Hospital Management Report

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The Mayo Clinic

To manage the hospital system for Mayo clinic.

Database: MySQL Database to be used since it is open source and free.
Operating System: Shall be Windows 2016.
Web-Based: The system shall be a web-based application

1) Industry Knowledge:
Gain a solid understanding of the healthcare industry (Mayo Clinic), including its regulations,
standards, and common practices.
Familiarize yourself with the specific challenges and trends in hospital management.

2) Healthcare Processes:
Acquire knowledge of hospital workflows, processes, and best practices in patient care.
Understand the various departments within a hospital and how they interact.

3) Regulatory Compliance:
Stay informed about healthcare regulations and compliance standards (e.g., HIPAA in the United
States) to ensure that the system adheres to legal requirements.

4) Electronic Health Record (HER) System:

Familiarize yourself with electronic health record systems and their functionalities.
Understand how data is captured, stored, and accessed in EHR systems. MySQL Database can be
used since it is open source and free.

5) Data Management:
Gain knowledge of data management principles, including data security, integrity, and privacy, which
are critical in healthcare systems.

6) Change Management:
Be aware of change management principles, as implementing new systems in a hospital can often
require changes in workflows and process.

7) Stakeholder Analysis:
Identify and understand the key stakeholders in the Mayo clinic, including administrators’ staff,
Doctors, Nurses, and Senior management.

ACTOR What he can do on the Software Created

Administrative 1) User Support:
staff - Act as a point of contact for users experiencing difficulties with the new
- Collaborate with the IT support team to resolve issues promptly.

2) Communication:
- Communicate updates and progress to staff members regularly.
- Foster open communication channels to address concerns and gather

3) Policy & Procedure alignment:

- Review and update clinic policies and procedures to align with the
features and capabilities of the new software.
- Ensure that staff members are aware of any changes in protocols.

4) Reporting & Analytics:

Explore and utilize reporting and analytics features of the new software to
monitor clinic performance and identify areas for improvement.
5) User Feedback Collection:
- Establish mechanisms for collecting feedback from users about their
experience with the new software.
- Use feedback to make continuous improvements and address any user
Doctors 1) Data Verification:
- Verify patient data and records after the data migration process to
ensure accuracy.
- Report any discrepancies or issues with patient information to the
administrative and IT teams.

2) Communication with patients:

- Utilize any patient communication features within the software to
enhance communication, such as secure messaging or telemedicine
- Educate patients on any changes in appointment scheduling or
communication methods.

3) Patient Education:
- Educate patients on any new tools or features available through the
updated software, such as patient portals or online health resources.

4) Participate in continuous improvement:

Engage in discussions with the clinic's leadership and IT team for ongoing
process improvement and optimization of the software to better meet the
needs of healthcare providers.
Nurses 1) Training & Familiarization:
- Attend training sessions provided by the clinic or software vendor to
become familiar with the new software.
- Actively engage in learning and seek clarification on any aspects that may
be unclear.

2) Efficient Documentation:
- Optimize electronic health record (EHR) documentation practices to
efficiently capture patient information, vital signs, and nursing notes using
the new software.
- Utilize templates and shortcuts for faster and more accurate

3) Medication Management:
- Familiarize themselves with the medication management features of the
new software.
- Utilize electronic prescribing and medication administration
functionalities to enhance patient safety.

4) Security & Privacy Awareness:

- Adhere to security and privacy protocols associated with the new
software, especially when handling patient health information.
- Report any security concerns to the IT or administrative staff promptly.
Senior 1) Leadership & Vision:
Management - Clearly communicate the vision and goals associated with the
implementation of the new software to the entire organization.
- Demonstrate leadership and commitment to the successful adoption of
the software.

2) Risk Management:
- Identify potential risks associated with the software implementation and
develop strategies to mitigate these risks.
- Establish contingency plans for addressing unexpected challenges.

