Bid Document

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Bid Number/बोली मांक ( बड सं या) :

Dated/ दनांक : 18-01-2024

Bid Document/ बड द तावेज़

Bid Details/ बड ववरण

Bid End Date/Time/ बड बंद होने क तार ख/समय 08-02-2024 14:00:00

Bid Opening Date/Time/ बड खुलने क

08-02-2024 14:30:00
तार ख/समय

Bid Offer Validity (From End Date)/ बड पेशकश

180 (Days)
वैधता (बंद होने क तार ख से)

Ministry/State Name/मं ालय/रा य का नाम Ministry Of Labour And Employment

Department Name/ वभाग का नाम Employees State Insuarnce Corporation

Organisation Name/संगठन का नाम Employees State Insurance Corporation

Office Name/कायालय का नाम Esic Hospital Tirunelveli

Total Quantity/कुल मा ा 12

Linear cutter stapler with reload 60mm , Linear cutter

stapler with reload 80mm , Linear cutter reload medium
thick 60mm , Linear cutter reload extra thick 60mm , Linear
cutter reload medium thick 80mm , Linear cutter reload
Item Category/मद केटे गर extra thick 80mm , Linear stapler TLH 60 , Linear stapler
reload TRH 60 4 point 8mm , Laparoscopic Hem O lok clip
applicator size L , Laparoscopic Hem O lok clip applicator
size XL , Laparoscopic Hem O lok clips size L , Laparoscopic
Hem O lok clips size XL

Linear cutter stapler and reloads and Laparoscopic Hem O

BOQ Title/बीओ यू शीषक
lok applicator and clips

Minimum Average Annual Turnover of the

bidder (For 3 Years)/ बडर का यूनतम औसत 30 Lakh (s)
वा षक टनओवर (3 वष का)

OEM Average Turnover (Last 3 Years)/मूल

30 Lakh (s)
उपकरण िनमाता का औसत टनओवर (गत 3 वष का)

Years of Past Experience Required for

same/similar service/उ ह ं/समान सेवाओं के िलए 2 Year (s)
अपे त वगत अनुभव के वष

MSE Exemption for Years of Experience and

Turnover/ अनुभव के वष से एमएसई छूट

Startup Exemption for Years of Experience

and Turnover/ अनुभव के वष से टाटअप छूट

1 / 20
Bid Details/ बड ववरण

Experience Criteria,Bidder Turnover,Certificate (Requested

in ATC),OEM Authorization Certificate,OEM Annual Turnover
Document required from seller/ व े ता से मांगे *In case any bidder is seeking exemption from Experience /
गए द तावेज़ Turnover Criteria, the supporting documents to prove his
eligibility for exemption must be uploaded for evaluation by
the buyer

Bid to RA enabled/ बड से रवस नीलामी स य कया No

Type of Bid/ बड का कार Two Packet Bid

Primary product category Linear cutter stapler with reload 60mm

Time allowed for Technical Clarifications

during technical evaluation/तकनीक मू यांकन के 2 Days
दौरान तकनीक प ीकरण हे तु अनुमत समय

Inspection Required (By Empanelled

Inspection Authority / Agencies pre- No
registered with GeM)

Evaluation Method/मू यांकन प ित Group wise evaluation

Financial Document Required/ व ीय द तावेज

क आव यकता है ।

EMD Detail/ईएमड ववरण

Required/आव यकता No

ePBG Detail/ईपीबीजी ववरण

Required/आव यकता No

Splitting/ वभाजन

Bid splitting not applied/बोली वभाजन लागू नह ं कया गया.

