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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)

Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024, pp. 153∼161

ISSN: 2252-8938, DOI: 10.11591/ijai.v13.i1.pp153-161 r 153

Towards a system for real-time prevention of

drowsiness-related accidents
Abdelhak Khadraoui, Elmoukhtar Zemmouri, Youssef Taki, Mohammed Douimi
Department of Computer Science, ENSAM Meknes, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: Traffic accidents always result in great human and material losses. One of the
main causes of accidents is the human factor, which usually results from driver’s
Received Oct 4, 2022
fatigue or drowsiness. To address this issue, several methods for predicting the
Revised Jan 31, 2023 driver’s state and behavior have been proposed. Some approaches are based
Accepted Mar 10, 2023 on the measurement of the driver’s behavior such as: head movement, blinking
time, mouth expression note, while others are based on physiological measure-
Keywords: ments to obtain information about the internal state of the driver. Several works
used machine learning / deep learning to train models for driver behavior pre-
Advanced driver assistance diction. In this paper, we propose a new deep learning architecture based on
systems residual and feature pyramid networks (FPN) for driver drowsiness detection.
Deep learning The trained model is integrated into a system that aims to prevent drowsiness-
Drowsiness detection related accidents in real-time. The system can detect drivers’ drowsiness in real
Feature pyramid networks time and alert the driver in case of danger. Experiment results on benchmarking
datasets shows that our proposed architecture achieves high detection accuracy
compared to baseline approaches.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Abdelhak Khadraoui
Department of Computer Science, ENSAM Meknes, Moulay Ismail University, Meknes, Morocco
Marjane 2, P.B. 15290 Al-Mansour, Meknes 50500, Morocco

According to Moroccan National Road Safety Strategy 2017-2026 and the World Health Organization,
road accidents are a major public health problem globally. Traffic accidents are one of the leading causes of
death and injury worldwide. Each year, more than 1.35 million people die in road accidents and millions more
are injured or disabled. On average, about 3,500 people die and 12,000 are seriously injured in road accidents
in Morocco each year, and on average 10 people die and 33 are seriously injured every day. With this in mind
and in collaboration with all road safety stakeholders, Morocco has decided to implement the National Road
Safety Strategy (2017-2026) to prevent all forms of road accidents. This new strategy defines a more ambitious
long-term vision to develop ’responsible action in Morocco’. We have set an ambitious and quantifiable goal
to halve road deaths by 2026 compared to current levels (less than 1,900 road deaths in 2026).
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) consist of the use of advanced technologies to assist the
driver of a vehicle [1]. An ADAS allow to collect data inside and outside the vehicle as well as to perform
technical processing such as identifying, detecting, and tracking static and dynamic objects, making it an active
safety technology that enables drivers to detect potential hazards in the shortest time possible in order to attract
attention and improve safety. Vehicle recognition and tracking, lane line recognition, traffic sign recognition,
pedestrian recognition, and other general functions of visual ADAS are examples. Since ADAS have various

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154 r ISSN: 2252-8938

built-in functions, one of the limitations imposed on the module presented in this work is to distract the driver
and avoid triggering false alarms that cause the driver to turn off the ADAS. is to Using a non-intrusive system
that can detect driver drowsiness from a series of images, which is currently a difficult task.
Currently, the main research results regarding driver behavior modeling technology include the
following. Cai et al. [2] proposed the concept of driving caracteristics map. Miyajima and Takeda [3] used
road driving data to develop to model driver behavior. This technique has been implemented using statistical
machine learning methods. Angkititrakul et al. [4] proposed a probabilistic driver behavior model using Gaus-
sian mixture models. Shi et al. [5] proposed to assess driving style by normalizing driving behavior based on
personalized driver modeling [6]. To quantitatively assess driving style in this way, an aggressiveness index
is proposed that can be used to identify abnormal driving behavior. Taniguchi et al. [7] proposed an unsu-
pervised learning method that was established based on the original double articulatory analyzer model. This
method predicts possible driving behavior scenarios by segmenting and modeling incoming time-series data
about driving behavior. Okuda et al. [8] proposed probability weighted autoregressive exogenous models. The
autoregressive exogenous models are composed of probability weighting functions. This model can represent
real-world driving behavior.
This work begins with the following assumptions: An on-board camera captures an image from the
front of the driver and analyzes it using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to determine if the driver is
feeling sleepy. The system can then warn drivers in real time to prevent possible accidents.The implementation
of the proposed solution consists of a combination of feature pyramid network (FPN) [9] and Deep Residual
Network ResNet [10]. The model can recognize patterns in a series of images, so it can predict whether the
driver is tired. FPN is one of the most popular feature fusion techniques for solving multiscale problems in
object detection.
The next section of this paper reads: section 2 provides an overview of recent research on driver
drowsiness detection using deep learning. The proposed method for the drowsiness detection system is de-
scribed in section 3, and the experiments and results are presented in section 4. Finally, section 5 analyzes
the results and identified problems, proposes possible improvements and future work directions, and section 6
presents the conclusions of this work.