3) Vendor Relationship Management:

- Establish a strong relationship with the software vendor or developers.
Communicate organizational needs, expectations, and feedback to the


The scope of a newly updated software system in a Mayo Clinic is essential to ensure that all
stakeholders understand its functionalities, capabilities, and intended outcomes. The scope outlines
the boundaries and goals of the system. Overview of the scope and how it benefits respective
stakeholders are given below:
a) Administrative Staff:
Scope: The system will encompass features for appointment scheduling, billing and invoicing,
inventory management, and overall clinic management.
1) Streamlined administrative processes, reducing manual work.
2) Improved accuracy in billing and financial management.
3) Enhanced inventory tracking and ordering efficiency.
b) Doctors:
Scope: The system will include electronic health record (EHR) functionalities, decision support tools,
e-prescribing, and communication features.
1) Efficient and comprehensive patient record management.
2) Access to decision support tools for informed clinical decision-making.
3) Streamlined prescription processes.
c) Nurses:
Scope: The system will facilitate electronic documentation, medication management, and
communication with other healthcare providers.
1) Faster and more accurate documentation.
2) Improved medication management and patient safety.
3) Enhanced communication for better-coordinated care.
d) Senior Management:
Scope: Involves oversight of the entire implementation process, including resource allocation, risk
management, and strategic planning.
1) Improved clinic-wide efficiency and productivity.
2) Enhanced data security and compliance.
Strategic planning for future enhancements and updates. By clearly defining the scope of the system
and aligning it with the needs of each stakeholder group, the clinic can maximize the benefits of the
newly updated software, leading to improved patient care, streamlined processes, and overall
operational efficiency. Regular communication and feedback loops are critical to ensure that the
system continues to meet the evolving needs of all stakeholders.


SCOPE using Use Case Diagram (UML)

The scope outlines the specific features and capabilities that the software provides to meet the
needs of the Mayo clinic. Here's a comprehensive overview of the scope of the proposed system:
a) Patient Management:
1) Patient registration and demographics management.
2) Appointment scheduling and tracking.
3) Patient check-in and verification processes.

b) Electronic Health Records (HER):

1) Comprehensive digital patient records.
2) Recording of medical history, diagnoses, medications, and treatment plans.
3) Integration with diagnostic test results.
c) Clinical Decision Support:
1) Decision support tools to aid healthcare providers in evidence-based decision-making.
2) Alerts and reminders for preventive care and potential issues.

d) Medication Management:
1) Electronic prescribing (e-prescribing) capabilities.
2) Medication administration records (MARs) and dosage tracking.
3) Integration with pharmacy systems for prescription fulfilment.

e) Appointment & Resource Scheduling:

1) Efficient appointment scheduling.
2) Resource scheduling for medical equipment, examination rooms, and healthcare providers.

f) Billing & Invoice:

1) Billing for medical services rendered.
2) Invoicing and claims generation.
3) Integration with insurance systems for claims processing.

g) Inventory Management:
1) Tracking and management of medical supplies and medications.
2) Automated alerts for low stock or expiring items.

h) Communication & Collaboration:

1) Internal messaging system for staff communication.
2) Integration with external communication tools for consultations and referrals.
3) Patient communication features for appointment reminders and follow-up.

i) Patient Portal:
1) Secure patient portals for accessing personal health records.
2) Online appointment scheduling and communication with healthcare providers.

j) Reporting & Analytics:

1) Reporting modules for monitoring clinic performance.
2) Customizable dashboards displaying key performance indicators (KPIs).

k) Security & Compliances:

1) Implementation of robust security measures to protect patient data.
2) Compliance with healthcare regulations, such as HIPAA.

l) User rolls & permissions:

1) User role customization to control access levels.
2) Defined permissions for different staff categories.

m) Mobile Access:
1) Mobile-friendly interfaces or dedicated mobile applications for remote access.
2) Secure access to patient information on mobile devices.

n) Audit Trails:
1) Logging and auditing functionalities to track user actions and changes to patient records.
2) Support for compliance and accountability.

o) Scalability:
1) Consideration for scalability to accommodate future growth in patient volume and clinic
2) Compatibility with potential system expansions and updates.
This comprehensive scope outlines the major functionalities and features that the newly updated
software system will provide to meet the clinic's operational needs. It serves as a guide for
development, implementation, and ongoing optimization of the system. Regular assessments and
adjustments to the scope may be necessary to align with evolving clinic requirements and
technological advancements.