MII Purchase Preference/एमआईआई खर द वर यता

MII Purchase Preference/एमआईआई खर द वर यता Yes

MSE Purchase Preference/एमएसई खर द वर यता

MSE Purchase Preference/एमएसई खर द वर यता Yes

2 / 20
1. The minimum average annual financial turnover of the bidder during the last three years, ending on 31st
March of the previous financial year, should be as indicated above in the bid document. Documentary evidence in
the form of certified Audited Balance Sheets of relevant periods or a certificate from the Chartered Accountant /
Cost Accountant indicating the turnover details for the relevant period shall be uploaded with the bid. In case the
date of constitution / incorporation of the bidder is less than 3-year-old, the average turnover in respect of the
completed financial years after the date of constitution shall be taken into account for this criteria.
2. Experience Criteria: In respect of the filter applied for experience criteria, the Bidder or its OEM {themselves or
through reseller(s)} should have regularly, manufactured and supplied same or similar Category Products to any
Central / State Govt Organization / PSU / Public Listed Company for number of Financial years as indicated above
in the bid document before the bid opening date. Copies of relevant contracts to be submitted along with bid in
support of having supplied some quantity during each of the Financial year. In case of bunch bids, the category of
primary product having highest value should meet this criterion.
3. OEM Turn Over Criteria: The minimum average annual financial turnover of the OEM of the offered product
during the last three years, ending on 31st March of the previous financial year, should be as indicated in the bid
document. Documentary evidence in the form of certified Audited Balance Sheets of relevant periods or a
certificate from the Chartered Accountant / Cost Accountant indicating the turnover details for the relevant period
shall be uploaded with the bid. In case the date of constitution / incorporation of the OEM is less than 3 year old,
the average turnover in respect of the completed financial years after the date of constitution shall be taken into
account for this criteria.
4. Preference to Make In India products (For bids < 200 Crore):Preference shall be given to Class 1 local supplier
as defined in public procurement (Preference to Make in India), Order 2017 as amended from time to time and its
subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned Nodal Ministry for specific Goods/Products. The minimum
local content to qualify as a Class 1 local supplier is denoted in the bid document. If the bidder wants to avail the
Purchase preference, the bidder must upload a certificate from the OEM regarding the percentage of the local
content and the details of locations at which the local value addition is made along with their bid, failing which
no purchase preference shall be granted. In case the bid value is more than Rs 10 Crore, the declaration relating
to percentage of local content shall be certified by the statutory auditor or cost auditor, if the OEM is a company
and by a practicing cost accountant or a chartered accountant for OEMs other than companies as per the Public
Procurement (preference to Make-in -India) order 2017 dated 04.06.2020. Only Class-I and Class-II Local suppliers
as per MII order dated 4.6.2020 will be eligible to bid. Non - Local suppliers as per MII order dated 04.06.2020 are
not eligible to participate. However, eligible micro and small enterprises will be allowed to participate .The
buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023.
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.

5. Purchase preference to Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs): Purchase preference will be given to MSEs as
defined in Public Procurement Policy for Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) Order, 2012 dated 23.03.2012 issued
by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and its subsequent Orders/Notifications issued by concerned
Ministry. If the bidder wants to avail the Purchase preference, the bidder must be the manufacturer of the offered
product in case of bid for supply of goods. Traders are excluded from the purview of Public Procurement Policy for
Micro and Small Enterprises. In respect of bid for Services, the bidder must be the Service provider of the offered
Service. Relevant documentary evidence in this regard shall be uploaded along with the bid in respect of the
offered product or service. If L-1 is not an MSE and MSE Seller (s) has/have quoted price within L-1+ 15%
(Selected by Buyer)of margin of purchase preference /price band defined in relevant policy, such Seller shall be
given opportunity to match L-1 price and contract will be awarded for 25%(selected by Buyer) percentage of
total QUANTITY.The buyers are advised to refer the OM No.F.1/4/2021-PPD dated 18.05.2023
OM_No.1_4_2021_PPD_dated_18.05.2023 for compliance of Concurrent application of Public Procurement Policy
for Micro and Small Enterprises Order, 2012 and Public Procurement (Preference to Make in India) Order, 2017.
6. Estimated Bid Value indicated above is being declared solely for the purpose of guidance on EMD amount and
for determining the Eligibility Criteria related to Turn Over, Past Performance and Project / Past Experience etc.
This has no relevance or bearing on the price to be quoted by the bidders and is also not going to have any
impact on bid participation. Also this is not going to be used as a criteria in determining reasonableness of
quoted prices which would be determined by the buyer based on its own assessment of reasonableness and
based on competitive prices received in Bid / RA process.

