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DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (On behalf of the Supplier, | hereby represent and warrant that neither the Supplier, nor any person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over itor any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body, has been the subject of a final judgement or final administrative decision for one ofthe folowing reasons: 2) _bankrupty, insolvency or winding procedures; 3) breach of obligations relating tothe payment of taxes or socal security contibutlons; ©) grave professional misconduct, including mistepresentaton; fraud; @) corruption; 4) conduct related toa criminal organisation; 8) money laundering or terrorist finan 1h) terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activites; |) child labour and other trafficking in human beings, any lscriminatory or exploitative practice, or any practice that is inconsistent withthe rights set forth in the Convention an the Rights ofthe Child or other prohibited practices; 1) rvegularty; K) creating or being a shell company. On behalf ofthe Supplier, I further represent and warrant that: a » @ a a ® » ® ‘The Supplier is financially sound and duly licensed; ‘The Supplier has adequate human resources, equipment, competence, expertise and sills necessary to complete the contract fullyand satisfactory, within the stipulated completion period andin accordance with the relevant terms and conditions; ‘The Supplier complies with al applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; ‘The Supplier will in all circumstances actin the best interests of OM; No official of |OM or any third party has received from, wil be offered by, or will eceve from the Supplier any direct orindirect benefit arising from the contract; ‘The Supplier has not misrepresented or concealed any material facts during the contracting process; “The Supplier wil respect the legal status, privileges and immunities of 1OM as an intergovernmental organization; Neither the Supplier nor any persons having powers of representation, decision-making or control over the Supplier or ‘any member of its administrative, management or supervisory body are included in the most recent Consolidated United Nations Security Council Sanctions List (the “UN Sanctions List), or are the subject of any sanctions or other ‘temporary suspension. The Supplier will immediately disclose to IOM if itor they become subject to any sanction or ‘temporary suspension; ‘The Supplier does not employ, provide resources to, support, contact or otherwise deal with any person, entity or ‘other group associated with terorism as per the UN Sanctions Ust and any other applicable atl-terrorism legislation; ‘The Supplier wil apply the highest ethical standards, the principles of efficiency and economy, equal opportunity, open competition and transparency, and will avoid any confit of interest; ‘The Supplier undertakes to comply with the Code of Conduct, avallable at yavwviom int/orocurement. itis the responsibilty ofthe Supplier to inform 1OM immediately of any change tothe information provided in ths Declaration, (On behalf ofthe Supplier certify that | am duly authorized to sign this Declaration and on behalf ofthe Supplier | agree to abide by the terms ofthis Declaration for the duration of any contract entered into between the Supplier and IOM. oration of Conformity for Suites DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY IOM reserves the right to terminate any contract between IOM and the Supplier, with immediate effect and without lability, in the event of any misgoepeasatation made by the Supplier in this Declaration, = 2022. F Headmaster : [signature over printed name} fin the capocityof] 3ugH NDIS Duly authorized to sign for and on behalf of SHDN 4 _DAGEDANGAN trome of company 40 Declaration of Canformity for Suppliers

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