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Online Assessment Test III - II BME, II IT

Unit III

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Each question carries 2 marks
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1. A statement made about a population for testing purpose is called? * 2 points

a) Statistic

b) Hypothesis

c) Level of Significance

d) Test-Statistic

2. If the assumed hypothesis is tested for rejection considering it to be 2 points

true is called *

a) Null Hypothesis

b) Statistical Hypothesis

c) Simple Hypothesis

d) Composite Hypothesis

3. A statement whose validity is tested on the basis of a sample is called? * 2 points

a) Null Hypothesis

b) Statistical Hypothesis

c) Simple Hypothesis

d) Composite Hypothesis

4. A hypothesis which defines the population distribution is called? * 2 points

a) Null Hypothesis

b) Statistical Hypothesis

c) Simple Hypothesis

d) Composite Hypothesis
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5. If the null hypothesis is false then which of the following is accepted? * 2 points

a) Null Hypothesis

b) Positive Hypothesis

c) Negative Hypothesis

d) Alternative Hypothesis.

6. The rejection probability of Null Hypothesis when it is true is called as * 2 points

a) Level of Confidence

b) Level of Significance

c) Level of Margin

d) Level of Rejection

7. The point where the Null Hypothesis gets rejected is called as * 2 points

a) Significant Value

b) Rejection Value

c) Acceptance Value

d) Critical Value

8. If the Critical region is evenly distributed then the test is referred as * 2 points

a) Two tailed

b) One tailed

c) Three tailed

d) Zero tailed

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9.Which of the following is defined as the rule or formula to test a Null 2 points

Hypothesis? *

a) Test statistic

b) Population statistic

c) Variance statistic

d) Null statistic

10. Consider a hypothesis H0 where ϕ0 = 5 against H1 where ϕ1 > 5. The 2 points

test is? *

a) Right tailed

b) Left tailed

c) Center tailed

d) Cross tailed

11. Consider a hypothesis H0 where ϕ0 = 23 against H1 where ϕ1 < 23. The 2 points

test is? *

a) Right tailed

b) Left tailed

c) Center tailed

d) Cross tailed

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12. Type 1 error occurs when * 2 points

a) We reject H0 if it is True

b) We reject H0 if it is False

c) We accept H0 if it is True

d) We accept H0 if it is False

13. The conditions for applying chi-square test is * 2 points

a) The sample observations should be independent.

b) Constraints on the cell frequencies, if any, must be linear.

c) N, the total frequency should be at least 50.

d) No. of theoretical cell frequency should be less than 50

e) All the above

14. The heights of college students in Chennai are normally distributed 2 points

with S.D 6cm and sample of 100 students had their mean height 158cm. To
test the hypothesis that the mean height of college students in Chennai is
160cm at 1% level of significance. the value of z is *




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15. The means of 2 large samples 1000 and 2000 members are 67.5 inches 2 points
and 68.0 inches respectively. To test that can the samples the regarded as
drawn from the same population of SD 2.5 inches we have to take null and
alternate hypothesis as *

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

16. A machinist is making engine parts with axle diameters of 0.7 inch. A 2 points

random sample of 10 parts shows a mean diameter if 0.742 inch with a

S.D. of 0.040 inch. Compute the statistic you would used to test whether
the work is meeting the specification. *





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17. The average number of articles to be produced by 2 machines per day 2 points

are 200 and 250 with S.D of 20 and 25 respectively on the basis of record,
of 25 days production can you regard the machines equally efficient at 1%
level of significance. Formula for test statistic is *

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

18. The table value for z- distribution at 95% level of significance is * 2 points





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19. The table value for z- distribution at 99% level of significance is * 2 points





20. An analyst is conducting a hypothesis test to determine if the mean 2 points

time spent on investment research is different from 3 hours per day. The
test is performed at the 1% level of significance and uses a random
sample of 64 portfolio managers, where the mean time spent on research
is found to be 2.5 hours. The population standard deviation is 1.5 hours.
What is the value of the test statistic in this case? *

a. z = -2.67

b. t = -2.67

c. z = 2.67

d. t = 2.67

e. z = -1.60

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21. According to a certain TV broadcast station, the average number of 2 points

violent incidents shown per episode of a TV series is 7. A researcher

believes that this has increased in the last few years. A random sample of
16 recent episodes is selected which produced a sample mean of 7.5
violent incidents. Assume that the number of violent incidents follows a
normal distribution and that the population standard deviation is 1.2. What
would be the value of the test statistic in this case, if we were to perform
a hypothesis test in order to test whether the researcher’s belief is
accurate or not? *

a. z = 1.67

b. t = 1.67

c. z = -1.67

d. t = -1.67

e. z = 0.67

22. Before an increase in excise duty on tea,800 persons out of a sample 2 points

of 1000 persons were found to be tea drinkers. After an increase in

duty,800 people were tea tea drinkers in a sample of 1200 people.Using
standard error of proportion,state whether there is significant decrease in
the consumption of tea after the increase in excise duty? The values of
the parameters are *

n1=1000; n2=1200; p1=0.8; p2=0.67

n1=1000; n2=1200; p1=0.08; p2=0.83

n1=800; n2=1000;p1=0.8; p2=0.67

n1=800; n2=1200; p1=0.08; p2=0.83

None of the above

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23. In Question No. 22 the value of the proportion p is equal to * 2 points





None of the above

24. In Question No, 22 the formula for test statistic is * 2 points

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

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25. The conclusion for Question No. 22 is * 2 points

There is a difference in the consumption of tea before and after the increase in excise

There is a no difference in the consumption of tea before and after the increase in
excise duty.

26. The heights of 10 males of a given locality are found to be 2 points

70,67,62,68,61,68,70,64,64,66 inches. The mean value is *





None of the above

27. The heights of 10 males of a given locality are found to be 2 points

70,67,62,68,61,68,70,64,64,66 inches. The variance and standard deviation

are *

10, 3.16

9, 3

11, 3.317

16, 4

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28. The heights of 10 males of a given locality are found to be 2 points

70,67,62,68,61,68,70,64,64,66 inches. Is it reasonable to believe that an

average height is greater than 64 inches? The value of the statistic is *





None of the above

29. What is the degrees of freedom for the question given in Qn no. 28 * 2 points


30. What is the conclusion of the question no. 28 * 2 points

Accept the null hypothesis

Reject the null hypothesis


* All Questions carry 2 marks.

* Most of the questions are the steps of a solved problem.
* You can answer the set of questions only if you solve a problem for ANOVA.
* IMPORTANT: The data are NOT to be reduced into single digit.

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