Pre Bid Detail(s)

Pre-Bid Date and Time Pre-Bid Venue

25-01-2024 12:00:00 ESIC hospital, Tirunelveli

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Evaluation Method ( Group Wise Evaluation Method )

Contract will be awarded schedulewise and the determination of L1 will be done separately for each schedule.
The details of item-consignee combination covered under each schedule are as under:

Evaluation Consignee/Repor
Item/Category Consignee Address anti
Schedules ting Officer


Linear Cutter Stapler
With Reload 60mm
Pillai 627003


Linear Cutter Stapler
With Reload 80mm
Pillai 627003


Linear Cutter Reload
Medium Thick 60mm
Pillai 627003


Linear Cutter Reload
Extra Thick 60mm
Linear cutter stapler Pillai 627003
and reload Thirusenthilmurug ESIC HOSPITAL SALAI STREET
Linear Cutter Reload
Medium Thick 80mm
Pillai 627003


Linear Cutter Reload
Extra Thick 80mm
Pillai 627003


Linear Stapler Tlh 60 an Sivagnanam VANNARAPETTAI TIRUNELVELI 1
Pillai 627003


Linear Stapler Reload
Trh 60 4 Point 8mm
Pillai 627003

Laparoscopic Hem O Thirusenthilmurug ESIC HOSPITAL SALAI STREET

Lok Clip Applicator Size an Sivagnanam VANNARAPETTAI TIRUNELVELI 1
L Pillai 627003

Laparoscopic Hem O Thirusenthilmurug ESIC HOSPITAL SALAI STREET

Lok Clip Applicator Size an Sivagnanam VANNARAPETTAI TIRUNELVELI 1
Laparoscopic Hem O Xl Pillai 627003
lok applicator and
clips Thirusenthilmurug ESIC HOSPITAL SALAI STREET
Laparoscopic Hem O
Lok Clips Size L
Pillai 627003


Laparoscopic Hem O
Lok Clips Size Xl
Pillai 627003

Linear Cutter Stapler With Reload 60mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

4 / 20
Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Cutter Stapler With Reload 80mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन

5 / 20
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Cutter Reload Medium Thick 60mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Cutter Reload Extra Thick 60mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

6 / 20
Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Cutter Reload Medium Thick 80mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Cutter Reload Extra Thick 80mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

7 / 20
Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Stapler TLH 60

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

8 / 20
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Linear Stapler Reload TRH 60 4 Point 8mm

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Laparoscopic Hem O Lok Clip Applicator Size L

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

9 / 20
Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Laparoscopic Hem O Lok Clip Applicator Size XL

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Laparoscopic Hem O Lok Clips Size L

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

10 / 20
Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Laparoscopic Hem O Lok Clips Size XL

(Minimum 50% and 20% Local Content required for qualifying as Class 1 and Class 2 Local Supplier
respectively/ मशः ण
े ी 1 और ण
े ी 2 के थानीय आपूितकता के प म अहता ा करने के िलए आव यक)

Technical Specifications/तकनीक विश याँ

Specification Document View File

BOQ Detail Document View File

Advisory-Please refer attached BOQ document for detailed consignee list and delivery period.

Consignees/Reporting Officer/परे षती/ रपो टग अिधकार and/ तथा Quantity/मा ा

11 / 20
S.No./ . Reporting/Officer/ Delivery Days/ डलीवर के
परे षती/ रपो टग Address/पता Quantity/मा ा
सं. दन


Sivagnanam Pillai

Buyer Added Bid Specific Terms and Conditions/ े ता ारा जोड़ गई बड क वशेष शत

1. Generic

OPTION CLAUSE: The Purchaser reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity to be ordered up
to 25 percent of bid quantity at the time of placement of contract. The purchaser also reserves the right to
increase the ordered quantity by up to 25% of the contracted quantity during the currency of the
contract at the contracted rates. Bidders are bound to accept the orders accordingly.

2. Certificates

Bidder's offer is liable to be rejected if they don't upload any of the certificates / documents sought in the
Bid document, ATC and Corrigendum if any.

3. Generic

Bidders are advised to check applicable GST on their own before quoting. Buyer will not take any
responsibility in this regards. GST reimbursement will be as per actuals or as per applicable rates
(whichever is lower), subject to the maximum of quoted GST %.