Human eye blinks can be categorized into the following types: reflex, involuntary, and voluntary
blinks [11]. Reflexive blinks are evoked by stimuli such as loud sounds and bright lights. Involuntary blinks
occur unconsciously, while involuntary blinks are consciously generated by the cue [11]. Blinking was used
to detect drowsiness and concentration, eye fatigue and dry eye [12], [13]. It is the involuntary, momentary or
brief closure of both upper eyelids in a coordinated manner.
2.1. Eye aspect ratio-based driver’s blink detection
The quick closure and reopening of the human eye are known as blinking, and each person has a
unique blink pattern. Blinking lasts around 100–400 milliseconds. When it comes to detecting whether a driver
is tired, the status of his or her eyes blinking is crucial. The blink condition of the driver is used to detect
whether he or she is drowsy or not.
The first step in blink detection is to obtain and crop the face from the frontal image. This step uses
the well-known facial recognition library Dlib [14]. Dlib is based on facial features, which are points on the
face that represent features such as eyes, mouth, and nose. Provides a pre-trained facial feature detector that
can detect 68 points on a face. Six of them are related to the eyes as shown in Figure 1. By calculating the
ratio of the Euclidean distances between the six eye coordinate points using the formula given by (1). We can
determine whether a person is blinking. This ratio is known as the eye aspect ratio (EAR) [15].

||p2 − p6 || + ||p3 − p5 ||
EAR = (1)
2.||p1 − p4 ||
Where p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 , p6 represent 2D position coordinates as shown in Figure 1. When the eyes are open,
the aspect ratio is nearly constant, but when you blink, the aspect ratio rapidly drops to zero. It also uses a
threshold to assess whether the eyes are open or closed. Close your eyes when the EAR is down the threshold.
On the other hand, an EAR superior to the threshold indicates that the eyes are open. You can tell if a bus
driver is tired by the time it takes them to close their eyes. From this we conclude fatigue.

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Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938 r 155

Figure 1. The six landmarks (two-dimensional coordinates) representing the eye automatically detected by
Dlib: in the case of an open eye (image on the left) and in the case of closed eye (image on the right) [15]

2.2. Deep learning based methods for driver drowsiness detection

Deep learning using convolutional neural networks (CNN) has made great strides in computer vi-
sion tasks such as image classification, object detection, emotion detection, and scene segmentation. Many
deep learning architectures have been proposed to detect driver drowsiness. One of his first works is by
Vuckovic et al. [16], and uses a shallow CNN trained on electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. Xing et al.
[17] proposed a three-layer network architecture. AlexNet, which consists of 5 CNN layers and 3 fully con-
nected (FC) layers, is used to learn image features, the second network uses 16-layer VGG FaceNet to complete
the facial feature extraction step, and the final network uses FlowImageNet to extract behavioral features.
Table 1 dipict a summary comparative study of recent deep learning aritectures that was designed for
the problem of driver drowsiness detection and trained on public well known images datasets. We present
works that focus on the real time aspect. Despite these advances in the use of deep learning architectures for
the drowsiness detection, there is still enough space to improve the accuracy using new advances from object
detection and classification.

