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Christian Family Assignment : What are the basic family problem

we face in our family? -Suanmuanlian, B.Th I

Family problems means a kind of troubled relationship between family members which in
turn leads to tensions, whether these problems result from the misconduct of a family
member or the two main parties, and the frequent quarrels and differences between parents,
or between children or between children and parents. There is will be almost no family
without differences or problems from time to time. Family problems cause negative emotions
such as anxiety, sadness and anger. Family members may also feel isolated, confused,
exhausted and stressed when they experience family problems.

The following are the Basic Family Problems we face in our family:
· The first most important need for a family is God, and when we don’t have a room for
God in our family surely problems will follow. But when we have room for God in our
family and always put him first surely blessing will follow us.
· When we don’t love each other and the wife or husband has an affair with others it creates
a big family problem. (Hebrew 13:4)
· When the wife tries to take the husband's place as the head of the family it is sure that
problem will follow. The husband is always the head of the family. (Ephesians 5:23)
· When the children don’t abbey and respect their parents, the problem will be there.
Children should obey, respect and honour their parents. (Ephesians 6:1-3)
· Family problems start when each family member doesn't know our responsibility as a
· Family problems start when the Father and Mother have differences over something and
they start to quarrel.
· If the father/mother drinks or intake any drugs this creates a huge problem.
· Problems start when we don’t respect and love each other when the wife or husband is
doing something wrong, the husband should love his wife and the wife should respect her
husband and pray for each other so that there will be no problems. (Ephesians 5:33)
· Problem started when we didn't respect each other's opinion and we started to quarrel.
· When the children or the younger ones say something the eldest one or the father and
mother should listen to their children even though they might say something silly or that is
not important and should show that they are giving attention to them, because that small thing
can make the children or younger ones happy.
· A family is also a constitute of person and can have different moods and nervousness.
Because of that there are psychological and emotional problems and when we let that over
take us it can cause a problem for our family.
· When the husband and wife don’t understand each other's background and origin there's a
problem. The husband and wife might come from the same village or from different villages,
and even different tribes and cultures. When we all came from a different background it is
best to understand each other despite our previous background.
· Cultural problems are also possible and relatable for the children also. If the son or
daughter is staying aboard for further study or for a job they meet different people and stay in
a completely different culture and traditions or an urban life. So when they went back home
and tried to live in that urban lifestyle they can become a problem and a burden for the
parents and family if they are not a good person.
· Economic or financial problems can also cause family problems by deteriorating the
situation of a family. When a family cannot earn or does not find a job a family may
understand their situation and face it together but some may not understand and blame each
other for their families deterioration. So, marrying after we are financially stable is the best
way to start a family.
· Family problems can also be caused by health problems. When a family member faces
chronic diseases or accidental diseases it may not affect their relationship but it is a problem
in one or another.
· The family relationship with parents’ relatives and the relationship of parents to others is
important and when that relationship is broken it creates a family problem. We all need each
other in one way or another and we must not let that relationship be broken. (Proverb 17:17)
· Family problems can happen when the father or mother is involved in too much social
programme like in philanthropic organisation or in church activity as they are likely to be
spending most of the time with others and less time with their family. If one cannot adjust
their time it can break their family relationship.
· A family problem starts the moment we choose to marry the wrong life partner. The right
partner can fix up a broken family and the wrong partner can also break up an already happy
family. So, better pray for your life partner to God from now on. (Proverb 21:19 ; 31:10-31)


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