4. Generic

While generating invoice in GeM portal, the seller must upload scanned copy of GST invoice and the
screenshot of GST portal confirming payment of GST.

5. Buyer Added Bid Specific ATC

Buyer Added text based ATC clauses


The Medical Superintendent, ESIC hospital, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli – 627 003 invited bids through GeM p
ortal from the Manufacturer (OEM) / Authorized distributors / Authorized dealers/ suppliers for supply of Lin
ear cutter stapler with reload & linear cutter reload in various size, Laparoscopic Hem-O-lok clip applicator
& Laparoscopic Hem-O-lok clip in various size on Rate Contract basis for a period of One year.

General terms and conditions

1. Estimated Value (approx..) for annual procurement: Rs.28,37,500/-

2. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)/ Security Deposit

Sl.No Details Security Deposit

12 / 20
1 Supply of Linear cutter stapler with reload & linear cu Rs.20,000/- should be submitted in t
tter reload in various size, Laparoscopic Hem-O-lok cli he form of Demand Draft only drawin
p applicator & Laparoscopic Hem-O-lok clip in various g in favour of ESIC Fund A/C. No.1, p
size on Rate Contract basis for a period of One year. ayable at Tirunelveli.

*only successful bidders have to submit the Security deposit.

3. The bidders are required to submit soft copies of their bids electronically on the GeM portal only.

4. The tender document can be downloaded from and the original copy of
tender duly completed and signed on each page, should be scanned and uploaded in the e-tender format.

5. Bidders are requested that, before quoting their rates or filling tender, the tender form (corrigendum if a
ny) may please be read out thoroughly (line by line), otherwise purchaser will not be held responsible for a
ny error/oversight of his own. Firms intending to participate in the tender should first ensure that they
fulfill all the eligibility criteria as prescribed under the terms and conditions mentioned herein before, other
wise the tender will be summarily rejected.

6. The Medical Superintendent, ESIC hospital, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli – 627 003 reserves the right to ign
ore / reject any bid, which fails to comply with this tender general terms & conditions, is reserved.

7. Any suggestion/representation for amendment to the bid document must be received one day prior to t
he pre-bid meeting through email ( and hard copy of the same must be received
on or before the date of pre-bid meeting failing which the representation/suggestion may not be considere

8. The Medical Superintendent, ESIC hospital, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli – 627 003 reserves the right to acc
ept or reject any bid or all without assigning any reason(s) thereof.

9.Item name with approximate annual requirement:

Sl.N Name of the Item Qty. Req. for Units

o. 1 year
1 Linear cutter stapler with reload 60m 10 numbers
2 Linear cutter stapler with reload 80m 15 numbers
3 Linear cutter reload medium thick 60 60 numbers
4 Linear cutter reload extra thick 60mm 24 numbers
5 Linear cutter reload medium thick 80 60 numbers
6 Linear cutter reload extra thick 80mm 24 numbers
7 Linear stapler TLH 60 3 numbers
8 Linear stapler reload TRH 60 4 point 12 numbers
9 Laparoscopic Hem O lok clip applicato 2 box
r size L

13 / 20
10 Laparoscopic Hem O lok clip applicato 2 box
r size XL

11 Laparoscopic Hem O lok clips size L 2 box

12 Laparoscopic Hem O lok clips size XL 2 box

10. Pre Qualification Criteria

a. The bidder must be a Manufacturer (OEM) / Authorized distributor / Authorized

dealer/ supplier of quoted item.
b. The bidder must be registered under GST, Income tax etc.
c. The bidder should have two years’ experience in supply of quoted items.
d. The bidder should have average annual turnover of Rs.30 lakhs in the last thre
e financial years to be certified by a charted accountant.
e. The bidder who has been derecognized/ debarred / blacklisted either by the ten
der inviting authority or any by state government or central government organiz
ation is not eligible to participate in the bid during the period of blacklisting.

11. Pre-Bid Meeting:

Pre-bid meeting with the prospective bidders shall be held at ESIC Hospital, Tirunelveli as per the sch
edule date and time mentioned in the document. All the prospective bidders are requested to send co
mments/ representations on or before pre-bid meeting.