Table 1. Comparative study of recent deep learning based approaches for driver drowsiness detection, trained
on benchmarking images datasets
Articles Network Architecture Classes Datasets Accuracy Speed (fps)
Reddy et al. 2017 MTCNN: Multi-Task 3 classes: DROZY [19] National Baseline-4 91.3% Baseline-4 6.1 fps
[18] Cascaded CNN + Normal Tsing Hua University Baseline-2 93.8% Baseline-2 12.5 fps
DDDN: Driver Drowsi- Yawning (NTHU)-drowsy [20]
ness Detection Network Drowsy
Dipu et al. 2021 Single-Shot multi- 2 classes: Media Research Lab 90% 8 fps
[21] box Detection Eyes Open (MRL) Eye dataset
(SSD) MobileNet + Eyes closed [22]
Kulhandjian 2021 DCNN: Deep CNN Yawn IEEE Yawning Detec- 95.1% 16-20 fps
[23] No Yawn tion Dataset (YawDD)
Unknown class [24]
Open eyes The Closed Eyes in the 91.8% 16-20 fps
Closed eyes Wild (CEW) dataset
Magán et al. 2022 CNN + Recurrent Neu- Awake University of Texas at 60% 10 fps
[26] ral Network RNN Drowsy Arlington Real-Life
Drowsiness Dataset
(UTA-RLDD) [27]

In this section, we describe our proposed drowsiness detection system. Countless people are out and
about day and night. Drivers and long distance drivers suffer from sleep deprivation. Therefore, drowsy driving
is very dangerous. Many accidents are due to driver fatigue. To avoid these accidents, we built a system with
FPN and ResNet architecture to warn drivers in case of fatigue.

3.1. Steps of our project

The camera continuously captures video in front of the driver, creates a region of interest (ROI) in
each frame of the video, detects eyes in the ROI, and feeds it into a classifier. The classifier detects whether the
driver’s eyes are open or closed. A score (number of consecutive frames with eyes closed) is then calculated to

Towards a system for real-time prevention of drowsiness-related accidents (Abdelhak Khadraoui)

156 r ISSN: 2252-8938

detect whether the driver is drowsy or drowsy. In case of danger, you will be alerted in real time. The Figure 2
down shows the pipeline of the proposed system for real-time warning of the driver in case of drowsiness.

Figure 2. Pipeline of the proposed system for real-time drowsiness detection and driver notification

3.1.1. Face / eyes detection

For face recognition, we use the Dlib [14] front face detector. This detector retourns objects found in a
grayscale image. Each object corresponds to a face. Camera images are captured and face dection is executed.
If no face is detected in the image, the first face in the list returned by the detector is used. In the next step,
face key points are derived using shape predictors provided by Dlib. To create a shape predictor, first upload
the trained database to Dlib [14] these are provided for shape predictors. There are many data sets for detecting
these landmarks, but we will use intelligent behaviour understanding group (iBUG) dataset, which contains 68
face detection points [28]. After the shape predictor is built, given the face and the grayscale image of the face
object provided by the frontal face detector, it can determine and return the locations of these 68 facial features.
This can be used for subsequent processing. The face/eyes detection is done in three steps: i) detect and locate
the face in the image; ii) detect and locate the 68 facial landmarks; and iii) derive the 6 landmarks of each eye
in Figure 1.
3.1.2. Classification
Finally, as before, we predict two classes as outputs: Eyes-Open and Eyes-Closed. Eyes-Open means
the driver is conscious and not fatigued. Eyes-Closed indicates that the driver is in danger of becoming drowsy
in a short period of time. If he has more than 10 consecutive captured frames with his eyes closed, it means
that the driver is suffering from severe drowsiness or fatigue and should take a break soon.
3.2. Databases
The MRL Eye Dataset [29]: The dataset is collected from 37 persons (33 men and 4 women) some of
them with glasses. This collection includes both low- and high-resolution photos that were all taken in varied
lighting situations. Several trainable features or classifiers can be tested using the dataset. Examples of open
and closed eyes from this dataset are displayed in Figure 3.
Dataset B Eye Images: The dataset was released in 2013 by the pattern recognition and neural com-
puting (PARNEC) group, which is connected to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics’ College
of Computer Science and Technology in China. The left and right eyes’ open and closed eye images can be
found in the dataset. 1,232 pictures of open eyes—left and right—from the data collection. There are only
1,193 closed-eye photos total, each measuring 24 by 24.

