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(c) Thermodynamic Probability serftre wr (d) Principle of equal a priori probability #7 el sacar oar 12. Deduce expression for the average energy of a one dime, 4 Oscillator using the Boltzmann Canonical Law, me I TTT BN TRL oral eer a) ater sal Se RN 13. Write short notes on : Prt -a¢ afirer feanforat fafag— “my (a) Maxwell's Speed Distribution Law Harder a1 area fart Prem (b) Bose-Einstein Statistics Wa-3mgeTett aiftera | 4 tae afirenar Ua aiftorata wifrat sit. at. &. arma a Ses ees ites Peg gee (te OD aon’ eM rts ? (12 (d) 10. . 3D, 2. The volume of a unit cell isa@ (6 x ¢) and average number of lattice ii ial it i ‘n' then the volume if it’s primitive cell is.: Tra Bisa ar a”. (Bx ees ae ene ele gee a8 zn Pe Serre ay ? . (@nla(B xe) . ote. @ x Ze » Ol@Ab x en @la.8 xe}. 3,/bf lattice is : bee ITH E— . a) Reciprocal of itself 74 ‘Hl CfGHA (b) Reciprocal of fp Fl AwA (c) Reciprocal of S.C. #1 &]sFH (d) None of these S74 @ Hy eT | 4/The number of molecules per unit cell in fe crystal is : fer RECA a im after A veya et Aen ‘ a) 4 (b) 12 (c)3 ~ -@i. a Scanned with CamScanner a eno Hh ATAK Hl wis of sible ight spectrum 1S 1 Ba TART ers THAT att? 9 nanomet 00 7 4700 nanometers 0 ve 10 8 1000 nanometers +90 108 780 nanometers ¢ lattice points umber 6 N a | per unit cell ina bee a te ae (4 (6 ee One distance between the adjacent atomic planes in CaCO; is 03 the smallest angle of Bragg diffraction for 0-03 nm x-ray is : CaCO3 ¥ }e se att 03am TH 03 mm Fee AT ALAR aI B— wn : (c) 029° (a) 58°. ‘areree A fet lattice is : Deg EPR 4 () of lattice points per unit cell in fee Jattice is : Sec 4 ©)6 @8. F-The nuclear force is : tHe et eR (@) Shot range force 73 "et Fe (b) Long range force a4 Wet Fat (©) Either short range or long range force at a yan (@ Niether short range nor long range force aig wet | 10, The radius of the nucleus is proportional to 2 ifr ot Fear a3 mats © @Ae @ar%. 11. The spin of electron is equal to : eae a aa “@in (372 @-12 (@-32. 12. The neutron is a : gh WH F— : (@) Neutral particle SeIgt4 7 (b) Positive charged particle WAIST Ft (c) Negative charged particle AENCT# =F 7 (@None of the above 18 FET! 13. The packing fraction is equal to’: AHEM THs a AP F— M-A M . oA oM oA — @A 14. ihe amorphous solid has ...order in it’s structure : afrecia ait ; RATE : 6 eel (b) Long range te weet waite cate (@) None of these 3 7€1 Nich is il i “ tae ae re Sompatie, with crystal symmetry is : freee ) Thee anmery wr ania catia symmetry Fao aaa Scanned with CamScanner 4 | Sanjay’s Up-to-date Unsolved Paper B.Sc, III (PCM), 201 ited} (c) Five-fold symmetry ula aroha aati @ Six, hyommery weantole aaffe | 16. oe juin Zone is defined as : fagat aay fey WAN Fay Regular arrangement of atoms in space SET # year si ane a zone interrupted by grain boundaries T it St are a thy; 4 (c) Smallest volume enclosed by parallel planes in a crystal lau feet Sera A Be Teel Be BAT Bier ATTA : (d) The Wiegner-Seitz cell in. the reciprocal lattice Weigney ts RT| : 4 oan fhich is not correct example on the basis of crystal ‘binding » are Fret a 8 ae saree Ae ) Metallic crystal #efere freee Ge (b) Covalent crystal #acre freee Si (c) Ionic crystal sar farezet NaCl (d) Hydrogen bonded crystal RGIS 44 free HzO. 18, There is no Ionic bond in one of the following substance ? wae fare uaF arate a4 wet She @ ? : : (c) CaCly (d) LiF. (a) H,0 (b) NaCl 19. Which one of