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From the First to the Eighteen Centuries
By M. Thongkhosei Haokip

In partial fulfilment of the requirements of the course


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Submitted to:

Sir Lalboi Kilong

Submitted by:

Suanmuanlian, M.Div 2

Regd. No 1696 of 2023

Date of submission: 31/07/2023

A guide book to History of Christianity from the First to the Eighteen Century is written by
Dr. M. Thongkhosei Haokip, an Associate Professor of the History of Christianity at AICS,
Aizawl, Mizoram. He had also published a dissertation in 2015 called “A History of
Ecumenical Movement in North East India”, and it had served as a source for the study of
ecumenism in Northeast India.

The purpose for this guide book had been mainly because, after the author realize the need
for a Christian historical textbook that could be used as a kind of guide book for student in
Senate of Serampore. Later it had become a useful guidebook for many seminary students in

The author did a study of historiography (the writing of history), that basically means
researching an event on the when, where and how that event took place and analysing it
critically beyond the historical facts. Every topic always dealt with its cultural, political,
social, religion, economy etc... Here in chapter 1, we can see different definition of history
from different perspective, the meaning of Church history, the relationship between world
history and Christian history or Church history.

The author explains why the place and time for the beginning of Christianity was important.
Here, we can find the three nation that God used in different ways to send His son, which
would ultimately lead to start of the church, such as- the Roman- politically, the Greek-
culturally, and the Jews- religiously.

We can also know that the author is a mission minded person because he focusses on mission
in several chapters and he gave us a reason for the rapid spread of Christianity in a Christian-
mission perspective by saying that we have the power of the Gospel, and early Christian had
persevered different hardship even persecution. It’s because of The Great Commission that
the Lord had gave to spread and proclaim the good news and by this way the author
acknowledge not only the apostle are missionaries but all the ordinary Christians were also

Even in the Middle Ages the bishop of Rome commission the missionary monks to proclaim
the Gospel throughout Europe. So, according to this historiography, I believed this is why he
focus on missions in this History of Christianity guidebook.
The author then talks about different doctrinal controversies in the early church that created a
foundation for today’s church doctrine. The author also recognizes the significant role of
women in the development of Christianity throughout history. He said that women have
played an active role in the church from the early days of Christianity, often serving as
leaders, teachers, and missionaries. He points out that in the early church, women were
involved in evangelism and discipleship, and were often mentioned by name in the letters of
the apostles. Women also played a significant role in the spread of Christianity through their
participation in missionary work, as well as through their support of the church's efforts.

He notes the importance of monasticism in the history of Christianity. Here we can see the
great impact of monasticism during the Dark Ages. Because, it was because of the Monks in
the monasteries that people find refuge, historical records and different literatures about the
Middle Ages were kept as they were the one that spread Christianity. When the author
mention about the positive side he also gives us a negative point like, the negative impact of
Monasticism, like how they focus too much on the system of salvation by work, how they are
corrupts and how it effects the society.

The author recognizes the significant role that women played in this movement as women's
monasteries provided a space for women to pursue a life of devotion and service to God, and
many of these communities became centres of learning, art, and culture. Throughout the
Middle Ages, women continued to play a significant role in the church, serving as mystics,
writers, and scholars. For example, Hildegard of Bingen was a renowned theologian,
composer, and writer, whose work influenced the development of medieval Christian
theology. From Hildegard, we can recognizes the challenges that women have faced
throughout history in their efforts to participate fully in the life of the church. Here, we can
see how he notes that women have often been excluded from positions of leadership and
authority, and have faced discrimination and persecution for their beliefs.

The author mention about the Crusades led by the Christian against Muslim, and we can see
how and why it led to its failure for the Christian and to not able to capture the Holy land of
Jerusalem. Here, the author of the book gave a reason for the failure of the crusade which I
really like and immediately associated with the present situation of our world. He said that
the reason the crusaders failed to free the Holy Land from the domination of the Muslims was
because of the disunity amongst the kings and princes who led the movement, where each
one care more of their own agenda/interest then caring or fighting for the common good of
the people. He said that they are jealous of each other, fearful for the success of either one.
As we read this in the book, to this, there is one factual event that has been repeating
throughout history, even in our current situation when compared with our today’s generation

A history of Christianity book without a chapter of Reformation led by Martin Luther would
be an incomplete book because the reformation movement is one of the most important
events in the history of Christianity. So, the author did justice when he write about the
Reformation on how it develops through different factors for over a century during the
medieval period that set the stage for the Reformation – like, religiously, economically,
politically and socially.

In the last chapter, we can study about the issues and development of Christian mission
through the Pietist movement in Germany and the Evangelical Revival in England. The
author gave us a positive and negative results of Pietism. He leans on to a more positive
results such as- it produces inner change of heart, produce good hymns writer, it promotes
Christian music and made it better, and they focus on missionary movement and revival
movement. While in the negative results, the writer called the Pietists a pharisaic, like they
doubted and looked down on others and think they are more righteous than others. We can
also see how the revival made a huge impact in the life of people and church and how it
ignites the rise of modern missionary movement.

Overall, Haokip's book emphasizes the importance of recognizing the contributions of

women to the history of Christianity, and highlights the significant role that women have
played in the growth and development of the church over the centuries. He also focuses much
on the missionary movement led by different churches and movement, and especially the
writer never forgot to mention the role of women in missionary movement as well. The
author made a short and clear summary when it comes to the life of a great person who got
involve and plays an important role in different events in the history of Christianity. He
focuses on the most important part of their life that made them known for who they are in the
history of Christianity and even till now. Through this guide book we can also learn the life
and worship of the church and how it was characterized by growth, development, and
evolution in the first through fifth centuries. While the church faced many challenges and
controversies, it continued to spread throughout the Roman Empire and beyond, shaping the
course of history and leaving a lasting legacy that continues to influence the world today.

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