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 Tuailaite a hon it I Toupa Jesu Khrist min in chibai kahon buk ahi.
 Itna bang ahia chih non dawng thei di uam? (khatkhat a dot di)
 Tunitak a Tuailai ten hiai itna bang hihiam? Bible ah itna bang kichi hiam chih khong leh mahni-leh-mahni ki
it di mah hia? Chih te kikum tou lehang chi ihi.
 Matthew 22:37-40
 37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as
yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
 37 “Toupa na Pathian tuh na lungtang tengteng, na kha tengteng, na lungsim tengteng in na it ding ahi, chih.
38 Huai thupiak thupipen leh poimohpen ahi.39 Huan a zom in, akibatpih hiai ahi, ‘Nangmah na ki-it bang
in na inveng leng na it ding ahi, chih.’ 40 Huai thupiak nihte ah dan leh zawlneite thu tengteng
akikhaikhawm vek,” achi hi.
 Footnotes: Matthew 22:37 from Deut. 6:5; Matthew 22:39 from Lev. 19:18
 Mark 12:29, 30, 31
 29 “The most important one’, answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all
your strength.’[a] 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment
greater than these.”
 29 Jesu’n, “Athupipen hiai ahi; Israel aw, ngai dih uh, Toupa I Pathian uh Toupa khat kia ahi; 30 ‘Toupa na
Pathian na lungtang tengteng in, na kha tengteng in, na lungsim tengteng in leh na hatna tengteng in na it
ding ahi,; chih. 31 Azom hiai ahi, ‘Nangmah na ki-it bang in na vengte na it ding,’ chih. Hiaite sang a
thupiak thupizaw a-om kei,” chin in a dawng hi.
 What is Love? Itna bang ahia/ bang chihna ahia?
 Mi khat hoihsak khat mu in I sunglam a a zau hianhian khat om in itna kichi adiam? I feel butterflies when I
first see you/ khat lah uang law zel in …not only butterflies, I feel the whole zoo inside me chih dan khong
ahi. Itna I define dan uh a tuamtuam om thei di…
 Itna kichi Greek word ah chili a om a huai te ahih leh Phileo-love of friends, Eros-Romantic/passionate love,
Storge- Love of parents and children, Agape-Love of mankind/God’s love.
 Adang ahih leh Pragma-love that endures/being there, Mania-Obsessive love, Ludus-play, fun, exciting love,
Philautia-self-love/ self bigs up/being kind to self.

o Bible ah Itna kichi bang ahia? How did the Bible define the love. God is Love/ Agape
 1 John 4:7-8 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been
born of God and knows God. But anyone who/whoever does not love does not know God, for God is
Love/because God is Love. [1 Johan:4:7]Deihtakte aw, i ki-it tuah chiat ding uh; itna Pathian a suak ahi ngal
a, mi chih itna nei peuhmah tuh Pathian a suak ahi khin uhi, Pathian a thei lai uhi.
 [1 Johan:4:8]itna neilou in Pathian a thei kei; Pathian lah itna ahi ngal a.
 1 John 4:16 We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and who
live in love live in God, and God lives in us. [1 Johan:4:16]Pathianin eimau a dia itna a neih tuh i thei ua, i
gingta lai uhi. Pathian itna ahi; itna a om gige tuh, Pathian ah a om gige a, Pathian leng amah ah a om gige
 Bible a ITNA kigen pipen ahih leh Agape itna ahi. Bible ah Agape itna kichi 200 vel muh ding in om a huai
te bang genna hiam I chih leh unconditional love or sacrificial love chihna ahi. Huai te hichin gen suk lai leng
Agape itna ichih chiang in God’s love/Pathian Itna genna ahi. John 3:16 leh Romans 5:8 ah khovel leh a mite
a itna ki gen hi.
 Huai ban ah John 3:16 leh 1 John 4:9-10 ah leng Pathian eite adia a ITNA ahon lahkhiak dan I muthei hi or
Love that God shows kichi thei hi. [1 Johan:4:9]Hiai ah Pathian itna i tung ua a honglangta, amah vang a i
hin theihna di'n Pathian in a Tapa neihsun khovel a a hon sawlna ah; [1 Johan:4:10]Hiai ah itna a om, eite'n
Pathian i it uh ka chi ahi kei, ama'n a hon it a, i khelhnate thuphatawina hi di'n, a Tapa a hon sawl ka chi ahi

o Ahih leh self-love or mahni-leh-mahni ki it bang chih na ahia? What is Self-Love?