the bond exists in Ice 2 # # Freifead 4 @ aha wa ei ? : (a) Hydrogen bond @1gS19H1 4 (b) Covalent bond Bare aT (c) Ionic bond sai 44 (d) Any of the above 33g 4 ag 1 20, or-rays are : Tear Fareel B— : (a) Gas atoms ea TTY (b) Helium nuclei @feraa & =f (c) Singly Ionised atom arate A, 3 (d) Ionised hydrogen atom STAR BES KATY | 21, Out of the following particles the one which is stable in free space is: For 8 Sal aH Yew arr A RIE WET E ? (a) Electron oraz (b) Proton Brett (©) Neutron zit (@) Positron WaitgiA | 22. Radioactivity occures due to : Hsaiefaeera 1 reer F— (a) Stable electronic configuration Fart Feagirs ACTA (b) Unstability of nuclei safeeat a sree (©) Unstable electronic configuration seme eerazihras ITA (d) Stability of nuclei frat ar eenfaca | 23, The rate of decay of radioactive element : fart ara % eechefaet faeer a (a) Decreases inversely with time SH & Sorrrgaat aa Stet & (b) Increases directly with time wa 3 a7 ag & Scanned with CamScanner a” ; eae! 1 cot constant of @ radioactive element is 1'5 x 10°? per re oon : p 4 an ie in second will be : u qed ar i ie ‘io? ‘ ay dave 4 er gel ige (4Ox ‘8 (667108 (@) 1035 10%. D? and (C2, 7N!3 is produced. pret arftsoer 1D? a C32 Qi! Jear reaction between 1 Jn a nue sis the other particle Liberated : TH 7A Heat, NOTTS 4 sara ara aT a TT? (a) Electron. aR (o) Positron. (@) Neutron grt! (o) Proton. ype has a half life of 6 years. ‘The function of atoms of 36. A radio isotoy js material, that would decay in 24 years would be : TF a faa aT 24 aE A TAT? (@ 13/16. day om &, WIA fa) (b) 15/16 (c) W116 fter 4800 years the ‘21. The half life of radium is 1600 years al andisintegrated amount, ‘of radium will be : i agarg 1600 z, 4800 AH ae SAH am (a) U8 (b) 110 (©) 78 (a) 8/7. 28. Ina given reaction : aafaieat ae XA 241¥* ee ka radioactive radiations are emitted in the sequence = a peer HI A . (a) a,B.y ©) BY CO wHB @BY oe 29, A nucleus js considered as an aggregate of two types of particles = wate 2 a free eT — (@) Protons and Neutrons re ar (b) Electrons and neutrons a (¢) Protons and electrons it (d) Protons and Pion 30. The packing fraction of fee (b) 0-74 (a) 0527, 3, Ch one of the strongest b fonic att (© Vanderwalls 32, A proton is the nu mates e ? (@) Helium eferr (b) Hydrogen {) Lithium wh (d) Oxy! (@) Hydrogen simplest atom * cleus of the Scanned with CamScanner 6 | Sanjay’s Up-to-date Unsolved Paper B.Sc. IIT cM), 2g % Packing fraction of simple cubic lattice is : Aq pie At a, )2AINa3—(b) A/a (c) A/2Na3 (Alans {. Th€ miller indices a plane parallel to Y-Z plane in f,, are . y. Te foe feet A ree ater wi by (a) 1000 () 110 (©) 100. (@) 200, 35. The crystal of inert gas are transparent for : ats that 3 wea a fm (a) Visible fight $24 WRI (b) Ultraviolet light rari yay light stato Wer = (d) y-rays fee one of the following has hydrogen bonding : F117 @ fing ? (@) CH, (b) NaCl (¢) HF (d) Si. 37. Which one is correct respect to strength of bond ? aut #t Hara S STK BA-A HT TIE ? (a) Ionic 312FT > Covalent 8e-SatsrH > Hydrogen BRST (b) Tonic ara <-Covalent Heaatas < Hydrogen VEST (0) Jonic arate = Covalent Wedatsre = Hydrogen EST (@) Ionic a4F 1 = Covalent Heats > Hydrogen BERIT | 38. The conductivity of ionic crystals increases as the temperature: arate frreet st rere age Sit @ Sa-SaarTa * (a) Increases 4¢e & (b) Remains constant Frat teat z (c) Decreases eal & (d) None of these $74 8 ig FET! 39. Neutrons discovered by : -Igia #t