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Chapter 9 Project Human Resource Management

PMP ® Certification Training Programme

Project Resource Management Questions
Questions : 20
Time: 20 minutes

1 The Project Manager has scheduled a routine status meeting. During proceedings, a Sub Project Leader
put forward his views on the scheduling of a feature. Another Sub Project Leader vociferously objected to
this. A shouting match ensues. The Project Manager tries to smoothen the situation. He decides to include
the discussion on this topic to the next meeting. What do you think the PM has done?

A. Confronting

B. Compromising

C. Smoothing

D. Withdrawal
2 Which choice below best describes McGregor’s Theory X

A. People tend to be unpredictable

B. People like to shun work whenever possible

C. People are self-motivated to work

D. People are motivated by money

3 Which choice below best describes Expectancy Theory

A. Value of perceived outcome contributes to motivation

B. The belief that completion of certain action leads to achieve the target

C. The expectation that I can complete the actions.

D. All the above.

4 An output of the process Estimate activity resources is a document called "Activity resource
requirements". It identifies the types and quantities of resources..

A. ...while the term resources is limited to equipment and materials

B. ...required for each activity in a work package

C. ...while the term resources is limited to human resources

D. be obtained solely from the performing organization

5 Which of the following powers of project managers is most important?

A. Formal

B. Reward

C. Expert

D. Penalty

Chapter 9 Project Human Resource Management
6 During which project management process group will you find the project manager spending more time in

A. Planning

B. Closing

C. Executing

D. Monitoring and controlling

7 A responsibility assignment matrix shows all the following except

A. Time

B. Resources

C. Names

D. Work packages

8 Which is the best conflict resolution technique?

A. Forcing

B. Smoothing

C. Compromise

D. Problem solving

9 Halo effect refers to the tendency to?

A. Hire temporary staff.

B. Outsource the hiring.

C. Promote technically brilliant persons as project managers.

D. Promote people into project management positions only after training them.

10 Which of the following powers of project managers should be used last?

A. Formal

B. Reward

C. Expert

D. Penalty

11 Which of the following is the highest point of Maslow’s hierarchy?

A. Self-fulfillment

B. Respect

C. Wealth

D. Love

Chapter 9 Project Human Resource Management
12 What is the most common cause of conflicts?

A. Schedules

B. Project Priorities

C. Resources

D. Technical Opinions

13 In a war room of a company, you are most likely to see whom?

A. Senior Management

B. Members of the Board

C. Project Team

D. Project Management Team

14 Which statement on conflicts is true?

A. Conflict resolution should focus on people, not issues

B. Conflict is natural and forces a search for alternatives

C. Conflict should always be handled in private and not in the team

D. Too much openness is a common cause of conflict

15 What are the 4 stages of team development?

A. Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing.

B. Enthusiasm, Hope, Panic, Solution.

C. Assignment, Kickoff, Training, Communicating.

D. Direction, Motivation, Cooperation, Collaboration.

16 Which type of leadership is best suited for optimizing team performance in projects?

A. Democratic leadership

B. Consultative leadership

C. Autocratic leadership

D. Benevolent authoritative leadership

17 What does the acronym RAM commonly stand for in project management?

A. Regulator Assigned Management

B. Responsibility Assignment Matrix

C. Remotely Applied Measurements

D. Risk Aware Management

Chapter 9 Project Human Resource Management
18 Which of the following is generally not regarded to be a motivator according to Herzberg?

A. Working conditions and interpersonal relations

B. Responsibility for enlarged task

C. Interest in the task

D. Recognition for achievement

19 All the following are characteristics of parametric estimating except:

A historical information

B quantifiable

C scalable

D basis of estimates

20 Team charter has just been finalized. Based on this document:

A project manager is authorized to run the project

B project could be officially kicked off

C team members shall follow established ground rules

D team shall know their sponsor


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