 History. Self-love was first promoted by the Beat Generation of the 1950s and in the early years of the Hippie
era of the 1960s.
 Self-love ichih explain sau ngai din leng ka gingta kei a himahleh a meaning en thak leng. Self-love ichih
mahni leh mahni ki itna, mahni leh mahni kipahtakna, ki chawimawina, mahni-leh-mahni ki koihsang na ahih
kei leh poimoh kahi/in ti poimoh, mahni-leh-mahni manpha kisa, or manpha kahi kichihna, mahni-leh-mahni
kihehpihna (compassion).
 Khenkhat ten a laigelh na uah “Loving your-self means having a good understanding of both your strengths
and weakness.
 Hiai self-love in apoimoh na jiak ahih leh I lungsim, I lungtang a chidam nang, huai ban ah I taksa mahmah
leng a chidam nang chih ahi.
 Self-love in a tup ahihleh positive mind neih di, I hinkhua positive tak a zat di, hiam ahih keileh a manpha
thei pen a zat di chih ahi. Self-love helps us take care of ourself chih khong ahi.
 Ahih louh leh I hinkhua a buaina hiam challenges I tuah te kha ei-leh-ei iki it leh huai te kizou thei chih
khong ahi. Ei hon kipaksak lou tuamtuam te dalna leng chih theih hi. Emotionally leh physically tak a igim
hiam I down hiam chiang a mahini-leh-mahni ki itna pen in hon heal thei chih dan in leng gen uh hi.
 Buddha in leng hichin ana gen hi, “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more
deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You
yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection.”

 Hiai self-love bang ziak a poimoh a ichih leh ei-leh-ei iki it kei leh midang ki it thei lou ahi chih jiak hi tangpi
ahi. A om dan bel, kei-leh-kei ki it kei leng midang va hehpih/khongaih theilou di, midangte mentally or
emotionally a panpih theilou di chih jiak a hiai self-love poimoh ahi chih uhi.
 Himahleh Bible nang leh nang na ki it bang in na innveng te it in achih pen bang ziak a diklou ahia? Why is
“Love your neighbour as you love yourself” wrong? It’s wrong because you can’t love yourself—not really.
Love requires more than one person: one to love and one to be loved Love flows between people—plural.
Two or more. Love by definition requires a lover and a beloved, a subject and an object, a giver and a
receiver. You can no more love yourself than you can lift yourself up in the chair you are sitting in or lend
yourself money. Loving yourself is impossible in the true sense but exists in a kind of counterfeit copy of
genuine interpersonal love.
 And the Bible calls it out. In 2 Timothy 3.1–2 we read “bad times are coming in the last days: people will be
in love with themselves.” [2 Timothi:3:1-2] “Huan, hiai thei in, ni nanung lam ahte hun haksa pipi a hong om
ding hi. 2 Mi amau ki itte bang, dangka deihta-te bang, ki-uangsakte bang, kisatheite bang. Pathian gensete
bang, nu-le-pa thu mangloute bang, kipahna dan theiloute bang, siangthouloute bang,”. Self-love is not real
love and is, in fact, sinful and selfish. We call it narcissism. (by Ian Paul: theologian, author, speaker,
academic consultant. Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary; Associate Minister, St Nic's,
Nottingham; Managing Editor, Grove Books; member of General Synod.)