Gls #t &— (a)Bohr ate, (b) Chadwick 4sfare ' (©) Einstein 31eae4 (d) Gemner Tit 40. The number of protons in a nucleus is called the : Gr aIfire A welt at den meer (a) Atomic number TY] FHI (b) Atomic mass TAM AK (c) Either atomic number or atomic mass tit 4 @ alg FET | (@) Neither atomic number or atomic’ mass ig Et | 41. In any a the number'of nutron is equal to : fret after agit at ater eet (a) AZ © A @Z (d) None of the abuve #18 781” 42, ome relation between bal i T and decay constant 2. is : 7% @AT=1 (bh AT=12 (C)AT=loge2 (4) A = (log, 2)T. 43. Anelectron pair has a spin : $ FAA WH a a S_ fa) (o) 12 (0 (3/2. Scanned with CamScanner 68 1 t in? o (ydcosB=nh 8 0 te acs: NaCl SEN ST eH Oye d*® (b) fcc. { ner (d) None of these aig Te 4) bet of Bravais Jattice is : yaa arert — , ; b) 32 (c) 14 (¢) None #18 72! i axinumn Packing fraction in @ cubic crystal is Hh freed eget ts eM ee (oT ©4 (8. otal number of atom Pe anit cell diamond structure is: RA, ay sin TIF aoa A geet at HA da a) 4 ()6 ()8 (@) 12. 49. Phonons obey the Statistics + sg fae BA I er Fae? (a) B-E- Statistics (b) F. D- Statistics Eye Statistics (@) None of the above wel Stn crystallises jn hcp. strctures if ris the radius of zinc atom, the re) I Ne hep AHO Mae Race TE] AY FT r + qa wale FIAT aa pag er 8 1/2 8 2. 3 \/2 3 2 (a) 2r| :) (b) (8) ©2x\3 (@) ag ‘or one dimensional crystal lattice, the value of Madelung. constant in Praais &— feria Fare TTF (b) 1:38 (@ Both of the bond is known is seco! Shit (@ and Ti ()| ndary bond. 2 fra TT (b) Ionic bond arate 74 (©) Co-valent bond eae TD) Metallic bond "rer FA \ Interatomic force jn solids are: A aratar 53, The nature of aavgia tit @— (a) Attractive only e only See Hirata 3 weet $4, The phe (a) Neutron bomb Het #4 ne bomb tet a 5. Nuclear fission was discov’ a @ ered by Scanned with CamScanner we asolved Paper B.Sc, Ir iy ; \ cI 70. The app “any MT aR imate value of nuclear radius is Ay a) L- I Syprtes® —— gianagn NY : A (Q) 12x 10-10 4-23 Z “*8Y Bap in an insulator is about : ararerar al ary (a) | (b)$3eV ()S lev (d)6 ev, a 72 $oning Penny model is: wifi tiga &_ ¥ree electron model Wr eta Hist ) Nearly free electron mode! NT ee BeraRTA Hise | (c) Hall model era tiga (d) Bohr model tex Higa) 73. The soe linear atomic lattice acts as : TF TOUTS tha, (2) Low pass filter Fret srafit area fincex (b) High pass filter $= ara ae fircet (©) Both &¥ ‘a’ and 7ar‘b’ (4) None of the above waa a a = 74, 2 “ord the temperature, the resistance of insulator : Fae (a) Increases aga (b) Decreases 2a - (©) Remain same WF WM t —_(d) None of the above F74 @ BIE =I enter A materials whose Valence Bond (V.B.) are partially filled are el et de waa, a :) Conductors AIC (b) Semiconductors 37a (©) Insulators saree (@) None of the above $74 & wig 7a 76. The spin of Phonon is : HTH 1 aT eat e— (a) Zero 4 (b) One UH (©) 12 @) Infinite 27711 77. The-energy gap in semiconductor is of the order of : HEareTat ae Soll arte Bhat B— : (a) 60eV (b) 1-0eV (d)30eV (d) None of the above. $4 & #771 78. The conductivity of semiconductor at T-= 0°K is : T = 0°K © eae Bt aera Ciel B— (a) Finite Fifvad —(b) Infinite 31ffeaa~—(c) Zero YA! (@) None of the above $74 8 aig FET! 7 79. Acoustic branch is produced in : PT Wat Ser Shit F— (a) Vibration of monoatomic linear lattice Gr Was tas were wat (b) Vibration of diatomic linear lattice ICTR Yaw sree FT (©) Both Cri ‘a’ and Te ‘b’ (a) None of the above $74 @ Hig 7Et! 