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Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938 r 157

Figure 3. Examples of the MRL eye dataset

3.3. Proposed architecture

The drowsiness detection system developed in this work is part of an ADAS system and has two
important limitations: (1) early detection and (2) minimize the number of false positives. The idea is that the
system should only warn the driver when he is actually feeling sleepy, to avoid false alarms disabling ADAS
because the driver is bored. It is important for the driver to set the frame rate that the camera will send to
her ADAS. A high frame rate will overload the system with more frames per second (FPS). A low frame rate
can have a negative impact on system performance. In this range, the number of frames per second should be
sufficient to perceive detail in image sequences of very short duration. B. Wink. A frame rate of 10 FPS is used
in this work, as the average blink time is between 100 and 400 ms. This is enough to detect blinks and does
not overload the system. Figure 4 depicts our proposed network architecture. We used ResNet50V2 [10] as the
backbone network. The FPN [9] we used is similar to the original version except for concatenated layer.

Figure 4. General overview of the proposed deep learning architecture for eyes classification

To solve the challenge of detecting objects at various scales, recognition systems (particularly object
detection) utilise pyramid feature networks, which were first developed by Tsung-Yi et al. [9]. The goal is for
the network to learn the features of the same object across a broad range of scales in the dataset by using a
pyramid of the same image at various scales. Consequently, a feature extraction network that creates feature
representations at various scales can be described as a FPN. In our work, we adopted FPN was proposed as an
object detection networks, for image classification (i.e., Eyes- Open or Closed). Many recognition systems use
residual networks ResNets [10], a traditional state-of-the-art deep neural network, as their foundation. ResNet
has been demonstrated to perform well when used for classification problems.

Towards a system for real-time prevention of drowsiness-related accidents (Abdelhak Khadraoui)

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Two final features are extracted by the FPN, each of which represents an aspect of the input image
at a different scale. After that, a dropout layer was put in place (to prevent overfitting), and then the first
classification layer. The SoftMax function is not appropriate since it determines the position of each output
neuron based on the ratio of the positions of the other output neurons, making the relu activation function
more appropriate. The construction was completed by connecting two categorized layers, each made up of two
neurons, to create a thick layer of ten neurons. The final classification layer to which the SoftMax function
was applied was then connected to this layer. The network uses several categorization results based on various
scaling features when performing this function. This enables the network to classify the photos more accurately.
3.3.1. Model training
The two datasets we used contain training, and test data. We trained the model up to 20 epochs. For
network training, we used ResNet50V2 as a pretrained model with its weights to speed up the convergence. In
the fitting phase we adopt Adam as optimizer and the categorical cross entropy as a loss function and 0.0001 as
a learning rate 0.0001. We also used data augmentation techniques to make learning more efficient and prevent
network overfitting.

In this section, we will report the image classification results of the network on the test set. We
implemented the algorithm and network in the Google Colab Notebook and used the Keras library Ten-
sorFlow backend for developing and operating deep networks. The results for each dataset are reported in
Table 2 in terms of speed (in frame per second), precision, recall, F1-score and accuracy. Note that, in the first
dataset, images have 3 color channels: red, green, and blue (RGB) while in the second dataset images are in
gray scale only.

Table 2. Classification results of our model on the two used datasets

Datasets Speed (fps) Recall Accuracy Precision F1-score
MRL Eye Dataset (1,330 images COLOR) 10.246 98.18% 98.17% 98.17% 98.16%
Dataset B Eye Images (4,846 images GRAY) 13.027 95.05% 96.15% 97.01% 96.25%

4.1. Discussion
The average results of the two models in the single image evaluation phase on Table 2 show that the
models achieved an overall accuracy of 98.17 %. Our research shows that while our model detects eyes very
carefully, regular models such as CNN and OpenCV judge all similar eyes and misjudge open rather than closed
images. to identify it. So the model achieves high accuracy overall. Table 2 shows the average results of our
model on two datasets, properly classifying 931 out of 970 images, which is an acceptable value. It also shows
that our model runs almost as fast as the other models in Table 1, and the processing speed is good. Since a
sequence of images our dataset has images with a resolution of (80,80) in most cases, this system can process
them in about 100 to 132 milliseconds. The reason for this is that the algorithm for selecting the photographic
images can differ in each of the dataset image sequences. Thus, the processing speed changes more than
expected. What makes this work credible is that it has been developed and tested in real conditions. By viewing
the input data as a series of images or videos (not a single image) evaluated on a large dataset, exhibiting high
accuracy, few false positives, and good inference speed. We hope our joint dataset and code will help other
researchers improve his AI models and use them to diagnose driver behavior.
4.2. Model evaluation
What makes this work credible is that it has been developed and tested in real conditions. By viewing
the input data as a series of images or videos (not a single image) evaluated on a large dataset, exhibiting high
accuracy, few false positives, and good inference speed. We hope our joint dataset and code will help other
research. This model uses video as real-time input to the scoring process to determine if subjects are feeling
sleepy. Figure 5 shows the frames of the video used. The camera is not in the same position as the standard
computer camera (aloft the screen) that the model was trained with. This made eye tracking very sensitive.
Also, videos were recorded at different frames per second (15 and 30 fps). This is different from the frame
rate used here to train the model (10 fps). Research improve his AI models and use them to diagnose driver

