cultural heritage preservation reduces poverty and helps communities by

passing down ancient, artisan crafts to new generations. Preserving cultural heritage is

a way of declaring to others that the people and the communities housing these

museums, historical buildings and traditions are important and worth protecting. With

people empathizing with a community, it can encourage them to fight against the

destruction of land or buildings. It can inspire people to donate and even start charities

and nonprofits. Preserving cultural heritage reduces poverty by promoting the visibility

and the empowerment of communities. It can at first seem to only be about showcasing

a country’s history but it runs deeper. Cultural heritage preservation gives modern

people a chance at a prosperous future. (Mikayla Burton, 2021)

Natural Heritage Conservation

The conservation of natural heritage refers to the protection, care, management and

maintenance of ecosystems, habitats, wildlife species and populations, within or outside

of their natural environments, to safeguard the natural conditions for their long-term

permanence. Heritage Conservation is a huge movement today in the Philippines. We

have been recognizing that Cultural and Natural Heritage is becoming more and more

important when it comes to preservation of the Philippine History. We have for example

the Heritage Conservation Society (HCS), which is a non-stock, non-profit organization

advocating the protection and preservation of our built heritage, cultural and historical

sites and settings, upholding the Philippine Constitution that heritage and culture should

be developed and preserved for national identity.

HCS is the prime mover and advocate for the preservation of Philippine built heritage,

through advocacy and volunteerism, project implementation, education and information,

to contribute toward the establishment of a Society that preserves and values its cultural


There are many ways of defining heritage, but we are guided by that provided by the

Cultural Heritage Act of 2009 (Republic Act No. 10066) which defines "Cultural

Heritage" as "the totality of cultural property preserved and developed through time and

passed on to posterity".

We in the Heritage Conservation Society are particularly interested in "Built Heritage",

which refers "to architectural and engineering structures such as, but not limited to,

bridges, government buildings, houses of ancestry, traditional dwellings, quartels, train

stations, lighthouses, small ports, educational, technological and industrial complexes,

and their settings, and landscapes with notable historical and cultural significance."

Lastly, "conservation" entails "all the processes and measures of maintaining the

cultural significance of a cultural property including, but not limited to, preservation,

restoration, reconstruction, protection, adaptation or any combination thereof." (2009


Heritage Conservation through such efforts such as Heritage Conservation Districts,

Heritage Designations or Municipal Heritage Register listing is of local, provincial and

national importance. Fundamentally, heritage conservation is significant because it

recognizes and preserves pieces of our history for both present and future generations

to cherish. Besides physically preserving buildings, landscapes, landmarks and other

features, the history of a community can be uncovered during heritage research.

Further, the cultural heritage value of the community is enhanced through heritage

conservation, often triggering the desirability of the community, increasing property

values and potentially attracting tourism dollars to the area.

In general, there is a full circle effect of positive outcomes with good heritage

conservation. As more elements in our community become identified for their heritage

value, it can spark the interest for the conservation of others. The more elements

designated, listed in the Municipal Heritage Register, or within a Heritage Conservation

District, the more protected our cultural heritage becomes through interim protection

from demolition for example. This also has environmental advantages by reducing the

need to exhaust resources for the construction of another structure and reduces the

amount of construction waste in landfill sites. De Luca, G. (2020).

Natural heritage assets refer to the great biodiversity of ecosystems and species on our

planet. As well as having its own intrinsic value, natural assets are of immense

importance for tourism, which can both support and threaten their continuation and

development. Many forms of tourism heavily depend on intact nature able to supply of

ecosystem resources, e.g. holding a great value for leisure and recreation providing the

base and backdrop for many tourism activities. A sustainable approach to tourism must

accept the responsibility to conserve and enhance all forms of natural heritage. De

Waal, F. B. M. (2000)

Cultural Preservation

Cultural preservation refers to the protection and safeguarding of cultural heritage,

including tangible and intangible forms, to ensure its survival for future generations. It

involves the preservation of cultural artifacts, traditions, languages, and practices that

are considered valuable and significant. The concept of cultural preservation is highly

debated, with different perspectives on its normative value. Some argue for the intrinsic

value of cultural preservation, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural

diversity and identity . Others view cultural preservation as instrumental, highlighting its

role in promoting individual well-being and economic egalitarianism. Cultural

preservation can be achieved through various means, such as the use of technology to

document and digitize cultural heritage . It also requires addressing challenges such as

lack of funding, trained manpower, and copyright issues. Overall, cultural preservation

plays a crucial role in shaping our sense of identity, promoting awareness of cultural

complexity, and addressing conflicts related to cultural heritage. Hayden, M., & Wong,

C. S. D. (1997)

It is a fundamental aspect of a person's or community's identity. It shapes how

individuals perceive themselves and their place in the world. Preserving one's culture

helps maintain a sense of identity and belonging, which can contribute to overall well-

being and self-esteem and sustainability of civilization.

Culture is not just a set of customs; it's a vital part of who we are as individuals and

communities. Preserving culture is essential for maintaining cultural diversity, fostering

identity and community cohesion, passing on knowledge, and promoting understanding

and tolerance in our increasingly interconnected world. It contributes to the richness and

vibrancy of our global society.

Culture encompasses traditions, customs, rituals, and practices that have been passed

down through generations. These traditions connect people to their ancestors and

provide a sense of continuity with the past. Preserving cultural heritage ensures that

these traditions are not lost. (Alivizatou, M., 2011)

The term “cultural preservation” applies to tangible and intangible culture. Tangible

culture comes up when discussing architecture, landscape, literature, art, and artifacts.

Intangible culture refers to folklore, traditions, language, values, and knowledge. These

terms generally refer to a variety of items and activities protecting and preserving

culture. Yet, to different societies, culture may be defined by different things. To some it

could simply mean defining certain behavioral patterns in a particular community, or the

formal rules that guide them.

It gives the members of a specific group a feeling of connection and oneness. And yes,

it’s critical to preserve certain cultures, histories, and heritage, as due to lack of

awareness, many cultures and languages are disappearing. This is a huge loss for

humanity as a community. (Mark Trippetti, 2022)

These concepts are neither monocultural, nationalistic, or exclusive. They reflect in

great depth and breadth a philosophical worldview based in logic and experience that, if

employed, has the potential to positively impact all cultures, all nations, and the entire

human population – now and far into the future.

As we consider the tremendous challenges facing our planet, ongoing struggles for

social, racial, and environmental justice, and the pursuit of peace globally, perhaps we

should begin to consider more closely the wisdom traditions that have endured the

tumults of history.

The null hypothesis tested in the study was:


Operational Definition of Terms

Preservation. This refers to the activity or process of keeping something valued

alive, intact, or free from damage or decay.

Conservation. Referring to a careful maintenance and upkeep of a natural

resource to prevent it from disappearing.

Cultural Heritage. A concept which offers a bridge between the past and the

future with the application of approaches in the present.

Natural Heritage. Refers to natural features, geological and physiographical

formations and delineated areas that constitute the habitat of threatened species of

animals and plants and natural sites of value from the point of view of science,

conservation or natural beauty.

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