 COMPARISION OF SELF-LOVE AND BIBLICAL LOVE (Self-love leh Bible a itna tehkakna)
 Bible ah itna ki gen dan ahih leh Pathian tuh itna ahi (God is Love). 1 Johan 4:8 ah “Itna neilou in Pathian a
 theikei; Pathian itna ahi” ana chi hi. Hiai 1 Johan 4:7-11 tan I sim aleh Pathian itna, Pathian in eite hon itdan
ngen a gensuk hi. Hiai a Pathian Itna ahih leh Agape itna leng kichi hi.
 Ei Khristian te adia bang itna a thupipen ichih leh Pathan itna ahi a thupi pen. Bang jiak a ichih leh Pathian
itna in eite hon hondam ahi.
 Johan 3:16 ah Pathian in khovel (nang leh kei) a it mahmah jiak in a tapa tang neih sun hon pia chin I thei
mahmah uh ahi.
 Achih leh, What is greater than self-love? Mahni leh mahni ki itna sanga thupi zaw bang ahia? I chih leh
Pathian itna ahi.
 Genesis ah creation account/ Pathian in mi a siam dan enleng bung 1:27 ah “Pathian in amah kibatpih in mi
a siam a, Pathian kibatpih mah in ahi a siam; pasal leh numei a siamta hi.” Hiai a amah batpih a siam ichih
chiang in physical appearance genna ahi kei a, himahleh Pathian ahih nate/Pathian nature khenkhat mihing in
ki koppih ahi chihna ahi.
 Short film khat ka muh na ah mi nih a kihouna uah khat in “There is a bit of God inside us.” Hiai achih na
san ahih leh, Pathian kibatpih a siam ihi ua, Pathian attributes te lak ah bang a om ichih ITNA ahi.
 Den a 1 Johan 4:8 in ana gen God is love ahi. Huai itna pen Pathian in ei mihing te lak ah hon koih inchin
enleng itna kinei ahi. A se pen a khial pen na tawm inleng thil khat hiam mihing dang te tung a itna khat kinei
chiat eive.

 Hilehleng mihing te khelhna jiak a khelhna toh piang ihih jiak ua hiai itna teleng a Pathian deihlouh dan a
tampi kizang. Mihing ngaihdan in dik mah leh leh Pathian in Bible a hon sinsak nate toh kituak lou tampi om
 Huaiziak a ei Khristian te Pathian, I Pathian in ITNA ngai poimoh mahmah ahi. Huai itna mah ei ten leng I
neih di uh ut mahmah a Bible mun tamtak ah Pathian it ding leh midang te it ding hon sinsak hi (He want us
to have that same love).
 A ngaih poimoh dan leng Bible ah chiang tak ah kimu ahi. Koi mun ah ichih leh Thukhunlui ah Pathian in
Mosi kiang ah Thupiak sawm apiak te en leng kithei ding hi. Huai te bangbang hi hiam ichih leh Exodus 20
leh Deuterenomy 5 ah ana kigen hi. Huai te;
 Kei mah lou ngal pathian dang nanei ding uh ahikei (You shall have no other gods before me)
 Milim bawltawm himhim na be ding uh ahi kei (You shall not make for yourself an image…and shall not
bow down to them or worship them)
 Toupa na Pathian min na lou mawkmawk ding ahi kei (You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God)
 Sabbath ni tang siangthou in (Observe the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy)
 Na nu leh na pa zahtak in (honour your father and your mother)
 Tual na that ding ahi kei (You shall not murder)
 Ang na kawm ding ahi kei (You shall not commit adultery)
 Na gu ding ahi kei (You shall not steal)
 Na innvengte tung ah theihpi taklou in na pang ding ahi kei (You shall no give false testimony against your
 Na innveng te zi, inn leh lou, sikhate, ganta te, neih leh lam te nae ng ding ding ahi kei (You shall not covet)
 Hiai a thupiak sawm te I et leh section nih a khen theih ding hi. Khatna apat lina tan Pathian toh mihing kikal,
leh ngana apat sawmna tan Mihing leh mihing kikal a zatdia hon thupiak ahi.
 Hiai te tengteng Thukhunthak ah Jesun Marka 12:29, 30, 31 ah laigelh miten hiai Thupiak sawm te lak ah koi
a thupipen a chia dotna abawl uh leh Jesun hichin dawng hi, 29 Jesu’n, “Athupipen hiai ahi; Israel aw, ngai
dih uh, Toupa I Pathian uh Toupa khat kia ahi; 30 ‘Toupa na Pathian na lungtang tengteng in, na kha
tengteng in, na lungsim tengteng in leh na hatna tengteng in na it ding ahi,; chih. 31 Azom hiai ahi,
‘Nangmah na ki-it bang in na vengte na it ding,’ chih. Hiaite sang a thupiak thupizaw a-om kei,” chin in a
dawng hi. [29“The most important one’, answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 Love
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’[a] 31 The second
is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] There is no commandment greater than these.”]

