Gcu Prisoner 1

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(GTA cinematic universe)

1999, Liberty City, where the story begins in an orphanage. Auffman's Orphanage was the
largest and had the most inmates in the city. But the nuns there were very cruel and found
pleasure in harming the children as much as possible. The one they hurt the most was
Lucia, a ten-year-old girl. She didn't even know why. The only company she had there was
a girl named Mitchell. And the girl sitting at the register counter there. Now to the point,
August 12th, Lucia was very happy that day. Because that day the girl at the register said
something to her. Someone is coming to see her tomorrow. No one in her life had come to
see her till today. That was what made her so happy. But she was afraid of the nuns. She
felt that they would do something against her. She worried about it. Mitchell calmed her
down "Don't worry they can't stop this thing but who will come to see you?" I don't know and
I'm excited about it too" "Enough come have tea" the maid woke them up from the
conversation. They started drinking tea and doing other things. Let's have this for a while.
Let's stop the part.Now we are going to a drunken haven. This is also the biggest mafia and
drug dealers in
that city. They are very angry today because their 700 kg of drugs have been seized by the
police. This caused them a lot of financial loss and psychological loss. They somehow
decided to take revenge against the police. What they did to it was very cruel. Let me tell
you, there's a party going on at Cliffman's Resort. Every police car in Liberty City also hosts
this party. They canceled the night patrol as it was a party. The police authorities of the city
are also present in this party. Around 100 police vehicles are parked in front of Cliffmans
Resort. That means all the police forces are now at the resort. Now let me tell you what that
brutal crime is. In the beer they brought for the party, they added some kind of strong
poison.The Secret Shadow Police Group learned of this, and they first relayed this
information to
Officer Donald, who had been on leave after being injured in a recent confrontation. He is
an extra brilliant officer who knows how to keep any secret. That is why they told him this.
He quickly reached there. But it was time. Even the Superintendent of Police fainted
vomiting blood. The staff at the resort could not do anything. Donald received an order from
the minister to keep this from the media as it was of a very secretive nature. It was a long
way to the hospital where the poisoned people had to be taken. Not only that, there were no
helicopters. A police vehicle could not carry so many people. Donald didn't know what to
do. As time passed, their condition started to deteriorate. He then saw a boy. His name
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was jango. He was the owner of the company that supplied the beer. He didn't know how
the beer got poisoned. Donald didn't stop to question him further. They should have been
taken to the hospital within 1 hour. Donald got an idea that the lorry that brought the beer
had a container body. He learned that no one will see them inside. Donald asked him if he
knew how to drive it. But he did not know that, he said that the driver who drove it later went
home. Donald was very sad to know that he would not be coming until tomorrow. He
started running back and forth. Then he saw a police car with a man sitting in it. Can't see
who it is. Donald went over. He had handcuffs. Donald noticed the cart. It was a Liberty
City Jail car.Donald asked him if he knew how to drive a lorry. He didn't say anything. He
asked again
and he didn't say anything. He got angry. He reached out to hit him. But for some reason he
did not hit. He immediately called the superintendent of the jail. She could not come to this
party as she had a meeting. Donald asked them about him. She understood him. He just
got out of jail today. This is our hero "Claude". Donald told her about the incidents. She told
him not to force anything and that he was going to see his daughter for the first time and not
to use him for anything like this. Donald forced her to agree. She told him to do what he
was said. Donald was relieved. He thought that Claude knew how to drive a lorry. With
that, he, jango and the resort staff loaded them all into the lorry. During this loading several
people were injured in the stampede. They laid them one on top of the other. But what
Claude did was something else. He went straight to the swimming pool of the resort. There,
the famous food of India, biryani, is served in a big biryani bowl.He opened it and looked at
it. A very hot spicy biryani. There were police officers from
several countries in Liberty City. That's why biryani was put there. He took the copper lid
and put it on the ground. Then he took a spoon and put the biryani and chicken leg on the
lid. Then bit the chicken leg With delightness. Donald passed out watching him eat without
any reaction and not even noticing the situation. After everything, he washed his hands and
moved towards the cart. Neither Donald nor Jango had eaten anything. Because of that
they felt angry and hungry at the same time. Claude got into the lorry and started the car.
He struggled to drive. Seeing this, Donald angrily spoke to him, "Don't you know how to
drive?". Hearing this, Claude quickly took off. Donald escaped head-on. Donald felt the
rage to kill him. But he didn't do anything because the condition of the police car started to
deteriorate. Then he got another phone call. It was the DGP of police there. The call was
about plan was not to take them over the highway to the hospital, as that would spoil the
secrecy of the situation. He didn't know how to do it.He had bought a transfer here a few
days ago.Jango, who was listening to this, said to him,
"Sir, I know all the exits in this city, don't worry, I will tell him." Donald was pleased to hear
this.Then Claude was threatened by Donald "if you don't behave yourself you won't see
your daughter tomorrow". I don't know if Claude was scared when he heard this. Anyway,
the three of them started their journey. The heads of this drug mafia were two people, one
Michael Christ and the other Big Smoke. The Big Smoke was very dangerous in this. The
Big Smoke has never been seen by the outside world. He is known only to the people of the
drug mafia. Michael Christ was not ready to leave them. He promised to pay a handsome
sum to those who captured them alive or dead. The whole gang started looking for them.
They had a small chief who controlled them. Their little chief was Johan Wisdom. There
was actually a spy among these policemen. The spy was a constable named Ruais. He
pretended to be in a daze and got into this lorry. He had hidden a phone. So he gave
information to Johan about the exact routes he was taking. Their goons were hiding on the
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roads where they thought the lorry would go.But without knowing this, they were advancing
along the roads.Jango's treatment of Claude
was contemptuous. His behavior is because he is out of prison. He started misrepresenting
Claude to make him angry. Claude's patience was beginning to wear thin. He wasn't angry
but slightly angry with him. "Do you really know the way? If you tease me more I'll go away
from this flithy work ".Donald scolds jango saying "calm down claude, He'splaying when
people are dying here, if you say anything anymore I'll knock your ass off". Jango was very
scared when he heard this. He had been afraid of the police for a long time. He asks
Claude how many years ago he went to prison. Claude replied ten years ago. He told
himself that Django was only 14 years old at that time. While sitting like this, an unexpected
incident happens. They went a little deeper into the forest

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