Any suggestion/representation for amendment to the bid document must be received one day prior to the
pre-bid meeting through email ( and hard copy of the same must be received on
or before the date of pre-bid meeting failing which the representation/suggestion may not be considered.

12. Submission of samples for Technical evaluation:

a. Bidders should show in person live demo with sample wherever feasible for all t
he items quoted by them.
b. Technical qualification of bidders is based on the satisfaction of sample demonstr
ation, met the eligibility criteria of documents called for in the bid.
c. The bidders, who are qualifying in the technical evaluation alone shall be conside
red for the next level of bidding. ( bid).

13. Price Bid:

a. Group wise evaluation should be carried out in the tender.

b. Bidders should quote the price as per the pack size mentioned in the BOQ with
c. 12 items called for in the bid is divided into two groups. (Sl.No.1 to 8) and (
.9 to 12).
d. Bidders should upload price breakup in the GeM bid and submit it in hard copy

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when this hospital is asked for the same.

14. Formation of Rate Contract:

Based on the unit price quoted in the bid, a formal rate contract shall be entered into with the success
ful bidder.

15. Period of Contract: The contract shall be initially valid for One year from the date of signing of agr
eement and shall be extendable for one more year by the Medical Superintendent on the same rate and
terms & conditions on mutual consent subject to satisfactory performance of the contractor during the i
nitial period contract. The Medical Superintendent reserves the right to terminate the contract at any st
age, if the supplies and or services are found unsatisfactory.

16. Revision of Rates:

There should not be any revision of rates during the contract period unless anything is statutorily
liable / imposed and duly notified by the Government.

17. Supply of goods:

a. The items should not have passed more than 1/3 of its shelf life at the time su
b. The items are to be delivered to the hospital on Freight on Road (F.O.R) destina
tion basis. The items are required to be supplied at priority against the Supply or
der to avoid the stock out.
c. The delivery should be done to the place shown by the receiving officer within t
he premises of the ESIC Hospital, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli at the cost of the sup
d. The bidder has to provide continuous uninterrupted supply of items to prevent
stoppage of services throughout the contract period/extension of contract perio

18. Delivery period: Delivery period will be 3 weeks from date of dispatch of supply order .

19. Contractor shall not sublet, transfer or assign the contract or any part thereof without the permission of
Medical Superintendent, ESIC hospital, Tirunelveli.

20. Breach of any terms and conditions of the bid attracts penalty by way of forfeiture of EMD or Security d

21. Any medico legal issue arising during the empanelment will be the responsibility of the empaneled cen

22. Medial Superintendent, ESIC Hospital, Tirunelveli has full power to cancel the contract between the con
tract tenure.

23. Security Deposit:

a. The successful bidder shall have to submit Security deposit of Rs.20,000/- in th
e form of a demand draft only for the due compliance & fulfillment of the terms
and condition of the contract.
b. Demand Draft should be drawn in favour of ESIC FUND A/c. No.1 payable at
c. The Security deposit shall be valid for the duration of the contract period 1 yea
r plus 2 months totally 14 months. In case of extension of the contract on mutua
l consent the security deposit shall be extended.
d. On due performance and successful completion of the contract obligations as w

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ell as satisfactory performance report from user, the security deposit shall be re
turned/refunded without any interest.
e. On unsatisfactory performance or violation of terms and conditions of the contr
act, will make the contractor liable for forfeiture of Security deposit. The decisio
n of competent authority will be final in this count.

24. Payment Terms:

a) The payment towards supply Chemicals/reagents/kits/consumables is subject t

o receipt of inspection note/physical verification to the effect that the items supp
lied are conforming to the supply order placed.
b) Part supply of consumables should be avoided as far as possible. Till full supply,
no payments will be made.
c) Bills for the supplies should be submitted by the successful bidder in their nam
e along with the supplies. The bills shall be raised in the name of successful bidd
er only. The stamped pre-receipted bill in triplicate in the name of Medical Super
intendent, ESIC hospital, Vannarpettai, Tirunelveli – 627 003 shall be submitted t
o the hospital along with a copy of the receipt showing delivery of goods ordere
d, obtained from him. Purchase order number & date shall appear in all correspo
ndence, delivery challans and invoices.
d) The payment shall be made through electronic mode only (RTGS/NEFT). Hence
bank details to be submitted along with the bills. (Bank, Branch, A/c No., IFSC &
e) In normal case, payment shall be made within 30 days from the date of receipt
of goods and invoice.