 Commentary tuamtuam ah hiai a Jesu kiang a dotna bawl Rabbi in thupiak te a gen pen thupiak mal 613 ahi a
huai pen sehnih a kikhen a 365 teng a hoihlou lam (negative) genna, leh 248 teng a hoihlam (positive) genna
ahi chi uhi.
 Thupiak sawm teng lak ah thupi tuam zaw omlou, avek a thupi leh poimoh vek chih na ahi. Ahih leh hiai
thupiak te lak ah bang a central theme/ a laigil a ki focus pen bang a ichih leh ITNA/LOVE ahi.

 Ahih leh hiai te lak ah mahni-leh-mahni ki it ding self-love kichi a om hiai leh? A word a chu om eive, huai
ban ah hiai pentak ah ahi Khristain tamtak in ei-leh-ei ki it ding
 Bible inleng chi ahi achih uh. Hiai Marka 12 ah NANGMAH NA KI-IT BANG IN/AS YOU LOVE YOUR-
SELF kichi pen bang chihna a ichih leh, Bible siam tamtak ten ana gen dan uh ahih leh, Jesu in mihing te
mahni-leh-mahni ki it mi ahi, mihing te hihna ahih dan thei chiang mahmah a huai jiak a Nang-leh-nang nana
ki ite gige bang in na innveng te leng na it ding ahi, chi dan ahi. Hiai ah self-love hong kigen kha pen in
selfishness chih gen kha ahi chi leng.
 Bible ah selfishness toh kisai himhim I muh chiang in a hoih lam hi ngeilou hi. Pathian in hiai ITNA a hon
piak pen amah it ding leh midang te tung a zat di a hon piak ahi chih thei lehang.
 Pathian in eite hon it petmah a, huai dan in ah enleng midang te it ding hon deih hi. Himahleh tulai a ki thang
mahmah self-love in ei-leh-ei ki-itna hon hah focus lua ichin ei-leh-ei ki buaipih luat na tan tun pha ahi. But
we are already selfish individuals, born to love ourselves. How? Selfishness is a sin, and we are born with
sin. This means that self-love is already inherited in us.
 En ua, ei-leh-ei ki it di khong a gen khak chiang un hiam na ngaihtuah khak hiam chiang un Pathian in eite
hon it khin ahi chih thei le uchin. Pathian thil bangkim bawltu, a thupi penpen in ei mikhial ninpen, ahoihlou
pen te condition neilou a hon it ahi chih I theih ngai uh ahi. Hiai pen ahi Agape itna ichih, unconditional
sacrificial love.
 En I hih ding uh chu Pathian I lungtang tang tengteng, I kha tengteng, I hatna tengteng a it a midangte it ding
himai ahi.
 Huai jiak a Khristian khat ihih leh “love yourself” mawk chihchih louh di eihkha a meaning thei chiang lou a.
Self-love pen a poimoh masa hilou inchin Christian te adia kha Pathian itna theih siam masak poimoh penpen
ahi kei ngaihdan a.
 A jiak bel va ki Self-love luat jejen pen kha self-worship le chih theih ahi...ei leh ei kia ngaihtuahna himai
eihchia. Pathian sang a itzawk dang neihlouh di kichi eivoi mw Deuteronomy 6:5 ah le Pathian i lungtang
tengteng (all your heart, i kha tengteng (all your soul) leh i hih theihna tengteng (all your might) kichi inchin,
a zoh English pau ah kha "You Shall" pen command eihchu request le hilou.
 Command ichih chiang a Kumpipa khat in a servant te a sawl hiam a thupiak chiang a request ngeilou,
hilehle command (thupia) hia maw...huai jiak a kha Pathian i Kumpipa (Toupa) ichih hia mw, huai jiak a
Pathian kha it di himai amasa a.. 10th Commandment te I etsa mah bang a amasa teng thum Pathian toh
mihing kikal eihchu.. So, we must (You Shall) love God.
 Huai jiak a Pathian i it theih na dia le aman ei hon itna (God's love) pen theih masak di. Pathian in hon it jiak
a a tapa tang neih sun Jesu Khrist tungtawn a khelhna jiak a sihna apan hon tan khia, huai zoh pianthak na
kitang eihchu Pathian hon itna jiak a (John 3:16).
 Huai ziak a ei leh ei Self-love pen kha self worship hong suak thei self-worship ichih bang le Pathian thupiak
te pathian dang na be ding uh ahi kei chih hong hi jel. Huai chiang a aban teng hong dik lou thei ahi.

