The Efefct of Cognitive Bias in Decision Making

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Hello, everyone! Before we dive into our topic, have you ever thought about how you make
decisions? Today, let's explore different cognitive biases that impact our choices or
decision making.
Body: (the use of 3 point technique)
Cognitive Bias is factor that influences our decision making. These are systematic errors of
thinking that affects our decision making and judgements.
We’ll discuss 3 biases under Cognitive Bias which are
First, the confirmation bias where we only like information that supports what we already
know and put away the ones against it. When we think that studying late at night is the
best, we only think that it’s the only time we should study. This bias makes it tricky to see
things without our beliefs getting in the way.
Next is availability bias which occurs when we let easily remembered information guide
our decisions. Example is we heard positive reviews about a coffee shop, we might believe
that everyone thinks the same way so you tried it. This bias arises when we base decisions
on what's readily available in our minds, potentially overlooking a wider range of
Lastly, the halo effect happens when our overall impression of someone affects how we see
their abilities. This bias can lead to decisions based on one trait, like choosing study
partners, without considering the person's abilities more fairly.
To sum up, cognitive biases such as confirmation, availability, and the halo effect can have a
significant impact on our decision-making processes. They can cause us to overlook
important information and lead to flawed judgments. It's essential to recognize these
biases and actively work to question our own thinking. By embracing critical thinking and
considering alternative viewpoints, we can make more informed and thoughtful decisions
in both our personal and professional lives. So, let's be mindful of these biases and
encourage critical thinking to improve our decision-making processes.

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