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drama script THE BATTLE OF NOVEMBER 10

On August 17 1945, INDONESIA's independence was declared. However, the allies did not accept
INDONESIAN independence, far from the capital Batavia there was a small resistance carried out by
the people of Surabaya, known as THE BATTLE OF 10 NOVEMBER. Sacrifice their entire body and soul
for the sake of their beloved homeland, even if they only use simple weapons in their hands. For
more details, let's follow the following story:

(Mbok Iyem enters while selling herbal medicine, followed by Tukidi, and Tukiyem)

Mbok iyem: "jamu... herbal medicine, herbal medicine, ma'am"!!!

Tukiyem: "Linune pegel herbal medicine, sis..."

Mbok iyem: “yes ma'am”!!

Tukidi: (running around like a confused person while carrying a gong)

Mbok iyem: “bro... bro, what's wrong bro? Why are you running... running like you're being chased
by a demon.” (shocked and confused expression)

Tukidi: "This is it, ning, the allies are coming again to colonize Surabaya." (runs around while calling
residents with his gong)

Fighter: "(running around while carrying sharpened bamboo) "INDEPENDENT... INDEPENDENT"!!!

(sound of allied aircraft hovering over the Yamato Hotel)

Tukidi: "let's get together...get together." (tukidi was confused about gathering residents to avoid
allied attacks).

Fighter: "Come on, hurry up, the allies have arrived at the Yamato Hotel." (the fighters saw that the
Allied flag had flown over the Yamato Hotel).

Mbok Iyem: "Let's hurry to the Yamato Hotel, friends, let's go to the Yamato Hotel." (Mbok Iyem runs
while lifting her merchandise, in a hurry).

Tukidi: "Go ahead...!!!"


Mbok iyem: "ALLAHUAKBAR."

Tukiyem: “Freedom…..!!!”

(all players enter in turns)

All the people of Surabaya worked together shoulder to shoulder in facing the invaders, they
fought selflessly and tirelessly for the ideals of their beloved homeland and the spilled blood. Their
happiness is freedom from colonialism on the mother earth that we all love. One by one Indonesian
fighters died on the battlefield just to defend their homeland, they never expected a sign of service.
With the spirit of 45 they continued to advance to the battlefield to achieve the
independence of the Indonesian nation. Let's follow their struggle:

(Captain Donald and Captain Smith enter followed by Captain Mallaby)

A.W.S Mallaby: "troops..." (with an angry expression he asked his troops).

Gorden Smith: "Ready, Captain..." (coming forward feeling nervous).

A.W.S Mallaby: "How are our troops, are they ready or not? In capturing the city of Surabaya."

Captain Donald: "Report the captain of the troops are ready..."!!

A.W.S Mallaby : “Smith Curtains….”

Gorden Smith : "yes srrr..." (while saluting).

A.W.S Mallaby: "What is our strategy to take over the city of Surabaya?"

Gorden Smith: "The troops are ready, Captain, just waiting for orders!!!"

A.W.S Mallaby : “Captain Donald….”

Captain Donald: "ready captain..." (while saluting)

A.W.S Mallaby: "Now we go to face the natives of Surabaya."

Captain Donald: "ready captain..."

Gorden Smith : “troops are advancing…..!” (accompanied by the war drums they brought, the allies
departed for the Yamato Hotel)

(all players enter)

The sound of allied bullets and bombs echoed in the city of Surabaya, bomb smoke spread
everywhere. The Surabaya fighters continued to advance, undeterred by the invaders, the long calls
of the fighters to gain independence became stronger, wetting every sweat that came out. Every
drop of blood they shed was in order to achieve true independence.

Meanwhile, the governorate was busy thinking about allied aggression. At the same time,
envoys from the allies arrived who wanted to offer a peace agreement... to find out what happened,
let's follow the story:

(Governor Suryo enters followed by Musrifah)

Musrifah: "I'm sorry, Governor, I'm sorry."

Governor S: "What's wrong?"

Musrifah: "There are guests, sir...!!!"

Governor S: "Where are the guests from?"

Musrifah: "From the Company, sir..."

Governor S: "Where are the guests? Tell him to come in."

Gorden Smith : "Good morning, Governor."

Governor S: "morning captain, what happened?"

Captain Donald: "We apologize in advance, Mr Governor!!!"

Gorden Smith: "Our purpose here is to deliver a letter from Captain Brigadier General Mallaby."

Governor S: "What letter, Captain?" (Governor Suryo read it while shocked with bulging eyes).
"WHAT…?" (Governor Suryo strokes his chest while being angry with the Company)

Captain Donald: "How is it, Mr Governor?"

Gorden Smith : "Do you want to join the company, sir?" (with a look on his face, hoping that
Governor Suryo accepts their offer)

Governor S: “NO….!!!” (the governor gets angry while tearing up a letter from the company)

Captain Donald: "Okay, then the governor will know the consequences." (annoyed, the Company
threatens Governor Suryo and leaves the governorate)

Governor S: "Musrifah..."

Musrifah: "Yes, Mr Governor...."

Governor S: "You spread it to all the youth of Surabaya to fight against any aggression from invaders
who want to control our motherland."

Finally, the resistance of the Suroboyo youth reached its peak by fueling the spirit of
STRUGGLE to defend the city of Surabaya, on the other hand, the loud voice of the spirit of
independence was resounding in every corner of the city of Surabaya.
INDEPENDENT….INDEPENDENT…!!! who is the instigator of that enthusiasm?

BUNG TOMO: Bismillahirrahmanirrahim…..INDEPENDENCE….!!!

Brothers and sisters in Indonesia, residents of the city of Surabaya, get ready, the situation is critical, I
warn you not to start shooting, then if we are shot, let's replace it by attacking them. It's better to be
destroyed than not, FREEDOM!!!

Our motto remains, FREEDOM OR DIE!!!

Because, GOD is on the right side, believe me brothers, God will protect us all."



(accompanied by a speech from Bung Tomo, the battle was fierce between the freedom fighters and
the colonialists which was finally won by our fighters)

Accompanied by the enthusiasm that was ignited in the heart of every AREK-AREK Suroboyo, finally
the invaders were defeated in the BATTLE OF 10 NOVEMBER.
The events of November 10, 1945 have long passed. Those days are far behind us now. but we
should remember their services. freedom fighters don't know their names. He is a fighter we should
always remember. learn and learn for a dream. ideals are a part of our predecessors. The fighters
sacrificed body and soul for this homeland.


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