 Self-love pen kha mah ni mahni dam nang, leh a dangdang hi tang pi...a practice masak lam chiang ua chu
hoih a kilang maithei nuamsa maithei uh...hilehleng Christian/ Pathian gingta te adia kha Bible toh kituakna
hiam, ka itna neih a dikna hiam chih etchian poimoh mahmah ahih jiak a hiai teng hon gen kahi.
 Self-love sang a a awm zaw ding chu SELF-CARE leng hi zaw mathi… a om dan bel mahni leh mahni
Pathian deih dan a kikep hoih di himai Khalam leh salam ah.
 Azoh Matthew 22:37-39 ah kha thukhunlui a Pathian in Mosi kiang a thukhun 10 apiak te point 2 chouh a
summarize eihchu. 1st point (great commandment) kha - Pathian lungtang, kha, lungsim leh hih theih na
tengteng a it di...huai zoh 2 na kha Love your neighbour as you love yourself (midang te it di inchin midang
ten ei tung a ahih di uh i deih bang a enle midang te tung a hih di chihna).
 Ahih leh Bible dan a Pathian it ding huai zoh chiang a midang te I innveng te it ding chihna himai ding ahi
(God first and people second)
 Pathian itna i thihsiam leh enle midang te it didan kithei di himai. Huai te koi a bang chi theih di ichih leh
Bible apat himai didan eive.
 Contemporary motivational speakers ten we have to love ourself in order to heal yourself and so that you can
love others, chi uh hilehle Bible in “To abide in love is to flee all selfishness: “Greater love has no one than
this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13.) ana chi hi.
 A gen dan tuantuan omlehle...a thupi pen leh adik pen chuh God is Love himai.
 Romans 13:8 NIV Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for
whoever loves others has fulfilled the law. [Romte:13:8]Ki-ittuahna lou ngal, kuamah bangmah ba kei un;
amau mihinpih itpa'n dan a zui kimta ngal a. Hiai a kigen ahih leh Itna lou bangmah ba kei un, itna ki baa un
chih na ahi a hiai gen nop ahih leh mi sum khong I bat a ki pe jel eihchiang a itna na bat pen uh kipe tuah jel
un/ ki it tuah jel un hileh thupiak tengteng subuching kihi ding ahi chihna ahi.