Defining the out-of-scope elements is equally important as delineating the scope when
implementing newly updated software in a clinic. Out-of-scope items are functionalities or features
that are intentionally excluded from the software project. Clearly stating what the system does not
cover helps manage expectations and prevents misunderstandings. Here's an overview of potential
out-of-scope elements for a clinic's software update:
1) Medical Diagnosis and Treatment:
Out of Scope:
The software does not provide medical diagnosis or treatment recommendations.
Healthcare providers are solely responsible for clinical decision-making.
2) Financial Consultation:
Out of Scope:
The software does not replace financial consultation for billing and insurance-related inquiries.
Financial advice is not provided through the system.
3) Legal Advice:
Out of Scope:
The software does not offer legal advice or replace the need for legal consultation.
Legal aspects related to healthcare regulations are not addressed by the system.
4) Hardware Procurement:
Out of Scope:
The procurement of physical hardware such as computers, servers, and networking equipment is not
covered by the software project.
The clinic is responsible for ensuring hardware compatibility with the software.
5) Extensive Customization Beyond Vendor Capabilities:
Out of Scope:
Extensive customization of the software beyond the capabilities offered by the vendor is not
Custom development that significantly alters the core functionalities may be out of scope.
6) Training Costs Beyond Initial Implementation:
Out of Scope:
Ongoing training costs for staff members beyond the initial implementation phase are not covered.
Additional training requirements arising from staff turnover or new features may be considered out
of scope.
7) Clinic Infrastructure Overhauls:
Out of Scope:
The software update does not cover major infrastructure overhauls, such as clinic renovations or
extensive hardware upgrades.
Compatibility with existing infrastructure is assumed.
8) Data Migration Beyond Initial Implementation:
Out of Scope:
Ongoing data migration efforts, especially beyond the initial implementation, are not covered.
Historical data migration efforts that extend beyond the agreed-upon scope may be considered out
of scope.
10) Third-Party System Integration Costs:
Out of Scope:
Costs associated with integrating the software with third-party systems are not included.
Expenses related to external system interfaces are considered out of scope.
11) Regulatory Changes Post-Implementation:
Out of Scope:
The software update does not cover costs associated with changes in healthcare regulations post-
The clinic is responsible for ensuring ongoing compliance with regulatory standards.
12) Network Security Beyond Software Parameters:
Out of Scope:
Network security measures beyond those defined by the software parameters are not included.
External network security enhancements are considered out of scope.
13) User Hardware and Devices:
Out of Scope:
The software does not cover the cost of purchasing or maintaining individual user hardware and
Compatibility with staff members' personal devices is assumed but not explicitly addressed.
Defining the out-of-scope elements helps manage expectations, avoids scope creep, and ensures
that both the clinic and the software vendor have a clear understanding of the project's boundaries.
Regular communication and documentation of any changes to the scope or out-of-scope elements
are essential throughout the implementation process.
ER Diagram for HMS

Data Flow Diagram for HMS

Flow chart for patient admission
The functional requirements for a Hospital Management System (HMS) cover a wide range of
features and capabilities to support the effective functioning of a hospital. Below is an extensive list
of functional requirements for a hospital management system:
1) Patient Management:
a) Registration:
Capture and store patient demographic information.
Assign unique patient identifiers.
Record emergency contact details.
b) Appointment Scheduling:
Allow staff to schedule, modify, and cancel patient appointments.
Send appointment reminders to patients.
c) Admission and Discharge:
Manage the admission and discharge processes.
Generate admission and discharge summaries.
d) Patient History:
Maintain a comprehensive medical history for each patient.
Include records of previous treatments, diagnoses, and medications.
e) Bed Management:
Track the availability and occupancy of hospital beds.
Allocate beds based on patient needs.
f) Electronic Health Records (EHR):
g) Data Entry and Management:
Record and manage patient health information.
Support structured and unstructured data entry.
h) Clinical Notes:
Allow healthcare providers to enter clinical notes.
Enable voice-to-text functionality for note-taking.
i) Order Entry:
Facilitate electronic entry of laboratory and diagnostic test orders.
Integration with laboratory and imaging systems.
j) Results Management:
Capture and display laboratory and diagnostic test results.
Send alerts for critical results.
k) Allergies and Medications:
Maintain a list of patient allergies.
Record and update medication lists.
l) Doctor and Staff Management:

Staff Registration:
Register and manage information for doctors, nurses, and other staff.
Assign user roles and permissions.
Schedule Management:
Manage the schedules of doctors and staff.
Allow for shift management.
Leave Management:
Track staff leave requests and approvals.
Ensure adequate staffing levels during shifts.
Billing and Invoicing:
Billing Information:
Generate bills for medical services rendered.
Support itemized billing.
Insurance Integration:
Integrate with insurance systems for claims processing.
Verify patient insurance information.
Payment Processing:
Record and process payments from patients and insurance providers.
Generate payment receipts.
Inventory Management:
Medical Supplies:
Track and manage the inventory of medical supplies.
Set up reorder alerts for low stock.
Medication Inventory:
Monitor medication inventory levels.
Manage expiration dates and reordering.
Appointment and Resource Scheduling:
Appointment Booking:
Allow patients to book appointments online.
Enable appointment rescheduling and cancellations.
Resource Scheduling:
Schedule and manage resources such as examination rooms and equipment.
Queue Management:
Implement a queue management system for patient flow.
Reporting and Analytics:
Customizable Reports:
Generate customizable reports for key performance indicators (KPIs).
Provide insights into hospital operations.
Data Analysis:
Analyze trends in patient demographics, treatments, and outcomes.
Support data-driven decision-making.
Security and Access Control:
User Authentication:
Implement secure user authentication.
Enforce password policies.
Role-Based Access:
Assign roles and permissions based on job responsibilities.
Restrict access to sensitive patient information.
Communication and Alerts:
Internal Messaging:
Provide an internal messaging system for staff communication.
Support secure messaging.
Alerts and Notifications:
Implement alerts for critical results, medication reminders, and appointment notifications.
Allow customization of alert preferences.
Mobile Access:
Mobile-Friendly Interface:
Provide a mobile-friendly interface for remote access.
Support functionalities on smartphones and tablets.
Patient Portals:
Secure Access:
Allow patients to access their health records securely.
Enable features for appointment scheduling and communication with healthcare providers.
Telemedicine Integration:
Video Consultations:
Integrate telemedicine functionalities for video consultations.
Support remote diagnosis and follow-up appointments.
Audit Trails:
Maintain detailed audit logs of user actions.
Record changes to patient records.
Education and Resources:
Patient Education:
Provide educational materials for patients on health topics.
Integrate health resources and guidelines.
System Scalability:
Design the system to be scalable to accommodate future growth.
Plan for increased patient volume and data.
Regulatory Compliance:
HIPAA Compliance:
Ensure compliance with healthcare regulations, including HIPAA.
Implement measures for data security and patient privacy.
User Training and Support:
Training Programs:
Provide training programs for staff members on system usage.
Offer ongoing support and troubleshooting.
Feedback Mechanisms:
User Feedback:
Establish mechanisms for collecting user feedback on the system.
Use feedback for continuous improvement.
Third-Party Integrations:
Integration Framework:
Support integration with third-party systems such as billing software, external laboratories, and
health information exchanges.
This list covers a comprehensive set of functional requirements for a Hospital Management System,
but the specific needs may vary based on the clinic's size, specialization, and workflows. The system
should be customizable and adaptable to the unique requirements of the healthcare facility.

Non-functional requirements define the criteria that describe the quality attributes and
characteristics of a system rather than specific behaviours or features. For a Hospital Management
System (HMS), non-functional requirements cover aspects like performance, reliability, security, and
usability. Here's an overview of non-functional requirements for an HMS:
Response Time:
The system should respond to user actions within a maximum acceptable time (e.g., page load time,
query response time).
The system should handle a specified number of concurrent users and transactions per second.
The system should scale to accommodate an increasing number of users and data volume.
The system should be available for use at least 99.9% of the time.
Fault Tolerance:
The system should continue to operate without disruption in the event of hardware or software
Data Integrity:
Data stored in the system should be accurate and free from corruption.
Access Control:
User access to sensitive information should be controlled through role-based access.
Authentication mechanisms should be robust.
Data Encryption:
Patient data and sensitive information should be encrypted during transmission and storage.
Audit Trails:
The system should maintain detailed audit trails to track user activities and changes to records.
Audit logs should be secure and tamper-resistant.
User Interface:
The user interface should be intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible.
Support for customization of user preferences and layouts.
Training and Documentation:
Training materials and documentation should be provided for users.
The system should be designed to minimize the learning curve for new users.
Browser Compatibility:
The system should be compatible with major web browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari).
Device Compatibility:
The system should be accessible and functional across various devices (desktops, laptops, tablets,
Hardware Scalability:
The system architecture should be designed to scale horizontally or vertically to meet increasing
Data Scalability:
The system should handle growing data volumes without significant degradation in performance.
Integration with Third-Party Systems:
The system should support integration with external systems, such as laboratory information
systems and health information exchanges.
Standard Protocols:
Use standard protocols for data exchange to ensure interoperability.
Code Maintainability:
The system's codebase should be well-organized and documented to facilitate future maintenance.
The system should support easy upgrades to new versions without major disruptions.
System Reliability:
The system should operate reliably without frequent crashes or unexpected downtime.
Error Handling:
Provide informative error messages to users, and log errors for system administrators.
Database Capacity:
The database should be capable of handling the expected data volume without performance
Concurrent User Capacity:
The system should support a specified number of concurrent users.
Backup and Recovery:
Data Backup:
Regular backups of the system data should be performed, and backup processes should be tested.
Disaster Recovery:
A disaster recovery plan should be in place to restore the system in case of catastrophic events.
Regulatory Compliance:
HIPAA Compliance:
The system should comply with healthcare regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability
and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Data Privacy:
Ensure compliance with local and international data privacy laws.
System Documentation:
Provide comprehensive documentation covering system architecture, data models, APIs, and
User Manuals:
User manuals should be available for both system administrators and end-users.
Performance Testing:
Load Testing:
Conduct load testing to verify the system's performance under high loads.
Stress Testing:
Evaluate the system's behavior under stress conditions to identify breaking points.
Deployment Automation:
Implement automation tools for the deployment process.
Rollback Procedures:
Define procedures for rolling back to a previous version in case of deployment issues.
These non-functional requirements are crucial for ensuring the reliability, security, and usability of
the Hospital Management System, contributing to a robust and efficient healthcare IT infrastructure.
The specific non-functional requirements may be tailored to the unique needs and circumstances of
the healthcare organization. Regular assessments and adjustments to non-functional requirements
are essential to meet evolving standards and user expectations.
System Requirement:
Hardware Requirements:

A dedicated server with sufficient processing power, memory, and storage capacity.
Dual-core processor or higher.
RAM: Minimum 8 GB or as recommended by the software vendor.
Storage: Adequate space for the database and software.
Client Devices:
Desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones compatible with the system.
Minimum system requirements for client devices specified by the software vendor.
Local Area Network (LAN) for internal communication.
High-speed internet connectivity for remote access and telemedicine features.
Firewalls and network security measures to protect sensitive data.
Software Requirements:

Operating System:
Server: Linux or Windows Server operating system.
Client Devices: Windows, macOS, Linux, or other operating systems as supported by the
Web Server:
Apache, Nginx, or another web server as recommended by the software vendor.
SSL/TLS certificates for secure data transmission.
Database Management System (DBMS):
Database server compatible with the software (e.g., MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL
Adequate storage for the database and regular backups.
Development Framework:
Framework used by the software (e.g., Django, Ruby on Rails, Laravel).
Compatibility with the chosen framework and version.
Web Browser:
Compatible web browsers for end-users (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge).
Browser versions recommended by the software vendor.
Virtualization (if applicable):
Compatibility with virtualization platforms (e.g., VMware, Hyper-V).
Integration and Interoperability:

Health Information Exchange (HIE):

Compatibility with HIE standards for data exchange.
Integration capabilities with external healthcare systems.
Laboratory and Imaging Systems:
Interfaces for integration with laboratory information systems (LIS) and picture archiving
and communication systems (PACS).
Billing and Insurance Systems:
Integration capabilities with billing and insurance processing systems.
Compliance with relevant standards.
Security Requirements:

Access Control:
Role-based access control (RBAC) for different user roles.
Multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.
Data Encryption:
Encryption of data in transit and at rest.
SSL/TLS for secure communication.
Audit Trail:
Logging and auditing functionalities to track user activities and changes to records.
Secure storage of audit logs.
Performance Requirements:

Response Time:
System response time within acceptable limits for various operations.
Performance testing to validate response times under load.
Ability to scale horizontally or vertically to accommodate increased user and data loads.
Performance testing to assess scalability.
Adequate system throughput to handle concurrent user transactions.
Load testing to determine and validate throughput capabilities.
Usability Requirements:

User Interface:
Intuitive and user-friendly interface design.
Customization options for user preferences.
Training and Documentation:
Availability of comprehensive user manuals and documentation.
Training programs for administrators and end-users.
Regulatory Compliance:

HIPAA Compliance:
Adherence to HIPAA regulations for healthcare data.
Regular audits and assessments for compliance.
Data Privacy:
Compliance with local and international data privacy laws.
Measures to protect patient confidentiality.
Backup and Recovery:

Data Backup:
Regular automated backups of the system data.
Storage of backups in a secure location.
Disaster Recovery:
Defined disaster recovery procedures and plans.
Testing of disaster recovery mechanisms.

Deployment Automation:
Automation tools for efficient and reliable system deployment.
Version control for software releases.
Rollback Procedures:
Procedures for rolling back to a previous version in case of deployment issues.

System Documentation:
Comprehensive documentation covering system architecture, configurations, and APIs.
User manuals for administrators and end-users.

