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Wedding Programme & Sermon Manuscript

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course


I declare that this assignment is my own unaided work. I have not copied it from any person,
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duly acknowledge.

Submitted to:
Rev. Ginmalsawm

Submitted by:
Suanmuanlian, M.Div 2
Regd. No 1696/2023
Date of submission


Mr. Patrick & Miss Felicia

Place: EBCC, Elim Veng, New Lamka

Date: September 7, 2023
Time: 10:00 AM

 Officiating Minister : Local Pastor H. Suanmuanlian

 Procession of the Bride time : 10:00 AM
 First Congregational Singing : Hymnal 133 To God Be The Glory!
 Exchange of Wedding Vow and : Officiating Minister
Ring & Wedding Sermon
 Open time for Church : 1. Local BYF, 2. Local BDF, 3. Local Elders
 Special song : Alan Jackson ft. Celene Dion
 Open time : Groom’s family
 Second Congregational Singing : Hymnal 54 Saviour Like A Shepherd Lead Us
 Blessing and Closing Prayer : Elder T. Ginsangthang


1. The local BYF are confidently selected as to do ushering and stewarding work
during the wedding programme in and out of the church till serving refreshment.

Ministerial Committee,
EBCC, Elim Veng

Title: "The Bonds of Love”


Good afternoon, friends and family gathered here today to witness the union of Mr. Patrick
and Miss Felicia. We have come together to celebrate not just a wedding, but a sacred
covenant of love and unity. And, before starting the sermon, I want to take a moment to
express my heartfelt appreciation to Patrick and Felicia for starting their journey in the
presence of God and the congregation. This shows their commitment to their faith and
recognition of the sanctity of marriage as a covenant with God that serve as a reminder of the
deeper spiritual connection of this union. Their wedding day is not just a celebration, but a
commitment to seek God's guidance, blessings and wisdom throughout their marriage. As we
gather here, the church is not just a beautiful backdrop for this wedding day but also, a place
of comfort and renewal during the difficulties of life. They also emphasize that their love is
not only a human bond but a spiritual bond formed by the presence of the Almighty God.

So, our focus today is on Ephesians 4:2-3, where Paul writes, "Be completely humble and
gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the
Spirit through the bond of peace."

I hope most of us brings our wedding gifts for our lovely couples here. I also bring one
wedding gift from God. And now, through our chosen passage, let us unpack the wedding gift
that God has given us in the Bible from the teachings of Ephesians 4:2-3 and demonstrate
how they can be applied to the lives of our newlywed couples. By understanding and
practicing the virtues of humility, gentleness, patience, and love, they can foster a strong
foundation for their marriage and build a harmonious unity of relationship that glorifies God.

Now, let us look at the first guidance apostle Paul offers us on how to build and sustain a
loving relationship, which is especially applicable as we join Patrick and Felicia in marriage.

I. Be Completely Humble and Gentle: v.2a

The first part of this passage encourages us to be "completely humble and gentle." These
words remind us of the importance of humility and gentleness in any relationship, especially
in marriage. As we are born sinner, we are full of pride, ego and who want to be always right;
humility calls us to put away our pride, ego, and desire to always be right. And, we should

seek to understand, value, and appreciate one another's perspectives and solves our
differences in love. About gentleness, gentleness encourages us to handle one another with
care, tenderness, and kindness. It reminds us to choose words and actions that soothe or that
help us feel better rather than words and action that hurt or make wound. So, Patrick and
Felicia, when you embrace humility and gentleness, you will create a safe space for love to
flourish and grow in your marriage relationship.

Imagine a beautiful garden filled with a variety of flowers. Each flower is unique in its
colour, shape, and fragrance. Now, picture a gentle breeze sweeping through this garden. As
the breeze moves through the garden, it doesn't forcefully uproot any of the flowers or tear
their petals apart. Instead, it moves gracefully, bending the flowers with care and allowing
them to dance in harmony.

You see, in marriage, we are like those flowers in the garden. We each bring our own
uniqueness, our own individuality, and our own distinct qualities into this union. And just as
the gentle breeze treats each flower with humility and gentleness, so should we treat our
spouse in our marriage journey.

Being completely humble means recognizing that we are not always right, that we have
weaknesses and imperfections. It's about approaching our marriage with an open heart,
willing to learn, grow, and adapt. It's about setting aside our pride and ego to make room for
compromise and understanding. Being gentle means handling each other's hearts with care.
It's about speaking kindly, listening attentively, and being sensitive to our spouse's feelings.
It's about choosing words and actions that uplift rather than hurt, that build rather than tear

In your marriage, as you strive to be completely humble and gentle, remember that, like the
gentle breeze in the garden, your love can nurture and support each other's growth. Your
humility will allow your relationship to thrive, and your gentleness will protect the delicate
petals of your love, ensuring that it continues to bloom and flourish in all seasons.

Moving on to the second guidance apostle Paul offers us on how to build and sustain a loving
relationship, we must…

II. Be Patient, Bearing with One Another in Love: v.2b

The next part of the verse emphasizes on how to be patience and bearing with one another in
love. First, patience is a virtue that becomes especially important in marriage. It means being

willing to endure, waiting with grace, and understanding that growth and change take time.
So dear Patrick and Felicia, you must know this, in the midst of life's challenges, remember
to be patient with one another.