25. Penalty Terms:

a. Delivery should be completed within 21 days from the date of dispatch of suppl
y order.
b. If the successful bidder fails to execute the supply within the stipulated period,
penalty of 2% of the value of purchase order per week or a part of the week for
delayed supply will be levied.
c. In case of unsatisfactory performance EMD/Security deposit will be forfeited.
26. Arbitration:

Any dispute and differences relating to the meaning of the specifications, design,
drawings and instructions herein before mentioned and as to the quality of workm
anship of materials used in the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matt
er of thing whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, designs
, drawings, specifications, estimates, instructions or these conditions or otherwise
concerning the works or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arisi
ng during the progress of the work or after the completion or abandonment thereof
in respect of which amicable settlement has not been reached, shall be referred to
the Sole Arbitration of the Arbitrator appointed by Medical Superintendent,
ESIC hospital, Tirunelveli who shall proceed as per the Arbitration Act, 1996 (a
s amended as rules framed there under) Jurisdiction of Tirunelveli.
a. The work under the contract shall continue, during the Arbitration proceedin

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b. The award of the Arbitrator shall be final, conclusive and binding on both the

27. Force Majeure Clause.

a. The contractor shall not be liable for, forfeiture of its performance securit
y, liquidated damages or termination for default, if and to the extent that it
’s delay in performance or other failure to perform its obligations under the
contract is the result of an even of Force Majeure.
b. For purpose of this clause, “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the c
ontrol the supplier and not involving the supplier’s fault or negligence and
not foreseeable. Such events may include, but are not restricted to war, or
revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight em
c. If a Force Majeure situation arises, the supplier shall promptly notify the
Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital, Tirunelveli in writing of such conditi
ons and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the purchaser in w
riting, the supplier shall continue to perform its obligations under the contr
act as far as reasonably practical, and shall seek all reasonable alternative
means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
29. Documents to be uploaded by the bidder

i. Experience for 2 financial years for Supply of quoted items.

ii. Annual Turnover – CA audited balance sheet for last 3 financial years.

iii. Company Profile – as per Annexure-A

iv. Under taking – as per Annexure-B

Annexure - A


1. Name and address of bidder/firm with Telephone No:

2. Valid e-mail address:

3. Valid Trade License No.:

Valid Up-to:

4. Valid Authorization Certificate:

Valid Up-to:

5. GST No.:

6. TIN No.:

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7. PAN No.:

8. Name and address of Bank:

(a) Branch:

(b) Account No.:

(c) IFSC:

(d) MICR:

9. Any other information:

10. Declaration by the bidder

This is to certify that I/We before signing the tender have read and fully understoo
d all the terms and condition contained herein and undertake myself/ourselves to
abide by them. Enclose duly signed and undertaking.



Annexure – B


(On Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/-)


The Medical Superintendent,

ESIC Hospital, Vannarpettai,

Tirunelveli – 627 003.

Respected Sir,
1. The undersigned certifies that I/we have gone through the terms and con
ditions mentioned in the tender document including annexures & same
are acceptable to me/us and I/we undertake to comply with them. The rate
s quoted by me/us are valid and binding on me/us for acceptance for the p
eriod of One year from date of finalizing of the tender and extendable for o
ne more year.
2. It is certified that rates quoted are the lowest quoted by me/ us for
any other Institution/Hospital in India.
3. I/We give the rights to Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital, Tirunelveli
to forfeit the Security Deposit submitted by me/us if any delay occurs on m
y/our part or fails to supply the tendered items at the appointed place and
time and of the desired specification.
4. I / We give an undertaking to the Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital,
Tirunelveli that I / We s h all provide an uninterrupted supply of tendered i