Usability in a Hospital Management System (HMS) refers to the system's ease of use, efficiency, and
overall user satisfaction. A user-friendly and intuitive interface is crucial for healthcare professionals
to navigate the system efficiently, contributing to better patient care and operational effectiveness.
Here are key usability considerations for an HMS:
Intuitive User Interface:
Visual Clarity:
Clear and organized layout with easily distinguishable sections.
Consistent use of colours, fonts, and icons for visual clarity.
Intuitive navigation pathways to access different modules and features.
Easily accessible menus and buttons for common actions.
Workflow Efficiency:
Streamlined workflows that align with the natural order of tasks performed by healthcare
Minimized clicks to complete common actions.
Responsive Design:
Responsive design to ensure usability on different devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and
Adaptation of the interface based on screen size and orientation.
Customization and Personalization:
User Preferences:
Allow users to customize their interface preferences, such as colour themes and layout.
Support for individual user profiles with personalized settings.
Role-Based Dashboards:
Role-specific dashboards tailored to the responsibilities of different users (e.g., doctors, nurses,
Relevant information and shortcuts for each role.
User Training and Onboarding:
Onboarding Assistance:
Interactive onboarding tutorials or guides for new users.
Tooltips and contextual help to assist users in understanding functionalities.
Training Programs:
Comprehensive training programs for healthcare professionals and administrative staff.
Training materials, videos, and documentation accessible within the system.
Efficient Data Entry and Retrieval:
Structured Forms:
Structured and user-friendly forms for data entry, minimizing manual errors.
Use of dropdowns, checkboxes, and radio buttons for efficient data input.
Search and Filter Options:
Robust search and filter functionalities to quickly locate patient records and information.
Advanced search options based on various criteria.
Quick Access to Patient Records:
Quick access to patient records from the dashboard.
Easy navigation between different sections of a patient's electronic health record (EHR).
Feedback Mechanisms:
User Feedback Forms:
Integration of feedback forms within the system for users to provide input on usability.
Regularly solicit feedback from healthcare professionals.
Bug Reporting:
Streamlined mechanisms for reporting bugs or issues encountered during system use.
Efficient channels for communication with the technical support team.
Alerts and Notifications:
Customizable Alerts:
Customizable alerts and notifications for important events (e.g., critical test results, appointment
Preferences for alert delivery (e.g., pop-ups, emails, SMS).
Task Prioritization:
Prioritization of alerts and tasks based on urgency and relevance.
Clear indicators for unread messages or pending tasks.
Accessibility and Inclusivity:
Compliance with Accessibility Standards:
Ensure compliance with accessibility standards (e.g., WCAG) for users with disabilities.
Support for screen readers and keyboard navigation.
Multilingual Support:
Multilingual capabilities to accommodate users with different language preferences.
Options for language selection based on user preferences.
Mobile Access:
Responsive Mobile Design:
Mobile-friendly design for access on smartphones and tablets.
Native mobile applications for supported platforms (iOS, Android).
Key Functionalities on Mobile:
Prioritize key functionalities on the mobile interface for quick access.
Responsive layouts that adapt to varying screen sizes.
Data Visualization:
Graphical Representation:
Use of charts, graphs, and visualizations for easier interpretation of data.
Trends and insights presented in a visually appealing manner.
Interactive Reports:
Interactive reports allowing users to drill down into details.
Customizable dashboards with drag-and-drop functionalities.
Consistent and Predictable Design:
Consistency Across Modules:
Maintain a consistent design across different modules of the system.
Standardized icons, terminology, and navigation patterns.
Predictable Actions:
Ensure that users can predict the outcome of actions.
Confirmation prompts for critical actions to prevent accidental errors.
Task Automation:
Automated Workflows:
Implement automated workflows to reduce manual data entry.
Automation of repetitive and time-consuming tasks.
Decision Support Tools:
Provide decision support tools to guide healthcare professionals in clinical decision-making.
Automated alerts for potential issues or gaps in care.
Patient Engagement Features:
Patient Portals:
User-friendly patient portals for secure patient access to health information.
Features for online appointment scheduling, communication, and access to educational materials.
Telemedicine Integration:
Seamless integration of telemedicine features for virtual consultations.
User-friendly interfaces for both healthcare providers and patients.
Usability in an HMS is an ongoing consideration, and regular user feedback and system assessments
are essential for continuous improvement. A user-centered design approach, coupled with regular
usability testing, contributes to an HMS that enhances the efficiency and satisfaction of healthcare
professionals while improving patient care.

Screen Wireframes
Wireframe for Home Screen
Wireframe for patient registration screen

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