See, when all know how big the forest is, right? Some of us would like to go for trekking on a
journey through a dense and beautiful forest. I also love strolling through the forest once in a
while. When in the forest, the path is sometimes smooth and easy, but at other times, it
becomes narrow, filled with thorns and obstacles that seem insurmountable. But know this,
on this journey, you're not alone; your hand in hand with your spouse. So, what does this

This means that in marriage, your journey together is like that forest path. As husband and
wife, your love will be tested, there will be moments of joy and ease, where the path is clear
and the sun is shining. But there will also be times when the way ahead seems difficult,
where misunderstandings and challenges create thorns and obstacles. Being patient means
understanding that these challenging moments are a natural part of the journey. Just as you
wouldn't abandon your path in the forest when it gets tough, patience in marriage means not
giving up when faced with difficulties. It means walking together hand in hand, even when
the path is unclear, trusting that you will find your way through together.

And secondly, "Bearing with one another in love" is like helping each other navigate those
challenging parts of the forest, carrying each other's burdens, of supporting and caring for one
another even when times get tough. It's about supporting and carrying each other when
needed, just as you would help your spouse over a rough patch in the path. It's about being
there for one another. Love is not just a feeling but a commitment to stand together, shoulder
to shoulder, offering a listening ear, a comforting embrace, and a helping hand no matter
what life brings. Your love will grow deeper as you bear one another's burdens and find
strength in your unity.

Remember that the forest represents life's trials and tribulations. But it's also a place of
growth, beauty, and discovery. Just as you journey through the forest together, you'll grow
and learn together in your marriage. Your patience and love for one another will not only
help you overcome the thorns and obstacles but also lead you to the hidden treasures and joys
that lie ahead.

Finally, the third guidance apostle Paul offers us on how to build and sustain a loving
relationship, we must…

III. Make Every Effort to Keep the Unity of the Spirit: v.3

Here, in this verse, Paul instructs us to "make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit
through the bond of peace." You see, unity is not a simple thing or something that happens
automatically in a marriage; it requires real effort, real intention, and real sacrifice. It's about
aligning your hearts, minds, and goals to create a harmonious partnership.

As husband and wife, peace holds relationships together, fostering an environment where
love and unity flourish. It means resolving conflicts with grace and forgiveness, choosing
peace over division, and being quick to mend what may be broken. So, Patrick and Felicia, as
you two embark on this journey together, remember that the unity of the Spirit is a precious
gift, and it is your responsibility to nurture, developed and protect it.

Look at our church windows design, it is a beautiful and intricately crafted mosaic. This
mosaic is composed of countless tiny, colourful pieces of glass, each unique in shape and
colour. But without putting together these pieces of glass it cannot become a beautiful art. So,
when these individual pieces of glass come together under the skilled hand of an artist, they
form a stunning and harmonious work of art.

In marriage, husband and wife are like those individual pieces of glass in the mosaic. You
bring your own uniqueness, your distinct personalities, and your different life experiences.
Your marriage, then, is the masterpiece you create together.

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit" is like the artist's commitment to
preserving the harmony of the mosaic. It's about being intentional in your efforts to maintain
the unity and beauty of your marriage. Just as the artist carefully selects and arranges each
glass piece to fit perfectly in the mosaic, in your marriage, you should choose your words and
actions thoughtfully to create a harmonious relationship. Like the artist, you must be patient
and meticulous in your work, ensuring that your individuality and differences blend together
to form a unified and beautiful partnership.

But, as in any work of art, there may be moments when pieces seem to come loose or when
the mosaic is tested by external forces. During these times, remember that "making every
effort" means being willing to repair, adjust, and strengthen your bond. Just as an artist
repairs a broken piece or reinforces a weak spot, in your marriage, you should be willing to
address conflicts, forgive, and make necessary adjustments to maintain the unity of your love.

The result of your efforts will be a marriage that, like the beautiful mosaic, is a testament to
the artistry of your love. It will be a unity of spirit that stands the test of time, a masterpiece
of commitment, love, and dedication that you both create together.

Likewise, all the above teaching is very must applicable for all of us as the teachings today
are universal and applicable to all who seek to cultivate unity and loving relationships in their


As we gather here today, let us all take a moment to appreciate and honour Mr Patrick and
Miss Felicia for their choice to sanctify their love in the name of God. And today, Mr Patrick
and Miss Felicia, as you stand before us and before God, commit yourselves to a life of love,
humility, gentleness, patience, and unity. May you always be completely humble and gentle,
patient, and bearing with one another in love. May you make every effort to keep the unity of
the Spirit through the bond of peace. May your commitment to each other and your faith in
God continue to grow stronger with each passing day. And may this wedding ceremony serve
as a beautiful testament to the enduring power of love and faith, both in the eyes of God and
in the hearts of all who are gathered here to witness this joyous occasion.

Now, as you exchange vows and rings, may these promises symbolize the unbreakable bond
of love and unity that you share. May your marriage be a testament to the power of love and a
reflection of God’s love that unites us all.

Let us pray: Heavenly Father, our hearts are filled with great happiness on this the wedding
day of Patrick and Felicia. They come before you, pledging their lives and their hearts to one
another. As they begin this journey of love and unity, grant that they may be ever true and
loving, living together in such a way as to never bring heartbreak into their marriage. Temper
their hearts with kindness and help them to be sweethearts, helpmates, friend and guide, and
together, may they meet the cares and problems of life more bravely. May their marriage be a
source of joy, strength, and inspiration to all who witness it. Grant them the wisdom and
grace to live out the teachings of Ephesians 4:2-3 that they may live a life of humble and
gentleness, patience and bearing with one another in love, and to always unite in their daily
lives as husband and wife. May their home truly be a place of love and harmony where your
Spirit is ever present. Walk with them, through all their life together. Bless their wedding
day. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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