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Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938 r 159

Figure 5. Evaluation using video from webcam: The first image on the left show face and eyes detection
where the driver is not drowsy, the second image on the right show a drowsy driver with the alert message
(coupled with sound in the video)

In this work, we introduced a fully automated system for detecting driver drowsiness from an open
and closed eye dataset. We suggested an image processing approach in the first stage to filter the appropriate
images of the driver’s face. This algorithm improves the network’s accuracy and speed. To improve classi-
fication, we implemented a new deep neural network in the next step. This network can be used to increase
the accuracy of various classification issues, especially for photos carrying essential information. Improve ac-
curacy, particularly in images with crucial small-scale objects. To classify drowsy and non-drowsy database
images, we trained three different deep convolutional networks. Our model outperformed the others by utiliz-
ing ResNet50V2, a modified pyramid network, and the designed architecture. We used the trained networks to
run the fully automated identification system after training. Our model achieved an overall accuracy of 98.17%
for single image classification (the first method of evaluation). In the driver state identification step (sequence
of images or video), our model performed better than the other systems; correctly identifying approximately
463 images out of 502 images as drowsy. We also used the webcam, which continuously captures and observes
the driver’s eyes, to test the classification’s accuracy. Based on the results, the proposed methods can improve
drowsiness detection while being fast enough to be implemented in an ADAS system. Finally, we mention that
this system can be used in other industrial situation where the awareness of the employee is crucial to avoid

This work is carried out within the research project entitled ”A knowledge management approach for
road accident scenarios” granted by the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment and the National Center for Scientific
and Technical Research (CNRST), Rabat, Morocco. The project is part of the Road Safety Research Program

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Abdelhak Khadraoui is a Ph.D. student in computer science at Ecole Nationale Supérieure

d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) Meknes, Moulay Ismail University Morocco. He received the master’s
degree in Big Data in 2019. His research topic is the use of artificial intelligence for vehicle driver
behavior monitoring. He can be contacted at email:

Int J Artif Intell, Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2024: 153–161

Int J Artif Intell ISSN: 2252-8938 r 161

Elmoukhtar Zemmouri is a Professor in Computer Science at Ecole Nationale Supérieure

d’Arts et Métiers (ENSAM) Meknes, Moulay Ismail University Morocco. He holds a Ph.D. (2013,
knowledge management in multi-view KDD process) from ENSAM Meknes, in collaboration with
AxIS research group at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis France. He received an engineer degree (2003, com-
puter science and telecommunications) from INPT Rabat, Morocco. His research concerns artificial
intelligence, deep learning, knowledge engineering with semantic web technologies, web intelli-
gence, and big data. He is currently the head of Knowledge Modeling and Extraction research team.
He can be contacted at email:

Youssef Taki received the bachelor’s degree in applied mathematics in 2017 and the
master’s degree in modeling and scientific computing for mathematical engineering in 2019. He is
currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree at Moulay Ismail University, Morroco. His research focuses on the
ADAS “Advanced Driver Assistance Systems”, intelligent transportation systems, road-safety, and
computer vision. He can be contacted at email:

Mohammed Douimi is a Professor in Applied Mathematics at Ecole Nationale Supérieure

d’Arts Métiers (ENSAM) Meknes, Moulay Ismail University Morocco. He Holds a Ph.D. from INSA
Rouen Normandie France in 1995. He is currently the head of Mathematical and Computer Modeling
Laboratory. His research concerns optimization modeling, disctrete, and combinatorial optimization.
He can be contacted at email:

Towards a system for real-time prevention of drowsiness-related accidents (Abdelhak Khadraoui)

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