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tems throughout the contract period and extension period of contract .
5. I/We hereby certified that there is no vigilance/CBI case or court case pend
ing against my/our firm.
6. I/We hereby certified that my/our firm has not been derecognized / debarre
d / blacklisted either by the tender inviting authority or by any state govern
ment or central government organization.
7. On Inspection if any article is found not as per supply order, it shall be re
placed by me/us in time as asked for, to prevent any inconvenience, at m
y/our own expenses.
8. I/we hereby undertake to supply the items as per directions given in s
upply order within the stipulated period.
9. I/We undertake that my/our firm is having experience in supply of tendered
items for last two (02) or more years.
10. I/we understand that the Medical Superintendent, ESIC Hospital Tirunelv
eli, has the right to accept or reject any or all the bids in part or full with
out assigning any reasons(s) thereof.

Date: Signature
of the Bidder:
Place: Full Name:

seal of the bidder)

Disclaimer/अ वीकरण

The additional terms and conditions have been incorporated by the Buyer after approval of the Competent
Authority in Buyer Organization, whereby Buyer organization is solely responsible for the impact of these clauses
on the bidding process, its outcome, and consequences thereof including any eccentricity / restriction arising in
the bidding process due to these ATCs and due to modification of technical specifications and / or terms and
conditions governing the bid. Any clause(s) incorporated by the Buyer regarding following shall be treated as
null and void and would not be considered as part of bid:-

1. Definition of Class I and Class II suppliers in the bid not in line with the extant Order / Office Memorandum
issued by DPIIT in this regard.
2. Seeking EMD submission from bidder(s), including via Additional Terms & Conditions, in contravention to
exemption provided to such sellers under GeM GTC.
3. Publishing Custom / BOQ bids for items for which regular GeM categories are available without any
Category item bunched with it.
4. Creating BoQ bid for single item.
5. Mentioning specific Brand or Make or Model or Manufacturer or Dealer name.
6. Mandating submission of documents in physical form as a pre-requisite to qualify bidders.
7. Floating / creation of work contracts as Custom Bids in Services.
8. Seeking sample with bid or approval of samples during bid evaluation process.
9. Mandating foreign / international certifications even in case of existence of Indian Standards without
specifying equivalent Indian Certification / standards.
10. Seeking experience from specific organization / department / institute only or from foreign / export
11. Creating bid for items from irrelevant categories.
12. Incorporating any clause against the MSME policy and Preference to Make in India Policy.
13. Reference of conditions published on any external site or reference to external documents/clauses.

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14. Asking for any Tender fee / Bid Participation fee / Auction fee in case of Bids / Forward Auction, as the
case may be.

Further, if any seller has any objection/grievance against these additional clauses or otherwise on any aspect of
this bid, they can raise their representation against the same by using the Representation window provided in
the bid details field in Seller dashboard after logging in as a seller within 4 days of bid publication on GeM. Buyer
is duty bound to reply to all such representations and would not be allowed to open bids if he fails to reply to
such representations.

This Bid is also governed by the General Terms and Conditions/ यह बड सामा य शत के अंतगत भी शािसत है

In terms of GeM GTC clause 26 regarding Restrictions on procurement from a bidder of a country which shares a land border with India, any bidder from a country which
shares a land border with India will be eligible to bid in this tender only if the bidder is registered with the Competent Authority. While participating in bid, Bidder has to
undertake compliance of this and any false declaration and non-compliance of this would be a ground for immediate termination of the contract and further legal action

in accordance with the laws./ जेम क सामा य शत के खंड 26 के संदभ म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श के बडर से खर द
पर ितबंध के संबंध म भारत के साथ भूिम सीमा साझा करने वाले दे श का कोई भी बडर इस िन वदा म बड दे ने के िलए तभी पा होगा
जब वह बड दे ने वाला स म ािधकार के पास पंजीकृ त हो। बड म भाग लेते समय बडर को इसका अनुपालन करना होगा और कोई भी
गलत घोषणा कए जाने व इसका अनुपालन न करने पर अनुबंध को त काल समा करने और कानून के अनुसार आगे क कानूनी कारवाई
का आधार होगा।

---Thank You/ ध यवाद---

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