80. An X-ray analysis of a cubic crystal is carried out using X-rays of wave-length 0:58 A’. Bragg’s reflections are observed at glancing angles of Scanned with CamScanner ee 5 acing of the crystal: \? on yo. Find - ae a Bre vee rT A 11° ote ae O58 A eH we eat 1 reel aT ge 0 i y lime a at wie : 1 ay liN2i= ni ve : 3 \d ‘d’ is inter: i i i tor and ‘d’ is inter- is magnitude of a reciprocal lattice vec! : eee the corresponding set of lattice planes, then : ate ae ar TH GF MAL TAH AT ITH SRT ara de i 4 ' l & (Gay: (Gad Gag (Ga a as devised by : freee fara 2. fader method of crystal analysis w: fara? @) Lave AEE (b) Bragg #1 aia (6) Debye and Scherrer fang wen Fare (d) Noné of these : 83. What is the volume of the first Brillovin zone of a simple cubic lation 2 War eee ert eres oH Fat a HIT a aT 2 @a (b) (2na)3- (©) 2na (@ Qnla). 84. Which method has been used in the determination of the” configuration of enzymes ? TTgHt & aifaferarett Br aa HC 4 fra fafa ava Seats ? (a) Powder method ot fafit (b) Rotating method ¥uita fat (c) Laue method est fart (@) None of these Ig Tet! 85,Mhich is the Bragg’s equation for second order X-ray diffraction ? i X-farcult & feracha & fee ao ser atten aT ATT 2 (a) 3dsinO=) (b)dsin®=A . (0) 2dsin ® =nA, (@ None of these Hg Fei 86, In crystal diffraction, diffracted beams are found only when reflected waves from various planes of atom : freed faa 4, faafia da aaah wa a S wea Tey & fat ceil S qTahta Fa (@) Interfere constructively Ware Safeco sett S (b) Interfere destructively STaaret Safereor Het S (Do not Interfere SafrRer Tet Stet (@) None of these Sig Wet | muti i WT is the crystal lattice vector and @ is reciprocal lattice vector, Mere ue of 0.7 vate 7 fee ares fee & ae 2 eC? Sant a Scanned with CamScanner 4s ee i) . _(b) Heat rays ata fart Nie @ sprays fore . Oe gays ‘ 7 05 stations of electrons and antielectron (positron), eneray - poe on ee at yl 4 - () 102eV 0 Ke (d) None of the above #7 age wa! a Natural radioactivity Was discovered by * Yfearefacaa at gat i : @ Becquerel age (b) Pierre Curie fan FE (@ Roentgen aes (4) Rutherford | 4 : 98, Which of the following is a mode of radiactive decay 9 efearefaea qa Fan e— (a) Fusion Set (b) Fission faarST (@) ocdegay 4 (@) Blectron-capture eeagit #1 WET aril 99,Sa€ atomic radius of simple cube is : 8 wea freee Ft qenfiae ae %B a a: OF ge OOn @5 100. Ifa = 10:5 A%, b= 928%, = 5.0A°, a= 42°, B= 80° and Y = 93°, 5-0A°, 0 = then the erystal structure is : fal @ a = 105 ‘A°, b= 92°, C= 49°, B= 80° and Y= 93°, da fare aoa e— (a) Triclinin Fartaret feed (b) Cubic ta (c) Orthorhombic F479 (d) Trigonal, \ b eer reer we et et at. at. &. STAT Paper lil : Solid State Electronics MM. : 50 Section—A 4x5=20 1, What is alight emitting diode (LED) + Explain its construction and esking, FHT SHA STATS AE 2 gaat ca cen UAT AAT 2, The reverse saturated current in a germanium P-N junction diode at 300K is.25 WA. How much potential is required to obtain 2-0 A current in forward bias ? (Given : logio § = 0.903. 300 K at % P-N cathe ah apa dg oe 25 WA 812.0 FIR ara am arta a 1a 3O fae ora fava erat im? (ear & : logyo 8 = 0903) 7 Fora transistor circuit the h parameters are [ty = 10 Q Iny= yh Weeds a If the load resistance Ry be 5 Q find : hae aeh fret Fy = 102, hug= 1, ny = Pand h2 = 0? air Ace, 25 ata wat er et” kage eee feat where, (ii) Cum in TH | Scanned with CamScanner

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