o Huai ban ah Bible in mahni-leh-mahi ki-it sang a bang a agen zawk ichih leh self-denial ahi. Ahih leh bang
chi dan a ei-leh-ei ki ngaihsaklouh ngai ahi. Hiai ei-leh-ei kingaihsak luat na kha sel-love toh hong ki bang
inchin huai pen self ahih chiang a self koi a hong kipan a ichih leh I taksa utna leh deihna apat ahi. Sappau in
fleshly desire kichi hi.
 Ahih leh hiai flesh pen bang chih na? What does God mean by Flesh? Flesh ichih chiang a I taksa utna pen,
(Our flesh is our body), and fleshly desire is a desire we “our-self” want. Our self is a flesh and God want us
to hate the flesh, the sinful flesh. Self-love kha fleshly desire ahi chih ahi a Romte 8:8 ah leng I taksa utna a I
om sung teng Pathian kipaksak thei ngeilou ding ahi kichi hi. So, if we keep on loving our-self, we are still
stuck on our fleshly desire and that means that we won’t be able to please God.
o Bang jiak a self-love Bible in gen lou a ichih leh Jesus in mihing te sa a om khelhna toh piang te, selfish te
ihih jiak ua self-love/ mahni leh mahini ki itna pen a omsa ahi chin ana gen hi.
o Ephesian 5:29 ah [Ephesate:5:29]Kuamah in amah sa mah a ho ngei ngal kei a, a vak in a deihthoh
zaw nak hi, Khrist in saptuamte a vak a a deihthoh mah bang in; / After all, no one ever hated their

own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— hiai a “no one ever
hated their own body” “hated” pen past tense eivoi mw houchik a gen a, past tense ahih leh mihing te mah ni
leh mahni ki itsa a kipiang chihna himai, khelhna toh piang khawm mihing ihih jiak himai.
 Selfishness khelhna ahih na Philippians 2:2-3 ah kigen ahi. Philippians 2:2-3 tells us, Do nothing out of
selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own
interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
o Sharon van Rietschoten in a blog khat ah hichin gen hi “Human beings are very selfish by nature; very
egocentric. But we don’t have to remain that way! All sin is actually selfishness; all sin is choosing to give
into something that you want, that you feel serves you in that moment. This can also be called “egotism.”
This is a completely natural tendency, which all humans have rooted very deeply in them.”
 “For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” James 3:16.
 Mahni leh mahni deihna leh utna te hih kawm a Pathian nungzuihna leh na sep pen lungsim nih neih na leng
kichi thei hi. “… purify your hearts, you double-minded;” lungsim bulbal neiloute aw, na lungtang uh hih
siangthou un. James 4:8, and God will not give His blessing to such people. [Kilaakna:3:16]Lum lah lum lou,
vot lah vot lou a, na om pelhpulh ziak in, ka kam a kipan in k'on se khe ding. (Revelation 3:16)

 Ahih leh bang chi dan a hiai mahni leh mahni ki khualna/ ki itna pen subei thei di?
 Luke 9:23: “Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up
his cross daily, and follow Me.” [Luka:9:23] “Huan, amah mah in, mi tengteng kiang ah, kuapeuh in hon zuih
a ut leh, amah kingaihsak lou in, niteng a kros pua in hon zui hen.” Ei leh ei iki deny masak ngai ahi.
 (Take up his cross meaning- death to our own will with its sinful inclinations in all situations). Pathian in
nang leh nang/love-yourself chi ngeilou. Huai achih naksang a nang leh nang kingaihsak lou in, niteng a ama
kros pua in hon zui hen chi ahi.

 Itna mihing teng in ipoimoh vek ahi. Huai jiak a hiai ITNA hong kipatna theih chain masak ngai ahi. Tua I
sharing na apat in ah ITNA pen Pathian apat hong kipan ahi chih I theih ngei ka lamen hi. Self-love pen ei
mihing deihtelna ahi a himahleh Pathian ITNA pen ei deihtelna leng tellou a Pathian in a thawn a ahon piak
huai itna tangtawn mah a ei mikhial a mangthang dinglai a tapa tang neihsun ah hon hondam ahi.

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